Item 3.a. - Spirit of East Austin Presentation — original pdf

February 22, 2018AgendaHistory & OverviewTimeline of Events & MeetingsCommunity Engagement –Table TalksDirector’s Meetings Impact and EffortThemes FoundLessons LearnedList of InitiativesNext steps2OverviewOur overall Objective:Bring together projects/programs across departments to create a collaborative effort so the Spirit of East Austin Initiative will be transformative for the Eastern Crescent Community.3HistoryCouncil working Group –Mayor Adler, CM Houston, Renteria, Pool, and TroxclairSeptember 2015 eventAlmost 500 participants2000 comments, ideas, requestsReview and analysisCommunity check‐in tourOrganize ideas and develop initiative listsTable Talks community engagementDirector engagementSynthesize and report4Timeline –Table TalksEngaged with communities to receive feedbackMarch ‐AprilAttended meetings with QoLCommissions and Council Working GroupFebruary 2017Created initial database –used City Council’s priority outcomesMayTranslated community feedbackMay ‐JuneAnalyzed data to find common themesJune5Timeline –Directors’ MeetingsVisioning for the short/long term with challenges, opportunities, & accomplishmentsJune 18, 2017Analyzed and placed notes according to Mayor’s initiativesPlaced Mayor’s initiatives and projects on high/low impact axes August 7, 2017Current/future projects & initiatives places on high/low impact & effort axesOctober 4,20171326Community Engagement -Table Talks7Community Engagement -Social Research Targeted engagement –those that are not usually available to attend community engagement eventsMain Results: Total responses were 866 entries Percentages represent number of entries out of total comments Spanish speaking entries were approximately 20%of total feedbackMost hits on one common theme were under Affordability at 46%of total 8Social Research 9High/Low ImpactImpact on the community was determined by the comments and feedback analyzed by our team Social research concluded the “common themes” and their respective impact on the Eastern Crescent of the Austin Highest Impact common theme: Health10What we heard from the CommunityHealth–39%Health and EnvironmentAccess to affordable healthcareAccess to affordable healthy food –12%Affordable medicine (over the counter and prescription) Housing–38%/ Culture–31%Economic Opportunity & AffordabilityAffordable housing in East AustinCulture and Lifelong LearningInclusive cultural atmosphereProperty taxes Access to housing for those with disabilitiesCodeNEXT Zoning and how it worksJobs–30%/ Training–6%Economic Opportunity & Affordability Wage improvement Training for upward mobility –Higher paying jobsHigh level computer skills training Availability of jobs for variety of skill sets11Common Themes ObservedStrategic Plan AlignmentTransportation–26%MobilityImproved public transit system Affordable monthly passes Improved bus stops Traffic improvement on Mopac and I35Education–24%Economic Opportunity & AffordabilityAfter school programs for students/childrenBasic life skill computer training Night classes for parents/adults –English classesWorkshops for financial assistance Safety–22%SafetyImproved security in neighborhoods Improved public safety and relationship with APD12Common Themes ObservedStrategic Plan AlignmentWhat we heard from the CommunityDirector’s Meetings13Impact & Effort –Our LensWe created a lenswhile looking at policy initiatives and directors’ priorities Two main lenses Low and High Effort Low and High Impact 14Low Effort DefinedLow Effort was determined by directors as: Already allocated resourcedDeveloped Strategic, or Master Plan Community feedback loop in place Refocusing of existing program/project Consolidation of initiativesCollaborate with other departments External partners are willing to play “Political champion”, resolution, audit findings Speed of project ability to move forward 15High Effort DefinedHigh Effort was determined by directors as: Reverse of the previous points (meaning: lack of resources, etc.) Measurements, do we have instruments? Surveys, feedback, etc. Cultural shift, partnership with community Leaving my individual needs, generational focus instead of “me in the now” focusRegional Alignment / be part of the solution Mobility 16Impact DefinedImpact was determined by directors as: Able to see a changeSustainableMaking Austin more livableImprove quality of lifeGetting “bang for a buck”17Themes Found Low Effort / High Impact Racial equity trainingMobilityBondsExisting Cap Metro projects and programsWorkforce developmentGreen jobs, co‐op to hire, 21stcentury skills18Themes Found High Effort / High Impact HealthInnovation district, greater healthcare education and access, digital health hubAffordabilityHousing strategic planMobilityBigger projects: Cut and cap I‐35, better public transit, coordination between agenciesHolistic development, preservation of cultureEducation, workforce developmentCOA EDC, after school programs, applied research hub in E Austin, tech/computer training19Themes Found Low Effort / Low Impact EnvironmentalUrban trails, more nature, programs to get kids in natureCommunity health assessmentUS‐Mexico incubator20Themes Found High Effort / Low ImpactPublic safety, relations between community and APDHousing for disabledCap Metro Project ConnectGreen Line21Directors Lessons LearnedLessonsImprove performance metrics Legislative challengesEfficient communication tools between departments Answer the Q: How do we know the statuses of all projects?How do we tell our story to the community?How might we create a common narrative between communities and City Hall?22Directors-Low Effort/High ImpactAustin Affordable Fund (Strike Fund)Cultural Revitalization and PreservationOperationalize Racial Equity in City PracticesPlace Based CentersColony Park Pool Installation (Master Plan)Gentrification and displacement policiesAnti‐Displacement ToolsCo‐op to Hire Education ProgramPromoting Immigration InclusionDashboard for Inclusive, Sustainable and Multi‐Dimensional GrowthʺGreen Collarʺ Jobs Program in Southeast AustinʺBridge the Knowledge Economyʺ Program Creative DistrictsCapital Metro Service Expansion Comprehensive Community Workforce Plan (Underway)Integrate Workforce Plans with City Afterschool Funding CurriculumEstablish Restorative Justice CirclesGreater Austin Community Schools Coalition, including Universal Pre‐KProperty Tax Mitigation ConversationRacial Equity and Implicit Bias and Education TrainingCreate Eastern Crescent Cycling Association23Directors-High Effort/High ImpactHolistic Community DevelopmentCommunity Affordable Housing BlueprintAISD/COA/Travis County Surplus Land UseReform City of Austinʹs Economic Incentive ProgramsHigher Level Computer Training (for jobs)Cut and Cap IH‐35 ‐Improving Connectivity between East & West AustinPlace‐and Race‐Based Health and Healthcare Planning and InterventionEnd Food Deserts in the Eastern CrescentLand Use ReformWage ImprovementImprove Public Transit SystemEducation: After School Programs for ChildrenAccess to affordable healthcareAvailability of Affordable HousingDigital Health HubInclusive Cultural AtmosphereTraining for higher paying jobsComprehensive Land Planning City/State/AISD/CapMetroHow should community capitalize on public land?Basic Level Computer Training (Education)Access to more affordable and healthy foodEast Austin as an Applied Research HubNeighborhood ConnectorsEast Austin JobsʺFormalʺ School and trade training21st Century Health and Wellness Center in Central East AustinEast Austin Pipeline ‐EducationMixed Income Housing and Inclusive CultureSafe East Austin ‐Public Safety IdeasEast Austin 21st Century Skills Workforce Training and Innovation CenterConnected East Austin –MobilityHealthy East Austin ‐Health IdeasHuston Tillotson University OpportunitiesMobility BondCommunity Health Assessment/Community Health Plan (CHA/CHIP)24Directors-Low Effort/Low ImpactNegotiating Parkland and Open SpaceAdopt‐a‐Park East Austin Park and Park BeautificationFamilies in NatureUS ‐Mexico Incubator AcceleratorCommunity Saturday SchoolThe Goodness BenchLibrary WiFi Hotspot Landing Program for Austin ResidentsCites Connecting Children to Nature 25Directors-High Effort/Low ImpactGreen LineImproved Public Safety in NeighborhoodsBuilding/Housing Access for the DisabledImprove the Relationship with APDGreen East Austin ‐Environmental Justice26Next StepsBrief Council working groupPolicy direction27