Codes and Ordinances Joint CommitteeFeb. 19, 2025

Item2_C20-2024-024AreaPlanProcessAmendment_StaffReport — original pdf

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C20-2024-024 ORDINANCE AMENDMENT REVIEW SHEET Amendment: C20-2024-024 Area Plan Process Amendment Description: Amend City Code Title 25 (Land Development) to specify an amendment process for area plans, including station area vision plans, when the process is not already defined in another section of City code. Proposed Language: Consider an ordinance amending Land Development Code Chapter 25-1 to provide for an amendment process for geographically focused land use plans, such as Station Area Plans. Summary of proposed code amendment Amend Chapter 25-1 of the Land Development Code to add a new section that: • Specifies amendment process for geographically focused land use plans that do not • Provides cross-references to existing plan amendment processes. (Existing processes already have a process defined. would not be amended). The proposed process is generally based on the existing provisions of Chapter 25-1, Article 16 Neighborhood Plan Amendments. See Attachment A for a more detailed summary of the proposal. Background: Initiated by City Council Resolution No. 20230309-016. Over the years, the City has adopted multiple geographically focused land use plans, including Neighborhood Plans and other specialized land use plans such as the East Riverside Corridor Master Plan. Because these plans provide parcel-specific land use guidance, there has been a need to process parcel-specific amendments, including amendment requests from individual property owners as conditions change. In 2008, the City Council adopted an ordinance that created an amendment process for Neighborhood Plans, which is codified in Land Development Code Chapter 25-1, Article 16. As additional types of plans have been created, amendment processes have been codified elsewhere in the Land Development Code, including in Chapter 25-2. On December 12, 2022, City Council approved Resolution No. 20221208-036, which initiated planning for the North Lamar and South Congress Transit Center station areas. On March 9, 2023, City Council approved Resolution No. 20230309-016 accepting the ETOD Policy Plan framework and initiating code amendments necessary to support implementation of the ETOD Policy Plan. 1 As directed by Council, staff has been working to develop ETOD station area vision plans for the North Lamar and South Congress Transit Center station areas and will be bringing proposed plans forward for adoption consideration by April 24, 2025. These proposed plans will include parcel-specific character district-based future land use maps. The proposed code amendment would specify an amendment process for geographically focused land use plans that do not already have a process defined, including station area vision plans, to: C20-2024-024  Prepare for continued transition to new plan types,  Clarify amendment process and criteria,  Provide a path for property owners to initiate changes,  Ensure adequate public notice, and  Ensure consistent processes. Proposed Text Amendment(s): Available prior to the Planning Commission public hearing. Staff Recommendation: Recommended Staff supports the proposed amendments, which aim to clarify the process for amending City Council-adopted geographically focused land use plans, and to specify the notification and community engagement requirements in the plan amendment process. Board and Commission Actions February 19, 2025: March 25, 2025: Council Action April 24, 2025: Sponsoring Department: City Staff: Stevie Greathouse Phone: (512) 974-7226 Email: To be reviewed by the Codes and Ordinances Joint Committee. To be reviewed by the Planning Commission. (Tentative) To be considered by City Council. (Tentative) Planning Department 2