Bond Oversight CommissionMay 15, 2024

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Bond Oversight Commission Discussion Items May 15, 2024 Executive Lead: Stephen Grace, PE, PMP Assistant Director Capital Delivery Services “Effectively and Efficiently Deliver Quality Projects with the Concept of Speed” 1 Discussion Items - Discussion Item #3: Capital Improvement Project Benchmarks - Discussion Item#4: Future Departmental Presentation Recommendation City of Austin | Capital Delivery Services Department | One City, One Team, One Approach 2 Discussion Item #3 Capital Improvement Project Benchmarks - Preliminary - Design - Bid/Award/Execution - Construction - Post-Construction City of Austin | Capital Delivery Services Department | One City, One Team, One Approach 3 Discussion Item #3 City of Austin | Capital Delivery Services Department | One City, One Team, One Approach 4 Discussion Item #4 Future Departmental Presentation Recommendation January February March April May June July August September October November December No presenters Affordable Housing Bond HWA Cancelled No presenters FSD Bond Framework No meeting Holiday FSD Annual GO Bond Sale/Annual Internal Review Fire/EMS TPW Mobility Bond PARD WPD TBD City of Austin | Capital Delivery Services Department | One City, One Team, One Approach 5