District 1 Feedback — original pdf

District #1 City Manager Search Community Outreach and Input Conley‐Guerrero Senior Activity Center Saturday, June 24, 2017 Commonalties 1. What skills and abilities are most important for someone to manage our city? General Knowledge of running a large, growing, diverse and progressive city, similar to Austin Corporate management style (city is a municipal corporation) Not a policy maker but a strong executor of policy Austin‐centric and understand history Culturally Sensitive Community oriented Democratic leader Accountable Focus on issues, especially in a “Me” first environment Self‐Evaluation Expertise in city government and public employees Experience should be 10 years or more, manage at least 2,000 employees Manage at least 500,000 employees Consensus builder Work with creative community 2. What are the person characteristics that are most important for our next city manager to lead our city? Engaging Does not make policies, work with council on policy and execute Transparent Visionary Good Character: Honest, trustworthy, courageous, compassionate, empathetic and patient Public involvement Uninfluenced by big business and money Consider diversity a strength Visionary Problem Solver Diverse Competent Fiscally Responsible Charismatic Environmentally Responsible Great Communication Inclusive Committed to social, racial, economic justice and their group Emphasis on housing 3. What are the most critical challenges facing Austin in the next 5 – 10 years? Infrastructure expansion and improvement Respond to Austin and deal with controversies successfully Transportation Improvements: public transportation, roads, sidewalks and bike lanes Affordable Housing Curbing Gentrification Budget Economic Disparity Sustainability Entitlement discussions Manage development department (data driven) with focus on “Smart City” Implement Code Next and Imagine Austin Fiscally responsible with Public Safety budget, overtime paid 4. Feedback on the City Manager Selection Process Public involvement should have started sooner and have been greater More explanation on candidates More information on the Consulting Firm Great process Very transparent Willie Lewis