Draft Recommendation 20240320-004: study to understand real-world needs of Travis County-based veterans — original pdf

BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION COMMISSION ON VETERANS AFFAIRS Recommendation Number: 20240320-004: RECOMMENDED STUDY TO UNDERSTAND REAL-WORLD NEEDS OF TRAVIS COUNTY-BASED VETERANS WHEREAS, Texas has the largest veteran population in the United States and Travis County has a veteran population of 56,000+/-; and WHEREAS, veterans are not a monolith and possess a diverse sets of needs, senses of identity, and challenges; and WHEREAS, there remains a great opportunity to better understand the diversity of current needs and estimate future needs for Travis County-based veterans so to design programs, policies, and budgets that are informed by this real-world understanding of evolving needs of this population; and WHEREAS, Travis-county does not currently possess a sufficiently deep understanding of its veterans and thus lacks an ability to make data-driven decisions for and with this dynamic and cherished population; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Commission on Veterans Affairs encourages the Austin City Council to commission a small study (to include surveys and qualitative research) to better understand the nuanced needs, perceptions, challenges, and barriers facing Travis County-based veterans today, across all demographics. Date of Approval: March 20, 2024 Record of the vote: For: Not Present: Attest: _____________________________________________ Christopher ‘Cam’ Wilson – Chair, Commission on Veteran Affairs