Building and Standards Commission - Aug. 8, 2024

Building and Standards Commission Special Called Meeting of the Building and Standards Commission

Agenda original pdf

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SPECIAL CALLED MEETING of the BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION Thursday, August 8, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. Permitting and Development Center, Room 1405 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive, Austin, Texas 78752 Some members of the Building and Standards Commission may be participating via videoconference. The meeting may also be viewed online at: Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely by telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely, call or email Melanie Alley at 512-974-2679 or AGENDA The Building and Standards Commission (“Commission”) may go into a closed session under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code to receive advice from legal counsel or for other reasons permitted by law as specifically listed on this agenda. Further, if necessary, the Commission may go into a closed session as permitted by law regarding any item on this agenda. Building and Standards Commission Members Logan Schugart Christopher H. Sokol Stephen Truesdell, Fire Marshal (Ex Officio) Edward Selig Timothy Stostad, Chair Blaine Campbell, Vice-Chair Michael Francis Joseph Benigno Luis Osta Lugo CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first five speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. 1. Approve the minutes of the Building and Standards Commission regular meeting on June APPROVAL OF MINUTES 26, 2024. PUBLIC HEARINGS New Case(s) The Commission will hear the following cases concerning alleged violations of the City’s Property Maintenance Code and may issue an order to vacate, relocate occupants, repair, demolish, or secure the premises; and may assess civil penalties: 2. Case Number: CL 2024-022470 Property address: 6307 Clubway Lane / Owner: Ramona Hipolito Roman Page 1 Staff presenter: Latasha Paterno Staff recommendation: Repair single-family residential structure 3. Case Number: CL 2024-068535 Property address: 3811 Grayson Lane / Owner: LoneStar Capital Holdings, LLC Staff presenter: Michael Larner Staff recommendation: Demolish single-family residential structure 4. Case Number: CL 2024-076026 Property address: 8301 Los Ranchos Drive / Owner: Eric B. Ulteig Staff presenter: Johnny Serna Staff recommendation: Repair single-family residential structure Returning Case(s) The Commission will hear the following returning cases that concern alleged violations …

Scraped at: Aug. 2, 2024, 7:10 p.m.

Approved Minutes original pdf

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BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Thursday, August 8, 2024 BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION SPECIAL-CALLED MEETING MINUTES THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 2024 The BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION convened in a SPECIAL-CALLED meeting on 8 August 2024, at the CITY OF AUSTIN PERMITTING AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER (PDC), 6310 WILHELMINA DELCO DRIVE, ROOM 1405, in Austin, Texas. CHAIR TIMOTHY STOSTAD called the BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION (BSC) Meeting to order at 6:42 p.m. Commissioners in Attendance: Chair Timothy Stostad, Vice Chair Blaine Campbell, Commissioners: Michael Francis, Luis Osta Lugo, Logan Schugart, Edward Selig. Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Commissioner Christopher Sokol. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Joe Ford appeared before the commission for public communication to request a penalty relief hearing at a future date for the BSC order on 901 E Cesar Chavez (CL 2021-034963). Leslie Zuniga appeared before the commission for public communication to request a penalty relief hearing at a future date for the BSC orders on 1221 Algarita Avenue, Exterior and Unit 277 (CL 2023-040275 and CL 2023-038121). APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING on June 26, 2024. The minutes from the meeting of June 26, 2024 were approved on COMMISSIONER FRANCIS’ motion, COMMISSIONER SCHUGART’s second, with no objections. COMMISSIONER BENIGNO was absent. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. Conduct a public hearing and consider an appeal regarding case number CL 2024-022470; Property address: 6307 Clubway Lane. 1 BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Thursday, August 8, 2024 3. 4. 5. COMMISSIONER SELIG moved to close the public hearing, COMMISSIONER SCHUGART’s second, with no objections. VICE CHAIR CAMPBELL moved to adopt the findings of fact, conclusions of law and adopt staff’s recommendation for repair of the residential structure within 45 days, with a civil penalty of $250 per week beginning on the 46th day from the date the order is mailed and continuing until compliance is achieved, COMMISSIONER OSTA LUGO’s second. The motion passed on an 7-0 vote. COMMISSIONER BENIGNO was absent. Conduct a public hearing and consider case numbers CL 2024-058535; Property address: 3811 Grayson Lane. COMMISSIONER SELIG moved to close the public hearing, COMMISSIONER CAMPBELL’s second, with no objections. VICE CHAIR CAMPBELL moved to adopt the findings of fact, conclusions of law and adopt City staff’s recommendation, with the modification of order for demolition to order for repair of the residential structure within 45 days, with a civil penalty of $250 per week beginning …

Scraped at: Aug. 31, 2024, 4:40 a.m.