Agenda — original pdf
COMMISSION ON SENIORS FEBRUARY 12TH, 2020 AT 12:00PM MEALS ON WHEELS CENTRAL TEXAS, BOARD RM 232 3227 E. 5TH ST, AUSTIN, TX 78702 CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS: Janee Briesemeister, Chair Peter Varteressian, Vice-Chair Erica Garcia-Pittman Martin Kareithi Jacqueline Angel Patricia Bordie Karen Grampp Adam Hauser Natalie Cagle Billy Jackson Fred Lugo Emily De Maria Nicola Amy Temperley Sally Van Sickle Diana Spain CALL TO ORDER There may be discussion and action on any of the following items: AGENDA CITIZEN COMMUNICATION Each speaker signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will be called in order of sign-up and will be allowed three minutes to speak about items posted or not on the agenda. I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE COMMISSION ON SENIORS SPECIAL CALLED MEETING JANUARY 7TH, 2020 AND THE REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING JANUARY 8TH, 2020. II. ANNOUNCEMENTS III. NEW BUSINESS Austin Parks and Recreation. B. FY21-22 Budget Process and Review C. Update on Senior Tax Resolution. IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Presentation, 50+ Services Report, David Crabb, Acting Manager, Community Recreation, A. Commission Work Plan – Standing Item B. Updates from Working Groups – Standing Item i. Age Friendly Action Plan Implementation Working Group ii. iii. Transportation, Housing and Outdoor Spaces Working Group Social Participation, Respect and Social Inclusion, Civic Participation and Employment Working Group iv. Community Support and Health Services Working Group C. Update on Joint Inclusion Committee – Standing Item (Janee Briesmeister) D. City of Austin Budget – Standing Item (Janee Briesmeister) i. See agenda Item III.A. E. Update on the Equity Action Team – Standing Item (Emily De Maria Nicola) STAFF BRIEFINGS A. Update on FY20 Budget Community Engagement Forum and Survey. V. VI. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS A. Suggested agenda items for FY20. B. Presentation Request from Senior Access. VII. ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days before the meeting date. Please call Halana Kaleel at Austin Public Health Department at (512) 972-5019 for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Commission on Seniors, please contact Halana Kaleel at (512) 972-5019 or at