DRAFT Minutes — original pdf

BOARD AND COMMISSION TRANSITION TASKFORCE MONDAY, MARCH 31, 2014 1 BOARD AND COMMISSION TRANSITION TASKFORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Monday, March 31, 2014 The Board and Commission Transition Taskforce convened in a regular meeting on Monday, March 31, 2014 at 301 W. Second Street, Room 1029. Chair Victor Martinez called the Taskforce Meeting to order at 4:08 p.m. Taskforce Members in Attendance: Bernie Bernfeld Scott Daigle Babette Ellis Dale Gray Norman Kieke Victor Martinez (Chair) Mary Gay Maxwell Lorie Cervenak-Renteria Gabriel Rojas Dave Sullivan Olga Wise Staff in Attendance: Jannette Goodall, City Clerk, Myrna Rios, Assistant City Clerk, Mary Lamoreaux, B&C Coordinator 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL There were no citizens signed up to speak. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the March 26, 2014 Boards and Commissions Transition Taskforce meeting were approved on member Olga Wise’s motion, member Dave Sullivan’s second on an 8-1 vote, Member Scott Daigle abstained. Member’s Bernie Bernfeld and Mary Gay Maxwell were off the dais and members Dave Anderson, Jeff Jack, Peggy Maceo, and Angela-Jo Touza-Medina absent. 3. STAFF UPDATES AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION Staff did not have updates. 4. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON TRANSITION PLAN a. Boards and Commissions work group presentation b. Transition workgroup presentation c. ZAP/PC workgroup presentation d. Discuss format of mid-term report to City Council and select presenters. The Boards and Commissions work group discussed the handout on 2-1 recommendations and survey results regarding mergers. The Transition workgroup discussed recommendations for BOARD AND COMMISSION TRANSITION TASKFORCE MONDAY, MARCH 31, 2014 2 Board memberships; the Planning and Development Review work group presented integration, separation of each Board and Commission. The mid-term report was not discussed. 5. FUTURE MEETING DATES No items were discussed. 6. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Members nominated Lori Cervenak-Renteria to research and provide definitions to the following and present at the April 9, 2014 meeting. Taskforce Commission Committee Board ADJOURN Chair Victor Martinez adjourned the meeting at 5:50 p.m. without objection.