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BOARD AND COMMISSIONS TRANSITION TASKFORCE April 23, 2014 BC CONSIDERATIONS / POSSIBILITIES Prepared by: Boards and Commissions Survey Work Group Note: • This document does not cover (1) BC being considered by the Planning and Development Review group (+) or (2) other groups with membership requirements set by various governmental entities. • City staff would determine departmental oversight, and responsibilities in the case of mergers or new commissions. • Commissions which are newly formed or merged should use work groups or permanent committees to accomplish issues or activities. A. GROUPS TO BE CONSIDERED FOR REMOVAL • Comprehensive Plan Citizens Advisory Task Force – Work is complete • Lake Austin Task Force – Final Report was in 2013 B. GROUPS TO CONSIDERED FOR CONSOLIDATION B1. Emergency Response Services - Downtown Community Court – Advises the Downtown Austin Community Court on policy and operational issues. Section 2-1-130 of the City Code. - Public Safety Commission – Advisory body on all budgetary and policy matters concerning public safety including matters related to the Austin Police Department, the Austin fire Department and the Austin/Travis county EMS Department. Currently under the APD, AFD and EMS Departments. JUSTIFICATION: The combined groups address issues pertaining to emergency services and public safety. B2. Environmental Commission - Environmental Board – Advisory capacity on all projects and programs which affect the quality of life for the citizens of Austin. Connected to the Watershed Protection Department. - Urban Forestry Board – The care, preservation, pruning, planting, replanting, removal or disposition of trees and shrubs and other landscaping in public areas. Currently under the Parks and Recreation Department. JUSTIFICATION: -- The Urban Forestry Board should be formally connected to the Environmental Board and to the Watershed Protection Department. The WPD is focused on the green infrastructure of the city and uses a science-based approach to protecting that infrastructure. The WPD also works with other departments routinely and can facilitate activities that can result in protection of the canopy of the City of Austin. BOARD AND COMMISSIONS TRANSITION TASKFORCE April 23, 2014 B3. Municipal Contracts and Construction Commission - MBE/WBE Small Business Enterprise Procurement Program Advisory Committee – Review and recommend changes to City Code provisions 2-9A-18, 2-9B-18, 2-9C-18 and 2-9D-18. - Small and Minority Business Resources - Construction Advisory Committee – Monitor enforcement of prevailing wage scales and job classifications on municipal construction contracts. Review construction contracts. - In Public Works JUSTIFICATION: Both address common issues related to municipal construction and contracts B4. African American Quality of Life Commission - African American Resource Commission – Quality of life for the African American community. - African American Resource Center – The advisory group working on this facility. JUSTIFICATION: Both address issues common to African Americans B5. Asian American Quality of Life Commission - Asian American Quality of Life Commission – Asian American quality of life issues. Currently under ATC Health & Human Services Dept. - Asian American Cultural Center – Currently under PARD. JUSTIFICATION: Both address issues common to Asians B6. Hispanic/Latino Quality of Life Commission - Hispanic / Latino Quality of Life Commission – Quality of life issues for Hispanic/Latino community. Currently under the City Manager’s Office. - Emma Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center – Advises the City Council on the establishment and operation of the MACC. Currently under PARD. JUSTIFICATION: Both address issues common to Hispanics/Latinos B7. People with Disabilities and Seniors Quality of Life Commission - Austin Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities – Helps to encourage, assist and enable people with disabilities to participate in the social and economic life of the city. Currently under the Human Resources Department. - Commission on Seniors – Quality of life for seniors. Identified issues: Housing, Transportation, Fixed-Income. Currently under the ATC Health & Human Services Department. JUSTIFICATION: Common issues of healthcare, fixed income, transportation, housing, etc. BOARD AND COMMISSIONS TRANSITION TASKFORCE April 23, 2014 C. GROUPS TO BE CONSIDERED FOR CREATION OR RE-ASSIGNMENT C1. Joint Sustainability Commission This new commission would take over responsibilities of the Resource Management Commission with membership derived from other commissions and City Departments: Austin Energy, Environmental Board, Economic Development, Water & Wastewater, Community Development Commission, Zero Waste Board, Electric Utility Commission. JUSTIFICATON: It is the surviving entity of the resource management commission through which different components of sustainability are blended, and expanded SUGGESTED NUMBER OF MEMBERS: 7 C2. Joint Cultural Commission This new commission would combine membership, one appointment each, from the Arts Commission, the Music Commission, the Asian American Cultural Center, the Emma Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center, the African-American Cultural Center, the Library Commission and the Austin History Center. JUSTIFICATION: It provides a cohesive direction and perspective on cultural issues in Austin. SUGGESTED NUMBER OF MEMBERS: 7 C3. Joint Inclusion Commission This commission would address issues pertaining to diversity and inclusion. It would consist of one representative each from the African American Quality of Life Commission, the Asian American Quality of Life Commission, the Hispanic/Latino Quality of Life Commission, the Commission on Immigrant Affairs, the Seniors and People with Disabilities Quality of Life Commission, in addition to someone to represent the needs/interests of the former Commission on Women, and a representative from the LGBT Community. JUSTICATION: Breaks ethnic and minority silos and provides an opportunity to find common ground. SUGGESTED NUMBER OF MEMBERS: 7 C4. Commission on Women This group will be blended with the Joint Inclusion Commission. In addition to working on the Joint Inclusion Commission, there may be work group or Committee activities with a singular focus on issues or activities impacting women. C5. Resource Management Commission Responsibilities for the Resource Management Commission will go to the new Sustainability Commission. BOARD AND COMMISSIONS TRANSITION TASKFORCE April 23, 2014 C6. Intergovernmental Commission This group would monitor activities of various entities and jurisdictions in the Austin Metropolitan Area and offer pro-active recommendations to the City Council on how the City of Austin can work cooperatively and successfully with these groups to ensure the best outcomes for the citizens of Austin and the region. The Commission could include, e.g., the following: • Independent School Districts in Austin’s City Limit • Capital Area Council of Government, (CAPCOG’s 10 Counties) • Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization, (CAMPO’s 6 Counties) • Region K of the Texas Water Development Board • Higher Education Institutions such as the University of Texas, Austin Community College, etc. • Capital Metro, Lone Star Rail District, and Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority • State Legislature and State Agencies such as TxDoT • Federal Agencies such as Parks and Wildlife, Housing and Urban Development, etc. JUSTIFICATION: With the population growth in central Texas, this group would provide oversight to the City Council regarding decisions made in the surrounding geographic area which may effect what happens in the City of Austin and provide a venue for cooperation with other entities. SUGGESTED NUMBER OF MEMBERS: The number of members would depend on groups or entities recruited onto the Commission. C7. Economic Development Commission This group would oversee activities of the Economic Development Department which are related to construction and job creation, (not issues which might be considered by the Cultural Commission). Suggested membership might include representatives from the following entities: • Community Development Commission • Urban Transportation Commission • (Infrastructure group) • Hotel/Motel Association • Automobile Dealers Association • Austin Restaurant Association • Asian Chamber of Commerce • Austin Chamber of Commerce • Black Chamber • Hispanic Chamber of Commerce • Women’s Chamber of Commerce JUSTIFICATION: This group would provide oversight and input regarding opportunities for construction and growth for the City of Austin. SUGGESTED NUMBER OF MEMBERS: 11