June 28, 2017 Task Force Meeting Draft Minutes — original pdf

CITY MANAGER SEARCH ADVISORY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, June 28, 2017 The City Manager Search Advisory Task Force convened in a regular meeting on Wednesday, June 28, 2017 at City Hall Council Chambers. Chair Laura Huffman called the Task Force meeting to order at 6:08 p.m. Board Members in Attendance: Laura Huffman (Chair), Saundra Kirk (Vice Chair), Claudia Conner, Perla Cavazos, Julio Gonzalez Altamirano, Bill Spellman, Channy Soeur, Walter Muse, Jan Lehman, Admiral Bobby Inman. Susan Hambright was absent. Staff in Attendance: Joya Hayes, Debbie Maynor, Trinh Bartlett, Lara Foss, Lee Crawford, Sonya Alexander-Harry, Rod Sigler, and Doron Silberstein. Erin Carbrey from Russell Reynold Associates was in attendance. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Recommendation by Task Force Chair Laura Huffman to approve the minutes for the June 16, 2017 City Manager Search Advisory Task Force Meeting was approved on Task Force Vice Chair Saundra Kirk’s motion. Task Force Member Admiral Bobby Inman seconded on a 10-0 vote. Task Force Member Susan Hambright was absent. 2. CITIZENS COMMUNICATION: GENERAL a) Robert Matlock spoke about the Electric Utility Commission’s working group’s recommendations for power generation for the next 10 years and looking for a City Manager with a strong environmental track record. 3. INVITED PUBLIC COMMENT a) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Quality of Life Advisory Commission – Dr. Victor Martinez b) Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission – Vince Cobalis c) African American Employee Network – Carla Johnson d) Austin/Travis County EMS Employee Association – Anthony Marquardt e) Austin Police Association – Kenneth Casaday f) Austin Federal, State, County, Municipal Employee Union – Carol Gutherie 4. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT ON IDEAL CITY MANAGER QUALIFICATIONS AND CHARACTERISTICS AND KEY ISSUES TO INCLUDE IN CITY MANAGER PROFILE. a) Erwin Mazanegos b) Mike Burnett c) Bob Hendricks d) Shane Johnson e) Sylvia Mendoza 5. NEW BUSINESS a) Task Force Chair Laura Huffman asked everyone to sign the City Email Agreement Form. b) Task Force Chair Laura Huffman mentioned the memo that she and Saundra Kirk wrote to the Mayor and Council regarding the City Manager Search Advisory Task Force Scope that would be going out later that day. This memo was passed out to each Task Force Member. c) Russell Reynolds Associates Representative Erin Carbrey brought three sample candidate profiles and passed out copies to each Task Force member to review. d) Task Force Chair Laura Huffman mentioned that several Task Force members had received names of potential candidates for the City Manager position. She directed everyone to submit names of potential candidates to the CityManager@RussellReynolds.com email. e) Task Force members requested that Task Force go beyond the Quality of Life Commissions and Affinity Groups that have spoken and reach out to the Austin Neighborhoods Council, Chambers of Commerce, Conservancies, Austin AARO, major civil rights advocacy groups, Downtown Austin Alliance, major religious groups and other members of the business community for invited testimony. Human Resources Director Joya Hayes committed to sending invitations to the original Corporate PIO distribution with an attempt to extend a one-on-one personalized invitation to those that the Task Force identified on the dais. Chair Laura Huffman and Human Resources Director Joya Hayes requested the task force members to send contact information for other entities that they want staff personally to invite to the July 8, 2017 meeting. f) Task Force Vice Chair Saundra Kirk requested the Council Chambers be made available for additional time for the July 8 meeting g) Russell Reynolds Associates Representative Erin Carbrey gave an update on the Culture Advisory Survey and stated that Russell Reynolds will provide a draft City Manager candidate profile for Task Force to review at the July 12 meeting. h) Task Force Chair Laura Huffman requested that in-District feedback be sent to the staff liaison and Russell Reynolds Associates by the end of the day on July 5, 2017 (11:59 p.m.) 6. ADJOURN Task Force Member Walter Muse motioned to adjourn the meeting. Task Force Member Admiral Bobby Inman seconded on a 10-0 vote. Task Force Member Susan Hambright was absent. The Task Force Meeting was adjourned at 7:26 p.m. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Sonya Alexander-Harry at Human Resources Department, at 512-974-3228, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the City Manager Search Advisory Task Force, please contact Sonya Alexander-Harry at 512-974-3228.