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Click to edit Master subtitle styleComprehensive Plan Joint CommitteeLong-Range CIP Strategic PlanPlanning and ZoningJanuary 10, 2019Update on Project StatusStrategic Areas MapDraft PrioritiesNext StepsPRESENTATION OVERVIEW2UPDATE ON PROJECT STATUS3LRCSPPROCESS4FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 May-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Task 1: Coordination Activities / Strategic Initiatives Task 2: Strategic Investment Analysis Lead: PAZ Task 3: Comprehensive Infrastructure Assessment Lead: PWD Task 4: Rolling Needs Assessment Lead: Budget Task 5: Document Production and PC Review Lead: PAZ PC Updates Recommendations (April/May 2018) PC Reviews Plan and Transmits to CMO (April/May 2019) CPJC Develops RecommendationDateTaskCOMPLETE•Departmentssubmit needs to Budget (RNA)•PWD finalizes draft Comprehensive Infrastructure Assessment (CIA)•PAZ finalizes draft Strategic Areas Map (SIA)January 2019•PAZ finalizes internaldraft LRCSP•CPJC reviews Strategic Areas Map and PrioritiesFebruary 2019•Departments review internal draft LRCSPMarch –April 2019•CPJC reviews draft LRCSP (including RNA, CIA, and SIA)•CIP Working Group drafts transmittal memoMay 2019Planning CommissionTransmits LRCSP to CMOLRCSP MILESTONES5STRATEGIC INVESTMENT ANALYSIS6STRATEGIC AREAS MAP7•Purpose: Identify geographic areas where investments can have the most impact•Heat map layers city initiatives•Darker areas = larger number of initiatives•Existing initiatives identified and vetted through an extensive process•Initiatives listed on page 48 of FY 2017-18 LRCSPSTRATEGIC AREAS MAP “REFRESH”8•Data Audit:•Are data layers up to date?•Are there redundancies?•Are there better data sources?•Do refinements need to be made in data method?•Should layers be combined or separated?•Are there missing initiatives/initiatives that are no longer relevant?•Categorize Layers by Strategic Outcomes•Develop a Draft Composite Heat MapINITIATIVE LAYERS9•Economic Opportunity and Affordability•Imagine Austin Centers and Corridors•Economic Development Initiatives (Refined)•Environmental Justice Areas (CAMPO Data) (New)•Emerging Projects (New)•Small Area Plan Recommendations (Refined to show recommendations only vs. entire plan boundaries)•City owned property identified for redevelopment (New)•Areas at Risk of Gentrification (New)INITIATIVE LAYERS10•Mobility•Urban Trails Master Plan•Sidewalk Master Plan•Austin Strategic Mobility Plan Roadways (New, replaces 2014 Strategic Mobility Plan Corridors)•Public Transit (Capital Metro Rail + Rapid)•Bicycle Master PlanINITIATIVE LAYERS11•Health and Environment•Colorado River Corridor Plan (Travis County)•Watershed Protection Master Plan (Refined)•Urban Forest Plan (New)•PARD Parks Master Plans•PARD Long Range Plan (Refined)•Community Health Assessment (Refined)•Healthy Food Priority Areas (New)•Culture and Lifelong Learning•Cultural Districts•Entertainment Districts INITIATIVE LAYERS12•Safety•Watershed Protection Master Plan (Refined)•Deficient Bridges (TxDOT) (New, Not Yet Shown)•Vision Zero (Refined)•Wildfire Protection Plan (New)•Government that Works For All•Population Growth By 2040 (Refined)•City Owned Parcels (Refined)STRATEGIC AREAS MAP13•General Observations:•More emphasis on Imagine Austin Corridors•Downtown heat is focused within CBD•Less emphasis on the “core”•More emphasis on the Eastern Crescent•More heat in suburban areasStrategic Areas Map_1 7 2019142019 Strategic Areas Map2017 Strategic Areas MapPRIORITIES15PURPOSE16•Serve as a framework for prioritizing investments•Replace redundant content previously found in PC Cover Memo and LRCSP Strategies Chapter•Complement Strategic Direction 2023DRAFT PRIORITIES17Economic Opportunity and Affordability1Strategic Housing Blueprint2Leveragingprivateinvestments3Equity4IA Centers and Corridors and value capture tools5Investing in tandem with annexationMobility6Transit and Austin Strategic Mobility Plan7Vision ZeroSafety8Addressing hazards and threats from flooding, wildfire, terror attacksDRAFT PRIORITIES18Health and Environment9Access to healthyand affordable foods and healthcare10Parks, open space, recreation, and urban trails11Green infrastructure12Emphasizingconservation and environmental goalsCulture and Lifelong Learning13Strengthen portfolio of programs and build trust14Use publically owned assets for creative spaceGovernment that Works for All15Financial policies16Transparency17Capital renewal18Areas of initiative overlapNEXT STEPS19Feedback on Strategic Areas MapDraft PrioritiesCIP Working Group ScheduleDISCUSSION NEEDED20THANK YOU!Stevie Greathouse, Program ManagerIVPlanning and Zoning Departmentstevie.greathouse@austintexas.govDerica Peters, Senior PlannerPlanning and Zoning Departmentstevie.greathouse@austintexas.govADDITIONAL BACKGROUND22THE CIPPLANNING CYCLE23Needs & Project IdentificationLong-Range CIP Strategic PlanningProject PrioritizationFunding Identification5-Year CIP PlanningAnnual of Approval of Operating and Capital BudgetImplement Projects & ProgramsFY 2018-19 PROPOSED NEW CAPITAL APPROPRIATION BY FUNDING SOURCE:$1.3 BILLION24Public Improvement Bonds9.4%Current Revenue30.4%Non-Voter Approved Debt6.8%Commerical Paper19.2%Grants0.1%Revenue Bonds34.1%25Economic Opportunity and …Government that Works26%Health and Environment11%Safety16%Mobility*39%Culture and Lifelong Learning1%FY 2018-19 PROPOSED CAPITAL SPENDING BY STRATEGIC OUTCOME: $1.0 BILLION*$260.2M of FY19 Mobility outcome planned spending is for Aviation projects FY 2018-19 CAPITAL SPENDING BY INFRASTRUCTURE CATEGORY (IN MILLIONS):$1.0 BILLION26$347.4$191.2$97.0$72.8$71.4$54.7$47.1$43.9$43.2$10.9$10.8$4.6$2.2$0.1$0$50$100$150$200$250$300$350*$250.1M of FY19 Mobility Infrastructure planned spending is for Aviation projects LRCSP FITS WITHIN A COMPLEX POLICY FRAMEWORK27Vision/PolicyImplementationImagine Austin ComprehensivePlanStrategic Housing BlueprintAustinStrategic Mobility PlanLong Range CIPStrategic PlanLand Development Code Regulations5 Year Capital Impovement ProgramPrivate DevelopmentPublic Infrastructure Small Area Plans/ FLUMFlood Mitigation Task Force ReportTHE LRCSP CONNECTS IMAGINE AUSTINTO THE CIP28•Imagine Austin•Coordination •Data-driven Investments•Charter Requirement•Needs Assessment•TransparencyTHE LRCSP COVERS A BROAD ARRAY OF INFRASTRUCTURE TYPES29THE LRCSP ALLOWS PC TO MEET CHARTER REQUIREMENTS30AUSTIN CITY CHARTER, ARTICLE X§4. THE PLANNING COMMISSION —POWERS AND DUTIESThe planning commission shall:(1)Review and make recommendations to the council regarding the adoption and implementation of a comprehensive plan (as defined by Section 5 of this article) or element or portion thereof prepared under authorization of the city council and under the direction of the city manager and responsible city planning staff;(4) Submit annually to the city manager, not less than ninety (90) days prior to the beginning of the budget year, a list of recommended capital improvements, which in the opinion of the commission are necessary or desirable to implement the adopted comprehensive planor element or portion thereof during the forthcoming five-year period;•Comprehensive Infrastructure Assessment•Strategic Investment Analysis•Rolling Needs cipstrategicplanTHE LRCSP INCLUDES THREE COMPONENTS31COMPREHENSIVE INFRASTRUCTURE ASSESSMENT -RESULTS32Reported asset types with poor or failing conditions:WaterWastewaterStormwater ManagementStreetsMajor BridgesUrban TrailsNote that data gaps for various asset types exist for many participating departments. The CIA identifies these gaps and if there are ongoing efforts to address the gaps.COMPREHENSIVE INFRASTRUCTURE ASSESSMENT -FUTURE UPDATES33Complete any data gapsIdentify risk and criticality of different types of assetsMeasure results against Key Performance MeasuresAlign asset types with Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan priorities, Strategic Direction Outcomes, other policiesShow interconnectedness of infrastructure services and types of assetsCreate an interactive & online CIA for dynamic updatesScale the relative cost of infrastructure types in graphics