Codes and Ordinances Joint CommitteeOct. 16, 2024

Item5_C20-2024-021_SafetyBollards_DraftAmendments — original pdf

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CODE AMENDMENTS REGARDING INSTALLATION OF BOLLARDS AT MEDICAL FACILITIES WORKING DRAFT SUBJECT TO CHANGE City Code Section 25-6-1 (Definitions) is amended to read: In this chapter [article]: (1) BILLIARD PARLOR is an establishment that devotes over 50 percent of its gross floor area to tables and playing area intended for billiards, pool, snooker, or similar games. (2) BOWLING ALLEY is an establishment that devotes over 50 percent of its gross floor area to bowling lanes, equipment, and playing area. (3) DRIVE-THROUGH LUBRICATION SERVICE is an establishment primarily engaged in the provision of lubricants, including oil change facilities, to motor vehicles by means of drive-through service bays. The term excludes service stations primarily engaged in the dispensing of motor fuel. (4) FURNITURE OR CARPET STORE is an establishment engaged in the sale or service of home or office furnishings or carpeting. The term excludes furniture or carpet departments of general retail stores, furniture rental establishments, and establishments engaged primarily in the sale or service of specialty household furnishings including lighting fixtures, mirrors, antiques, appliances, or household electronic equipment. (5) GROSS LEASABLE AREA is the total floor area designed for tenant occupancy in a shopping center or regional shopping mall, including areas used for storage and areas within mall walkways that are used for sales. The area of tenant occupancy is measured from the center lines of joint partitions to the outside of the tenant walls. (6) LIVE THEATER is a building or structure, the primary purpose of which is the commercial presentation of plays or other dramatic performances to an audience. (7) MEDICAL FACILITY means a building or structure where the primary purpose is for: (a) hospital services (general); (b) hospital services (limited); or CODE AMENDMENTS REGARDING INSTALLATION OF BOLLARDS AT MEDICAL FACILITIES WORKING DRAFT SUBJECT TO CHANGE (c) medical offices, if the building or structure is a walk-in clinic being used for the consultation, diagnosis, therapeutic, preventative, or medical care for minor illnesses and injuries. (8[7]) MOTION PICTURE THEATER is a building or structure, the primary purpose of which is the commercial presentation of motion pictures to an audience. (9) PEDESTRAIN ENTRANCE means a functional entrance or door that is publicly accessible and designed for pedestrian use. (10[8]) REGIONAL SHOPPING MALL means a single building containing over 600,000 square feet of gross leasable area and enclosing two or more stores with main entrances from a covered common pedestrian area. Typical uses include general retail sales (general), general retail sales (convenience), food sales, personal services, and restaurants. (11[9]) SHOPPING CENTER is a group of architecturally unified commercial establishments built on a site that is planned, developed, owned, and managed as an operating unit. Typical uses in a shopping center include general retail sales (general), general retail sales (convenience), food sales, personal services, and restaurants. (12[10]) SITE IMPROVEMENT means an improvement or facility for the primary use, operation, safety, or other benefit of a development for which the developer or property owner is solely responsible under applicable development regulations. (13[11]) SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT means an improvement or facility that is not a site improvement. (14[12]) TRANSPORTATION PLAN means the Austin Metropolitan Area Transportation Plan, or its successor plan, and other multi-modal transportation plans referenced in the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, including the CAMPO Mobility Plan, Sidewalk Master Plan, Bicycle Plan, Urban Trails Plan, and adopted corridor plans. (15[13]) TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM means an individual component of the overall transportation network designed for the movement of people and CODE AMENDMENTS REGARDING INSTALLATION OF BOLLARDS AT MEDICAL FACILITIES WORKING DRAFT SUBJECT TO CHANGE goods, including arterials and collector streets, sidewalks, trails, and other multi-modal transportation facilities identified in the Transportation Plan. City Code Chapter 25-6 (Transportation) is amended to add a new Section 25-6-324 to read: § 25-6-324 PEDESTRIAN SAFETY BARRIERS FOR MEDICAL FACILITIES (A) This section applies to a development application for new construction of a medical facility. (B) An applicant is required to install security bollards in front of each pedestrian entrance to a medical facility in accordance with the Transportation Criteria Manual. (C) The installation of security bollards cannot obstruct accessible routes or accessible means of ingress and egress to the pedestrian entrance. (D) The director may waive this requirement if the applicant demonstrates the walkway to the pedestrian entrance is designed in a manner that mitigates the risk of vehicular crashes into the pedestrian entrance without the use of security bollards