Community Development CommissionJan. 11, 2022

Item2b_CSBG_Strategic Plan 2020 - 2024 Worksheet 5 2021 — original pdf

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Subrecipient: Time Period (years) covered by the Strategic Plan: Worksheet Step 5a – Planning & Evaluation Austin Public Health 2020-2024 Ranking of Need # from 2018 CNA Level of Need Service or Activity & # to be served CSBG Purpose Addressed Indicator (% expected to achieve outcome) Actual Results (% who achieved outcome) % of Participants Expected to Achieve Outcome Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Performance Performance Accountability Outcome (general stmnt of results expected) 55 out of 150 will obtain jobs. At least 43 people will transition out of poverty 3 F SS 150 people enrolled in self sufficiency case management Measurement Tool (documentati on tools) Frequency of Data Collection & Reporting Accountabilit y Accountabilit y Intake documents and data entered in program software, Client records in NewGen Daily collection and monthly reporting CSBG Purpose: Reduction of Poverty (RP), Revitalization of Low-Income Communities (RLIC), Self-Sufficiency (SS) Level of Need: Family (F) or Community (C) or Agency (A) CSBG Domain: Employment, Education &Cognitive Development, Infrastructure/Income/Asset Building, Housing, Health & Social/Behavioral Development, Civic Engagement & Community Note: This form can be used to plan what programs or services or activities (community, family, and organizational) will be offered and to set targets. Look at the Top 5 Needs from most recent CNA. This worksheet will provide information for State Requirements, Step 6-SP Requirements, Area 5a NOTE: Submit these 2 worksheets with your Strategic Plan Worksheet Step 5b – Strategic Plan Goals, Objectives, ,Strategies, and Outcomes Austin Public Health Time Period (years) covered by the Strategic Plan: Family Area to Address: Employment Low-income persons obtain/maintain employment, better paying or living wage jobs, and/or jobs with benefits 2020- 2024 Through the provision of case management, to link low income persons to employment/education opportunities and decrease barriers to stability which will help them attain self-sufficiency Create and strengthen collaborative working relationships with Skillpoint, Workforce Solutions, Goodwill, technical schools, and colleges to assist low-income people seeking to gain job skills Subrecipient: Type of Goal (Agency, #1 Goal: Objective: Strategy: 2020/ Year 1 150 people enrolled in self sufficiency case management 53 enrolled 2021/ Year 2 150 people enrolled in self sufficiency case management 60 clients enrolled 2022/ Year 3 150 people enrolled in self sufficiency case management 2023/ Year 4 150 people enrolled in self sufficiency case management 2024/ Year 5 150 people enrolled in self sufficiency case management Output: Output: Output: Outcome: 20 out of 150 will obtain jobs. 12 people obtained jobs. 40 out of 150 will obtain jobs. 29 people obtained jobs. 45 out of 150 will obtain jobs. 50 out of 150 will obtain jobs. 55 out of 150 will obtain jobs. Outcome: At least 43 people will transition out of poverty 25 achieved At least 43 people will transition out of poverty 28 achieved At least 43 people will transition out of poverty At least 43 people will transition out of poverty At least 43 people will transition out of poverty Subrecipient: Time Period (years) covered by the Strategic Plan: Worksheet Step 5a – Planning & Evaluation Austin Public Health 2020-2024 Ranking of Need # from 2018 CNA Level of Need Service or Activity & # to be served CSBG Purpose Addressed Outcome (general stmnt of results expected) Indicator (% expected to achieve outcome) Actual Results (% who achieved outcome) % of Participants Expected to Achieve Outcome Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Performance Performance Accountability N/A A Offer staff development & Wellness activities RP 6 staff development activities sign-in sheets, TRAIN database Measurement Tool (documentati on tools) Accountabilit y Unit office Frequency of Data Collection & Reporting Accountability Bi-Monthly CSBG Purpose: Reduction of Poverty (RP), Revitalization of Low-Income Communities (RLIC), Self-Sufficiency (SS) Level of Need: Family (F) or Community (C) or Agency (A) CSBG Domain: Employment, Education &Cognitive Development, Infrastructure/Income/Asset Building, Housing, Health & Social/Behavioral Development, Civic Engagement & Community Involvement Note: This form can be used to plan what programs or services or activities (community, family, and organizational) will be offered and to set targets. Look at the Top 5 Needs from most recent CNA. Performance will be reported in CSBG monthly This worksheet will provide information for State Requirements, Step 6-SP Requirements, Area 5a NOTE: Submit these 2 worksheets with your Strategic Plan Worksheet Step 5b – Strategic Plan Goals, Objectives, ,Strategies, and Outcomes Agency Austin Public Health Area to Address: Time Period (years) covered by the Strategic Plan: 2020 - 2024 Staff Development and Retention Subrecipient: Type of Goal (Agency, Family, or Community): #2 Goal: Objective: Strategy: Output: Output: The City of Austin's Neighborhood Center will promote wellness and employee retention activities To increase knowledge, skills, and abilities of all staff working in the Neighborhood Centers The Employee Retention and Wellness Promotion (ERWP) Task Force will plan, organize and implement trainings and activities 2020/ Year 1 2021/ Year 2 2022/ Year 3 2023/ Year 4 2024/ Year 5 Publish ERWP Newsletter Publish ERWP Newsletter Publish ERWP Newsletter Output: Publish ERWP Newsletter On hold due to COVID Publish ERWP Newsletter Resumed publishing Wellness newsletter- Summer 2021. Distributing every other month Facilitate Wellness activities at Neighborhood Services Unit staff meetings Met Facilitate Wellness activities at Neighborhood Services Unit staff meetings Met Facilitate Wellness activities at Neighborhood Services Unit staff meetings Facilitate Wellness activities at Neighborhood Services Unit staff meetings Facilitate Wellness activities at Neighborhood Services Unit staff meetings Seek staff input on professional development trainings- Requested staff's feedback on potential trainings at each NSU Monthly meeting (through SurveyMonkey evaluations) Seek staff input on professional development trainings- Requested staff's feedback on potential trainings at each NSU Monthly meeting (through SurveyMonkey evaluations) Seek staff input on professional development trainings Seek staff input on professional development trainings Seek staff input on professional development trainings Outcome: 30% of staff will participate in City of Austin sponsored Wellness activities- 21.3% based on participation from HealthCode events 40% of staff will participate in City of Austin sponsored Wellness activities- Average 30% based on participation from HealthCode events. Participation varied from month to month (15% to 70%) 50% of staff will participate in City of Austin sponsored Wellness activities 55% of staff will participate in City of Austin sponsored Wellness activities 60% of staff will participate in City of Austin sponsored Wellness activities Outcome: Provide 2 staff requested trainings annually- provided 1 training Provide 2 staff requested trainings annually- provided 3 trainings Provide 2 staff requested trainings annually Provide 2 staff requested trainings annually Provide 2 staff requested trainings annually Subrecipient : Time Period (years) covered by the Strategic Plan: Worksheet Step 5a – Planning & Evaluation Austin Public Health 2020 - 2024 Ranking of Need # from 2018 CNA Level of Need Service or Activity & # to be served CSBG Purpose Addressed Indicator (% expected to achieve outcome) Actual Results (% who achieved outcome) Outcome (general stmnt of results expected) % of Participants Expected to Achieve Outcome Measurement Tool (documentation tools) Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Performance Performance Accountability Accountability 4 C Increase access to Basic Needs Services Improve access to Basic Needs Services RP Frequency of Data Collection & Reporting Accountabilit y Monthly NSU Leadership Team and NSU Task Force sign-in sheets, minutes CSBG Purpose: Reduction of Poverty (RP), Revitalization of Low-Income Communities (RLIC), Self-Sufficiency (SS) Level of Need: Family (F) or Community (C) or Agency (A) CSBG Domain: Employment, Education &Cognitive Development, Infrastructure/Income/Asset Building, Housing, Health & Social/Behavioral Development, Civic Engagement & Community Note: This form can be used to plan what programs or services or activities (community, family, and organizational) will be offered and to set targets. Look at the Top 5 Needs from most recent This worksheet will provide information for State Requirements, Step 6-SP Requirements, Area 5a NOTE: Submit these 2 worksheets with your Strategic Plan Worksheet Step 5b – Strategic Plan Goals, Objectives, ,Strategies, and Outcomes Austin Public Health Time Period (years) covered by the Strategic Plan: 2020- 2024 Subrecipient : Type of Goal (Agency, #3 Goal: Objective: Strategy: Community Area to Address: Poverty Improve access to Basic Needs Services Increase number of service sites and ways to access services Create online application and new service site locations 2020/ Year 1 2022/ Year 3 2021/ Year 2 2023/ Year 4 2024/ Year 5 Output: Form task force and develop online inquiry Met Pilot online inquiry Met implement and refine process implement and refine process implement and refine process Output: Output: Form task force and implement 2 satellite locations Met Evaluate efficacy of satellite locations On hold due to COVID-19 Open the new Montopolis Recreation & Community Center Met Participate in Planning activities for the Dove Springs Neighborhood Center In progress Outcome: No Outcome due to COVID- 19 Complete baseline data analysis for clients for far East Austin and North Austin/Travis County Satellite locations on hold due to COVID-19 Continue implementation and improve as needed Continue implementation and improve as needed Continue implementation and improve as needed Participate in Planning activities for the Dove Springs Neighborhood Center Participate in Planning activities for the Dove Springs Neighborhood Center Open the new Dove Springs Neighborhood Center 10% increase from baseline in clients from those areas 15% increase from baseline in clients from those areas 20% increase from baseline data in clients from those areas Outcome: No Outcome due to COVID- 19 29 achieved 100 households will complete online application 253 achieved 125 households will complete online application 150 households will complete online application 175 households will complete online application Subrecipient : Time Period (years) covered by the Strategic Plan: Ranking of Need # from 2018 CNA Level of Need Service or Activity & # to be served CSBG Purpose Addressed Planning Planning N/A A Planning CSBG eligibility Planning RP Outcome (general stmnt of results expected) Planning No ineligible clients will be served Worksheet Step 5a – Planning & Evaluation Austin Public Health 2020-2024 Indicator (% expected to achieve outcome) Actual Results (% who achieved outcome) % of Participants Expected to Achieve Outcome Performance Performance Accountability Measurement Tool (documentation tools) Frequency of Data Collection & Reporting Accountability peer review forms, chart audits Accountability Monthly, Bi-annually CSBG Domain: Employment, Education &Cognitive Development, Infrastructure/Income/Asset Building, Housing, Health & Social/Behavioral Development, Civic Engagement & Community Involvement Note: This form can be used to plan what programs or services or activities (community, family, and organizational) will be offered and to set targets. Look at the Top 5 Needs from most recent CNA. Performance will be reported in CSBG monthly performance report. Actual Results CSBG Purpose: Reduction of Poverty (RP), Revitalization of Low-Income Communities (RLIC), Self-Sufficiency (SS) Level of Need: Family (F) or Community (C) or Agency (A) This worksheet will provide information for State Requirements, Step 6-SP Requirements, Area 5a NOTE: Submit these 2 worksheets with your Strategic Plan Subrecipient : Type of Goal (Agency, Family, or Community): #4 Goal: Objective: Strategy: Worksheet Step 5b – Strategic Plan Goals, Objectives, ,Strategies, and Outcomes Austin Public Health Agency Area to Address: Time Period (years) covered by the Strategic Plan: 2020-2024 Eligibility Determination To ensure compliance with CSBG requirements and serve only eligible clients with CSBG funded services Twice yearly eligibility training for all staff and peer review process to ensure eligibility is being determined correctly at the time of service. Chart audits and monitoring at the supervisor and Unit office level Eligibility will be determined correctly for all clients receiving CSBG services ` Output: 2020/ Year 1 2021/ Year 2 All CSBG funded services will be peer reviewed. Supervisors will sample at least 10% of CSBG funded services for review each month. Unit office will sample at least 10% of CSBG funded services for review twice a year. Met All CSBG funded services will be peer reviewed. Supervisors will sample at least 10% of CSBG funded services for review each month. Unit office will sample at least 10% of CSBG funded services for review twice a year. Met 2022/ Year 3 All CSBG funded services will be peer reviewed. Supervisors will sample at least 10% of CSBG funded services for review each month. Unit office will sample at least 10% of CSBG funded services for review twice a year. 2023/ Year 4 All CSBG funded services will be peer reviewed. Supervisors will sample at least 10% of CSBG funded services for review each month. Unit office will sample at least 10% of CSBG funded services for review twice a year. 2024/ Year 5 All CSBG funded services will be peer reviewed. Supervisors will sample at least 10% of CSBG funded services for review each month. Unit office will sample at least 10% of CSBG funded services for review twice a year. Met Output: Output: Outcome: No ineligible clients will be served. 100% of CSBG funded services will have a peer review completed at the time of service. Upon supervisor and/or Unit office review, all CSBG funded services will show evidence eligibility was determined correctly by the worker in conjunction with the peer review Met No ineligible clients will be served. 100% of CSBG funded services will have a peer review completed at the time of service. Upon supervisor and/or Unit office review, all CSBG funded services will show evidence eligibility was determined correctly by the worker in conjunction with the peer review Met No ineligible clients will be served. 100% of CSBG funded services will have a peer review completed at the time of service. Upon supervisor and/or Unit office review, all CSBG funded services will show evidence eligibility was determined correctly by the worker in conjunction with the peer review No ineligible clients will be served. 100% of CSBG funded services will have a peer review completed at the time of service. Upon supervisor and/or Unit office review, all CSBG funded services will show evidence eligibility was determined correctly by the worker in conjunction with the peer review No ineligible clients will be served. 100% of CSBG funded services will have a peer review completed at the time of service. Upon supervisor and/or Unit office review, all CSBG funded services will show evidence eligibility was determined correctly by the worker in conjunction with the peer review Outcome: Subrecipient: Time Period (years) covered by the Strategic Plan: Austin Public Health Worksheet Step 5a – Planning & Evaluation 2020-2024 Ranking of Need # from 2018 CNA Level of Need Service or Activity & # to be served CSBG Purpose Addressed Outcome (general stmnt of results expected) Indicator (% expected to achieve outcome) Actual Results (% who achieved outcome) % of Participants Expected to Achieve Outcome Frequency of Data Collection & Reporting Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Performance Performance Accountability Accountability Accountability Measurement Tool (documentation tools) Intake documents and data entered in program software, Client records in NewGen Daily data collection & monthly reports Provide rent & utility assistance to low-income residents of Austin and Travis County homelessness and displacement prevention 1 F RP CSBG Domain: Employment, Education &Cognitive Development, Infrastructure/Income/Asset Building, Housing, Health & Social/Behavioral Development, Civic Engagement & Community Involvement Note: This form can be used to plan what programs or services or activities (community, family, and organizational) will be offered and to set targets. Look at the Top 5 Needs from most recent CNA. Performance will be reported in CSBG monthly performance report. Actual Results CSBG Purpose: Reduction of Poverty (RP), Revitalization of Low-Income Communities (RLIC), Self-Sufficiency (SS) Level of Need: Family (F) or Community (C) or Agency (A) This worksheet will provide information for State Requirements, Step 6-SP Requirements, Area 5a NOTE: Submit these 2 worksheets with your Strategic Plan Worksheet Step 5b – Strategic Plan Goals, Objectives, ,Strategies, and Outcomes Austin Public Health Time Period (years) covered by the Strategic Plan: Family Area to Address: Housing Stability Prevent displacement of Neighborhood Center clients from Austin/Travis County 2020-2024 Increase housing stability through the provision of rent/utility assistance & case management services Efficiently process financial assistance and advocate for additional financial assistance funding to assist low-income individuals 2020/ Year 1 2021/ Year 2 Provide rental assistance to neighborhood center clients who qualify for services Provide rental assistance to neighborhood center clients who qualify for services 2022/ Year 3 Provide rental assistance to neighborhood center clients who qualify for services 2023/ Year 4 Provide rental assistance to neighborhood center clients who qualify for services 2024/ Year 5 Provide rental assistance to neighborhood center clients who qualify for services 500 households will avoid eviction 1,179 achieved 1200 households will avoid eviction 1,389 achieved 500 households will avoid eviction 525 households will avoid eviction 550 households will avoid eviction Subrecipient: Type of Goal (Agency, Family, or #5 Goal: Objective: Strategy: Output: Output: Output: Outcome: Outcome: