Draft Transition Plan — original pdf

TRANSITION PLAN In order for Boards and Commissions to continue to conduct business and to serve City Council during a transition period, the following changes to City Code and procedures are recommended. CHANGES TO CHAPTER 2-1 OF CITY CODE WOULD BE AS FOLLOWS: • DEFINITIONS (2-1-2) Board Transition Period defined as: January 6 - June 30, 2015. • BOARDS ESTABLISHED (2-1-3) All Boards, Commissions Joint Committees and Taskforces continue to operate in current form, including membership, for Transition Period. • SIZE AND APPOINTMENT (2-1-4) Mayor shall nominate members to fill any vacancies that might occur during Transition Period. • QUORUM AND ACTION (2-1-6) Majority of appointed Board members constitutes a Quorum. Board action must be adopted by affirmative vote of majority of appointed members. • MEMBERSHIP TERM AND LIMITATIONS (2-1-22) As of January 5, 2015, all Board members serving shall continue to serve through June 30, 2015. As of June 30, 2015, all Board members’ terms shall expire. • TRAINING (2-1-23), VACANCY & HOLDOVER CAPACITY (2-1 27) City Clerk can grant an administrative waiver for training requirements, except for requirements by law, for any new Board member appointed during Transition Period. • OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES (2-1-42) Board chair and any additional officers serving as of January 5, 2015, shall continue to serve through June 30, 2015; Committees in existence as of January 5, 2015, shall continue operation through June 30, 2015. RECOMMENDED IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURES: • APPLICATION PROCESS - For new terms to begin July 1, 2015, application period will begin January 6, 2015. • DURING TRANSITION PERIOD, new Council will begin approval process of new members to begin serving July 1, 2015. • DURING TRANSITION PERIOD, training of new members will begin. ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS: • NOTIFY current Board and Commission members of the Transition Period as soon as possible through: City Clerk and City Council. • OBTAIN commitment of current members to serve through June 30, 2015. • APPOINT new members by City Council to any vacancies that might occur during Transition Period. • ENSURE that each Board will have a quorum to operate and to conduct business.