4. 5. 6. REGULAR MEETING OF THE COMMISSION ON AGING MARCH 12TH, 2025 AT NOON CITY HALL, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS ROOM 301 W 2ND ST AUSTIN, TEXAS, 78701 Some members of the Commission may be participating by videoconference. Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely, call or email Halana Kaleel, 512-972-5019, Halana.Kaleel@austintexas.gov. CURRENT MEMBERS: Richard Bondi, Chair Gretchen Flatau, Vice-Chair Mariana Gonzalez Austin Adams Suzanne Anderson Jacqueline Angel Gloria Lugo Jennifer Scott Preston Tyree Henry Van de Putte Vacancy: District 6 Martin Kareithi Faith Lane Fred Lugo Teresa Ferguson AGENDA CALL TO ORDER/ATTENDANCE PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. STAFF BRIEFINGS/ANNOUNCEMENTS 2. Approve the minutes of the February 12th, 2025, regular Commission on Aging Meeting. Staff Briefing regarding Age-Friendly Austin including update on the Age Friendly Austin Action Plan and centralized guidance on communicating with older adults. Briefing by: Nicole Howe, Age Friendly Program Coordinator and Halana Kaleel, Public Health Community Engagement Specialist, Austin Public Health. DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. Update on the Joint Inclusion Committee (JIC) initiatives as they relate to the Commission on Aging including a recap on presentations received by the JIC on bonds from Austin Public Health and a presentation from the City of Austin Budget Office. Discussion on the Commission on Aging 2025 Community Service Awards. Discussion on tracking of Texas Legislative Items that impact older adults. Discussion on Age Friendly Initiatives prioritized by the Commission on Aging. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Discussion and possible action on the 2025 Older American’s Month Proclamation language and development. Discussion and possible action on a budget recommendation for the City of Austin Fiscal Year Budget 25-26 regarding Translation and Interpretation Services for Boards and Commissions. Discussion and possible action on a budget recommendation for the City of Austin Fiscal Year Budget 25-26 regarding Increased Funding for Homeless Strategy Office. Discussion and possible action on a budget recommendation for the City of Austin Fiscal Year Budget 25-26 regarding Funds for Senior Transportation Programs. Discussion and possible action on a budget recommendation for the City of Austin Fiscal Year …
4. 5. 6. 7. REGULAR MEETING OF THE COMMISSION ON AGING MARCH 12TH, 2025 AT NOON CITY HALL, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS ROOM 301 W 2ND ST AUSTIN, TEXAS, 78701 Some members of the Commission may be participating by videoconference. Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely, call or email Halana Kaleel, 512-972-5019, Halana.Kaleel@austintexas.gov. CURRENT MEMBERS: Richard Bondi, Chair Gretchen Flatau, Vice-Chair Mariana Gonzalez Austin Adams Suzanne Anderson Jacqueline Angel Gloria Lugo Jennifer Scott Preston Tyree Henry Van de Putte Vacancy: District 6 Martin Kareithi Faith Lane Fred Lugo Teresa Ferguson AGENDA CALL TO ORDER/ATTENDANCE PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. STAFF BRIEFINGS/ANNOUNCEMENTS 2. Approve the minutes of the February 12th, 2025, regular Commission on Aging Meeting. Staff Briefing regarding Age-Friendly Austin including update on the Age Friendly Austin Action Plan and centralized guidance on communicating with older adults. Briefing by: Nicole Howe, Age Friendly Program Coordinator and Halana Kaleel, Public Health Community Engagement Specialist, Austin Public Health. DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. Update on the Joint Inclusion Committee (JIC) initiatives as they relate to the Commission on Aging including a recap on presentations received by the JIC on bonds from Austin Public Health and a presentation from the City of Austin Budget Office. Discussion on the Commission on Aging 2025 Community Service Awards. Discussion on tracking of Texas Legislative Items that impact older adults. Discussion on Age Friendly Initiatives prioritized by the Commission on Aging. Update on the Older Adults Quality of Life Study, Nirali Thakkar, Cortez Consulting. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Discussion and possible action on the 2025 Older American’s Month Proclamation language and development. Discussion and possible action on a budget recommendation for the City of Austin Fiscal Year Budget 25-26 regarding Translation and Interpretation Services for Boards and Commissions. Discussion and possible action on a budget recommendation for the City of Austin Fiscal Year Budget 25-26 regarding Increased Funding for Homeless Strategy Office. Discussion and possible action on a budget recommendation for the City of Austin Fiscal Year Budget 25-26 regarding Funds for Senior Transportation Programs. Discussion …
BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Commission on Aging Recommendation Number: (20250312-10): Increase Funding for Homeless Strategy Office WHEREAS, the City of Austin Demographer has provided information that the aging population in Austin is the fastest growing segment of our city, currently representing 10.8% of our population1; and WHEREAS, in 2024 over 27.6% of our unhomed population in Austin was 50 years of age or older2; and WHEREAS, homelessness decreases a person’s life expectancy and unhouse people over 50 tend to present as much older medically and have a greater need for social services than other unhomed populations3; and WHEREAS, while Austin leads the nation in new affordable housing construction4, in order to address the dynamic and multifaceted natures of poverty, homelessness, and housing instability as well as to accelerate access to concrete supports, dismantle systemic inequities, and mitigate barriers to healthy living, individuals and families, especially older adults and their caregivers with low incomes need access to safe, stable, and affordable housing bolstered by wraparound supportive services5; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Commission on Aging encourages the Austin City Council to approve additional funds and explore all available means to provide additional social services funding for the Homeless Strategy Office to allow them to better serve homeless people over 50 years of age in Austin. Date of Approval: _____________________________ Record of the vote: (Unanimous on a 7-0 vote, 4-3 vote with names of those voting no listed) 1 “Age of Change, Austin’s Transforming Demographics 2010-2010”, City of Austin Planning Department, Published September 2023 and Updated August 2024. 2 “State of the HRS, A Report on the State of the Homelessness Response System in Austin/Travis County,” ECHO, August 2024, p. 11. 3 “State of the HRS, A Report on the State of the Homelessness Response System in Austin/Travis County,” ECHO, August 2024, p. 11. 4 https://www.kut.org/housing/2025-02-18/austin-tx-affordable-housing-construction-study 5 https://acf.gov/ocs/programs/ahssd Attest: _____________________________________________ (Staff or board member can sign)
BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Commission on Aging Recommendation Number: (20250312-11): Funds for Senior Transportation Programs WHEREAS, the City of Austin Demographer has provided information that the aging population in Austin is the fastest growing segment of our city, currently representing 10.8% of our population1; and WHEREAS, according to the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center, as the nation’s aging population continues to rise – with 1 in every 5 Americans expected to be 65+ by 2020 – the provision of safe and accessible transportation options remains a top concern of older adults, caregivers and the communities where they live2; and WHEREAS, older adults and those with a disability who cannot secure rides to social events can feel isolated from their communities, which puts them at risk for depression and cognitive decline3; and WHEREAS, according to City of Austin transportation data in 2022, less than 50% of our population has access to innovative public transit service or is within one quarter mile of regular fixed route transit4, lack of access is even more difficult for older adults and people with disabilities as they often need door to door services; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Commission on Aging encourages the Austin City Council to fund $250,000 in Austin Public Health’s Social Services grant funds annually specifically for older adult transportation programs, to insure our older adults and those with disabilities have access to medical appointments, food and necessities as well as social interaction to prevent isolation. 1 “Age of Change, Austin’s Transforming Demographics 2010-2010”, City of Austin Planning Department, Published September 2023 and Updated August 2024. 2 https://www.nadtc.org/about/transportation-aging-disability/unique-issues-related-to-older-adults-and- transportation/ 3 “How Access to Affordable Transportation Leads to Better Health Outcomes for Older Adults”, National Council on Aging, June 17, 2024. 4 https://data.austintexas.gov/Transportation-and-Mobility/M-C-3_Percentage-of-population-that-has-access-to- /p3t8-4eip Page 1 of 2 Date of Approval: _____________________________ Record of the vote: () Attest: _____________________________________________ (Staff or board member can sign) Page 2 of 2
BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Commission on Aging Recommendation Number: (20250312-12): In Home Care for Older Adults WHEREAS, 9.5% of Austin’s population are 65 years of age or over (91,033) and 19.3% of Austin’s population are 55 years or over (185,570)1; and WHEREAS, most Americans want to age in their homes. In fact, in a survey from 2024, 75 percent of U.S. adults aged over 50 years said they would like to reside in their current residence for as long as possible2; and WHEREAS, in home care for older adults is an effective upstream solution for older adults, often preventing them from being unhoused. WHEREAS, in home care is typically less expensive than assisted living if the older adult needs 40 hours or less of paid home care each week3; and WHEREAS, nationwide over 3 million people received home health care in 20204; and WHEREAS, Austinites can expect to pay an average of $4,576 per month for home health care5; and WHEREAS, compared to the other three major Texas cities, the cost of home health care in Austin is higher6; and WHEREAS, Medicaid reimbursement for in home health care in Austin is $10.60 per hour, which is not a living wage; and WHEREAS, starting salary at McDonald’s in Austin is $11.00 per hour7; and 1 Austin Demographic Data Hub | Open Data | City of Austin Texas 2 Home care in the U.S. - Statistics & Facts | Statista 3 In-Home Care vs. Assisted Living Costs | Seniors Guide 4 FastStats - Home Health Care 5 Cost of Long Term Care by State | Cost of Care Report | Carescout 6 Home Care in Austin, TX | HomeCare.org NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Commission on Aging encourages the Austin City Council to fund and explore all available means to provide reimbursement for in home care for older adults in Austin, including but not limited to adding applicable coverage provisions on in home care to City employee assistance programs or insurance plans. Date of Approval: _____________________________ Record of the vote: (Unanimous on a 7-0 vote, 4-3 vote with names of those voting no listed) Attest: _____________________________________________ (Staff or board member can sign) 7 McDonald's salaries in Austin, TX: How much does McDonald's pay? | Indeed.com
BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Commission on Aging Recommendation Number: 20240312-13: Home Delivered Meals for Older Adults WHEREAS, in fiscal year 2023/2024 the City of Austin removed funding for home delivered meals from the Safety Net Funding; and WHEREAS, prior to that, the City of Austin had consistently funded home delivered meals for older adults and people with disabilities since the 1970’s; and WHEREAS, Austin’s older adult population represents 10.8% of the total population1 and the median age of Austin’s older adults is 72.7 years2; and WHEREAS, greater than 30% of Austin’s older adult population include groups that are historically underserved: • Asian older adults represent 7.4% of 105,467 Austin’s older adults, • Black older adults represent 8.6% of 105,467 Austin’s older adults, • Hispanic older adults represent 20.5% of 105,467 Austin’s older adults, • Non-Hispanic or White older adults represent 60.8% of 105,467 Austin’s older adults3; and WHEREAS, of Austin’s older adults, 27.6% are individuals living with a disability and 9.5% are living below poverty.4 WHEREAS, despite Austin’s increase in the older adult population, increasing at a growth rate of 64.7% between 2010 and 2020 (from 55,695 in 2010, or 7.0% of population to 91,733 in 2020, or 9.5% of the population)5 City funding of older adult programs is less than of other cities of comparable size; and 1 U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey 2022 1-year estimates and 2020 decennial census. 2 Ibid. 3 Ibid. 4 U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey 2022 1-year estimates 5 https://demographics-austin.hub.arcgis.com/apps/a4e31fc68d37449b8e3c044e249699bc/explore WHEREAS, people who are unable to prepare their own meals or are enduring economic hardships, home delivered meals are an upstream solution, helping them to stay in their homes, living with dignity and independence. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Commission on Aging encourages the Austin City Council to fund home delivered meals in the amount of $700,000. Date of Approval: _____________________________ Record of the vote: Attest: _____________________________________________ (Staff or board member can sign)
BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Commission on Aging Recommendation Number: (20250312-14): Native American & Indigenous Community Commission WHEREAS, out of the sixty-seven City of Austin Boards and Commissions, none are focused on representing the needs of Native Americans and Indigenous communities1; and WHEREAS, all the City of Austin land was originally populated by local tribes, particularly the Coahuiltecan peoples and later the Chickasaw, Cherokee, Comanche, Delaware, Lipan Apache and Tonkawa with the acknowledgement that many tribes, known and unknown have resided and migrated on these lands and region over time; and WHEREAS, the local group, Great Promise for Native Americans has identified local members of the Native American & Indigenous Community interested in serving on such a commission; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Commission on Aging encourages the Austin City Council to create a Native American & Indigenous Community Commission, comprised of eleven members for the purpose of advising and consulting with City Council on all matters that impact the Native American and Indigenous community, including preserving culture, economic development, education, and health & wellness. The commission shall evaluate and recommend programs, policies, and practices that create a positive impact; determine the needs of Native Americans and the Indigenous community in Austin and advise Council regarding these needs; and promote the contributions of Native Americans and the Indigenous community to the cultural, economic, and historical value of Austin. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Commission on Aging requests the Austin City Council to direct that commissioners are representatives from any of these groups, as well as federally and state recognized tribal members: • Great Promise for American Indians, • Central Texas Cherokee Township, • Chickasaw Community Council of Central Texas, • Native American HEART, and • Native American and Indigenous Collective. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Commission on Aging requests that the Austin City Council allows the commission to review its membership and community participation after the first 1 Boards and Commissions | AustinTexas.gov two years of operation and determine if additional representation from the Native American and Indigenous community groups is required. Date of Approval: _____________________________ Record of the vote: (Unanimous on a 7-0 vote, 4-3 vote with names of those voting no listed) Attest: _____________________________________________ (Staff or board member can sign)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 BYLAWS OF THE COMMISSION ON AGING ARTICLE 1. NAME. The name of the board is COMMISSION ON AGING ARTICLE 2. PURPOSE AND DUTIES. The purpose of the board is to serve as an advisory board to the council concerning the quality of life for older adults in the Austin area and to help ensure they are productive, independent, and healthy. ARTICLE 3. MEMBERSHIP. (A) The board is composed of fifteen members. Two members are nominated by the Mayor and each council member nominates one member. One member is appointed by Travis County Commissioners Court. One member is appointed by the Area Agency on Aging of the Capital Area. One member is appointed by Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority. (B) The commission should include members who are representatives of or sensitive to the needs of the older adult population. Members should have substantive knowledge on issues concerning older adults including but not limited to health, affordable housing, basic needs, transportation, social engagement and inclusion, and caregiver support. The commission should be inclusive and represent a diversity of ethnicity, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, socioeconomic status, and national origin; and include older adults who are representatives of the Austin community. (C) A member serves at the pleasure of the appointing body. (D) City appointed board members serve for a term of four years beginning March 1st on the year of appointment. County-appointed board members serve for a term of two years beginning in February of the year of appointment. The tenure of a board member nominated by a council member runs concurrently with the tenure of the city council member who nominated the member. (E) An individual board member may not act in an official capacity except through the action of the board. (F) A board member who is absent for three consecutive regular meetings or one-third of all regular meetings in a “rolling” twelve-month timeframe automatically vacates the member’s position subject to the holdover provisions in Section 2-1-27 of the City Code. This does not apply to an absence due to illness or injury of the board member, an illness or injury of …
Presented by: Nirali Thakkar, Cortez Consulting Austin Older Adult Quality of Life Study Today’s Agenda Previous Engagement O ur Task and Approach Focus Group Engagement Update ◼ ◼ ◼ Previous Engagement Age-Friendly Austin Survey highlights from the preliminary results in the March 2024 Commission on Aging meeting: 1. The survey received 409 responses total. 2. A majority of respondents identified as white (76.8%). 3. Respondents predominantly resided in Districts 5, 9, and 10. 4. The zip codes with the highest number of responses were 78745, 78759, 78723, 78749, and 78704. Kaleel, H. (2024, March 13). March Commission on Aging Meeting. Austin, TX.https://www.austintexas.gov/cityclerk/boards_commissions/meetings/120_1.htm The Task at Hand: Building Partnerships: Results of Outreach: ● The scope of work in this project asked for this QOL study to prioritize several older adults who had not yet been meaningfully engaged: ○ LGBTQ+ Older ○ BIPOC Older Adults ○ Low Income Older ○ Older Adults living Adults Adults Alone ● Rely on networks to facilitate introductions ● Provide transparency to the partnership ● Provide compensation to partners ● Create a mutually beneficial process (offer activities such as bingo, yoga, etc). ● Utilize the existing systems within an organization to spread the word ● Build trust and buy-in by visiting programming sites in January ● 22 community partners, 10 that supported the focus groups. ○ Foundation Communities (3 properties) ○ Family Eldercare (2 ○ Meals on Wheels (2 programs) programs) ○ Jewish Community Center ○ SAIVA + AVSA ○ Caregiving Cafe Focus Group Engagement Update 01 02 03 Change in Zip Codes Change in Demographics Unique Perspectives ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 78701 (Capitol Studios at 309 E 11th Street) 78741(Arbor Terrace, at 2501 S I-35 Frontage Road) 78752 (Spring Terrace at 7101 N I-35 Frontage Road) Increased inclusion of BIPOC communities Increased inclusion of low-income older adults Increased inclusion of LGBTQ+ older adults Individuals participated in Vietnamese, Spanish, and ASL Individuals who experienced difficulty seeing, walking (due to physical impairments), and remembering participated. Individuals who lived alone participated, offering the perspective of social isolation and its impacts.
Older Americans Month 2025 Proposed Mayor’s Proclamation Be it known that WHEREAS, Older Americans Month is observed nationally as a time to recognize the contributions of Older Americans, highlight aging trends, and reaffirm our commitment to serving older adults; and WHEREAS, the 2025 theme for Older Americans Month, "Flip the Script on Aging," focuses on transforming how society perceives, talks about, and approaches aging; and WHEREAS, Austin's growing population of older adults enriches our community with their strength, wisdom, and diverse life experiences, and the City of Austin is committed to honoring their contributions, exploring opportunities for them to stay active and engaged, and highlighting the opportunities for purpose, exploration, and connection that come with aging; and WHEREAS, the City of Austin’s Age-Friendly Austin Program and the Commission on Aging, in alignment with the 2025 Older Americans Month theme, are dedicated to empowering aging and educating and encouraging older adults to prepare and plan for the future while actively participating in the present; and Now, therefore, I, Kirk Watson, Mayor of the City of Austin, Texas do hereby proclaim The Month of May 2025 as Older Americans Month in Austin.
BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Commission on Aging Recommendation Number: 20240312-009: Translation and Interpretation Services for Boards and Commissions WHEREAS, Imagine Austin is a 30-year plan that maps out a vision of Austin as a beacon of sustainability, social equity, and economic opportunity; where diversity and creativity are celebrated; where community needs and values are recognized; where leadership comes from its citizens; and where the necessities of life are affordable and accessible to all1; and WHEREAS, a City of Austin report identified that many non-English-speaking residents abstain from engaging in the community due to language barriers and the associated challenges with communicating2; and WHEREAS, a recent audit found the city is not adequately meeting the goals of the policy, established in 2014 to provide translation and interpretation services, intended to give people equitable access to programs and information, leaving people to try to navigate these systems alone3; and WHEREAS, according to City data at iSpeak Austin, 31% of Austinites speak a language other than English at home and 11.4% of Austinites speak English “less than very well”4; and WHEREAS, a recent experience by the Commission on Immigrant Affairs, while working to get live interpretation for a commissioner, highlighted concerns about the current funding practice(s) of language accessibility for Boards and Commissions to get these services in a timely fashion, as well as the support process for Commissioners with Limited English Proficiency who require live interpretation services during the application process, onboarding, training, and meetings; and WHEREAS, both the work of the Commission on Immigrant Affairs and the Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission were both recently impacted, attempting to obtain these services for active commissioners. Even after services were initially provided, there were inconsistencies in the provision of these services; and WHEREAS, although the City of Austin’s language access program complies with Executive Order 13166 and other relevant regulations, City staff informed the Commission on Immigrant Affairs Chair that the 1 City Embarks on Community-Wide Effort to Update Imagine Austin | AustinTexas.gov 2 https://services.austintexas.gov/edims/pio/document.cfm?id=367457 3 Austin is not doing enough to communicate with non-English speakers, audit finds | KUT Radio, Austin's NPR Station 4 iSpeak Austin | AustinTexas.gov 5 https://www.austintexas.gov/page/language-access-policy Administrative Bulletin on Language Access does not apply to Boards and Commissions, which appears to be inconsistent under "Applicability,” • "This administrative bulletin shall apply to all City of Austin departments, contractors, affiliates, and volunteers providing direct services, indirect services, and information …