Item5_ETOD Policy Plan Presentation_CDC_12.15.2022 — original pdf

Equitable Transit-Oriented Development ETOD Policy Plan Community Development Commission- December 2022 Purpose of the Plan Provide a comprehensive framework to help the Austin community ensure that future development around the Project Connect transit system supports residents of all incomes and backgrounds, especially those who have been disproportionately burdened by past transportation and land use decisions. ETOD Resolution 20210610-093 • Prioritization of equitable outcomes • Categorization of TODs by tiers using context-sensitive criteria • Anti-displacement strategies • Preservation of existing and creation of affordable housing • Creation of market-rate housing • Compact, connected and transit-supportive • Mix of land uses • Codify community benefits What is ETOD? TOD vs. Equitable TOD Why we are going from this.... To this! 4 The ETOD Team 5 Austin’s ETOD Journey Corridor Bond, ASMP, and Project Connect ETOD Study ETOD POLICY PLAN REGULATION AND IMPLEMENTATION Established corridors of focus, mode split goals, Establishes protypes for TOD Recommendations for that reflect Austin’s vision to planning prioritization, and procured funding for equitably share the benefits typologies, policy tools, high-capacity transit of transit investments for and next steps to project delivery. residents of all income levels, implement ETOD in Austin. to zoning. Could be and backgrounds. Adopt ETOD station area plans and code amendments that may include updates expanded to other geographies in the future. WE ARE HERE 2016 - 2020 2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - onward 6 ETOD Study • $1.65 million in Federal Transit Administration (FTA) TOD planning grants • 98 stations across all Project Connect lines 1 2 Quantitative analysis of existing conditions within ½ mile of station areas Qualitative data collection through robust community engagement 7 Dashboard – Existing Conditions Dashboard Home Page Multifamily Inventory Total Jobs by Industry Station Tour Interactive Data : • Population • Displacement Risk • Jobs • Urban Fabric • Real Estate • Mobility s c i m a n y D s c i t s i r e t c a r a h c l a i c o S l a c i s y h P 8 8 Engagement Touchpoints Community Presentation Large format meetings to present project milestones CAC Working Group Briefings Monthly meetings, Ongoing guidance throughout project and major milestones Tabling/Intercept Surveys In-person events to target specific neighborhoods or demographics Focus Groups & One-on-ones Guided discussions with groups to identify vision and needs and to build consensus amongst stakeholders Stakeholder Presentations Presentations with stakeholder groups to educate participants on the process and vision of the ETOD Study Community Connectors Pained and trained individuals who does in-depth outreach in their communities 9 ETOD Policy Plan Contents ETOD Project Goals 1. Enable All Residents to Benefit from Safe, Sustainable, and Accessible Transportation 2. Help to Close Racial Health and Wealth Gaps 3. Preserve and Increase Housing Opportunities That are Affordable and Attainable 4. Expand Access to High-Quality Jobs and Career Opportunities 5. Support Healthy Neighborhoods That Meet Daily Needs 6. Expand Austin’s Diverse Cultural Heritage and Small, BIPOC-owned and Legacy Businesses 11 ETOD Policy Plan ETOD Policy Plan builds on the FTA-funded ETOD study Station Area Planning Prioritization Policy Toolkit ETOD Policy Plan includes: ETOD Goals • • Work Plan/Next Steps A snapshot of how current TODs are performing (MLK Station, Plaza Saltillo, Crestview Station) Station Area Typologies and Planning Prioritization Equity Based Policy Toolkit with Success Metrics Work Plan for station area specific planning and regulatory changes in the short-, medium-, and long-term Typologies ETOD Policy Plan ETOD Typologies If a station has… …and is… …and has experienced… More Residents Today Historically Exclusionary or Low Displacement Rapid Change More Residents Today Historically Exclusionary or Low Displacement Slow Change Fewer Residents Today Historically Exclusionary or Low Displacement Rapid Change Fewer Residents Today Historically Exclusionary or Low Displacement Slow Change More Residents Today Vulnerable to or Experiencing Displacement Rapid Change More Residents Today Vulnerable to or Experiencing Displacement Slow Change Fewer Residents Today Vulnerable to or Experiencing Displacement Rapid Change Fewer Residents Today Vulnerable to or Experiencing Displacement Slow Change ETOD Station Area Planning Prioritization Priorities are categorized by light rail + commuter rail OR bus rapid station areas Priority Rating Lack of Transit- Supportive Regulations Presence of City and CapMetro- Owned Land Presence of Underutilized Land * Year 1 work program stations are areas that already have ongoing planning processes identified, either by our partners at CapMetro or with other ongoing City of Austin Planning work. 14 *YEAR 1 HIGH MEDIUM LOW ETOD Policy Toolkit POLICY TOOL Agency or organization 5 Tool Categories Small Business and Workforce Development 1 2 3 4 5 Housing Affordability Mobility Land Use and Urban Design Real Estate and Finance Strategies Implementation Lead Partners Timeline City Council Goals Description of the Tool Examples of existing programs in Austin, if any Implementation Challenges and Considerations Success Metrics Additional agencies or organizations who can support in tool implementation Commence Planning and Design: Within 1 Year, 1-2 Years, 3-4 Years, 5+ Years Implementation Begins: Prior to Transit Construction, During Transit Construction Active: Duration of Transit Construction, Ongoing, Other Time Period Identifies the relevant City Council ETOD goals the tool addresses Provides a summary of what the recommended tool is Discusses if an existing program/tool exists in Austin. If not, similar programs that may be used to align with ETOD goals This section outlines financial, legal and programmatic considerations for the Implementation Lead in planning and designing the tool A set of metrics that will be further developed by the Implementation Lead to measure the success of the tool over time ETOD Goals Identifies the relevant ETOD Policy Plan goals the tool addresses Year 1 Work Program Year 2 and Beyond ETOD Work Plan 2023-2024 Station Area Vision Planning for 6 station areas Regulatory changes to support ETOD citywide ETOD implementation lead equity financing and programmatic planning support Amend ETOD Policy Plan to the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan Develop an Equity Scorecard to evaluate proposed ETOD private development projects 2025-Ongoing Station Area Planning for 6-10 stations ETOD implementation lead equity financing and programmatic planning support (2nd iteration) Assessment of year 1 station area plans using policy toolkit success metrics Monitor performance of ETOD station areas in meeting ETOD goals using policy toolkit success metrics Continued public engagement surrounding station area planning Council Action on December 8, 2022 • Council voted to direct the City Manager to do two things: 1. In coordination with CapMetro, to begin detailed station area planning processes in the North Lamar Transit Center and South Congress Transit Center station areas and 2. To bring back on February 23, 2023 a resolution that accomplishes the following: • Accepts the ETOD Policy Plan; and • Directs the City Manager to coordinate with Capital Metro to incorporate the ETOD Policy Plan tools for the Green Line and Metro Rapid Stations within the boundaries of the ongoing Northeast Austin District Planning Process; and • Initiates necessary amendments to the Land Development Code to implement an ETOD Policy; • Initiates amendments to the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan to incorporate the ETOD Typologies. 17 Get Involved! Send us a message: Give public comment next year at City Council on the Policy Plan: Feb. 23, 2022 Stay tuned for future engagement efforts during future ETOD implementation (station area planning, code changes, etc.)! 18 Questions?