Building and Standards CommissionMay 13, 2021

Approved Minutes — original pdf

Approved Minutes
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Date: May 13, 2021 BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION SPECIAL CALLED MEETING MINUTES The Building and Standards Commission (BSC) convened remotely via video conference for a special called meeting on Thursday, May 13, 2021. The meeting was available for viewing live at live. Commission Members in Attendance: Chair Andrea Freiburger; Vice Chair Pablo Avila; and Commissioners: Wordy Thompson, John Green, Elizabeth Mueller, Timothy Stostad and Ex Officio Commissioner Chief Thomas Vocke. Commissioner Sade Ogunbode was absent. Staff in Attendance: Melanie Alley, Code Review Analyst/BSC Coordinator; Robert Moore, Austin Code Division Manager; Marlayna Wright, Austin Code Supervisor; James Candelas, Program Specialist; Farah Presley, Investigator; Jose Roig, Austin Code Director; Elaine Garrett, Austin Code Assistant Director; Kecia Lara, Austin Code Field Supervisor; Moses Rodriguez, Code Acting Supervisor; Justin Brummer, Code Acting Supervisor; Johnny Serna, Code Inspector; Bill Evans, Code Inspector; Patricia Link, Assistant City Attorney; Daniel Murphy, CTM A/V Technician. CALL TO ORDER Chair Freiburger called the Commission Meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of the March 24, 2021 and April 28, 2021 regular meeting minutes was continued, with approval of Chair Freiburger to the next meeting. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION Alexis Garcia, a tenant at 9500 Apartments, located at 9500 Dessau Road, and as part of the 9500 Tenant Association, provided testimony to the Commission regarding the conditions at 9500 Apartments. PUBLIC COMMENT Taniquewa Brewster and Shakita Plair, both tenants at Mt. Carmel Village Apartments, located at 2504 New York Drive, as well as members of the Mount Carmel Tenants Association, addressed the Commission regarding conditions at Mt. Carmel Apartments. Mueller Flats tenants Maria Rico, Mara Heppen and David Rojas, as well as BASTA representative Gabby Garcia, provided testimony to the Commission regarding conditions at Mueller Flats, located at 1071 Clayton Lane. Interpreter Susan Pimiento provided Spanish translation for tenant Maria Rico. Additional written testimony from other tenants at Mueller Flats was also provided to the Commission. 1 PUBLIC HEARINGS New Case(s): Owner: Street Address Carmel Village Apartments 2008 East Austin Mount Carmel I, L.P. Case Number(s) 1. CL 2021-059641, et al. 2504 New York Drive aka Mount Owner’s representative, attorney Pam Madere, represented the above-referenced property at the hearing. Chair Freiburger admitted Staff Exhibits 1 and 2A-2O and Property Owner Exhibit 1. Commissioner Green moved to close the public hearing, adopt Staff’s proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law and, recommendation for repair within 45 days with penalties of $1,000 per week to begin on the 46th day, seconded by Commissioner Mueller. Commissioner Selig offered a friendly amendment to extend the timeframe to 75 days, with a staff update to be provided to the Commission at the June meeting. Penalties would begin on the 76th day if compliance has not been achieved. Commissioners Green and Mueller accepted the friendly amendments. The motion passed unanimously on a vote of 7-0-0. Commissioner Ogunbode was absent. Case Number(s) 2. CL 2021-059691, et al.** 1071 Clayton Lane, aka Mueller FBCC Citypoint, LP Note: Two of the cases noticed for hearing and listed on the agenda were not heard, i.e., CL 2021-060182/ Building 4, Unit 405 and CL 2021-062382/ Building 7, Unit 706. The remaining 59 cases were heard concurrently and were represented by owner representative, attorney Kevin Terrazas. Chair Freiburger admitted Staff even-numbered Exhibits 1 2-120 and odd-numbered exhibits 3-121D; and, also admitted Property Owner Exhibits 1-8. Commissioner Mueller moved to close the public hearing, and to adopt Staff’s findings of fact and conclusions of law, as well as staff’s recommendation for separate orders by building, each of which require repair within 45 days, with penalties of $2,000 per week to begin accruing on the 46th day if not in compliance. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Selig. The motion passed on a vote of 7-0. The motion passed on a vote of 7-0-0. Commissioner Ogunbode was absent. Flats Apartments ** Street Address Owner: DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ITEMS 3. Presentation: 2021 International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) Proposed Amendments Austin Code Supervisor Kecia Lara made this presentation to the Commission. Austin Code Supervisor Moses Rodriguez, one of the collaborators for this presentation, was also present to assist. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS The next meeting regular meeting is set for May 26, 2021. The Commission will continue to hear updates regarding Winter Storm damaged properties. The Commission is scheduled to hear a staff update regarding 2504 New York Drive aka Mount Carmel Village Apartments at the June 23, 2021 meeting. It was also requested that Staff bring 9500 2 Dessau Road aka 9500 Apartments back to the Commission when appropriate, either as an agenda item set for action or as an update. ADJOURNMENT Chair Freiburger adjourned the meeting at 9:29 p.m. 3 4