Item 2.a. - February 8, 2018 Meeting Minutes — original pdf

Bond Election Advisory Task Force Regular Meeting February 8, 2018 1 BOND ELECTION ADVISORY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Feb 8, 2018 The Bond Election Advisory Task Force convened in a regular meeting on February 8, 2018 in Austin, Texas. Chair Nuckols called the meeting to order at 1:08 PM Board Members in Attendance: Tom Nuckols, Chair Bruce Evans, Vice Chair Jeremiah Bentley Estrella de Leon Herbert “Ken” Rigsbee Jeff Smith Dorsey Twidwell Robert Walker Yasmiyn Irizarry Sumit DasGupta John McNabb Santiago Rodriguez Rachel Stone Staff in Attendance: Katy Zamesnik, Financial Services Carla Steffen, ACCD Brion Oaks, Chief Equity Officer CALL TO ORDER 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION LadyeAnne Wofford, spoke on the needs for parks investment in the 2018 Bond. Stephanie Behrens, member of local area parks committee. Stillhouse Hollows Pool. Requested improvements to area parks. $147 million into parks, $45 million for parkland acquisition. Rebecca Gomez, donated time to Sylva Orozco Slyva Orozco, Executive Director of the Mexic-Arte museum, presented on the needs of the Mexic-Arte Museum, and requested funding in the amount of $15 million to improve the building. Theresa Perez Wiseley, Chair of Hispanic/Latino Quality of Life Initiative. Presented recommendations to City Council on June 23, 2013. The Commission was hoping to build a beautiful building back in 2012, but that hasn’t’ happened. Must support the cultural arts. Hispanic arts commissions have been underfunded, major arts organizations need more support to continue their work. Support needed to preserve and stabilize Latino art collections. Hispanic/Latino population is growing rapidly. Urged the TF to renovate the Mexic-Arte to give it a healthy future. 35% of the population now. Requested $15 million Bond Election Advisory Task Force Regular Meeting February 8, 2018 2 Lucky Lemieux: Spoke on behalf of the Daugherty Arts Center (DAC) and the need for investment in a new building. She spoke on the programming at the DAC and the importance of the DAC to the community. Discussed the need to leave it in the center of Austin. Gopal Guthikonda, president of the Network of Asian American Art and Musicians. Requested funding for the Asian American Resource Center (AARC). AARC is one of the critical elements to Austin’s art scene. He spoke on the programming at the AARC and the multipurpose nature of the facility. Requesting $15 million for the expansion of the AARC. David Todd, representing South River City’s Neighborhood Association, as well as the Blunn Creek Nature Preserve. Joining Parks Foundation to urge the TF to be as generous as possible with parkland funding and Open Space funding. 116 people coming to Austin every day, our outdoor spaces provide a place for all of us to become Austinites. Investing in parkland and infrastructure is investing in our future. Wendy Price Todd, spoke in support of the libraries and the need to renovate them. Invest in parks, open space, trails, and libraries. Adam Greenfield, representing Walk Austin, Austin’s pedestrian advocacy. Requesting $20 million in sidewalks; it should be the baseline. 50% of streetspace in Austin has sidewalks. Sidewalk Master Plan calls for $40 million a year on sidewalks. When sidewalks are built, people get healthier, meet their neighbors, and have an improved quality of life. 2. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES The minutes were approved on Task Force Member DasGupta’s motion, seconded by Task Force Member Rigsbee, on a 13-0 vote. 3. STAFF BRIEFINGS a. Equity Office Presentation Brion Oaks, Chief Equity Officer, and Ginger Jacinic presented on the results of the Equity Survey that the bond departments undertook in late 2017. Mr. Oaks gave an overview of the process, methodology, and major highlights of the results. He then answered questions from the Task Force members. b. Update on Public Engagement Results Carla Steffen and Katy Zamesnik presented on major highlights from the latest round of public engagement- the four town halls held throughout the City. 4. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION a. Discussion and possible action on bond package recommendations from working groups The Chair of each working group presented on their recommendations from their working groups. Open Space and Parkland $50 million for Open Space $35 million for parkland, with $15 million held in reserve for strategic tracts Stormwater $100 Million Transportation $180 million Bond Election Advisory Task Force Regular Meeting February 8, 2018 3 Reinvestment in Facilities and Assets No update as of yet. Affordable Housing $125 million FINAL RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE WORKING GROUPS BY FEBRUARY 21ST b. Discussion and possible action on a bond package recommendation Task Force discussed the overall bond package amount and how to proceed to achieve final recommendations. They discussed having three recommendations for Council to consider. 5. FUTURE AGENDAS 6. ADJOURN Chair Nuckols adjourned the meeting at 12:39 PM without objection