Item2_CitizenSpeaker1 — original pdf
Austin Sprawl in the Country Carol Pennington Hays Residents for Land and Water Protection Impervious Cover in the Country The Hays ETJ was created in 1979 to avoid the sprawl of Austin Hays County has no impervious cover limits because they have minimum lot size of 3/4 acre over the recharge zone 500 acres currently has 0% impervious cover In my neighborhood, the largest lot is 159 acres with many lots 1 acre or larger All less than 10% impervious cover, many less than 5% All on well water from the Edwards and Trinity Aquifers All on OSSFs with no pollution to the aquifer Future Sprawl After Hays Commons What is to prevent more removal from the ETJ for high density subdivisions The Parkland is Not Developable 1. Wetland 2. Stock pond 3. Stock pond 4. Stock pond 5. Parking lot 6. Total four acres 7. Environmental features 1 2,3 1 2 3 7 4 56 4 5,6 7