Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes
1 COMMISSION ON SENIORS REGULAR MEETING MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, MAY 11TH, 2022 The Commission on Seniors convened a Regular Meeting at Austin City Hall, Boards and Commissions, 301 West 2nd Street, Austin, Texas, 78702 and remotely. Board Members in Attendance: Chair, Janee Briesemeister, Vice Chair, Amy Temperley, Diana Spain, Emily De Maria Nicola, Erica Garcia‐Pittman, Fred Lugo, Jacqueline Angel, Luz Lopez‐Guerrero Martha Bauman, Martin Kareithi, Patricia Bordie, Sally Van Sickle, Peter Varteressian. Board Members not in Attendance: Natalie Cagle Staff in Attendance: Tabitha Taylor and Halana Kaleel, Austin Public Health Presenters: Brie L. Franco Chair, Janee Briesemeister called the Board Meeting to order at 12:07 pm. The Commission introduced themselves. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION A. No Public Communication 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE COMMISSION ON SENIORS APRIL 13TH, 2022 MEETING A. The minutes from the April 13th, 2022, meeting were approved on Commissioner Lopez‐Guerrero motion, Commissioner Varteressian second on a 13‐0 vote with grammar corrections given by Commissioner Van Sickle. Commissioner Cagle was absent. A. Commissioner Kareithi announced that the CEO of CapMetro is leaving and CapMetro fares for 2. ANNOUCEMENTS riding will not be increased this year. 3. OLD BUSINESS A. Discussion and possible action Commission Work Plan – Standing Item No discussion currently. B. Discussion and possible action from Working Groups – Standing Item Age Friendly Action Plan Implementation Working Group Working group will be reviewing and developing the Annual Internal Review and Report. Transportation, Housing and Outdoor Spaces Working Group No discussion currently. Social Participation, Respect and Social Inclusion, Civic Participation and Employment Working Group i. i. ii. iii. iv. Community Support and Health Services Working Group No discussion currently. No discussion currently. v. Emergency Preparedness and Response Working Group No discussion currently. C. Discussion and possible action from Joint Inclusion Committee – Standing Item 2 D. Discussion and possible action of City of Austin Budget – Standing Item No discussion currently. No discussion currently. 4. NEW BUSINESS Relations Officer A. Presentation on 87th Legislative Session Updates, Brie L. Franco, City of Austin, Intergovernmental Presenter gave recap of the 87th Legislative Session, what bills from the 87Th session that passed and will have negative or positive impact for the City of Austin, what bills didn’t pass that would have had a positive impact on the city, what bills that passed or did not pass that would impact the work of the Commission on Seniors, and changes being implemented for the 88th session. B. Present Commission on Seniors FY22 Community Service Awards (Mary Sue Clyne and Nina Mosier, Community Service Awards were presented to Mary Sue Clyne and Nina Mosier by Chair Briesemeister and the Commission on Seniors. C. Discussion and possible action on appointment of a working group to consider change of name, ordinance, and bylaws of the Commission on Seniors (Chair Briesemeister and Commissioner Temperley) i. Working Group will include Vice‐Chair Temperly, Commissioner Van Sickle, Commissioner ii. iii. Lopez‐Guerrero, and Commissioner Bauman. Have resolution drafted by July 2022 Meeting. The motion to approve appointment of a working group to consider change of name, ordinance, and bylaws of the Commission on Seniors was approved on Vice‐ Chair Temperley motion, Commissioner Varteressian second on a 13‐0 vote. Commissioner Cagle was absent. D. Discussion and possible action in support of Budget Resolutions adopted by the Joint Inclusion Committee (Commissioner Van Sickle and Garcia‐Pittman). i. The motion to support of the Budget Resolutions adopted by the Joint Inclusion Committee was approved on Commissioner Van Sickle motion, Commissioner Angel second on a 13‐0 vote. Commissioner Cagle was absent. 5. STAFF BRIEFINGS A. Age‐friendly Austin Update, Tabitha Taylor, Age‐Friendly Program Coordinator. Happy Older Americans Month! Staff gave update on Age Friendly including Older Americans Month and Key Initiative and Projects. Older Americans Kick Off Event had over 100 older adults register, 24 vendors, and 9 volunteers. Most older adults cited this as their first time attending an older adult event. Update given on Adult Day Center Feasibility Study, efforts for Senior Homestead Tax Exemption Outreach, and the upcoming USAging Conference. 6. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS A. Joint Meeting with the Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities (June 2022) i. i. i. M.D.) i. i. ii. iii. iv. B. Review and approve Annual Internal Review and Report at July 2022 Meeting. C. Ordinance and Bylaws Discussion at July 2022 Meeting. 3 7. ADJOURNMENT A. Chair Briesemeister adjourned the meeting at 1:31 pm.