Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes

COMMISSION ON VETERAN AFFAIRS REGULAR MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, Aug 21, 2024 The COMMISSION ON VETERANS AFFAIRS convened in a REGULAR Meeting on WEDNESDAY, August 21, 2024, at the City of Austin Permitting & Development Center at 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr, Austin, TX 78752. Chair MICHAEL MCINERNEY called the COMMISSION ON VETERANS AFFAIRS MEETING to order at 7:05pm CST. Commissioners in Attendance: Michael Mcinerney (Chair) Armando Gonzales Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Patrick Bissett Christopher Wilson Curtis Wyman Mark Balch Commissioners Absent: Kevin Lenau Maria Brown-Spence Philip Reichert William Dahlstrom Amber Schleuning Staff in Attendance: Tamela Saldana – Interim Director, Office of Civil Rights Jesus Simental – Veterans Administrator, Office of Civil Rights PUBLIC COMMUNICATION – GENERAL APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. The minutes from the meeting of 5/15/2024 were approved on Chair Michael Mcinerney’s motion, second by Patrick Bissett on a 6-0 vote. Commissioners Kevin Lenau, Maria Brown-Spence, Philip Reichert, William Dahlstrom, and Amber Schleuning were absent. DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Presentation by Glen Towery on upcoming AVAFEST events as well as seek support to find city owned venues to host these events. 3. Presentation by Lieutenant General (3-Star) Scott McKean, Executive Director of Patriots Hall of Dripping Springs to inform the Commission on their upcoming grand opening and to share information about innovative best practices to serve Austin-area Veterans and their families. 4. We followed up on our bid to join the Joint Inclusion Committee (JIC). The request has been working its way through the system at various meetings all Summer to approve our inclusion and amendment of the JIC's bylaws to include the Veterans Affairs Commission. The next and final step is approval by the City Council. 5. Discussed status of Recommendation 20240320-004 requesting a study to understand real world needs of Travis County-based veterans and Recommendation 20240320-006 To create a department of Veterans Affairs and Military Affairs. Chair Mcinerney mentioned that the proposal had made it on District 8 Council Member’s agenda Paige Ellis, believes the recommendations are getting traction and making progress. Commissioner Wilson discussed his conversation with his council member Paige Ellis on the needs of veterans in the City of Austin. ADJOURNMENT END: 7:59 PM 6. Chair M. Mcinerney made the motion to adjourn, P. Bissett second the motion. Pass unanimously 6-0. Commissioners Kevin Lenau, Maria Brown-Spence, Philip Reichert, William Dahlstrom, and Amber Schleuning were absent. The minutes were approved at the 18 Sep 2024 meeting on Chair Michael Mcinerney’s motion, Christopher Wilson second on a 6-0 vote. Maria Brown-Spence, Philip Reichert, Armando Gonzales, and Mark Balch were absent.