Item 5- CAPER Marketing + Comms Update — original pdf

Evaluating Our Performance | FY23-24 Consolidated Annual Performace & Evaluation Report (CAPER) Exhibit A: Marketing Materials ............................1-6 Flyer Website Email Print Exhibit B: Updated funding info graphics ..........7-8 Exhibit C: Comments .........................................9-13 Flyer Distributed to libraries and recreation centers Posted at City Hall I E X H B I T A : M A R K E T I N G & O U T R E A C H M A T E R A L S I FY23-24 CAPER | 1 Website 407 Views | 4 Comments I E X H B I T A : M A R K E T I N G & O U T R E A C H M A T E R A L S I FY23-24 CAPER | 2 Website (cont.) I E X H B I T A : M A R K E T I N G & O U T R E A C H M A T E R A L S I FY23-24 CAPER | 3 Email 484 Recipients | 56.6% Open Rate I E X H B I T A : M A R K E T I N G & O U T R E A C H M A T E R A L S I FY23-24 CAPER | 4 El Mundo Housing Updates | 484 Recipients I E X H B I T A : M A R K E T I N G & O U T R E A C H M A T E R A L S I FY23-24 CAPER | 5 Austin American Statesman Govt Bids & Proposals Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices STATESMAN.COM | THURSDAY,OCTOBER 31,2024 | 11C fications, plans, soils report, and environmental reports for this Project. There is NO charge to view or download documents. Bidder must submit its Bid and Bid Securities in compli- ance with Owner’s Order 49.2731 Adopting Rules Electronic and all Bids and Bid Secu- rities must be submitted through www.CivcastUSA. com. Bidder must register on this website to submit a Bid and Bid Security and there is no charge to submit Bids and Bid Securities on this website. Section Bidding reserves The Owner the right to reject any or all Bids and to waive all defects and irregularities in bidding or bidding process except the time for submitting a Bid. if any, will be the responsible bidder, which in the Board’s most advantageous to the District and result in the best and most economical completion of the Project. The successful bidder, judgment will be requirements The of Subchapter J, Chapter 552, may Government Code, apply to this Bid and the bidder agrees that the Equip- ment Contract can be termi- nated if the bidder know- ingly or intentionally fails to comply with a requirement of that subchapter. October 31, November 7 2024 LACO0184152 RFP 2510-007 Outreach Services Travis County Healthcare District d/b/a Central Health 1111 E. Cesar Chavez Street Austin, TX 78702 RFP 2510- 007 Outreach Services Due Date: 12/03/24 by 2:00pm CT Central Health is seeking proposals for the purpose of engagement to fill gaps and increase reach and engage- ment with patient popula- tions and Travis County resi- dents, particularly focusing on individuals with limited English proficiency (specifi- cally speakers of Spanish, Burmese, and communities of color. The Farsi, goal is to deepen the knowl- edge and understanding of Central Health programs and services within these communities. The selected vendor(s) will work in close collaboration with our internal community outreach and engagement team, serving as an exten- sion of our efforts. This part- nership aims to expand our capacity and ensure that we effectively reach and engage with the targeted popula- tions. Ordering Vietnamese, and Arabic) Instructions: Package can be downloaded from: https://www.bidnetdirect. com/texas/traviscounty- SELL IT BUY IT FIND IT Place your classified ad today. http://www.central- healthcaredistrictdbacen- tralhealth OR ing OR https://www.txsmartbuy. com/esbd October 31, November 7 2024 LACO0182871 PUBLIC DISCUSS Notice of Public Hearing - NYOS Charter School OF TO NOTICE MEETING FIRST RATING (Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas) for NYOS Academy - NYOS Academy will hold a public meeting at 06:00 pm, Tuesday, November 12, 2024, at 12333 N Lamar, BLDG 1, Austin, TX 78753. October 31 2024 LACO0182879 CITATION BY PUBLICA- TION CITATION BY PUBLICA- TION - THE STATE OF TEXAS - TO UNKNOWN HEIRS OF ELLEN SUSAN SIMPSON, DECEASED - IN PROBATE COURT #2, TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS. - CAUSE NO. C-1-PB-24-001826 SIMPSON – KATHLEEN BALES filed an APPLICA- TION FOR DECLARATION OF HEIRS AND APPOINT- INDEPEN- OF MENT DENT ADMINISTRATOR in the above-numbered and -entitled estate on August 1, 2024, requesting that the Court determine who are the heirs and only heirs of ELLEN SUSAN SIMPSON, Deceased, and their respec- tive shares and interests in such estate. - All unknown heirs and any other persons interested in this estate are cited to appear before this Court by filing a written contest or answer to this application if they want to do so. The Court may act on this application at any time at the Probate Court #2, Probate Courthouse, 200 West 8th Street, Austin, Texas 78701, on or after 10:00 a.m. on the first Monday after the expi- ration of the publication date of this cita- tion. Therefore, to ensure consideration, any contest, answer, or other response must be filed with the Travis cause County Clerk number C-1-PB-24-001826, ten days from in styled IN THE ESTATE OF ELLEN SUSAN SIMPSON, DECEASED on or before and the above-noted date time. - If this citation is not served within 90 days after it is issued, it must be returned unserved. - Given under my hand and seal on this the 1st day of August, 2024, - DYANA LIMON-MERCADO - County Clerk - Travis County, Texas - 200 West 8th Street, Ste. 140 - Austin, TX 78701 - P.O. Box 149325 - Austin, Texas 78714- 9325. October 31 2024 LACO0184394 Govt Bids & Proposals Govt Bids & Proposals Caldwell County External Audit Firm Services RFP24CCP05P Caldwell County External Audit Firm Servic- es at or contact Merari Gonzales Caldwell County Purchasing Agent at October 24, 31, November 7, 14 2024 LACO0180312 Caldwell County PID Administration Services RFQ24CCO03Q Caldwell County PID Administration Servic- es at or contact Merari Gonzales Caldwell County Purchasing Agent at October 24, 31, November 7, 14, 21, 29 2024 LACO0180333 Public Notices Public Notices Hearing Notice NO. D-1-GN-24- CAUSE 008745 IN RE: NSA PROPERTY DBA STORAGE LLC HOLDINGS, RIGHTSPACE FACILITY IN THE DISTRICT COURT, 53RD TRAVIS JUDICIAL DISTRICT NOTICE OF HEARING PLEASE COUNTY, TAKE Justin Kreizel’s NOTICE that a hearing on Petitioner Verified Rule 202 Petition, has been set on Thursday, November 14, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. on the Travis County District Docket. The estimated time for the hearing is thirty minutes. A copy of the Verified Rule 202 Petition is attached. DATED: October 25, 2024 Central Court’s submitted, Respectfully FRITZ BYRNE, PLLC 402 West 7th Street Austin, Texas 78701 Telephone: (512) 476-2020 Fax: (512) 477-5267 BY: Daniel H. Byrne, Dale L. Roberts, Jairo N. Castel- lanos, ATTORNEYS FOR PETI- TIONER CAUSE 008745 IN RE: NSA PROPERTY DBA STORAGE HOLDINGS, RIGHTSPACE FACILITY IN THE DISTRICT COURT, 53RD TRAVIS JUDICIAL DISTRICT VERIFIED RULE 202 PETI- TION Justin Kreizel files COUNTY, LLC NO. D-1-GN-24- to this Verified Rule 202 Petition Corporate to depose the Representative of NSA Prop- erty Holdings, LLC d/b/a RightSpace Storage Facil- ity (“RightSpace”) before suit, in order a potential suit, claim pursuant to Texas Rule of Civil Identity of Procedure 202. Justin PartiesPetitioner, Kreizel, individ- ual residing in Austin, Texas. The party from whom written discovery and oral testimony is sought is the corporate investigate is an or representative of Right- (the valued “1969 at Space, which may be served under Rule 21a through its registered agent, CT Corpo- ration System at 1999 Bryan St., Ste. 900, Dallas, Texas 75201.Substance of Expected TestimonyThe substance of the testimony that petitioner expects to elicit from the corporate representative is the circumstances surround- ing the theft by an unknown person of Petitioner’s 1969 Airstream Camping Trailer (License Plate No. 5VR256) Airstream”), approximately $190,000, from the space leased by Petitioner at the RightSpace storage facility located at 9507 Menchaca Road, Austin, Travis County, Texas 78748 (the “Facility”). Petitioners production of documents and video addition, RightSpace to obtain as set forth on Exhibit A to this Petition. Petitioner has attempted to obtain this information informally, but RightSpace has indicated that its policy is to release the requested information only in response to a subpoena. Petitioner claims against RightSpace at this time, but rather, Petitioner is only seeking information from unsuccessfully In seek footage is not asserting and access to materials in RightSpace’s possession. Reasons for Desired Testi- mony and DocumentsRight- Space representatives have confirmed to Petitioner that RightSpace possesses video evidence showing the vehicle removing the 1969 Airstream from the Facility. More- over, those representatives likewise confirmed that the person accessing the secure storage area where the 1969 Airstream was located was an authorized RightSpace customer using an approved code tied to another storage to The facility. unit at the identity of that individual was not revealed by the RightSpace representatives and is unknown to Peti- tioner despite Petitioner’s obtain diligent efforts Allow- information. that ing Petitioner to take the requested deposition may prevent a failure or delay of justice in the anticipated suit through the identification of persons potentially involved in the conversion of the 1969 Airstream. The likely benefit of allowing Petitioner to take the testimony of the Right- Space corporate representa- tive to obtain this informa- tion outweighs the burden or expense of the procedure, will because Petitioner otherwise be unable to iden- tify the person responsible for the theft and conver- sion of the 1969 Airstream, against whom Petitioner has a potential claim.Therefore, the Petitioner requests that this Court order the deposi- tion of a RightSpace corpo- rate representative to occur pursuant to Rule 202 of the Texas Rules of Civil Proce- dure to testify concerning the topics listed on Exhibit A and order the production of relevant documents, video recordings, and records as set forth on Exhibit B. Justin THESE REASONS, Kreizel FOR Petitioner requests that after notice has been perfected as provided by Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 202, this Court conduct a hearing on this petition, find that allow- ing Petitioner to take the requested deposition may prevent a failure or delay of justice in the anticipated suit, and the likely benefit of allowing Petitioner to take the requested deposition of and produce the requested items outweighs the burden or expense to RightSpace, and issue an order authoriz- ing the Petitioner to issue a subpoena duces tecum requiring a knowledgeable RightSpace corporate repre- sentative to appear and give oral testimony at a time and place in accordance with the Texas Rules of Civil Proce- dure. Respectfully submitted, FRITZ BYRNE, PLLC 402 West 7th Street Austin, Texas 78701 Telephone: (512) 476-2020 Fax: (512) 477-5267 BY: Daniel H. Byrne, State Bar No. 03565600 Email: Dale L. Roberts, State Bar No. 24001123 Email: drob- Jairo N. Castellanos, Texas Bar No. 24089264 Email: ATTORNEYS FOR PETI- TIONER October 31, November 7 2024 LACO0184099 Alcoholic Beer/Liquor Licenses Application has been made with the Texas Bever- age Commission for a Wine and Malt Retailer’s Beverage Permit On-Premise (BG) by Bella Bever- ages and Enterprises, Inc. dba Eskimo Hut, to be located at 2400 E Oltorf Street Suite 6AAustin, Travis County, Texas 78741. Officers of said corpo- ration James-Garrett, Pres- ident. October 30, 31 2024 LACO0183354 are Catina for YNOTUS Application has been made with the Texas Alcoholic Commission Beverage a Mixed Beverage by dba LLC Oak Hill Lounge, to 6705 located at Suite Travis 78735. John be US Hwy 290 Austin, 107 County, TX Owners are Butts Owner Mike Owner. October 31, November 1 2024 LACO0184169 McMillan Govt Bids & Proposals Time, November President, Board of Sandow Municipal Utility District No. 1 INVITATION TO BIDDERS Sealed Bids Electronic addressed to Sandow Munici- pal Utility District No. 1, Attention Lee Dew Jenkins, II, Directors, will be electroni- cally received until 1:30 p.m. Local 14, 2024, and then publicly opened and read at the office of Kimley-Horn and Associ- ates, Inc. at 614 Holleman Drive E., Suite 1100, College Station, TX 77840 for “Water Treatment Facilities Phase 1 Procurement for Sandow Municipal Utility District No. 1, Milam and Williamson Counties, Texas.” In addition to the opening of sealed Bids at the address above, you may view the public opening of sealed Bids via Microsoft Teams. To join via Microsoft Teams, enter in the video conference meeting ID: 228 925 311 373 or call in for audio only by dialing +1 469-250- 9294 conference ID: 326 806 264#. The Equipment Purchase the includes documents testing equipment in construc- Agreement following: Contractor shall all procure shown/stated tion documents along with for base/extended support the installation of respective equipment by a third-party contractor. All warran- ties shall be as noted in construction and non-standard requirements are included in this base scope of work to support third party contrac- tor installation. Any and all testing, support with distributors/vendors, change of ownership/liability signed transmittals, and warranty coordination are in this contractor scope of work. Bids closing time will be returned unopened. A non-mandatory pre-bid conference will be held remotely on November 7, 2024, at 1:30 p.m. Local Time, via Microsoft Teams. To join via Microsoft Teams, enter in the video conferenc- ing meeting ID: 277 139 177 862 or call in for audio only by dialing +1 469-250-9294 conference ID: 132 663 327#. received after included the submitting a Bid, acknowledges and By Bidder agrees that the Equipment Purchase Agreement may be accepted, executed, or agreed to using an Electron- ic Signature. Copies of the bidding docu- ments may be reviewed and obtained from www.Civcas- search Sandow Municipal Utility District No. 1 Water Treatment Facilities Phase 1 Procure- ment. Bidders must register on this website in order to view and/or download speci- A X - 4 0 5 6 5 9 5 5 BUY A CAr Adopt A pet BUY A BoAt FINd A treASUre Find whatever you need. Check out the classified ads everyday. 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I E X H B I T A : M A R K E T I N G & O U T R E A C H M A T E R A L S I FY23-24 CAPER | 6 Federal Funding - FY 2024 I E X H B I T B : U P D A T E D F U N D N G I I N F O G R A P H C S I FY23-24 CAPER | 7 I E X H B I T B : U P D A T E D F U N D N G I I N F O G R A P H C S I FY23-24 CAPER | 8 Comments I E X B I T C : C O M M E N T S FY23-24 CAPER | 9 Comments (cont.) I E X B I T C : C O M M E N T S FY23-24 CAPER | 10 Comments (cont.) I E X B I T C : C O M M E N T S FY23-24 CAPER | 11 Comments (cont.) I E X B I T C : C O M M E N T S FY23-24 CAPER | 12 Comments (cont.) I E X B I T C : C O M M E N T S FY23-24 CAPER | 13