20210210-C002: Faulty Comparison to Military from SWOT Anaylsis — original pdf

COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Commission on Veterans Affairs Recommendation Number: (20210210-C002) Faulty Comparison to the Military from the SWOT Analysis WHEREAS, many veterans face several challenges when making the transition from military to civilian life. There has been a growing military to civilian division over the years as military veterans and civilians compete in the job market. There is also the trend of fewer and fewer of the population serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. This division and competition have led to typecasting and stereotypes of our modern-day military veterans. WHEREAS, there are some in the civilian sector who have no idea of or have ever served in the military. These individuals have stereotypes of military service that inhibit servicemembers from transitioning smoothly back into civilian life. WHEREAS, some stereotypes indicating military training is inferior and "warrior-like" is toxic. This type of stereotype is not based on a factual basis but rather unfounded typecasting. Language such as military "warrior" is misleading as present-day servicemembers' training is based on physical fitness and stamina than on a so-called "warrior" mindset. There is a belief that the military culture is a ‘us versus them mindset.” The military veteran is one who took an oath to serve this country negating this kind of thinking. WHEREAS, the Equity Office assessment, and SWOT analyses and report on racial inequities, within the Austin Police Department make faulty claims of comparisons to military service and further promotes dangerous stereotypes. These stereotypes interfere with returning military veterans gaining employment. They contribute to a number of issues military veterans face while transitioning from a sometimes-unappreciated military career to civilian life. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Commission on Veteran Affairs rejects the stereotypes used by the Equity Office assessment and SWOT analyses and report on racial inequities within the Austin Police Department because they are not congruent with the military and encourages the Austin City Council to do the same. Date of Approval: February 10, 2021 Record of the vote: (Unanimous on a 7-0 vote, with the names of those voting yes listed) Doris Williams Manuel Jimenez Alfred Bingham Jose Carrasco Jason Denny Josephine Hinds Pete Salazar Attest: _____________________________________________ Manuel Jimenez Jr., Vice Chair Commission on Veteran Affairs