Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes

CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MONDAY AUGUST 5, 2024 MINUTES FOR THE CITY OF AUSTIN FIREFIGHTERS’, POLICE OFFICERS’ AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES PERSONNEL’S CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 2024 The Firefighters’, Police Officers’, and Emergency Medical Services Personnel’s Civil Service Commission convened in a Regular Meeting on Monday, August 5, 2024, at 5202 East Ben White Boulevard, Building 500, Austin TX 78741. Commissioners in Attendance: Commission Chair Jolsna Thomas Commissioner Melissa Rogers Commissioners Absent: Commission Vice Chair Farah Ahmed Staff in Attendance: Christopher Coppola, Division Chief Matthew Chustz, Municipal & Civil Service Manager Cyndi Gordon, Civil Service Coordinator Rogue Huitron, Civil Service Coordinator Meca Thompson, Civil Service Coordinator Sylvester Martin, MCS Coordinator Abby Varela, MCS Coordinator CALL TO ORDER Chair Thomas called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Firefighters’, Police Officers’, and Emergency Medical Services Personnel’s Civil Service Commission Meeting of June 3, 2024. The minutes from the meeting of June 3, 2024, were approved on Commissioner Rogers’ motion, Chair Thomas’ second on a 2-0 vote. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MONDAY AUGUST 5, 2024 DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 2. Hear and rule on appeal(s) from the Austin Police Department Sergeant written promotional examination administered on July 19, 2024, pursuant to the Texas Local Government Code, Section 143.034, and the City of Austin Fire Fighters’, Police Officers’ and Emergency Medical Services Personnel’s Civil Service Commission Rules and Regulations, Rule 7. The motion to deny the appeal of exam question 24 and keep the answer as keyed was approved on Chair Thomas’ motion, Commissioner Rogers’ second on a 2-0 vote. The motion to deny the appeal of exam question 60 and keep the answer as keyed was approved by Commissioner Rogers’ motion, Chair Thomas’ second on a 2-0 vote. The motion to approve the appeal of exam question 84 and accept all answers as correct was approved on Chair Thomas’ motion, Commissioner Rogers’ second on a 2-0 vote. The motion to deny the appeal of exam question 91 and keep the answer as keyed was approved by Chair Thomas’ motion, Commissioner Rogers’ second on a 2-0 vote. 3. Discussion and possible action regarding the request of one or more Austin Police Department candidates, to the Commission to appoint a three-member board per Texas Local Government Code section 143.022(C) for another mental examination. The motion to approve the appointment of a three-member board per Texas Local Government Code section 143.022(c) for another mental examination of Candidate Belle, was approved on Commissioner Rogers’ motion, Chair Thomas’ second on a 2-0 vote. 4. Discussion and possible action regarding the requests of one or more Emergency Medical Services Department candidates to the Commission to appoint three member boards per Texas Local Government Code section 143.022(c) for another mental or physical examination, as applicable. The motion to approve the appointment of a three-member board per Texas Local Government Code section 143.022(c) for another mental or physical examination of Candidate Baffa, was approved on Commissioner Rogers’ motion, Chair Thomas’ second on a 2-0 vote. 5. Discussion and action to approve future meeting dates and times. Discussion was held regarding future meeting dates and times. STAFF BRIEFINGS 6. Report from the Civil Service Office regarding promotional exam processes, disciplinary hearings, and fitness-for-duty actions. Cyndi Gordon, Civil Service Coordinator, delivered the briefing to the Commission with Municipal and Civil Service Manager Matthew Chustz, and Civil Service Coordinators Rogue Huitron and Meca Thompson. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MONDAY AUGUST 5, 2024 FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT Chair Thomas and Commissioner Rogers requested an item on the next agenda for discussion and action to approve future meeting dates and times. Chair Thomas adjourned the meeting at 10:27 AM without objection. The minutes were approved at the August 29, 2024, special called meeting on Commissioner Rogers’ motion, Chair Thomas’ second on a 2-0 vote.