Building and Standards CommissionAug. 26, 2020

Approved Minutes — original pdf

Approved Minutes
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BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Date: August 26, 2020 The Building and Standards Commission (BSC) convened remotely via video conference for a regular meeting on Wednesday, August 26, 2020. The meeting was available for viewing at live. Commission Members in Attendance: Chair Andrea Freiburger, Vice Chair Pablo Avila; Commissioners: Jessica Mangrum, Natalya Sheddan, Timothy Stostad, James Briceno, Wordy Thompson, Elizabeth Mueller, Sade Ogunbode, Edgar Farrera, and John Green* (Commissioner Green joined the meeting already in progress). Thomas Vocke, Fire Division Chief was absent. Staff in Attendance: Melanie Alley, Code Review Analyst/BSC Coordinator; Robert Moore, Division Manager; Marlayna Wright, Investigator; James Candelas, Program Specialist; Farah Presley, Inspector; Matthew Noriega, Interim Division Manager; Michael Dial, Field Supervisor; Khary Dumas, Inspector; and Brandon Carr, Assistant City Attorney. CALL TO ORDER Chair Freiburger called the Commission Meeting to order at 6:59 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Vice Chair Avila moved to approve the minutes from the July 22, 2020 regular meeting, seconded by Commissioner Wordy Thompson. Commissioner Mueller abstained from voting. The August meeting minutes were approved on a 9- 0-1 vote. Commissioner Green was off dais. PUBLIC HEARINGS The Commission considered the new cases on the agenda (items 2, 3) and then considered the returning case (item 1). Case(s) Case Number(s) Street Address Owner(s) 2. CL 2020-116245 3606 Thompson Street 3606 Thompson LLC This property was represented at the hearing by attorney Lori Daves and the Owner’s representative Courtney Dinnen. Chair Freiburger admitted Staff’s Exhibits 1 and 2A-2Q, and the Owner’s Exhibits 1, 2 and 3. Commissioner Green made a motion to adopt staff’s recommendation, but modify to extend timeframe to 90 days, seconded by Commissioner Thompson. The motion was withdrawn. Commissioner Green motioned to continue the case to the October meeting and require the owner to attend this meeting with permits, show progress on repairs, and provide cost estimates for the remaining repairs, seconded by Commissioner Briceno. The motion failed 5-6. Chair Freiburger and Vice Chair Avila, Commissioners Mangrum, Sheddan, Ogunbode 1 and Mueller opposed the motion. Commissioner Mangrum then made a motion to adopt the proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law and adopt Staff’s recommended order for repair within 60 days from the date the order is mailed, with penalties of $1,000 per week to begin to accrue on the 61st day if not in compliance, seconded by Commissioner Thompson. The motion passed 11-0. 3. CL 2020-116516 4501 Bucks Run Higher Dimensions Investments, LLC This property was represented at the hearing by Sivitri Saldana. Chair Freiburger admitted Staff’s Exhibits 1 and 2A-2J, and the Owner’s Exhibits 1, 2, and 3. Commissioner Mangrum made the motion to adopt the proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law and adopt Staff’s recommended order for repair within 45 days from the date the order is mailed, with penalties of $1,000 to begin to accrue on the 46th day if not in compliance, seconded by Commissioner Green. Chair Freiburger made a friendly amendment to change the order time period from 45 to 60 days. Commissioners Mangrum and Green accepted the friendly amendment. The motion passed 11-0. Returning Case 1. CL 2015-015415 1198 Angelina Street Isom B. Bradley, Jr. This case came before the Commission at the request of the deceased owner’s daughter, Cheryl Bradley regarding relief of accrued unpaid penalties in the amount of $23,130.00 that resulted from a BSC order issued on March 25, 2015. Ms. Bradley represented the property at the hearing. This is an aged case that lacks some case documentation. The property came into compliance on August 7, 2017 as per the Inspector’s testimony and exhibits. However, Ms. Bradley testified compliance was at an earlier date. Commissioner Farrera motioned to reduce the accrued penalties and interest to zero, seconded by Chair Freiburger. The motion passed 11-0. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 4. Staff Briefing regarding the status of the Repeat Offender Program Matthew Noriega, Austin Code Department provided this briefing. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Returning Case - 7010 Carwill Drive ADJOURNMENT Chair Freiburger adjourned the meeting at 9:10 p.m. 2