Codes and Ordinances Joint CommitteeOct. 16, 2024

Item4_C20-2024-002_NBGRegPlanSignage_Redline — original pdf

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Working Dra� 10/03/2024 4.8 SIGN REGULATIONS 4.8.1 Applicability Standard Sec�on 4.8.2 Sign Regula�ons Sec�on 4.8.3 Op�onal Sign Regula�ons Applies if the NBG Subdistrict is: Applies if the Adjacent Street is: TOD CMU NMU NR WMU CI CTC PPC UR HWY • • • • • • • • -- • -- • • • • • • • -- • Applies to the Following All development All development All development in the NBG Planning Area may request to "opt-in" to the Sign Regula�ons in Sec�on 4.8.3 upon submital of a Site Development Permit applica�on. If no opt-in request is received as part of the submital of a Site Development Permit applica�on, the Sign Regula�ons in Sec�on 4.8.2 apply. 4.8.2 Sign Regula�ons this sec�on: A. All development in the NBG Planning Area shall comply with the Sign Regula�ons in i. A sign may not exceed 150 square feet of sign area, except that this limita�on does not apply along the following roadways within the sta�on area: (1) Burnet Road; (2) Metric Boulevard; (3) Braker Lane; (4) Capital of Texas Hwy; (5) Stonelake Boulevard; (6) Research Boulevard (183); and (7) MoPac. ii. A freestanding sign is prohibited. iii. A roof sign is prohibited. images. v. all signs are permited iv. Signs above the 2nd floor are allowed to be lighted but not with moving parts or B. A wall sign may be a projec�ng sign if the sign complies with this subsec�on. i. One projec�ng sign for each building facade is permited. ii. The sign area of a projec�ng sign may not exceed 35 square feet. iii. A sign may extend from the building facade not more than the lesser of: 1. Six feet; or a distance equal to two-thirds the width of the abu�ng sidewalk. iv. For a sign that projects over state right-of-way, the state must approve the sign. C. For all development located on a NBG Core Transit Corridor, one freestanding monument sign is permited on a lot. The height of this sign shall not exceed 6 feet and the sign area may not exceed 100 square feet. 1 Working Dra� 10/03/2024 4.8.3 Op�onal Sign Regula�ons A. Defini�ons: 1. FAÇADE-MOUNTED WALL SIGN means a sign atached to the exterior of a building and intended to iden�fy major business en��es at a distance and orient motorists and pedestrians to the business en�ty’s loca�on within a building. 2. FREESTANDING WALL SIGN means a sign not atached to a building, but permanently atached to the wall of a landscape or public art structure extending from the ground and permanently atached to the ground. 3. FREESTANDING MONUMENT SIGN means a sign not atached to a building, but permanently supported by a structure extending from the ground and permanently atached to the ground. 4. IN LINE SIGN means a sign that mounts parallel to a tenant storefront, either directly to the face of the building or to the leading edge of a canopy. 5. PEDESTRIAN WAYFINDING SIGN means a sign structure that orients and directs pedestrians by displaying any or all of the following components: orienta�on map; lis�ng of major des�na�ons and ameni�es accompanied by direc�onal arrows, and travel informa�on in terms of walking �me and/or distances. 6. PRIMARY GATEWAY SIGN means a sign on lots abu�ng the following roadways/rail corridors within the Planning Area (“Primary Gateways”): (i) Burnet Road; (ii) Metric Boulevard; (iii) Braker Lane; (iv) Capital of Texas Highway; (v) Stonelake Boulevard; (vi) Research Boulevard (US183); (vii) MoPac; and (viii) Capital Metro Red Line. This sign type is intended to iden�fy the overall district at key thresholds. 7. PROJECTING SIGN means a Façade Mounted Wall Sign that projects from the building façade more than 1 foot. 8. ROOFTOP SIGN means a sign installed over or on the roof of a building. 9. SURFACE AREA square footage is calculated by determining the area created by a single rectangle (or square or ellipse) that contains all elements of the logo or leterforms. 10. TENANT FAÇADE-MOUNTED SIGN means a sign u�lized for tenant iden�fica�on mounted on a building façade on the ground floor. 11. TENANT FREESTANDING MONUMENT SIGN means a sign u�lized for tenant iden�fica�on not atached to a building but permanently supported by a structure extending from the ground and permanently atached to the ground. 12. TENANT IDENTIFICATION SIGN means a sign u�lized for building and tenant iden�fica�on in two forms: freestanding and façade-mounted leterforms or logoforms. 2 Working Dra� 10/03/2024 13. TENANT PARKING SIGN means a sign iden�fying where permited parking entrances are located. 14. VEHICULAR WAYFINDING SIGN means a sign that is its own structure and directs motorists to transit sta�ons, parking, and ameni�es. Messaging on the sign is not restricted to des�na�ons found on parcel where sign is located, (i.e., the direc�onal will orient motorists to des�na�ons beyond the parcel on which the sign is located). 15. WAYFINDING SIGN means a direc�onal sign for motorists and orienta�on signage for pedestrians, all of which should support safety, accessibility, and a coherent sense of place. B. Primary Gateway Signs: This sec�on is applicable only in a Primary Gateway area. 1. Freestanding Wall Signs: a. Freestanding wall signs shall be mounted to landscape or public art structures. b. Surface area shall be a minimum of 10 square feet to allow for 2-foot- tall leters. c. Maximum character height: 2 feet. d. Maximum surface area: 150 square feet. 2. Freestanding Monument Signs: a. Number of Signs per Lot: One (1), or one (1) for a lot (including UDA or con�guous lots for same purpose) with a total street frontage greater than 400 �. b. Maximum height: The greater of 35 � above frontage street pavement or 20 � above the grade at sign base. c. Maximum surface area: For lots with less than 86 � of frontage, 60 square feet. For lots with greater than 86 � of frontage, the lesser of (0.7)*(frontage length) or 300 square feet. d. Materials: Sign shall be constructed with durable base of stone or metal. Stone base shall match architectural and/or landscape palete for parcel. Metal shall be painted with automo�ve grade paint. Text on sign shall be routed and pushed-through acrylic with white acrylic diffuser. Text is limited to the name of the overall Building, typeset 3 Working Dra� 10/03/2024 name of major Tenant, with no more than five tenants to be displayed. Only the registered trade of the name of the Tenant(s) is permited. Taglines are not permited. e. Illumina�on: Internal illumina�on for this sign type is permited as white source with remote kill switch and programmable remote dimmer. Ligh�ng output, in terms of lumens, shall be reviewed and approved on a case-by-case by Director, with color temperature of no less than 3200K. Light source shall be LED. Neon, incandescent, or fluorescent fixtures are not permited. No digital displays conveying text or graphics are permited for this sign type. 3. Rooftop Signs: a. Roo�op signs are permited subject to the following size restric�ons: Leter Height (FT) 3 – 4 4 – 5 6 – 8 Max Length (FT) 26 32.5 40 Max Surface Area (SF) 105 160 256 4 Working Dra� 10/03/2024 C. Wayfinding Signs: This sec�on is applicable throughout the NBG Planning Area, subject to b. No more than one (1) sign is allowed for each building or curb cut. c. Maximum height: 10 feet. d. Maximum surface area: 50 square feet. e. Illumina�on: internal, self-contained, or in-grade. the following condi�ons: 1. Vehicular Wayfinding Signs: a. Conven�ons and constraints for height, surface area, and configura�on should be considered on a case-by-case basis depending on the exis�ng or planned context, accessibility, exis�ng or an�cipated volume of foot traffic, landscape/hardscape design, and other environmental factors. 2. Pedestrian Wayfinding Signs: a. Conven�ons and constraints for height, surface area, and configura�on should be considered on a case-by-case basis depending on the exis�ng or planned context, accessibility, exis�ng or an�cipated volume of foot traffic, landscape/hardscape design, and other environmental factors. b. No more than one (1) sign is allowed for each building or curb cut unless approved by Director. c. Maximum height: 12 feet. d. Maximum surface area: 32 square feet. e. Illumina�on: internal or self-contained. subject to the following condi�ons: 1. Façade-Mounted Wall Signs: D. Façade-Mounted Wall Signs: This sec�on is applicable throughout the NBG Planning Area, a. Buildings must be at least 60 feet in height. b. Quan�ty: 1 per each building on either building's corner or long eleva�on. Maximum sign length not to exceed 15% of eleva�on length. i. Sign to be located star�ng 5'-0" from either building's corner AND no greater than 3'-0" down from top of parapet. 5 Working Dra� 10/03/2024 i. ii. i. ii. iii. i. ii. c. Surface Area: Size varies per building height range below: Buildings from 90'-250' in height: the overall leter height of logo is to be a maximum of 5'-0" (inclusive of ascendors and descendors). Buildings from 250'-350': the overall leter height of logo is to be maximum of 8'-0" (inclusive of ascendors and descendors). d. Sign Characters: Signage should not block any windows or vision glass. Signage shall be restricted to the most compact version of the Building’s or Tenant’s logo or typeset name and comprise no more than two lines of text or characters. Logo or text shall be limited to the name of the overall Building or major Tenant. Tag lines are not permited, and only the registered trade name of the Tenant is permited. e. Illumina�on: No digital signs or signs with moving parts or images are permited. All signs above the 2nd floor must face-lit internally illuminated with white acrylic lens. All signs to be placed on a dimmer and lumens will be reviewed on a case-by- case basis. Color temperature: 3200K. Painted aluminum leter returns with white acrylic faces. iii. iv. v. No exposed raceways are permited. vi. Sign structure to be incorporated into architectural elements of facade material. Internally illuminated channel leterforms with trim caps Internally illuminated cabinet with acrylic face and color vinyl graphic Posi�on of sign on façade should priori�ze alignment with architectural elements such as surface changes, cornices, mullions, and windows Parapet loca�on Spandrel loca�on Line of mature tree canopy 6 Working Dra� 10/03/2024 2. Façade-Mounted Projecting Wall Sign a. One projec�ng sign for each building façade. b. Signage should not occupy more than 50% of the area in which the sign may be located on a single building face or 800 square feet for any single sign. c. A projec�ng building sign may extend from the building façade not more than the lesser of either six (6) feet or a distance equal to two-thirds the width of the abu�ng sidewalk. d. For a sign that projects over State right-of-way, the State must approve the sign. E. Tenant Iden�fica�on Signs: This sec�on is applicable throughout the NBG Planning Area, subject to the following condi�ons: 1. Tenant Freestanding Monument Signs: a. Number of Signs per Lot: One (1), or one (1) for a lot (including UDA or con�guous lots for same purpose) with a total street frontage greater than 400 �. Two (2) for lots fron�ng on two (2) streets, with one (1) sign on each street. b. Maximum height: 10 feet. c. Maximum surface area: May not exceed the lesser of (a) 0.5 square feet for each linear foot of street frontage; or (b) 200 square feet. d. Illumina�on: Illumina�on: Internal light source with programmable remote dimmer e. Monument signs may iden�fy the building name, address, and key tenants and remote kill switch. [maximum of three (3)]. 2. Tenant Façade-Mounted Signs: a. Retail signs should be appropriately scaled from the primary viewing audience. As examples, pedestrian-oriented retail store frontages require smaller signage than frontages toward fast-moving automobile-oriented traffic. 7 Working Dra� 10/03/2024 b. For projects that have mul�ple storefront tenants of similar size, generally all signage should be of the same type and the same rela�ve size and source of illumina�on. c. To the extent possible, retail signage should also integrate with the architectural design of the building in which the tenants are located. d. One (1) sign with maximum area of 1.5 square feet/linear foot of store frontage and a maximum average leter height of 24” is allowed. For retail tenants who occupy a corner space with two frontages, a maximum of two (2) signs are allowed – one per frontage. e. Fabrica�on op�ons for this type of signage include: i. Internally Illuminated Channel Leters: shall have opaque metal returns with white translucent acrylic faces. Leterforms may not exceed 18” in height and a return thickness of 4”, maximum. ii. Halo-Illuminated Channel Leters (also known as Silhouete Leters): shall be fabricated metal with automo�ve-quality painted finish, and backlit. Leters may only be used against a solid surface material such as brick, �le, metal panel, etc. Leterforms may not exceed 18” in height and must have a return depth of 4”, maximum. iii. Mixed Media may comprise a combina�on of Internally-Illuminated Channel Leters and Halo-Illuminated Channel Leters with non-illuminated leter or graphic forms, the later of which are decora�ve in nature and will not compromise the legibility of the tenant name, which is illuminated. Internally-Illuminated Sign Cabinet shall consist of an opaque metal sign face with routed logo or leters and push-through acrylic characters. Cabinet shall be recessed into the wall and backlit. Acrylic logos or leters must project from sign face no less 1/2” and no more than 1-1/2”. Externally-Illuminated Signs, which conven�onally make use of external down-lights (such as gooseneck fixtures), may be used subject to Director approval. iv. v. f. Exposed raceways are not permited. g. All sign light sources shall have programmable remote dimmer and remote kill switches. h. Projec�ng (flag- or blade-type) signs, which are mounted perpendicular to the facade, are permissible. Overall surface area of sign shall not exceed 6 square feet. Moun�ng height and loca�on shall conform with TAS requirements and not conflict with building canopy, where applicable projec�ng signs shall be mounted perpendicular to the storefront. 8 Working Dra� 10/03/2024 3. Tenant Freestanding Parking Signs: a. Number of Signs per Lot: One (1), or one (1) for a lot (including UDA or con�guous lots for same purpose) with a total street frontage greater than 400 �. Two (2) for lots fron�ng on two (2) streets, with one (1) sign on each street. b. Maximum height: 10 feet. c. Maximum surface area: May not exceed the lesser of (a) 0.5 square feet for each linear foot of street frontage; or (b) 200 square feet. d. Illumina�on: internal or self- contained. 9 F. Sign Setback Requirements: Signs installed pursuant to this Sec�on must comply with the Sign Setback Requirements listed in §25-10-191 of the Land Development Code.