Parkland dedication: survey — original pdf

PLD Commercial Development Input SURVEY RESPONSE REPORT 09 May 2022 - 11 July 2022 PROJECT NAME: Parkland Dedication for Commercial Development PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 SURVEY QUESTIONS Page 1 of 57 PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Q1 Approximately how far is your place of work from a public park? 16 (5.0%) 16 (5.0%) 109 (33.7%) 109 (33.7%) 72 (22.3%) 72 (22.3%) 58 (18.0%) 58 (18.0%) 68 (21.1%) 68 (21.1%) Question options Less than 1/4 mile 1/4 to 1/2 mile 1/2 to 1 mile More than 1 mile I do not know where the closest park or natural space is Optional question (321 response(s), 8 skipped) Question type: Radio Button Question Page 2 of 57 PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Q2 How often do you access public parks before, during, or after work? 25 (7.7%) 25 (7.7%) 47 (14.5%) 47 (14.5%) 30 (9.3%) 30 (9.3%) 37 (11.4%) 37 (11.4%) 185 (57.1%) 185 (57.1%) Question options Never Rarely (fewer than 5 times a year) Occasionally (5 to 10 times a year) Sometimes (10 to 20 times a year) Often (more than twice a month) Optional question (322 response(s), 7 skipped) Question type: Radio Button Question Page 3 of 57 PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Q3 If you visit park space before, during, or after the work day, please share how you use the park (choose all that apply). 250 190 275 250 225 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 145 109 50 34 Question options Other (please specify) Exercise (walking, running, biking, workout equipment, etc.) Relaxation, meditation, mental breaks Eating or picnicking Part of your commute to or from work Connecting with friends or family Optional question (304 response(s), 25 skipped) Question type: Checkbox Question Page 4 of 57 PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Q4 What park amenities would encourage you to visit a nearby public park before, during, or after the work day? (choose all that apply) 251 203 184 115 91 79 71 95 59 275 250 225 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 Question options Multipurpose field or lawn Exercise or workout equipment Trails Sports court (tennis, pickleball, basketball, etc.) Picnic tables or benches Playground or nature play equipment Cultural amenities (art, educational, environmental, historic or heritage) Facilities (water fountains, restrooms, community meeting spaces, bike fix stations, grills, commuter showers, bike storage) Other (please specify) Optional question (317 response(s), 12 skipped) Question type: Checkbox Question Page 5 of 57 PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Q5 How do you think a commercial parkland dedication ordinance might impact a business' operations for employees, visitors, or patrons? 39 (12.1%) 39 (12.1%) 45 (13.9%) 45 (13.9%) 239 (74.0%) 239 (74.0%) Question options Operations would improve Operations would stay the same Operations would worsen or deteriorate Optional question (321 response(s), 8 skipped) Question type: Radio Button Question Page 6 of 57 PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Q6 How or why do think operations would be impacted or not by the ordinance? Anonymous 5/09/2022 06:23 PM Anonymous 5/09/2022 06:28 PM Anonymous 5/09/2022 11:55 PM Anonymous 5/10/2022 04:47 PM Anonymous 5/10/2022 05:40 PM Anonymous 5/10/2022 09:42 PM Anonymous 5/11/2022 08:55 AM Anonymous 5/11/2022 09:31 AM Anonymous 5/11/2022 12:03 PM Anonymous 5/12/2022 11:25 AM employee mental health would improve Would improve mental health of employees. employees would have the opportunity to exercise, enjoy lunch outdoors, hold meetings at a park, find respite during a difficult day, and potentially increase productivity and job satisfaction I don’t understand the question As someone diagnosed with depression and generalized anxiety disorder, parks are essential during my workday. Workers will be happier and businesses will attract more community members as they visit nearby parks. More parks would help employees relax and get in touch with nature Look at how pleasant and interesting Mueller is thanks to the little parks. Better access would result in more usage. Additional Property will will add cost and reduce overall affordability of goods and products generated within the City limits I think it would increase usage of the commercial space which would be good for retail, mixed-use or other types of commercial spaces. It could increase employee wellness for employees in the offices near parks. Anonymous The cost burden that PARD is putting on commercial development is Page 7 of 57 PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 5/12/2022 11:26 AM intrusive and negatively affecting the overall cost of the City. Developers do not absorb the cost from PARD; it is passed down to the consumer. This means, as a citizen, I will pay for the Developers' cost twice if not three times. Please audit the PARD review fees, the PARD review process, and the real reason for this ordinance proposal. Stop adding regulations! Austin is already overburdened It is really important for a person's mental health to have close access to a park during the work day. It helps reduce stress and get reenergized. The more parkland and natural open spaces helps process problem solving, creativity and mental breaks. Austin is facing extreme affordability challenges and by putting more regulations and restrictions on private developers this will only worsen our affordability crisis. Property owners/managers will not cut into their profits and all of these additional project costs will be passed on to tenants which in turn will be passed on to their employees and the citizens of Austin. Fee in lieu of...takes away from existing communities in areas zoned commercial... This will impact affordability of office rents and come directly out of small businesses pockets. This is a double dip of the residential parkland ordinance and complete ludicrous. Developing cost in Austin is high as it is. Adding Parkland Dedication would just add to the cost, therefore the cost to for new commercial developments would be too high, therefore additional commercial development would decrease and reduce job and economic growth. it would bring more people to that location. Anonymous 5/12/2022 11:27 AM Anonymous 5/12/2022 11:30 AM Anonymous 5/12/2022 11:54 AM Anonymous 5/12/2022 12:00 PM Anonymous 5/12/2022 12:09 PM Anonymous 5/12/2022 12:14 PM Anonymous 5/12/2022 12:18 PM Anonymous 5/12/2022 12:22 PM Page 8 of 57 Anonymous If parkland nearby, the business might offer seating including it, e.g. a PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 5/12/2022 12:54 PM view or access to the parkland for ingress and exit. Anonymous 5/12/2022 12:55 PM If a wild natural area were nearby employees could have a refuge from development to decompress and reconnect with nature. If the park were filled with man made so called “amenities”, then you might as well not even have the parkland dedication because it would defeat the purpose of having a park. The clutter would have no positive relaxing affect. Anonymous 5/12/2022 01:02 PM The parkland space would reduce the amount of site area available for the commercial use. A fee could be an option, but then wouldn't this ordinance just be a money grab? Anonymous 5/12/2022 01:04 PM Anonymous 5/12/2022 01:21 PM Anonymous 5/12/2022 01:26 PM Anonymous 5/12/2022 01:44 PM Anonymous 5/12/2022 02:15 PM Anonymous 5/12/2022 02:33 PM Anonymous 5/12/2022 03:20 PM Page 9 of 57 Having more parks, especially smaller urban lots more readily available to business and work locations would get used more frequently and would increase use. I don't know enough about the ordinance and its impacts on affordability however. Right now Austin needs affordable housing and more funding for Public Schools more than it needs another park, those two aspects are in dire need of money. Public AISD Schools and Affordable Housing. More funding offers more possibility of making great parks. Businesses will think they won't benefit, because they often look only at the immediate bottom line, but in the long-term, we would all benefit from this, especially businesses. Public parks and green spaces are good for everyone The cost of living in Austin is completely out of control. Every year the City makes new regulations which make the problem worse. Any costs would presumably be passed to consumers to take the hit. I think that businesses don't like anything that costs more, but I don't think that this kind of ordinance would have a very significant effect on them. PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Anonymous 5/12/2022 03:39 PM It’s a proven fact people work better surrounded by nature. And for comercial use, parks attracts more families which in turn will bring more business. Anonymous 5/12/2022 04:59 PM Stepping away for a break from a stressful or challenging task is a great way to reset, and the ability to do this in a nearby park would encourage and enhance the reset. Anonymous 5/12/2022 04:31 PM Anonymous 5/12/2022 04:45 PM Anonymous 5/12/2022 09:01 PM Provide employees an opportunity to enjoy outside. Green space with trees and nature is essential to people’s mental and physical health. We need to keep more green space in Austin and stop paving over every piece of land with a building. The health of people who work depends on this. Austin is growing much hotter because of climate change and building so dense in the inner city without more open green space is going to make it unbearable to live and work in the City during the summer months of May-Oct without more green space! Commercial sites greater than 2 acres are already required to dedicate 5% private common open space of the gross site area in accordance LDC 25-2, Subchapter E. Therefore, by principle, the City is 'double dipping' when quantifying their Parkland needs. Especially when commuters from other Cities are involved. The developer will pass these costs (which I understand have yet to be defined or quantified) to tenants of commercial properties. Increasing rent, and therefore consumer prices for citizens. The developers will not 'eat' these fees. The quality of the building proposed may deteriorate as value engineering is considered to meet rising land and construction costs. Therefore, the very employees, visitors, etc. this supposed ordinance is intended to benefit (which we must not forget are.... at work....) may have a less quality space to shop, work 40+ hrs/week, etc. The quality of the architecture of the Central Business District may suffer if fees are imposed on new commercial office and mixed use buildings. If I am visiting a gas station, I don't want to hang out at a park. If I'm visiting a strip mall, furniture store, car dealership, same answer. I am there for a purpose, and I leave. Operations of a convenience store may not be impacted, but the costs certainly will be. Anonymous 5/12/2022 10:04 PM Page 10 of 57 Would improve productivity PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Anonymous 5/12/2022 11:19 PM Recruiting employees will be easier if there is parkland accessible from work. Customers will visit the park and the nearby business will get more foot traffic. Anonymous 5/13/2022 02:11 PM Generally the parks we have in town are great and I do not believe having any additional parks would change the operations of the business Anonymous 5/13/2022 10:23 AM Anonymous 5/13/2022 10:57 AM Anonymous 5/13/2022 11:09 AM Anonymous 5/13/2022 12:44 PM Anonymous 5/13/2022 05:45 PM Anonymous 5/14/2022 12:39 PM Anonymous Page 11 of 57 It would be great if employees can get outside during lunch and breaks just to get fresh air and feel more relaxed. Sadly, some people still need outside space to smoke, so this type of space should be separated from outdoor space for non-smokers. Any fee increase to development will only increase the cost of living and operating a business in Austin. These fees are ultimately passed through to both business and residential tenants. Parks = better mental & physical health = better productivity and creativity any mechanism that creates more park space is good for everyone in the city; otherwise, you have an increasing number of people trying to use the same amount of park space. it will become more un affordable to live in austin. its a joke that the city administrators and council and the mayor stand on their pulpit and say how unaffordable austin is yet they keep making it more and more unaffordable by adding fees and more fees and more fees to the development process. you cant tax developers enough to make up for what the city wants all you do is make it more unaffordable. totally disnengenous. and then the parks department takes the money and squanders it and cant even take care of what it currently has much less take on new parks when it cant operate the parks that it already has. another sham and mis management by government. The money should come from the city, not private business Everybody likes parks. Businesses will benefit from nearby parks b/c PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 5/15/2022 02:45 PM their employees and customers like parks. Anonymous 5/16/2022 07:21 AM Anonymous 5/16/2022 09:07 AM Anonymous 5/16/2022 09:35 AM Anonymous 5/16/2022 02:42 PM Anonymous 5/16/2022 10:13 PM Anonymous 5/17/2022 12:12 PM Anonymous 5/18/2022 03:30 PM Page 12 of 57 The city does a poor job of regulating 'camper's 'homeless' and illegal behavior in public and natural spaces. It is still more of a financial burden in an already expensive (almost unattainable) endeavor. At the very least, it should only apply to larger developments. But fundamentally, all the employees I know either go for runs or bike in nearby residential areas (parkland would not help) or they go to a gym (parkland would not help). Commercial is already a service to residential areas so plenty of opportunities already exist and the commercial is already servicing the citizens and should not discouraged more by raising prices still more high. It depends on the ordinance and the situation. If it's very costly then the commercial customer may not be able to spend as much on the building or operations which could negatively impact those visiting or working in the building. The exterior space may be more enjoyable if that's relevant to the specific use of the building and the parkland is provided on site. Employees and visitors would potentially use that space. However if they just pay money for a park elsewhere, it benefits the community but not the operations of the business directly. Not sure if it would be material for businesses across the board People need parks Employees' improved access to parklands makes for happier employees. Happier employees leads to increased productivity and team cohesion. Better productivity and increased teamwork leads to better business operations. I believe it's important to require green space because the constant construction of commercial development has destroyed our green space, they tear down everything to use up any space to increase their profit and we're left without any greenery. We need the green for fresh air, for mental and physical health, to have a different space than the office to walk, meet or meditate. It's been proven that nature affects our health in many different ways (physically, mentally and PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 emotionally) and if we don't have an ordinance obligating companies to prioritize green space we'll lose everything because they don't care otherwise, they just care about their profit and that doesn't include nature. Anonymous 5/18/2022 10:44 PM Since the business is operating in Austin, having increased parkland would make the business more desirable for employees, visitors, and patrons of the business. Having nearby parkland would encourage visitors and local traffic to/from the business It is likely to negatively impact affordability in the City Employees would have a better quality of work experience if they have more access to the outdoors. Access to recreation trails attracts potential employees to our region and improves property values, and residents that are active are more likely to patron businesses nearby. Employees that have access to outdoors are happier and stay longer at their places of work. The ordinance would lead to greater support and resources for Austin's parks system and this benefits everyone. Actions such as these also increase trust in local government because time/energy/resources are spent on projects that reflect Austin residents' values. Anonymous 5/24/2022 02:49 PM The city does a very poor job of maintaining park spaces and additional space would only worsen conditions for all existing and new facilities. Any additional fees are contrary to the City's goal of being a more affordable city. Work with the parkland dedications fees that were increased last year on the residential projects. Any city run establishment is not well run. Anonymous The value in a park is in its proximity to residential areas. Using the Anonymous 5/20/2022 10:03 AM Anonymous 5/23/2022 02:11 PM Anonymous 5/24/2022 10:14 AM Anonymous 5/24/2022 12:41 PM Anonymous 5/24/2022 02:58 PM Anonymous 5/24/2022 03:15 PM Page 13 of 57 PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 5/24/2022 03:49 PM park before or after work is merely a commute and not germane to the use of the office, retail, or industrial building. Anonymous 5/24/2022 04:14 PM Anonymous 5/24/2022 04:54 PM Anonymous 5/24/2022 09:19 PM Anonymous 5/25/2022 06:14 AM Anonymous 5/25/2022 09:48 AM Anonymous 5/25/2022 10:52 AM Page 14 of 57 Hope this video inspires y'all as much as it did for me! It's about Greening City Spaces: "What does a small footprint city look like outside of our homes? How do we use small footprint thinking to better connect ourselves with nature and culture? This connection helps us live happier, healthier lives, but as Rob Adams shares in Melbourne’s Southbank suburb, better planning is often set aside in the name of maximizing building space. Landscape architect Claire Martin and Victoria's first registered architect with an Indigenous background, Jefa Greenaway are taking on the task of improving Melbourne’s public, cultural and green spaces by finding Innovative ways to incorporate them into the identity of our growing city. Giving everyone in the city an opportunity to reconnect with nature and a true sense of place." Adding additional fees in the process will ultimately be passed down to tenants of the spaces. This would impose a higher cost of living on those affected rather than a broad tax increase over the whole population. I don't necessarily think that the "operations" would deteriorate but the added cost, or burden, of parkland dedication gets baked into the bottom line of the development which increases market rents and could deter future business from expanding or coming to the Austin market. It's better to keep the costs on residential and hotel users because if businesses come, then they have to pay their employee's based on the cost of living in Austin and hotel users will come as long as the City remains a tourist and convention destination. With inflation on the rise, makes it harder to keep affordable Increasing the cost of new development will raise the cost of living in the city, and further exacerbate the affordability issues that Austin is experiencing. The majority of commercial developments do not have the amount of land to dedicate parkland which means they will pay fee in lieu. How and where the City ends up spending those dollars is a black hole with no transparency. PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Anonymous 5/25/2022 05:38 PM Anonymous 5/28/2022 06:19 AM Anonymous 5/28/2022 10:47 AM Anonymous 5/31/2022 07:56 AM Anonymous 5/31/2022 10:02 AM How is the city using it's astronomical increase in the existing parkland dedication fees required by residential and hospitality developments? An additional fee imposed on residents, employers, employees, tenants, and landlords will only worsen the affordability crisis in the City of Austin. City officials talk about the affordability crisis yet continue to pass ordinances and provide directives to city staff that worsen affordability. All developments will become more expensive, increasing the affordability crisis we already have here. Having an accommodative business climate in Austin will help spur further economic grow, otherwise business will move to the suburbs where there are more favorable development standards. I think having a connection to nature through parkland could make working at a site more enjoyable. But the land could also be used for other things that would make working at a site enjoyable, like having businesses around for social activities like bars, restaurants, and live music venues. Or having businesses nearby for important errands like grocery stores. Working at a site could be more enjoyable if sites weren't allowed to put in quick-build ugly warehouse-type buildings with massive parking lots and instead were required to incorporate natural areas into their site, with architectural requirements for buildings, mandatory walking and biking facilities, and no large surface parking lots. We also need WAY MORE recreational fields in Austin. People have to go far out into the suburbs to play on full soccer fields. well. Too busy to visit a park around the office. Does not serve the masses I think affordability in this City is a bigger problem and adding fees to commercial development for parkland will only make affordability worse. It would be better to have commercial development pay a fee for housing and not parkland. Anonymous 5/31/2022 11:56 PM We know access to nature and parks correlates with better health and well being. That can only be of benefit to employers, employees and patrons. Anonymous The fee-in-lieu funds will lead to better park maintenance, while the Page 15 of 57 PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 6/01/2022 10:00 AM new parkland will expand our options Anonymous 6/02/2022 11:56 AM As the city grows an ordinance like this is necessary do we don’t lose green space. Also looking to Houston as an example of too much pavement = more flooding potential. Anonymous 6/01/2022 06:45 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 01:12 PM Anonymous 6/02/2022 12:34 PM Anonymous 6/02/2022 12:48 PM Anonymous 6/02/2022 03:57 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 10:45 AM Anonymous 6/03/2022 12:24 PM Page 16 of 57 Cost of commercial space would increase and create barrier to entry to small business and companies looking to lease space. Requiring a portion of commercial property to dedicate parkland directly impacts the affordability of Austin. Requiring parkland dedication of land would reduce the buildable footprint and overall square footage of the development. Requiring parkland dedication fees would increase the cost of development. These factors, individually or combined, increase the relative cost of development and the yield on cost (a development's annual net operating income divided by the cost to develop), which would require higher rents to justify the development, which ultimately affects the bottom line of any business/tenants needed to occupy the building(s). If we continue to prioritize parkland over affordability, businesses/employers/developers/investors will look somewhere other than Austin, like they are already beginning to do. Employees would use the land during breaks, which would improve employee satisfaction greenspaces improve the human outlook. Many studies have proven this to be true. More buy-in by affected individuals. Texas has some of the fewest parkland and public natural spaces of any state. Having more is good for everyone. Plus, austin is moving more towards becoming a major city and that does not seem to be slowing down. There's plenty of studies to reference, that show the numerous benefits of green space when incorporated into your daily routines; thus, happier employees, are good for business. Rent and /or sale costs for office space will increase to pay for the increased fees, making space availability and overhead burden a real PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 issue. Anonymous 6/03/2022 01:21 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 01:21 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 01:27 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 01:26 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 01:26 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 01:29 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 01:27 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 01:30 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 01:41 PM Page 17 of 57 Similar to Barton Springs commercial sites and how people frequent them when visiting Zilker Park patrons would have the opportunity to "hang out" near the business in the manner of their choosing - on the grass, in large groups, with messy children, with pets on leash, with goods and services from other businesses, etc. but, if it ends up being messy, or unsafe, operations might deteriorate Employees would be happier It would give employees a place to relax. So much research that shows we are more 'productive' when we take mental and physical health breaks outdoors. People can escape to nature for needed stress relief or re-energizing from their work load. If people can experience nature throughout the day, they may be more focused and productive during their hours of work. Commercial businesses seem to set aside outdoor space for smokers, but not for people who want to get some fresh air. Morale would increase. Staff would have chance to eat or walk outside to rejuvenate. I find that having a park or public space nearby makes an area feel livelier and friendlier and contributes to a positive impression of it in the future. For a place of work, it becomes a space where I can meet with coworkers or have lunch with them if we realize we need to get out of the office for a bit. Near retail space, a park creates a space where one can spend some time hanging out away from the hustle and bustle before deciding to return again. If an employee does feels they are in a concrete island with no space to think, grow or exercise - their mental capacity goes down. With commercial areas broken up by green spaces the greater work PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 environment will feel more expansive and improve productivity. Anonymous 6/03/2022 01:48 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 01:53 PM bmeacham 6/03/2022 01:53 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 01:57 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 02:13 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 02:15 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 02:44 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 02:51 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 02:51 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 02:57 PM Page 18 of 57 The more access and time employees have in nature/ outdoor spaces, the more happy and productive they are. Austin is known for parks and green space, and this helps bring that point to commercial business as well. Employees could go to the park and come back refreshed and able to work more or better. Greedy people will take and not give back to the folks who can't afford services and outdoor areas. Those who don't have lots of green personal property around them desperately need the parks. Research proves our mental and physical health is linked to nature and the outdoors. Access to nature through the commercial parkland dedication ordinance will help reduce stress and depression, promote positive emotions, helps recover from mental fatigue and facilitate cognitive functioning. It's just different. Park trafic could favor the businesses or be an attraction to bring in more customers. Parkland dedication would not only increase the amount of greenspace within an area (increasing aesthetic in a quickly growing metropolitan area), but also improve the quality of living and access to public amenities for residents. Chance to relax and avoid workplace errors I don't think the existence of parkland near an office impacts operations. It may impact worker morale in a small way, but probably not directly affecting operations in a measurable amount. PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Mental breaks/connection to nature improve wellbeing and Anonymous 6/03/2022 03:03 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 03:37 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 03:46 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 03:54 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 04:05 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 04:09 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 04:18 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 04:27 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 04:50 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 05:00 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 06:15 PM Page 19 of 57 productivity important. If nothing else covid proved to me that outdoor green space daily is Parks & green spaces help connect people & nature, thereby creating opportunities for growth & creativity. IMO, green spaces AND activity spaces are essential for maintain work-life balance, or better yet, work-life integration. As it is for many, my only breaks from cubicles and computer screens are before/after work and lunch. It can be nice to take a lunch break outdoors/at an outdoor picnic table with a reasonably nice view and atmosphere, and having nearby parks makes it more manageable/realistic to get in a hike or sports-related activity/league as a regular part of a daily/weekly routine. I'm all for a parkland dedication ordinance. More people should translate to more money and staff I think businesses would be less efficient because they would lose valuable real estate that could be used in the operation of their business. I actually have no idea what impact said ordinance would have therefii just voted as staying the same. But truly I don't know nearby access to green space improves mental relaxation & physical health for workers People would stay mentally and physically healthier so they would want to stay working and be more productive doing so. Operations aren't tied to parkland and its availability. Happier and more productive employees and general public. Having access to nature and parks helps everyone! PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Anonymous 6/03/2022 07:41 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 08:26 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 09:34 PM Anonymous 6/04/2022 07:50 AM Anonymous 6/04/2022 08:02 AM Anonymous 6/04/2022 08:31 AM Anonymous 6/04/2022 09:35 AM Anonymous 6/04/2022 12:07 PM Anonymous 6/04/2022 08:04 PM Anonymous 6/05/2022 02:39 PM Page 20 of 57 There can't be too much green space and it's always a talent draw. Employee health and well being would improve . People will feel more comfortable walking to & from commercial spaces. nearby They will just pay a fee instead. If a company is putting in a large commercial space, they should have green/park space onsite or Allow for outdoor space access before during and after work There is so much land growth and development in commercial building that is not included in the current ordinance. I work as a teacher in Del Valle in the Hornsby Bend area. I pass Tesla twice a day and the airport. The growth and development taking place is not hotels and residents. It is mostly commercial. I'd love to see another park close to that area, especially with the land being around the Lower Colorado River. It would improve mental and physical health leading to higher productivity Not all types of businesses, of course, but strategically, retail and office owners/tenants prefer to be in/near a critical mass of amenities to draw customers/tenants/employess/etc. together. Especially when these amenities are not directly included in rent costs, etc. Example: A tenant can get an increased return because of a nearby amenity they are not paying for. And, perhaps, wouldn't need as much rent dedicated to parking. This is all obvious, but just saying ........! Improve employee morale/health The public spaces in the city are lacking funding to maintain a safe and enjoyable environment and this would make a difference. PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Anonymous 6/05/2022 03:10 PM Anonymous 6/05/2022 04:03 PM Anonymous 6/05/2022 06:59 PM Anonymous 6/06/2022 06:38 AM Anonymous 6/06/2022 07:17 AM Anonymous 6/06/2022 09:58 AM Anonymous 6/06/2022 10:04 AM Anonymous 6/06/2022 10:20 AM Anonymous 6/06/2022 01:19 PM Anonymous 6/06/2022 05:46 PM Anonymous 6/06/2022 08:40 PM Page 21 of 57 I don’t think it would impact business For all the benefits parks provide; all general health indicators don't think it would affect the businesses Operations would improve, as employees would have an easily accessible green space for walking, personal conversations, outdoor meetings or breaks. Please specifically designate smoking areas in another part of facility. With so much commercial development going on, we need an ordinance to protect parklands. The connection between mental health and access to nature is well documented. I believe that better access to parkland and natural areas will boost employee morale and improve wellbeing. I guess it would be nice to have more parks near offices? Overall better site design for the commercial property, outdoor space for employees to take a break and reset during the day. People gravitate to outdoor/nature and it can act as an amenity offered to those visiting the establishment. Im a tad fearful of even more ‘commercial development’ in our city. A balance between commercial developments and parks will create a steady flow of visitors on a daily basis. One clear example is Mueller park, which has a large area of land dedicated to park and playground plus bathroom facilities, and on the other side, you find a commercial and restaurant area that naturally funnels visitors back PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 and forth. Anonymous 6/07/2022 10:58 AM Anonymous 6/07/2022 12:01 PM Anonymous 6/07/2022 06:36 PM Anonymous 6/08/2022 08:55 AM Anonymous 6/08/2022 09:10 AM Anonymous 6/08/2022 09:17 AM Anonymous 6/08/2022 12:42 PM Anonymous 6/08/2022 03:51 PM Anonymous 6/08/2022 04:45 PM Page 22 of 57 They are not impacted by the ordinance due to the fact that operations and fees aren't tied to parkland and how available it is made to our residents of Austin. There is little to no oversight on how these fees are spent and how they are improving our existing parks. Austin has seen and continues to experience massive corporate development and investment. If businesses contributed to our green spaces and parks as part of the Parkland Dedication Ordinance, Austin would see greater funding for management of public parkland, acquisition of new parkland, and be able to improve maintenance for park amenities and facilities. Increasing costs would be passed on to businesses and then consumers. I feel as if we have improved parkland and facilities in close proximity to one's place of work, the space will be taken advantage. This will then lead to happier employees. The other factor is customers may take advantage could be customers now visiting the park and business since they are so close. Nature reduces stress I'm not sure how the ordinance would be implemented. I think it would be benefit the community if the dedicated land was actually accessible to the wider community sometimes these operations cut off park access to others They are taking land away from the public, increasing traffic, reducing space for trees and are increasing the heat island effect. Scientific research finding worker productivity positively correlates with health of worker, and health of worker increases with exercise, nature immersion much needed funding for the maintenance and sustainability of public parks. Adding more green spaces to the city PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Anonymous 6/08/2022 05:42 PM Anonymous 6/09/2022 09:24 AM Anonymous 6/09/2022 12:31 PM Anonymous 6/09/2022 12:58 PM Anonymous 6/09/2022 01:09 PM Anonymous 6/09/2022 01:17 PM Anonymous 6/09/2022 01:34 PM Anonymous 6/09/2022 01:49 PM Page 23 of 57 Operations don't seem to be the determining factor of parkland and it's availability? Make out communities better. parks improve wellness....well and happy workers are more productive. Also, more talented employees are attracted to worksites near amenities like public parks. More people want to visit these areas, and their experiences are enhanced by having public parkland nearby. Pleasant public park space is absolutely necessary for enhancing the average workday. This ordinance will help to create a more livable experience for Austin's workforce by providing a space to breathe and rejuvenate outside of the office. Public parks also play a large role in building meaningful friendships during and after the work day. Many people are drawn to Austin jobs due to the city's parks, and our parks need this ordinance to continue to support the growing workforce. The more parks near workplaces the better for employee satisfaction and mental and physical health! Businesses would gain outdoor work and meeting spaces, which increases their options, and the attractiveness of a workplace. These spaces can be for employees, employee & patron/visitor interactions, and even small events and programming. Especially in an ongoing and changing pandemic, such outdoor spaces would be considered an asset. Parks are a magnet for people coming to Austin snd would build customer base for all firms. Operations would be relieved, more balanced, and relaxed with access to better park facilities and parks in general due to the ordinance. By being able to take advantage of the local green spaces, operations would improve in terms of productivity, effectiveness, and focus. Each of these factors is vital to improving mental health and overall happiness of employees. Thus, improved green spaces due to the ordinance would boost employee morale and PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 allow for business operations to improve from current conditions. Anonymous 6/09/2022 04:03 PM Give a place for a business center area to walk relax picnic before during or after work. We had one in Dallas and it was nice during breaks If they put in money, it could increase the PARD budget Amount going toward parkland would be relatively modest, part of doing business We are starved for parkland in Austin and with the unprecedented growth in population during the past few years, there is even greater need for parks and open space for all the people working in Ausitn. They will be healthier, and happier, after regenerating in nature. Homeless camps set near playscap's is dangerous this sounds like a giveaway to companies who wont have to pay taxes on land the public will have to take care of. I've seen some of these "parks" function as publicly subsidized amenities to apartment complexes. Not a fan of how this is being conducted. We need parks. Parks with trees offset urban heat islands. They provide a calm relaxing place for employees to take a break, take a phone call, or have a meeting, and they provide carbon offsets to traffic pollution. Parks are very important for mental health and the more (and better shape) our parks are in the more use they will get. We need more trees in parks! Research shows improvements in mental health and productivity when workers have an opportunity to be in nature. I believe parkland helps create opportunities for new and improved social ties, even if weak, that can build community. Anonymous 6/09/2022 02:21 PM Anonymous 6/09/2022 03:21 PM Anonymous 6/09/2022 03:59 PM Anonymous 6/09/2022 04:23 PM Anonymous 6/09/2022 04:37 PM Anonymous 6/09/2022 04:44 PM Anonymous 6/09/2022 07:00 PM Page 24 of 57 Anonymous 6/09/2022 07:26 PM business for all. accessible park land improves community health and that improves PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Parks give employees a break from work and a way to exercise. It also provides scenery rather than just buildings Anonymous 6/09/2022 08:43 PM Anonymous 6/09/2022 09:31 PM Anonymous 6/09/2022 10:05 PM Anonymous 6/09/2022 10:11 PM Anonymous 6/09/2022 11:39 PM Anonymous 6/10/2022 08:17 AM Anonymous 6/10/2022 08:39 AM Anonymous 6/10/2022 09:40 AM Anonymous 6/10/2022 01:21 PM Anonymous 6/10/2022 04:47 PM Encourage outdoor activities, mental health. This question is strawman conditional and should be answered on a site by site basis. Parkland attracts people, people attract business. Businesses can showcase their amenities to their employees as a perk to working there I think businesses would see the benefit of having the parks if required to have them adn would then invest more in them. This would send a signal that commercial businesses in austin need to plan to build in opportunities for employee wellness and balance. Improve because the city would have more money to spend on parks. Hopefully purchasing more land to convert to park to keep the city green and liveable. It’s been hard to get parking for some parks because it’s gotten so crowded. I hope they would reopen all tue community swimming pools and extend the hours It is too easy for commercial space to be completely overrun with development. Having a commercial parkland dedication ordinance will allow for employees and patrons of commercial spaces to still enjoy the benefits of green natural space even as Austin continues to grow. increase the value and appeal of working by a pleasant, accessible space to unwind/have walking meetings/enjoy Multiple studies prove that nature makes people happier. Happy employees mean productive employees. Happy customers means more spending, and generally a positive vibe. Anonymous Page 25 of 57 More PLD $$$ would lead to more/better parks that would result in PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 6/10/2022 05:59 PM more happier, healthier, more productive employees. Anonymous 6/10/2022 06:02 PM Anonymous 6/10/2022 06:04 PM Anonymous 6/11/2022 08:56 AM Anonymous 6/11/2022 11:07 AM Anonymous 6/11/2022 11:55 AM Anonymous 6/12/2022 08:10 AM Anonymous 6/12/2022 03:07 PM Anonymous 6/13/2022 09:31 AM Anonymous 6/13/2022 10:02 AM Anonymous 6/13/2022 10:22 AM Anonymous 6/13/2022 02:50 PM Page 26 of 57 When your surroundings are nice to look at and be around, you are in a better mood, which results in better quality work. Parks that are close to work are an amenity that will attract employees. It would provide more funding More green spaces for long as their are no homeless! Can't use some places because of safety. Work is for work. Go to parks on your day off. Parks attract people and are therefore good for business. I'd worry that if the ordinance mandated bathroom facilities or power outlets within the parks that they'd be full of unhoused people illegally camping. Austin parks has been awful at enforcing the camping ordinance and seeing used needles and empty alcohol containers scattered on or next playgrounds is unsanitary and unsafe for children and residents. People like visiting parks. Especially for events like concerts. It gives people time out of the office to take a break in a natural space, essential to high productivity! very few people have time to use parks during the work day, especially considering how many days we have above 90 degrees. We are already over regulated. Adding another government shakedown/extortion is ridiculous. Especially this city government who misuses taxpayer funds. PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Anonymous 6/15/2022 07:03 AM I would be positive to have parkland space, but if they are filled with homeless camps then it would be detrimental - the pollution, the litter, Anonymous 6/13/2022 03:52 PM Anonymous 6/15/2022 12:08 AM Anonymous 6/15/2022 07:41 AM Anonymous 6/15/2022 07:55 AM Anonymous 6/15/2022 03:04 PM Anonymous 6/16/2022 09:19 AM Anonymous 6/16/2022 02:25 PM Anonymous 6/16/2022 09:43 PM information about how operations aren’t often tied to parkland and its availability Positively impacted - green space complements commercial development. Austin has rampant uncontrolled growth - anything to retain as much greenspace as possible is needed. Exercise and decrease in stress means more focus at work and less etc time getting sick. Honestly don’t know Everyone needs access to parks for a healthy, thriving community. I believe there's been many studies that conclude access to nature and the outside increases well-being and productivity. I think how employees ultimately use the amenity depends largely on the business culture. Still, it's preferable to have public spaces for all to enjoy than to depend on private businesses to provide a meditation garden or throw some trees up on the patio or what have you. having greenspace near where you work improves your mental and physical health Speaking as a longtime manager and as an employee, if folks have a place to walk, sit, think, unwind, meditate, or exercise, their work performance improves. Removing oneself from a stressful situation/environment can greatly improve one's thoughts and clarity - and lessen hostility and aggression - something the entire US needs right now! Anonymous 6/17/2022 04:22 PM Page 27 of 57 If the business complies with the ordinance by providing onsite or nearby parkland, its employees, visitors, and patrons would have PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 convenient access to it, which could improve wellbeing, productivity, and satisfaction. Currently COA isn't a good steward with money. They've made it impossible to track and see where funding dollars have gone. If it's commercial let the customers pay for whatever it is they are looking for. City is nor prepared to oversee. Taxpayers are at a breaking point. We walk our parking lot for stress relief…parkland would be better. There would be more money for parks if commercial properties helped fund them. So many work meetings are often taking place outside now (unless the weather is bad or too hot) and more public spaces for "walk and talks" or picnic tables or benches for work meetings would be wonderful. I also think that with traffic, many people try to exercise near their work space before or after work hours, so trails are so important. Help create awareness of the park. Parks help people(employees) relax and draw more patrons. Taking parkland away is never good. However not knowing who or what commercial use or how it fits makes this difficult. I’m assuming it will not be a good thing since parkland should remain as such! Hope to encourage walking/biking with these changes. Parks bring in foot traffic which can liven up areas not close to retail. We also always need more shade! I think just taking meetings outside and exercising and relaxing outside helps people's mental and physical health Anonymous 6/17/2022 05:41 PM Anonymous 6/19/2022 10:15 PM Anonymous 6/29/2022 10:49 AM Anonymous 6/29/2022 03:46 PM Anonymous 6/30/2022 01:52 PM Anonymous 6/30/2022 04:56 PM Anonymous 7/01/2022 12:17 PM Anonymous 7/01/2022 01:11 PM Anonymous 7/01/2022 11:12 PM Anonymous 7/01/2022 11:19 PM Page 28 of 57 PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Anonymous 7/06/2022 07:56 PM Cement/concrete generates absorbs and reflects a lot of heat. Trees/parkland areas will help with keep temperatures and energy costs lower. Anonymous 7/02/2022 08:41 PM Anonymous 7/05/2022 01:19 PM Anonymous 7/06/2022 06:01 AM Anonymous 7/06/2022 08:29 AM Anonymous 7/07/2022 03:37 PM Anonymous 7/09/2022 07:35 PM Anonymous 7/10/2022 10:59 AM Anonymous 7/10/2022 01:29 PM Anonymous Page 29 of 57 It would just add to the environment. Give employees a place to hang out. People like green space. Especially in the pandemic, which we are not out of. Green space attracts walkers, people having lunch, helps lower the overall temperature of the area. No one wants to exist in a sweltering concrete wasteland just because it’s cheaper to build it that way. Happy, healthy citizens don’t hate government or even work. Trails provide alternative to traffic for commute. Windows to green spaces and lunch outside provide mental and visual rest from stressful days. This is common sense. More green space is proven by psychological and sociological research to improve the mental well-being of residents of a city. Business leaders are well-advised to favor this ordinance as an important measure to support the mental health of their employees. More parkland near workplaces (as acquired through Commercial PLD) will lead to more opportunities for employees and patrons to relax, get fresh air and feel connected to our city's natural spaces. In my last job, I would take a break at 4pm everyday to walk the Shoal Creek Trail for 15 minutes, then I'd have the energy and motivation to finish my work day strong and with a more positive mindset. Mental health of area employees More parkland = healthy environment Lots of our parks are desperately in need of updates and amenities. It would benefit everyone. Employees and visitors would be able to PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 7/10/2022 01:33 PM have a space to spend time together and relax, while businesses would have more people within easy walking distance of their stores who would spend more time there and be more likely to buy goods and services. leaving the area Available parkland makes it possible for employees to decelerate w/o A park would benefit employee health, and would attract additional patrons and visitors. the additional development cost would be offset completely by the higher rents from the parkland amenity. More reason to visit would increase quantity of visitors Parks should be parks, not commercial development or housing. Green space encourages people to visit a space I'm not clear on the requirement...if all businesses must contribute that could harm smaller ones. If it was site development triggered this is fine. nature. in Austin! It’s wonderful to have a place to take a break away from the office in Green space helps mental health, and everyone benefits from shade Green space is a haven and should be mandated. People need and love to be outdoors. Would promote local spending Anonymous 7/10/2022 01:35 PM Anonymous 7/10/2022 01:57 PM Anonymous 7/10/2022 02:17 PM Anonymous 7/10/2022 03:02 PM Anonymous 7/10/2022 03:44 PM Anonymous 7/10/2022 03:54 PM Anonymous 7/10/2022 04:13 PM Anonymous 7/10/2022 04:15 PM Anonymous 7/10/2022 05:01 PM Anonymous 7/10/2022 05:22 PM Anonymous 7/10/2022 06:31 PM Page 30 of 57 PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Anonymous 7/10/2022 07:32 PM Anonymous 7/10/2022 08:16 PM Anonymous 7/10/2022 09:45 PM More greenery and space to exercise is great for mental health and productivity. Parkland is a place to get away from the business world and I don’t think any commercial development in a park would be beneficial Business need the public to survive and thrive. Land accessible to the public (not just sidewalks) SHOULD be integrated into more commercial uses. Cars and buildings have all the say yet the trees and plants are what provide oxygen and human health. Anonymous 7/10/2022 11:10 PM help retain and recruit employees and keep them and their community healthy Optional question (225 response(s), 104 skipped) Question type: Essay Question Page 31 of 57 PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Q7 What types of park amenities do you think would be most useful next to office commercial development? 269 200 184 171 96 300 275 250 225 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 Question options Active recreation (trails, sports courts and fields, exercise equipment, playgrounds or nature play, disc golf, etc.) Passive recreation (benches, gardens, picnic areas and pavilions, water features, beautiful views, etc.) Facilities (water fountains, restrooms, community meeting spaces, bike fix stations, grills, commuter showers, bike storage, etc.) Cultural (art, educational, environmental, historic or heritage interpretive signage, etc.) Optional question (308 response(s), 21 skipped) Question type: Checkbox Question Page 32 of 57 PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Q8 What types of park amenities do you think would be most useful next to retail commercial development? 271 145 165 166 300 275 250 225 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 Question options Active recreation (trails, sports courts and fields, exercise equipment, playgrounds or nature play, disc golf, etc.) Passive recreation (benches, gardens, picnic areas and pavilions, water features, beautiful views, etc.) Facilities (water fountains, restrooms, community meeting spaces, bike fix stations, grills, commuter showers, bike storage, etc.) Cultural (art, educational, environmental, historic or heritage interpretive signage, etc.) Optional question (311 response(s), 18 skipped) Question type: Checkbox Question Page 33 of 57 225 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Q9 What types of park amenities do you think would be most useful next to industrial or warehouse commercial development? 196 181 155 62 Question options Active recreation (trails, sports courts and fields, exercise equipment, playgrounds or nature play, disc golf, etc.) Passive recreation (benches, gardens, picnic areas and pavilions, water features, beautiful views, etc.) Facilities (water fountains, restrooms, community meeting spaces, bike fix stations, grills, commuter showers, bike storage, etc.) Cultural (art, educational, environmental, historic or heritage interpretive signage, etc.) Optional question (290 response(s), 39 skipped) Question type: Checkbox Question Page 34 of 57 PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Q10 When would requiring a new park be appropriate for a new commercial development? (choose all that apply) 237 224 220 208 156 55 250 225 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 Question options If the commercial development is adjacent to (next to) an existing park and a trail through the commercial property would expand or enhance public access to the park If the commercial development is located along a greenbelt or trail network, and a trail through the commercial property would help complete the trail and expand or enhance public access to the greenbelt If there is no existing parkland in the area If the commercial development exceeds a certain number of employees or square footage and a park would benefit the employees as well as reduce their impact on existing parkland If the commercial development serves customers with recreational needs (e.g., play feature or dog park at a restaurant) Other (please specify) Optional question (315 response(s), 14 skipped) Question type: Checkbox Question Page 35 of 57 PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Q11 When do you think a commercial development should be exempt from some or all of the commercial parkland dedication requirements? (choose all that apply) 184 123 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 90 79 Question options If the commercial development is a non-profit, 5013C, hospital, governmental agency, day care, hospice or convalescent living (e.g., nursing home) or other service providing public benefit If the commercial development or business is certified by a city program that it is contributing to affordability, diversity and equity If the commercial development is smaller than a fixed square footage or for limited number of employees. Other (please specify) Optional question (290 response(s), 39 skipped) Question type: Checkbox Question Page 36 of 57 PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Q12 Is there anything else you would like to share about Commercial Development Parkland Dedication? Anonymous 5/12/2022 11:26 AM Anonymous 5/12/2022 11:27 AM Anonymous 5/12/2022 11:30 AM Anonymous 5/12/2022 12:00 PM Anonymous 5/12/2022 12:00 PM Anonymous 5/12/2022 12:09 PM Anonymous 5/12/2022 12:14 PM Page 37 of 57 The PARD review fees should be eliminated (because PARD is a general fund department), or PARD reviewers moved to DSD. The parkland dedication requirements need Staff with big-picture oversight - parkland dedication staff are too narrowly focused and can rarely understand the larger implications of Code and Criteria. Please, please please stop adding more rules. Austin is becoming unlivable! Everyone should have access to a park. This is a terrible idea that will continue to drive up costs in Austin and make our great City more unaffordable. This is something that does not need to be over regulated; private property owners/managers already self regulate this type of amenity. If Office owners want to lure tenants they provide parklike amenities and these amenities are privately maintained; this does not need to be a public requirement. On top of the impact that this will have to development costs, what is the plan for maintaining all of these facilities? This is another cost burden that will be passed on to the residents of Austin. I'm very disappointed in the leadership at the City of Austin for initiating this ordinance. Affordability is at the forefront of our problems as a community and this type of ordinance will only make things less affordable. It is always necessary to have a park nearby for mental and physical well-being, no exemptions for any reason. For every Commercial Parkland Dedication, Art should be a part of the concept, always. Completely oppose it unless residential parkland requirements are reduced to even it out and not double dip. Anonymous Parkland Dedication for Commercial development is a bad idea. PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 5/12/2022 12:18 PM Anonymous 5/12/2022 12:22 PM Anonymous 5/12/2022 12:54 PM Anonymous 5/12/2022 12:55 PM Anonymous 5/12/2022 01:04 PM Anonymous 5/12/2022 01:44 PM Anonymous 5/12/2022 02:15 PM Anonymous 5/12/2022 03:39 PM Anonymous 5/12/2022 04:59 PM Page 38 of 57 All working people need access to green space, well maintained green, recreational space. The burden on a food cart should be proportionally less than for a nursing home or commercial office. Austin definitely needs more parkland. My husband and I were talking about this when we saw how busy and filled with people and cars and bikes Zilker Park was this past weekend. We say the same thing in fall through early winter when so much of Zilker park is closed and unavailable to people because of ACL and Trail of Lights. Developers should never be exempt from parkland dedication or fee in lieu. I really feel the city has been hurt by tradeoffs that make the city more expensive and nicer only for the wealthy. When development costs are high and commercial developers get tax breaks it only increases property taxes, forcing others out and required parkland at a commercial property that in turn creates the area overpriced for middle and low income residents only goes to serve the wealthy who are still able to afford living there. The schools get less money, teachers can't afford to live here or any service industry folks and older and minority families are being pushed out by high costs. Please ask yourself who are we making this city infinitely better for and at what cost? Please fund Williamson creek vision plan it has been approved for over now, what gives? South austin deserves a maintained and preserved green space and park facilities similar to all other areas of austin. TY! This is a terrible idea. I will oppose this at the City and if adopted go to the legislature to get it rescinded. We need more green in our city. Austin is growing and we need cleaner air, more shade, and more space for families to be outdoors. I think ‘fees in lieu’ of parkland dedication should be very rare. PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Nah Anonymous 5/12/2022 06:18 PM Anonymous 5/12/2022 09:01 PM Anonymous 5/12/2022 11:19 PM Anonymous 5/13/2022 10:23 AM Anonymous 5/13/2022 10:57 AM Anonymous 5/13/2022 12:44 PM Anonymous 5/13/2022 02:11 PM Anonymous 5/13/2022 03:21 PM Page 39 of 57 This is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen the City of Austin propose in about a decade of working in the development community. I firmly believe this is an a money grab, and a land grab for particular commercially zoned sites that may connect the insanely idealistic urban trail network in key places throughout the City, as well as to realize other lofty PARD goals. This department is out of control. Great idea! Do it! Austin needs more green space! Your survey incorrectly assumes that respondents are working. - Commercial parkland fees should only be added with a reduction in multifamily parkland fees - Commercial parkland fees will exacerbate Austin’s affordability issues - Commercial parkland fees are a “double charge” on Austin’s residents, felt most by low income families - The City of Austin currently is struggling to maintain existing parks in our city – requesting additional parkland from commercial properties is less important than maintaining and improving existing parks - The City of Austin has a large parkland fund that has been underutilized to buy parks – requesting additional parkland or fees from commercial properties will not benefit residents if the dollars are not spent we need more park space, period. every park i go to is overrun with off leash dogs and there is no enforcement of any laws. The city should focus on properly utilizing the fees that they are already receiving to maintain the parks they already have. Continuing to create more parks that are under maintained seems like a large waste of money. There should also be clear requirements that the city utilize all parkland fees for parks within 1 mile of that location paying them and that these funds be clearly tracked and transparent to the community Commercial parkland fees should only be added with a reduction in multifamily parkland fees. Commercial parkland fees will exacerbate Austin’s affordability issues. Commercial parkland fees are a “double charge” on Austin’s residents, felt most by low income families. The City of Austin currently is struggling to maintain existing parks in our PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Anonymous 5/15/2022 02:45 PM Off topic, but it would be easier for new commercial development to include parks if we reduced or eliminated parking minimums. Just saying! Thank you. city – requesting additional parkland from commercial properties is less important than maintaining and improving existing parks. The City of Austin has a large parkland fund that has been underutilized to buy parks, and requesting additional parkland or fees from commercial properties will not benefit residents if the dollars are not spent see comments above. tax everyone if you want more parks for the whole city. you cant tax developers all the time just like you cant to fix the homeless/affordability issues by just taxing develpopers. if these items are truly community values then you should tax everyone in the community. a also its hard to trust the govt when they squander the dollars that they receive and cant even take care of the exiting parks they have despite getting tons of money each year from residential/muiltimfamily developments already. Please don't add to the financial demands on commercial development, thus discouraging it. OR, if you have to do something, in the larger developments just require the inclusion of open space with trails or whatever (like what exists at the Bee Cave Galleria). On one hand parkland dedication is a nice feature in Austin but it's also anecdotally expensive, which often has developers balking at improving building and site safety features. The cost should be representative of the size and impact of the project to the City. Commercial parkland fees should only be added with a reduction in multifamily parkland fees Commercial parkland fees will exacerbate Austin’s affordability issues Commercial parkland fees are a “double charge” on Austin’s residents, felt most by low income families The City of Austin currently is struggling to maintain existing parks in our city – requesting additional parkland from commercial properties is less important than maintaining and improving existing parks The City of Austin has a large parkland fund that has been underutilized to buy parks – requesting additional parkland or fees from commercial properties will not benefit residents if the dollars are not spent Please do everything you can not to ruin the city you probably aren’t a Anonymous 5/13/2022 05:45 PM Anonymous 5/16/2022 09:07 AM Anonymous 5/16/2022 09:35 AM Anonymous 5/16/2022 02:42 PM Anonymous Page 40 of 57 PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 5/16/2022 10:13 PM native of. Thx! Anonymous 5/17/2022 09:20 AM Anonymous 5/18/2022 12:20 AM Anonymous 5/18/2022 10:44 PM Anonymous 5/20/2022 07:27 PM Anonymous 5/23/2022 02:11 PM Anonymous 5/24/2022 09:47 AM Page 41 of 57 - Commercial parkland fees should only be added with a reduction in multifamily parkland fees - Commercial parkland fees will exacerbate Austin’s affordability issues - Commercial parkland fees are a “double charge” on Austin’s residents, felt most by low income families - The City of Austin currently is struggling to maintain existing parks in our city – requesting additional parkland from commercial properties is less important than maintaining and improving existing parks - The City of Austin has a large parkland fund that has been underutilized to buy parks – requesting additional parkland or fees from commercial properties will not benefit residents if the dollars are not spent I'd like to see more parks within walking distance of workplaces. It seems like it would be more equitable to have commercial developers share in the parkland dedication fees, because their employees, visitors, and patrons are benefitting from parkland equally, and commercial developers should share in the cost of parkland. ALL commercial (and gov't) property in the city should move away from non-native plants/grasses and commit to wildflowers, native trees only and stop creating lawns that are mowed. We are in an ENVIRONMENTAL CRISIS. Does Austin need to burn to the ground or have no water for government & commercial business to change its ways? Parkland Dedication ordinances are already negatively impacting housing affordability in the City of Austin. Adding another dedication requirements will only further hamper affordability and increase the cost of living in the City and would be a poor policy mandate. There are already parkland dedication fees in place. The parks department can and should use those fees from the existing ordinances to purchase parkland where they see fit. Require apartments to leave old oaks on property. Integrate with nature vs just dozing it over and creating a dust bowl. I moved to Austin for the natural beauty. A lot of people worked really hard over the years to fight developers from paving this unique Texas gem. PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Anonymous 5/24/2022 10:14 AM Anonymous 5/24/2022 02:58 PM Anonymous 5/24/2022 03:49 PM Anonymous 5/24/2022 04:28 PM Anonymous 5/24/2022 09:19 PM Anonymous 5/25/2022 10:52 AM Anonymous 5/25/2022 05:38 PM Page 42 of 57 A portion of those funds should go to supporting the work City parks does with the American YouthWorks Texas Conservation Corps (or the Austin Civilian Conservation Corps) to ensure funding for the trail development and parkland improvements and maintenance, and habitat restoration will help ensure the longterm care of parks is considered. Those programs do a lot of work for the city parks and they develop the future workforce for the city parks department. DON'T DO IT. This is a poorly thought-out idea and a way to avoid having to go to voters/users of parks for a residential fee increase or increase in user fees. I do not support it here or on residential developments. I don't support a commercial parkland dedication ordinance. Too many commercial spaces are already empty in new buildings due to high land costs. We don't need to add this burden to any commercial users. We should instead increase hotel dedication requirements. That is a luxury use. I think if you want private developers to fund or provide parkland, you need to be giving them incentives on their development, not asking them for money or land. Dedicating land reduces developers property size which in turn reduces their development rights. Provide development bonuses to properties who decide parkland is a benefit to them and the community they are building in, don't charge them! AFFORDABILITY IS A HIGHER PRIORITY THAN PARKLAND. AFFORDABILITY IS A HIGHER PRIORITY THAN PARKLAND. AFFORDABILITY IS A HIGHER PRIORITY THAN PARKLAND. AFFORDABILITY IS A HIGHER PRIORITY THAN PARKLAND. AFFORDABILITY IS A HIGHER PRIORITY THAN PARKLAND. AFFORDABILITY IS A HIGHER PRIORITY THAN PARKLAND. AFFORDABILITY IS A HIGHER PRIORITY THAN PARKLAND. AFFORDABILITY IS A HIGHER PRIORITY THAN PARKLAND. AFFORDABILITY IS A HIGHER PRIORITY THAN PARKLAND. AFFORDABILITY IS A HIGHER PRIORITY THAN PARKLAND. AFFORDABILITY IS A HIGHER PRIORITY THAN PARKLAND. AFFORDABILITY IS A HIGHER PRIORITY THAN PARKLAND. PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 AFFORDABILITY IS A HIGHER PRIORITY THAN PARKLAND. AFFORDABILITY IS A HIGHER PRIORITY THAN PARKLAND. AFFORDABILITY IS A HIGHER PRIORITY THAN PARKLAND. This ordinance would create more problems than it would solve. Under the proposed rules, industrial areas are incentivized. These sites are put in lower income areas of the city where there is the least amount of neighborhood activism. The sites are an inefficient use of space, offer very little to neighborhoods, and cause the most environmental harm. They typically have large surface parking lots and large building footprints with very few stories. Developers can build these large-footprint facilities of cheap materials and methods and now would have to dedicate the least amount of park space. This is a backwards approach. Industrial sites should have to contribute the most parkland for offering the least benefit to a community. Off leash dog parks are much needed! Just because 1 or 2 other cities in the state are doing it does not mean you HAVE to do it. I think affordability in this City is a bigger problem and adding fees to commercial development for parkland will only make affordability worse. It would be better to have commercial development pay a fee for housing and not parkland. So excited this is happening! Thank you!! This has to be balanced so it doesn't encourage stunting of commercial development. We still are in dire need of density and letting developments off the hook because they are under a number of employees or square footage may encourage further sprawl and environmental degradation This only funds new parks, per state law, so in the long term what is the plan for the city to maintain these parks in perpetuity? The several City parks near my house are in severe disrepair (Mary Moore Searight specifically), and repairs are slow and cumbersome. Anonymous 5/28/2022 06:19 AM Anonymous 5/28/2022 10:47 AM Anonymous 5/28/2022 06:12 PM Anonymous 5/31/2022 07:56 AM Anonymous 5/31/2022 10:02 AM Anonymous 5/31/2022 11:56 PM Anonymous 6/01/2022 10:00 AM Anonymous 6/01/2022 06:45 PM Page 43 of 57 PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Do taxes go up yet again to pay for the maintenance of all these new parks that are also going to increase commercial rents and development costs? Anonymous 6/03/2022 01:12 PM If you continue to restrict development and implement higher and/or more fees, then employers/residents will begin fleeing Austin in search of more affordable cities. STOP RUINING OUR CITY!!! Anonymous 6/02/2022 11:56 AM We need more access to parks through parking, bike racks, public transport etc. Many of our parks are hard to use because it’s difficult Anonymous 6/02/2022 12:48 PM fees for parkland development should be commensurate with actual build-out costs. Residential fees per unit have shown to be woefully to find a way there. lacking Anonymous 6/02/2022 03:57 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 12:24 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 01:25 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 01:41 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 01:48 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 01:57 PM Page 44 of 57 Please implement it. More parkland and natural spaces is a great thing for the community These additional fees will not directly enhance the city's parks, It will only worsen the trickle down effect of affordability in our city and the additional fees will go to the same existing fund that falls into the line of priority of public works, it will not directly enhance the areas immediately around new developments creating a tangible public benefit. This is another instance of the intent being positive but the execution will result in higher costs to the end user with no real tangible benefit to the community. not enough information to fully understand this survey. tried my best. Thank you! The commercial development parkland dedication addition would be amazing and would help Austin provide much needed public green space for all Austinites. Make commercial building make green areas around them always! PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Anonymous 6/03/2022 02:51 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 02:51 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 04:05 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 04:09 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 04:50 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 07:41 PM Anonymous 6/03/2022 09:36 PM Anonymous 6/04/2022 08:31 AM Anonymous 6/04/2022 09:35 AM Anonymous 6/04/2022 08:04 PM Page 45 of 57 What does parkland dedication look like for Residential buildings? I.E. large skyscrapers with condos and such like the one's popping up on Rainey and the Eastside/ ones that have retail and offices below Off leash dogs have created an unsafe situation for older and younger users of our neighborhood park. Our neighborhood park has become a destination for off leash dog users because there are not enough off leash spaces in the city - Underutilized city owned property should be designated for off leash dog users - Please! It's about time! I think a stakeholder meeting with the PARD department prior to City Council hearings should be scheduled so that everyone can have a chance to have their input heard and ask questions. Great idea, thank you for pursuing! The greatness of a metro area is proportional to its amount of parkland. (More park=More great!) This program should be adjusted if it is driving businesses away from Travis County and if the new parks are observed to not being utilized by the community as anticipated. There is so much being developed for profit in the city. I'd like to see more parks added to an already large number in the city. Keeping the green spaces is key to a smaller environmental impact from all of the development occurring. More parks please Even pocket parks , scattered throughout the city would be a benefit for local employees, residents, and visitors PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Anonymous 6/05/2022 02:39 PM Anonymous 6/07/2022 10:58 AM Anonymous 6/08/2022 09:10 AM Anonymous 6/08/2022 12:42 PM Susan Pantell 6/08/2022 02:05 PM Anonymous 6/09/2022 12:58 PM Anonymous 6/09/2022 01:09 PM Anonymous 6/09/2022 01:34 PM Anonymous 6/09/2022 02:21 PM Anonymous 6/09/2022 04:03 PM Page 46 of 57 Public space is a critical element in Urban settings and securing that space in conjunction with protecting the environment is a win-win. Strive to encourage investments in environmentally challenged areas that make the city a better place Council and staff should identify ways to utilize the existing revenue and dedication of parkland rather than adding an additional fee to increase the cost of doing business in the City. This should not be a requirement moving forward. There should be rules for limiting the development of parkland, in order to bring nature closer to people. Nature reduces stress. On another, somewhat related, note - the height of buildings, with lots of glass and offices with lights on at nigh, have a devastating effect on migrating birds and other flying creatures. There should be a way to mitigate that. It should be available to the public, not just the employees. Austin's parks are far beyond well-loved, but need more effective support. I am so glad that the City is drafting a new rule that would help improve parks access at places of work. Given that over 50% of workers in Austin reside outside of the City but use Austin parks, we need this ordinance to help keep up with growing demand on parks. This ordinance would have a very positive effect on quality of life in the City by acquiring and improving parkland to keep up with the growing workforce and providing more opportunities for recreation and outdoor activity as part of people's daily life. Austin needs more parkland. Progressive plans such as this benefit the whole city Instead of a required ordinance, we can maybe add a partnership to mitigate cost and encourage green spaces as a part of the PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 commercial development. Anonymous 6/09/2022 04:37 PM Anonymous 6/09/2022 04:44 PM Anonymous 6/09/2022 07:00 PM Anonymous 6/09/2022 07:26 PM Anonymous 6/09/2022 08:43 PM Anonymous 6/09/2022 10:05 PM Anonymous 6/09/2022 11:39 PM Anonymous 6/10/2022 08:17 AM Page 47 of 57 Get the fee and use the money for planned parks, this is a tax payer subsidized boondoggle. Commercial parkland development fees are needed. Period. We need to support our heavily used park system and continue to grow them. It is why people love Austin and it is what makes it so unique. This is a really important policy to implement for the city of Austin. Thank you. Likely doing already, seems would be useful to find out what other cities have in place for parkland dedication for commercial development, ask what they might do differently now, and consider modeling after. And if we are the first to have such a program, well good for Austin! Maintaining open parkland space despite continuing growth, including commercial development, is essential for the health of the community. I would love to see more interconnected trails throughout the city. The greenbelts are somewhat unique to Austin, but they are in pockets. A connected trail would be a unique feature for Austin and serve the greater Austin community. Great program! Thanks for the survey. In many big cities and other countries, there are substantially more parks in urban and commercial areas. It makes work, live, play so much more accessible and enjoyable. I'm grateful the city is looking into adding t his. I think there is a way to scale this that is fair to all. I think our city is full of for profit developments that are not paying their share of ANY impact fees for a whole host of city services and amentiies they will bring people to. This is a drop in the bucket. There should be an impact fee for it all and required work with the city to complete sidewalks and protect bikelanes and provide easements for it all. The maintenance all of this will require costs $. Will they be paying for that too? I hope so. Tax dollars from property taxes can't pay for it all. PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 I am actually surprised this isn’t a requirement already Thank you for soliciting community input! Keep Austin green and vibrant! Other factors to consider should be positive environmental features of the property that should be preserved (i.e. trees). Example: developer goes above and beyond to preserve a pocket of trees of varying sizes and diversity. Maybe they shouldn't have to dedicate that as parkland but as their own green space for their employees. Please consider making this effort part of a connected system of parks, trails and bike routes. We have a number of lovely places (Waterloo Park) that realistically can only be reached by car. Part of the messaging should include success stories from other cities. I only wish this had started 10 years ago. Make sure all current parks are clean and safe w/o homeless. Has to be one of the stupidest ideas I have ever heard of. Did Natasha Harper-Madison dream this up? Please do it. Please do not include public restrooms. They bring many problems and encourage unhoused people to camp within the area. Every park should have drinking water and restrooms. Anonymous 6/10/2022 08:39 AM Anonymous 6/10/2022 01:21 PM Anonymous 6/10/2022 04:47 PM Anonymous 6/10/2022 04:50 PM Anonymous 6/10/2022 05:59 PM Anonymous 6/11/2022 08:56 AM Anonymous 6/11/2022 11:07 AM Anonymous 6/11/2022 11:55 AM Anonymous 6/12/2022 08:10 AM Anonymous 6/12/2022 03:07 PM Anonymous 6/13/2022 09:31 AM Page 48 of 57 PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Anonymous 6/13/2022 10:11 AM agree that we need more green space, especially on the East and West sides of Powell Lane. Lots of warehouses, not a lot of shade or trees, especially west side Anonymous 6/13/2022 10:22 AM if you implement this bad, unfair idea, you should AT LEAST lower the dedication/fee in lieu requirements of residential developments. also, stop wasting money in other areas and you might have more money for parks. Anonymous 6/13/2022 02:50 PM If you make it attractive or give a benefit to the property owner, many will choose to add parkland. Stop using the power of government as a Anonymous 6/13/2022 04:02 PM The city should provide an economic impact study/statement that demonstrates the hard and soft cost impacts upon a commercial hammer on citizens. development. Anonymous 6/15/2022 07:03 AM Please do not create more parks just for them to turn into homeless camps. We love parks and want them to be safe places for families to visit. Yes, more parks would be great. Anonymous 6/15/2022 07:41 AM Anonymous 6/16/2022 09:19 AM Anonymous 6/16/2022 09:43 PM Anonymous 6/17/2022 04:22 PM Anonymous 6/19/2022 10:15 PM Page 49 of 57 More parks and trails and work with trail organizations to design, make, and maintain trails. As much as everyone enjoys greenspace, we have to balance that with the need for density in the City, which also has huge impacts on the environment. Parkland should absolutely be an important consideration in new development, but we have to be careful about encouraging sprawl. Which is admittedly a very difficult line to walk. Of import should be preserving any available natural resources, or at least limiting development on these precious, dwindling assets, e.g., creeks, trees, historic sites. Once gone, these can NEVER be replaced. I'm in full support - thank you! Warehouse and industrial parks are the missing link between neighborhoods and transit on the east side. PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Increase natural growth and habitat This seems like such a reasonable approach given the unbelievable growth in Austin and a way to keep the city green and the people outdoors (which is why so many people move here). Our parks need more support! Its a Slippery slope in commercial development. Protect our parks first and foremost! We should encourage bikeability and walkability so more employees can get to work without using a car. Big +1 to commuter showers and bike storage. Lockers would also be useful, both for commuters and for recreational users accessing parkland by bike/transit/on foot (because not having a car means you don't have a locked place to store stuff, so you end up having to lug everything you need for the whole day around with you everywhere you go. This is especially a problem at Zilker since Barton Springs Pool doesn't allow insulated bags or food, but if you bike or bus down there for the day, there is no other place to store your picnic stuff while you go to the pool) What a great idea. It’s sad someone has to suggest to development to do it. Leave the trees, build around them. This is a fantastic initiative by APRD that I hope will be approved and strongly enforced. More parkland and, even more importantly, nature preserves are vital to the health and well-being not only of Austin residents but our natural world as a whole. Anonymous 6/29/2022 10:16 AM Anonymous 6/29/2022 03:46 PM Anonymous 7/01/2022 09:27 AM Anonymous 7/01/2022 12:17 PM Anonymous 7/01/2022 01:11 PM Anonymous 7/05/2022 02:36 PM Anonymous 7/06/2022 06:01 AM Anonymous 7/06/2022 08:29 AM Page 50 of 57 Anonymous 7/07/2022 03:37 PM Thank you for considering this important option to continue adding much-needed park land in Austin. This is crucial, but should not be the only step to add park land. PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Anonymous 7/10/2022 01:57 PM Thanks for allowing public comment. Not addressed is who is responsible for future maintenance and upkeep of such parks. If not City of Austin, then this ordinance must also mandate that the development set aside a fund dedicated to maintaining the park, and that this fund must be properly managed separate from the other property management activities and funds (to ensure this fund is not misused, and remains dedicated to the park). Also, not addressed is when will such parks be open to the public, or will they only be accessible during business hours and by certain groups (such as employees)? I believe every effort should be made to allow anyone access at anytime, or a policy at least consistent with Austin public parks today. Finally, as you'll see from my comments above, I believe all such parks should help enable bike and ped commuting and traveling throughout Austin. That is, these parks should add to our dedicated, physically separate bike and ped path network in Austin. And these paths should be accessible 24/7/365. Austin is deficient in open green space for casual sports (pickup soccer, ultimate frisbee, etc.) With climate changing, artificial turf playfields may be more suitable than grass for such spaces. See Buck Egger park in Round Rock for an example of a turf field in a smaller park setting. Would love more places to play soccer, more turf fields, and more pickleball courts. More fields or artificial turf for pickup soccer, ultimate frisbee, etc! I think access to parkland is a good idea, but minimal direct access. Parkland should be parkland. I think this has to be developed carefully and make sense instead of being yet another neighborhood vs developer thing. Do you work from home is a question I’m surprised was not included. thanks for caring and getting more parkland. i also think parks can help wildlife... Anonymous 7/10/2022 02:17 PM Anonymous 7/10/2022 03:00 PM Anonymous 7/10/2022 03:18 PM Anonymous 7/10/2022 03:44 PM Anonymous 7/10/2022 04:13 PM Anonymous 7/10/2022 09:45 PM Anonymous 7/10/2022 11:10 PM Page 51 of 57 PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Optional question (126 response(s), 203 skipped) Question type: Essay Question Page 52 of 57 PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Q13 How do you identify with items below? (choose all that apply) 237 250 225 200 175 150 125 100 75 25 100 63 56 50 38 26 Question options Commercial business owner (office, retail, industrial, or other) Employee at a commercial business (office, retail, industrial, or other) Nonprofit employee Government employee Commercial real estate developer or advocate Park user Mandatory Question (329 response(s)) Question type: Checkbox Question Page 53 of 57 PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Q14 If you live in Austin, which City Council District do you live in?Find your district here: 24 (7.3%) 24 (7.3%) 36 (10.9%) 36 (10.9%) 28 (8.5%) 28 (8.5%) 24 (7.3%) 24 (7.3%) 59 (17.9%) 59 (17.9%) 14 (4.3%) 14 (4.3%) 25 (7.6%) 25 (7.6%) 17 (5.2%) 17 (5.2%) 34 (10.3%) 34 (10.3%) 32 (9.7%) 32 (9.7%) 11 (3.3%) 11 (3.3%) 25 (7.6%) 25 (7.6%) Question options I do not live in Austin District 1 (Natasha Harper-Madison) District 2 (Vanessa Fuentes) District 3 (Sabino "Pio" Renteria) District 4 (Jose "Chito" Vela) District 5 (Ann Kitchen) District 6 (Mackenzie Kelly) District 7 (Leslie Pool) District 8 (Paige Ellis) District 9 (Kathie Tovo) District 10 (Alison Alter) I live in Austin, not sure which district Optional question (327 response(s), 2 skipped) Question type: Radio Button Question Page 54 of 57 PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Q15 If you work in Austin, which City Council District do you work in? Find your district here: 26 (8.2%) 26 (8.2%) 20 (6.3%) 20 (6.3%) 11 (3.4%) 11 (3.4%) 50 (15.7%) 50 (15.7%) 17 (5.3%) 17 (5.3%) 91 (28.5%) 91 (28.5%) 28 (8.8%) 28 (8.8%) 14 (4.4%) 14 (4.4%) 22 (6.9%) 22 (6.9%) 7 (2.2%) 7 (2.2%) 16 (5.0%) 16 (5.0%) 17 (5.3%) 17 (5.3%) Question options I do not work in Austin District 1 (Natasha Harper-Madison) District 2 (Vanessa Fuentes) District 3 (Sabino "Pio" Renteria) District 4 (Jose "Chito" Vela) District 5 (Ann Kitchen) District 6 (Mackenzie Kelly) District 7 (Leslie Pool) District 8 (Paige Ellis) District 9 (Kathie Tovo) District 10 (Alison Alter) I work in Austin, not sure which district Optional question (317 response(s), 12 skipped) Question type: Radio Button Question Page 55 of 57 PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Q16 In what zip code do you work? 3 (1.2%) 3 (1.2%) 3 (1.2%) 3 (1.2%)3 (1.2%) 3 (1.2%)3 (1.2%) 4 (1.6%) 3 (1.2%) 4 (1.6%) 4 (1.6%) 4 (1.6%) 4 (1.6%) 5 (2.0%) 4 (1.6%) 5 (2.0%) 5 (2.0%) 7 (2.8%) 5 (2.0%) 8 (3.2%) 7 (2.8%) 8 (3.2%) 8 (3.2%) 9 (3.6%) 8 (3.2%) 9 (3.6%) 9 (3.6%) 9 (3.6%) 9 (3.6%) 9 (3.6%) 40 (15.9%) 40 (15.9%) 29 (11.5%) 29 (11.5%) 19 (7.5%) 11 (4.4%) 19 (7.5%) 11 (4.4%) 11 (4.4%) 10 (4.0%) 11 (4.4%) 10 (4.0%) 9 (3.6%) 9 (3.6%) 9 (3.6%) 9 (3.6%) Question options Austin, TX 78701 Austin, TX 78704 Austin, TX 78702 Austin, TX 78741 Austin, TX 78753 Austin, TX 78705 Austin, TX 78731 Austin, TX 78745 Austin, TX 78759 Austin, TX 78722 Austin, TX 78746 Austin, TX 78735 Austin, TX 78723 Austin, TX 78752 Austin, TX 78703 Austin, TX 78751 Austin, TX 78754 Austin, TX 78712 Austin, TX 78757 Austin, TX 78756 Austin, TX 78744 Austin, TX 78758 Austin, TX 78749 Austin, TX 78721 Austin, TX 78748 Austin, TX 78729 Austin, TX 78727 The University of Texas, TX 78712 Austin, TX 78730 Austin, TX 78724 Austin, TX 78725 Austin, TX 78717 Hornsby Bend, TX 78725 Austin, TX 78737 Rollingwood, TX 78746 San Marcos, TX 78666 Sunset Valley, TX 78745 Austin, TX 78726 Austin, TX 78762 Cedar Park, TX 78613 Austin, TX 78739 Austin, TX 78728 Austin, TX 78747 Austin, TX 78733 Tarrytown, TX 78703 Del Valle, TX 78617 Optional question (252 response(s), 77 skipped) Question type: Region Question Page 56 of 57 PLD Commercial Development Input : Survey Report for 09 May 2022 to 11 July 2022 Q17 What is your race/ethnicity? 44 (13.5%) 44 (13.5%) 0 (0.0%) 19 (5.8%) 0 (0.0%) 19 (5.8%) 9 (2.8%) 9 (2.8%) 3 (0.9%) 8 (2.5%)3 (0.9%) 8 (2.5%) 36 (11.1%) 36 (11.1%) 1 (0.3%) 1 (0.3%) 205 (63.1%) 205 (63.1%) Question options Asian or Asian American Black or African American Hispanic or Latino/a/x Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander White Biracial or multiracial Race or ethnicity not listed I prefer not to answer American Indian or Alaska Native Optional question (323 response(s), 6 skipped) Question type: Radio Button Question Page 57 of 57