Codes and Ordinances Joint CommitteeOct. 16, 2024

Item5_C20-2024-021_SafetyBollards_Staff Presentation — original pdf

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C20-2024-039 Bollard Installation For Medical Facilities Amber Hutchens | Capital Program Consultant | October 16, 2024 Presentation Overview • Background • Council Resolution • Code Amendment • Criteria/Rule • Schedule • Questions/Answers 10/9/2024 2 City Council Resolution 20240718-092 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN: City Council initiates amendments to City Code, including Title 25 (Land Development), to require the installation of crash-rated bollards or other similar safety barriers to prevent vehicle-into-building crashes at the pedestrian entrances of medical facilities with nearby vehicular traffic. City Council Resolution 20240718-092 “BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: When proposing amendments initiated by this Resolution, the City Manager is directed to explore: 1. the feasibility of requiring safety barriers in public right-of-way areas adjacent to medical facilities to enhance pedestrian safety and prevent vehicle crashes; 2. whether permit applications to expand, remodel, or upgrade existing facilities can trigger this requirement to install safety bollards; incentives for existing facilities to voluntarily comply with new City requirements to install bollards; 3. 4. 5. recommendations for the City's state and federal legislative agenda; and any other necessary changes that achieve the objectives of this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The City Manager is directed to engage with stakeholders, including medical facility operators, with the goal of bringing about compliance with any new requirements City Council adopts.” Changes to Title 25 LDC Chapter 25-6, Transportation Modify LDC 25-6-1 (Definitions) (7) MEDICAL FACILITY means a building or structure where the primary purpose is for: (a) hospital services (general); (b) hospital services (limited); or (c) medical offices, if the building or structure is a walk-in clinic being used for the consultation, diagnosis, therapeutic, preventative, or medical care for minor illnesses and injuries. (9) PEDESTRIAN ENTRANCE means a functional entrance or door that is publicly accessible and designed for pedestrian use. Changes to Title 25 Create a new Section in 25-6 (Transportation) 25-6-324 PEDESTRIAN SAFETY BARRIERS FOR MEDICAL FACILITIES (A) This section applies to a development application for new construction of a medical facility. (B) An applicant is required to install security bollards in front of each pedestrian entrance to a medical facility in accordance with the Transportation Criteria Manual. (C) The installation of security bollards cannot obstruct accessible routes or accessible means of ingress and egress to the pedestrian entrance. (D) The director may waive this requirement if the applicant demonstrates the walkway to the pedestrian entrance is designed in a manner that mitigates the risk of vehicular crashes into the pedestrian entrance without the use of security bollards. Changes to Title 25 • Applicability • New site plans or site plan revisions/corrections • Incentives for compliance • Ordinance adoption outreach • Waive review fees • Voluntary compliance Transportation Criteria Manual New TCM rule to include design and construction criteria: Installation requirements • PROWAG/TAS/ADA compliant • Crash rated/materials requirements • • Location and placement guidance • Accepted alternatives and review process • Fire/EMS coordination Schedule for Adoption • City Council Resolution: July 18 (Approved on Consent 11-0) • Stakeholder Meetings: September 9 & September 18 • Urban Transportation Commission: October 1 • Codes and Ordinances Joint Committee: October 16 • Planning Commission Public Hearing: November 12 • City Council Public Hearing: December 12 QUESTIONS? 10/9/2024 10