Item4-For May 2024 CDC Backup - Con Plan Engagement Report Phase 1 — original pdf

Community Needs Assessment | Phase 1 / Preliminary Findings Summary of Community Engagement May 2024 TABLE OF CONTENTS Background .................................................01 Timeline ..........................................................02 Communications and Engagement Approach ...........................03-04 Goals, Tools & Tactics ................................05 Community Feedback ......................06-15 Exhibit A: Marketing and Outreach Materials ..........................17-25 Exhibit B: Community Consulations .............................................26 2024 COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT BACKGROUND This report details the public engagement efforts for developing the FY25- 29 Consolidated Plan. The consolidated plan is a five-year funding strategy that guides how to distribute approximately $14 million in annual grant funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The public services and programs from this grant address things like affordable housing, job creation, and public service needs for low- and moderate-income families, persons with disabilities, and seniors. As required by the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD), a community needs assessment is conducted each year to ensure that federal funding meets the needs of the Austin community. This year, we expanded the community needs assessment so that programming funded by local dollars can also benefit from the community’s feedback. Phase 1: In this first phase of the report we outline the community needs that we have heard through the engagement process so far. This input has informed the first draft of the funding strategy for federal dollars and we are now seeking feedback on that draft. Phase 2: A second phase of the report will be produced over the next few months as engagement continues. The phase 2 report will show not only how feedback is used within the finalized consolidated plan but will also include other efforts the Housing Department is making to address community needs. 2024 COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT | 01 TIMELINE STAFF CREATES FIRST DRAFT OF THE CONSOLIDATED PLAN APRIL 2024 FINALIZED PLAN APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL JULY 2024 COMMUNITY CONSULTATIONS AND INITIAL SURVEY FEB - MARCH 2024 COMMUNITY PROVIDEDS FEEDBACK ON DRAFT PLAN MAY - JUNE 2024 COMMUNITY FEEDBACK LOOP CONTINUES AUG - SEP 2024 NEW CONSOLIDATD PLAN BEGINS OCTOBER 1, 2024 2024 COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT | 02 COMMUNICATIONS AND ENGAGEMENT APPROACH The Housing Department engages with the community regularly at community events, through the experiences of program participants, and often for specific initiatives and projects. The engagement required for our 5-Year Federal Funding plan serves as a time to pause and assess even more intentionally and build a deeper understanding of the experiences people are having. What we learn not only guides how we make decisions, but it reminds us of why we provide the services we do and humanizes how we do the work. It also allows us to refine what ongoing engagement looks like, and continuously improve engagement based on how the community says they want to be engaged. With this mindset, while we are primarily consulting the community, as described in the spectrum below, we are also informing the community along the way about what the Housing department does, and we also begin to involve them in planning how we will continue to do that work. We commit to continuing the feedback loop, letting the community know what is happening with feedback and continuing to make changes. 2024 COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT | 03 ENGAGEMENT GOALS The goals outlined below guided decisions about how to engage the community during this phase of the redevelopment opportunity. Clarify & refine how we make departmental decisions about funding Inform the community about programs that have previously been funded Reflect back to the community what we understand about their needs Evaluate how needs have changed since the last consolidated plan was created Develop a deeper and expanded understanding of community needs Reach community members who are most impacted by housing challenges 2024 COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT | 04 GOALS, TOOLS & TACTICS The tools and tactics aligned with each goal created experiences for the neighborhood surrounding Ryan Drive to stay informed and engage in the level of discourse that was right for each individual. Goal Tools & Tactics Clarify & refine how we make departmental decisions about funding Inform the community about programs that have previously been funded Create materials with simple explanations about funding sources and factors that guide funding decisions. Create materials with simple explanations about programs that have been funded by federal dollars Reflect back to the community what we understand about their needs Create human-centered content for presentations that shares the needs and experiences of community members as we understand them Evaluate how needs have changed since the last consolidated plan was created Conduct a survey with the same set of questions that were asked 5 years ago. Develop a deeper and expanded understanding of community needs Encourage additional input in survey responses with open ended questions. Create space for open dialogue with individuals and organizations. Consult with organizations serving the populations that the funding is designed to support. Reach community members who are most impacted by housing challenges Materials in 7 languages Flyers in libraries Communication through community partners Paid advertising Social media posts 2024 COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT | 05 COMMUNITY FEEDBACK Surveys A dedicated Speak Up Austin webpage hosted a survey as well background information about federal funding at As of April 22, the page has received nearly 1400 views and more than 470 survey responses. In addition, 155 participants left additional comments. Paper surveys were available in libraries, and these are included in the total count. Community member could also participate in the survey through text messaging, email and postal mail. The survey will remain open and consultations will continue until the Consolidated Plan is finalized. The draft of the plan uses data collected between February 6 and March 15. During that time frame 341 survey responses were received. 341 Needs Assessment Surveys 46 Community Consultations Consultations & Hearings The needs assessment included consultations with community groups and 2 public hearings. Representatives from 46 organizations have participated in consultations, including stakeholder groups across the public and private sectors, City Commissions, non-profit organizations, and others. The City of Austin‘s Citizen Participation Plan (CPP) requires that the City conduct two public hearings during the Community needs assessment period: one before the Community Development Commission (CDC) and one before the Austin City Council. The public hearings were conducted before the CDC on March 12, 2024 and before the Austin City Council on March 7, 2024. 7 community members made comments during the public hearings. 2024 COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT | 06 COMMUNITY FEEDBACK What did we hear? Priorities include: Affordable Housing Park Space Connectivity to transit Neighborhood Amenities The graph above shows the percentage to which each need was included in someone’s top 5 choices. 2024 COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT | 07 WHAT WE HEARD What did we hear? Input has been sorted into the following categories which center around the experiences that people shared. The following pages detail the topics that come up in each category. Across all categories, there was a consistent plea for more collaboration among departments, agencies and organizations as well as a desire to see more creativity and innovative approaches. I WANT TO LIVE IN AN AUSTIN THAT IS FOR EVERYONE I NEED IMMEDIATE HELP I DON’T TRUST THE CITY MY NEIGHBORHOOD NEEDS MORE SUPPORT COMMUNITY EXPERIENCE S & NEEDS I NEED HELP MAINTAINING STABILITY I WANT TO BUILD LONG-TERM STABILITY I NEED BETTER ACCESS TO PROGRAMS 2024 COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT | 08 WHAT WE HEARD PRESERVATION OF HISTORY, CULTURE & LONG-TERM RESIDENTS RESOURCES TO SUPPORT THE UNIQUE NEEDS OF VULNERABLE POPULATIONS FAIR HOUSING SUPPORT FOR SMALL BUSINESSES I WANT TO LIVE IN AN AUSTIN THAT IS FOR EVERYONE Priorities include: VARIETY OF HOUSING OPTIONS FOR ALL INCOME LEVELS Affordable Housing Park Space Connectivity to transit COMPASSION-LED APPROACHES POLICIES AND PROGRAMS TO Neighborhood PROTECT REMAINING AFFORDABILITY Amenities 2024 COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT | 09 WHAT WE HEARD HOMELESSNESS PREVENTION & INTERVENTION I NEED IMMEDIATE HELP EMERGENCY REPAIRS RENTAL ASSISTANCE Priorities include: Affordable Housing Park Space Connectivity to transit EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE FOR UTILITIES, FOOD & OTHER BASIC NEEDS Neighborhood Amenities 2024 COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT | 10 WHAT WE HEARD WAGES & WORKFORCE DEVLOPMENT TENANT SUPPORT HOME REPAIR Priorities include: HOMELESSNESS PREVENTION & INTERVENTION I NEED HELP MAINTAINING STABILITY Affordable Housing ONGOING SUPPORT FOR HEALTH & WELLNESS Park Space REDUCE HOUSING-RELATED COSTS CHILD CARE ACCESS TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING Connectivity to transit Neighborhood Amenities 2024 COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT | 11 WHAT WE HEARD FINANCIAL WELLNESS & SECURITY PATHWAYS TO HOME OWNERSHIP I WANT TO BUILD LONG- TERM STABILITY Priorities include: Affordable Housing Park Space HIGHER EDUCATION Connectivity to transit Neighborhood Amenities LEVERAGING PROPERTY FOR ADDITIONAL INCOME 2024 COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT | 12 WHAT WE HEARD KNOWLEDGE OF PROGRAMS Priorities include: Affordable ACCESSIBLE PROSSESES Housing I NEED BETTER ACCESS TO PROGRAMS Park Space Connectivity to transit Neighborhood Amenities SUPPORT ACCESSING RESOURCES 2024 COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT | 13 WHAT WE HEARD WALKABILITY INFRASTRUCTURE NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING GREENSPACE SAFETY MY NEIGHBORHOO D NEEDS MORE SUPPORT TRANSPORTATION Priorities include: Affordable Housing ACCESS TO RESOURCES Park Space Connectivity to transit Neighborhood QUALITY OF LIFE Amenities 2024 COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT | 14 PROGRAM EFFECTIVENESS Data on long-term impacts of programs Monitoring and evaluation of contracted partners and service providers Data on specific populations I DON’T TRUST THE CITY WHAT WE HEARD AUTHENTIC ENGAGEMENT Closing feedback loops Center voices of those most impacted Priorities include: Affordable Housing TRANSPARENT SPENDING Park Space Understanding of how funding decisions are made Connectivity to transit Transparency in process for selecting service providers Neighborhood Amenities 2024 COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT | 15 APPENDIX .............................................17-24 Exhibit A: Marketing Materials Promotional Graphics Flyer Website Survey Newsletter | Email Digital | Print| Radio Exhibit B: Updated funding info graphics ...................................................25 Exhibit C: Community Consultations ...........26 2024 COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT | APPENDIX Promotional Graphics Option 1 – How should federal funding support local housing and public service programs? Submit your input at Option 2 – Austinities can provide feedback on how the City should use federal funding for housing and public services! Get involved today 👉 Option 3 – Share your input on how the City should use federal funding for housing & public services at the following public hearings: 📅 March 7 at 10a before Austin City Council 📅 March 12 at 6:30p before the Community Development Commission. I E X H B I T A : M A R K E T I N G & O U T R E A C H M A T E R A L S I ℹ More info at Large Promo: 2024 COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT | 17 Flyer I E X H B I T A : M A R K E T I N G & O U T R E A C H M A T E R A L S I 2024 COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT | 18 Website I E X H B I T A : M A R K E T I N G & O U T R E A C H M A T E R A L S I 2024 COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT | 19 Survey Page 3 Page 1 Page 2 I E X H B I T A : M A R K E T I N G & O U T R E A C H M A T E R A L S I 2024 COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT | 20 Newsletter | Email The City of Austin invites community members to help guide a new 5-year plan to invest housing and community development dollars where they are needed most. This Five-Year Federal Funding Plan decides how to distribute approximately $14 million in annual grant funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The public services and programs from this grant address things like affordable housing, job creation, and public service needs for low- and moderate-income families, persons with disabilities, and seniors. As required by the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD), a community needs assessment is conducted each year to ensure that federal funding meets the needs of the Austin community. This year, the Housing Department will expand the community needs assessment so that programming funded by local dollars can also benefit from the community’s feedback. The expanded process to collect feedback on community needs to guide the next five years of funding is open through June. The public can participate online at Developer Newsletter Subscribers: 179 Austin Utilities Now | April 2024 I E X H B I T A : M A R K E T I N G & O U T R E A C H M A T E R A L S I 2024 COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT | 21 Digital | Print | Radio Austin Monitor Whispers page banner and right rail all pages El Mundo Marzo 7-13 / 2024 English + Spanish Print Austin American Statesman English Print + Digital I E X H B I T A : M A R K E T I N G & O U T R E A C H M A T E R A L S I 2024 COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT | 22 Digital | Print | Radio City of Austin Facebook | Instagram | X | Nextdoor I E X H B I T A : M A R K E T I N G & O U T R E A C H M A T E R A L S I 2024 COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT | 23 Digital | Print | Radio KAZI Radio Support comes from the City’s Housing Department. Looking for input from the community to help guide a new 5-year plan to invest housing and community development dollars where they are needed most. The public services and programs from this grant address things like affordable housing, job creation, and public service needs for low- and moderate-income families, persons with disabilities, and seniors. Sharing input is at Speak Up Austin dot org slash My Community Needs. I E X H B I T A : M A R K E T I N G & O U T R E A C H M A T E R A L S I 2024 COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT | 24 I E X H B I T B : U P D A T E D F U N D N G I I N F O G R A P H C S I 2024 COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT | 25 I E X H B I T C : C O M M U N I T Y C O N S U L A T I O N S 2024 COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT | 26