Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes

(COMMISSION ON IMMIGRANT AFFAIRS) MEETING MINUTES (16, September, 2024) COMMISSION ON IMMIGRANT AFFAIRS SPECIAL CALLED MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 16, 2024 AT 6:30PM AUSTIN, TEXAS The COMMISSION ON IMMIGRANT AFFAIRS convened in a SPECIAL CALLED meeting on 16, September, 2024 at 301 W. 2ND ST. in Austin, Texas. Chair Melissa Ortega called the COMMISSION ON IMMIGRANT AFFAIRS Meeting to order at 6:53 p.m. Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance: Chair Melissa Ortega, Miriam Dorantes Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Vice Chair Victor Martinez, Aditi Joshi, Shweta Padmanabha, Adrian De La Rosa, Jeanne Canan Kaba Board Members/Commissioners not in Attendance: Luis Osta Lugo, Kevin Countie PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the COMMISSION ON IMMIGRANT AFFAIRS REGULAR MEETING on 2/5/2024. The minutes from the meeting of (2/5/2024) were approved on ADITI JOSHI’S motion, SHWETA PADMANABHAM’S second on a (7-0) vote. COMMISSIONERS LUIS OSTA LUGO, KEVIN COUNTIE absent DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Introduction and welcome of new Commissioners. The Chair, Commissioner Ortega, welcomed the new Commissioners: Shweta Padmanabha, Jeanne Canan Kaba, Miriam Dorantes and asked them to introduce themselves. 1 (COMMISSION ON IMMIGRANT AFFAIRS) MEETING MINUTES (16, September, 2024) DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION 3. Conduct officer elections for Chair and Vice Chair The motion to approve Commissioner Melissa Ortega for Chair was approved on ADITI JOSHI’S motion, SHWETA PADMANABHAM’S second on a (7-0) vote. COMMISSIONERS LUIS OSTA LUGO, KEVIN COUNTIE absent The motion to approve Commissioner Miriam Dorantes for Vice Chair was approved on Miriam Dorantes’s motion, Adrian De La Rosa’s second on a (7-0) vote. COMMISSIONERS LUIS OSTA LUGO, KEVIN COUNTIE absent DISCUSSION AND ACTION membership. 5. Review and discuss the scope of the Quality-of-Life Study working group and update Current members of QOL Study workgroup are: Commissioners Aditi Joshi, Melissa Ortega, Victor Martinez and Adrian De La Rosa, All in favor for Commissioner Miriam Dorantes to join. Commissioner Ortega speaks on why it’s important to continue discussing why the CoIA should review all the budget recommendations. Victor Martinez voiced that he feels it’s not important to review the recommendations because he feels it’s a better use of time to work on future budget recommendations, since the budget has already been passed. Adrian also feels that this is a good opportunity to dig into the work more. Rocio Villalobos feels it can be a useful exercise of thinking about the Commission and what they want to consider to follow what the intersections are with the immigrant community and that there is value in having this conversation. Miriam Dorantes and Aditi Joshi also feel it is important to move forward and review all recommendations because the Commission’s job is to do the work for the immigrant community. Will move the budget recommendations to future agenda items for next month. Including adding the FY 25-26 budget. 6. Review and discuss the scope of Budget working group and update membership. Current members of the Budget workgroup are: Commissioner Melissa Ortega. Aditi Joshi, Miriam Dorantes are joining with no objections. 2 (COMMISSION ON IMMIGRANT AFFAIRS) MEETING MINUTES (16, September, 2024) Immigrant Affairs. 7. Discussion and approval of recommendation on budget reporting for Commission on Budget reporting recommendation was read out loud by Gunjen Mittal, Staff Liaison. The motion to approve the recommendation (Budget Reporting) was approved on Victor Martinez’s motion, Aditi Joshi’s second on a (7-0) vote. COMMISSIONERS LUIS OSTA LUGO, KEVIN COUNTIE absent 8. Discussion and approval of recommendation on FY 24-25 Equity Office Funding Recommendation. Withdrawn. COMMISSIONERS LUIS OSTA LUGO, KEVIN COUNTIE absent 9. Discussion and approval of recommendation on FY 24-25 Expansion of Emergency Housing and Rental Assistance Program Funding Recommendation. Withdrawn. COMMISSIONERS LUIS OSTA LUGO, KEVIN COUNTIE absent 10. Discussion and approval of recommendation on FY 24-25 Collective Sex Crimes Response Model Actions Funding Recommendation. Withdrawn. COMMISSIONERS LUIS OSTA LUGO, KEVIN COUNTIE absent 11. Discussion and approval of recommendation on FY 24-25 Early Childhood Investments Funding Recommendation. Withdrawn. COMMISSIONERS LUIS OSTA LUGO, KEVIN COUNTIE absent 12. Discussion and approval of recommendation on FY 24-25 Budget for LGBTQIA+ Affirming Mental Healthcare. Withdrawn. COMMISSIONERS LUIS OSTA LUGO, KEVIN COUNTIE absent 13. Discussion and approval of recommendation on budget for Quality of Life Study. Withdrawn. COMMISSIONERS LUIS OSTA LUGO, KEVIN COUNTIE absent 14. Discussion and approval of recommendation on Austin Public Health Immigrant Legal Services. Withdrawn. COMMISSIONERS LUIS OSTA LUGO, KEVIN COUNTIE absent 4. Discussion and approval of the nomination of a Commission on Immigrant Affairs member to the Joint Inclusion Committee. (Moving this item to after item #14) 3 (16, September, 2024) (COMMISSION ON IMMIGRANT AFFAIRS) MEETING MINUTES The motion to approve Commissioner Miriam Dorantes for Alternative Representative was approved on Victor Martinez’s motion, on a 7-0 vote. COMMISSIONERS LUIS OSTA LUGO, KEVIN COUNTIE absent FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Chair Ortega adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m. without objection. These minutes were approved at the regular meeting of October 7, 2024 with the following amendments on COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ’s motion, CHAIR ORTEGA second on a 7-0 vote. The amendments were: (page 3, lines 8 - 14, changed “discussed and no action taken” to “withdrawn”.) 4 (COMMISSION ON IMMIGRANT AFFAIRS) MEETING MINUTES (16, September, 2024) The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the COMMISSION ON IMMIGRANT AFFAIRS, please contact Gunjen Mittal at 5