Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes

COMMISSION ON VETERAN AFFAIRS REGULAR MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 2024 The COMMISSION ON VETERANS AFFAIRS convened in a REGULAR Meeting on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 2024, at the City of Austin Permitting & Development Center at 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr, Austin, TX 78752. Chair CHRISTOPHER WILSON called the COMMISSION ON VETERANS AFFAIRS MEETING to order at 7:04pm CST. Commissioners in Attendance: Christopher Wilson (Chair) Armando Gonzales Curtis Wyman Michael Mcinerney Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Mark Balch Patrick Bissett William Dahlstrom Amber Schleuning Commissioners Absent: Philip Reichert Kevin Lenau (Vice-Chair) Maria Brown-Spence Staff in Attendance: Jesus Simental – Veterans Administrator, Office of Civil Rights PUBLIC COMMUNICATION – GENERAL APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. The minutes from the meeting of 2/21/2024 were approved on Chair Christopher Wilson’s motion, second by Michael Mcinerney on a 8-0 vote. Commissioner Kevin Lenau, Maria Brown-Spence and Philip Reichert were absent. STAFF BRIEFINGS DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Commissioner Marc Balch updated the rest of the commission on his talk with the Veterans Administration on what they are doing for veteran outreach. Individual was identified at the Temple VA that would assist with identifying what the VA is doing. 3. Commissioner Maria Brown-Spence was not present at the March meeting so item 3 was skipped on the agenda and will carry over to the April meeting. Discussion on results and findings from Commissioner Maria Brown-Spence on a list of nonprofits from I Live Here I Give Here Amplify Austin nonprofit. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 4. There was a discussion and vote to resubmit Recommendation 20240320-004 Requesting a study to understand real world needs of Travis County-based veterans. Chair Christopher Wilson made a motion to approve the resubmission and Commissioner Michael Mcinerney second the vote. Recommendation was passed on an 8-0 vote. 5. There was a discussion and vote on joining the Joint Inclusion Committee (JIC). Chair Christopher Wilson made a motion to join JIC and Commissioner Michael Mcinerney second the vote. Passed on an 8-0 vote. 6. There was a discussion and vote to resubmit Recommendation 20240320-006 To create a department of Veterans Affairs and Military Affairs. Chair Christopher Wilson made a motion to approve resubmission and Commissioner Michael Mcinerney second the vote. Recommendation was passed on an 8-0 vote. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT END: 8:03 PM 7. Chair C. Wilson made the motion to adjourn. M. Mcinerney second the motion. Pass unanimously 8-0. Kevin Lenau, Philip Reichert, and Maria Brown-Spence were absent. The minutes were approved at the 17 April 2024 meeting on Chair Christopher Wilson’s motion, Michael Mcinerney second on a 9-0 vote. Maria Brown-Spence and Curtis Wyman were absent.