Summary of Online City Manager Search Survey Responses — original pdf

City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.1Previous job experiences streamlining city processes and eliminating bureaucratic hurdles, especially in zoning and planning approvals. A focus on urban form and reducing sprawl while making their previous city a more compact, dense and connected place. Previous experience using public-private partnerships to fund development of transit, housing and public spaces such as streetcar lines, parks and transit oriented developments.He or she needs to be steadfast in their values and adhere to the stated goals of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan. They cannot be swayed by local or developer threats or interests that stray from that plan even if it makes individuals angry. They must represent the people of Austin and not individual council members, neighborhood leaders, political party ideologies or state or national legislators. Make decisions on data and not on opinions or gut feelings, but actual data that is gathered to inform decisions.The most critical challenge is transitioning Austin to a big-city mindset that is mindful of both current residents but inclusive of new residents' ideas, wants and needs. A vocal population of Austin is hostile to those that want to bring big-city ideals of effective transit, dense, affordable housing and economically integrated populations to the Urban Core of the city. The new city manager needs to be able to resist the temptation to cater to well-known, politically powerful local influencers that already have a platform and give a voice to those who aren't as involved but want to have a say in how their city grows.2CEO from a Fortune 100 company, or top 10 US City, even someone who has managed a large international city. It would be interesting to have someone with international experience.We need someone who cares about City employees, most of us city employees never felt any kind of connection with Marc Ott. He just seemed distant and impersonal. Very different from his predecessor. A good leader will care about us and motivate City employees to do their best.More growth, more traffic, transportation issues seem like they need the most attention right now. Keeping city services affordable for homeowners is important too.3A firm "no" when someone asks to build ANOTHER highrise.A sense of humour.It would be cool if black people could live in Austin again.4Prior track record of leadership and ability to listen, discuss, and execute directives. Open minded attitude. Prior experience with government, or working with government agencies.Open minded. Friendly. Support citizens from all backgrounds who enjoy Austin.Transportation. Infrastructure. Education. Property Tax. Population growth. Libraries.5An ability to do their work without yielding to the pressure put on them by individual council members.A willingness to follow Imagine Austin.Far too many roadblocks to building homes centrally. Underzoned properties surrounded by rules that further limit what can be built.6First - Please make as may of the Task Force meetings public (televised) so that citizens have an opportunity to hear from the task force members even though their schedules do not allow.Strong business sense; community expertise; level 5 leader; PROVEN achievements as a City Manager; highly educatedstrong leader; lead from the front not the back; present.Growing into a large city. We need an experienced City Manager with professional experience working in a large city.1 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.7One of the most important things we can look for is a Manager with a proactive strategy. I've seen management sit back and wait for directives and react to the day-to-day fires. What I would really love to see is how the Manager will be proactive with departments and not just remain insulated and protected by the Assistant City Managers.8Private sector experience! Run it like a business not a bloated dysfunctional government sink hole.Someone that is visible and interacts with the public. Ott hid behind closed doors and managed by fear. I hear from far too many city staffers that ideas are not welcome. Just keep you head down low and keep your mouth shut and you'll be there forever. Sad statement to hear from city employees.Bring down operational costs. The city staff is bloated at the top. Too many chiefs, not enough Indians !!!9previously worked in government, and in various levels within the government. Government is not a private sector business and can not be run like one. Be knowledgeable about how a government operates. Needs to understand budgets and time-demands on Budget and financial staff. Needs to be a good leader to city employees and understand their work needs.Should be able to handle stressful situations well and have a calm demeanor. Any new processes to implement should recognize employees' existing workloads and allow ample time for implementation. They should be able to balance Council's desires with employee's time needs. They should give basic policy direction without micromanaging. Good communicator. Be able to inspire employees to greatness. Be a good example in all things.effectively managing change. Be a visionary and know the right questions to ask so that Austin delivers services in the best way. manage traffic.10One of the City Manager's critical tasks is to manage the use of Austin's resources. Austin Energy, Austin Water and Austin Resource Recovery are important city services for our residents and businesses. Integrating their supply and use on a sustainable basis is the City Manager's biggest contribution to Austin's sustainability goals as expressed in the ongoing development of our Net Zero 2050 Plan. Water and energy are joined at the hip and resource recovery supports both of them. They need to all work together to reach our goals as a city. A visionary City Manager will be responsible to integrate these three departments into a common resource plan that optimizes each of them.2 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.11An interest in upholding the ideals of Austin, especially our commitment to zero waste and affordabilityAn active listener in order to take direction from City Council who are the elected voices of the people. A good organizer to be able to manage an effective team to carry out the needs of the city.Getting our curbside composting program in place throughout the city to get us closer to our zero waste goals. Working to get our businesses and restaurants abiding the URO effectively. Focusing on affordable housing. Austin is getting expensive fast, and now is the time to act. Improving public transit, and the effectiveness of the roads that already exist. Protecting our vulnerable populations from state and federal persecution.12Experience managing a mid-level city. City management experience is absolutely a necessity; the learning curve for being a City Manager would be much higher if there were a business leader managing the City of Austin, rather than someone with public service experience. They are two completely different realms, and having someone with experience in public service, rather than someone who seeks to increase profits for a company as much as possible, is necessary.They would need to be public-service oriented, confident in their decisions, and willing to assert themselves in the face of resistance from both City of Austin staff or City Council.The largest issue will be ensuring that the priorities of the City of Austin make their way into the budgets; that is, that the things residents find important AND the things that internally make the City function more efficiently are funded as fully as possible. A balance between those two is tough to manage, and it would help to have someone who understands that it's a balance. City staff may not always think about dire public needs, and Council may not always think about essential investments in the City government that would make the system run better.13rather than "best managed city" as a goal, hire someone who works for the most livable cityCommunication and involvement with city employees and citizensRapid growth14rather than "best managed city" as a goal, hire someone who works for the most livable cityCommunication and involvement with city employees and citizensRapid growth15Ethics. Somebody who believes in imagine Austin and understands the steps that need to be taken to make the plan a reality. Somebody with passion for making our city a better place. Perhaps a background is non profit or ngo work.Ensuring affordable housing for all. Managing water.16Experience in a major city, a career above reproach, "people" skills, appropriate education to manage a big budget with an eye towards saving the taxpayers.To be intellectually curious and appreciative.Looking out for all the people of Austin.Someone prepared to rein in the Planning and Development Department and clean it up so that the recommendations of the Zucker report are implemented.Who hired Matt Lewis?Personal attribute: willingness and skill to communicate with the voters, and not shortchange the voters in preference for builders and businesses. Someone prepared to rein in the Planning and Development Department and clean it up so that the recommendations of the Zucker report are implemented.Who hired Matt Lewis? CodeNEXT is going to make Gregg Guernsey one of the most powerful staff members of Austin.17Previous job experience. Track record for balanced budgets, lowering taxes and running a large organization.Fiscally conservative. Socially liberal.Budgeting. Keeping city property taxes low, lowering them for home owners.3 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.18Proven city management experience, ideally in a rapidly growing city or a city close to Austin's size, and at least some knowledge of Austin. Proven ability to work well with staff, City Council, including community members.Honesty, integrity, patience, commitment to transparency, willingness to carry out Council's will and to be responsive to all Council members.Displacement of long-time residents, especially low-income families and communities of color, due to increasing housing costs. Implementation of CodeNEXT. Continued traffic and attendant air quality challenges. Growing income divide. Loss of support for public schools (not directly in the city's wheelhouse, but a key element for a healthy city).19I think Toby Futrell should be used as a role model for the type of skills and experience needed to run the City of Austin. She was able to advise the city council very well. She started out in a low level city position, and worked her way up.Some one who respects city staff, and knowing what makes Austin a great place to live.Traffic!20We need someone who can stand up to our current city council and make sound, rational, evidence based decisions rather than what "Feels good".Not a liberal!!!! Has common sense!!!! Won't spend 30+Million on an irrelevant library, Supports our first responders...basically the opposite of our current city council.Violent crime, traffic congestion, and HOMELESS population increase will be the largest problems to come.21Track record of not being a political puppet. Someone who can improve the current state of the CoA and push for more streamlined efficient processes within departments and the city as a whole.Someone who can stand up for the employees of the City of Austin when council or others want to strip benefits from us. We need a voice of the employees at the same time we need someone who can lead, direct, and manage the city as a successful business unit.Seeking out and bringing in talented employees. Group A retirement is out, and we don't have pay per performance. Health insurance is VERY expensive, unless you are single. There is not much incentive for educated talented workers to join the CoA as an employee. This is specifically geared towards professional careers at CoA.22Someone who extends grace/honor to all, whether they agree with them or not.-fair and equitable-problem-solver who collaborates with a broad spectrum of others1.Affordability, particularly with housing2. Public Safety3. Traffic congestion23job experiencepersonalityeducationstop the bias due to race, be fair and honest.Traffic and rising cost of living.24Less concerned with previous job experience as a municipal manager than proven ability in a field outside of city management. Someone from the private sector who has a demonstrated ability to complete projects on time and on budget. Analytical without a political agenda.Transportation. Austin is a growing city establishing or at least laying the groundwork for continued mobility in that city is a vital issue that requires addressing. This should be a more comprehensive approach than simply building roads and should include the incorporation of mass transit, improved traffic signals, pedestrian and cyclist safety and lanes and sidewalks, etc...4 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.25At least a Master's degree; a good candidate should have had an educational experience that taught them to converse with diverse populations professionally and with an open mind. Most definitely the must have managed a large population, if not another city in the past,and must have experience in public policy, speaking, relations, etc.Austin's next manager must be prepared to lead with an open heart and mind. They must be willing to represent a varied group of citizens, and must be capable of standing for the rights of all Austin's people. They must be motivated, and confident. They must also be prepared to stand up against local, state, or national issues that do not align with the best interest of all of the citizens of the nation. Additionally, they must be able to face issues and trouble head on, with bold ideas and self assurance, and be ready to work within a team.Austin is developing at a pace where its historic fabric is being tremendously threatened. At this rate, Austin will be an entirely fabricated city, with no true character. Austin's manager will need to celebrate the history of this beautiful city, while continuing to innovate and be a leader in sustainability, peace, and diversity- among other things.26Fearless - not afraid to disappoint special interest groups for the betterment of the cityInnovativeHonest1) figuring out what to do with the transient population. Downtown in inundated with them and they can be aggressive. Citizens should be able to walk without facing harassment.2) Transportation/congestion3) Cost of living - residents being priced out. City employees struggle to live in the city they serve.27A MPA degree & similar knowledge of duties in executive city management in a city similar to the size of Austin.Willing to work with community groups, strong leadership skills, strong sense of city best assets are its employees, strong skills to develop city employees and support community driven programs.gentrification, youth support, ethnic supportive programs, with social services commitment.28The management is losing touch with the work force. Hire from with in the city. We are too unique to bring in another poser like OTTListener, decision maker, quick to listen slow to speak. Doesn't drive a jaguar. Creative would be nice.Growth, transportation, gentrification, property taxes, lets get away from hip and get back to weird29Has worked in City governmentGives deference to staff with expertise in their field (not overly controlling)Communication skillsStands up for staff, especially in front of elected officialsAggressively advocates for more funding, staffing in areas where they area needed.Stagnant hiring, funding for programs that are critical to a functioning city. The City of Austin is comically understaffed -- especially Transportation Department. We need a City Manager who can communicate this to Council and not be afraid to ask for more resources!30The ability to work with multiple departments, citizen groups, and the employee's union to forge a path forward that works for employees and the community.A city manager needs to value diverse perspectives, fight for the under privileged, and have an eye for innovative solutions.Affordability, specifically with how it ties to Austin's unfortunate position as one of the most segregated cities in America.5 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.31Background in all aspects of City government from finance, economic development, public safety and housing just to name a few. Business and finance degree.Personal characteristic should be someone that has a goal to work for the concern of all the citizens of Austin and all city employees and not push a personal political agenda as Mayor Adler and Councilman Cesar often do. We do not need someone that is going to hire their own from other cities. The City of Austin has tons of capable employees!Affordable housing and public safety!! A single person that wants to move to Austin and find employment can't afford Austin and be independent.32Prior City Management experience Non-Profit experienceDevelopment/Infrastructure experienceLegal experienceThe City Manager needs to understand the culture of Austin and respect the history, while nurturing growth and understanding the needs of those who have no voice. From a management perspective he needs to hold leadership accountable and enforce fair and ethical policies.Infrastructure is a HUGE problem in Austin, the corridor plan is one fix of many that are required for our growing City. Someone who has experience working with development, infrastructure, etc is important for the growth happening here.33Communication, Vision, Effective Management, Fiscal ResponsibilityEnergetic, Passionate, Hard workingAffordability, Equity, Inclusion34understanding of land use planning, transportation, housing, and how they all connect;the ability to integrate different work teams, break down silos, and work across departments;the ability to think "big picture" and manage many competing interests;the ability to help Council see the forest, as well as individual treesgood prioritization skills; the ability to communicate effectively to different groups; the ability to listen and receive constructive criticismcontinuing declines in affordability - lack of affordable housing for families, minorities, and service workers35Previous experience as a CM or ACM in a large municipality similar in size to Austin.Strong work ethic and management skills. Comfortable with and aligned, to some degree, with our culture.Transportation, continued rapid growth36Flexible working in a city that is increasingly impacted by traffic; flexible job responsibilities for City employees in an increasingly automated world37Job experience, knowledge about Austin, experience with addressing citizen concernslistening skills, communication skills, assertiveness,Traffic, high cost of living38Fluency with how complex systems work - how they succeed or fail. Familiarity with urban planning. A legal or finance background is a plus. Technical savvy about social media, open data portals, emerging technology, and the paradigm of smart, connected cities to effectively manage services.High intelligence combined with a strong sense of fairness and common sense. Also a person who values the environment and its role in making Austin a cleaner, safer, and beautiful city.Critical challenges will include steady population growth but potentially losing sections of a stable middle and working class that can't afford to live here. An aging infrastructure in terms of transportation, the effects of climate change in the form of severe weather and its destructiveness and economic costs. And keeping pace with technological changes and opportunities like self-driving cars, use of drone technology for government and business and what effect that will have on life in Austin.6 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.39It is important that the "tone at the top" be formed by a person who is an "old school" type of manager. We need a leader who recognizes the value of creating a culture of conscious adherence to policy, not someone who is going to fall back on the old attitude that progressive policies are being imposed upon the workforce.(1) maintaining our prerogative as a local government in the face of State and Federal overstep. (2) Addressing problems associated with a workforce that is largely aging out of their positions, and ensuring that the new organization is representative and progressive, and (3) reconciling visions of Austin with change motivators such as gentrification, mobility challenges, and technological advances.40Needs to be able to deal with the changing faces of the City of Austin. From the youngest recruit to the oldest employee and the unique benefits and values which each individual possesses.Needs to be a people person and well acquainted with the environmental challenges which face Austin today. Focus on preserving the environment as well as skilled in planning for the inevitable traffic issues which will continue to increase.1. Traffic. 2. Environmental.41Communication skills (especially with populace), experience with large city on precipice of declineAffordability, traffic congestion, infrastructure, gubernatorial and legislative interference and hostility42Job Experience, Good Communication Skills, Education, Good References,Communication with People and with City of Austin staff,Growth and traffic, it is getting more and more difficult to move around Austin with so much construction and traffic now.43It would be most important for our new City Manager to have no previous personal ties to the community that the City of Austin serves.44Most critical challenges are and will continue to be traffic and affordable housing for longtime or lifelong residents of this city. Those of us born and raised here cannot afford to live in our childhood homes. The taxes and traffic in central Austin to the south are running us out. I don't have anywhere to go as my job is in downtown Austin. I don't know my surrounding communities like Round Rock, Bastrop, or Buda, Kyle. I want to stay in my birth town, Austin.45(1)work history in city affairs,(2) legal knowledge about relevant issues. (3)great communicatorA leader/unifier that can persuade and see both sides of an issue.the change in Austin from a livable city to a steroid-driven gentrified class using toll roads and lower income shift workers riding mass transit. TRANSPORTATION and the ability to sidestep longer commutes because of their wealth.46- Proven track record of managing success for a large organization; preferably public institution- Decisive leader- Skill in stakeholder negotiations- Humility and deep passion for public service- Unafraid of critics- Conviction and commitment to the cause- Great listener- Growth, densification, transportation challenges, inclusion of diverse communities in political process7 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.47At least 5 years of experience in managing enterprise departments, including contract management issues, NERC/FERC regulations, and employee retainment/salary issues.Be able to listen and learn from staffAbility to set objectives that make both business sense as well as political senseBalance the needs of the community with the long-term sustainability of the departmentsHow to handle continued growth versus aging infrastructure (i.e. roads, water, sewer, electrical)How to handle a fractured and ever changing City Council to ensure the long term sustainability of Austin48Experience managing a large public sector entity, preferably at the municipal level, and preferably experience with large enterprises (like our utilities). We need someone who is familiar with the way cities operate and what can/cannot be done (with respect to legal and ethical restrictions).Key personal characteristics would be honesty, integrity, ability to motivate teams, commitment to personal improvement, ability to effectively delegate, and good public speaking skills. Our city manager often has to communicate complex issues to the public or Council, and needs to be able to do so effectively.The city's land development code will likely be an issue for years to come. We are also heading towards a crisis with the way we fund and manage our public safety agencies (primarily APD and AFD). Homelessness is a growing concern, as is affordability more generally. We will need to form closer and more effective working relationships with our regional partners, including the cities of Leander, Cedar Park, Round Rock, and others as Austin becomes more of a sprawling metropolitan area rather than a small, self-contained city. Future attempts by the state legislature to stifle Austin's home rule authority are likely. I also think that Austin needs to prepare for a potential economic dip. If the tech industry slows down - or if the legislature pulls a North Carolina and companies subsequently move their business out of Texas - the city's economy will suffer. The next city manager needs to have a plan in place to ensure the city doesn't end up in a budgetary black hole.49understanding of what makes Austin unique and a willingness to protect that v. growing the City just to say the City is growing. Ability to hold upper management accountable for their actions and protect lower-level employees.Humility, empathy, organization, ability to see the big picture, courage, strong ethics, willingness to put the good of the City above personal gain.Growth of the City - how to manage influx of new residents who may not understand the City's ethos; dedication to protecting parkland and historic buildings/locations from being developed upon. Texas leg - working to maintain Austin's autonomy in the face of an increasingly hostile State government. Finances - balancing affordability for residents against an ever-expanding need for more essential services as well as services that make Austin unique (e.g. PARD, the City's no-kill status, transporation options).50Should have experience working with a single-member district council; love or hate it, single-member districts present unique challenges to city government.Not in any order: Growth and Codenext (and the ramifications of CodeNext); affordability and livability; traffic/mobility; preserving the city's unique history and cultural heritage;8 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.51Wide knowledge base regarding a progress, growing and diverse city with Austin's unique characteristics in the state of Texas. The knowledge needs to be book knowledge of best practices and education combined with hands on practical experience.Ability to listen and then make informed decisions. Respect for the citizens, staff members, city council members and the mayor. Well organized, clear thinking, respected, respectful, articulate and a well regarded team leader.Affordability; diversity; attracting and maintaining a well qualified and diverse work force that can afford to live in the city. Budget that matches Austin current high standards of living and city services. Keen and savvy about state and federal government budgets and priorities.52The City Manager should be a good communicator and have good writing skills as well as be able to hire someone to accurately edit written communications with staff and the rest of the City. While I am proud to work for the City of Austin, the obvious spelling, grammatical, and stylistic errors in written statements sent out by the last City Manager were often truly embarrassing. If I had been from another city and thinking about taking a job in Austin, I would have thought twice about working in a place that put out such horrible texts to its employees. Sending out memos with many errors makes it appear that sloppy work is acceptable at the City.53Innovative. The next Manager should bring new ideas to Austin and not simply fit the "mold" of the community. It's important that he/she bring a new perspective on how to manage our continuing transition from a mid-size city to major metropolitan area. It's less important to be liked and maintain the status-quo, and more important to be effective and progressing.Pragmatic, level-headed and approachable.Growth. Balancing the inevitability of sprawl with the desire to build upwards and become more dense. Mitigating the divide between the "two Austins"...those can afford to live and work in Austin, and those who cannot. Much of this is due to market factors beyond the Manager's control, but the new Manager should be able to collaborate regionally to anticipate growth / maintain quality services. Council also plays a role in ensuring that Austinites are not being taxed out of their homes.54Communications, flexibility, mediation/problem solving, ability to work with very diverse interest groups and to accept and consider disagreeing opinions from those she seeks advice from, both employees and community. Must be well versed in all aspects of city government and a plus if it is Austin city government.Outgoing (not reclusive) intelligent, and not hampered by a large ego.infrastructure to meet growth, especially traffic, accommodating the expectations of very diverse interest groups re: race relations, police, etc.9 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.55Not influenced by greed and political gains!When will seasoned Austin Energy temp employees, who complete the same work as full time employees, have full benefits?When will seasoned Austin Energy temp employees, who complete the same work as full time employees, have full benefits?Remember you are a public servant. Engage with the public and consider their well-being, always.When will seasoned Austin Energy temp employees, who complete the same work as full time employees, have full benefits?Consistently helping the public when greedy politicians attempt to control more programs. How will the city manager endure?56Public (not private) management experience/educationCommunication skillsForward-thinkingLeadership/motivational skillsShare our values - environmentally friendly, support local business and artists, promote inclusivity (in a meaningful and impactful way)Good listener but also not afraid to take a hard stance when necessaryAffordable housing, gentrification57Previous experience as an assistant/deputy city manager in a similarly sized community (with large colleges, large airport, political capitol), educational background in public administration and/or communication, previous experience in working with diverse communities, strong communicatorStrong communicator, personal involvement in the communityAging infrastructure, mobility, safety58Experience running a city of 200,000+ people. Successful technology and business process improvements implementations.Visionary, Politically SavvyBusiness Process Improvement as we endeavor to integrate and leverage major technological innovations. Currently, the city can't even manage to get onto electronic timesheets.591) Ability and willingness to stand up to City Council and citizens on behalf of City employees. 2) Ability and willingness to cut through the politics and make common sense choices that are best for the City as a whole instead of the vocal minority.3) Ability and willingness to develop a plan that will promote City employees' career progression without all the current red tape and inconsistencies.4) Ability and willingness to connect with all City employees from the top to the bottom.5) Ability and willingness to properly deal with employees that do not care to be successful or work hard.1) Common sense.2) Pride for the City's dedicated employees.3) Courage to stand up to literally EVERYONE.1) Growing population with an infrastructure that is already undersized and restricted due to current right-of-way limits.2) The next economic bust.3) Self-centered citizens and political groups that do not care about the success or greater good of the entire City.60Knowledge of Council and how the City operates.Experience of running a great City!Look at the work force an have an open mind, we all work hard to make this the best managed city!Zero waste, green cleaning, traffic reduction, more people moving to austin, alternate transportation, more avalible transportation for city employees to use to get to building to building. Autonomous vehicles, leed buildings in new and old construction.10 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.61Known leader with extreme organizational abilities, and strong human relationship team building skills. No EGO driven, instead inclusive and open to suggestions from all City Staff levels and members equally. Able to reward outstanding service by Austin Employees and build in cost of living increases for sustainability of excellent workforce.Outstanding fiscal responsibility to Citizens and able to motivate the City Workforce with praise, rewards, and feeling good about working for the City. Someone who can make a dollar go a long way in providing City services and have a modest mindset for an affordable city. Think of the Taxpayer with limited resources, just trying to make a living and not lose their home in Austin.50% New and rehab homes built in the City under $200,000 each. Regulation reduced on residents to encourage building and repairs. Street expansion for vehicle safety and to provide access and the ability to move business and commerce in and around the City quickly.62Someone who is a self thinker, not easily influenced by others, and willing to be innovative in their problem solving efforts. I feel that it is important to select a candidate who is aware of the recent legislative changes and willing to comply with both state and federal laws, just as citizens are expected to abide by the law, no matter if the person ageees or disagrees with the law.I feel that the next City Manager should be aware of and capable of accepting the responsibility of the position in a city that is experiencing the growth that Austin is. With growth comes positive in the form of revenue but also with growth comes some negative side effects. The next manager needs to be able recognize and competent enough to find solutions to combat the negative. Examples are congestion, over regulation, and the rise in crime. All of these are issues that the current and past leaders have tak n a head in the sand approach about and look where that has gotten the city.As stated above, growth and expansion. The newly selected manager needs to have experienced being in a city with like growth to Austin. This will allow a break in the status quo of the past administration and provide for the ability to tackle the problems that aren't easy to discuss rather than turn a blind eye, hoping they will fix themselves or just go away.63Background in business (possibly economics or technology) based on the dramatic increase in technology companies moving to Austin and the number of entrepreneurs starting businesses. Military experience. Ability to adapt and overcome and a desire to serve.Personal experience uniting diverse peoples of many backgrounds.Transportation issues stemming from incomplete road infrastructure. Increased hiring of city employees, specifically fire, ems, and police to address the increase in population. Positive history and experience with law enforcement.64The ability to network, interest in meeting with many employees and understanding the day-to-day, fiscal accountability and prudence, public speaking and advanced communication skills.the ability to lead and participate in heated discussions about controversial topics, an interest in innovation, reform and front-line idea capturing. A dedication to discovering and eliminating internal and external roadblocks to our city's success-traffic-affordability-safety and security-infrastructure and development planning65Be people being who truly cares about taxpayers and people. This includes city employees! Many are Austin homeowners, etc.Don't play politics...internally nor externally.Transportation and infrastructure.Proficiency with the workforce.Cost of living11 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.66a combination of private + public sector experience would be good. It's important to be mindful of the taxpayer $$$ and to take a business like approach to managing funds, but the goal of the City is not to make money, it's to serve it's community. Someone with experience in both fields is needed to balance this.Someone who understands the need for affordability in Austin while also balancing the need for business growth.Mobility and affordability. The two are tied together and should be approached globally rather than independently.67Experience with running a large organization, experience dealing with a very diverse workforce, and an ability to use information to determine the best course of action regardless of political ideology.The ability to speak to people in a language and manner that they can understand, to be able to ask for help or guidance from intelligent and unbiased people when in need, to always take the ethical route over the quick or easy route.Dealing with traffic will be a major problem, finding a way to increase public transportation while reducing the number of new roads that need to be created will be vital in creating a sustainable and livable city. The city's problem with drug use and homelessness needs to be dealt with in a way that focuses more on rehabilitation and help than punitive measures. Housing affordability is also a problem although it might be lessened if people could live further outside of the city while still having access to mass transit in order to get where they need to go.68Communication skills. Past experience in managing billion dollar budgets. Past experience in building a successful team of assistants because it really is a team job.Patience and moral character that's indisputable. Highly intellectual with the ability to communicate clearly with people of all nationalities and background.Property taxes are out of control. Controlled growth and transportation.69The next city manager should have experience in dealing with diverse cultural elements in the city and should have an understanding of the pressures that Austin has in making itself affordable for the economically disadvantaged. They should have a plan to bring Austin back to being an affordable place to live.They should possess excellent presentation skills along with the ability to speak to diverse cultural groups.Affordability, Traffic, Crime.70Critical thinking, strong communication skills, and complex problem solving skillsOpen-minded (willing to hear and truly consider viewpoints different from his/her own), Good judgment, City staff at all levels.traffic issues due to continued growth71Needs to be compassionate, brave, morally strong. Not afraid of doing the right thing even if unpopular. Possibly a veteran, former law enforcement individual, psychology background, possibly physician/nursing background. Strong & caring.Integrity. Pay attention to the needs of working people that live in Austin not just worry about those that visit.Traffic and truly affordable housing. Homes under $150K and apartments under $900. Stop catering solely to the rich and visitors.12 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.72Having a MBA is important and perhaps some coursework history in political science and social sciences. High communications skills for public speaking and high interpersonal skills for managing people and interacting with citizens of the city.Natural leadership ability and skills as well as organizational skills, prioritizing skills. Friendly, open, honest, sincere, genuinely interested in the welfare of the community and committed to public service and well versed in technology and planning for the future. Able to see the big picture and hash out the details.traffic and population growth and unaffordable housing within the city, growing houseless population, growing drug use and related crime.731. Ability to put their personal bias aside and not have a personal interest in decisions for the City.2. Skills to have political correctness when dealing with the Public, yet get the point across- abuse of our City and services will not be tolerated.3. Financial knowledge with cost cutting and efficient use of resources/services already in place.1. Transparency and integrity are at the top of the list for our next City Manager.1. MOST CRITICAL challenge is dealing with the homeless population- enforcement of city ordinance for panhandling. 2. Follow the City ordinances for San Antonio and Houston for panhandling- stop it, make it illegal and only when a permit is applied for, will it be legal (like AFD's MDA campaign). 3. Stop enabling the homeless population of individuals who CHOOSE not to accept resources or follow drug-free environment, ie: ARCH.4. Highway infrastructure requires "re-striping" of current "bottle-necks"- we don't need to re-invent the wheel, just make areas of congestion more passable- for example- 183 south to Bastrop hwy northbound bottle necks from 3 lanes to 1!!! This is ridiculous, and has been since 1985!5. OPEN THE DRUNK TANK, YESTERDAY!6. The City of Austin needs a beautiful sign welcoming the public on the South and north side of I35--other cities, like Buda and Cedar Park have large "Welcome to..." signs. Where is ours? All that motorist see is a boring, "Austin city limit" sign. Go look- it's at mile marker 223.Thank for the opportunity to voice our opinion! Have a great weekend!74It would be great to have someone with previous city government experience but other areas could include municipality, education or federal. Management, budget, transition, innovation, politics, these are just a few things that come to mind when I think of the City Manager position.Someone who can keep calm in all situations and has patience under fire- I really like when a person can take conflict with grace and keep calm while saying that they will get back with an answer. Answer what you can but take time to get with your team.Someone who can communicate well both with internal and external individuals, has great attention to detail without losing site of the big picture, wear multiple hats, trust their team, open to change, and so much more.Dealing with a City Council, politics (both Austin and National), profit-earning departments and the rest of us, Clean energy and what that means to current processes, how to move into the digital age (why are we still doing paper time sheets? adding more teleworking opportunities), the Mobility Bond and all that brings with it, keeping the COA an amazing place to work and live, and money (where to get it and where to spend it).13 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.75I believe it will be important in the coming years for our City Manager to be able to take risks in pursuit of the City's values. Our previous City Managers have emphasized risk avoidance or mitigation in their decision-making, which led to the squandering of reasonable opportunities to advance the City's goals and objectives of being the best managed and most liveable city, with emphasis on service with pride and open government.I think it's most important for a City Manager to be passionate about city government, and to have a deep understanding of the community they will serve. Lastly, I think it's important for the next City Manager to have a personality that welcomes a healthy amount of risk in their decision-making.Austin is expected to grow at a steady and substantial rate in the next 50 years under uncertain climate conditions. The most critical challenge for Austin will be to manage the growth in a strategic and well-defined manner that is reflective of our community's values. We need to be planning infrastructure for water, energy, transportation etc. in a cohesive manner in order to best utilize limited resources. Currently, each City Department has its own planning division that works independently of the others. All City Departments should be planning for the same future, and should be sharing, coordinating and collaborating on planning projects and initiatives. The next City Manager should be able to bridge the gaps between City Departments that function as independent silos.76Effective communication of vision. Experience leading teams to success. The proven ability to maintain and establish relationships professionally and personally.Patience tolereance and courage to do the right thing and empathy. Giving a voice to the voiceless and standing up to the opressed no matter the cost.Further gentrification and greed forcing out most of the middle class and all of the impoverished. Our city cannot ignore the housing needs of the impovrished while still employing its citizens without a livable wage for the uneducated and unexperienced.77Prior executive level management experience at a governmental entity.Communication Skills; ability to build trust; ability to balance competing priorities; effective decision makingAttracting, developing and retaining a qualified workforce in a tight labor market with diminishing pay and benefits.Helping Council members understand the business of running the city, and assisting them with policy decisions so that staff is able to focus on executing services based on those policy decisions.78Proven abilities to listen well and to lead proactivelyHonesty, willingness to learn and delegate wellManaging growth and improving livability and affordability79Ability to organize and drive change throughout the COA.The characteristics I would like to see someone who is able to view all of the COA departments as a whole business operation and make "executive" decisions that meat all of the needs we encounter as a city. We are all separated in our individual departments and this should be the exception not the rule. The new leader must be able to think outside of the box, hire and go to bat for our employees as a team instead of each department looking out for their own interests. The budget process is frustrating and too many employees are needed to fill the current positions, let alone the ones we all need to enhance customer service.I think that the growth of our city and the severe understaffing issues as well as internal promotion opportunities are significant. Without the ability to grow within your own department or the COA in general is a huge disappointment. With 18 years of combined service spread over several departments, I'm still trying to determine if I'll actually promote within my degree field or if I will have to leave the COA. This is a huge issue among every employee not hired into a management position initially.14 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.801) Experience and success managing multiple city departments (or offices, if in the private sector);2) Prior experience in non-supervisory/managing roles; 3) Some academic background in management/business, although an alphabet behind the name is less important to me than experience. 4) Courage to tell Council and stakeholders that they cannot have everything they want - explain the stance and stick with it.The next city manager must be willing to gather information from all sides before making a public decision. It is important to weigh the politics, but going with the trend every time will lead to chaos.1) Administering local government within constraints set by the legislature; 2) Weighing the conflicting desires of several stakeholder interest groups and individuals against each other and against "greater good" rationale; 3) Effective communication with council members.81Finanacial budgeting experience.Able to deal with the problem of Austin genderfication.Traffic planning and public transportation experience.Cost of living is out of control.82Experience in managing a large, diverse, and dedicated work force where employees feel appreciated. A City Manager that would stand up to the Council and support the department executives and employees of the City.Personable, open to all, accessible. Often times city manager or the executive management team (ACMs)never take the time to go visit the different locations, listen to the employees' concerns, and make decisions under pressure of the council or citizens that have more access than employees.Budget! The City continues to grow, becoming more expensive, but employees salaries are low and we have a Human Resources Department that is deft to employees issues as it relates to compensation. The way the City manages compensation (with four zones that do not move with the employees) causes morale issues and turnover for better opportunities. Inability to retain or attract qualified candidates is a result of this issue. In addition, there is a huge disparity in salaries with employees at the lower levels making $15-$18 an hour and others making $30-$50 or even higher.83Negotiation skills between Council and City employees.Be a voice for City Employees to City CouncilAustin's continuing population explosion. Affordable housing. Investing in infrastructure to support growing population. Insuring the City has a adequate, competent and fairly compensated workforce to manage the demands of the increasing population.84They must have excellent interpersonal skills, unlike the last City Manager.. They must have managed a City before of equal or greater size to Austin. Must have at least a Bachelor's Degree.Be fiscally responsible, you have departments like Budget, Police and Fire that always have escalating costs and are we really getting the bang for our buck.Growth, roads, and zoning, the City Manager must have tactfulness and listen with empathy. You don't just want someone that will just nod their head. Stop paying APD and Fire so much overtime.85Welcome to Austin, new city manager! As you're aware, Austin is a great place to live and the City workforce is made up of passionate, talented people, dedicated to making Austin even better. But our city and City aren't without problems. To address the problems facing the city, you'll need to first fix the problems at the City. First, that will require you to identify them, including cumbersome management structures, a lack of empowerment and trust, and low morale.A willingness to listen to concerns and take thoughtful action to address them. A willingness to try new ways of doing things.Affordability, including middle class, market affordability. Transportation, including transportation safety. Attracting and, especially, retaining talented City employees.15 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.86Ability to manage a budget, both in bad and good years. Political savvy.Honesty, vision, a realization that the employees are what make the City successful.1. The fact that the City is overpopulated, which results in an untenable traffic situation and cost of living increases to those already living here.87Exceptionally gifted communicator with a proven track record for change-engineering, prioritizing process efficiency, culture building, and motivating wildly diverse personnel.Incredibly varied experience across a multitude of sectors.Management (private or public sector) of a workforce exceeding 500+.Recruitment and recognition of talent. Masterful delegation to said talent.Soft skills (persistence, perceptiveness, interpersonal relationships, etc.) > hard skills (financial modeling, data mining, integration software, etc.). Hard skills should be largely a concern of the industry experts recruited by the City Manager.1. Affordable housing.2. Transportation.3. Data optimization.88The ability to stand up when unpopular and drive change for improvement.The ability to stand up when unpopular and drive change for improvement.Controlling City Cost and Space Management89Knowledge and experience in urban planning, and bring the departments together so it is done correctly.Someone that has successfully lead a city through growth and the aftermath. Can they maintain the uniqueness of a city that originally attracted people to it. Ability to build bridges within the community. Ability to chose leaders underneath them that support the city, not just because he was someone he could rely upon in another city. Love of Austin and what is was.Ability build teams/relationshipsGood communicatorSomeone that is calm, and experienced in handling a diverse council/mayor.Someone that can see the big picture, but also has the ability to be detailed.The growth of the city, demands on the infrastructure, increase in housing cost and labor. All of these are going to impact the budget directly or indirectly. How do we pay for these? Is a city of Austin's physical size able to sustain this? How will the city fare if the economy goes bust as it did in Texas in the late 80s early 90s. The City is a large employer for Austin, and has a large unfunded retirement liability. Can the City Manager handle a council/mayor that does do not seem to understand saving money, and putting policy in place in stages? Protection of communities in east Austin, if possible, that are being forced out due to gentrification.90He or she must be able to professionally interact with our diverse community with a hyper focus on ensuring the safety of our City employees at all times.Integrity above all else.We need to be able to telework as often as possible so as to avoid the increasingly difficult commutes to/from work.91Having been exposed to people of different cultures and socioeconomic levels. Someone who understands that being proactive is better than being reactive. Someone who can look at the big picture and not someone who will put a band aid on an amputation.Sympathy, honesty, integrity, and respect. A city leader should not have the qualities of a politician, and they should be humbled and appreciative of the opportunity to lead such a great city. They should not see this as a position for monetary gain or gain of power.Affordable housing and gentrification, as well as our failing infrastructure when it comes to roads and traffic.16 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.92At least 8 years of experience in city management of a similar sized city. Masters in Business or Masters in Public Admin or Public Policy. Presents a clear vision and message to lead the city through the unique challenges we face as a citySomeone that can engage the citizens as well as city staff in making the city the greatest city in the nation (or as the previous CM motto - the best managed city)Inspirational leadershipTake advantage of strategic efficiencies from incorporating innovation and technology into city functionsAffordability - including a focus on property tax assessments levied by the CityInvestments in transportationInvestments in critical infrastructure (water/wastewater/electricity)Improving education in the K-12 arena and making sure our children are prepared for adulthood (enter workforce/vocational programs, or enrollment in college/university) Note: This item might be outside of City of Austin's jurisdiction. Managing the budget in a market that may experience inflation, including maintaining competitive salaries for city employees especially high performers, also maintaining competitive and affordable rate structures for the revenue generating utilities.93Someone who can manage and respond to a broad spectrum of people. Someone who knows how to handle the police and is committed to retraining police to prevent incidences like Ferguson.We that work for the city miss Toby Futrell's understanding of the city workers. We need a people person who has lived in Austin for a long time as well as a good manager.Money. We need someone who can up the tax revenue of commercial/business owners to relieve the heavy burden on the individual home owner. Second: affordable housing. Third: transportation. We need a rail system!!!!!!94He/She needs to have worked in a rapidly growing city such as Austin, and understand that Public Safety is the primary function of ANY city government.Someone who is a straight shooter. Does not play politics, but rather is honest and forthright.Again, Public Safety has to be at the forefront of the city's priority list. If crime is not under control, corporations and new residents will not choose to move here. The cost of housing is also a very important factor.95Management experience in city government (not just state or federal government or private industry), knowledge of city planning principles, experience with capital improvement planningOpen-mindedness, flexibility, decisiveness, respect for the contributions of professional staff in the council-manager form of government, concerned about long-term challenges and not just short-term crises, ability to relate to citizens on a personal level and demonstrate respect for their concerns, ability to delegate without micromanagingMobility, housing cost, racial and ethnic divisions17 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.96Educational background is the platform for this position but experiences in the real world are vital also. An attitude that this position serves the people of Austin (or wherever) usually is part of how they use their education and experiences Ambition is normal for someone but Austin should not be just a stepping stone to something bigger and or better in their personal growth but a place where they can perform in a manner that will benefit the citizens of Austin while they are here and leave Austin a better place for having had them managing it.A mature and level headed individual who can appreciate the diversity of Austin, willing to work toward finding the common ground needed to keep Austin on track to serve all citizens, without bias towards any particular group and fairness to all. Open to hearing the different viewpoints of all the groups and then guiding the City to work in a unified environment where no one feels overlooked.the biggest challenge is growth and the changes that are occurring because of it. Our infrastructure is fragile, our staffing is always behind the needs, emergencies occur, unforeseen problems are always popping up. I am not against growth but I think we have failed to foresee and therefore not been able to handle problems that have occurred because of the growth, which can be a big problem for the City Manager in trying to manage the City.97As COA employee, I suggest that a highly communicative, visionary and and visible leader is critical at this stage. We are a workforce in tumult with a the shift to 10-1, a new LDC, 30% of executive team in acting roles, many staff members at or near retirement, along with unprecedented growth and development pressure. Our existing internal processes may have worked when we were a laid back, mid-sized city, but we need a streamlined and nimble rethinking of our processes, and someone who can truly help us work smarter. We waste time and money on a daily basis due to inefficiency and disorganization. Whether its purchasing, contracting, permitting, or just doing timesheets, the process is broken and practically grinding to a halt. We still need someone who understands government, but especially helpful would be someone who is from a highly urbanized city to which Austin aspires, ie Seattle, Portland, NYC, San Francisco. I know that there is a temptation to bring in someone with corporate experience versus government experience. Here is the problem: it's fundamental that the new CM understand that, at its core, government is good and is about serving the people. It can run better, but it will never run like a business. We need someone who is deeply committed to public service.We do need someone with charisma, but it must be someone who will be a good listener and will be deliberate about making change. I think we need radical change to become the city government we need to be, but it must be done carefully and thoughtfully. The workforce has undergone too much change to be jerked around. We need someone who is an innovator and not afraid to try ideas. I am a big believer in piloting ideas and seeing what works/what doesn't before implementing system wide. We also need someone who can help the workforce feel like part of something bigger than ourselves. I feel very disconnected to the rest of the city departments. We are very siloed.While Austin is known for being a liberal progressive city, we still have a major divide. It's between the "neighborhood activists" and the "urbanists." This divide is making it very difficult to do the work that needs to be done. We need a leader who can work to find common ground so we can move forward. The divide is seen on council, in discussion of LDC and on every zoning case that comes forward.18 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.98Previous experience as a City Manager of a mid to large sized City.Knowledge of City financial mattersAbility to foster teamwork and compromiseAbility to remain calm and professionalAffordability and tax rates99Strategic Thinking, Collaboration, Emotional Intelligence, Critical Thinking, Communication, Motivation, Feedback, Tough Conversations, Coaching, Making Values Visible and Viral,Self-awareness, Authenticity, Reputation, Ethical behavior, Willingness to listen, Ability to communicate, Optimism.Mobility/ Traffic, City wide safety/police coverage, Affordability, City Wide Market-Based Pay, Performance base pay raises,100managed the cities bigger than austin.caring.economy, traffic, equality, diversity.101Proven ability to lead either a community or an organization experiencing similar challenges to Austin (rapid growth; affordability issues; threats from regulatory oversight)Appropriately easy-going and appreciative of quirkiness; someone who rejects current political m.o. of vitriol and personal attack; Spanish-language proficiency; someone who can appeal to and unify neighborhood interests and business interests; transparency; someone who publicly exemplifies going against the grain in an aspect of their personal life (e.g. a bicycle commuter; tiny house dweller; etc.)affordability pressures; housing shortages; transportation challenges; possible water supply issues if we have another drought; continued neighborhood resistance to Citywide endeavors (e.g. CodeNEXT); possible financial strain stemming from struggle to constrain costs in the face of backlash against raising already too-high property taxes102The new city manager should be from Austin, TX in order to be aware of issues that are important to the citizens.The new city manager should be honest and not a pushover. He/She should be able to speak their mind, have opinions, and back it up. We do not need another politician.The City of Austin needs property tax and traffic relief. The new city manager should have the best interest of all employees in mind and not some personal agenda or cronies to hire. The employees need a decent raise and not some small cost of living adjustment that does not even meet the cost of living in this city. Utilities go up a higher percentage than our salary.103Foresight to the future and negotiating skills to work with various groups.Integrity and ethical treatment of others along with ethical use of power.Traffic, managing growth, and balancing the budget from revenue of that growth.104Some Graduate level education. At least 15 years experience with running a major city( 400,000 plus citizens). A background in Public Administration, Business Administration( Economics), Political Science, Law/ and or Criminal Justice., with some mental health/ First Aide training as well.Lead by example( if you want city workers to make sacrifices he or she must too). Transparent in all of his or her actions. Allows accessibility to his/her via social media or city council meeting. Holding the Council board members accounting for all their actions in each districtHomelessness, Mental Help improvements, Rent controlled housing for those making more than 25,000 less than 35,000. Major Sport Arena/Team. Expansion of Cap Metro rail ( buses and bike trails)into community that are within Travis county and exploding in population. Computerized automation scheduling system for City workers( Clocking In/Out on computer system) Living wage increases for city workers that are a lined with the raising costs of living in the Austin/ Greater Travis County area.19 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.105Someone who has "real world" business knowledge...meaning they have worked for corporations outside of government. Austin touts itself as a tech city yet the COA is behind using "home grown" applications that don't interface with one another. Someone that understands "outside the box" thinking to bring in fresh ideas to accommodate the rapid growth COA is and will continue to experience. Strong fiscal background to manage responsibly to meet the needs of highest priority for the citizens.Embrace and understand diversity and encourage it for COA. This city is losing this "quality". Track record of standing up for the right things, not necessarily most popular; fiscally responsible showing growth and not stagnation; support for education and financial growth of COA employees to continue being a competitive employer in a tech city.Infrastructure. The city services and traffic control are lagging for the population growth. COA is so far behind the eight ball and while there is talk of solutions, they have to be in place now to have any chance of success. Every time a magazine reports Austin in a top 10 category, the population will explode. Housing rental/sales pricing can't continue to increase and price your city employees our of livable spaces. If working for a tech co, the wage may be ok...but to keep good city employees at the rate of inflation either wages go up or the city gets a handle on the overall cost of living. This is the biggest challenge I see. I'm part of the problem-I moved here from Houston for all the reasons the magazines say its a great place. It's changed over the last 5 years and its now in trouble because it can't handle the number of people. Crime is up exponentially and will continue to be. Its a big city issue. Police/Fire/EMS have to grow to meet the needs of a city that has growing boundaries.106Successful experience with managing a public workforce in a similar-sized environment. Ability to successfully address concerns and input from multiple and conflicting points of view. Demonstrated growth in responsibilities, including managing budgets, personnel, prioritization of efforts, and successful delegation to deputies and assistants for balanced support and bench strength development.Tolerance for fickle conditions, active support of diversity, and a desire to always learn and grow.Balancing the needs of a growing city and preserving the unique features and character of the area. Transportation infrastructure, water quality and availability, working to continue progress on areas where the state may "help" and the need to evaluate the structure of government for a city that may require hard choices and less "hands-on" direction by the City Council.20 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.107This person must have a background in government. They should also have a background in policy making. They should have a great background in public service, and understand how a large scale city functions. While understanding and having a good concept of finance and business is a plus, I would shy away from someone only understands the "bottom line".This person MUST appreciate and understand the absolute necessity of the cultural arts, education and public health. There is no "livability" in a city without these three elements. They should enjoy the outdoors, music, theatre,tacos. They should be inclusive and empathetic and supportive in nature.As our city expands, accessibility, aging facilities and transportation will all need to be addressed. This person will have to tackle these issues. I work for the Museums and Cultural Programs Division. We are currently only located in 2 DISTRICTS! And these districts are not the same as they were when our facilities were built. The people we need to serve are being pushed out to the edges, into new districts. How do we continue to be claim to be "accessible" if we aren't going to the people? How do we begin our work if the people who need us the most don't even have a bus route near their apartment complex yet? Obviously that goes for all departments that deal directly with the needs of our people. Public Health. Professional Development, education, PARKS, the arts, language. I want these things addressed. I want someone who actually cares about the heart and soul of our people. Not just hotel taxes and bottom lines.108City infrastructure planning experience especially experience in road and highway planning and development. Solid finance skills. Highly developed customer service skills and a willingness to listen to public input and act on the same.Empathetic, Trustworthy, Open-minded, Equitable, Hard-working, Good attitude. Everything you would want in any employeeMost critical challenge? Infrastructure, hands down. Highway and road development to ease traffic jams and create a greener Austin. I think the next would be affordable living opportunities.21 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.1091). To be just as eclectic and unique as the City of Austin is itself. 2). Not to pay lip service to citizenry to quell their concerns, all the while duplicitously 'breaking out the knee pads and mouthwash' for high-powered, and deep-pocket developers. 3). To not be a hypocrite; mouth saying one thing, but decisions and actions demonstrating that all the nice, flowery language is just so much 'bovine fecal matter'.1). Must understand the "Keep Austin Weird" mentality that makes the City a very unique place, not only a place to visit, but a place to live. 2). Not be a stooge to corporate interests, who have shown time and again that they have no 'skin in the game' in preserving the City's character, and only want to make the City into a bland, billboard of corporate logos, as the true Austinites that make the City unique, are forced to move elsewhere because they can no longer afford to live here. 3). Be an advocate of small business in Austin, since it is those small businesses that give the City the uncommon and rare vibe that is so highly prized and sought after. To defend their right to exist, and not to be steamrolled over by corrupt, shady, unethical, and immoral corporate interests that are only focus on making profit, and turning Austin into a cookie-cutter, bland, and trite facsimile of Corporate Brand American City, that you see when you go anywhere else in Texas or the U.S.1). Managing city development, and ensuring that ravenous developers don't destroy the intrinsic character of the City of Austin, as a cosmopolitan, and eclectic utopia. The loss of The Armadillo World Headquarters and other very important live music venues to development is still a very sore wound to many Austinites, and at times, it appeared that the City Manager and the City Council that approved such destruction didn't seem to care about supporting the claim that Austin was "The Live Music Capital". The new City Manager needs to take steps to prevent the lost of important venues to unscrupulous developers that want to pave over the City's uniqueness with corporate branding, all in the pursuit of the All Mighty Buck. 2). The City's traffic congestion problem is clearly out of hand, and the previous City Manager and City Council didn't seem to care about the problem, all the while, congestion gets worse and worse. And bone-headed ideas, like restricting Jollyville Rd. to one lane, and leave the other lane for bicycles, shoving more congestion back onto 183, will only make matters worse, not improve or solve the traffic problem. Placing emphasis on mass transit will be key, especially improving and extending the Light Rail Service through Austin. Limited seating because the cars and platforms are only big enough to accommodate two cars is causing more people to give up on mass-commuting, and take their single occupancy vehicle back onto the badly congested, and road-raging streets. 3). The Waller Creek revitalization is extremely important to, not only the health of the City of Austin (as shown by other cities that placed emphasis on reopening their covered waterways), but will also be an asset to *improving* the eclectic nature of the City of Austin, by having an actual "Green Belt" that runs through the City, rather than an 110Prior experience in city governmentAbility to listen and learn from staff and the community.Transportation, sustainability, employee (skills and knowledge) retention22 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.111City government, preferably one facing similar high-growth challenges.NOT political and a servant leader type that knows hows to manage morale in an organization.Manage growth to include innovative ideas around transportation & energy.112I would like our next city manager to have a history in BOTH civil service and the private sector, but I do place a higher priority on the civil service. Management experience is obviously a must.It's got to be someone who can communicate with ALL of their employees, from the City Council, to the Parks and Rec staff. It would be beneficial if this candidate has a history with the city of Austin, preferably lived here currently or previously. The next manager should be a person with a specific vision and plan to handle the challenges that Austin faces, and should be excited to face those challenges.1) Most major issues in Austin can be tied back to the insane population growth in the city. Housing is becoming increasingly affordable. Some will argue that the economics here will work itself out. I would request that anyone reading this survey ask themselves the following question; what happens to Austin when all of it's natives are replaced by wealthy transplants from other parts of the country/world? What happens to the identity of a city when increasingly the people who were born and raised here are forced further and further to the edges of the city, in worst cases forced to move? 2) Traffic. As more and more people are forced to the edges of the city, public transportation options in Austin are depressingly limited for those who find themselves on those limits.3) Workforce retention. Now this may be a problem specific to my department (The Library), but in my short time here I have seen a consistent lack of respect for people who are currently employed by the city. The library has a policy of moving employees from the branch to branch as they see fit, but employees do not have the opportunity to request transfers to other branches. I see hardworking, dedicated coworkers who get passed up on on jobs for people from outside the system who flame out in a matter of months, or cause consistent disruptions within the workforce. This is a hiring problem. I have seen these same coworkers leave their job entirely (for another job usually) after becoming disillusioned with the way they are treated. Employees who cause consistent issues in the workplace are not dealt with effectively by upper management, and employees who work their butts off are not rewarded for displaying the PRIDE that the city champions so strongly. 23 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.113Austin's most critical challenges are public safety and transportation. The next city manager needs to be a proponent of public safety and willing to cut costs elsewhere to maintain a high level of coverage that the public deserves. The current city council has made it clear of their disdain for public safety personnel and the morale is clearly deteriorating in these professions. The city manager needs to be of strong character in order to make decisions to help public safety departments in spite of the anti-public safety city council.114Communication, not only up the chain, as executives always have, but ability to FOSTER RELATIONSHIPS down the chain, and ability to empower workers so they feel like the work they are doing really does have an impact.Curious and fostering knowledge in self and in COA to better understand how we help each other as employees and the citizens of the city.Open MindedCaringSupportive, NOT controllingChallenges from state government on what we can do, loss of employees to local organizations that have better culture and give employees a better day to day experience (COA has some BAD manager and probably bad employees).But most of all the ability to rally workers and council and the city together to actually push through the barriers we perceive to work together to create better results.115Have worked for the city of Austin for more than 15 years.Have a compelling story about growing up here or what brought them to Austin.Residential property values and population growth (lowering both).116Ability to connect with people from the community.Know how to lead but also roll up his sleeves and be willing to understand the needs of ALL the Austin community.Should not be too sensitive when the community criticizes them. The history of the city, especially our minority populations, have been and continue to be vocal about open, transparent and accountable government.Rising housing costs and property taxes imposed on low-income families. Perhaps, the City of Austin will have a low percentage of low-income families or poverty because they would have been pushed out by 5-10 years. I hope traffic and congestion will have been fixed by the $720 million 2016 bond, but if not, then the city manager will have to be open to alternative commuting options into and around the city.117Proven record of developing compromise between parties.Thick skin, no ego issuesHow do you put in place infrastructure to support all this growth without raising taxes? Already have too high a tax rate.24 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.118Experience with big-city management (500K+ population); experience with a district-based governance system; Has more than a passing understanding of transportation and land use issues; experience in building bridges between departments/breaking down silos between complimentary departments; has a demonstrated track record of an appreciation of the people who work for them (the staff); has experience in dealing with a hostile state lege; experience working in (relatively) progressive cities; support the "firewall" between staff and Council.Reaches out to the staff--that they know who that person is; Calm; solution-oriented; can navigate the the personalities of a district political system,1. Transportation gridlock and the realization that we can't build enough roads to mitigate the problem.2. The big changes in land use policies and practices that must change in order to create a viable and sustainable transportation system beyond the car.3. The political backlash from the anti/no growthers to the needed changes to make Austin a more sustainable city.4. Ramping up the City of Austin to manage the multi-faceted effects of climate change and how they will affect how we do business. Related to climate change is building into the the City's business model how to become a more resilient city in the face of more extreme weather events.5. Overcoming the inertia about doing what we can to mitigate climate change before too much a critical mass of negative externalities has been reached.119The ability to put aside bipartisanship in order to create real solutions for the City's needs regardless if they are popular or not. Problems will only become costlier the longer the City waits. An M.B.A is an absolute must. The City needs to stop wasting money on "feel good" solutions.The candidate should be a human with an M.B.A and multiple advance degrees. Preferably someone not from Austin so he can keep the delusional residents in check.More wasteful spending.120The ability to put aside bipartisanship in order to create real solutions for the City's needs regardless if they are popular or not. Problems will only become costlier the longer the City waits. An M.B.A is an absolute must. The City needs to stop wasting money on "feel good" solutions.The candidate should be a human with an M.B.A and multiple advance degrees. Preferably someone not from Austin so he can keep the delusional residents in check.More wasteful spending.121Must be a effective communicator.Honesty, Integrity. Be a stand up person. Admit when you are wrong. Have some humility. Always be fair.That is easy, TRAFFIC it will be more important then affordable housing and gentrification .122Must be a effective communicator.Honesty, Integrity. Be a stand up person. Admit when you are wrong. Have some humility. Always be fair.That is easy, TRAFFIC it will be more important then affordable housing and gentrification .123Prior experience managing a growing City. Masters degree.Able to work with city staff, council and citizens. Analytical but a people person. Good listener.City rapid population growth, increase in traffic, increase in development.25 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.124The intellectual ability to understand the nuance of issues in order to avoid confusion. A Person who is not a bully but a problem solver, willing to listen to various ideas. Someone who can focus on the best outcome for those concerned and who can take the long view to that end.Humor, passion, patience, energy, compassion, intellect.The unstable federal government. The contentious governor. The potential for economic problems if the national economy goes south. Clogged roadways and the pollution from that. Angry citizens who don't appreciate reductions in city services given the very high property tax they pay.125Strong communication skills that refuses to settle frivolous law suits.Honest straight forward leadership that makes the moral decision even if not politically popular.Being able to reverse the massive influx of transients.126Go pull Mrs. Toby Futrell's COA employee file and use her job history to set your job critia up with. Mrs. Futrell went from a line employee up to the City Manager position, she had worked her way up from the bottom. In my thirty years working for the COA there has never been anyone better.Able to work with crazy City Council Members, Radical Enviornmentals, All Races, Policing Issues and the Governor of Texas and his Alt Right agenda.Growth, Traffic, Housing and the need to increase the COA employees compensation. Of course all of these items will have to be worked through the Austin City Council which will almost make doing anything on these items next to impossible. Good luck and God Bless anyone will to ask for this job.127Strong employee management skillsAbility to "manage up" (to Council)Proven track record of quality hiring at a director levelAbility to make unpopular decisions and secure buy-in from involved partiesAbility to rank and address competing priorities from multiple disparate stakeholder groupsPolitical savvyPersonally engagingDiversity-awareManaging affordability and growthImproving transportation infrastructure in collaboration with other local entitiesLimiting the City of Austin's level of debt128Listening, comprehension and analytical skillsInterest based problem solving skillsConsensus building skillsMad nunchuck skillsEngaging, energetic, fearlessMission drivenCommitted to public serviceGreat sense of humorLoves to danceMaintaining and improving community/social services.Thriving in an environment of diminishing resources.Growth/density/gentrification/environmental resource management.26 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.129-NOT NEEDED - the highest level of skill and experience in all areas of municipal operations is NOT needed. Far more important is the ability to MANAGE and LEAD. Skill in hiring and maintaining executives. Skill in identifying and bringing together experts (internal and external) to reach the best conclusions. We do NOT need someone who thinks they have it all figured out.-Leadership, not merely experience but demonstrated, independently verified, evaluated for quality rather than quantity (years of experience). Quality leadership fitting the needs of Austin is leadership that is visible and approachable with apparent and genuine passion and care.-Skill and ability to see through facades and hear through the noise. A City Manager needs to be able to see through a sunny-side-up reporting structure and create processes the generate effective, honest discussion rather than "show your best only" reporting.-The skill and ability to drive culture. The organization is hungry for a clear culture and someone who will drive that culture throughout the organization with more than words but with visible, apparent, every-day action. -The ability to manage and tolerate risk and failure with the skill to communicate appropriate risk and failure. Someone with the understanding and ability to create a culture that fears not learning from failure rather than fears failure. Someone who can shift an organization and a community from finger-pointing and avoidance of negative perceptions to failing fast, learning and innovating with an accountability to always improving. -Skill in surrounding themselves with the best and brightest and the ability to listen to multiple voices and arrive at a thoughtful decision.-Demonstrated, repeated ability to convene stakeholders of differing opinions and work towards a solution.-Process improvement - someone who understands the Passion for listening and understanding - a City Manager need not perfectly understand and demonstrate experience in all areas of City operations, they need only to understand the importance of listening and learning, the ability to identify experts (at any level) and skill in listening to them. Courageous and selfless - someone who will always do what is best for the community even when it may not be best for them as individuals. Someone who will always do what is best for the community even when it is unpopular with some audiences. Someone who can stand up to past norms and cultures to say there is a new direction for the better. Approachable, accessible - someone who is genuinely humble and accessible to all. Someone who truly cares about the employees of this organization and cares to understand them. Someone who listens with honest interest to everyone from elected officials to executives to staff and the community.Open and transparent - someone with true integrity to address matters openly when possible and is committed to being as transparent as possible.Tolerance for failure - someone who understands the need for appropriate risk and effective failure with the ability to change the culture within the organization. Someone who does not just seek to maximize positive publicity and minimize or avoid the negative. Someone who can stand up and say "we got it wrong" - someone who knows that we often have to get it wrong once, twice or more in order to get it right.Growth - the City needs a clear vision of an approach to dealing with unprecedented growth, both the opportunities and challenges it presents.Budget - the City faces huge challenges in meeting needs and delivering QUALITY servicesStaff - the City faces increasing turnover and waves of retirements without an effective plan for attracting and retaining new talent. The City needs someone who understands the value of quality employees over quantity of employees to meet needs and push the City to improve.Culture - at various levels there are questions about culture, old norms and undesirable culture still linger across many levels of the organization. The City needs a manager with a vision for culture and the ability to change and maintain change.130Experience managing a very large cityHigh level of confidence and leadership qualities; Willingness to listen to a diverse set of ideas and make decisions that are equitable but responsible.Management of growth; Keeping Austin affordable; Transportation; Making Austin a competitive place to work.27 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.131previous experience in managing a fast-growing community, experience in addressing problems as outlined in question 3.ability to delegate, ability to see problems from all angles, being able to see the big picture,Water, affordability of housing, Flooding, Traffic and alternate modes of transportation132Previous experience as a City Manger, should be required - this is a large and complex City with a active and politically involved population. A candidate with no experience in managing and serving the public trust, in my opinion, will struggle.Openness to public input; eagerness to adopt innovation; understanding of the unique situation of Austin being a city surrounded by political forces that are diametrically opposed to its existence.CodeNEXT implementation; Re-organization of City permitting department; defending local government from state level seizures of control133Communication and people skills are the most important. Previous job experience should include a prior stint as a city manager (or acting city manager) in a smaller or similarly sized city. Education should include either a financial advanced degree or a law degree.The personal characteristics most important include the ability to put others before self (i.e. stay away from narcissists) and someone with the political leanings that reflect Austin's blue (and green) focus.As a city employee who also lives in Austin, I believe the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5 - 10 years are 1) traffic congestion, 2) affordability, and 3) maintaining the current level of city services to Austinites as efficiently and effectively as possible while ensuring that the City of Austin employees get past gender and racial inequities.134A vision of how this city should grow and embrace the environment, the need for public transportation, affordable housing and keeping Austin unique. They must be a people person and progressive in thinking. They must work with the employees and understand that pressures come with our jobs.Compassionate, open minded, progressive, well read, well traveled, articulate, a leader.Growth. The need for public transportation, affordable housing and protection of our environment.135Needs to have previous city manager exp, exp working with a council-mayor type of govt structure, exp working with a municipal owned utility and managing a city roughly the size of Austin.Humble, assertive, proactive, morally-sound, and willing to jump in front of issues (police-involved shootings, scandals, corruption, etc) without looking the other way. Take charge and tackle them in an appropriate and timely manner.Traffic, traffic, traffic (Encompasses all transit-related issues)! Affordability, occasional fighting with the Texas Leg, job growth beyond the tech sector (diversifying the job pool), etc..136Previous government management experience. Master's level education. Private sector work experience.Non-partisan, values healthy-lifestyle, emphasizes service, integrity, and excellence.Managing traffic specifically and growth to maintain quality of life. in addition resist the temptation of drawing visitors at the expense of detracting from the quality of life for Austinites137Experience counts for more than education in a job like this. But a broad background, both educational and experiential, in city or similar government or nonprofit would be helpful if Austin is going to continue to thrive as a unique and forward-pushing city.Someone who is flexible, responsible, and has a demonstrated rapport with teams and the public would be ideal. Not to mention dedication to Austin or demonstrated dedication to a similar town, city, or body. It takes a lot of love to survive as a City Manager!Population growth, issues fighting State government for City rights to regulate things like bag bans and tree ordinances.28 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.138Have previous experience in similar position and also have managed big budgets.Know city policies.Education: PHDCharismatic, people person, and cares about the community.Surrounded by positive people.Have lots of energy.City growth, specially traffic congestion.Also, providing incentives to companies to relocate here.Increase environmental awareness and accelerate the green business program.Develop infrastructure like: stadiums, Sport complexes, bridges, electrical trains, museums, river walk, parks, bike trails, etc.Control the cost of living, so Austin is more affordable place to live.Control crime rate and drugs.Facilitate the entertainment industry, specially bringing professional teams.139It is important that the next City Manager understand our Charter and the form of government that we have. They will need to manage almost 14,000 employees, a multi-billion dollar budget, but most importantly, manage the Mayor and Council so the elected officials give input, but do not try to overstep.The next City Manager must be willing to explain reality to Council. Other than that, the new manager must be willing to value employees over political will so that employees feel proud and happy to continue to provide the services that we do.We will continue to face transportation and affordability issues, and keeping the City of Austin in a position to provide 1st class services during that time will be a priority.140141Excellent communication skills with the COA employees, constituents, and media; relevant experience; positive energyPositive communication style; vested interest in the workforce and community; understanding of the vibe/energy of the city; commitment to doing the right thing versus the popular thing; accountability to employees and city councilTraffic; competitive wages; employee retention142Excellent communicator, having been a city manager before, some quantitative background.Friendly, open, professional.Managing growth, code & development, State pre-emption, race & income issues.143Open minded, that values diversity and that understands why our city should be a "sanctuary city", that shows respect for others despite of gender, race and social or legal status.29 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.144Prior city manager's/city council or city mayor experience. Understands the dynamics of a big city's values. Understands each city departments goals and vision impact the city as a whole entity. People person that will listen to citizens with much of a diversity mindset. Understands the dynamics of high level income and low level income citizens and disparity amongst both. Very much a people person with great social skills and whom is very personable and easy to talk to or talk with.People oriented and not focus too much on self promotion but really listen to citizen's concerns and the validity of the concerns. Honest and forefront communicator whom listens to all perspectives in order to make rational decisions. Excellent people person skills.Transportation within the City and its surrounding areas. Understand the more we build up; i.e., condo's in downtown area, the more we attract people wanting to live in Austin thus increasing its population thus causing more congestion...this leads to the desire and to makes things happen to continue to improve our transportation means. Need to re-evaluate the transportation trail and or potential subways???145Politically savvyUnderstand budgets and city financesfamiliar with urban design planning Surrounds himself/herself with the best people so things will get doneIs passionate and has a clear vision of what Austin will be in 10 years.Multi-culturalFluent in other language besides EnglishOpen mindedProgressiveGood Public Speaker -able to inspire Good listenerLeaderurban planning-Reducing traffic, increasing affordable housing.maintaining/Improving public services with limited resourcesStreamline processes throughout the cityFinding additional sources of income not tie to increasing taxes.30 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.146Managed a similar city like Austin successfully.1. Boundaryless Perspective- The ability to see a broad view of an issue or challenge across typical organizational lines and beyond the present. Looks toward the broadest possible view of an issue/challenge; considers an organization wide view of situations, issues, and opportunities; has broad-ranging personal and business interests and pursuits; can easily pose future scenarios; can work seamlessly across boundaries with other organizational areas and with different ranks within the organization; can think globally; can discuss multiple aspects and impacts of issues and project them across the organization as well as into the future 2. Command Skills- The ability to use leadership skills and actions necessary to be successful in a given situation. Relishes leading; takes unpopular stands if necessary; encourages direct and tough debate but isn’t afraid to end it and move on; is looked to for direction in a crisis; faces adversity head on; energized by tough challenges. 3.Conflict Management- The ability to recognize, manage, and resolve conflict efficiently and equitably. Steps up to conflict, seeing them as opportunities; reads situations quickly; good at focused listening; can hammer out tough agreements and settle disputes equitably; can find common ground and get cooperation with minimum noise. 4.Customer Focus- The ability to accurately identify/determine customer needs and take appropriate actions and/or steps to address identified needs. Is dedicated to meeting the expectations and requirements of internal and external customers; gets first-had customer information and uses it for improvements in products and services; acts with customers in mind; establishes and maintains effective relationships with customers and gains their trust and respect. Sustainability, transparency, aging infrastructure, funding, etc.31 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.147Obviously, we want an educated person with a strong background in Public Service. They need to be an excellent communicator and analytical thinker, but also highly ethical and emotionally intelligent. A City is made up of people, so the City's leadership must display human understanding, compassion, and sympathy for citizens, as well as for City employees who are also citizens. We want a person who doesn't micromanage and who inspires their employees. Honestly, we just need a City Manager exactly like Acting Director of Austin Public Health, Stephanie Hayden. She is a very "real" person, her employees love her, and she inspires them every day, and if you can clone her, we are good to go. Search over!Patience, good listening skills, tolerance, good communication skills in general, the ability to delegate and to empower employees, and not taking anything personally. Austin is a very politically active community. They need to be ready to deal with a very vocal citizenry, and they need to understand what matters to Austinites: 1) clean air, water and plenty of green space to play in, 2) reducing traffic congestion and encouraging more bikes and other forms of transportation, 3) reducing housing costs, property taxes, and utility rates, and 4) Equity for all citizens- less gentrification and more integration in all aspects of life, including access to healthy food. If this person can understand those things, they could be successful.Housing costs rising while wages stagnate (includes property taxes), traffic congestion, higher demand for social services, skills gaps for unemployed and underemployed citizens, rising healthcare costs, increased homelessness (esp. downtown), funding cuts to the City (loss of grants, etc.) and everyone's favorite elephant in the room- climate change.148Commitment to accountability and transparency in governmentGood communication skills (both oral and written)Ability to think "outside the box" to arrive at solutions to problems; be innovativeStrong organizational and time management skills; ability to build organizational capacityLeads by exampleIntegrity and honesty, publicly and privatelyCivility in dealing with othersCan-do attitude Appreciation of Austin's history Nonjudgmental and nondiscriminatory attitudeEmotional intelligenceEmpathy towards othersAffordable housing. Transportation and traffic issues.Privatization of parkland and parkland facilities, which diminishes the public's access and useShelter and care for the homeless.149Job experience in the city of Austin. Leadership experience involving multiple different teams and expertises. Ability to stay honorable to the desires of ALL Austin citizens, not just the one with more influence via class, color, creed, etc.Collected and level-headed. Willing to understand situations and listen to viewpoints of others. A leader in equality and justice.Immense population growth, growth of number of homeless, rising cost of living, unmanagable traffic, equal rights for all.150THE NEXT CITY MANAGER MUST HAVE EXPERIENCE GOVERNING A CITY THAT IS RUN BY COUNCIL MEMBERS.PREVIOUS GOVERNING EXPERIENCE SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 10 YEARS.APPROVAL RATING FROM PREVIOUS CITY SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 80%.PREFERRED DEGREE IN POLITICAL SCIENCE OR GOVERNMENT.EXHIBIT QUALITIES TO STAND AND SUPPORT THE POLICE FORCE.EXHIBIT QUALITIES TO MANAGE A BUDGET THAT HELPS CITY EMPLOYEES IN THEIR ANNUAL COST OF LIVING ALLOWANCE.SHOW PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE (5 YRS MINIMUM) IN BUILDING THE NECESSARY INFRASTRUCTURE TO REDUCE TRAFFIC CONGESTION.PROVEN EXPERIENCE IN DEALING WITH THE HOMELESS POPULATION.151Municipal govt expericence. Experience in action groups or neighborhood/regional outreach or other direct public/people interaction and involvement.A progressive outlook with an eye on social justice, the environment, and equality. Someone who naturally collaborates well. A science and data driven decision maker.Managing growth in respect to afordability, mass transit, density.32 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.152I believe the most important skills and abilities for someone to possess to mamnage the City of Austin is someone who can maneuver through complex political situations effectively and quietly with a great degree of sensitivity to how people and organizations function; a person who is able to anticipate where land mines are and plans an approach accordingly; a person who views corporate politics as a necessary part of organizational life and works to adjust to that reality; is a maze-bright person.I believe the attributes most important to manage the City of Austin is someone who demonstrates: - the ability to deal with ambiguity with a core belief in fairness and a vision of inclusiveness. - the ability to practice innovation management, where various approaches are supported in order to allow the citizens of Austin to recieve the best possible service. - the ability to understand the current and possible future policies, practices, trends, technology, and information affecting a growing and dynamic city structure.I believe the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years are making the city affordable to all residents and managing growth.City leaders must create a budget where all communities in Austin are affordable to its citizenry. Affordable housing, supermarkets, and other resources must be available for all citizens of Austin. Services must be afforadable for the growing population.A more agressive growth management plan must be implemented. This plan should minimize the genterfication that is currently occuring in the City and incentives must be provided to keep people in their homes. An infrastructure must be built and maintained utilizing local resources with employment opportunities to support the entire City of Austin and not just certain parts of the City. A creative tax plan between the City and Travis county must be developed to support a more comprehensive infrastructure plan that support transportation, emergency services; cyber security etc. An innovitative approach to better manage services between city, state and county government.153The new City Manager should have extensive, positive and successful experience managing a fast growing city. He or she should focus their energy on making living in Austin better for its citizens, rather than catering to big businesses and forcing the citizens to pay for said catering. The CM should be accessible to the public and reach out consistently to understand the citizens' needs and wants. Long range vision is a must when making decisions that could impact Austinites for years to come. Confident, efficient and prompt decision making skills will be greatly appreciated as well. Although education is important, experience is much more valuable in this situation; all the education in the world will not help you when things go wrong, only experience can help at that point. The CM needs to support city living for families, not just the single 20 - 30 age group.The CM should be a LONG-TIME AUSTIN RESIDENT who avoids the personal limelight, and is friendly, personable, sincere, and positive. He or she should be available to the public, be out in the community touching base with Austinites, and should LEAD BY EXAMPLE . . . actions speak louder than words!!!!Cost of living (taxes), traffic, infrastructure, making Austin attractive to families (cost of living, education, jobs, family friendly events/regulations/ordinances) and not just to the single, young crowd.33 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.154Skills and abilities to recognize Corporate Bullies and Executives who: abdicates responsibilities; take all the credit; deny failings; always blame others; manipulative, calculating and conniving; play favoretism; surround themselves with wannabees; insecure, arrogant and devalue others with better knowledge; very low EQ; divisive, alienate by creating fear and uncertainty; control and subjugate; interfere and make false claims with no integrity; hypocrite and duplicityLeader; decisive, accepts responsibility, consistent, fair and treat equally, aware of all the wrongdoings of executives and management and act on them promptly and fairly; truthful, confident; emotionally mature, High EQ; assertive, delegate, motivates, listen guides and solve problem effectively and most importantly do not allow executives and management to abuse and bully and favor.Fast Growth and lots of bureaucracy at the COA and status quo in lots of areas.155Experience working in a City with a similar size, culture and great parks/public services.Someone who will give back to the community and not just work the politics.The growth of the City while keeping the cost of living affordable for the middle to lower-class citizens.156Substantive and successful management of a diverse, innovative, progressive, fast-growing organization is a MUST. The new city manager should have experience and a deep appreciation for serving either the public or a large customer base. And a focus on the future growth without sacrificing our past.Tech-savvy, health conscious as shown through his/her lifestyle, compassionate, people-focused, civic-minded, hard-working without being a workaholic (living a balanced life is important to leaders so they can expect and allow the same for their employees). Our next manager should also be someone that is open to discussion and debate even when opinions differ from his/her own. And be willing to implement solutions that come from outside his/her own head.Some of Austin's top challenges are traffic (stop tolling us to death but ease the traffic burden); living conditions for seniors, artists, musicians, homeless, impoverished; environmental impact of rapid urban growth, decreasing the ordinances and fees which make doing business more difficult (let the kids sell lemonade!)157Proven ability as a former City Manager in a comparable-sized city, with concrete accomplishments. What specifically, under their guidance, moved their city forward? How can they prove it was due to their leadership that made these things happen. No connections to organizations/networks/associations that typically get favored in the hiring process. This shouldn't factor into qualifying for any position within the City. No hook ups!Openness, results/goal-oriented, highly-ethical, approachable, and genuinely caring for the good of all people. Ability to cut through red tape to get things done; highly-intelligent with common sense; ability to strengthen the city workforce (keep proven, hard-working, skilled staff and get rid of the excess); holding the supervisors, managers, and above accountable to tangible results.Affordability, traffic, infrastructure, mass transit, controlling growth.158Ability to understand complex systems and interrelationshipsUnderstanding of development processes and sustainable development modelsAble to enable high level goals and management frameworks that drive performanceFearlessness, Open-minded, Willing to share, Thick Skin,Keeping Austin's soul, limiting development, gentrification, climate change34 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.159Longevity in city manager position over 5 yard in one place. Fiscally proven. Their city has received recognition for innovation (but city manager not taking credit). Trained in Collective Impact or other community stakeholder engagement.Calm. Not interested in assigning blame. Not ego driven. Invested in creating sustainable processes that accomplish meeting needs. Not for covering butt. Hard worker not a grand stander.Fiscal innovation. Insure all new builds have maintenance and staff funding. Infrastructure needs caught up. More investment in parks and green spaces.160The ability to cut the fat from the City budget by making the determinations on whether the citizens are getting a positive bang for their buck. Programs whose results are not accurately quantifiable should be closely looked at. A native or longtime Austinte would be a plus.Integrity and transparency. Not just the rhetoric either.This City should begin to make the transition back toward administering, managing, and operating the organization and decrease the focus on making money. Significant resources are dedicated to charging, collecting, and accounting for fees charged to the citizens(who pay hefty taxes in the first place)that there seems to be fewer assets available for maintaining services and amenities for the people.161It is important for the City Manager to have experience in managing an electric utility. Because of deregulation, for the past 16 years, the management of electric utilities has become more complex. The City Manager should have experience and knowledge in managing such organizations in the new deregulated environment. Furthermore, the City Manager should have extensive communication skills, particularly speaking to interviewers, and the public. He/she must be able to quickly and publicly defend/describe the City’s policies/actions on different topics, such as police actions, property taxes, transportation issues, electric rates, etc.The City manager should not have any bias toward any segment of our population--such as race, sex, religion, national origin, etc. He/she should hold city-wide employee town hall meetings and exchange ideas with the City employees.The most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years are in transportation, traffic, electric rates, and property taxes. There are many experts around the country that can help. However, the City Manager should be able to understand and lead resolution/management of these challenges.35 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.162Experience in public administration of a municipality of at least 500,000 residents;Skill in oral and written communication, public speaking, and media relations;Experience or education related to strategic and comprehensive planning and policy development;Experience in human relations and labor management;Experience or education related to fiscal planning, budget preparation, financial monitoring, and administration, including experience or experience related to performance-based budgeting;Knowledge of federal, state and local laws, codes and regulations related to City of Austin Government;Experience building consensus within the context of a complex and dynamic political environment that includes a diversity of viewpoints;Experience engaging the public in decision making;Experience in managing public safety-related municipal functions, including police, fire, and EMS;Skill in establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with City officials, representatives of business and governments, employees and the general public;Ability to acknowledge mistakes and work toward continuous improvement;Ability to listen and ask questions;Ability to make decisions in a timely manner;Ability to work collaboratively with a range of private and public sector partners;Skill in managing conflict and performing within uncertain situations;Belief in the importance of inclusivity and diversity in public engagement and workforce development;Integrity and honesty;Housing Affordability;Transportation (Investing to reduce reliance on the automobile and to make our overall transportation system safer and more reliable);Climate resilience (response to increased risk of flooding, wildfire, and in-migration of population from coastal areas)Maintaining local control in the face of aggressive state and federal legislation;Employee recruitment, retention and progression to address on-going wave retirements at the Executive Level;Adoption and implementation of CodeNEXT and mitigation of impacts from continued population growth and redevelopment of the City.163I believe the City Manager should have experience managing a large city, either as a City Manager or Assistant City Manager. S/he should be a good listener; willing to hear all sides of an issue before making a recommendation or decision; and have the ability to lead as well as follow, considering the nature of the relationship between the City Manager and the City Council.Personal characteristics/attributes necessary for a City Manager in Austin to be successful:1. Someone who is committed to keeping Austin affordable2. Intelligent and world-savvy3. Pragmatic yet human4. Empathic to all cultural groups/nationalities that live in Austin5. Good communicator/someone who is articulate6. An optimist7. Assertive/able to stand up to people8. Understanding what's important to City employees9. Not afraid of change, but recognizing when change is coming too fast10. Able to admit if s/he makes a mistake, and be ready to move onMost critical challenges in the next 5-10 years:1. Affordable housing for the residents and taxpayers of Austin; condos and apartments are escalating the prices of single family units2. Removing/forcing out established Austin residents because of the rising property tax rates (related to #1) to other Austin area communities (or further away)3. Current Austin area streets, roads, expressways not able to accommodate all of the Austin traffic4. Dealing with the 10/1 City Council structure, as some elected officials are not familiar with City processes and procedures36 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.164Previous experience in city management is good but just as important could be experience running a fairly large private company to gain some fiscal responsibility. Experience solving large and complex problems and sales ability to achieve consensus and get things done.Ability to get cooperation from diverse backgrounds an ultimately do the "right thing" by taxpayers and really make meaningful progress on becoming a "best managed" city.Homeless people. City government spending way too much money on social programs. Greater emphasis needs to go on the private sector to solve these problems. Property taxes are ridiculous and the schools need to be contained and managed properly financially. Traffic is a challenge and maintaining the basics like street repair and mowing median strips and pothole repairs; things that cities are supposed to do.165We need someone who can bridge the gap between the CC, mayor, employees and citizens. NOT a professional politician who will lie to people.Our next city manager needs to have critical thinking skills as well as the desire to interact with all levels of the organization.The most critical challenge facing the COA today (not Austin) is the amount of employees leaving/retiring and taking critical knowledge with them.Austin is very far behind the 8-ball on infrastructure.166The ability to work with diverse communities with disparate interests and agendas in a way that makes everyone feel valued and heard but in a way that is productive for the city and taxpayers.A strong and ethical leader with a track record of building consensus but not letting lack of consensus stop progress. The person should have experience working in an urban area in a city or county level position.The challenge between growth vs. affordability.The traffic challenges and lack of public transportation. The dwindling black population and the loss of the middle classes.The decreasing school enrollment and resources of AISD which makes living in Austin a hard sell for some families.167Strong leadership skills- both up and down. They will be guiding city management to employees, as well as be the link to Council.Fiscal accountability.An awareness of Austin culture- the balance of development vs environmental activists, political climate, and the ability to work with the 10-district Council.Balancing the budget via taxes and rates.Supporting COA employeesGuiding the trajectory of development168A mixture of hard skills and soft skills- I would like to see a background based in both analysis and relationship building; previous public sector experience; a deep understanding of social justice and equity; a willingness to learn; a liberal arts undergraduate degree; a masters degree; and a sense of humorThe new City Manager needs to have a deep knowledge of Austin, preferably the kind that comes with living and working here. We have such an engaged and civically active community, an extremely high growth rate, and a unique mix of industries. The new CM needs to be familiar with the uniqueness of Austin and understand the needs of the City and its communities as we go forward.Affordability and mobility will be our biggest challenges. The city is already full, and the challenges to infrastructure, the environment, equity, and daily living will continue to increase until something breaks.169Ability to work well with others. Ability to see the importance of city employees and support them.Honest, kind, tough, good at debating,Traffic, housing, having a strong retirement fund170Personable, a real people person.Someone with the interest of the employees in mind.Someone who believes that the employees are the most important asset the City possesses and they should be well cared for.A good listener, someone who accomplishes their tasks efficiently. Someone with new progressive ideas that have been well thought out and work.Affordable housing, traffic, the homeless, retraining the police department.37 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.171Previous experience working for a City government in a locale that has experienced dramatic growth, declining diversity, and affordability issues.172Pro Policeapproachable and selflessPublic safety staffing/budgets173Prior city management experience in a growing diverse city; Financial experience; Participation in national city organizations; prior department head experience in a growing diverse cityListens carefully and evaluates with lots of input prior to taking action; easy going; values diversity, mentorEnsuring good paying job growth in all areas of the City and jobs for all.174This is an extremely fast growing BIG City now, not a small Texas town, we need experience in fast growth, and experience in management of large staff.We need someone to engage with Council AND staff. ANd who can be supportive of staff, delegate and trust staff.Resilience, the majority of population have not lived here very long and are not engaged in civic affairs yet. We no longer have a culture of greater god, but a bunch of people here because of hot job market. We need someone who cares about the greater good of Austin, Austin's environment and quality of live for all- not just wealthy developer attorneys.175Demonstrated leadership, confidence, consensus builder, goal-oriented, focused, curious, good listener with excellent verbal skills and a sense of humor. Someone who can clearly articulate the city's vision. Broad work world experience--inclusive of government; non-profit and/or business world.Honesty, directness, reflective, open to other opinions, decisive, serious, but doesn't take him/her self too serious, ability to evolve.The current city work force is populated by a large aging boomer population that is retiring at a fast rate. In order to attract and retain a young city work force--the city manager needs to lead the way toward a more progressive workplace. Also there is a need to focus on aging city properties, traffic challenges, affordability, and reeling in pet projects of council members and the city manager.176Previous jobs experience, some level of understanding of economics and civil engineering and the importance of government structure (utilities, first responders, emergency personnel, etc).Understanding and an unbiased attitude.Infrastructure and economy. The roads are not developed for a big city, Austin personnel are understaffed and underpaid for the workload they absorb on a daily basis and the cost of living is only getting higher and higher and Austin is not growing with the speed of the economy in its own city.177Internal staff essentials:Someone that values all City staff, not just directors and managers.178Manager of a city (or assistant manager) that has experienced the same type of growth as Austin - not necessarily the same SIZE of city, just the same (or similar) rate of growth.Innovative, have new and unique ideas and points of view. Accessible, open to hearing new ideas from anyone and everyone - advisors, city employees, citizens. Someone you can actually communicate with and receive genuine feedback from.Growth- supporting the infrastructure. Yes, traffic and roads are a part of that but expanding emergency services to meet demand is crucial. There are not enough personnel currently in Fire prevention or operations to handle the rate of growth for the city.38 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.179People/soft skills - being able to relate to, and effectively communicate with, other people with varying socioeconomic backgrounds.Listening skill - being patient, attentive and focused enough to grasp what constituents are really asking for or trying to communicate.Vision - being able to see the bigger picture to fairly judge impact of initiatives or determine the true scope of projects and their long-term effect on our metro area.Empathy - would want someone who truly cares about the ENTIRE city population and the challenges that each group deals with (varying as they may be).Charisma - this attribute goes a LONG way in determining the overall morale of city government and projecting a positive, reassuring presence for the public citizenry.Tech savvy - having a decent understanding of the newer technology and its possible impact to city governance is a big asset. This is true for all levels of government and so certainly applies to the top position.1. Population growth2. Traffic congestion3. Maintaining adequate public services4. Culture changes5. Adapting new technology6. Finding a way to keep Austin "unique" despite the huge influx of people, business and infrastructure180Extensive experience in the government environmentDeep understanding of municipal operationsExperience leading and motivating a municipal government workforceAbility to work with other regional government partners/leaders and State of Texas leadershipDegree or advanced training in public administrationHonestyIntegrityImpeccable EthicsSense of personal responsibilityHard workingExtremely patient with citizens and elected officialsPolitically savvyAble to negotiate and find compromises on challenging issuesMust have a backbone of steel to withstand pressureCourageousNot vain and not easily offended by criticismPopulation growth & developmentRisk of terrorist attacks or natural disastersState of Texas hostility to the City of AustinModernizing COA internal IT systems and customer-facing systems181Advanced business acumen and knowledge of the constantly changing business and financial environment. Past experience with City or large Federal, Government or Private leadership and organization.Integrity, transparency, equality, impartiality and openness to change, adapt and learn new things.The growing population which increases traffic and congestion from every standpoint. It also increases the need for greater innovation and service support for it's citizens. This growth will greatly impact the services the City provides.182Success in working with a large & diverse CouncilSuperb communication skills & open communications with all staff, i.e., employee input should be welcomedEven temperament Ability to balance employees' interests as well as community'sRespect for City employees as professionalsManaged growth strategy (what's the right balance and focus on development, affordability, liveability, modernization, and environmental concerns)Traffic control/managementAffordability39 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.183Understanding of the current realities of the Texas State Legislature, active listening to employees at all levels of the organization, empowering employees to recommend and implement changes necessary to improve the efficiency of operations, improving collaboration between departments in recognition that all city employees serve our citizens.Willingness to engage with entrenched interest groups within and outside of the City of Austin staff to make (and defend) hard decisions that are in the best interests of Austin both now and into the future. Trust in City employees to communicate with Austin City Council as necessary to avoid inefficient bureaucratic siloing.Austin must act in a more coordinated, regional manner to address the challenges that come with rapid growth and competing priorities, particularly given the challenges imposed on the City of Austin by the State Legislature. The City of Austin must do more to improve the level of service provided to our customers through better utilization of current technology and continuous process improvement.184Understanding and respecting the government environment which is to say a respect for transparency; consensus; and service.Openness to new experiences and ideas; allowing oneself to change. Knowing your biases and taking them into account when faced with information or ideas. They don't need to generate ideas they just need to manage them.Austin is completely unaffordable; traffic is awful; poverty is widespread and getting worse. The person who leads will have to be kind.18510+ years municipal government experience, at least 5 of which at an executive level.Bachelor's degree at a minimum, Master's preferred.Experience working with a City Council, County Commissioners, or similar entity. Experience creating and maintaining budgets greater than $500 million. Experience negotiating with Municipal and/or Civil Service Unions.IntegrityService to othersLove of public serviceRespect for all who live in our great cityPublic Safety employee contracts are out of control with Austin paying far more than any other city in Texas for uniformed personnel. This is suffocating the budget rendering any real reform mute. How will the new City Manager deal with that while still ensuring Austin gets the best Public Safety services available?There are obvious gaps between City Staff and the City Council. There is palpable mistrust from both sides and someone needs to bridge the gap. How does the new City Manager propose to fix this?186be able to work with both sides on issuesbe a good leader despite adversityPrevious experience a pluspatienceintegritypopulation growthresources, especially watertraffic, fatal wrecks increasing187The city council represents the citizens interest. The city manager implements policy that city council passes. The city manager is the interface/voice between the city council and the employees. The city council seems to get into the day to day management of the operations of the city. The selected city manager should have the ability to check that intrusion and be the voice of the employees.Personable, fair, willing to stop and talk to the small person and just not brush them aside. I cannot remember one time with the previous city manager (Ott) actually stayed long enough to shake hand with veterans at the veterans luncheon, however Ms Futrell would pull up a chair and actually share a meal with us.Be the rock of stability and the reality check the council needs when times get crazy.40 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.188I believe common sense should be on the top of our list. At times decisions need to be made on things that may not be politically correct at the time but are the most economical and will serve the many not just the fewThey should have a strong sense of self. Be positive and willing to help all city employees and not just the few who cry the loudest. A strong sense of self we allow them too project that image to all that they meet and not let themselves get bullied into a poor decision.I feel the most critical challenge will be how to provide to the city employees the proper tools, equipment , and thing necessary to do their jobs safely and quickly. While not buckling under political pressure from council members to do something that may feel good but serves no real purpose and cost the City money and would only help a few people at best.189- prior work not just in municipal gov't, but multiple sectors- technically saavy - a solid grasp (if not deeper expertise) on the many technical nuances of our many departments/sectors- leadership and communication- empathy and caring for all citizens- efficiency-driven- managing population growth and not relying on new taxpayers to pay for maintaining status quo- traffic- aging infrastructure- economic and political polarization190significant city management experience at high levels in a similar sized city, good communicator, good listener, respects all employees,strong leader, leading by example, ability to engage the employees, supportive of staff, innovative, open to new ideas,increasing demand for resources when there is not enough resources to cover demandsocial services versus public safety budgetsrising tax burdens, utilities, affordability191The ideal person should possess experience in both private and public sector with an education background in business and public administration.Our next city manager should be a person who is not afraid to make changes and risk to make COA efficient, in the forefront of 21st century technology and practices, and lean with the employee in mind as it regards to work/life balance. This person should be committed on a personal and business level to the zero waste movement and alternative transportation options. This should be evident and the city manager should be able to lead as a visionary for how the City and employees can lead our community within our departments (again, supporting work/life balance).Ideally, I'd like to see a manager who has adopted Nordic values of how to operate and work with employees who are people (refer to book Nordic Theory of Everything for examples and details).Most critical challenges include: balancing the budget and expanding services to meet demands of a growing population by means of adding service revenue streams and thinking smart (passport services at libraries, departments working more together, multi-department facility construction); the rising costs of housing and development and how to manage and enhance infrastructure like transportation systems (bike highways/lanes) to help with the driving costs; and a retiring leadership in COA and having a succession plan in place which provides career advancement opportunities.41 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.192Knowledge of the city. It's so unfortunate how people at the top so often wind up there by bouncing around all over the place, and never really engaging with the community, or understanding it well. Austin is in need of a leader who knows how the city got here and where it is going.CreativityClimate and the city's sense of place.193We need someone who can think forward and take advantage of the hi-tech industry that thrives here. They should make their directors encourage their employees to telework, for example. They should push HRD to adopt electronic timesheets. We need to utilize Skype-like services for meetings instead of driving across town for meetings.194Person should be spiritual and self realized.Enthuse, humble and sincere.Within Austin, housing should be affordable for middle and poor class people.195We need someone who is very highly educated. A graduate degree from a prestigious university would be helpful. We have a very smart citizenry, and we need a bright manager. We also need someone who is politically savvy--the councilmembers, Legislature and our citizens are a political minefield. So book smart and street smart would be my recommendations for most important skill sets.I would like for the manager to be articulate, for him or her to be good at communicating at city council meetings. I do not think we need a charismatic visionary type, that is more in the realm of the mayor, but rather a doer who is a very hard worker and can communicate clearly to the council and public what needs to be done and what is being done, and why.Traffic and affordability are the biggest problems we face. We should hire a manager who has a wealth of experience in at least one of those policy arenas.196Someone with previous experience in a city the size or larger than Austin. He or she should have experience in alternative energy sources, appreciation of and a commitment to diversity, and commitment to assisting the homeless and other under-served communities.The person should be a visionary, someone who both understands Austin's values but recognizes the importance of adapting to new circumstances.The most critical challenges are:Allowing Austin to be a livable/affordable cityEnsuring Austin is a diverse communityPushing back again State government that wants to assert itself and impose values different than the citizens of our city.197Honesty and Integrity.Positive Attitude/Motivation/Energy/Passion.Problem-solving.Imaginative/ innovative.Leadership ability.Diplomatic.Affordable housing.Provide better and more efficient service to the growing community.Encouraging diversity within City staff across age, race, sex, etc.42 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.198I would like to see someone with experience managing rapid growth in another large city. Outdated land development codes that were not updated until the mid-aughts (long after the population exploded) contributed to the problems with traffic and affordability that we currently have.FlexibilityThe ability to clearly advocate and explain to citizens who may be resistant to density and other changes that they perceive to be in conflict with the city that Austin used to beForesightDensityAffordable housingImproved public transit as a means of encouraging density and easing traffic199Leadership, improve processes while paying attention to cost saving measures.Less ego more compassion.Growth, the ability to be strategic with the change.Policing - the previous city manager was extremely unprofessional in how he handled the Police Chief.200Needs experience in managing a large city. Not a City Manager or other position from a small city. Would rather have a department director from a large city.Must be progressive, a good communicator, and have a strong understanding of the difference between policy decisions (Council) vs running a city (City Manager).Affordability. We need to stop growing or at least manage growth in a way that minimizes costs on long-time Austin residents. Also, we need to reign in the Police union, which has too much power.201Tech savvyKnowledge of traffic managementFunds managementSense of humorMultitaskerTrafficWater supply202Understanding smart and sustainable growthInnovative thinkingEmphasis on public infrastructureHonestWell spokenCritical thinkerManaging the rapid growth along with implementing improvements and maintenance to the current infrastructure.203I think a person would need a master's degree in communication.I think a person would need to be someone that understood the Texas lifestyle. Friendliness and hospitality are key.Austin is going to have a lot of new people, and we need to be able to assimilate them properly. I have run across a great many people that do not have any manners. Perhaps a welcome brochure would be helpful.204I believe the next City Manager should be creative and innovative. S/he should be willing to take risks and push the City's management/ departments into the 21st century--tackling ieverything from basic IT infrastructure within the city (e.g. Automating paper-based processes) to more strategic issues like smart cities. This person should be effective at building collaboration across diverse teams and departments. They should have a vision for how to not just put a glossy face on Austin, but to really propel the City forward thru modernizing city processes and departments.I'd like to see someone creative, with a track record of innovation. I'd also appreciate someone with progressive values in areas like environment, immigrant rights, etc. However, they will need to be both diplomatic, creative and capable of building bridges across communities with differing perspectives. I realize this is not a political apponitment (per se), but believe Austin's culture means towards inclusivity and progress attitudes.Public transportation and equitable growth. Expanding Public transportation to connect historically disconnect communities to one another (e.g. More convenient bus lines on the East side that connect with west Austin) and making it easier/ more attractive to use public options. Equitable growth to ensure that communities of color and historically overlooked (e.g. east Austin) neighborhoods are invested in with a focus on inclusivity and not displacement.43 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.205I believe the next City Manager should be creative and innovative. S/he should be willing to take risks and push the City's management/ departments into the 21st century--tackling ieverything from basic IT infrastructure within the city (e.g. Automating paper-based processes) to more strategic issues like smart cities. This person should be effective at building collaboration across diverse teams and departments. They should have a vision for how to not just put a glossy face on Austin, but to really propel the City forward thru modernizing city processes and departments.I'd like to see someone creative, with a track record of innovation. I'd also appreciate someone with progressive values in areas like environment, immigrant rights, etc. However, they will need to be both diplomatic, creative and capable of building bridges across communities with differing perspectives. I realize this is not a political apponitment (per se), but believe Austin's culture means towards inclusivity and progress attitudes.Public transportation and equitable growth. Expanding Public transportation to connect historically disconnect communities to one another (e.g. More convenient bus lines on the East side that connect with west Austin) and making it easier/ more attractive to use public options. Equitable growth to ensure that communities of color and historically overlooked (e.g. east Austin) neighborhoods are invested in with a focus on inclusivity and not displacement.206Someone who is not easily swayed by the media. Although the media is good at selling stories, oftentimes their information is misleading and inaccurate. We need a manager that can see the bigger picture and not get caught up in the agenda of a few that drive the media. It is important to find someone with a military or law enforcement background that will support law enforcement in order to keep our growing, unique city one of the safest large cities in the country.Someone who can hire qualified individuals that he/she can delegate tasks to. Obviously, the city manager must be honest and above reproach. It would be beneficial if the manager also appreciated our unique local music, food, and outdoor trails.Keeping our large, growing city safe and maintaining a mutual respect and appreciation between the police and community.Traffic is already an issue and will continue to be more of a burden.Managing the safety and planning of all of the big annual events that take place in Austin.Cooperating and complying with the federal government in regards to immigration issues.44 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.207Demonstrated record of working with very diverse stakeholders (community members, politicians, bureaucrats, businesses) to build coalitions and consensus to make effective, timely decisions.Ability to work creatively and iteratively to solve problems. "Don't forget: creativity starts when you cut a zero from your budget." - Jaime Lerner ( to see interconnectedness of community issues. For example, Vision Zero program seeking to eliminate traffic deaths in Austin has components including supporting 'Housing First' approaches to ending homelessness. Why? Because the group most at risk of traffic-related death in Austin is those who are homeless ... so getting them housed helps solve part of the (seemingly unrelated) issue of traffic safety.Being a listener. Not being abrasive. Basically, not be Donald Trump.Solving Austin problems while the city's priorities often remain in conflict with the state and federal governments.Dealing with sustainability issues, both in terms of financial stability (do new developments create a net positive for city finances, or will they be an unsustainable suburban drain? See for more) as well as environmental sustainability. Using our resources effectively and with an eye for the next generations: people/talent, finances, nature.208Get rid of the homeless problemGet rid of the homeless problemGet rid of the homeless problem209At least master's degree in public affairs or business. Twenty years of gov experience ten it more as director level.How to manage a budget. Understand that are individuals on fixed income. Keep in mind we have old timers as well as newcomers. Spending cannot continue at the rate. We are losing too many people to other cities.Outrageous taxesHomeless increaseIncrease in theft Illegal people not paying taxes and business hiring them. Neighborhood not treated equally. High density for some others get to stay the same. We all should have same access to green grass and trees.Job training for High school. Having coilattions between city and school210Must be able to shred on a guitar. PhD in rockin' off socks.Must spend ~7 hours per day at barton springs doing acro-yoga.Not being too serious.211In a City Manager/Council form of government the CM is the equivalent in power and authority of a President/CEO of an S Corp. Therefore our City Manager either needs to have managed a public entity the same as or larger then Austin or an S Corp equal to or larger then Austin in terms of number of FTEs and budgetThe CM absolutely must be good with the press, the general public and the business community and lead by exampleBiggest challenge will be to actually be non-partisan and apolitical.Must be able to earn the respect and confidence of our growing minority majority. Have solid understanding of our form of government and be able to guide the council, city staff and constituents accordingly45 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.212Property taxes are too high and need to be lowered. Also, transportation in Austin is decades behind, specifically the expanding of lanes on major roadways without a toll (in contrast to the ridiculous new impact project anc 290). 360, 620 are two roads that must be addressed in a way people can avoid avoid the numerous stoplights. When the new mopac project was done, they should have at least added one additional non-toll lane if they were going to add the toll lane. Within the city center, adding a bunch of bike lanes while taking away vehicle travel lanes is not a solution. Austin is geographically small city like New York or San Francisco so most people have to drive cars and trying to force public transportation by not wddrsssing the vehicle traffic is not going to work and will only cause more problems. The city also needs to address the homeless issue, specifically near Ben white.213Ability to work with the community, not just grass tops but also got grassroots and people without a voice.Experience from larger city than Austin, complex, diverse community.Transportation214Good listener, sees things as half full and not half empty, attuned to the challenges of climate change and its effect on our city, likes to collaborate, proactive, not linked to police in former employment, can relate to the rich, the poor and the middleclass needs, Not tied to developer interests,Flexibility, likes people, likes solving problems, willing to listen, not autocratic, not defensive, creative problem solver, not a bureaucrat, shares ideas, gives departments good range of free rein and does not micromanage. The City Manager must have soul, feel spirit and love life.Addressing climate change and doing our part as a city, addressing the affordability issue in Austin proper, gridlock, pushing low and moderate income residents out of the city, destruction of natural spaces, green spaces, and vegetation that keep Austin beautiful and help to cool the city during the summer, turning Austin into a cement and glass heat island, bike safety,advocating for local democratic governance when the Texas Legislature and wants to run rough shod over us, nurturing our artists and musicians and creative non-conformists that have made Austin an inspiring place to live, the love of money over the love of our fellow Austinites.2151) Previous success in leadership roles in government of cities comparable to Austin in size and challenges. 2) Proven track record of representing the needs of multiple constituencies, while managing resources and budgets appropriately across multiple initiatives. 3) Ability to solve current problems as well as outline and embark upon a roadmap for future success.Broad communication skills and adept leadership abilities in multiple settings (city government, state leaders, other city managers inside and outside Texas, national level, etc.) Empathy for all citizens. Ability to understand their needs and to galvanize both city employees as well as multiple citizen groups in support of solutions.Budget, Communications, Traffic/Transpotation, Contolled Growth and Reduced "Hostile Annexation, Transparency, Visibility, Leadership, Trustworthiness, Ability to seek, recognize, hire, motivate and lead a talented staff able to identify issues/needs and provide information as well as propose and carry out good solutions.46 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.216Austin citizen selected and recruited by an Austin firmNon Political. No connection to existing City Government or CouncilNot selected based on connections.Honesty, no connection to politics, no connection to current City Council or Government, no stake in decisions, neutral. SOmeone who does not engage in politics like our current city leadersWe need to re-think the current Council makeup-what we have is not working as it was designed. Should be prepared to suggest alternatives that we the citizens can vote on; NOT voted on by the COuncil.217Experience is more important than education level. A demonstrated ability to make improvements that last and serve the mission of the city that makes Austin a better place for everyone without creating new fiscal or administrative burdens on citizens is extremely important.Open, honest, approachable, engaging, proactive, and dedicated are all essential qualities. We don't need a secluded city manager acting in the government's best interest, but rather one that aims to act on behalf of the citizens to best manage our City through qualities that are reflected in their private and professional life.Managing infrastructure needs, fiscal disciple, supporting public safety services, and improving city departments to more efficient and accountable.218Manage the money responsibly, predict/forecast future shortfalls. This is not a job for an inexperienced candidate, who "knows somebody".They need to be able to commit to do the most good for the most people. Not just a select few special interest groups.People are flocking here (Tx.) in droves. Challenges= traffic flow, education, public safety, jobs. Frivolous expenditures on painted cows, empty trains, and goofy art sticking out of overpass structures do NOTHING to alleviate any real challenges. Smart spending should be the CM's #1 skill.219The ability to prevent department staff from contravening the will of the elected City Council members and Austin's citizens. The skillset and experience required to fire, demote or reassign rogue staffers and departments heads or otherwise prevent them from manipulating the process behind the scenes to the detriment of citizens, neighborhoods, and the community at large. The skillset to implement a workable plan for putting citizens first at public meetings. The ability to establish trust between citizens/taxpayers and the City.Honesty, integrity and intelligence; sensitivity and respect for Austin residents and their concerns; a local Austin resident with experience in neighborhood organizations; compassion and understanding for the residents of neighborhoods all over Austin; someone who is not from the development industry; not from out of state, especially not from California, New York or Portland, Oregon; someone who works well with AISD; someone who is NOT a New Urbanist.Increasingly dysfunctional City government as entrenched staffers exact personal vendettas and manipulate the system without consequences. Urban decay as families are driven out of communities through greed-based planning and development which destroys neighborhood character and deprives the school system of enrollment. Fixation on last century's solutions for this century's problems: like busses and "mass" transit instead of user-directed on-demand ride and car-sharing transit solutions, blighting the town with obsolete decked/tolled freeway instead of modern lower-speed flowing parkways, bulldozing greenspaces and neighborhoods of modest single-family homes and replacing them with housing projects destined for crime and decay, polluting our water and exacerbating flooding via a greed-based over-development orgy.47 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.220Operational excellence with understanding of all city functions, kindness and willingness to seek to understand differing viewpoints, personality with charisma enough to convince people of the right path forward.mentioned aboveHelping resolve the differences between residents who want density in the city (to foster affordable housing, reduce traffic, and allow home/land owners to maximize the value of their property) vs. residents who want to protect the traditional environment of their neighborhoods. Similarly - gentrifiers vs. those being gentrified. Both sides are valid. We have to work together as collaborative Austinites.221the city manager should be intelligent, intuitive, and possess a high emotional intelligence quotient.all leaders should be someone with natural leadership ability. people should want to follow them without being forced. this quality is more rare than common.Growth without commensurate infrastructure expansion, and a hostile state legislature intent on taking away home rule from cities.222The next COA CM should have experience working for a large city which has diverse employees.The individual should be open and fair to all diverse groups. Austin is the hot spot in the US and everyone wants to move here. The individual should make sure that his team is diverse and see that the diversity tickles down to the departments. The individual should get involved with the communities.Having a good diverse group in his bus.Be fair and open to employees.223They should have field experience. They should have worked from the ground up and know what its like to sacrifice for your company.The Manager should be an Austinite or at least a central Texan.Retiring Employees. A need to hire more employees below the manager level.224EducationJob ExperienceAbility to multi-taskPeople personAbility to think ahead (preventive maintenance for the city, innovative thinking and planning for the future)HonestyIntegritySelfless ServiceCourage - Sometimes they will have to make the unpopular decision for the best interest of the city and/or stand up for what is right. Being able to choose the hard right instead of the easy wrong.Austin's growth - How is he/she going to fix our infrastructure to support the amount of people that keeps moving to Austin? How do we make sure we don't run out of water and are able to keep up with the demand with all the people moving here?Work Force - We need to enlarge our work force to keep up with the growing number of citizens moving to Austin. You can't expect the same amount of work force to keep up with the work load that keeps growing with the amount of people that keep moving here.Budget - They will have to be able to budget the city's finances. As Austin keeps growing the cost of living will go up (i.e. property taxes are going up, rent is going up and etc.) so how will they be able to give the city employees cost of living raises while saving money for when emergencies come up?48 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.225Previous experience managing a large city. Focus on the well being of people who already live in the city, not on attracting new people in. That means focus on housing affordability and education to give those that are here a better quality of life.They need to be willing to fight the state leadership over their infringing on Austin's rights to make their own codes. They need to be vocal and strong.TRANSPORTATION. We need to add more cap metro train routes, more extended park and ride routes from Georgetown, Round Rock, Pflugerville (by 130), and more innovative other transportation methods. Stop making toll lanes, but make them for high capacity vehicles only. Give people reasons to not drive! If you don't fix affordability in the city or add more dense housing, more people will be driving in from further away. We need to plan for this.226impressive management skill. listen to all the creative ideas and be flexible to hearing and make it in action.patient- leadership - kind - organize - resourcefulbring the ideas for solving traffic. Austin need great public transportation.Austin need more community program to involve citizen to participate and feeling they are part of their city community.227Financial Management. Civil Engineering (for decisions on roads and parking). Humanitarian. Environmentalist. Business Management. If not someone who has lived in Austin for many years, someone who has lived in another Texas city that has dealt with the big issues we currently face in Austin with its accelerated growth. I moved away for seven years (2006-2013). When I came back Austin had changed drastically. It only takes seven more years for it to get even worse, or get much better.Someone who has lived in, or nearby, Austin and understands the importance of keeping Austin unique.The city needs to keep up with the growth in Austin and surrounding areas. Parking downtown is a problem, and I fear Austin will become the next downtown Houston or Atlanta where everyone moved out because of the congestion and parking issues. As a result the economy moved out, into midtowns or other developments outside of the city. That was replaced with more crime and boarded up buildings. Even Atlanta with a capitol building and education, so it could happen to Austin with the same attributes going for it. The Domain area the next Midtown? Also, East Austin. There is so much development going on there which seems to have no rhyme or reason. I feel that developers should be allowed to build but there seems to be no plan on how that is happening. I think it needs closer inspection for the betterment of the people who are moving there. It should be allowed the opportunity to become another thriving neighborhood, just as Bouldin, Tarrytown, Hyde Park, etc...but there is a real battle between wanting to keep it a "poor man's" neighborhood and builders wanting to take advantage of people who can't pay taxes anymore. That is going to be very tough challenge for the City Manager.49 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.228Ability to make the tough decision when facing employee relations issues and set the example for staff, managers and supervisors.Transparency and integrity by following through with their actions or if it fails, accept it as a lesson learned and continue to strive to achieve success.Managing growth while curtailing expenses, especially when it comes to public safety employees (fire, police, and ems) compensation. In compared to other Texas Cities, those costs are out of control. The City Manager will need to ensure City Council does not waiver when bargaining agreements or contracts are proposed for approval or at impasse. No extra money even at the expense of the employee associations support.229To motivate their employees in a positive wayKeep the council well informed.And most importantly communicate with the citizens. Both listening to them and explaining to them.EthicsAnd knowing they serve the citizens first, the council second and their employees third.A return to a focus on neighborhoods and how they sustain our city versus commercial interests which just meet their own needs.230Communication. Ability to explain, clearly, to residents what, why, etc.Logical, communicative, open, honestGrowth, cost of living in Austin, traffic, managing various departments. Eliminating the "silos" in the organization. Communicating across departmental lines. An IT department that provides software that communicates across departmental lines - currently each dept. sources its' own software (silos again)231Leadership experience, city planner type education.Charisma, ability to lead people of diverse interests and backgrounds.Infrastructure support. Lower property taxes. Cut the "fat" out of local gov't. ie redundant "committees, task forces", etc.232someone who has worked in city govermentSomeone who can present the city as a strong, competent workforce. Someone who values the efforts of staff and will work with police and neighborhoods in a fair but firm way.Change in diversity and increase population. Traffic, traffic, traffic! Developers who just what to make a fast buck and do not care about the environment or citizens.50 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.233Previous experience in a CM/Council jurisdiction. The CM should have a clear understanding of the separation of powers between the Manager and the Council, and should be prepared to collaborate effectively with Council while also restricting undue influence upon Staff, Commissions, and processes.The City Manager should have experience in a jurisdiction facing significant infrastructure challenges.The City Manager should have experience negotiating early retirement packages for personnel. This is necessary to reduce dead weight and retain the talent of younger generations that are currently being lost due to poor compensation and an organizational culture resistant to innovation.The CM should have experience in organizational culture change.Ott shook faith in the City of Austin and had the appearance of being profoundly corrupt. It is important that the new CM is an effective verbal communicator and is honest. We don't need another BS artist.There are many frameworks for evaluating diversity. It is important to me that the next CM understands the value of ideological diversity in addition to typical understandings of ethnic, racial, and gender diversity. I am not interested in tokenizing a CM based upon their various identities; core competencies are more important than incorporating misguided affirmative action scoring as part of the evaluation process.The next CM should be a strong leader who offers a balance to Council's power.Infrastructure investment, implementation of new building code, bond repayment, public health, COA facilities, COA fleet, environment and parks, retirement and employee compensation.Mopac has been a nightmare. Interstate 35 continues to be punted by COA leadership. Austin Energy continues to push the bounds of acceptability. New building codes are going to upend entire neighborhoods. Bond repayment should be accelerated when possible. Public health has lacked visionary leadership for as long as I can remember and despite a focus on health disparities it is failing to deliver innovative and/or evidence-based interventions. COA facilities are aging, some are riddled with asbestos, and we need new builds for structures that cannot be effectively renovated. COA's fleet of vehicles is a disgrace and personnel and the public are put at risk daily by aging vehicles that are falling apart, have poor brakes, lack airbags, malfunctioning seat belts, and hog gas. COA should begin transitioning its fleet to plugin hybrids whenever possible and should retire vehicles that lack basic safety features. Our key watersheds continue to be encroached upon, water quality in our creeks continues to place public safety and health in jeopardy due to fecal contamination and road runoff, and far too many Austinites lack easy access to green space that is essential for physical and mental health. Much of the COA workforce is eligible to retire and should begin moving out of their public service roles but they're holding on due to significant personal debt burdens. As a result younger employees with their own monumental student loan debts are facing lower-than-market compensation, an organizational resistant to innovation, turf wars, and the City is failing to attract and retain fresh talent for these reasons.51 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.234Project management. Knowledge of a diverse group of cities, locally and globally, their current priorities, funding structures, and civic structures. How other cities do things, both within the US and out. Knowledge of city of Austin's history and culture. Experience in the private and public sector and how to bring adaptation to a rapidly growing city.Adaptation. Personal communication, listening, understanding how to find commonalities between various groups.Transportation and housing. The growing gap between those with and those without access to opportunities.235Public service experienceExcellent management skillsTrafficPopulation GrowthAffordable Housing236Someone who already knows the city's culture and understands how it works. Someone who has worked at the city or is still employeed here. This will prevent a lag in knowledge and they can hit the groung running, which will help the COA get ahead of the ever growing demands on city resources and services.Communication oriented, learning the COA culture. They view the COA as one business unit and works to break out of the silos.Solar power and automation of field crew tasks. Knows how to cut the correct jobs with the least amount of disruption to customer service and Austin's high standards of amenities. I believe Elaine Hart would be the perfect fit!237Transportation is the biggest problem in Austin right now. We need a City Manager that understands the City's goals for a multimodal future and has experience pushing the envelope in multimodal projects.We need a City Manager who can distill the more controversial policies of Council into action. By this I mean things like the multimodal goals of our corridor studies or the affordable housing goals of CodeNEXT. These types of policies can die before becoming a reality if they stagnate too long in meeting after meeting. We need a Manager with the strength to push forward and take some chances.Transportation and housing. We need more housing stock in all areas of town and a transit-oriented land use. We need safe options to travel around town that do not involve a car. The next City Manager should understand these goals and be able to get started on accomplishing them.238HonestyTransparencyEthicsPrevious experience in the Government sectorThe new City Manager should be pro-employee and support the average worker. This person should look at the organization in a manner that benefits the City of Austin and the employees who work here not the top executives. Lots of wrong doings happened during the previous City Manager's tenure and all was covered up by him an upper management. This needs to change.Progression/Succession is one of the challenges that is currently a problem and will continue to be. Many skilled workers are retiring and the knowledge they take with them can not be easily replaced. How can we continue to operate when most of the skilled workers and employees leave? There should be a focus or a plan to train and cultivate the skills of the employees who are still employed.52 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.239Leadership and management skills. This would include "managing up" as well as managing down. The person should have a vision of where Austin should be in the future and reconcile that vision with the elected officials.Integrity and independence. The person should be able to tell people no- in a professional way. The best leaders are not worried about their job- they are worried about getting the job done.Sticking our heads in the sand and not addressing traffic and housing issues. The city has a vision but one cannot sacrifice addressing short and long term traffic issues to reach a bike/ public transportation model city. The housing issue is not just affordable housing for the poor. Many people- young and old cannot afford to live in Austin because of high rent and property taxes. The middle class should not be lost constituents.240Someone with enough knowledge of government to be able to reestablish a relationship with City Council where it is clear that the Manager is supposed to manage and the Council is supposed to set policy instead of attempting to usurp the Manager's authority and micro-manage on issues that are clearly beyond their capacitySomeone who cares about what is best for the City as it moves forward and changes rather than a political player only interested in preserving their own jobThe City will change because of the massive housing demand and Council has no idea how to deal with that issue and will feel pressure from their constituencies who fear change, but the change that is coming is inevitable so someone needs to steer the City to a better result rahter than flounder into chaos241Cross-sectoral experience. A traditional public administrator with only government experience won't cut it. Our city is dynamic, and the solutions to our problems must come from collaboration with government, business, service sector, and community groups. Tech savvy. They don't need to be an expert in technology, but they need to be familiar with what tools can do and how they can reshape the way people work. If our CEO doesn't understand technology, we can forget any hope of the city using technology to serve the people better.They must be a servant leader. The City Manager doesn't drive anything themselves -- they are at the top of a massive organization that has operational responsibilities. They should view their role as seeing what help the organization needs to do its job better, and bust roadblocks for them to be successful. Community-first mindset. The notion that the City Manager only executes policy set by Council and does not provide leadership themselves is just garbage. The City Manager should be devoting a lot of effort to understand what the community needs and marshaling the resources to address those needs.For the city government, we have to modernize our technology. We aren't going to be able to adapt to changes and take advantage of opportunities when we're still on paper timesheets and recording traffic signal outages on paper forms.242someone that listens to the employees, someone that's open and honest. Also someone that's not going to be pressured into do things that a bunch of bleeding hearts want him or her to do.We are Americans first and foremost others are visitors.legally or illegally.Good characteristics, someone who will represent everyone, and will have a staff that reflects that,someone who will see things through, and wont be persuaded by who's in the room, treat everyone that's able to vote in this city as close to family as possible. People notice that!one of the most challenging things over the next 5-10 years is probably the traffic issues, and also is getting back the construction industry where it looks like americans still exsist in America. And not like americans looking like they're the visitors.243someone that listens to the employees, someone that's open and honest. Also someone that's not going to be pressured into do things that a bunch of bleeding hearts want him or her to do.We are Americans first and foremost others are visitors.legally or illegally.Good characteristics, someone who will represent everyone, and will have a staff that reflects that,someone who will see things through, and wont be persuaded by who's in the room, treat everyone that's able to vote in this city as close to family as possible. People notice that!one of the most challenging things over the next 5-10 years is probably the traffic issues, and also is getting back the construction industry where it looks like americans still exsist in America. And not like americans looking like they're the visitors.53 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.244Ability to compromise and understand everyone's perspective.Prioritizes logistics over meaningless buzz word goals.Love of Austin and it's unique natural and cultural benefits without trying to compete with other city's.Traffic, property taxes, and infrastructure.245Besides the usual education requirements the ability to listen and HEAR the people of Austin to provide what all the communities need and want.A strong commitment to the issues important to long-term residents including environmental protections and dedication to the arts. Smart growth that doesn't destroy the people and places that make Austin unique.Affordable housing and smart growth that has minimal impact on the environment (saving as much green space as possible). Look to other similar cities to see what has worked and what has not.246Bachelors degree, involvement with community, ability to handle multiple priorities. Proven ability to manage a growing city. Experienced in hiring a good olive chief.Level headed, down to earth, friendly, focused,Keeping the neighborhoods quality of life - safe sidewalks, nice pools for e eryone who has them, hike & bike trails well maintained, overgrown brush cut, streets clear of debris, no eyesore areas.247prior experience in managing a city comparable to AustinOpen to new ideastraffic congestion248Pragmatism. An understanding of how the departments should work together. Previous job experience as a city manager is a plus for sure.Determination and focus. They obsessively go after one thing until the task is accomplished and the understanding of what is the best use of their time.The usual suspects. Traffic, taxes. They may have to work on outside influences that the state seems hell bent on initiating and over riding what we do in the city. Protecting our natural areas here is of huge importance as well. Thank you for taking the time to ask these questions. Anthony Hall249Tolerance, patience, intelligence, appreciation and embrace of diversity, experience with urban leadership and city budgets, tech savvy, forward-thinking with an appreciation and knowledge of Austin's cultural history, public policy education and experience, excellent speaking/writing skills, project management, personnel management, problem-solving, big-picture approach to issues, values-centered leadershipTolerance, patience, intelligence, sense of humor, independence, trustworthy, personable, sensitivity to Austin's diversity, Creativity, guidance, bureaucratic civil servant, fearlessness, compassionTransportation, affordable housing, budget, growth, legal and legislative challenges from the State of TX, Human Rights, Infrastructure Maintenance and Development, Health Care, Poverty, Homelessness, Immigration, Security250previous work in another city department, so they understand challenges of city staff. at least a master's probably. Spanish-speaking ability is a plus too.someone who is willing to be wrong and admit fault. we want someone who has been able to publicly admit to mistakes before, and work to solve them. someone who understands Austin or has lived here before.please hire someone with some knowledge of city planning! we need to get a better handle on growth and infrastructure challenges.54 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.251The Council seems to respect a high level of finance skills. The strategic planning exercise to frame the decisions council makes seems to be creating a clearer path for the council and city. Hats off to creating more frameworks for Council to work within. High skill level in having difficult conversations / conflict resolution and mediation with such an active council also seem necessary.Community-minded; Open to varied opinions; Strategic; Good communicator; InspiringAffordability & Transportation;Balancing the needs of the 10 districts;Large Retiring Workforce - lack of department succession plans;Budget - Constantly being asked to do more and more with less252Ability to transition City to s strong mayor form of government. Ability to understand this will happen--it is going to be the next step after 10-1Not be a showboat...understand that the City does not need them. They are just wasting money and timeI'd like to see the position phased out/sunset. Austin is too big for the City Manager system---most Citizens believe mayor runs City anyways and do not realize that we have city manager system of government.Citizens would feel represented by the government and know what government is doing for them. Moving the City to a strong Mayor system is what will help boost employee morale conduct. They will understand that they do receive paychecks from public monies There would be direct public accountability.253I feel that someone must possess executive level local government experience in a community that provides enterprise or business-like services, such as utilities or an airport.I feel that the attributes that are essential for someone to thrive in the City of Austin environment are empathy and innovation with a respect for the past. I believe that City of Austin residents and employees highly value protecting and listening to all groups, especially vulnerable populations, and striving to do better than our other municipal counterparts when developing a quickly growing community. Austin also has a unique culture that community members are protective of, so embracing new ideas usually must have a respect for what has already made the city so unique and desirable.The most critical challenges that Austin will continue to face are finding resources to manage the needs of a quickly growing community while meeting the ongoing needs of vulnerable populations that Austin prides itself on trying to protect and keeping the City desirable and attractive to the growing suburban communities that border it. Austinities value living close to work and play and I believe that will start to wane as successful suburbs grow. However, I also believe that the bordering communities do share many of the same values and are protective of Austin as well.254Degree in business, at least 10 years of experienced. Legal-sabi. Track record of sensitivity to minority and liberal groups. Not partisan, and no controversial posturing.Be a family person, but does not have to be traditional male-female couple. Participate in health activities -physical fitness and medical check ups. In other words, be healthy. Not necessary athletic or 'model" type. Be mentally healthyEquality of resources for all citizen. For example, there are fewer businesses (Supermarkets, fast-food places, banks, etc) East of I-35. There are leser quality parks and recreation facilities (hike-bike trails, pools, libraries) East of I-35. And the entire infrastructure of sidewalks East of I-35 is far less developed or up to date compared with the ones North West and South West55 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.255Prior experience in a public sector executive leadership role.Ability to set clear goals and communicate priorities.Experience in building relationships with marginalized communities.Integrity, empathy, patience, sense of humorEnsuring minority and economically disadvantaged communities are not marginalized; maintaining and improving infrastructure; managing growth in a way that allows everyone to participate in civic life.256Communication is critical. Creating a positive culture within the organization, rather than fear as it is now. Employees who do wrong are just shifted around rather than address the issue. This is demoralizing for those who perform. Willing to fight for the employees when justified.Honesty. Ability to understand, but not necessarily agree with various viewpoints. Not give in to every special interest nonprofit group.Affordability is obviously one of the challenges. Soon I will not be able to live within the city limits because of taxes. I can't save for both retirement and taxes. As one council member stated, it's not the city's job to fix the school funding issues for AISD so stop giving them money when their employees receive a 4% raise (which they probably deserve) and city employees only receives 2%.257Need to focus more on practical problems such as road maintenance, code enforcement, parks repairs including new neighborhood pools, emergency services; and less on feel-good arts, bicycle lanes and other nice but non-essential items.258Organization and relationship building.We need a person who is intelligent and nice. A problem solver.1. Community policing - de-escalation, relationship building and handling people with mental illness.2. Improving education for low income residents.3. Living wage for Austin City employees and affordable housing.4. Controlling the high cost of Austin Public Safety - APD, Fire, and EMS.56 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.259Working in the public sector is very different than working in the private section. I believe that the new City Manager should have prior experience working in government, municipal government if possible. The City faces many challenges related to population growth, real estate development, and the impacts on the environment. I would like the new City Manager to have a demonstrated interest in environmental issues and sustainability. I would expect City Manager candidates to have advanced degrees beyond bachelor's degrees, such as a master's degree or PHD in Public Administration/Affairs, or a law degree.Intelligence. A commitment to equality in pay and other matters for women and men. A commitment to respecting diversity, whether in race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identification, etc. A commitment to public interest work, not just profit. An understanding of the complicated history of our City, with regard to culture, race, and preservation of the natural environment.Population growth. Austin used to be a relatively small town. Those of us who are from here always knew how special it was, and we were fine with not being on every top 10 list out there. Austin has changed dramatically in the past 15 years. The secret of how great our community is has gotten out, and hundreds of thousands of people have flocked to our city and region. As a result, the city is losing a lot of what made it special when it was smaller. The cool/weird/environmentally aware/hippie culture is changing. Artists, musicians, public servants, students, and the middle class can no longer afford to live in Austin due to skyrocketing housing costs. As the population and the need for housing grows, environmentally sensitive areas are at risk of being developed. I fear that profit for developers will win over environmental protection as population growth continues. However, our existing roads cannot handle the traffic we have now, especially the number of people commuting to downtown Austin each day for work. Texas friendliness seems to have been lost in our community. Everything is overcrowded from the roads to the city pools to blues on the green, and, with the overcrowdedness, people seem to have become rude, selfish, and inconsiderate to others. In two years, bad drivers have hit my car three times, and all have fled the scene without taking responsibility. In the same time period, my house, in an established Austin neighborhood that I used to think of as safe, was robbed. I've been hit by a car as a pedestrian walking downtown, and the driver fled without checking to see if I was okay. The police have been no help, and no charges have been brought against anyone in all of these instances. Last month, an uninsured driver hit my car and fled the scene, and when I called the police, they didn't even want to take a report from me. Things didn't use to be like that in Austin. The biggest problem facing Austin today and in the next 5-10 years will inevitably be how to maintain a 57 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.260Experience as an employee/resident with a US city with a similar culture and progressive vision.Community oriented, socially aware of America's diversity, and a deep --- repeat --- deep, appreciation for the state of Texas in general. Support and enhance the city's promotion of the arts and entertainment as host for international events, yet honor and preserve the natural beauty that's home for us "Austin proud" locals. Embrace the appeal to remain "weird", but equally recognize our need to remain a haven for families, communities, and the civic-minded.Maintaining Austin's reputation as a progressive city that's nested in a not-so-progressive state, which itself is embedded in a hostile national political and social climate. Grapple with city growth and resource conservation.261It wouldn't hurt if the new manager understands or quickly comes up to speed on electric utility operations and the electric market in the State. Otherwise, the new manager should have the backbone to tell his/her bosses "no" on occasion.Actual management skills. Ability to allocate resources. Enough of big ideas from the manager. Let's find someone who can get the job done. Stick up for the staff once in a while. Ability to tell the Council members and members of the lobby "no."The General Fund is on an unsustainable trajectory. Straight talk and hard choices will be needed. As we continue to close our electric production resources, the General Fund Transfer will be drastically reduced. This could cause a fiscal crisis if we don't plan for it.262Creativity, open-mindedness, sense of humor.Infrastructure growth and development (transportation, etc.)263Having someone that understands the Austin Community and has experience with the complex processes that will have to be dealt with in getting anything accomplished. That person needs to have patience and truly care about the City of Austin as a whole and not just looking good in the media.Honesty, not afraid of hard work, understanding of the City of Austin processes. Good strong speaker and willing to say no to groups and citizens that cause unneeded work load. The ability to work with other staff to properly staff units that currently understaffed. The ability to listen to city staff and to determine what is essential and what is expected from the Citizens.Growth and city staff not growing as the community expect a level of service that has been declining for years. Working with City employees to keep moral up and not decline any more than it has already. Funding city programs and not taking from other city departments to achieve.264The ability to communicate and empathize with all citizens of Austin. The ability to relate to City of Austin employees at all levels. Austin is a liberal city within a conservative state. The City Manager should reflect the City Councils liberal policies.There is a different corporate climate in the City of Austin based on the priorities of each City Manager. The Managers and Supervisors at the City of Austin only manage up and not down so the City Manager's priorities are very important. A City Manager (like Toby Futrell) valued that all city employees whereas Mark Ott was "managercentric" and valued only the Managers and Supervisors. I would like to see a City Manager that values all City Employees and not just the Managers and Supervisors. The City manager has to recognize, value and support the political beliefs of the City Council.Only one City Council member has mentioned that she is concerned about obtaining raises for the City Employees. It seems that this is not a high priority within the City Council. At this time when the Austin economy is doing so well a raise for City Employees should be included in each budget year. Rest assured the previous City Councils were sure to veto raises in 2008 and 2009 when the economy was not so robust. If the City Employees can only receive raises when the economy is robust then raises should be in the 2018 budget.265Both public and private sector experience. Preferably MPA or PhD in Public Administration or Business.To be very ethical and congruent with the rank and file. Any ethnically motivated preferential treatment exhibited by the previous City Manager will only disrupt the City further.The city is turning into unlivable for anyone that is not rich. The very City employees that are supposed to serve the public cannot afford to live here. The unchecked city growth benefits only the most competitive newcomers and makes the city un-affordable for regular people.58 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.266Representative of the COA staff, Collaboration of internal and external customers, reducing costs and Balancing Budget,dealing with other Cities of similar political climate or in current COA leadership role, align COA policies, standardized and simplify, reduce busy work and commissions, better control and organization of processes dealing with Councilaccessible, fair, consistent, transparent, willing to stand up for what is right, highly ethical, thinking outside of the box, organized, credible, follows through on their commitments, good reputation, negotiatorCouncil wishes in an affordable manner, balance staff time with numerous unnecessary commissions, pay for performance, dealing with lack of performers267I think they should have some experience managing a not for profit or charity organization that reflects our city's commitment to diversity and inclusion. They should also have worked with or have children of their own. They should be experienced working the public sector.They should be flexible, have a positive outlook, and be welcoming to change. They should have an open door policy, allowing employees to voice their opinion. They should demonstrate and promote healthy work life balance.WE MUST GET SOME AFFORDABLE HOUSING. Austin can no longer call itself the Music Capital of the World if musicians and artists can no longer afford to live here. We need to work on attracting working class employees, not folks earning more than $60000.00/year. Linked with that, we need a revised mass transit system. Look at Chicago, where you rarely have to wait more than 15 minutes for a bus. We need to be able to access ALL parts of town, not just downtown.268The city would greatly benefit from a City Manager with previous experience as Deputy City Manager. Additionally, they should have private sector executive experience, say possibly as a Group Project Manager. Furthermore, prior experience from the leadership position of a Naval Officer would greatly amplify this individual's credentials. Finally, Ray Arellano should be our next City Manager.Silly question. Really demonstrates how this survey is particularly useless. Did someone actually think this was a good idea?1. Working to accommodate young entrepreneurs as we see a greater emphasis on the so-called "gig economy".2. Stabilizing as our growth plateaus. Fastest growing city of the previous decade, trend not going to continue, government needs to change.3. Healing racial discords.269Knowledge of the city, it's residents, it's history and how we got to where we are nowFriendliness and the ability to share with residents how they will be affected by city policyReducing Austin's emissions; making the city more bike friendly; making public transportation stronger; create more affordable housing in the city; preserve communities affected by gentrification59 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.270Job experience is important, but whether or not he/she worked well with other city governments would be primary. Working somewhere, but not listening to the Council defeats the purpose of the job.We just recently had a City Manager who neither took responsibility for what happened within his staff, but also chose to ignore certain instructions from the council. I believe that this city needs a City Manager who actually listens to the Council, is aware of what the city staff is doing, and also understands the needs of the citizens who live here.I believe a competent City Manager will advise the Council and help them understand the actual needs of the citizens who live here. Code Next is not designed to help the people who live here and it is being sold as a panacea for our problems. Taking away parking spots does not eliminate people who need cars. Creating bike lanes, does not mean the majority of people in town are going to be biking to work in our hot summers. And putting a more dense population in single family neighborhoods is not something that will make those neighborhoods happy. The reason the population in our schools is going down and most people can no longer live here is the cost of a home. The city council needs to be realistic and stop offering big incentives to developers who do not follow through on their promises. In short, the City Manager should be someone who helps the Council and directs them to find realistic solutions to our problems. Being realistic seems to be a difficult idea for Austin's government to grasp.271Ability to lead a diverse and strong group of leaders.Communication skills to create consensus among community leaders.Honesty, courage, persistence, fairness, imaginative, innovative, creativeRising cost of providing city services. Lack of accountability of the fire department. Defining Austin's future strategically. Need for better public transportation. Finding homes for the homeless.272to be successful, the person hired MUST be an experienced city manager who has well managed a large and growing city. Cities are not corporations - they have a logic and mores all their own. The best CEO in the world would quickly run aground trying to manage a city - particularly this unique city - as a corporation. If a CEO or other executive from the private sector is hired to be Austin's city manager, I predict that he or she will either leave the position shortly in utter frustration, or be asked to leave by a Council frustrated by their sheer ineffectiveness in getting our municipal business done.The most important personal characteristics for our next city manager to possess are:*Zen-like calm*Quick study (so that they can tell the heavy hitters among us without a scorecard)*Liberal politics (duh)*Cultural competence (and how!)*an innate understanding of what makes our city-state unique and what Austinites value* Austin will become a major urban area, with all the attractions and the drawbacks entailed*Transportation (and God help us if we do not create a better system of mass transportation)*Housing (affordable and otherwise)60 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.273to be successful, the person hired MUST be an experienced city manager who has well managed a large and growing city. Cities are not corporations - they have a logic and mores all their own. The best CEO in the world would quickly run aground trying to manage a city - particularly this unique city - as a corporation. If a CEO or other executive from the private sector is hired to be Austin's city manager, I predict that he or she will either leave the position shortly in utter frustration, or be asked to leave by a Council frustrated by their sheer ineffectiveness in getting our municipal business done.The most important personal characteristics for our next city manager to possess are:*Zen-like calm*Quick study (so that they can tell the heavy hitters among us without a scorecard)*Liberal politics (duh)*Cultural competence (and how!)*an innate understanding of what makes our city-state unique and what Austinites value* Austin will become a major urban area, with all the attractions and the drawbacks entailed*Transportation (and God help us if we do not create a better system of mass transportation)*Housing (affordable and otherwise)274Listen to the employees, they know how to get things done!Honesty!Controlling the City Council. They don't know how to run a city.275A mix of both private and government experience. I think candidates that ONLY have government experience are NOT realistic when it comes to budgets.Our next city manager should be a STRONG and NIMBLE mediator who is able to use social media to her/his advantage. The candidate will have to deal with MANY competing interests and needs in our diverse community.Growth. Budget. Austin Affordability.276Why not hire someone currently working within the city departments. Surely there are qualified individuals rather than hiring an out of state person who will need to learn about Austin.Someone with no criminal background, has integrity and is not related to any Texas politician.Traffic congestion, taxes increasing too much every year, affordable housing for the middle class, requiring all new developments,apartments, businesses maintain at least 25% trees and/or green space. We building too much concrete!277Fiscally Conservative - someone who seeks to run an efficient city. One who will seek to eliminate redundancy in processes, procedures, jobs, offices, departments, etc. Someone who will do WHATEVER THEY CAN to save money and REDUCE the tax burden for citizens. Highly Goal oriented. Someone who makes STRETCH goals - and able to MOTIVATE and ACTIVATE people to accomplish the goals. Think Big and accomplish it. This does NOT mean spend more money. Every Department, Every program, every service, every process, every procedure, every employee, every year, every day, every hour.. goals can be accomplished with creativity and ingenuity. Inspire employees to be creativeInterpersonal Skills, able to get consensus, great motivator, sets bar high and exceeds it by setting the example for others (high integrity, high energy, high productivity). A PLANNER. Someone who sets goals, sets tasks necessary to meet goal, sets deadlines for tasks, accomplishes tasks within deadlines, meets goal. Celebrates success, sets new goal.... If the manager does not do this in their personal life they will not manage the city well.Growth - Taxes - Affordability- Accountability to citizens.61 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.278Fiscally Conservative - someone who seeks to run an efficient city. One who will seek to eliminate redundancy in processes, procedures, jobs, offices, departments, etc. Someone who will do WHATEVER THEY CAN to save money and REDUCE the tax burden for citizens. Highly Goal oriented. Someone who makes STRETCH goals - and able to MOTIVATE and ACTIVATE people to accomplish the goals. Think Big and accomplish it. This does NOT mean spend more money. Every Department, Every program, every service, every process, every procedure, every employee, every year, every day, every hour.. goals can be accomplished with creativity and ingenuity. Inspire employees to be creativeInterpersonal Skills, able to get consensus, great motivator, sets bar high and exceeds it by setting the example for others (high integrity, high energy, high productivity). A PLANNER. Someone who sets goals, sets tasks necessary to meet goal, sets deadlines for tasks, accomplishes tasks within deadlines, meets goal. Celebrates success, sets new goal.... If the manager does not do this in their personal life they will not manage the city well.Growth - Taxes - Affordability- Accountability to citizens.279Leadership experienceTransparency.Population growth and management tog such growth280Relevant managerial experience with track record of fiscal responsibility and budgetary constraint. I'm tired of seeing my tax dollars mismanaged on special interest programs (extra financial resources for attorneys for illegal immigrants instead of fulfilling the core duties of the city (Public services like public safety). Is the city they come from financially stable? I'd prefer a Texan. I'm fed up with carpetbagging Yankees fleeing their failed states.To listen to all voices, esp those tired of all the fiscal waste and political grandstanding (ie prioritizing responsible growth, affordability, and traffic over transgender bathrooms). We have real problems in this city. Tired of real estate speculators running this city and profiteering off gentrification.Fiscal solvency, traffic amelioration, and keeping austin affordable for middle class families. This is becoming a city for rich Californians and it's not the city I love anymore. You can't recognize the downtown skyline, there's 80 ugly ass luxury condos, traffic is worse than 3rd world countries and houses are too damn expensive. Families with kids don't want to live in dense condos and are fleeing in droves to other cities. Stop pushing the crappy CapMetro, it would make my commute 4x longer EACH way. Stop this Field of Dreams mentality that if you build more bike lanes people will bike to work.62 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.281Inspiring leader for City employees, large municipality leadership experience, demonstrated ability to advocate for employees over politics, well-versed in balancing City leadership needs with citizen needs, willingness to spend time with employees in every department to learn the individual perspective each bringsFair, impartial, compassionate, friendly, logical, outgoing, dynamic leadership countenance, proficient communicator...preferably female!Room for growth, transportation, balancing the need for renewable energy with affordability, increase in special interest groups and the need to balance that with what actually makes sense for the direction of the City, national politics bleeding into City politics and policies, multiple issues with City employment (lots retiring, getting in new talent with competitive salaries, finding ways to keep good talent by removing some red tape which does not exist in private entities), finding a way to affordably keep up with technology that makes sense, safety as the world seems to get more dangerous, dealing with the Texas legislature (and fighting deregulation of Austin Energy. Deregulation would be terrible for residents and the City Manager could help people learn why!)282May we please not hire another opaque flaming progressive.Ruthlessly eliminate bloated expensive bureaucracy and the will to tackle pensions and the pit of vipers that is the Law and HR deptsAFFORDABILITY.283be willing to meet with the public, I worked for AFD for 28.5 years 86-2015, and worked with several city managers. Marc Ott was unapproachable and would not listen to the citizenshire from within, stop bringing in outsiders who want to change Austin and employ all of their old friendshiring and keeping qualified city employees and not keeping criminals Like many within Austin Code - on the payroll so the diversity numbers look good for the Feds284Skills in collaborative leadershipOptimistic outlookRelationship with state governmentZoning re-writeAffordable housing285CommunicationOpenness to ideas and different types of people and ideasExamples of past experiences where they have done what was right but maybe not popularExamples of working towards consensusAbility to recognize true department leaders and replace those who need to be replacedAbility to buffer staff from politics to stay focused on community needsPatienceAbility to listenSkills to communicate up, down, sideways, diagonalFirm sense of community service & commitment to do what is right even if it is not popularWater scarcityClimate change (flooding, fires)Sprawl63 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.286Ability and leadership skills to unify his/her subordinates in setting attainable goals that will reflect a purposeful and meaningful vision that is guided by reasonable, well thought, and financially feasible strategies that will successfully impact on the welfare of all the citizens of every socioeconomic status who choose to reside in this city.A personable individual with integrity who reflects ethical and moral characteristics that will help shape an environmentally healthy and financially prosperous yet affordable city that is made available for the enjoyment of all its citizens regardless of race, ethnicity, color, creed, age and socioeconomic status.1. Traffic and transportation. 2. Housing affordability and accessibility especially to the elderly, minorities, and generally those within the lower and middle class.3. Increase efforts toward the safety and protection of its citizens from violent acts of all types.4. Measures to address mental health, poverty, children and elderly abuse and neglect and malnutrition.287Manage traffic experienceSomeone local who appreciates the characteristics Austin was known for before everyone moved hereTraffic, housing costs288Similar job experience in a large, growing cityCares for park space, health and mental health of citizens, and health of animals. Cares for low-income residents who are being priced out of their homes and neighborhoods, while supporting dense new development of necessary housingTraffic, homelessness, and development of new housing supply289someone with experience or education in managing traffic; someone from the east side, who will take ALL of Austin into account when managing "Austin"; someone who can herd cats; someone who has experience in strict urban planning, obviously, but especially zoning—Austin is growing without any planning at alla woman or man of color would be interesting; needs a strong personality without being a bully; needs to listen to everyone; may even need to come to neighborhoods and get her/his own info and not wait for people to attend meetings or come to her/him; can't be bullied by City Council or Mayormost obvious is traffic—people who live in a bubble don't know what it's like for the rest of us; sprawling, unguided development; CapMetro's deafness to poor people's needs; someone needs to straighten out or cut through through the Byzantine process for getting anything done—permits are a nightmare; need to preserve the openness and welcoming of all types of people that makes Austin special290Pick someone with no experience or education.Must be a local and willing to work for cheap.By far, the biggest challenge will be to remove all the fat cats and special intrest money from our city government. The rest will take care of itself.291Detailed over site of city services.Swimming pool timely repairCity of Austin Housing// False income reporting from staff, lost documentsHold staff members/mangers accountable for their team Outreach for the underserved communitiesOutreach to the communitySympathy/empathy/passion to servePhysically fitLive in the community they serve East AustinOver development, population explosion, traffic congestion, homelessness, increase crime/hate crimes/education equality for all children poor or well off. More diversity in city offices.64 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.292A sense of fairness, open-mindedness, excellent business acumen with sound legal knowledge and procedures plus wily political skills, good connections and genuine charmSomeone who sincerely loves this City and is totally committed to its well being and the well being of its population regardless of financial status. A broad minded, innovative and well organized person with the ability to pick great people for teams who get things done with a sense of joy and alacrity. Someone who wants our City to be as independent and self-sufficient and green on all levels as possible. A person who believes in protecting our water, utilizing our abundance of sun for energy efficiency innovatively working with green ideas both to reduce the cost of living here to maintain affordability and sustainability of life here in this City for the arts for sports for the learning centers here. Protecting our resources and bringing down cost of living so that the people who work for the City can easily afford to live here. A person who listens to the neighborhood groups and who is a good listener in general. A person who is not swayed by the vagaries of greed in it's many forms.Dependable and quick Public transport to all area of the city that is both innovative and creative (hey expand the kiddie Train in Zilker to run down into the Lamar and downtown area through Pease Park. Folks can use raincoats and umbrellas and have fun getting to work) Make us more energy sufficient and efficient and green. Save water and encourage new development to have water barrels for all homes and solar energy, use our parking lots and City building to gather energy to make the cost of living here more affordable for all of us and continue the collection of compost and Christmas trees and yard waste to compost our parks and plant more trees make more community gardens so that we can help feed the poor and make some of our trees we plant here fruit trees for the same reasons. We also apparently will have to be engaged in keeping our City a City for all races and classes free from undue dominance by political powers that do not have the whole City's best interest's at heart.293A sense of fairness, open-mindedness, excellent business acumen with sound legal knowledge and procedures plus wily political skills, good connections and genuine charmSomeone who sincerely loves this City and is totally committed to its well being and the well being of its population regardless of financial status. A broad minded, innovative and well organized person with the ability to pick great people for teams who get things done with a sense of joy and alacrity. Someone who wants our City to be as independent and self-sufficient and green on all levels as possible. A person who believes in protecting our water, utilizing our abundance of sun for energy efficiency innovatively working with green ideas both to reduce the cost of living here to maintain affordability and sustainability of life here in this City for the arts for sports for the learning centers here. Protecting our resources and bringing down cost of living so that the people who work for the City can easily afford to live here. A person who listens to the neighborhood groups and who is a good listener in general. A person who is not swayed by the vagaries of greed in it's many forms.Dependable and quick Public transport to all area of the city that is both innovative and creative (hey expand the kiddie Train in Zilker to run down into the Lamar and downtown area through Pease Park. Folks can use raincoats and umbrellas and have fun getting to work) Make us more energy sufficient and efficient and green. Save water and encourage new development to have water barrels for all homes and solar energy, use our parking lots and City building to gather energy to make the cost of living here more affordable for all of us and continue the collection of compost and Christmas trees and yard waste to compost our parks and plant more trees make more community gardens so that we can help feed the poor and make some of our trees we plant here fruit trees for the same reasons. We also apparently will have to be engaged in keeping our City a City for all races and classes free from undue dominance by political powers that do not have the whole City's best interest's at heart.65 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.294Understanding of how utilities operate, especially electric utilities. Many years of experience successfully balancing a budget. Many years of experience successfully running multiple departments. Business-minded.Genuine integrity, sincere, personable, comprehensive and common sense approach to solutions. Leaning towards small government.Reduction of homeless population, decreased regulations on development, enabling of utilities to function without unnecessary restrictions, enforcement of immigration laws, reducing property taxes.295Focus on green infrastructure for the city.Focus on affordable living solutions. Maintain creative class - bring in an art schoolSteadfastFairMatureBringing green infrastructure to public works so the city can grow and maintain its high public health factors which are in part why people stay here.296People skills. Public speaking skills. Obviously thereahuge number of other abilities CM must posess, including management and budgeting, and ideally a background in urban planning and/or highway road and transportation planning and management.As stated above, the City Manager should be visible, transparent, comfortable, with, and accessible to the citizens. We have not had a city manager who served the citizens instead of special interests since Gus Garcia, and his predecessors were horrible cold fish too.the next City Manager will have to undue the culture that pervades city staff from top to bottom. That years-old culture cultivated by former City Managers is manipulative, secretive, condescending, inattentive and dismissive of the citizens, serving only the interests of development and other special interests.297previous leadership experience in a similar city. Brings innovative and creative approach.sustainable growth, bicycle/pedestrian infrastructure, equitable growth298Deep familiarity with the principles of urban planning across ALL divisions of a municipality, and proven leadership experience in helping a large, fast-growing city to manage its growth pains and get ahead-of-the-curve.Someone who understands the complex web of municipal governance. Someone who empowers the directors of various divisions across the city and puts those directors in conversation with each other. Someone who is bold and thinks long-term. Someone who knows how to explain complex municipal issues to the general public and to city council.Our biggest challenge is maintaining our stellar economic growth WHILE ALSO maintaining the quality of life features that brought that economic growth to Austin in the first place. Keep attracting large corporations; keep the start-up culture alive and well; keep investing in regional, educational initiatives. But also work hard to maintain Austin's relative affordability (compared to the east and west coasts). Lead regional initiatives that help to alleviate our traffic congestion. Bolster PPP initiatives that protect our cultural assets--the art, the music.299Open to all CommunitiesCity of Austin jailHousing prices that the working middle to move out of Austin.300A record and experience for getting big things done by inspiring and managing individuals or groups to do what they do best to complete a job or task.A good moral character, strong principle and steadfast--will do what's right and not give in to social justice. Austin being the capital we can expect a lot of gatherings--but don't infringe other people's right to go about their daily activities by internationally cause traffic jams and impose misery to others. Gather and assemble peacefully.Balance growth and prosperity for everyone. Population density will increase. Transportation and mobility so that everyone can enjoy what the city has to offer.66 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.301Experience in the Austin community, understanding Austin's values, challenges and unique location.Listening. Make strong recommendations to Council. Drive the budget process. Clearly defined goals and metrics. Results driven.Balancing the historical core values of environmental protection, creative ecosystem, and intellectual freedom with outside pressures from politically motivated fake conservatives like Trump and Abbott. Also, new arrivals are impacting the progressive values of Austin. We have to invest in long term solutions to transportation like tunnels and electric mass transit, building more roads has been empirically proved to not help with congestion. .302Knowledge of the successes experienced by other cities with similar issues and how other US cities solved those problems.Personal integrity. Someone who has the respect of peers. History of accomplishment. Team oriented rather than solo flier. Someone who can also lead to prepare for disaster, if it should occur- preparation and response to it.Transportation congestion in both the city and on the highways. Safety and focus on maximizing bicycle and motorcycle use to address traffic concerns related to cars. Safety and awareness training for auto driver of bicyclists and motorcyclists. Infrastructure integrity.303The city manager must have experience in managing a city of our size and/or larger. They need to have experience in a city manager styled city government.Strong leadership skills. Ability to deal with the numerous different diverse groups within the city. The ability to manage in a liberal city that exists in a conservative State.The ability to see that with the growth of the city comes the growth of crime which necessitates the need to expand the public safety of the city namely the police department but also FIRE and EMS. The city manager needs to have the vision to not allow the city to price out individuals who want to live here and make this city one where only those with 6 figure incomes can afford to live.304He/She needs to be completely competent. This City Manager should take care of the employee and not back the people he/she brings on board with them.Nepotism has no place in a City as it was rampant before. The employees, down to the peons, need to be taken care of and matter.Traffic congestion and California driving that's migrated here. Exponential growth. Above all else, the City needs to be truly "green" as it claims to be. Electronic time sheets would be a good place to start. I'm not sure if I mentioned it before, but taking care of the employees so that it truly is a great City to work for not just a false claim.305Job experience, exposure to many cultures and economic diversityability to engage many parts of Austin in its success; ability to leverage its diversityAustin thrives because of many economic factors, including the educational level of its youth, music that attracts, laid back atmosphere yet many of those who make Austin a vibrant city can hardly afford to live here. Important to ensure that there's affordable living options, affordable food access & supply and transportation to all areas of city.67 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.306Strong financial background. Masters degree or more.Someone who reaches out and gets to know the City of Austin Workers. Someone to represent us, the workers, not necessarily the City Council.Traffic issues, affordable housing, steady pay increases for City Employees, Someone who can stand up to a "silly" Council with extreme liberal ideas that are at the cost of the city tax payers. Someone who holds our safety as a city as #1. Homeland Security, and cyber threats are important issues, as well as terrorists threats, and all these protests at the Capital. Limit the number of protests, it's an eye sore, a traffic mess, and represents only a few idealisms. I feel my liberties are being taking advantage because we value a small few that have nothing better to do than protest. I would like to go visit the Capital and the downtown, but it seems that every weekend there is some kind of protest and the streets are shut down and traffic is a mess. Also, get the homeless off the streets, and street corners. Make it illegal to panhandle. Address crime, and hire more police officers.307Running a City is a complex, multi-faceted, and complicated task. Most applicants with only private sector experience will be lost in navigating the many challenges of leading city staff, balancing the "policy vs implementation" roles, working with elected officials while having enough experience to get in the weeds with staff as required to get work accomplished. Public Sector experience is VITAL. Please do NOT bring us private sector applicants. Running a successful business is not the same as managing the multiple businesses of the City while guiding staff in a political (and in Austin working with highly engaged stake holder groups) environment. Bring us applicants that know how to run a city.Ethical - There must be no question of his/her ethics. Calm - In a highly stressed environment, a calming influence in leadership is essential. Good listener and seeks input - must be open to other's opinions and suggestions. Willing to engage and work with Austin's many advocacy groups. Supportive of staff - In a challenging work environment, he/she must have the support of the employees. To get that support, and earn their trust, he/she must "walk the walk" first. Support Diversity in the work place...with an open mind on what "diversity" means. It doesn't mean just focusing on the typical "diverse" groups, but also to embrace all citizens and employees. Don't focus on one group in a way that hurts/belittles others. Pride in Public Service - most public servants are proud to serve (not just work, but serve)'s a unique calling that many private sector applicants would not understand. Kind - don't motivate with a stick but with positive energy and an innate kindness.The City is facing a "perfect storm" of critical issues/projects such as CodeNext, Council's Strategic Plan (affordability, Mobility, Safety, Health, etc), implementing the Housing BluePrint, developing the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan, developing the Street Impact Fee program, developing the 2018 Bond Program, developing the Integrated Water Resource Plan, etc. etc. etc. The City Manager must have the vision and skills to be able to bring all these projects to fruition in a way that is coordinated and that all will be successful. These are all critical issues/programs and it will take great skill to lead them to conclusion.68 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.308City management in a major metropolitan city with a strong manager system of governance. A good track record of supporting city staff.Out spoken liberal democrat that will support the values that are predominate in the Austin community.Managing the Mayor and Council's expectations when prioritizing services versus the realities of tax revenue. Ensure the Mayor and Council are committed to supporting services and employee compensation.309Building trust between City departments,encourage good morals and ethics as to be proud for working for the City of Austin. Understand the need for managing the best City in the Country but understanding the how large the area could be responsible,resourceful managed.A leader that knows Austin and the surrounding areas,work with different City Departments and create a strong leadership with employees and Citizen of the community.Traffic, over population in the City, Old infrastructure and not enough public transportation.310Management skills independent of Right or Left politics. We need a middle of the road or independent leader.Expert communicator able to compromise and make deals.City road/street infrastructure improvements to move citizens, products, and services efficiently.311Some understanding of how laws work in Texas and the relationship between city and state here. Experience in working in large, fast-growing cities. An appreciation for diversity across all spectrums (ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic, etc.).Someone who is not afraid of change and open to new ideas. Someone who listens to staff and the public and makes good decisions based on all sides of the situation.Affordable housing, better public transportation options (we really need to get light rail to/from the Airport), recognition of the diversity that already exists here in Austin, and plans to retain as much of it as possible.312Communication, public speaking, understanding of finances and how a city generates income and what affects it, time management, understanding of urban planning and key civil engineering issues that affect cities, (transportation, drainage, water and wastewater)Integrity, Ethics, Ability to see both sides and make compromises when it's reasonable and in the best interest of public safety, economic growth or sustainability and overall livability of our city for all residents not just a select group.Continued very faced paced economic growth and construction issues, unbalanced property tax issues for residents that have been in Austin for Generations, Transportation, Dealing with the Austin Music and Festival scene which is becoming more and more difficult to coordinate as the City explodes everywhere. Balancing our titles of Most Livable City with all the above. There are many other topics/answers to these questions these are just highlights313Experience managing diverse organizations.Experience in facilitating the creation networking collectives to address complex problems that includes cooperation among multiple city departments as well as non-city organizations. Experience in implementing innovative strategies in solving problemsExperience creating enforcing mechanisms for rules and policies that use innovation and technology without creating large bureaucratic burdensGood listenerAbility to allow divergence as well as convergence on idea explorationAbility to reach out to diverse organizations and groups and find collaborative pathwaysResilience in the face of climate change for heat island, water use, tree survival, access to nature.Foster real alternative transportation modes to reduce traffic congestion; it will require to spend political capital and to have strong leadership skills.Affordability to maintain an enhance the diversity that makes Austin the hub it is.Affordability to combat sprawling and reach the dense, compact and connected vision of Austin.69 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.314Experience managing diverse organizations.Experience in facilitating the creation networking collectives to address complex problems that includes cooperation among multiple city departments as well as non-city organizations. Experience in implementing innovative strategies in solving problemsExperience creating enforcing mechanisms for rules and policies that use innovation and technology without creating large bureaucratic burdensGood listenerAbility to allow divergence as well as convergence on idea explorationAbility to reach out to diverse organizations and groups and find collaborative pathwaysResilience in the face of climate change for heat island, water use, tree survival, access to nature.Foster real alternative transportation modes to reduce traffic congestion; it will require to spend political capital and to have strong leadership skills.Affordability to maintain an enhance the diversity that makes Austin the hub it is.Affordability to combat sprawling and reach the dense, compact and connected vision of Austin.315Communication, knowledge of Austin, current laws and policies, background in business and/or lawCommunication, collaboration,Immigration, more Spanish language presence316A demonstrated track record of results and improved conditions for the city in all of the varied responsibilities that a city government has, e.g. infrastructure, capital projects, housing, code compliance, parks, libraries, public health, and so on.I found the previous City Manager's personal characteristics to be completely appropriate: friendly on a personal level, and in public generally serious yet caring about what is going on in the community and I always go the sense that he was striving to do the best job possible.In terms of affordability, I am resigned to the fact that Austin is becoming like San Francisco and Washington, DC. There are little to no places that people in low-wage, service industry jobs can live here. That's a negative impact on the workforce, and I believe we will end up with the type of sprawl where folks live in other communities but work in Austin. Since that appears to be the inevitable case in my opinion, then we'd better have a good commuter rail system for them like BART and the DC Metro.317The City of Austin is known for its Parks and Recreation opportunities. Our next City Manager should have some experience dealing with parks and recreation centers as well as deem these programs to be a vital part of our community.Continued fast-paced growth with a limited mass transportation system.318To be a problem-solver with previous experience as someone who has overseen the common issues associated with massive growth, and little change to public resources (Fire, EMS, Police, Schools,Infrastructure, etc).Someone who is compassionate, yet who doesn't allow the "tail to wag the dog"; someone with the guts to say "your demands/requests aren't reasonable, but let's see how we can accommodate your specific needs". Someone who doesn't allow under 5% of any one special interest group to affect change that will apply to the other 95% or so, but who is diplomatic about these dealings.Infighting amongst all the special interest groups who each want 100% of the limelight, coupled with mass population explosion. The friction amongst the special interest groups is getting hotter and hotter.'s just not possible to satiate the needs of all, but a "happy medium" will have to be diplomatically approached. The challenge will be to hire someone not afraid to say "no" to folks who've never been told "no" before, and to focus on the development of a city whose interests lie in the GREATER good - not in the interests of which way the tail on the dog is wagging in that moment of critical decision making.70 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.319experience in managing large budgetsstrategic planning skillsThe manager has to view themselves as part of a team, and that the residents of Austin are also a part of that team.The biggest challenge we currently face is our ability as a government to grow ahead of the rapidly growing city. That is why it's so important that the City Manager have the ability to think into the future. We cannot wait until things become a problem, we must be ahead of them. The City Manager should also have a good track record of implementing strategic plans.320Leadership experience and willingness to stand behind what the entire community wants and asks for and not be persuaded by the mayor or city councilLoyalty, integrity, honesty, willingness to challenge the mayor or city council on what is needed/should be done for the city and its citizens, and being a Native Austinite or at least a Native TexanHomeless people and the need to get rid of the ARCH, traffic, keeping up with the population increase (city services and safety of citizens)321The most important task for Austin’s new city manager is a proven ability to provide leadership, while executing and embracing change. This includes plans, strategies as well as consistently providing internal communication to both management staff and the rank & file employees. It has been nearly a decade since Austin’s city manager has had any meaningful interaction with employees who are not in the management ranks. I’m not sure what “skills and abilities” refer to. Having skills/abilities listed in someone’s resume is not the same thing as leading, listening to and acting in the interests of not only the residents of the city, but the employees that execute the City’s numerous and varied tasks to make this city as successful as it has been.1) Our next city manager needs to engage with the community, the employees and the elected city council in a meaningful and authentic way. Paying lip service to ideas (like inclusivity, diversity, change, innovation, sustainability) is not the same as actively listening, or displaying leadership in the face of conflicting opinions and desires. 2) Honesty in all interactions3) Proven history of facilitating change in any large ( over 5000 person) organization (corporate or non-profit).1) Financial – the City of Austin spends most of its budget on Police, EMS and firefighting services. There is no question of the importance of these public safety services. Departments that operate under Enterprise funding (Austin Energy, Airport, Water Utility, Austin Recovery, etc.) make a profit, and keep those profits to re-invest in their departments. The remaining “General Fund” departments have been consistently underfunded, understaffed and unable to keep up with the demands of Austin’s growing population. With few exceptions, directors of these general fund departments have been reluctant (or even encouraged) to not ask for sufficient resources to enable these departments to serve the citizen’s or the city’s needs. The challenge is to serve the public and the next city manager will need to find a way to balance out this unsustainable financial situation.2) Leadership – the city manager is the leader of Austin’s government and the next person who holds this position will have to lead. To me , this means being able to weather controversy and conflict and still go forward with explicit and needed changes.322The candidate should understand that city management is not about silos and that many disciplines and departments should be working together. Parks, planning, housing and transportation. Economic development, planning and transportation. This person should also understand the role of historic preservation in economic development and quality of life issues.This person must be a true leader to help guide the City Council and staff in the decision making process. They must be willing to assess city staff and replace if necessary so that better customer service is provided to the citizens of the city.Transportation, planning and quality of life issues. Quality of life includes the arts, housing, preservation.71 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.323Experience with successful historic preservation in multi cultural communities.Ability to think many years ahead--not just what works for right now.Loss of vibrant culture that draws businesses and families to our city. Preservation of historic buildings and places is essential to our community.324Extensive experience in public service. Previous experience in top levels of city government. Skill in promoting diversity. Experience working with minority groups. Good public speaking skills.STRONG values proven through work history. Values that include family, diversity, education, employment, and strong community mental and physical health.Affordability. Gentrification.Traffic.325Hiring - we have many critical vacancies in the staff leadership team. Innovative Funding - someone who can rally the community and the region to seek Federal and non-profit funding to help address our needs.The manager should be a strong communicator. If there is any chance that the City Council can shift focus to major policy questions, leaving management issues to management, they will need to be convinced early and often that they leave those decisions to a capable person who is committed to keeping them informed.Planning and building (and paying for) infrastructure to support growth.326Experience working in large metropolitan communities with diverse populations (racial, ethnic, financial and political diversity), that are experiencing rapid growth, and have politically active citizens.Integrity. Ability and willingness to facilitate productive change in City departments - especially Planning and Zoning and Development Review - to allow our city government to perform in a manner that is commensurate with it's status as a world class city.Implementing CodeNext in a manner that allows our city to protect it's character and increase affordability. Making productive changes in City departments - especially Planning and Zoning and Development Review - so that citizens have confidence in the ability of management and staff to carry out the policies of City Council.327Previous experience in local government is an absolute must! Also, let's get someone with a backbone. Finally, I'd appreciate candidates who are well-versed in issues strongly affecting the Austin community - transportation and affordability.I would like to see a more diversified executive team. I'd love to see a women, minority or a border candidate be in the running for this job!The biggest challenge will be handling Mayor and Council. It will be VERY important to have a leader who is able to push back against this group as they often step out of bounds with requests of staff. Currently, no one is keeping them in line. This needs to change.328Experience managing a city of this size, or a major department at a larger city. NOT a private sector executive. A city is not a business.Woman or person of color preferred. Someone who understands the constraints and opportunities of working inside a red state. Demonstrated ability to collaborate with challenging electeds -- i.e. a fresh/largely inexperienced Council. Proactive leadership. Understanding of urban planning.Growth -- managing it, making the most of it, in some ways stopping it. LAND USE ISSUES -- post-CodeNext upheaval. Potential deregulation of the electric utility by the state and the ensuing City budget crisis.329Someone who is forward thinking and willing to try new things that don't have a model. We need to stop looking to the past to create the future of Austin. Our city has so much potential and human capital within that they should also have contact and lines of communications with what's new and coming in the city. Someone who sees's the bigger picture for our city.Agile, Forward-thinking, Motivated, Willingness to learn and step out of their comfort zone.Housing, Urban Density, Job inequality, The future of transportation in fast-growing urban cities, Adaptable to the exponential speed of change in the world.72 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.3301. Has managed a city of comparable size2. Core beliefs align with Imagine Austin3. Core beliefs align with the ACLU's 9 model state and local law enforcement policies and rules. For a brief description of these go to: 4. Evidence of promoting transparency & accountability in previous positions5. Has a strong environmental record. 6. Knows how to use benchmarks and measurements to track improvements7. Strong advocate for green technology and conversion from fossil fuels to alternative energy sources and mass transit solutions. 8. Track record for protecting and improving parks, outdoor activity opportunities, bike and hike trails9. Experience with innovative solutions for affordable housing and innovative solutions for homelessness10. Experience with citizen oversight of police departments and independent monitors, including hiring, firing and investigation of abuse11. Has worked in an environment with community policing in place and supports that model1. Someone who believes in equal rights for all2. Someone with a good sense of humor3. Excellent communication skills4. Diplomatic and conflict resolution skills5. Team building and community building skills6. Diversity of experience7. Visionary leader8. Adaptable to change with flexibility and willingness to re-evaluate decisions9. Excellent problem solving skills 10. Believes feedback from the community and the city council are essential1. In the era of our current Federal gov't, to maintain and improve our community policing efforts with the aim to foster a good relationship between our police and communities, where people do not become afraid to report crimes, go to school and work, access necessary emergency services2. Find solutions to declining minority and family populations in the downtown area- affordable housing options3. Sustainable growth that doesn’t further erode our environment 4. Increase the cleanliness of our water/clean up our creeks5. Move to zero waste6. Decrease traffic problems and improve mass transit7. Provisions for access to health care for the uninsured other than hospital emergency room331Previous work in a city more or less this size with progressive leanings.A good understanding of technology and culture, and how they intersect, especially here. Also, and understanding how to approach a town that while it will often look very white and middle class, is actually a very diverse place where poor people are getting the raw end of Austin's growth.Affordable housing is obviously very important, not only to those who can't afford reasonable living conditions now, but the many more that will be affected as Austin becomes a city of wealthy denizens. The new medical school area and the old Brackenridge Hospital will be a prime example to the people of Austin as to how this city will be in the future. Will it be for the privileged, or will it be for all? It will be important to see how the Medical School affects health care for the indigent. I think that will be important for the school and for our town as well.73 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.332- Having a big picture mindset- I actually think someone who comes from a bigger city and has experience with similar growing pains may bring a better perspective as Austin gets larger. Education- Master's level or higherSomeone who is from a diverse background or experience from a more diverse city can bring ideas for equity and diversity.- Patience for dealing with angry people- The ability for clear communication- For example, to explain to people who have never lived anywhere else other than Austin that sometimes you have to try new innovative ways of transportation and invest, traffic can be solved for all.- Organizational skills- The ability to listen and process the opinions of various people.Infrastructure- the issue of traffic has got to be dealt with. If a better public transportation system is proposed and marketed well. All other major cities in Texas have a train system. Although we have a small one, additional public transportation options are needed. More roads don't equal less traffic congestion when people are moving here at the rates they are- it's just a wash in terms of time in traffic. Inequity issues and segregation- this affects education, access to services, and quality of life.-Affordable housing-Education: Supporting the public schools and influencing a way to change the "recapture" money from AISD333The traffic. Our current roads cannot even come close to meeting the demand our growing city is placing on them. Some projects are in place to help address this but it is a band aid on a gunshot wound. We need something drastic, not half-measures.3341. Relevant college degree2. Financial management background3. Practical knowledge of trade and technical skills4. Ability to interact with ALL levels of the workforceI think the candidate should have patience, empathy, resilience, honesty, tenacity.I see city growth, movement towards a "green city" orientation, and safeguarding the increase of employee retirement numbers as some of the upcoming challenges.335The City Manager needs experience with turnaround of large departments and willingness to fire longtime employees if they are obstructing the overall mission and values of the City.The job requires a systematic, analytic, data-driven decision maker who is a stickler for due process. That doesn't mean someone who's cold or lacks compassion - it means someone who understands that fixing systems and processes is rooted in fairness and justice.The degree that real estate interests affect policy decisions in this City is overwhelmingly frustrating and drains the energy of too many strong, dynamic activists trying to do good in many realms -- including many City employees. The City Manager needs to be a strong populist who can bring energy and focus to his staff and provide a strong example of resisting pressure to provide special treatment or favoritism to business interests.336A strong representation of city staff to the city council. Understanding that the city government is a business, but balancing that appropriately. Transparency. Availability. Diversity.The ability to relate to employees across all levels of the organization. An interest in motivation in being present to staff and departments. Ideas about keeping the city as a highly sought after employer - maintaining and expanding the benefits that attract great employees.Growth, affordability, sustainability. Providing flexibility for the workforce to accommodate and be on par with other big employers in the region.337Communication, ability to work with people of all ages, ethnicity and politicians. Management ability. Ability to help make staff accountable.Ethical, principled, willing to compromise. Responsible for accountability to others.Environment, housing,taxes, green space, traffic, diversity and acceptance74 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.338previous experience in both business and social / public serviceintegrity, empathy, diplomacy, political savvyaffordability, mobility, homelessness339PLEASE take a look at what criteria are followed by other cities, cities that have been much more successful than Austin at selecting and retaining City Managers, such as our neighbor, San Antonio.PLEASE do not attempt yet another "feel good" hire. We need a City Manager that is strong willed and skillfully capable.The City Management has tried, for years, to erode the tax base of Austin. Misguidance in City Hall has virtually created most of the bedroom communities around Austin. They must give out rewards for every new, inane regulation.340PLEASE take a look at what criteria are followed by other cities, cities that have been much more successful than Austin at selecting and retaining City Managers, such as our neighbor, San Antonio.PLEASE do not attempt yet another "feel good" hire. We need a City Manager that is strong willed and skillfully capable.The City Management has tried, for years, to erode the tax base of Austin. Misguidance in City Hall has virtually created most of the bedroom communities around Austin. They must give out rewards for every new, inane regulation.341Must be an effective administrator, able to oversee big initiatives and check details of follow-through without being a micromanager. Must be able to effectively delegate. We need someone who will make sure our police force is not militarized and that we don't see the kind of police brutality or racism in Austin that we see in other cities. Should be eager to support the growth in renewables started by Austin Energy and prioritized by zero waste initiatives. Strong background in management of budgets.* Someone who can balance genuine collaboration with being an effective leader. The manager must be able to work well with mayor and city council while also standing up when initiatives have problems or aren't going far enough. * Good listener. * Able to explain complex issues in clear, compelling ways. * Innate sense of fairness. * Respect for all people. Belief in the innate dignity of a human being. Empathy. * Able to analyze issues in both short and long-term. Strong imagination driven by evidence. * Strong ethics. Able to be trusted with city funds.1) Climate change preparedness (drought, floods, becoming a zero waste city, traffic planning & public transportation, EV infrastructure). 2) Affordability and housing. 3) Human rights issues (police brutality, immigration, homeless population).342communication, transparentdiverse, listenercost of living, traffic, growth343Insight and Courage to see problems and address the personnel issues that are raised in the problems. Ability to use information (eg the Zucker Report) to guide planning and decisions without being defensive.Insight and courage, self-confidence and humility, ability to listen, leadership to inspire staff and the community to transcend narrow interests and do what is best for the city.Austin has many challenges and problems, but I see the more difficult one as the divided nature of the public dialogue. When people are in conflict creative solutions are impossible to reach. We must overcome the polarization we are experiencing and listen to voices of moderation and creative cooperation to reach public consensus.344For a city the size of Austin, prior city management experience is a necessity. Additionally, Austin is unique in the fact that the community engagement is rather robust and extensive. The new city manager would need to have extensive experience working with the public.Approachable. Our former city manager wasn't approachable. Our interim city manager is. Moral was drastically improved with the interim city manager and her ability to remain approachable. Additionally, the new city manager will need to have leadership potential, the ability to hold staff accountable and be formidable when interacting with city council.Mobility, economic development, and social services are the critical challenges I see us facing over the next 5-10 years.345Somebody who is organizedSomeone with good people skills...75 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.346COMMUNICATION! The City Manager sits at a precarious position, leading the City Departments but also answering to the City Council. We need a City Manager that can be both a forceful advocate to the Council and also a good communicator to pass along City policy and procedures to the departmental employees.I have heard from a supervisor the phrase, "I'm just the messenger." This is a phrase that simply will not do for our next City Manager. In such a position, the City Manager must be someone that can deliver a meaningful and thoughtful message.There needs to be a charisma, a presence in front of the camera and also off.Quite often, annually the one time City employees see and hear the City Manager is for the introduction of the CityEthics training. I encourage you to see the last 3 to 5 years worth of these small addresses. Ethics is an important subject to reinforce in the workplace. Someone who can communicate this mission without sounding pro forma will be an asset.Technology is a major concern. Our department routinely looks at "benchmarks." Austin being the fourth largest city in the state, we naturally compare ourselves to the same services offered in Houston, Dallas/Fort Worth, and San Antonio. We also look at similarly sized cities that have a significant technology sector in their economy: Boston, Seattle, Cleveland, Denver, and Phoenix.Time sheets are an issue that affects all City departments. I encourage you to look at this KXAN news clip: To be honest, we do have an electronic timekeeping system called Banner. Still, the City has not accepted electronic signatures. Whether it is a Legal issue or a Human Resources issue, the majority of our benchmark cities have fully electronic time sheets.This also goes to our annual evaluation process (SSPR) that wastes an even greater amount of paper(work). Our sister department in Houston has adopted a completely electronic means to enter and respond to employee evaluations.Austin prides itself as a hub of high technology industry. By and large, the government of the City of Austin is still mired in the 20th Century. We need to find a means to adopt newer computer technologies while being held accountable to the taxpayer and maintaining a legally sound means of doing business.76 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.347Knowledge and experience managing a city of similar size which is experiencing rapid growth. Knowing how to prioritize essential needs & basic services like fire, police, roads, utilities verses spending on studies and unnecessary projects that only benefit a small number of people. Hold managers/directors accountable who run city departments. Stop mismanagement and out of control spending. Make sure departments like Parks budget for regular maintenance rather than letting things become neglected and broken then expecting a bond package will fix the problem. (COA Pools for example)A strong will and courage to face a vocal minority. CM should be outgoing but not over the top. Sticks to business and won't bring in his/her personal "friends" like Mr. Ott did. Be sensitive but willing to make the hard decisions and who is willing to face political pressure.Austin's rapid growth has spiked traffic congestion and the cost of living. Basic services have not kept up. Under staffed police/fire/EMS. The CM will need to stick to basic services to catch up with our growth and not bow to political pressure. Make special events pay their fair share of the costs for holding events in Austin (SXSW, ACL, etc.) They make tons of money and tout the tax revenue they bring in but don't pay for direct costs of COA employees that fall on the tax payers.348a city manager needs to know how to engage the citizens of the city to be able to understand what the citizens hope to build and create for their city. as a manager, they will also need to know how to engage and lead the staff of the city to help carry out the goals of the citizens.someone who is interested in reducing the environmental impact that our increased development will have on the area without stifling innovation and development. they will need to know how to work with multiple groups with sometimes competing interests but still manage to accomplish goals.growth in population, higher living costs, and the impact these things have on a population, will be the most challenging things Austin will be faced with.349I think a strong financial management background will be essential for this position. The city budget is getting cumbersome and we need someone that will be a good steward of our taxpayer dollars. I feel there needs to be leadership abilities with employee empowerment and solid leadership skills.1. Be a negotiator2. Be a strong positive leader for the civilian workforce3. Be strong advocate for the police departmentPublic Safety spending is taking a large portion of the city budget. I think we need someone able to drill down in all the city budgets and look for savings opportunities. This city manager will be appointing the next police chief. Do we need to pay a firm to look outside the department? I feel Chief Manly is doing an excellent job and should be afforded the opportunity to lead the department permanently.350Experience and ability to do what is best for the City in the face of political pressures and wants. Should be able to determine what is best for City and communicate that to City Council when they want to advance their particular interests. Be self confident and secure enough to do the right thing rather than just do what will please the Council.Integrity; empathy and ability to listen; ability to take multiple views and distill into solutions that produce the greatest good for the City; out going personality with ability to present complex topics in simple terms so as to not be overrun by Council; advocate for City employees as that is his/her most valuable asset.Managing growth and services for growing population with limited budget - setting priorities and improving efficiency. Transportation/traffic solutions. Preventing AE from being derugulated.351Previous urban nanagement. Fiscal responsibility.Taking citizen input, fiscal responsibility, collaborating with counsel,Growth. The CM will have to be able to valance citizens personal propertu and taxation with the greater good of the city. Must be able to stop stupid wastes of money.77 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.352Previous significant experience in a local government setting; While educational background can be important, the specific degree earned doesn't necessarily make or break a candidate because if they are the level of applying for a city manager of a major city, their specific degree is irrelevant. Their commitment to the field is more important.Commitment to continuous improvement throughout the organization through strong use of data, process improvement, cross-collaboration, empowering employees at all levels, and strategic vision; Someone who will commit to making their self available to the employees regularly and consistently (not just a short burst at the start of their tenure); Commitment to listening to all stakeholders and not just "checking the box"; Not being afraid to eliminate duplication in services among departments or make concerted efforts to streamline processes to better serve the community and utilize tax/rate payer dollars.Matching workforce skill set to the ever changing economic development environment (i.e. workforce diversity, job growth, training, reversing poverty level trends to eliminate the challenge of the working poor); Regional mobility; Housing costs; Infrastructure condition and safety; Homelessness; Police/community relations; Equity; Community access to healthcare; State legislation directed at the City; City organizational effectiveness; Fiscal constraints353Experience: working within the COA would be helpful, managing a city with municipal utilities (especially electric), someone who is passionate about sustianability, resilience and climate change leadership.Authentic, Hard Working, Great Communicator and Communicative, Good at hiring and leading employeesResilience (draught, flood, wildfire), Growth and the associated challenges of Traffic, Affordability, Sprawl, Climate Change Leadership, Environmental Leadership, Cultural Preservation/Heritage (Fighting Gentrification, Institutional Racism, and other challenges to our Cultural Heritage), Budgeting to take care of our Parks and other infrastucture, also staffing and leading the COA departments with capable and engaged leaders and employees354First and foremost the candidate needs to understand how to work within a city government structure with a weak mayor system. A weak mayor system relies on a separation of duties where mayor and city council work through policy and the city manager is the executor. Unlike a strong mayor system, the city manager's job is at the pleasure of city council and this can be a very tough place to be.Facilitative - also the ability to speak in public without fear of offending the city councilTransportation mostly. Water management and water rates.355Public service experience, understanding of financial managementWilling to stand up for what Austin wants, integrity, creative, open minded, organized, thorough,Standing up for our sanctuary city, standing up against our state government, rapid growth, transportation, affordable housing78 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.356The ability to understand the needs of the community, heavy involvement with nonprofit organizations along with the strong education.Someone that instills confidence in the organization, understands the Pride Values and is willing to have an open line of communication with everyone in the organization.The need for skilled-experienced talent within the CIty of Austin. The people coming in are new and open to change, the City is experiencing a wave of Millennials entering the workforce. The people with the power to make changes to create a collaborative work environment are afraid to act-are stuck in regressive mindsets. City Manager will have to know how to work with 4 generations in the workforce at once, it will be a challenge, but if handled well, can be a blessing and reflective of the true culture of the Austin Metro Area.357phd in science field. experience managing another major progressive cityCulturally diverse backgroundtransportation, transportation, transportation. I don't want to leave my house because it's difficult to get anywhere.358mobilitykeeping wages on par with cost of living increases359significant public leadership experience, preferably from a City like Austin.honesty, strength, someone that is more hands on - and less manage from afar....which creates a culture of executives unwilling to lead -Managing the overwhelming demand on city staff with limited resources. Keeping the City going without the required funding.360I think a manager with a technical background that can help the city transition into a more modern city would help, specifically they should have a masters or phd and perhaps experience in a larger, more modern metropolisThey must be progressive, they must be unifying, preferably someone with a multicultural background that understands the challenges facing a somewhat segregated communitythe most critical challenges are managing infrastructure demands, and shifting paradigms in the transportation world, as bedroom communities begin to develop how can Austin maintain its importance as a central hub for all surrounding cities361The ability to discern between fad ideas for implementation and those ideas or programs the city could truly benefit from implementing.personal integrity, the courage to inform council when something isn't feasible, a willingness to implement employee accountability.The ability of the city to manage all of its information is going to be a huge challenge. Curbing waste of resources by city employees.362Someone open to trying new things and not afraid of failing. Someone who understands the importance of UX user experience and prototyping before fully building something. Diverging and Converging on ideas as well as understanding that we need to know if we are solving for the right problem, not just doing someone's pet project or just doing something to sound good or make someone look good.Someone humble and able to listen. Someone who is willing to get on the ground floor with everyone else doing jobs at the bottom of the totem in order to see how things run and to actually meet staff in different divisions so that they fully understand how the city is running.A lot of things are going to change and a lot of city employees that have been here for a long time will be retiring. We need to make things more efficient. We can't keep gathering community input just the way we are right now, only the loudest voices get heard we need to hear more variety, even if it means some of it's bad. People need to feel more heard. We need to take care of the poorest and most vulnerable citizens of Austin. We are a rich city now, people shouldn't have to live on the streets. They should be given a space to exist and grow food.79 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.363Strong experience with policy reform, particularly in taking input from the community to ensure policies reflect their concerns. A track record of police reform that decriminalizes people of color. A finger on the pulse of the communities of color and a readiness to engage and uplift them.They must be progressive. Anti-racist background, having taken at least one Undoing Racism or Courageous Conversations training. Someone who is approachable by all, from our elite to our homeless.The out-migration of people of color is a critical challenge and the city manager needs to be able to stem the flow and attract more black and brown people to Austin. The issues are over-policing, lack of employment, transportation, training for jobs that are prolific in Austin (ie IT), the education gap and state of schools for children of color, and other institutional problems.364Ability to get departments to break out of their "Silos" and COMMUNICATE - up AND down the "foodchain" as well as with the public. We need a CULTURAL SHIFT, away from what Marc Ott instilled, which was a mandate (whether real or perceived) that Staff could not speak with Councilmembers without fear of retribution. That may not have been his initial intent, but he was well aware that that was the culture for several years, and did nothing to alleviate those fears. Empowering AND holding accountable all the ACMs and Directors to take care of business - not just project the illusion of being "best managed", but to actually STRIVE toward "good management".Able to see the big picture, BUT keeping sight of the fact that the big picture cannot be "pretty" without the individuals in the trenches, that make it all happen. APPROACHABLE, but able to “protect” him/herself from being over-approached. Ott was a self-confessed introvert. That did NOT work well for the City!Run-away DEVELOPMENT PRESSURES that are jeopardizing the quality of life for Austinites. Many of the qualities that built Austin's "most liveable" reputation are now going by the wayside due to very poor planning & lack of enforcement of existing development regulations. We are "giving away" too much ($$ incentives, fee waivers, entitlements w/o comparable “community benefits”) to developers who don't have ANY regard for their projects' impacts on those having to "swallow" the mess it leaves in its wake: overtaxed water & wastewater lines, stormwater drainage systems, roads, transit services, housing for low-income workers in these new hotels, etc....365Ability to get departments to break out of their "Silos" and COMMUNICATE - up AND down the "foodchain" as well as with the public. We need a CULTURAL SHIFT, away from what Marc Ott instilled, which was a mandate (whether real or perceived) that Staff could not speak with Councilmembers without fear of retribution. That may not have been his initial intent, but he was well aware that that was the culture for several years, and did nothing to alleviate those fears. Empowering AND holding accountable all the ACMs and Directors to take care of business - not just project the illusion of being "best managed", but to actually STRIVE toward "good management".Able to see the big picture, BUT keeping sight of the fact that the big picture cannot be "pretty" without the individuals in the trenches, that make it all happen. APPROACHABLE, but able to “protect” him/herself from being over-approached. Ott was a self-confessed introvert. That did NOT work well for the City!Run-away DEVELOPMENT PRESSURES that are jeopardizing the quality of life for Austinites. Many of the qualities that built Austin's "most liveable" reputation are now going by the wayside due to very poor planning & lack of enforcement of existing development regulations. We are "giving away" too much ($$ incentives, fee waivers, entitlements w/o comparable “community benefits”) to developers who don't have ANY regard for their projects' impacts on those having to "swallow" the mess it leaves in its wake: overtaxed water & wastewater lines, stormwater drainage systems, roads, transit services, housing for low-income workers in these new hotels, etc....80 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.366Ability to get departments to break out of their "Silos" and COMMUNICATE - up AND down the "foodchain" as well as with the public. We need a CULTURAL SHIFT, away from what Marc Ott instilled, which was a mandate (whether real or perceived) that Staff could not speak with Councilmembers without fear of retribution. That may not have been his initial intent, but he was well aware that that was the culture for several years, and did nothing to alleviate those fears. Empowering AND holding accountable all the ACMs and Directors to take care of business - not just project the illusion of being "best managed", but to actually STRIVE toward "good management".Able to see the big picture, BUT keeping sight of the fact that the big picture cannot be "pretty" without the individuals in the trenches, that make it all happen. APPROACHABLE, but able to “protect” him/herself from being over-approached. Ott was a self-confessed introvert. That did NOT work well for the City!Run-away DEVELOPMENT PRESSURES that are jeopardizing the quality of life for Austinites. Many of the qualities that built Austin's "most liveable" reputation are now going by the wayside due to very poor planning & lack of enforcement of existing development regulations. We are "giving away" too much ($$ incentives, fee waivers, entitlements w/o comparable “community benefits”) to developers who don't have ANY regard for their projects' impacts on those having to "swallow" the mess it leaves in its wake: overtaxed water & wastewater lines, stormwater drainage systems, roads, transit services, housing for low-income workers in these new hotels, etc....367Degree in public policy or administration, previous job experience leading a large, diverse organization that focused on affordability, land use, and/or cultural preservation.Flexible, meets with COA staff regularly (more on-the-ground), decisiveAffordability, balancing density and neighborhood interests, maintaining and supporting Austin's unique cultural scene (arts, music, film).368Please no bureaucrats. We need someone with both private sector experience as well as high level public sector experience, preferably in urban planning, economic development.This time try a personality capable of talking, listening and smiling while taking bold action. The 10-1 counsel has been such a disaster this may be our last strong manager/weak mayor we will see.Bond issues, IH 35, affordability, social justice, economic development, staff development, smart planning.369Leadership, management, organizational, and accounting skills.Mark Ott had a great disposition but he was not welcome and one can only speculate why he wasn't. We certainly do not want a good ole boy. The City Manager must be able to work with City Council and all pertinent individuals, corporations and small businesses for Austin's maintenance and growth but she/he must have the guts to step on some toes and deal with the wrath that comes with it.Affordability for ALL citizens of Austin. Employment opportunities for all citizens. Congestion and parking. I believe homelessness and addiction will increase too.370The ability to end city employee domination of taxpaying citizens through oppresive and vexatious rule makibg and enforcement. The ability to ed lavish pay and overtime of city employees. the ability to focus on citizens and not waste time on non citizens.The tough personality needed to say "no" to oyr goofy, carpetbagger cuty council members, a frugal and disciplined person who knows how to mind their own business and stay out of the business of citizens. Someone who is citizen centruc enoug to dusband code enforcement and roll back the irrational building codes that contravene affordable housing.Carpetbagging expectations ruining the independence and creativity of what was once a great people, Austinites. De-institutionalize Austin, get your greedy givernmental hands out of our pockets and out of our real estate transactions. Get back to simple city i infranstructure mnagement ad end tgis irrational socialism wher city workers lord over citizens. End the immirant worship and get back to serving actual citizens. Reign in growth.81 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.371Experience balancing the needs of different constituencies and responding to concerns from the public. Some technical understanding of issues of affordable housing, transportation and energy provision. Preferably, the person would have extensive experience working with communities of color and lower/moderate income communities.Someone who is humble and does not put too much importance in him/herself. Someone who listens well and responds to input from all parties. Someone who is not a kiss ass (sorry to put it bluntly), i.e. has the courage to stand up for what is right even if it might mean losing the job. Someone who has clear morality and has considered what is right and wrong and follows the correct procedures, i.e. does not make decisions in a back room with the mayor. Honesty and integrity. Assertiveness.Affordable housing, improving our transit, bike and pedestrian facilities, building more walkable communities. Maintaining our culture by not pushing out lower income people. Improving and maintaining our environment - water, air, solid waste, greenfields. Equity, providing a quality life for all citizens, not only those with the most money.372He/she should be a seasoned City Manager with experience working with, and standing up to, community activists and special interests. He/she should be a champion for the City's workforce and practical with budgeting. He/she shouldn't be afraid to push back against Mayor/Council when he/she disagrees with their policies.Strong with a clear vision for the City. Inclusive, but motivated to get our work done in an efficient and expedient manner. Someone who's not afraid to stand up for what's right, not necessarily what's popular.How to manage the size and scope of City services. We don't have an endless pot of money to spend. He/she needs to provide focus and vision for what our local government can/will do, and what it won't do. We have the habit of continuing to add more offices, departments and divisions. While some growth is needed, we are spreading our resources too thin. We need a manager focused on core services and delivering them at a high level of quality.373Previous experience in city management. An ability to work with a diverse group of stakeholders and citizens.Visionary with integrity. Someone not afraid to tackle taking a critical look at departments' efficiency and accountability.Transportation ,affordable housing and homelessness are the most critical challenges our city faces. The next city manager needs to learn how to align city services within a budget that allows for an increase in spending for these issues. The ARC needs to be relocated-- our next city manager needs to finally act on this.374interpersonal skills, diplomatic ability, responsivenessheightened awareness, and sensitivity to be responsive. Doesn't mean have to respond in the way the squeaky wheel or Council Member demands, thoughtful, correct answers are good too. open minded and innovative. Open to fiscal restraint when necessary and community needs when circumstance demands.growth, first responder budget, traffic, balancing affordable housing needs with established neighborhoods.375Visionary, engages with community, great communicator, proven record of positive results through engagement. Stays focused once plan is sgreed to.Charismatic, cares about the environment and life balance, clear communicator, walks the talk.Efficiency by improving city departments, fremoving bureaucracy. City of Austin image needs improvement, a champion to build confidence with the community.376Someone who has the ability to work with a diverse group of persons and make decisions based on what is in the best interest of all residents of Austin.Someone who is approachable, respectful, and understands that he works for the people and not vice versa.City infrastructure keeping up with the growing population, which will address issues including traffic, number of first responders employed, and utilities and services the City provides.82 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.377Someone who has previously managed a large, growing city.Compassion for the homeless, the unaffordability of people trying to afford living here due to high cost of livingTraffic-Expanding the roads to fit the abundance of trafficCost of LivingHomelessnessLow wages378Austin's rapidly growing population is exacerbating sprawl and transportation woes. Austin must develop transportation options that provide viable alternatives to automobiles and must guide development in a more compact manner to make these other options viable and to avoid the excessive traffic congestion associated with sprawling development. It will be important for Austin to work with neighboring and overlapping jurisdictions for much of this to be effective.379A love of off road (not concrete) greenways and trails.Affordability for residents and the creative community.Integrity. Ability to relate to the business community and the creative community. Common senseTeachable/willing to listen. Someone who doesn't think they already know all of the answers.Water conservation Lake Travis is a finite resource. We need to br proactive in managing it. Affordable space for Austin's creative communityKeeping property taxes manageable for residentsKeep Austin a sanctuary city. Transportation that works. Maintain streets and roads. Public transportation doesn't work for everyone, but rail to the airport and UT wouseem like good ideas.380A lot of experience with human resourcesFirst, she should be an older woman who is very good at working with people, especially professionalsFairness, an eye to fiscal quality across the board, and many years of AUSTIN experience381Experience with managing city departments in a city larger than Austin due to Austin's rapid growth. Experience with a diverse population. Experience with legislatures at state and local levels.Sincere and possesses integrity. Progressive and open minded and believes in transparency and input from all sectors of society,not just affluent citizens and developers. Practical and fiscally responsible. Prefer a person from Texas and bilingual would be a plus.Unchecked growth, addressing traffic safety for all, and realize that citizens are not going to give up cars in favor of public transportation or bicycles. Ensuring we have sufficient water resources available to support growing population, address growing crime rate, housing affordability.382Experience with managing city departments in a city larger than Austin due to Austin's rapid growth. Experience with a diverse population. Experience with legislatures at state and local levels.Sincere and possesses integrity. Progressive and open minded and believes in transparency and input from all sectors of society,not just affluent citizens and developers. Practical and fiscally responsible. Prefer a person from Texas and bilingual would be a plus.Unchecked growth, addressing traffic safety for all, and realize that citizens are not going to give up cars in favor of public transportation or bicycles. Ensuring we have sufficient water resources available to support growing population, address growing crime rate, housing affordability.83 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.383We need a city manager who has integrity to stand up to special interests and corporate interests and protect the general public. The manager also needs to have leadership skills so she or he can make sure that all city staff have this integrity. This town needs to stop being run for the benefit of a few business owners.Integrity, independence, principles. We don't need a manager that bends over backwards to appears corporate interests at the expense of general public interest.We will have even more increased pressure by special interests and big money to sacrifice general public interest for private short-term gain. We city staff who respect the general public and the regulations that exist for their protection. We need city staff who enforce these regulations instead of bending over backwards to help special interests and lobbyists get variances, exceptions, and other special interests. We need a city staff that protects and serves all of Austin.384Wide range of knowledge, even if just understanding basic concepts of multiple facets of city managementThoughtful and acceptingTraffic concerns and population density are going to continue to be concerns and there could be a possible efflux of citizens, once Austin gets to its bursting growth point, leading to a crashing economy.385Proven problem solving skillsProven inter-personal skillsHonest, courageous leadership to do what is best for the cityTransportation/mobilityHousing affordabilityFully funded, effective public safety (police, fire, EMS)386I think it is absurd to go through all this rigamorol. You are fiddling while Rome burns. It is the City Council's job to find a manager and oversee his/her job. Do your job. Hire someone with a good track record from another city and get on with it. You are taking this sensitivity crap too far.84 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.387Direct experience working in government and with the public. Needs to have been at least an Assistant City Manager or City/County Manager previously.Needs to value citizen engagement, transparency, and trust among rank and file.10-1 council is new and the majority of council is still in their first term and many pf them have less than 3 years in municipal public office nut their confidence level is higher than their experience level and we can ill afford a city manager from the pricate sector or without minicipal experience to match the council's novice and confidence levels. The organization would be in peril because there are not any checks and balances to filter ideas or proposals with expertise and knowledge. The City Manager needs to be more is supposed to be the resident expert by ttraining and experience and you do not become a resident expert just because you are elected a council member without experience. Likewise, a city manager is not a polictal office to fulfill promises buut must be an expert on the first day of the job and cannot feel there way through issues and ask the organization to do prohibited or illegal things and chalk it up to novice experience amd say they are learning on the job like newly elected council members coming into city hall. They will have not.respect from the public or staff.388Please select someone who will advocate for slowing this uncontrolled and uncoordinated growth that is causing the degredation of the Austin that we love. Current leadership is so consumed with attracting "new" that the real sense of place is getting lost, destroyed, and becoming a headache to live in (traffic, loss of trees and habitat from over-development, homogeneous population, etc.)- Overpopulation- Loss of trees, habitat, natural areas- Stormwater runoff due to rapid development and loss of pervious cover in urban core (we need to require Green Stormwater Infrastructure in new developments)- the CoA is forcing density without thought to connections needed to make density actually function (complete streets, expansion of rail/bus, local business/community services that are walkable to neighborhoods, new development that enhances rather than degrades the adjacent single family lots and community)- We need a local and regional rail- Requirement for incoming businesses to offer work-from home or other mobility solutions to keep their thousands of employees off our roads (see Mayor's Mobility 2020 program) - We need support for Austin ISD public schools and an advocate for retaining funds lost to the robin hood plan85 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.389Leadership and a keen understanding of how a city operates as well as a good understanding that the city employees are the ones who make things happen and that the city should invest in it's workforce.The ability to understand Austin's diversity and history. The previous city manager alienated the hispanic community over and over and never seemed to understand why...Solving transportation issues and affordability of living in Austin.390I hope the city hires a responsive and nimble city manager with a diplomatic track record. Ott wielded far too much control during his tenure with the city and corruption seemed to run rampant (i.e. ongoing sexual harrassment at NHCD, Austin Energy, etc). This was unacceptable. On paper, I think that a minimum 10 years of experience could be a sweet spot. Too frequently, these positions only make themselves available to men who have been in the workforce for over 20 years, which skews opportunities for other great candidates. I've personally met a lot of supremely unqualified people in graduate programs, so I'm less interested in making it a required asset for applicants.Integrity, grace, humility and dynamism.Growth appears to be one of the biggest challenges as this region continues to sprawl, pushing working class families to the outskirts. Affordability for people making less than 80% MFI is critical as more and more luxury units are built to replace older housing. Although this is largely outside the purview of city hall, the state's regressive taxation system disproportionately harms low-income households. With Greg Casar's social justice led initiatives, elected officials appear to be poking the legislative cage more, which is a step in the right direction. I wish that city government took more proactive steps for creating a more just region. Ott was a career politician and seemed to be vested in his own image more than moving the dial on city government.391This person needs to be a "facilitative" leader who can articulate a compelling vision and engage the city's employees in a way that brings out their passion and dedication in achieving that vision. They need to be an exceptional listener, a skilled communicator, and be able to understand the interests and motivations of city staff, elected leaders and residents and discern where those interests overlap in order to forge sustainable forward progress on critical issues. They also need to know how to hire and manage leaders for the various departments and ensure the organization's systems and culture support, rather than discourage, a high level of performance.First a key point - this is something that should be being asked of the 13,000 plus employees of Austin. Community input is important but these are the people that should be asked about what kind of manager they want to work for. As far as personal characteristics, humility, curiosity, compassion, trustworthiness, accountability and persistence are all needed. They need to stand up for their employees and be steadfast in their commitment to creating an Austin that works for everyone. They need to be committed to learning and be willing to hold people, including City Council and community leaders, accountable to make tough decisions, even in the face of competing interests.I think the biggest challenge facing our community is a lack of community leaders who are not simply issue advocates, but who are committed to strengthening the "civic fabric" of our town and who can bring together people from both sides of an issue (i.e. development vs. neigh. preservation). It feels like relationships, trust, and our ability to talk across divides has broken down significantly and we need to restore that capacity. Challenges like affordability, congestion, etc. are always going to be tensions we have to manage. But we're loosing our ability to actually work together to solve problems. That, and growing inequity, are the big challenges for Austin.86 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.392Effective Problem Solving Skills; The ability to create unity and collaboration between internal departmentsTo Lead by ExampleSomeone that believes in professional and ethical conduct at all levels (including executives); Someone that values a positive and diverse workplace culture; Someone that will implement non-elitist policies for the public...we seem to have favored a lot of luxury condo development-- this has displaced communities of color at disproportionate ratesSomeone that values experience, and knowledge and skill in their work--not the "Good 'Ol Boy System"Transparency in decision makingWe need someone that is comfortable leading us through uncharted territory( i.e. new issues for Austin, like traffic, access to affordable housing for ALL, homelessness)Someone that values public input that is representative of Austin's demographic (not just the rich white people that go vote and answer surveys)Demonstration of public accountability for all not just those with money.The preservation of what made Austin unique-- so many Mom and Pop shops that reflect Austin's unique culture have been pushed out due to gentrification for the affluent people that continue to move into our city.Police Brutality and Racial ProfilingInadequate housing for the locals-- the market and influx of "people from other states" has made it difficult for Texas and Austinites born and raised here to own and keep a home (Gentrification is not the same as Revitalization)Loss of Diverse Culture-Our creative artists are becoming homeless, there is a shrinking African American Population and the Hispanics are no longer safe here-- we will get stopped and asked for our immigration status now that we are no longer a "Sanctuary City"393Private Industry Experience (Construction or Real Estate Related)Great CommunicatorHelping the City to grow smartly and allowing more housing to be built to address affordability394Someone who has worked in a larger city than Austin, preferably one that was also growing. They need to be cognizant of Austin's history of racial and financial segregation and be able to address this. Also the long progression Austin has been on from being a small city mostly known for UT, to being a large city mostly known for tourism events means experience with tourism industries would be good. Maybe someone from San Antonio or New Orleans?I think Austin has a chance to support our minority communities by selecting a candidate that can advocate for their interests, preferably from personal experience.Growth, naturally; mostly from a traffic and housing standpoint but also from an environmental resources standpoint.395-Demonstrated successful experience in managing a city that is comparable to Austin (preferably a Texas city)- MBA or MPA- Patience- Willingness to get into the weeds of managing, and not flying "40,000 miles high" as M. Ott would love to say & do- Engaged in the community and with the workforce and not some aloof executive sitting at city hall- Respectful and comitted to all segments of our community- Demonstrable experience in working with minority community, Hispanic, Black and AsianOur city has fallen behind the basics of city management -- our streets and sidewalks are a mess, traffic is a mess. S/He will have to get actively involved in finding solutionsClosing the disparity gaps that exists in AustinRegrentrification of East Austin -- another issue Working with a divided Council on key issues87 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.396We need a City Manager who has worked effectively with diverse constituencies, who is effective at building effective teams across departments to solve complex and challenging problems, and who is committed to minimizing bureaucratic processes to achieve cost-effective, efficient, and performance-based outcomes.We need a City Manager who is personable, an active and engaged listener, honest about the challenges and short-comings of the City organization, open to innovation and taking calculated risks, and dedicated to continuous improvement and tangible outcomes for City initiatives.Rapid growth and developmentClimate changeEconomic inequality and affordabilityMobility / transportation optionsProtection of natural and cultural resources397Ability to listen, work with many different groups.Willingness to have difficult conversations, to engage the community, to work with both local politicians and administrators as well as with local residents. A commitment to transparency. Commitment to equality and civil rights.Transportation - both our roads and our mess of unlucky public transit. Also, the increasing crisis of homelessness and health care issues.398Experience in government management is critical. It takes a different set of skills to manage a city where you are responsible to the citizens of the community and the City Council. It is difficult for a non government executive to understand that government measures success by efficiency an effectiveness and not by the return on the investor's return. Having a MPA would also be important.A person that is inclusive, can reach out to members of the community with different points of view. A collaborator and a person that can take complicated and complex issues and break them down for everyone to understand. A good communicator with empathy and financial sense.The City of Austin continues to grow quickly and many of its citizens are being left behind. While attempts have been made to work with the poorest of the populations through housing and living wage, it remains a challenge for the Austin community to find ways to add jobs and growth to the City's economic engine. The City of Austin's tax take is relatively lower compared to the others taxing jurisdictions, all must work together to find ways to work together and not duplicate services.399A nimble balance of planner, environmentalist, and the ability to engage and facilitate regional transportation issues that can ultimately benefit the Austin metro. region.The understanding and respect for diversity. Diversity as it pertains to people, business, politics and lifestyle. Core beliefs in the diversity that is essential to understand and guide this great city.Resource management.Capital improvement projectsDealing with mass transit and multiple modes of transit.88 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.400Understanding of Large city growth and keeping it as a community working together – and not dictating but leading as directed by its citizens. Don’t be a negative thinker, but rather understand and have consideration for the populous that are the people that can help or not, depending on the leadership.Don’t hide behind close doors – be available to the citizens and take the time to meet and understand ALL not just a small minority that tend to drive their positions to be the ones directing the actions of the city leaders.Mostly this person needs to have the understanding as we go forth to be a safe and desirable community for everyone, there has to be the proper leadership in all areas of the city.An area that can be expanded and not yet understood nor realized is the leadership and support from the volunteer organizations that can do a lot more – provided the “city rules” don’t interfere with the action and activities they can not only be supportive of, but can even take the responsibility for and provide the leadership.Look at ICS. Who are the ones that “report to duty” when there is a disaster? Who cleans up neighborhoods? Who is the eyes and ears in the neighborhoods day in and day out? Who can be relied upon without consideration of a time sheet or a raise of pay, who gives of themselves without consideration or any financial gain? Yes, we need First Responders that can be paid to do a job, but more important we need to engage the persons of the community – perhaps as Second responders. Employed personnel are in those jobs to earn money to support their situation, volunteers are in those positions to help the community – a much different viewpoint of the job to be done. Relying on volunteers will bring the communities together to do the job even better than any of the employees of the city.We need someone with a positive outlook and attitude to work with the citizens of our hometown city. Outsiders are welcomed – as long as they don’t want to come to Austin to make it what ‘they want it to be’. We have enough of those already here.ONE OF THE most important items on the newly appointed manager will be to eliminate the persons causing a lot of the problems, directed to those on the street corners with their hands out looking for donations to support their situation – usually not in the right direction.Other cities have helped minimize this by posting signs at 89 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.401Understanding of Large city growth and keeping it as a community working together – and not dictating but leading as directed by its citizens. Don’t be a negative thinker, but rather understand and have consideration for the populous that are the people that can help or not, depending on the leadership.Don’t hide behind close doors – be available to the citizens and take the time to meet and understand ALL not just a small minority that tend to drive their positions to be the ones directing the actions of the city leaders.Mostly this person needs to have the understanding as we go forth to be a safe and desirable community for everyone, there has to be the proper leadership in all areas of the city.An area that can be expanded and not yet understood nor realized is the leadership and support from the volunteer organizations that can do a lot more – provided the “city rules” don’t interfere with the action and activities they can not only be supportive of, but can even take the responsibility for and provide the leadership.Look at ICS. Who are the ones that “report to duty” when there is a disaster? Who cleans up neighborhoods? Who is the eyes and ears in the neighborhoods day in and day out? Who can be relied upon without consideration of a time sheet or a raise of pay, who gives of themselves without consideration or any financial gain? Yes, we need First Responders that can be paid to do a job, but more important we need to engage the persons of the community – perhaps as Second responders. Employed personnel are in those jobs to earn money to support their situation, volunteers are in those positions to help the community – a much different viewpoint of the job to be done. Relying on volunteers will bring the communities together to do the job even better than any of the employees of the city.We need someone with a positive outlook and attitude to work with the citizens of our hometown city. Outsiders are welcomed – as long as they don’t want to come to Austin to make it what ‘they want it to be’. We have enough of those already here.ONE OF THE most important items on the newly appointed manager will be to eliminate the persons causing a lot of the problems, directed to those on the street corners with their hands out looking for donations to support their situation – usually not in the right direction.Other cities have helped minimize this by posting signs at 90 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.402Connect and fight for current residents. Residents are at the top of the CoA organization chart but that’s just on paper. We need to make this a reality.Not be afraid to fire people/clean houseNeeds to understand and embrace the culture of our cityNeeds to be an urban planner and come from a larger city/organizationNeeds to be someone that puts community ahead of short term profit/interestNeeds to be a public servant who can engage the residents. Needs to be creative in how they do this.Needs to be transparent and honest (and has this expectation for all city staff)Needs to be someone who wants a challenge and can clean up the train wreck that has been created.Urban planning, segregation, and affordability403Experience as a City Manager under a Manager-Council form of government, in a City of comparable scale / complexity. Leadership skills as well as management skills. Good public speaking / engagement skills.The ability to actively listen to and engage with everyone (general public, elected public officials, city execs, and front-line City employees). The ability to define "best managed" City. The ability to strengthen ties between departments / organizational silos, to effectively implement service innovations and process improvements. The willingness to mediate / resolve interdepartmental conflicts. The strength to defend the City Manager's authority, separate from Mayor and Council's authority.Household affordability; transportation infrastructure; Legislative challenges to home rule authority;404Public affairs experience especially in the leadership role for innovative solutions. We should not look to the private sector, driven by profits and personal gains, for the ideal candidate.Courageous and creative, not afraid to do the right thing and easily succumb to political pressure. Able to challenge city staff to come up with solutions for their genuine experiences dealing with the public and implementation of policies. Customarily relying on the public to come up with solutions stifles their problem solving skills.Rising cost of living and racial tension. One person does not solve all the problems we face as a city, but we need someone who has the leadership skills to rejuvenate city employees as to their passion in public service and to find meaning in their everyday routines.405406Experience running a city or county of other public agency. Success in the business world will not translate to success in leading Austin. Bring us someone who has done this before. Austin should not be a training ground for some business executive to learn how to run a city!Open communicator...listens to others opinions and suggestions and takes that input into account before making decisions. Calm demeanor...doesn't fluster easily. Willing to engage citizens and staff...can't sit in their office and make decisions. Supports staff.The reason the new city manager needs to have city experience is because of all the major CITY issues they will be dealing with (Code Next, Housing BluePrint, affordability, mobility, strategic planning, 2018 Bond Program). A "successful" business leader will have no clue how to handle these complex city issues. It is just so much different than running a successful business.407Must have healthy personnel management history.Must have attained knowledge of the uniqueness of Austin.Must believe in Science and Math.Honesty and a sense of humor are key.Living under current state government in a city that stands up for what we believe will be a challenge. They will need communication skills like no other to help us see the long term picture and goals for a financially sound city.91 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.408Must have the capability of working across various divisions, both physical and emotional, regarding decisions and actions. Education should include the highest level of political science and social welfare. Must have extensive leadership experience.Must have broad acceptance of diversity in people, and ideas. Open-minded and able to listen with concern and sincerity. Capable of making tough decisions with confidence and clarity. Most important is able to listen and evaluate critically.Traffic within the city is a nightmare, The city is so diverse in ethnic backgrounds and lifestyles, it is critical to be accepting and work for all. To move the city forward, it will be stymied by State gov't and GOP dictates, so City Manager will have overcome these roadblocks.409The ability to balance looking at the issues that face our city currently, while simultaneously looking to the future and helping us plot a sustainable path forward.Even tempered, diplomatic, but focused and driven.Traffic and mobility, coupled with our city's growth rate, make it feel like Austin is bursting at the seams. The delays in the MOPAC expansion project are ridiculous. Not sure that the "improvements" will make that big of a difference when they're done. Hopefully they will.92 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.410A deep understanding of the principles of Urban Design and Planning and Economics- not economic theory but how things actually work.Courage and selflessness. Too many of our leaders are interested only in furthering their career and are therefore unwilling to 'rock the boat', stand up for necessary change and advocate against policies that have long worked against the interest of the people of the city (who aren't wealthy and well-connected).The obvious issues that most large cities inevitably face- mobility challenges associated with automobile congestion during peak hours and housing affordability. Issues that largely fall under the purview of Urban Planning. I think it's extremely important that our next City Manager truly understand that the mountain of land use regulations (albeit somewhat necessary and well-intended) are actually exacerbating the problems of affordability- that they understand and acknowledge that the City of Austin is actually part of the problem, identify the areas where our regulations are doing more harm than good and be able to have frank discussions about how to improve, mitigate, rectify the situation. If this sounds wacky and unbelievable I shall provide just one example: zoning. It is noble and somewhat necessary (keeping industrial uses away from residential) but it is actually an artificial cap on supply (which has extremely detrimental unintended consequences which we are seeing today largely in the form of housing supply). Minimum lot sizes, dwelling units per lot, height restrictions, unnecessarily large building setbacks, and relegating most all retail and commercial uses so far away from residences that driving an automobile everywhere for everything is practically mandatory have put us in a terrible bind. We've created a very large city full of low-density, single family, attached housing and strong interests would like to keep it that way. This is not rational, realistic, or practical. The natural trajectory of cities is for land uses to increase in intensity and density over time (not to stay fixed-'frozen in amber') and distance from activity centers. We need more housing supply. We need more duplexes, four-plexes, 8-plexes, and small apartments all over the city, and yes, even in the squishy, yellow, single-family centers of our neighborhoods. The mayor is wrong and is cowing to and placating the old, white, and wealthy central neighborhood groups who wish to keep everyone else out of their 93 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.411City planning and urban design, historic preservation knowledge and education, knowledge about Certified Local Government requirements, demolition and green city ordinances.Extreme diplomacy, servant-leadership approach, a good listener, thoughtful, someone who believes she/he should know the whole picture and who is aware of city directors' purviews, yet can trust them let those directors lead (if they are indeed good hires). Someone who is not afraid to re-organize city leadership as needed, so that the right people with the right skills are in the right positions.Urban planning and design: managing growth while keeping the historic character of our unique neighborhoods within the central city, retaining long-time residents through affordability policies, creating multi-modal transportation and retaining green space. Basically, how to manage growth while keeping our city unique, affordable, and with a high quality of life.412Communication (written and oral), fairness when dealing with employee/management issues (not simply siding with management), ability to work with employee unions and lead by example.Open-minded to a cross-section of the population from liberal to conservative; minority to majority; and humility in listening to new ideas to improve efficiency.TransportationCity employee salariesCollaboration between the various departments413Education in finance, public policyExperience: at least 10 years experience in municipal government, large cityGood public outreach and awarenessThick-skin, good listening skills, internal fortitude. Ability to work well others and compromise. Willing to be held accountable.Inequity issues, affordability issues, protecting self governance of the city.414Leadership, creativity, problem solving, diplomacy, transparent communication strategies, public service experience, college education.Effective communicator, charismatic, tactful.Transportation, affordability, and water.415The ability to encourage and improve confidence among mid-level managers to brainstorm solutions and make decisions. So often people on the front line of decision making defer to a "no" answer without thought to the possibilities that might exist with some collaboration with the customer (while maintaining compliance with the written rules and regulations). We should hire a City Manager with the willingness to demonstrate out-of-the-box thinking to create long-term solutions, rather than retreating into a mantra of rules and regulations as the excuse for inaction or impossibility.Obviously a willingness to actively listen to all stakeholders, while not reacting to any one stakeholder. It is much more difficult to respond (rather than react) after absorbing input. Given our current neighborhood/developer/environmental/business climate, the City Manager must have a demonstrated ability and willingness to work within conflict situations that might not leave everyone satisfied.1. Affordability -- housing especially, but also deteriorating quality of life as taxes rise and commute times increase (thereby decreasing leisure time or time with family).2.Maintaining a dynamic and diversified economy that balances the need for growth and density with the desire to retain the culture and charm of Austin. Finding the right mix of business/residential/tourism/state gov't/education/health care will be key.3. Homelessness and Mental Health - - we must continue to address our most vulnerable members of society by providing places to eat and live, along with more services for behavioral health challenges (including drug and alcohol abuse)that impact so many.94 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.416The ability to make tough decisions and hold city employees accountable for doing their jobs. Willingness to terminate old guard employees who have contributed to decades of dysfunction.Must be able to treat all employees equally regardless of gender, race, etc. Must be sensitive to the needs of minorities. Zero tolerance for discrimination or sexual harassment. Must be above reproach, strong willed, creative thinker. Prefer someone who is either female or a minority. Prefer both! No political ambitions, no ego. Must be supportive of city policy on immigration detainers.Finalizing and implementing code next; implementing Zucker report; hiring new police chief.417Manage peronel, manage budget, set priorities.While the City Council may push for pink unicorns, funding basic services and holding managers accountable is crucial. We add parkland and cut park budget. That is stupid. Additional personel and equipment is needed. The city has grown yet we do not have the increased police/fire personel and waste 10's of millions of dollars on overtime. That is mis-management.The city manager must know how to manage city council. City council wants pink unicorns and bike paths and not fix pot holes.Ballance a budget and providing fiscal resources to commitments while trying to keep city council from spending every penny they can get and pass bond issues on top of that. We have more money than ever and I still hear how we need to cut back. Guess bike paths need another $110,000,000.00"Keep Austin Werid"418Ability to respect and work with all departments. I was horrified when the previous manager publically reprimanded and fined the previous chief of police. The main thing I appreciated about the chief was how open he was with the public. It made me wonder who appoints and who if anyone oversees the city manager.Flexibility for sure. The ability to listen to and respect very diverse groups and view points. A good education and background for city management. Experience matters. I think we have seen enough of what lack of experience in gov looks like.homelessness plight of immigrants drugs , related crime and harsh penalties being brought backhealth care for uninsured and underinsured (low income people with $6000 deductibles)419Establish a clear direction for the city, set priorities, and achieve them. An understanding of Austin, its stakeholders, and community priorities. Preferably someone from Austin or surrounding region. Track record of success establishing and achieving priorities in a large organization (private, public or non-profit).Collaborator who listens to all but has the courage to do what is right for the city. This includes having the courage to say no to certain budget/resourcing requests in order to achieve priorities.Closing the economic divide during a period of continued growth. Improving equity, jobs and workforce development that will move people out of poverty. Health care. Housing and affordability.420VisionManagement experienceOrganizational skillsInterpersonal skillsProgressive and forward thinkingSense of humorHonestyCompassionEmbraces and supports of diversityThe great economic divideAffordable housingTransportationIntegration and Immigration95 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.421Employees are the City of Austin's greatest asset. Many basic city services cannot be performed without employees - such as paving streets, fixing water and electric lines, running recreation centers. The next City Manager should have a history of being able to motivate, train and get the best out of a workforce. It's often said that change happens faster than learning takes place. The City Manager must always be training employees with the skills needed for today's workforce. Current training budgets need to be reconsidered and training should be the highest priority for employees. The City Manager should be evaluated on the success of implementing and achieving training results.Also, the City Manager must have a history of innovation. Everyone uses that word - especially in Austin - but the City Manager should be able to show how routine jobs and tasks can be done differently to save money, reduce time, use fewer employees, etc. Innovation should not be done just for innovation sake - like creating an app - show results and how it improved city services by reducing costs, time, employee hours or got more people to participate in a program, enrolled more customers in a service, etc., while doing it more efficiently. The next City Manager does not have to come from the private sector. The City of Austin has a AAA bond rating - how many businesses can claim that? (This also is proof that the City Council knows what they're doing and can set the policy for this city.) Someone from the private sector can bring nimbleness and flexibility to government as well as performance measurements and standards common in business. But unlike the private sector, the public sector can think long-term instead of concentrating on an immediate return for tomorrow or next year. Yes, government can raise taxes, but it also does not ask customers and lenders to bail The best City Manager was Jesus Garza. He was low-key and businesslike. He proved this again in running Seton successfully for many years. The next City Manager does not need to be charismatic or a "rock star." In fact, those should be the ones to avoid. Be careful of the "halo effect." The next City Manager should be astute enough to not upstage the City Council. The City Council sets policy - not City government employees. City government employees implement. If there has been a blurring of the lines - it's because the Council often brings partisan politics into government. Government employees are supposed to be objective and not let their personal politics influence their work. The City Manager and employees need to treat all citizens the same. A wise City Manager stays out of politics and treats all Council Members and their constituents the same.The next City Manager also needs to have the courage to dismiss executives and department heads who play politics and do not follow Council direction. But the next City Manager should not insulate the City Manager's Office from Council Members, employees and the community. The last City Manager was a good manager but he brought fear into the organization. This is not a secret - ask employees. Great organizations cannot operate out of fear. The next City Manager should carefully consider his or her team and hold previous executives who led by fear to account.The economic and social divide in this city is only going to get worse. Gentrification is only going to get worse. Austin is a young city compared to most large cities in the country and the world. These issues have happened in cycles several times over the centuries in other cities. Let's not make this commonplace in Austin. Start doing something about it now. If the next City Manager does come from the private sector, Austin can benefit from partnerships created between the private sector and the public sector to leverage finances for projects that create good-paying jobs, provide more affordable housing and educate children for the skills that will be needed in the future. The Council has to limit the priorities that they want to achieve. Tax dollars can only go so far and the next City Manager cannot perform miracles. Set priorities and priorities that are achievable and produce results - not just priorities that make people feel good or settle political scores.Why do some Council Members and community members say that Austin is more affordable than San Francisco or cities in California? That's almost laughable - as if that is something to be proud of. I've lived in California. People commute for hours every day to drive to small cities from their jobs in bigger cities to find any housing that can fit their budget. Let's not turn into these places.96 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.422Experience managing other cities or organizations with many different departments and goals while under one mission.Someone who is open, communicative, clear, transparent, positive thinker, open-minded, and a good negotiator.We need to make Austin a livable community. This means that affordability, transportation, preservation of our historic neighborhoods, walkability, and safety need to be addressed in a holistic way and is community driven, not city driven.423We need a city manager that has done this before. Running a successful tech company does NOT qualify you to run a city. We need an accomplished CITY manager, not a private sector wanna be.Supportive, open, transparent, ethical, kind, strong, principled.Transportation, affordability, political pressure/intrusion into day to day operations. defending the council manager form of government from the politicians and the political consultants that want to change to strong mayor so they can become more powerful.....Not to "do good" but just to have more power. It's all about power hunger.424Someone who can handle complex budgetary issues, has strong analytical skills, and a background in working with a diverse group.A good listener who is open to the thoughts of others and respectful of what others may bring to the conversation. Thoughtful in his/her decision making process. Transparent to the public and be skillful at communicating to the public and press.Affordable housing, easing the transportation headache as well as making the city more pedestrian friendly, and balancing Austin's appeal (a vibrant city with plenty of green space for example) with the inevitable growth that comes with people moving here from other states and countries.425Orchestrating mass layoffs of needless employees.Bottom line fiscal conservatism.The ridiculous excesses of municipal civil service creating an unmanageable, bloated workforce incapable of dealing with the challenges of a modern city.426Previous experience in civil service at a managerial capacity.Diverse family. Open and accepting values.Traffic, Housing, Immigration,427It would be great to finally start moving away from checking boxes for education or specific job titles and focus on outcomes achieved. The successful candidate should be able to point to how they handled tight city budgets, how they negotiated good deals on their city's behalf with public safety unions, and was able to integrate new technologies into city policies and programs. How do they think and talk about equity? How do they think and talk about climate change? Does it seem like they "get" it? Let's find a forward-thinking leader who can think systemically and has demonstrated accomplishments throughout their career.Honest, trustworthy, listens more than they speak, truly engages with people in the organization and in the community. I would hope they are as comfortable in a food desert talking about food access as they are on a golf course talking about economic development.Ensuring all members of our community have a chance to improve their lives economically and socially. We have to solve for the traffic congestion we face through a multi-modal approach. We need to make our buildings and fleets more efficient and rely more on renewable energy than other sources. We need someone who understands suburban sprawl and growth will be unsustainable over time. This person will need to know how to develop stronger regional partnerships to solve for these regional issues.428Let's hire an internal person. Someone that knows the issues we have within OUR city.Want some that is a visionary, someone that will think outside the box. Let's stop paying someone an enormous about of money and they nothing about Austin!97 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.429Experience in public and private sector, high-level management experience who can lead.Someone very similar to our current interim City Manager, Elaine Hart. I believe a great candidate embodies someone who is humble, who understands Austinites, who has passion for public service and listening to the workforce and community on all levels. Someone who is resilient and will rise up when they need to be heard. The top candidate should work well in partnership with the Mayor and City Council on its priorities of addressing affordability and equal opportunity for all residents.homelessness, equality and quality of life (less segregation)and affordability.4301) experience managing a rapidly growing mid-sized city 2) Bilingual English-to-Spanish3) Success in desegregation efforts and progressive police reform 4) Strong budget management 5) Undoing Racism training or similarFocus on affordability, social justice and the environment Fair-minded and pragmatic, rather than idealistic yet ineffective Collaborative Diligent and detail-orientedAffordability The ongoing outmigration of people of color and continued racial segregation Transportation Public education98 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.431Significant executive-level experience in public service. Demonstrated ability to facilitate, negotiate and collaborate. Strong financial manager. Strong human resources expertise. Collaborative, process-oriented management style.Commitment to stewardship of the citizen's resources, including environmental, structural, financial, cultural, and anything else we public servants have been hired to protect and manage economically. This means protecting what belongs to the citizens. Partnerships, for example, are good, so long as those partnerships meet the citizens' needs and are not privatizing services. That may provide some budget relief, but will not meet the community's goals. Someone pre-disposed to stewardship is most important. Similarly, a commitment to Austin's established culture and the decisions that this community has established is critical. There are advantages to hiring an internal candidate who would already be invested professionally, personally and financially in this community. But, there are also advantages to hiring an external candidate if they have demonstrated successes with the challenges Austin faces right now. But, in no way can that include a personal vision imposed upon a community. The new City Manager must champion the values established in the Imagine Austin Plan, all of the existing City laws, master plans, etc. Improving efficiency, working with stakeholders to uphold the laws and policies, and skillfully collaborating with staff to develop improvements will be a critical characteristic. To that end, the new CM must trust and support the staff, and take a little time to get to know this organization and community before recommending significant changes.The most critical challenge will be maintaining city services and keeping up with infrastructure and maintenance with a population growth exceeding the revenue needed to provide these services. As much as possible in a municipality, we need a City Manager committed to efficient management while maintaining stewardship of these community resources. Another challenge is managing in a political climate in which the State Legislature impacts the local government's ability to self-govern. Political savvy would be necessary anyway, but will be especially important to address or mitigate the effects of this challenge. Another challenge is managing stakeholder expectations. Laws and policies are in place for a reason. Exceptions should be rare, not just a matter of submitting an application to the Development Board, for example. Additionally, the stakeholder input process must be clear, consistent and sufficient for appropriate project requirements to be developed. Once the stakeholder input process has passed, and the public priorities have been defined, project scopes documented, and budgets allocated, the scope cannot change due to input from a stakeholder who missed the process. The City Manager must manage and support the process. Austin will certainly continue to face challenges with affordability, transportation and equity. These important issues must also be balanced with environmental stewardship. So, a big-picture, long-range systems-visionary would be a valuable attribute. (Oh, and if he or she could come with their own super-hero cape, that would give them a head-start. Thank you for asking for public and City staff input.)432Managerial experience. Will manage many people.Some city government experience; so does not have to learn.At least 45 years old.Work with all kinds of people. All ethnicity, race, gender.More crime. More traffic. Cutting services as you cannot keep increasing expenses.99 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.433I worked for the city for over 20 years. I was at my best when I was able to do my job. I sought input but was not restrained. You want a leader, someone the workforce can look up to - so they can excel in their jobs. Public service is not for the faint of heart. But what you have are many, many dedicated people who believe in serving the public. So you want a LEADER who will reinforce that. Look for leadership experience!!! Don't overlook Elaine Hart - she is a leader.Being able to listen. Being able to inspire. Being fair. Being able to speak honestly about issues. Hiring a diverse leadership team. Studying all sides of an issue. Expecting the same passion from men and women. The City of Austin has been fortunate to hire a very talented pool of women. Keep it up!Traffic, traffic, traffic. When we were not able to get light transit years ago (by so few votes!!), it doomed us. I don't know the solution, but Cap Metro is not figuring it out. The train to nowhere does not serve enough people. There was already a bus taking care of these passengers! Not sure how the City Council can weigh in on this issue, but very important. My neighbor is a recruiter and she mentioned that Austin traffic is becoming a big negative to her recruitment efforts!Affordability. Very hard subject, but many, many people are being priced out of Austin.434Ability to represent the residents and city employees when dealing with service delivery, council requests, and policy creation.Compassion, strong technical understanding, logical, data-driven, and strong negotiator.1. Data and technical solutions which do not work together and need to be upgraded and/or replaced2. Hiring top talent3. Ward politics and how to maneuver thru changing council members. Must keep consistent message and proejcts moving forward even when the new council member is more inclined to pay for pet project100 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.435• Proven experience at running an enterprise at least as large as Austin’s $3.7 billion enterprise that includes Austin Energy and the Airport.• The ability to attract and recruit a team of world-class assistant city managers.• The proven ability to replace unskilled or ineffective managers.• Experience with performance-based goal setting and budgeting.• The ability to eliminate silos and to create a collaborative environment.• The ability to require managers to carry out policies and directives without regard to personal political or economic agendas.• The ability to resist the influence of special interests, both for-profit and not-for-profit.• Experience in dealing with lawyers and law departments.• A genuine willingness to carry out the policies set by the City Council.• An appreciation for the unique character of our City and the need to preserve it for the benefit of all residents, whether affluent or not.• Trustworthy.• Innate and practiced leadership skills that will energize and motivate city employees.• Creative problem-solving ability focused on the future.• Empathetic and open-minded.• Respect for all genders.• Excellent communication skills.• A truth-teller.• A willingness to reach out to and engage the latent world-class talent pool resident in Austin that can craft creative solutions to the City’s challenges. • Addressing the displacement and gentrification crisis that is driving out of our city working families with children, seniors, and the less affluent.• Seizing control of the out-of-control CodeNext process and addressing the crisis in management first pointed out in 2015 in the Zucker Report.• Implementing performance-based goals and budget processes.• Putting in proper balance the interests of current residents and newcomers.• Avoiding Austin’s housing becoming owned by investors who will convert resident-owned housing to rental housing for singles without children.• Initiating an honest and transparent dialogue between the profit-motivated proponents of growth among and neighborhoods – based on data and not on propaganda.• Making those who profit from growth pay for it.• Planning in relationship to regional needs and cooperation rather than by the dictates of special interests that want to turn our City into another San Francisco.436Look outside other smaller city managers looking to move up the food chain! We don't need a former CM from Beaumont! Explore the corporate world. Find a manager that can respond quickly. Austin has audits done that demonstrate how bad our corporate culture really is and we do nothing of real value to fix it . ( Zucker report is one example, the department never got fixed and the result is the train wreck called CODE NEXT). Austin is frought with the "Peter principal". Ineffective personnel are just transferred around or worse, promoted! Clear the dead wood now. Performance review based operation now. A corporate type that knows this system that gets things done now, not later.We need a CM that engages with citizens. The last CM was invisible and inaccessible and it took way too long to get rid of him!. We need out front leadership, leading by example. A transparent communicator. The previous CM ran a fear based management style. That method promoted nothing but keeping your head low and your mouth shut. The next CM should invigorate staff to develop new ideas and innovation. Again, look outside the normal government bureaucracy type applicants. We need someone that can really shake things up, completely, and realign the entire system. We need a manager that can control and lead the city legal department, which seems to always be full of CYA double speak and appears at times to be working directly for the development community!CODE NEXT scares the hell out of me. Next CM better have some understanding of planning. Affordability is THE key issue, even more so than traffic! Rebalancing interest in favor of those of us that live here versus those that want to come here. Making growth pay for itself rather than our tax monies subsidizing infrastructure for developers.101 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.437Besides graduate and postgraduate work at a well recognized public administration or public policy school at least 20 years of progressively more responsible management positions in high growth cities with at least four years experience as the manager of a top 20 population high growth city. Candidate should have demonstrated problem solving ability in urban transportation, housing affordability and community and first responder relations. Candidate should have experience in hiring police chief and other senior department heads. Candidate should have demonstrated ability to implement major code and charter revisions. A successful candidate should have a demonstrated ability to work constructively with the school board and community college boardCandidate should have demonstrated ability to work constructively with federal. State, and county governments as well as a demonstrated ability to work constructively with a city council and city boards and commissions. Successful candidate should have demonstrated ability to work constructively with diverse communities. Above all a successful candidate needs to be an active listener and communicator who talks with constituents rather than at themAfter a long history as an egalitarian community Austin Inge ranks nationally as the having the greatest income inequality. This drives almost all of the city's challenges from police community relations to housing affordability to declining school enrollment. A successful candidate should have a practical vision for an inclusive rather than an exclusive Austin438Candidate shld have successful experience working collaboratively w/council & municipal employees; He/she shld have integrity & appreciate working with transparency. He/she shld have a positive, energetic approach in managing the city.Candidate shld be a positive, well organized person;He/she shld be a good communicator who can effectively communicate w/ diverse a audiences. He/she shld have experience &/or vision for maintaining/protecting natural resources, e.g., Barton Springs,that enrich our city.-Promote affordable housing w/in Austin city limits;-Alleviate traffic problems & plan for better transportation options for Austin residents;-Maintain & support Austin's unique character & promote it to visitors439Strong management but strong ability to work with and for the City Council. Ability to make sound decisions and enforce accountability for following those decisions.Integrity and the ability to work closely with and take guidance from the City Council. We do not want another prima dona that feels the City Council is for show. The City Council reflects the will of the citizens of Austin.Climate change and The City Council's resolutions to reduce greenhouse gases and become carbon neutral will be a critical challenge and important because Austin is a world leader in the area. The City Manager must be able to understand and appreciate this issue and manage Austin Energy closely to ensure it switches to 100% renewable energy as soon as possible.102 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.440The skills and abilities that are most important for someone to possess to manage our city is the vision and understand that we need density. We need options to build on our own properties auxiliary dwellings or granny flats as some call it. Allow private owners to build up regardless of deed restrictions. Provide options for multi-unit buildings/condos to have front elevations that are complimentary to the neighborhood, closer to the lot lines or zero lot lines in some cases, and understand what a walkable/bikeable city is. Have they ever lived in a city?Someone who understand the workings of a large city and the infrastructure needs. Think Chicago, D.C., and not Denver where they ignored putting a supportive building code in place and now they are experiencing run-away costs. We need someone with a vision that understand that the building code must support the Imagine Austin strategy that was already approved by the City Counsel.The single most critical issue facing the city of Austin is getting CodeNext right. The new manager need to be bold and stand up to "do-nothing" neighborhoods. The current draft does not support the Imagine Austin strategy. We need density. We need a walkable, bikeable community that is safe and not just paint on the road. We need options to add parking over retention ponds, for example, so we can provide parking relief for the neighborhoods. We need to allow housing of all types and price points to be built swiftly where it is needed most. It is essential to protecting Austin’s reputation as a statewide driver in innovation, education and job growth. Central to maintaining Austin’s unique sense of place and protecting homeowner rights & environment. CodeNext now will affect the next 50 to 100 years with its development and affordability.441good people skills to communicate with and between City Council, employees, and the public; strong finance background and experience balancing the organization's needs with a budget; experience as a low-level municipal employee so that there's perspective about benefits, workloads, morale, and maintaining a healthy workforce.good public speaker; personable to employees; is a leader by example; involved in the community; involved with City staff; knows how to work with people that have different perspectives and big personalities;Affordability; maintaining infrastructure; expanding services to the public; improving moral so that there's a healthy workforce (there is a lot of turnover at all levels of the organization. as an employee, it is a sign of demands on staff exponentially increasing without being able to add new staff. we are currently understaffed but are continuously told not to ask for new positions, so staff with institutional knowledge are leaving. it feels that with increasing demands, no SSPR incentive pay, and no relief (new positions) in sight, the organization is highly strained.) we need a leader who can bridge gaps, help morale, create efficiency while maintaining balance, and understands the importance of all types of services that the City provides to the public.442See belowInclusive, outreach, environment, progressive.Transportation (more public transportation - bus, rail, gondola, sink and cap 35, carpool lanes, bike lanes, sidewalks), gentrification (affordable housing, better health care, mental health, addiction, education), more community, less militarized police (body cams, better training, diverse recruitment), more green spaces (prioritize parks wherever possible).103 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.443the City Mangers have not had the City Council as the AE Board of Directors... rather with lots of data overload they have directed the course away from the City Council resolutions to become zero carbon... with Fayette and the Nuke. What would this candidate do to change that practice?444I thinknow an urban planning background would be beneficial.Good communicator.Growth - ensuring adequate transit capacity, housing, and city services for a growing population.445We do not need another City Manager who is building their resume at our expense. Austin is 25 years behind after the Futrell tenure and Ott stint.Neither Futrell or Ott made any attempt to manage City staff for the welfare of Austin residents and tax payers.It is time for Council to instruct City Manager on City of Austin priorities and see them happen as a result of City Managers leadership and management of Staff. We need a City Manager who wants to live in the Austin we have, and not tear out the heart of the City to make it into San Diego or Seattle.Leadership and Management by walking around. Leadership includes the ability to set a vision and a series of intermediate goals to reach the vision.Getting City staff back on the rails to make Austin's residents welfare their first concern. They can start by fairly and equitably enforcing the Code on the Books and firing the staff that has brought us CodeNEXT= a document that does not even follow the best practices for writing regulations and code. Yes ! there are best practices for writing code. Development Dept. staff has been arrogant and wasted time and money on CodeNEXT and when it was delivered, it was a half-finished mouse. Citizens cannot fix this hot mess after work and dinner in their spare time.104 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.446An ability to understand that many Austinites are smart enough to know when the City Manager is freewheeling and not managing the staff. Many of us work in middle and upper management positions and must prepare employee reviews annually. We are pretty disgusted with staff, middle management and the City Manager. There is been no hint of leadership. We need a leader and a visionary. We need a planner for the long term. We are now being burdened by a staff wanting to tear our the heart of Austin by the roots and replace it with cheap rabbit hutch type housing, typically used for students. And yet, we have no real plans for mass transit. The City water system is ancient and coated with limestone, and yet, Austin Water is trying to get by by over pressuring the system and blowing out everyones pressure valves, just so some apartment tenant on Guadalupe can take a shower on the 5th floor. Out of town developers and a governor are trying to cut down all the trees and replace grass with gravel and building giant heat exchangers called high rises that are already causing a heat island at least 2 degrees warmer than the historic residential areas. If a heat island develops, any 100 year water plan will be out the window. There will be little or no water to manage. We have little renewable energy because the city actually discourages renewable energy, because it will lessen their importance --in truth they will always be needed, but they need to move ahead and be leaders and not ostriches with their head in the ground.They should want to live here long term, whether or not they are City Manager. They must know how to lead by example and by vision. They must know how to fire arrogant Department managers who do not put Austin residents and tax payers first. Austin does not need to tear down and grow rapidly to try to accommodate anyone who want to come here. Austin needs to grow carefully and thoughtfully in a way that is sensible and sustainable. Asking everyone to live in a rabbit hutch with an ADU in the back yard is insane. Many will take their money and go some where else and leave Austin to the students.Preserving trees, bushes and grass that keep Austin temperate. As trees are removed, Austin turns into desert -- it is becoming more like San Angelo and Lubbock, where water is scarce. Next, we need to quit building like mad men and up date the water and wastewater infrastructure. We need to maintain and repair the Central City roads that are in such poor shape that they are going to need to be rebuilt. They got that way, because the CMgr Ott built roads to the edge of the county and save money by ignoring the older roads, not even doing simple maintenance.447Someone who has managed a city this size before. Bi-lingual? Success in desegregation. Pro-police reform. Focused on affordability, mobility, climate change, immigrant rights.EmpatheticAffordability, the ongoing racial segregation and outmigration of people of color, transportation and public education.105 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.448With a strong city manager structure we need a city manager that has strong management credentials and is a people person. They need to be out front and engaged with the day to day work of the city. He or she needs to empower their department heads to do their job but also hold them accountable. They need to own major projects like the library and not allow huge costs overruns. From what I can tell, the opposite of our last city manager.People personEngaged and understand our unique culture and cityBe accountable and take responsibilityLead in a way that department heads want to work him him/her.Not lead by intimidation but with respect and build loyaltyIntrastructure: roads,parks,sidewalksEmpowering staff and building morale backHelp leading and building consensus with the council to prioritize important issues and streamlining the process to make progress in a timely fashionWorking with other entities on the road system and building consensus to get I35 etc expedited with their improvemnts.449I want a city manager w/experience managing a large city; exp/in smart growth; a leader that is open to modernizing our city as well as retaining its charm; a good steward of our taxpayer dollars.Common sense and a desire to distribute projects and city dollars/services equitably.Stable neighborhoods are often bypassed. I want a leader who loves parks and libraries, not just bldgs.Affordability,taxes, and traffic are affecting our quality of life. Traffic jams affect our productivity. It is not enough to build affordable housing. Taxes are rising too rapidly and our pay is not keeping up.Utilities are too high.450They need to be focused on continuous improvement, analyzing how processes can be made more efficient. The City has many ordinances that make it a better place, but the implementation of these, such as by development services, is unnecessarily painful and expensive. Let's protect our environment while also having a customer service approach.Focused on customer service. This means serving everyone from internal employees, to Council, to citizens, to businesses, and all others that interact with the City.Austin is becoming a big city, with big city problems and opportunities. Affordability and infrastructure are key issues. We need to think big, especially when it comes to transit, the airport, multi-modal transportation, and parks.451demonstrated understanding of the multiple facets of our community make up(age, socio-economic status, education, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, etc) and be willing to consider impacts of decisions on ALL citizens - equally.Integrity, devotion to duty/public service, commitment to transparency and ethics, diplomacy, unifying principles, grit/work ethic.Public transportation options (high frequency stops and multiple routes N/S/E/W), affordable housing options. Population of a big city without the accessibility from these two areas will quickly lead to loss of 'lure of Austin'. Most people don't move to big cities to live in the suburbs.452Ability to attract top talentAbility to delegateSkill to demand and receive accountability from staffSkill to instill a work culture of honesty, responsibility, integrity and respect for the publicSkill and ability to follow council's policy mandatesSkill to fire unsatisfactory staff and managersAbility to manage a large entityTrustworthyHonest and straightforwardDemands accountability and honesty from staffConcern for general public and non-affluent Austinites and not just big business interestsUnderstand that city should promote many values, not just economic growth and profit makingKeeping non-affluent, people of color from being displaced.Attracting less skilled jobs so working class families will benefitAffordable housing for low income peopleCreating a culture of honest, straightforward decision-making so the city regains public trust.Protecting the ability of Austin to govern itself, with a legislature that is hostile to local control.453Integrity, intelligence, respect, open-mindedness.Social justice and equity, affordability, transportation, equal access to the City's prosperity, climate change/chaos response.106 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.454Should have a high level degree of education dealing with public relations, contracts, government policies. Not a business only background. Ability to work with a multi-million dollar budget and recognize the key ingredients that make Austin the best place to be. Safety, quality of parks and public welfare services. Ability to streamline duplicate services, as well as, take advantage of grant money.Open mindedness, compromising attitude, appreciation of the parks and river that surround us. Protection of the environment, the arts, music and the special neighborhoods.The state government's encroaching control of local communities.455To get things done. Previous city mangers have not pushed to move city faster and more efficently.A strong drive to get things done and push for change- not fall back to we are Austin and we have always done it this way.Austin's buggest challenge will be trying to stand still in an ever chabging city we must streamline and embrace texhnology and change.456A backbone.One who will give the council sound economic advice. Make sure the taxpayer money is not being wasted.Transportation and Growth.457Ability to lead -- not just gather input - but lead with a listening ear to successful resolution. We have participatory government down to a fault. Now we need someone who can lead the staff and direct to outcomesListening Skills, Collaborative Skills, Ability to see around corners to the next challenge and not remain mired in today's trivia. Forward thinking - one who can see the past for what it is, contextualize it and bring Austin forward.Inability to act -- protective of "the way we have always done things". Very slow and ponderous is process and procedure. Unresponsive to consistent and direct feedback from community. Operations that are laden with people but not efficient processes.458Command experience in an organization that gets the job done at ground level.The same attributes you find in the higher command structure of the Austin Police Department.Prevent our neighborhoods from collapsing. Only an Austin Police Commander has the skills to be effective. We do not need more bureaucracy.459Command experience in an organization that gets the job done at ground level.The same attributes you find in the higher command structure of the Austin Police Department.Prevent our neighborhoods from collapsing. Only an Austin Police Commander has the skills to be effective. We do not need more bureaucracy.460Master's degree in public administration, public affairs, public health, or urban planning. Someone who has worked at the community level in direct service. Someone from outside of the City of Austin workforce. We do not need a long term COA employee.Someone with excellent customer service, humility, kindness. Someone who is not obstructionist or who has conflicts of interest.traffic and transportation (we need a light rail system; connectivity); quality of life in Austin is worsening (stress, mental health, middle class (teachers, social workers, nurses, city employees) has to live further and further outside the city; diversity (our city is becoming increasingly white and upper middle class in the core; it is the most economically segregated city in Texas, and at the top in the country. Developing the east side to serve the young white upper middle class is only maintaining the inequity in our city.461They need practical business experience preferably in construction so they can finally fix the horrible permitting and development center. Austin is the worst city in the country for home builders and general contractors. Getting a permit needs to be made simpler and faster.They need to be conservative financially and an independent thinker from the rest of city council.Construction permits, roads with more lanes, make HWY 360 an actually freeway with that makes a loop around the city. Less city oversight, move the homeless shelter out of downtown. Increase mental health services for homeless.107 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.462Business management experience - need not be in public administration. Ought to be masters degree level.Ability to work with, schedule and manage a team.Working with 10 bosses. The 10 + 1 organization of the Council was a mistake. Austin is living way beyond prudent spending limits, and over bonding it's citizenry. As always, transportation is the most critical need, city-wide.463Ability to prioritize, set goals, motivate and manage and lead a competent staff and to identify and implement efficiencies and sound management to control our runaway utility costs, especially in the water ability to communicate honestly and effectively in a highly charged and divisive political environment.Improving the efficiency and reducing the cost of government services particularly water and electric service.464The ability to communicate to Austin voters/residence the needs of the Austin community. Recognizable & demonstrated negotiation skills aka experience in mid-size or large municipal mgmt. A consensus builder nor a 'my way or highway' mgr.Problem solver: ability to think outside the box citing not only Rules & Regs but knowledgeable to know where the opportunities lie within the R&R. The ability to understand budgets and the budget processes and doesn't rely solely upon staff.Known in the communities at numerous levels, not just within the power brokers. Does the candidate show engagement and commitment to in-need sectors, residential AND small businesses communities?NOT a basher nor belittler. Shows and commits to compassion, yet able to be steadfast when facing hatred fueled accusations and comments.Erosion of downtown and the expansion of retail/residence bldgs. While seemingly the construction of apts, lofts, etc with ground floor shops seem to be booming, these small businesses are showing a weakness to survive.Austin's infrastructure and their maintenance. Fix what we have.Ability to be steadfast against a punitive STATE leadership seemingly bent on punishing communities such as Austin. Able to collect facts, opinions, research and effectively communicate/defend them against opposing views.465- Proven capability of active leadership in a diverse population.- Ability to see alternative futures based on reality.- Proven ability to lead and not drive in a diverse environment.- Multiculturalism- Growth- Civil unrest466First, I think that any city manager should have lived in the City for at least 10 years and have a college degree in management.Must have proven skill in high level management.Unaffordable cost of living, high taxes, lack of affordable housing, lack of adequate solutions to traffic, too much emphasis on riding bikes to work.467Experiences in both the public and private sectors managing work related to cities. Strong personnel management background. Clear vision for a progressive city. Demonstrated ability to work well with other city employees. Good listener. Strong analytical skills. Strong written and spoken communication abilities.Appreciation of the importance of diversity in the residents' backgrounds and interests. More than tolerance for diversity, but embracing it. Eagerness to help move Austin forward as a city that is open and affordable for all.Dealing with affordable housing, accessible transportation, managing growth wisely, getting ahead of the effects of climate change, treating citizens fairly, increasing effectiveness, legality, fairness in the criminal justice system, with a special attention to race relations and the treatment opportunities for those with mental illnesses. Having a plan for strengthening educational opportunities to develop a skilled workforce.108 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.468Ability to look out past the next city council meeting. Ability to have future looking citywide perspective, not a past/present neighborhood perspective. Ability to understand the amount of growth and development pressure we have in Austin.Ability to course correct the mayor and council members when they are wasting time.Ability to manage expectations as to what a city can and cannot do; the city government has very little to do with housing prices, gentrification, and education.Ability to focus on issues that are in the city government’s zone of control.Austin needs less public input/outreach and more results/action.Ability to produce real results and not just results for marketing purposes.Ability to implement the Imagine Austin comprehensive plan.. Matching our land use and zoning decisions to our transportation investments. We need to make tough decisions to build a development pattern that works for everyone, not just central city residents.Ability to reduce waste; especially regarding the number of city boards and commissions.469Serious and significant budget sophistication. Needs a very strong financial analytical mind capable of prioritizing core city services, and weeding out/reducing expenses. Needs to have a steely commitment to affordability, with a clear and strong understanding that maintaining and reducing the tax rate is critical to minimizing gentrification across all of Austin. Needs a willingness to stand up to Council Members who are intent on delivering pork at the expenses of being able to create a core municipal services budget, and be determine to hold the line on the budget and a reduced tax rate. This person must also have the steely determination to bring both AE and AW back under the management fold, reducing the increased costs and fees that are also driving Austin gentrification.Ability to say no to council and the mayor. Commitment to lead with humility and persistence. Insistence on absolute competence and performance for all city staff, not just direct reports. An unwavering commitment to partner with the city auditor to identify prioritized risk and a commitment to bring a management consults dispassionate focus, and a turn around CEOs ruthless determination to effectuate effective change.Affordability; budget containment; tax rate reduction/containment; ward politics from council and mayor.470previous job experience. ability to work well with others and listen to all points of view. People do not need to be managed, time and resources need to be managed. Understanding that is a great start.Thick skin. open mind compassion willing to learn sense of humorbad streets. lack of coherent way to move traffic. immigration. out of control property taxes and no affordable housing.....compared to fort worth or dallas austin has rents that are unbelievably high...a housing bubble burst109 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.471Need to have lived here at least 30 yrs.Know mediation/resolutions skills.Listen to legal citizens- not all the illegal aliens - like Greg Caesar does.TRAFFIC!! We don't need 14 million dollar bike bridges~!~! and more sidewalks!! do something about IH 35 and roads! The train was a total waste of $$- dark windows- so we don't see how empty it is!! It goes nowhere- and there is no parking for cars at the Highland or Crestview station!! what a waste of millions of $$. And Mexican gangs, and drugs in Austin_ this should NOT be a sanctuary city!!Our Safety is a joke!472The ability to listen to citizens, to manage a budget, to understand the culture of Austin, to be able to work with all of the citizens of Austin and to appreciate that there are qualified people here for city positions.Someone who asks for advice and who listens and asks questions from those she / he serves. A humble person who desires to represent citizens and not developers is an important trait.A critical issue and balancing the changing real estate in Austin and making sure that it is still a beautiful city in 20 years. Too much of the new development is poorly constructed and does not balance the need for well constructed housing with parking and amenities. We need parks and green spaces and pools in every new developed area. We need a rail system that runs from the East to the West and down Bee Cave Road.473Juan GarzaJuan GarzaJuan Garza would be the perfect fit for city manager of Austin474Experience, education, and good people skills. An open mind. Ability to handle diversity. Good with budgets and cost cutting. Excellent communication skills, of course. Stamina.Patience, an open demeanor, respect for others good listener. Creative problem solving is a plus.Critical challenges include transportation, mass transit, housing costs, homelessness, environmental issues, and increasing taxes. Keeping a firm control on the police department, which let things degrade in the lab and ignored certain crimes. Dealing with the state legislators.475Someone who has experience leading large teams (either private or public) and developing consensus while maintaining a STRONG CULTURE of leadership. City staff needs a strong leader that supports them in there ability to take on risks when needed and become comfortable in decision making. Right now we have a culture of "no" that needs to be changed.personable, approachable, supportive, visionaryOur development process takes too long and is too expensive. The additional time and costs it takes means that the price tag is passed on to the consumer which has increased our affordability issues. We are also challenged by the "vocal minority" that can lead undo challenges in our decision making process in the city. The next City Manager needs to be able to manage these waters to support good decisions on behalf of the city476Someone that has prior experience successfully managing a rapidly growing cityIntelligent, civil, humble and cooperativeTraffic & infrastructure477Communication Leading diverse teams - encouraging diversity Full transparency; honestyOpen minded and open to collaborationFairness TrustworthyDemographics State politics // clash with local politics Cost of living110 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.478The candidate should have experience running a major American City that has been going though transitions.Tough, decisive, intelligent, open minded, knowledgeable about the how cities can thrive and prosper. Someone with a vision, who wants to lead Austin into a new way of planning.The critical need to stop planning for auto-dependency and sprawl and for a sustainable, inclusive and prosperous City. The CM should be someone who can bring various silos together to work towards and agreement, and when none is possible, make the critical decisions about which direction we need to go and have the fortitude to withstand slings and arrows from those who disagree.4791. Must be non partisan, and not have specific political agenda2. Cut waste and bureaucracy 3. Focus on key issues and not pet projects or specific agendas1. Smart2. Honest3. Non partisan(1) Transportation improvements.(2) Regulation on development - stop allowing for large development projects without proper planning for transportation, etc.(3) Affordable housing480Everything is data-driven, someone needs to have the background to understand that data to drive decisions. I would like someone with STEM degree masters.Respectfulness, humbleness and confidenceGrowth481I would look at the candidates that come from successfully run municipalities and the candidates interaction with the governing body. Must be able to look at the big pictures and address the problems with a city that is growing as fast as ours. Must work well with others and communicate in an intelligible fashion. Should be able to engage and enlist the support of staff and myriad departments within the city. Must support cultural identity in supporting the arts.Intelligence. Sensitivity, Competence. Understanding this city's uniqueness. It will never be Dallas or Houston no matter how developers try. A true love and commitment to this city and it's development. Someone who cares about where we are headed and how we get there.Growth and allowance of affordable housing for low income, minimum wage workers who are essential to the community and are being pushed out of the city which has become overpriced and overdeveloped. Perhaps Austin should establish its own minimum wage support raising it to at least $12 if not $15 an hour to keep up with inflation. Not only is it affecting the migrant work force but the artists who can no longer afford to live here.482knowledge of best practices in other cities that match Austin on important criteria; willingness to listen to the citizens; strong skills with implementation and follow-throughopen-mindedness; ability to weigh the needs of all segments of the community (not just the wealthy); good communication skills to obtain buy-in; respect for allGrowth! Roads, infrastructure, density. Need to retain "Austin" character in the midst of this growth - and not just "weird" but also enabling economic conditions to make these bands (all bands) part of thisl483Listens to the public. Creative thinker. Great partnering skills. Ability to motivate employees to appreciate that they have very good jobs and to focus on serving the citizens of Austin.Ethical. Transparent in his/her actions.Managing growth. Keeping costs within budget. Fighting back when council wants to go on a drunken spending spree with our $$$$$484Need skill operating in a large (top 20) size city.We are large and complicated enough that we don't want to pay for a lot of on the job training. We need to see a high quality track record.Need sensitivity to sustainability concerns. This is important to Austin culture.Have a strong since that he or she is serving and is accountable to the Council. Follow through with details in a manner consistent with the way Council would want. Must be communicative, fair and equitable with employees. Be able to explain actions to public when necessary.Critical challenge will be managing growth, operations scalability, (re)organizing to govern a much larger city that we will become.111 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.485Business background in the private sector.Engineering or MBA degree.Servant leadership, ethical, not afraid of making bold changes against the political vacuum of Austin.-Traffic solutions for the working class on the west side of Austin.-Cut non-essential programs/headcount in the CoA.-Realizing west Austin doesn't exist to fund the Eastside pet projects of the Council.486Certified Financial PlannerMBA from a reputable schoolEngineering Degree, if possible (problem solving)Communicate with the Citizens through a Quarterly Report, technically explaining, the status of the City's budget, number of employees, etc., and pointing out problems or "over-reaching" areas that cause our city to not function harmoniously or financially responsible.Growth of wasteful governmentLack of Sufficient Vehicle TransportationToo High of Wages for Management (very few employees should be making over $100K, but we have many that are)Transparency of the Wages Paid to ALL City Employees487Establish basic city objectives and manage those objectives, serperating out actions and programs that do not contribute directly to those objectives or can not be measured against those objectives. Focus this city government to basic objectives and shut down special interest ideas and concepts. Know how to manage upward to keep city council focused.Listening for what is being said to fully understand all points of view. Respect what everyone has to say and believes. Possess discernment skills, focusing on what is important and meaningful. Customer focused rather than service focused.Continue economic momentum, develop a reasonable solution to transportation and water, and provide local educational support to all ages and backgrounds.488People managing including inspiring and gaining trust. Strategic thinking with emphasis on solving near term problems with solutions that endure for the long term. Presentation and speaking skills that give the ability to persuade and build consensus for compromise. Record showing ability to remove non productive personnel and to hire highly skilled people.100% commitment to the job; open mind with willingness to compromise but ready to make decisions to move forward. Good at one on one persuasion.Transportation including roads and public transportation. Manage growth of city to accommodate lower income citizens.489Background in environmental field and environmental justice work. Experience with frontline communities and working to advocate for them. Not someone from the corporate world who looks at money as the bottomline in all cases. Being bilingual and a person of color would be much more representative of our diverse city.Dedicated to continue to make Austin a leader in terms of environment and sustainability. Someone who is compassionate & empathetic and who is willing to work within & advocate for our more under-resourced or poorer communities. Someone who is transparent.Climate change is the most critical challenge we face as a global community. Austin is already experiencing the effects: increased flooding, future extreme droughts. We must take strong & bold steps to put ourselves on a sustainable trajectory. It is critical in Austin that our city manager has a background & strong stance towards taking climate action & making our city Carbon-Free by 2030. Our city manager also needs have principles rooted in justice work to make Austin a more equitable city and work to make sure all of our communities are represented & have access to resources, specifically affordable local solar and other renewable sources.112 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.490Proven experience at running an enterprise at least as large as Austin's $3.7B enterprise (including Austin Energy and ABIA).The ability to attract and recruit a team of world-class assistant city managers.The ability to eliminate silos and to create a collaborative environment.The ability to require managers to carry out policies and directives without regard to personal political or economic agendas.The ability to resist the influence of special interests, both for profit and not-for-profit.Experience with performance-based goal setting and budgeting.Experience in dealing with lawyers and law departments.A genuine willingness to carry out the policies set by the City Council.An appreciation for the unique character of our City and the need to preserve it for the benefit of all residents, whether affluent or not.Trustworthy (will not allow corruption within the city's bureaucracy).Innate and practiced leadership skills that will energize and motivate city employees.Creative problem-solving ability focused on the future.Empathic and open-minded.Respect for all genders.Excellent communication skills.A truth teller.A willingness to reach out to and engage the latent world-class talent pool resident in Austin that can craft creative solutions to the City's challenges.Seizing control of the out-of-control CodeNEXT process and addressing the crisis in management first pointed out in the 2015 Zucker Report.Addressing the displacement and gentrification crisis that is driving out of our city working families with children, seniors, and the less affluent.Implementing performance-based goals and budget processes.Putting in proper balance the interests of current residents and newcomers.Avoiding Austin's housing becoming owned by investors who will convert resident-owned housing to rental housing for singles without children.Initiating an honest and transparent dialogue between profit-motivated proponents of growth and neighborhoods based on data (facts) and not on propaganda.Making those who profit from growth pay for it.Planning in relationship to regional needs and cooperation rather than by the dictates of special interests that want to turn our city into another Manhattan.491The new City Manager should have strong urban planning experience. Austin's growth is changing the city at an extraordinary pace and scale. A City Manager who understands how to manage this change wisely is essential for Austin to grow into a stronger, more sustainable city that retains its unique character - not a city that's bigger, but also more spread out, less affordable, and more generic. A clear understanding of and interest in progressive historic preservation, economic development, and equity are other important skills.High-level skills in collaboration and facilitation; creativity and openness in thinking about out-of-the-box solutions; political savvy that doesn't sacrifice long-term vision for short-term gains- Affordability for families and small businesses.- Preservation of community character: making sure that Austin remains Austin through its growth, both in terms of physical buildings and neighborhoods and in local culture. This can be accomplished in conjunction with affordability and increased density - it's important that the City Manager and City Council understand that.- Equity: ensuring that economic, educational, and other opportunities extend to all citizens regardless of income, race, or other factors; and that citizens are supported in pursuing these opportunities. Top-heavy prosperity for the wealthy only isn't true prosperity for the city.- Transportation and mobility options: making it possible for people of all ages and abilities to get around town. This could take the form of more and faster bus service or more expensive options like rail. Ideally, we'd have both - plus more and safer bike lines.113 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.492We do NOT need a city manager with experience running a large enterprise or even managing a city. We especially do NOT need anyone who is riding the "city manager circuit," jumping from one city to the next, climbing the city manager ladder. We DO need someone who knows and loves Austin, who has a track record of integrity and values and common sense and a willingness to tell the truth and provide city council with all of the relevant information even if (and especially when) it conflicts with the Chamber of Commerce and RECA agenda. The City Manager sets the direction and culture of the City Staff. The right City Manager can hire assistant city managers or otherwise gain any assistance that might be needed to address "big enterprise" challenges. By contrast, there is simply no way to hire assistant city managers or consultants to instill integrity, values, common sense, respect for community engagement and transparency, etc in a city manager that lacks these essential qualities. We need a city manager that has a demonstrated track record of valuing honest information and meaningful, inclusive public engagement, and the importance of looking at options and alternatives, rather than selling a pre-determined answer or agenda to the council (answers or agendas most commonly chosen by the Chamber and its co-horts at RECA and AARO and more often than not in direct conflict with the best interests of the city, established council policy, and/or campaign promises and values that got council members elected in the first place).We need someone who knows cities. That could be someone who has big enterprise management experience or not. In my book Obama feel painfully short on many fronts, but he We need a city manager that has a demonstrated track record of valuing honest information and meaningful, inclusive public engagement, and the importance of looking at options and alternatives, rather than selling a pre-determined answer or agenda to the council (answers or agendas most commonly chosen by the Chamber and its co-horts at RECA and AARO and more often than not in direct conflict with the best interests of the city, established council policy, and/or campaign promises and values that got council members elected in the first place).We need someone who knows cities. That could be someone who has previously served in office, from academia, or from other public or private settings where city issues, and particularly Austin city issues, were key elements of that work experience.The most critical challenge is to reorient city leadership and, in turn, rank and file city employees to meet the highest standards of public service, which, again, starts with a commitment to serving council policy, providing complete and honest information, embracing transparency and community engagement as important and helpful (rather than as burdensome or interfering with staff work and agendas). We need creative and parallel problem solving that puts existing residents and businesses first and makes growth pay for itself. These include water, energy, land use, transportation, conomic development and overall affordability policies that serve the long-term, sustainable well-being of current and future residents. Again, however, we need a city manager that first and foremost has a demonstrated track record of putting integrity, honesty, and the public interest ahead of serving an "all growth is good" and that trumps everything else mindset, and with a strong preference of someone who can demonstrate knowledge of a commitment to the wellbeing of Austin in particular.114 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.493The number one skill/ability is to guide the City Council through a priority budgeting process. I understand they each have their individual priorities, but we need to be looking at the big picture. i.e. fund first responders ass a priority with everything they need to help the citizens of Austin before special projects are taken on.Bipartisan, negotiator, forward thinker, innovatorNegotiating with City Council on spending, affordable living and traffic.494Advanced budget experience,an understanding of land management and development codes, experience managing a city staff.Honesty, diplomacy, and professionalism. Excellent people management skills.This town is growing fast and the heart of many issues seem to boil down to residents vs. developers. People are going to keep coming here, so I hope the city manager will be able to put the people ahead of special interests like developers and other business interests. Obviously business and economic development is important but not at the expense of the residents.495Experience with finance.Experience dealing with council members who might not understand government or how it works.Leadership, confidence, ability to listen to citizens (not just city council members), visible in the community.Tax rates.City "over managing" what owners can do with their own property.A city council that doesn't understand how government works or the "big picture".Traffic.Lack of public transportation and parking downtown becoming more challenging.The rise in homelessness and panhandling.496In depth anti-racist and anti-oppression training and the ability to see the systemic racism in the city's policies and practices and recognize the harms that need to be stopped and repaired.The most important personal characteristic in a city manager is the commitment to govern by obeying the people, not just the wealthy, elites, real estate industry and developers who are only interested in privatizing our common wealth.Climate change. Gentrification and displacement of communities of color. Inequity.497Organization, vision, common sense and humble.VisionThis person must be able to work with the various organizations that control our traffic, business expansion, education and the leaders of the surrounding cities.498College degree, 10 years management in private sectorSomeone who is is unbiased, will listen to constituents, a leader, and fiscally conservative with taxpayer money.Property tax relief, traffic relief, 10% budget cuts across the board in all departments, and fiscally responsible with taxpayer dollars.115 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.499The manager needs to be able to build a strong team and delegate authority to them. We need a leader that has worked in smaller cities so they'll know how things work. They need to know how the sausage is made so they'll know where the inefficiencies are. We don't need private sector experience. You don't run a library like a Barnes & Noble.Ethical, humorous (for morale and to keep their sanity), dependable, driven, and loyal (to Council and staff)helping make sure that the needs of all of Austin are met. The next leader will also have to battle with the state to help preserve local control.500501On a recent trip to Chicago, I had realization -- Austin is not making big vision decisions to become a world class city. I would like the City Manager and the City Council to not get so deep in the micro of issues that the macro/the big vision goal is not lost.502Work expletive in similar area Mimimeum of graduate college degree , with a major in the liberal arts department / or archictectureUnderstanding of cultural differences , perspectives , points of view and believes of all our different Austinite constituents . We have so many languages spoken in Austin it self , that we need someone who will continue to promete the diversity of Austin and not the opposite .How to make Austin a more densely and smarter city . We. We need to face our transportation problem by coming up with new innovative ways to get around austin . Fund public transportation and make it our number one Priorty. This is the time for Austin to be a leader and a city others look up to. Let's lead with change and protect our environment along the way lowering our ecological footprint and improving the lives of our constituents503Decisive, persistent and level-headed decision making. Someone truly looking out for all Austin residents. Not pro illegal immigrant at the expense of other Austin residents.Analytical mind and able to cut through BS explanations and reports. Not willing to sell a group of Austin residents out for money. Someone who will not give illegal immigrants a low standard and blacks a high impossible standard to move them out of the city.Disbanding the revamped 1928 Master Plan in effect in Austin that denies blacks city services & takes their property. Then, pushes them out of their residence in the neighborhood of their choice into substandard housing. Housing that is separate and unequal.116 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.504Should have the ability to predict problems and act PROACTIVELY and not wait until there is a major tragedy or severe problems to then just begin to solve them. Has a bipartisan approach to solving things. Has the assertive demeanor to get the job done, after thoughtful and consciencious review of all available infomation.The person should be convivial and have a assertive, take charge personality that and can be personable as well. The person should be intelligent and have a multicultural perspective on what the city as a whole needs. They should be open minded and have the strength of character to make decisions that may NOT be popular with the wealthy, but are good for the city as a whole for the future.The most pressing is the alleviation of traffic and improving traffic safety and pedestrian safety. The expansion and renovation of I-35 is CRITICAL to the city's future. Many roads are inadequate for the amount of traffic they see. I saw an AMBULANCE drving in the oncoming traffic lanes because there was so much traffic. There should be an expansion of roads to make them WIDER and allow for a center lane ( a turn lane like the improvement they are doing on St. Hwy. 71 -WEST from Oak Hill to Lakeway) for emergency vehicles. If not a center lane than wider shoulders on the side of the road, the extra 3-4 ft. of space would allow for traffic to move over to allow emergency vehicles to pass with MUCH LESS time being wasted trying to get through clogged lanes. STREET LIGHTS on busy roads will improve traffic safety in that it allows drivers to SEE possible dangers easier and PREVENT accidents. Pedestrian safety is improved as well, since they will have more light and higher visibility to have LESS dangerous incidents occur as a result.5051] Able to reform a broken organization. 2] Respond to neighbors not just applicants. 3] Get good, strong technical talent - and be able to recognize technobabble when staff spouts it.Honest and Open. Prior CMs have hidden inside the City Hall and not readily taken appointments or responded to communication. Honest so that they respond fully & timely to Council policy statements.1] Water resources due to changing rainfall patterns due to climate change, the tropical zones are moving and the desert is moving north.2] Flooding due to higher storm intensity3] Ridiculous push for higher density in established neighborhoods without examining the consequences.506Ability to work w diverse issues and manage a diverse staff. Needs strategic planning skills that will manage Austin growth for the future but also maintain quality of life for current residents. Must be able to understand the relationship between Austin and the TX Legislature and how that might impact Austin's growth and regulations.Would be great to finally see some Hispanic representation at this level of City Govt! That would acknowledge the growth and contributions of the Hispanic community in Austin. While the Af-Amer community experiences some serious issues/disparities...I believe we have given short shrift to the Hispanic community. CM must understand the oft-challenging "Austin Process & Citizen Involvement" that is a strong value of Austin culture. MUST BE RESPECTFUL OF MINORITIES INCLUDING WOMEN!Affordability is key to all city planning going forward or we're fast going to lose any diversity in this city. Transportation - we must think outside the box and more bike trails, while very "Austin" are not the answer for the vast majority of commuters. Parks and green space need attention. CM must figure out how to balance the demand for services and the affordability/taxation issues. Must be able to forge alliances in the community to support various issues.507government/nonprofit and finance as well as managementleadership and effective communicationtraffic117 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.508Visionary leadership, embracing diversity beyond words and speeches, demonstrated ability to push city leaders to respond to citizens requests with vetted plans for improving service delivery, track record of HR experience especially with improving relations between unions and the city.Honesty, compassion, fairness, understanding of the middle class's challengers, advanced degrees/ intelligence, work ethic, media savvy, basically the opposite of our sitting President.Transportation, out of control taxes, unchecked growth, lack of affordable housing, general housing shortage, feuding with the State of Texas, ability to work with campo and other governments.509First, the ability to build and maintain effective, open, and long-lasting relationships with Councilmembers, City Staff, Citizens, and the business community. Second, to be able to communicate the direction of the City Council in a clear and concise manner. Help Council develop and then execute their vision for the City.Equitable (e.g. treating all Councilmembers equally), visible (regular interaction with staff and public), accountable (both in holding staff accountable and being held accountable by Council), Communicative.Managing growth in a equitable and pro-active manner. We need to acknowledge growth will continue to come and prepare for it. Continuing to secure buy-in from voters for transportation bonds. Executing projects quickly.118 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.510Previous job experience is crucial, especially in dealing w/ a city growing faster than it is prepared for. A person who has been through transformation of a "small city" to big city would be great. Experience w/ cutting costs by examining waste rather than just slashing services. Experience in helping the citizens understand city policy/procedures/processes such as how is the CIP carried out. Someone who expects city staff to represent the citizen's & the city's best interest & not put special interests above. Skills and abilities include negotiating, thinking outside of the box, respect for & promoting diversity, transparency, looking out for our first responders, rising above politics but also knowing how to navigate political waters, expecting continuous improvement from city staff, implementing change as necessary and not sparing outdated or inefficient systems or staff, integrity & expecting same from staff, not beholden to special interests, independent thinker, customer service focus, public outreach skills, ability to turn departments around.Some mentioned above. Honest, trustworthy, transparent, innovative, bridge-builder, respectful even in the face of adverse situations / reactions, initiator, long-range thinker, willing to learn & listen, committed to continuous improvement, negotiator, fair, empathetic to long-time residents facing being priced out of their homes by high taxes & willing to find solutions, courage to stand up to special interests and pressure & to stand up for putting our citizens/city first.We have a city bursting at the seems, one that the infrastructure cannot keep up with and we continue to have failed attempts at mass transit options. Our city is attracting buyers and developers from other states and we are catering to very high incomes, much higher than the average Austin resident, thereby creating an affordability train wreck. Our crime has increased substantially and despite at least 2 consultant studies, the city has not funded more APD officer positions in line w/ the recommendations. Gang activity on the rise. I see graffiti all over the place now...not just in "rough areas". We need more police and more community policing resources. We're seeing toll and express lanes not being used and, despite promises, not providing traffic relief. We need to be realistic in responding to traffic issues on major corridors b/c we have a car culture. Would love to see a rail proposal that makes sense and has a chance at passing. We are allowing development in areas where flooding is already an issue (and upstream from issues) yet buying out homes that flood. Need to get this in check. We need to require more from developers in the way of impact fees. We need to maintain and preserve green spaces. I also believe the flooding and brush fire/greenbelt fire issues will increase in frequency and destruction over time. I believe many in our city do not trust our city government or council members and are suspicious that there are special interest forces behind much of what is proposed. City needs to gain the public's trust back. Thank you for asking for input.511Advanced knowledge of City Planning and New Urbanism. Ideal candidate would be AICP and / or CNUa.A leader that knows how to empower staff in their particular area of expertise and not micro-manage.Planning for inevitable growth (and not fighting it), multi-modal transportation solutions and addressing affordability.512The new City Manager should have at least 10 years of City Manager experience for a city of at least 600,000 residents. They also need to have a MBA from a top tier University. They do not have to have been a Texas City Manager.The manager needs to be very active with the council. He or She needs to be able to interact with the 11 members on equal footing. At the end of the day, the manager needs to execute out the policies from the council and be able to offer the council projected impact from all new council policies.Roads, existing resident priorities, and existing infrastructure and citizen safety. The manager needs to be very visible to all citizens. Monthly reports to the Council and all citizens made available.119 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.513Phd or engineer in city management. Former CEO or someone from a city that has been successful in the challenges we now face.Strong leader that encourages others to do their best. Integrity is important. Personable and also honest. Tough with firm handle on the affairs. Good delegater.Rethinking the whole city design and making sure the focus is on providing services ito Far East austin close to manor. Affordability without sacrificing quality.514The next city manager must be able to relate to the citizens of Austin, relate to their needs, concerns, problems - I believe it's called empathy - and act on those issues with care and understanding.Again, empathy towards the citizens of Austin, TX - not the investors & developers. I'm so tired of my tax dollars going to pay for developers' taxes and utilities. If they can't pay what I'm paying, tell them to take their business somewhere else. Yes, let's pull back on growth and take care of the people who live here now. I want my streets fixed/repaved, traffic problems resolved, affordable housing for my neighbors. I'm a native Austinite (64 yo), and I hate this city, what it's become. Find us a city manager with some good, common sense and people skills to fix this mess we're in.Quality of life, traffic, affordable housing, clean air, city officials who don't have a clue, city officials who care more about $$$$$$$ than citizen's problems.515GIS, transporationhonesty, compassiontransportation516A person who will quit spending our tax dollars frivolously! Quit spending money on bike lanes that no one uses & repair streets that need to be repaired. Also refrain from taking tax dollars & as giving same to artists and illegal aliens.Our city needs someone who believes in smaller government and less regulation ! The liberals in our city government offices are destroying our city. We need somebody in office that believes in law and order. And respects American citizens.We have a bunch of fools on city council. Quit pissing away our text dollars!517Ability to understand and support employees, empowering them in their jobs. A person who can balance city growth with keeping the character of old Austin -- not selling out to the big money. Someone who knows the importance of not overtaxing the residents! A person who brings at least 10-15 years of managing another city.A listener. A thinker. A wise person. A creative person, preferably loves the arts.Too much growth!!! Bad traffic problems that WILL NOT be fixed with bicycles or electric cars. We need a wide public train transit system, such as in Washington, D.C. or Chicago.518Proven City Manager with ICMA credentials, most professional managers will have Masters in Public Administration.Humble servant leadership style. Marc Ott was a great example of this, replicate his styletransportation, affordable housing and keeping our growing community ego in check with reality.120 of 121City Manager Search Online Survey ResultsWhat skills and abilities are most important for someone to possess to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc.What personal characteristics are most important for our next city manager to embody to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment.What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council.519I think the CMO should have a better relationship with City employees. Key to this is accountability for Managers and the requirement of a 360 review for managers (that allows staff to evaluate supervisors). Currently City employees have the lowest morale I've ever seen (I've worked for the City for 15 years). Most of that is because management is based on a "manage up" or "yes man" mentality. Promotions are based on who agrees with the boss the most. Ideas or concerns contrary to a manager or director's way of thinking, are discouraged to say the least. This stifles creativity and leads to a lack of innovation. Also, along these same lines, there needs to be accountability. WHY does Austin not have electronic time sheets? It's 2017! Round Rock has used electronic time sheets for 12 years or more. Why? Because nobody will actually assign someone to be in charge of this and nobody will hold that person responsible for making it happen. Austin is great about taking ideas and getting input from the community. But we suck at actually making those suggestions happen. Austin is where good ideas are born but die in infancy. Also, how about a CM who will address inequities in how projects are funded and built. A park in 78703 gets developed in a month, the TINY park in our neighborhood (78758) has been in development for SEVEN years!! And PARD says they have no money to finish it.Willingness to listen to all sides. But someone who will aggressively stick up for our progressive values. Someone who will NOT LET THE STATE BULLY AUSTIN!! The City Manager should also focus on maintaining the uniqueness of Austin and not spend time and money trying to get more people to move here!! Why can't we just maintain? WHY is CM and Council always trying to get MORE people here? If the City Manager wants Austin to be Dallas, then he/she should go work in Dallas! Protect our trees. Protect our water. Protect our residents. And support city employees (not just show up for a speech taking credit for everything we do...aka Mr. Ott and Build a Backpack.) Mr. Ott was not friendly or supportive of City staff. Please, no divas or condescending folks. A regular discussion session with the CM and City staff would be nice.Traffic; people moving here; carpet baggers; and gentrification (property tax issues) are the biggest issues. Property taxes are out of control, so people move to the outskirts of town which lowers our tax revenue AND creates more traffic. Why not do some kind of progressive taxation based on years of residency? If you lived here 25+ years, you've paid more tax into the system than someone who's lived here a year. Homeowners with 25+ years of residency, should have a a property tax increase cap of say 1% (just an example...I'm not an accountant). 15-25 years of residency get a 2% cap; 10-15 years, a 3% cap; etc; I mean those of us who have been here forever, get taxed out in favor of rich Californians and that's BS. Why should WE have to pay huge amounts of property tax just to have to fight with 10,000 more cars? Our family can't even go to the pool or park anymore because it jam packed/no parking. Mind you OUR taxes paid for that pool, but now all the newbies use it.If you want to cut down on traffic: A. make it affordable to live near your work B. make alternative forms of transportation more accessible. Train needs more stops and there needs to be more attention paid to pedestrian access. New CM needs to be aggressive in addressing these issues... and not just lip service, but actual concrete plans and follow-through.520I think Juan Garza for CEO of Pedernales electric cooperative is the perfect candidate for City Manager of Austin I think the city should talk to him to gage his interest.I think Juan Garza will bring a strong management team for the city an bring thoughtful, transparency and precise character for the what city council an community wants.Juan Garza will move the city forward an face the challenges of budget, community issues, working together with other organizations an strong feedback to help this diverse City Council to move forward Juan Garza is the right man for this job for all the communities here in Austin Texas an the right man for the City of Austin Thank You an pursue him make him say no121 of 121