Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes

COMMISSION ON VETERAN AFFAIRS MEETING MINUTES SPECIAL CALLED MEETING February 10, 2021 COMMISSION ON VETERANS AFFAIRS MINUTES The Commission on Veteran Affairs convened in a Special Called Meeting on February 10, 2021 via WebEx Remote meeting. Chair Doris Williams called the Board Meeting to order at 10:31AM. Board Members in Attendance: Doris Williams - Chair Manuel Jimenez - Vice Chair Alfred Bingham Jose Carrasco Staff in Attendance: Tina Lee 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Jason Denny Josephine Hinds Pete Salazar Chair Williams asked the Commission members to review the minutes from the special called meeting on November 19, 2020. Commissioner Salazar made a motion to approve the meeting minutes and Commissioner Bingham seconded the motion. Motion passed with no objection. 2. NEW BUSINESS a) Texas Folklife presented to the commission about their mission and how one of their programs “Creative Forces” for veterans and family members has assisted with connecting with other veterans to express their stories and folklore through audio production training. Texas Folklife offers their workshops and programs to veterans in Texas primarily in the central Texas region. For more information about the program: b) The City of Austin Intergovernmental Relations Office briefed the Commission on the City of Austin State legislative Resolution that S.B 29 would have limited the ability of the City to utilize community advocates to effectively advocate on behalf of the policies created and supported by its residents. Commissioner Salazar made a motion to have the Commission on Veteran Affairs sign and support the resolution made by Intergovernmental Relations Office. Commissioner Bingham seconded the motion and the resolution was approved on a 6-0-1 vote. Vice Chair Jimenez abstained himself. c) Vice Chair Jimenez discussed the faulty comparison to the military made by the equity assessment SWOT analysis and report on racial inequity within the Austin Police Department. Commissioner Salazar made a motion to provide a recommendation to COMMISSION ON VETERAN AFFAIRS MEETING MINUTES address the comparison explained on officers within APD being affiliated with he Military. Vice Chair Jimenez seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. ADJOURN: Chair Williams adjourned the meeting at 11:15AM without objection