Building and Standards CommissionJune 22, 2022

Approved Minutes — original pdf

Approved Minutes
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BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES June 22, 2022 BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2022 The BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION convened in a REGULAR meeting on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2022, at 6310 WILHELMINA DELCO DRIVE, ROOM 1406 (Permitting and Development Center), in Austin, Texas. Chair OGUNBODE called the BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION Meeting to order at 6:36 p.m. Commissioners in Attendance: Chair Sadé Ogunbode, Vice Chair Edgar Farrera, Joseph Benigno Michael Francis, Andrea Freiburger, Elizabeth Mueller, Edward Selig, Wordy Thompson and Ex Officio Commissioner Chief Thomas Vocke. Commissioner John Green were absent. Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Timothy Stostad PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Kecia Prince spoke about conditions at Rosemont at Oak Valley (aka 2801 S. Pleasant Valley Road). APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes from the meeting of May 25, 2022 were approved on COMMISSIONER FREIBURGER’S motion, COMMISSIONER FRANCIS second on a 9-0-1 vote. COMMISSIONER MUELLER abstained, and COMMISSIONERS GREEN was absent. PUBLIC HEARINGS Conduct a public hearing and consider case numbers CL 2022-081359; CL 2022-081359; CL 2022-081482; CL 2022-081460 and CL 2022-081466 2800 S. Pleasant Valley Road, Unit A; 2906 S. Pleasant Valley Road, Unit B, 3102 S. Pleasant Valley Road, Unit B; 2901 Collins Creek Dr., Unit B and 3109 Collins Creek Drive, Unit A (aka 2801 S. Pleasant Valley Road and Rosemont at Oak Valley) The public hearing was closed on VICE-CHAIR FARRERA’S motion, second by COMMISSIONER STOSTAD. to adopt Austin Code staff’ The motion recommendation for repairs to be made within 30 days, and on the 31st day, if compliance is not achieved, assess a civil penalty of $2,000 per week (per case), was 1. 2. 1 BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES June 22, 2022 approved on VICE-CHAIR FARRERA’S motion, COMMISSIONER SELIG second on a 9-0-0 vote. COMMISSIONER GREEN was absent. Conduct a public hearing and consider case number CL 2022-081471 905 E. Cesar Chavez Street The public hearing was closed on Commissioner Benigno’s motion, second by Vice Chair Farrera. The motion to adopt the findings of fact and conclusions of law; and, adopt Austin Code staff’ recommendation for demolition, i.e., the demolition to be completed within 45 days, and if on the 46th day, compliance is not achieved, the Code Official is authorized to proceed with demolition and file a lien for expenses incurred, was approved on Commissioner Frieburger’s motion, Commissioner Francis’ second on an 9-0-0 vote. Commissioner Green was absent. Conduct a public hearing and consider case number CL 2022-081475 505 E. 6th Street (aka Dirty Dog Bar) The public hearing was closed on Commissioner Mueller’s motion, Commissioner Francis second. The motion to adopt Austin Code staff’ recommendation for repairs to be made within 45 day, and on the 46th day, if compliance is not achieved, assess a civil penalty of $1,000 per week was approved on Commissioner Benigno’s motion, Commissioner Mueller second on a 9-0-0 vote. Commissioner Green was absent. Conduct a public hearing and consider case number CL 2022-081468 5207 Prock Lane The public hearing was closed on Commissioner Benigno’s motion, second by Commissioner Stostad. The motion to continue this item to September 28, 2022, was approved on Commissioner Benigno’s motion, Commissioner Stostad’s second on a 9- 0-0 vote. Commissioner Green was absent. STAFF BRIEFINGS Staff briefing regarding 1705 Frontier Valley Drive, also known as Santora Villas. The presentation was made by Elaine Garrett, Assistant Director, Austin Code Department. As requested by the Commission at their prior meeting, Assistant Director Garrett provided information about the timelines of the open matters at this property. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ITEMS Discussion and planning regarding the Building and Standards Commission 2021-2022 Annual Internal Review Report. Chair Ogunbode adjourned the meeting at 10:10 p.m. without objection. The minutes were approved at the AUGUST 24, 2022 meeting on COMMISSIONER FREIBURGERS’s motion, COMMISSIONER FRANCIS’ second on a 9-0-0 vote. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.