Community Development CommissionAug. 9, 2022

Item1_Draft_Minutes_07_12_2022 — original pdf

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COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING DRAFT MINUTES JULY 12, 2022 The COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION convened in a REGULAR meeting on JULY 12, 2022, at 301 West 2nd Street in Austin, Texas. Some members of the commission participated by video conference. Chair Motwani called the Community Development Commission Meeting to order at 6:37 p.m. Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance: Amit Motwani, Chair Karen Paup, Vice Chair Michael Tolliver Cindy Jaso Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Bertha Delgado Fisayo Fadelu Miriam Garcia Heidi Sloan Julia Woods Cheryl Thompson PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Chase Wright and Antony McGregor Dey briefed the commission on their organization, Springdale Park Neighbors: a community initiative to rehabilitate, empower and improve the quality of life for long-term residents of East Austin. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the Community Development Commission regular meeting on June 14, 2022. The minutes from the meeting of June 14, 2022, were approved on Commissioner Tolliver’s motion, Vice Chair Paup second on a unanimous (9-0) vote. Fisayo Fadelu was off the dais. Jose Noé Elias, Kendra Garrett, and Eloise Sepeda were absent. 1. 1 DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Presentation by Angel Zambrano, Manager, Neighborhood Services Unit, Austin Public Health on the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG). Angel Zambrano gave the presentation. Presentation by Janine Sisak, DMA Companies, on Rebekah Baines Johnson construction updates. Janine Sisak gave the presentation. Presentation by Raul Alvarez, Community Advancement Network, on CAN’s new Race Equity Action Framework. Raul Alvarez gave the presentation. Presentation by James May, Housing and Planning Department, on Housing Programs Quarterly Report. James May gave the presentation. 3. 4. 5. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 6. Discussion and possible action on South Central Waterfront Vision’s 20% affordable housing goal. The motion to approve the recommendation “To Reiterate with Emphasis a commitment to meeting the 20% affordable housing goal in the South Central Waterfront Vision” was approved on Vice Chair Paup’s motion, Chair Motwani second on a (8-0) vote. Bertha Delgado, Noe Elias, Kendra Garrett, Eloise Sepeda, and Michael Tolliver were absent. WORKING GROUP/COMMITTEE UPDATES 7. 8. 9. 10. No update was given from Joint Sustainability Committee No update was given from ATP Community Advisory Committee No update was given from HIRC Update from South Central Waterfront Advisory Board was heard during agenda item #6 FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS No future agenda items were discussed. ADJOURNMENT Chair Motwani adjourned the meeting at 9:00pm without objection. 2