Kiro Action Presentation — original pdf

COMMISSION ON VETERAN AFFAIRS CITY OF AUSTIN JANUARY 15, 2020 WHAT IS KIRO ACTION HOUSING? KIRO ACTION is a home, disaster relief, pop-up hotel, workers accommodation, veteran housing, and government relief structure all-in-one. Our solutions are put together in a few hours with our patent-pending designs without any heavy equipment or specialized machinery. Our solutions are real homes, built above code and over engineered, can withstand fires, high winds, have working bathrooms and electrical features; all like a normal home. We are not like some of the awful solutions on the market that are a tent or glorified shed. Our homes look and feel like a real house because we use the same building technologies in the commercial and housing industry, but with advanced materials and process. Our designs fit together in three-hours, can be moved around by three-four people, built to (and above) code. If there is a foundation, then the home can be secured to it, making it a permanent home. If there is no foundation, then you can incorporate our foldout patent-pending foundation to put it anywhere from an empty parking lot to a field. Our smallest housing solutions for refugees and general homelessness are priced at 12-14k USD (depending on options and volume), rated to last 20-years (and much longer) with the materials used, average 200 square feet (19 sq m) with a fully functioning bathroom and kitchenette. We started our organization after Thanksgiving 2019, and within 46-days we combined a team of builders, former diplomats, former government officials and have a team that has a combined 280 years in construction. In those 46-days, we built multiple designs, prototype and expanding on manufacturing in North Austin. WHAT IS KIRO ACTION HOUSING? Our prototype is setup near Mueller and is roughly 20 ft by 10 ft with the ability to sleep up to 4-people (3 adults and 1 child). With our solutions, we have the ability to make homes larger or smaller using our grid building system. If 200 sq ft is too small, our modular building design can be increased in 200 sq ft increments with ease, meaning you can have a customized unit that is 200 sq ft to 1000 sq ft (and above). WHY DID WE CHOOSE THE NAME “KIRO ACTION”? “KIRO” ((cid:2)(cid:1)) combines the definitions of “crossroad” and “forked road”. Many people that are in need of affordable housing, lost a home to natural disaster, homeless currently or a veteran that has fallen on bad times is at a crossroads in life. The ability to get out of their situation becomes harder without a proper place to sleep. In order to get back on your feet, housing is the first hurdle that must be overcome. Not overnight housing. Not shared bunk beds. Not temporary housing for the week. Not tents under a bridge. Not concrete printed homes where the cost of land and foundation are twenty-times the cost of the concrete structure making it an unaffordable option. Positive change occurs when there is longer to permanent housing to keep families together and improve the situation of those at a crossroad. Without an actual home for safety, the “fork in the road” of going down a more dangerous and unsustainable path of homelessness is a certainty. Getting that assistance to better their situation is the ultimate crossroads decision to better make an important decision to impact their life for the better. Our organization is the “ACTION” to help inspire people in need to better their situation, and as a team, we are providing the actionable solutions to local and federal governments with a cost-efficient solution . We hope at KIRO ACTION to help play an important role in addressing various needs, while serving different markets with our unique products. Housing is not easy, whether it’s for homeless veterans, families that lost a home to natural disasters, unsheltered, affordable housing or refugees as a result of war. At KIRO ACTION, we are a housing solution with a purpose. With every unit sold to a commercial client, we have the ability to provide the same size unit to NGO’s, homeless groups and people in need at no cost to promote a continued bridge between commercial entities and humanitarian groups. At KIRO ACTION, we are bridging the gap of housing issues and are shelters with a purpose. BACKGROUND ON HOMELESS & UNSHELTERED The epidemic of homelessness affects cities of all sizes in every region in the United States. Unfortunately, most homelessness is the result of medical issues, depression, lack of mental health assistance, and unfortunate financial circumstances. Cities have been left holding the bag of services to assist homelessness and general poverty. Organizations, both national and local, attempt to put a dent in the homeless population, but are overwhelmed with waiting lists to serve people in need today. States don’t have the budget for a long-term solution. Our focus at KIRO ACTION is to create a solution that will put a dent in the general homeless and veteran homelessness population. This solution is an affordable, respectable short to long-term home solution that can be readily purchased and deployed by government entities at all levels. Depending on where you live, cities and states tend to own the most land, whether it’s an empty parking lot or an unused field. The concept of KIRO ACTION was born with the idea that government entities have unused land that we can utilize with a product to house the homeless. We believe permanent housing is always the best solution, but our KIRO ACTION homes are built to last up to 20-years providing a critical bridge from homelessness to permanent housing, especially in the first years of homelessness. Government entities are hesitant to give away land they own forever to build permanent housing, but it’s much easier to put KIRO ACTION homes on unused land for an interim period. KIRO ACTION units are deployable, collapsible, flat-packed, and put together in two-three-hours by three-four people with no heavy tools or machinery. They are built to the code of commercial and home applications, and are an aesthetically modern and beautiful structure that can be moved with ease. Rather than having homeless congregate in tents near an underpass, sleep on downtown benches or make shelters in wooded areas, we have the solution for cities in a dignified and humane manner that gets the person that is encountering homelessness a place to call home. Families can stay together. Homeless veterans can get the help they need. A physical home creates safety and is the first obstacle in getting back on track to having a successful life. In addition to our homes, cities can offer the homeless programs from drug rehabilitation, job search assistance, and mental health facilities in the midst of KIRO ACTION developments. VETERAN AND HOMELESS HOUSING OPTIONS All of our KIRO ACTION homes can be placed in empty parking lots or various fields cities and states own, and in addition, water and electrical connections can be made directly to utilities; even if there is no water or electricity connection, we have a solution to offer “off-grid” solutions feeding the homes water, electricity and waste water containment. KIRO ACTION homes can be put practically anywhere to serve people in need. Our options to address unsheltered, general and veteran homelessness doesn’t cost hundreds-of-thousands of dollars per unit, but from 12k-$14000 for a 200 sq ft home and has a functioning kitchenette and bathroom. The cost is negligible for city and state governments, and in fact, often cheaper than not housing the homeless. Many court dockets are full of homeless citizens getting ticketed for camping overnight and trespassing charges clogging up the court and jail system. Charges for tickets can’t be paid by someone that is unemployed and homeless, thus creating a circle of being jailed nightly, ticketed or charged, and in the court system weekly. Our goal at KIRO ACTION, is to give the most important aspect of influencing positive change, and that’s housing. With housing as a foundation, cities and local programs can help the previously homeless in making them as productive citizens with employment and giving back to their community. Get the homeless a home and employment, and they become a tax-paying citizen giving back resources to a city or state, meaning offering cities will pay less in by offering a home. Aesthetically, our solutions already have a modern vibe with high ceilings, sloping roofs, modern touches and designer-inspired looks. Our base size, measuring 400 square feet (37 square meters), has a functioning bathroom and kitchen using our patent-pending rollaway feature. If 400 sq ft is too small or large, our modular building design can be increased in 200 sq ft increments with ease, meaning you can have a customized unit that is 200 sq ft to 1000 sq ft (and above). The beauty of KIRO ACTION is that it can be used with or without a concrete foundation. If you do have have a concrete foundation, our units bolt into the foundation, just like a typical home or commercial building, making it a permanent structure. If you do not have a concrete foundation, our patent-pending, folding base structure allows you to quickly and easily put the units anywhere, such as in a parking lot or a field. If there is electricity and water on the property, utilities merely plug into the structure. If you don’t have water or electricity available, we have customized services solutions that will feed up to 15-units at a time, with water storage tanks, electricity through a generator, and a waste water disposal tank. Our services solution makes installation scalable up to hundreds of deployed units, even without ready access to city and electrical water lines. COA BUY-IN AND FUTURE SUCCESS COA and State of Texas have unutilized lands all over the city from empty parking lots, fields and unused buildings. Our proposal is to utilize that unused land to deploy KIRO ACTION homes for a temporary period of 1-5 years. COA will still own the property. Cities are hesitant to completely give away property they own, for instance, affordable housing. With our proposal, the city still owns the land and we are providing the housing to utilize that land. COA will still administer programs and be at the forefront. If the land needs to be reclaimed, KIRO ACTION units can be taken apart and moved to a new site. Electricity and water services would be great if we can plug into. If not, we can accommodate and offer our ”flower petal” services unit to feed up to 15-units at time. We DO NOT recommend having units built in remote areas. The complaint from interviews with the unsheltered discussed that they can’t be in areas without bus access, place to buy food, and needs to be more centrally located to get to medical appointments. We suggest smaller developments utilizing and identifying land. This tamps down on the “not in my backyard” mentality and developments could be 10-25 homes in numerous locations. Each KIRO ACTION home takes up roughly 3-4 parking spaces. Our goal is to start a pilot program with COA to house veteran homeless and unsheltered as transitional housing solution until permanent housing can be found. The materials used in our units last decades, but we see KIRO ACTION as an immediate housing solution and up to 5-years until permanent housing can be found. COA BUY-IN AND FUTURE SUCCESS CONTINUED What are the advantages of COA assigning unused land to provide housing for homeless? Immediate reduction of homeless off the street. It’s an actual home. Not overnight housing. Not shared bunk beds. Not temporary housing for the week. Not tents under a bridge. Pricing that is advantageous and affordable for a city. With volume and depending on options chosen, our smallest solution is 12-14k and can house 1-4 people with a kitchenette and full bathroom. Our goal is to drive the price down aggressively with volume and options. By giving a physical home, local support group and government entities can further assist the former unsheltered because they know where their home is. If they require labor assistance by finding a job, getting identifications or help with a resume there are groups in Austin to help. If the former unsheltered require mental health treatment, different governmental groups can assist. If it’s drug rehabilitation, different treatment groups can assist. Immediate improvement of the homeless situation with a dignified solution. Taking people off the streets and into a real home, where they can focus on getting their life back on track and the focus is not what water hose they can find to shower with behind a building or struggling to find food. We can keep families together in the same home, make the homes larger and add additional features. Most cost-effective and scalable solution for housing the unsheltered. We can house all 2500 homeless individuals in different parts of the city relatively quickly and at a fraction of the cost of other city homeless endeavors. Our panels can be built for affordable housing and pinned to a foundation, similar to a home built onsite. We have a quick turnaround time with manufacturing in Austin and can put the previously unsheltered to work in our manufacturing plant. COMPARISION OF UNSHELTERED SOLUTIONS Rodeo Inn Purchase KIRO ACTION $8,000,000 $98,765 $12000-$14000 Unlimited $14,000 2 2 Price Units 81 Number of Cost Per Occupants Per Unit Room Cost Per Person $49,383 $7,000 Maximum Occpancy Deficiency 162 N/A -2093 N/A Assumptions: 2255 homeless population from a 2019 point-in-time survey Assumed that two-people sleep in each room of the hotel and KIRO ACTION KIRO ACTION can sleep up to three adults and one child in each home "Deficiencies" refers to 2255 homeless population minus maximum occupancy There is no "Maximum Occupancy" or "Deficiency" for KIRO ACTION because they can deployed by the hundreds and not limited to a physical structure or location LAYOUTS and OCCUPANCY Maximum Occupancy Layout Up to 4-people, including 1-child Bathroom with vanity, toilet and corner shower Single Occupancy Layout Bathroom with vanity, toilet and corner shower Full Bed Full Bed S t o r a g e Sofa Bed Bunk Bed Sofa Bed Storage Kitchenette Storage Storage K i t c h e n e t t e LAYOUTS and OCCUPANCY Continued Window or Door Kitchenette includes: small fridge, microwave, toaster oven, and hot plate Prototype is 20x10 and roughly 200 square feet. The size can be increased in 100-200 ft increments with current designs going up to 1200 sq ft. Double Occupancy Layout Bathroom with vanity, toilet and corner shower Full Bed S t o r a g e Sofa Bed Twin Bed Storage Kitchenette FULL CAPACITY LAYOUT Kitchenette is not pictured, but includes: small fridge, microwave, toaster oven, and hot plate Prototype is 20x10 and roughly 200 square feet. The size can be increased in 100-200 ft increments. WHY HAVE OTHER PROJECTS FAILED? Informal interviews with 30+ homeless and unsheltered in Downtown and North Austin. Some notes: -Numerous felons being released from jail with a one-way ticket to Austin. Can’t get housing or employment with their background. Time has been served and rehabilitation needs to start with housing. -Why have other communities, such as Community First, not worked? Too far, no bus lines, have to pay $400 a month for housing, not enough space, still need to get to medical appointments. -ARCH (Front Steps)- Works like a lottery system for the first people allowed to shower and a bed. The rest have to sleep on thin white mats on a concrete floor. Some referred to jail being better than ARCH. Food is limited just to a small number. -Unsheltered kept reiterating they want to stay in their area. They know where to get food, showering, people in the neighborhood; this was especially true in North Austin. -Families with little kids are present and homeless. They don’t stay in groups with homeless because they’re afraid kids will be taken away. Meaning there are families not counted in survey’s and not helped by any system. -Too much theft among homeless. No ability to get identification. No phone or address to get a job. KIRO ACTION HOUSING Sam Haytham