Agenda — original pdf

COMMISSION ON VETERAN AFFAIRS WEDNESDAY, May 18, 2022, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM City of Austin Permitting & Development Center 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr., Rooms 1401 &1402 Austin, TX 78752 CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS: Manuel Jimenez (Chair) Sabino Renteria (3) Adrenne Mendoza (Vice) Vanessa Fuentes (2) Alfred Bingham – Natasha Harper-Madison (1) Maria Brown-Spence – Mayor Steve Adler Jose Carrasco – Greg Casar (4) Charles W. Cupp – Mackenzie Kelly (6) Elisabeth Collura-Rosenberg – Kathie Tovo (9) Jason Denny – Ann Kitchen (5) Kevin Lenau – Allison Alter (10) Pete Salazar – Leslie Pool (7) Christopher “Cam” Wilson – Paige Ellis (8) Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely by telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation. To register please contact Jennifer Harless at 512-974-3471 or AGENDA CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Speakers who register will each be allowed three minutes to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. 1) APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) Discussion and possible action regarding approval of the minutes from the Commission on Veterans Affairs regular meeting on April 20, 2022. 2) OLD BUSINESS a) Discussion and possible action regarding Commission Working Groups and the Commission’s 2021-22 goals. (Sponsors: Pete Salazar, Manuel Jimenez) i. Create and fund a Veterans Office ii. Identifying any veteran encampments and number of homeless veterans located in the City of Austin iii. Organize a task force to work with other commissions to organize a Veterans Festival b) Presentation by Edwin Marty, Food Policy Manager, City of Austin Office of Sustainability, followed by discussion and possible action on the food planning process and emergency operations. (Sponsors: Manuel Jimenez, Pete Salazar) c) Discussion and possible action on a recommendation to Council regarding fee waivers for Austin Veteran Arts (AVA) Festival from Glenn Towery presentation regarding the AVAFEST 2022. Sponsors: Jimenez/Salazar 3) NEW BUSINESS a. Election of Commission Officers 4) STAFF UPDATES City email only. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT NOTE: Next meeting is Wednesday, June 15, 2022 a. Reminder-email addresses used for Boards and Commissions. Requirement for use of The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon …