Draft Minutes — original pdf

BOARD AND COMMISSION TRANSITION TASKFORCE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 1 BOARD AND COMMISSION TRANSITION TASKFORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, April 23, 2014 The Board and Commission Transition Taskforce convened in a regular meeting on Wednesday, April 23, 2014 at 301 W. Second Street, Room 1029. Chair Victor Martinez called the Taskforce Meeting to order at 4:01 p.m. Taskforce Members in Attendance: Bernie Bernfeld Scott Daigle Dale Gray Jeff Jack Norman Kieke Peggy Maceo Victor Martinez (Chair) Lori Cervenak-Renteria Dave Sullivan Olga Wise Staff in Attendance: Jannette Goodall, City Clerk, Myrna Rios, Assistant City Clerk 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Paul Saldana Susana Almanza Jesus Lardizabal Anita Quintanilla Gilbert Rivera Juan Oyervides 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the April 21, 2014 Boards and Commissions Transition Taskforce meeting were approved with no objection. Member’s Dave Anderson, Babette Ellis, Angela-Jo Touza-Medina, Mary Gay Maxwell, and Gabriel Rojas absent. 3. STAFF UPDATES AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION Staff distributed the Boards and Commissions Transition Ordinance for review. 4. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON TRANSITION PLAN a. Boards and Commissions workgroup report b. Transition workgroup report c. Planning & Development Review workgroup report d. Diversity workgroup report e. Intergovernmental group report BOARD AND COMMISSION TRANSITION TASKFORCE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 2 The Boards and Commissions work group discussed the recommendations and survey results regarding mergers. No discussion from the transition workgroup, the Planning and Development Review work group, Diversity workgroup report or Intergovernmental group report. 5. FUTURE MEETING DATES No items were discussed. 6. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS No Items were discussed. ADJOURN Chair Victor Martinez adjourned the meeting at 5:54 p.m. without objection.