Item9-Final 2024 CSBG Needs Assessment Findings — original pdf

CSBG Needs Assessment Findings C O M M U N I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T C O M M I S S I O N J U N E 1 1 T H, 2 0 2 4 Overview METHODOLOGY OVERVIEW OF COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES TOP 5 NEEDS DISCUSSION GAPS IN SERVICES & BARRIERS Austin Public Health is identified as the Travis County Community Action Agency (CAA) receiving Community Services Block Grant Funds (CSBG) – federal funds passed through the Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs (TDHCA) Background & Justification Federal regulations require CAA’s to conduct needs assessments and use the results to design programs to meet community needs. The Community Development Commission is the designated CSBG community board and must approve the needs assessment plan and accept the final completed assessment TDHCA Community Needs Assessment Standards •Conduct every 3 years •Collects current poverty data and its prevalence related to gender, age, and race/ethnicity •Collects and analyzes both qualitative and quantitative data on its service areas •Includes key findings on the causes and conditions of poverty and the needs •Governing board formally accepts the completed assessment •Informs an outcome-based and anti-poverty focused Community Action Plan •Customer satisfaction data and input identified is considered in the strategic planning process CSBG Service Locations Neighborhood Centers • Blackland • East Austin • Montopolis • Rosewood Zaragosa • St John • South Austin • Dove Springs (coming 2024) Outreach Sites • Turner Roberts Recreation Center • Onion Creek Soccer Complex CNA Data Collection Plan Quantitative Data Census/ACS data Community Assessment Tool Qualitative Data Other community data (e.g. 211/ConnectATX) Key informant interviews (CDC members) Client survey (Neighborhood Center clients) Service provider/Case Manager survey Resident survey with focused outreach in high-poverty areas Analysis Requirement to rank top 5 community needs Include key findings on the causes and conditions of poverty and the needs Report Development Share draft report with CDC in June 2024 Report due to TDHCA by June 30th, 2024 Outreach Conducted • In-person surveys collected at each community center + mobile food distribution events, and the Housing Department Displacement Prevention Navigator Program (CNA design intended to over-sample current CSBG clients). • Virtual outreach conducted via local social media platforms, sent to APH Neighborhood Center clients using OASIS, a text-message communication platform, via community distribution lists, and e-newsletters. • Service provider outreach via ECHO, Austin/Travis County Reentry Roundtable, and CTOSH listserv. • Interviews with Community Development Commission members designated as key informants for the CNA. Report Overview 1) Executive Summary/CNA Needs Ranking Overview 2) CNA Process & Methodology 3) Overview of the Causes & Conditions of Poverty 4) Travis County Overview 5) Community Strengths & Assets/Community Resources 6) Gaps in Services & Barriers 7) Top Needs & Trends in Travis County by Domain 8) APH Neighborhood Centers Overview 9) Appendices (surveys/interview tool & results; bibliography) Quantitative Data Collection • Community Action Partnership Data Hub • Community Reports • Austin Housing Blueprint • ECHO – Point in Time Homeless Count • Central Texas Assessment of Fair Housing • Community Advancement Network (CAN) Dashboard • Central Health Demographic Report • Travis County Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drugs Needs Assessment • Success by 6 • 2-1-1 Data Qualitative Data Collection 680 total survey responses received 410 total submitted online survey responses (303 English + 107 Spanish) 270 paper surveys were completed by clients in-person with program staff at Neighborhood Centers and affiliated food distribution events (132 English + 138 Spanish) 26 zip codes represented from across Travis County Top 5 Identified Needs 1) HOUSING 3) EMPLOYMENT 2) EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE (BASIC NEEDS) 4) HEALTH & WELLNESS 5) INCOME/FINANCIAL Other Identified Needs Help with lawn care and home repairs Access to water (especially in summer) Addressing barriers to felony convictions (e.g. housing, employment, etc) Transportation: help with transportation to and from various places including work, school, doctors' appointments, and grocery shopping Having access to resources when they are displaced out of county Assistance in paying for prescriptions Help getting IDs and assistance accessing other vital records Eviction prevention services Stipends while enrolled in job training programs Language accessible services Skilled birth care facilities Multidisciplinary spaces where multiple needs can be met at one time Harm reduction services for persons with substance use disorders Help receiving child support payments Access to capital for business development Addressing the disruption of homeless camp sweeps Crisis mental health response support Parent/child communication support and assistance Access to affordable veterinary care, pet food, and resources for responsible pet ownership, especially for emotional support animals Legal assistance and advocacy support: access to affordable legal assistance, advocacy for Social Security benefits, disability benefits, and immigration assistance Housing Needs (#1) My house is maybe 10 yrs old and falling apart my back and side yard flood every rain. -Client Survey I’m about to get evicted. I need help. -Client Survey (Need) housing for people who have been involved with criminal justice system, we have the money to rent a place because we are both employed but cannot find a place that will overlook husband's most recent charges. -Resident Survey English-speaking clients • Help with utility bills (50.6%) • Help paying rent (40.7%) • Housing that I can afford (28.8%) Spanish-speaking clients • Help paying rent (49.8%) • Help with utility bills (41.2%) • Housing that I can afford (17.6%) Residents • Help with utility bills (61.1%) • Housing that I can afford (50%) • Help paying rent (38.9%) • Help to make my home more energy efficient (38.9%) Emergency Assistance Needs (#2) Transportation is a big hindrance. I'm not as young as I used to be and buses are super time-consuming and includes lots of walking. Often in dangerous weather conditions. -Client Survey English-speaking clients • Food (82%) • Help finding resources in the community (42%) • • Health insurance/medical care (23.0%) Transportation (29.3%) Transportation is a big issue. Some live in areas where the only transportation available is Metro Access but they may not qualify. I have clients that live in Manor, Pflugerville subdivisions where the only transportation available is by car and they can't afford a Lyft or Uber and Capital Pickup is very limited. Spanish-speaking clients • Food (88.6%) • Help finding resources in the community (30.6%) • Transportation (22.0%) • Health insurance/medical care (28.2%) -Service Provider Survey We receive no government help or fodd [sic] stamp (SNAP) so the central mobile food pantry has been a great help and a blessing to my family. -Client Survey Residents • Food (55.6%) • Help finding resources in the community (50%) • Health insurance/medical care (38.9%) • Transportation (50%) Employment Needs (#3) Everybody have job opening in their building how ever you apply and they don't call you, you don't get a chance to get a job I want to work but is so hard to get one. -Client Survey [Clients need] stipends while training for a trade. Need money to survive while being trained. -Service Provider Survey Residents English-speaking clients • Help finding a job with a living wage (26.6%) • Help with job skills and/or job training to earn better wages (23.0%) • Childcare so that parent can go to work (9.6%) Spanish-speaking clients • Help finding a job with a living wage (42.9%) • Help with job skills and/or job training to earn better wages (19.1%) • Childcare so that parent can go to work (19.1%) • Help with job skills and/or job training to earn better wages (38.9%) • Childcare so that parents can go to work as their highest employment needs (38.9%) • Help finding a job with a living wage (27.8%) Health & Wellness Needs (#4) I desperately need help fixing my teeth. I got out of an abusive relationship but unfortunately still have half of my front teeth broken out. I don't look presentable or hireable, it makes me afraid to speak to anyone, my depression is severe as a result. It's so humiliating. I'm only 38. English-speaking clients • Healthy eating classes or other support (31.1%) • Programs and activities for seniors (28.8%) • Mental health counseling or classes (24.5%) -Client Survey -Client Survey I am recovering from an eating disorder I need special counciling [sic] in this particular field. Experiences with MCOT or other mental health services have not been responsive and has cause many escalations for mental health crisis for our clients and staff. -Service Provider Survey Spanish-speaking clients • Healthy eating classes or other support (28.6%) • Mental health counseling or classes (11.4%) • Help living with major health conditions (e.g., diabetes) (11.0%) Residents prison (55.6%) • Programs and activities to keep youth and adults from reentering jail or • Mental health counseling or classes (50%) • Programs and activities for seniors (50%) • Assistance for elderly and disabled and persons with chronic health conditions to maintain independence (50%) Income & Financial Needs (#5) How to learn about buying a house and what resources are there on getting or steps to take and what life insurance is best for me and my family. English-speaking clients • Help getting out of debt (29%) • Creating counseling financial goals and self-sufficiency (26.9%) • Help with applying for benefits (26.0%) -Client Survey Need help building credit. -Client Survey [Need] support addressing child support payments and access to capital for business development. -Service Provider Survey Spanish-speaking clients • Help with applying for benefits (22.4%) • Help getting out of debt (18.8%) • Financial education classes (10.2%) Residents • Help getting out of debt and help with applying for benefits (44.4%) • Creating financial goals and self-sufficiency and financial education classes (38.9%) Childcare Assistance Needs (#6) After School activities/ sports for children, big brother/ big sister / mentors for troubled or at risk youth…. [Opportunities] for small children to build self esteem, learn about responsibilities & budgeting , learn to be independent & problem solvers, to teach them about the important things in life such as financial, housing, employment stability, to teach the children the value of a dollar & the difference between the wants & needs. -Client Survey English-speaking clients • Help with high quality childcare I can afford or childcare tuition assistance (10.8%) • High quality childcare close to home or work (9.6%) Spanish-speaking clients • High quality childcare close to home or work as their top need (12.7%) • High quality childcare I can afford or childcare tuition assistance (9.8%) Residents • High quality childcare I can afford or childcare tuition assistance (33.3%) • High quality childcare without waitlists (27.8%) Education Needs (#7) I am almost completely finished with my bachelors degree, but I have maxed out on federal loans! -Client Survey English-speaking clients • Computer Skills Training (26.1%) • Help to attend trade or technical school or college (19.7%) • Adult Education or Night School (11.3%) I want to learn Spanish. -Client Survey Undocumented families [need] safe access to computer and email skills …language support, language skills. -Service Provider Spanish-speaking clients • English as a Second Language Classes (49.4%) • Adult Education or Night School (14.7%) • Extra educational support for children (reading, math, etc) (11.9%) • Childcare so that parent/guardian can go to school (11.9%) Residents (44.4%) • Help to attend trade or technical school or college as a top need • Computer Skills Training (38.9%) • Adult Education or Night School (21.3%) • extra educational support for children (reading, math, etc) (33.3%) • Childcare so that parent/guardian can go to school (33.3%) Additional Service Provider Feedback Many of my clients… do not have adequate transportation, and there are not enough bus stops within walking distance of their home that would be safe or practical to use. Therefore, they often feel landlocked/stuck, and cannot access the resources they need. Our biggest need is case management. A lot of the women we serve are also looking for case managers that can help them navigate all the resources available in the greater Austin area. Some other resources that has been brought to our attention are legal services and welfare assistance. Housing continues to be a significant issue especially with population that may be employed and re entering with criminal and or credit history unable to find housing options. Gaps in Services & Barriers Transportation Housing Healthcare Employment and Economic Support Documentation and Legal Assistance Lack of reliable public transportation Lack of affordable housing options Limited access to healthcare services beyond basic coverage Barriers to employment for undocumented individuals Difficulty obtaining lost or stolen documents like IDs and birth certificates Difficulty accessing medical facilities and essential services Risk of eviction and homelessness Long wait times for medical appointments Financial assistance needed for utilities, rent, and basic necessities Need for legal assistance in navigating various services and rights Challenges for individuals in obtaining IDs and accessing resources post- release from incarceration Families of special needs children at risk of losing housing, exacerbated by immigration status Difficulty accessing medications and vaccinations Challenges in accessing capital for business development Language barriers and lack of language- accessible services Causes & Conditions of Poverty Key Causes of Poverty (factors causing and/or impacting poverty) Conditions of Poverty (what poverty looks like/what the need looks like) High cost of living/lack of affordable housing Hunger/food insecurity Poor mental and physical health outcomes Housing insecurity and homelessness Poor educational outcomes Poor housing conditions/overcrowding Housing and employment discrimination High rates of eviction and housing mobility Suburbanization of poverty Lack of transportation to access basic needs Disproportionality in contact with the criminal justice system Geographic disparity of health and educational outcomes Racial and ethnic disparities High rates of obesity and chronic disease Questions