Regular Meeting of the Board of Adjustment - Hybrid meeting: Some board members may be participating by videoconference-
P-2/51 P-2/52 P-2/53 P-2/54 P-2/55 P-2/56 P-2/57 P-2/58 P-2/59 P-2/60 P-2/61 From:To:Ramirez, ElaineSubject:Re: C15-2019-0054 / 2803 Edgewater Dr.Date:Friday, September 13, 2019 9:37:07 AMAttachments:image001.pngElaine, as far as I recall, the proposed plans for both Edgewater and Westlake Drive propose only driveway/access in the 35% slope category in accordance with 25-2-551-E. Walk with courage. DCSent from a mobile device. There will be typos. Communications sent via this device are CONFIDENTIAL and shall not be shared unless authorized by sender. On Sep 13, 2019, at 09:11, Ramirez, Elaine <> wrote:Morning David,Can you please call me in speaking with Chris there is an issue with a portion of the variance request that cannot be taken to BOA Respectfully,Elaine RamirezBoard of Adjustment LiaisonPlanner SeniorCity of Austin Development Services DepartmentOne Texas Center, 1st Floor505 Barton Springs RdOffice: 512-974-2202<image001.png> Follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram @DevelopmentATX Scheduled Meeting Disclosure Information:In accordance with City of Austin Ordinance 20160922-005, responsibility of written disclosure is required by visitors when attending a scheduled meeting with a City Official regarding a municipal question as defined within City Code 4-8-2 for compensation on behalf of another person. Development Services Department has elected to implement an electronic survey as the methodology to provide the opportunity to record information as required of the department under Section 4-8-8 (E) of the City Code. Individuals scheduling or accepting a meeting invitation with a City Official are requested to provide responses to the questions included in the department survey available at the following link: DSD Survey. Please note that all information provided is subject to public disclosure via DSD’s open data portal. P-2/62 For more information please visit: City Clerk’s website From: david cancialosi Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2019 10:39 PMTo: Ramirez, Elaine <>Subject: Re: C15-2019-0054 / 2803 Edgewater Dr. Thank you for working w / me today. Great to catch up! Walk with courage. DC Sent from a mobile device. There will be typos. Communications sent via this device are CONFIDENTIAL and shall not be shared unless authorized by sender. On Sep 12, 2019, at 10:52, Ramirez, Elaine <> wrote:Hi David,In looking at your variance request on page 5 of the application under “Portion of the City of Austin Land Development Code applicant is seeking a variance from: you are not calling out the section of the code correctly for each slope category. Please fix this and e-mail me a PDF version of the updated application …
P-2/91 P-2/92 2803 EDGEWATER DRIVEAUSTIN, TX 78733Case# C15-2019-0055P-2/93 VARIANCE REQUEST1.LDC25-2-551(c)(3)(c)increaseimperviouscoveragefrom0%ICexistingto66%ICproposedinthe25-35%slopecategory,whichallows5%IC2.LDC25-2-55I(e)(2)increaseimperviouscoveragefrom0%ICexistingto29%ICproposedinaslopecategorygreaterthat35%whichallows0%ICP-2/94 AERIALP-2/95 AERIALP-2/96 REASONABLE USE•Thepropertyownerisrequestingincreasedimperviouscovertoaccommodateaproposedsingle-familystructureandassociatedimprovements.Todosoinareasonablemanner,theaforementionedimperviouscoveragepercentagesarerequested.•ThisisafairandreasonableuseinLakeAustinzoningcategoryasthatzoningcategoryspecificallyprescribesdevelopmentofaresidentialnature.•Theareaproposedforthenewresidenceistheflattestareaofthelot.Theproposedimprovementsareinthemostreasonablelocation.•Thelotissosteepthattheallowablesquarefootageandrelatedimperviouscoverageamountsfarexceedwhatisallowedbycode.Thisisunreasonable.Theprojectproposesthemostreasonableuseofthelot.P-2/97 NOT GENERAL TO THE AREA§TherearenoknownvacantlotsintheimmediateareawiththecombinedhardshipsoftopographyandnofrontageonLakeAustinwhichprohibitasignificantamountoflandfrombeingutilizedinareasonablemanner.P-2/98 AREA OF CHARACTER§AnyconstructionwillbeinkeepingthevariedconstructionstylesfoundthroughoutwestAustin.Therewillbenoadverseimpacttoadjacentproperties.P-2/99 SITE PLAN STREET LEVELP-2/100 FLOOR PLAN –LEVEL 1P-2/101 FLOOR PLAN –LEVEL 2P-2/102 RENDERINGSP-2/103 2803 EDGEWATER DR. (SUBJECT SITE)P-2/104 2803 EDGEWATER DR. (SUBJECT SITE) P-2/105 2803 EDGEWATER DR. (SUBJECT SITE) P-2/106 2807 EDGEWATER DR. P-2/107 2807 EDGEWATER DR. P-2/108 2807 EDGEWATER DR. P-2/109 2807 EDGEWATER DR. P-2/110 2901 EDGEWATER DR. P-2/111 2903 EDGEWATER DR. P-2/112 EDGEWATER DR. (GENERAL CONDITIONS)P-2/113 October 10, 2019David Cancialosi 2803 Edgewater Dr Austin TX, 78733 Property Description: LOT 8 BLK 1 AUSTIN LAKE ESTATES SEC 2Re: C15-2019-0055 Dear David,Austin Energy (AE) has reviewed your application for the above referenced property, requesting that the Board of Adjustment consider variance(s) from the following section of the Land development code: Section 25-2-551 (C) (3) (c) increase Impervious Cover from 5 percent, on a slope with a gradient of more than 25 percent and not more than 35 percent (required) to 66% (requested); 0% (existing) and; (E) (2) to increase Impervious Cover to 29% for a driveway;In order to erect a Single-Family Residential home, being in the (LA) Zoning District and Lake Austin, neighborhood.Austin Energy does not oppose requested variances, provided all proposed and existing improvements follow AE clearance criteria requirements, The National Electric Safety Code and OSHA. Any removal or relocation of existing electric facilities will be at owners/applicants’ expense.Please use this link to be advised of our clearance and safety requirements which are additional conditions of the above review action: you require further information or have any questions regarding the above comments, please contact our office. Thank you for contacting Austin Energy. Eben Kellogg - Property Agent Austin Energy - Public Involvement | Real Estate Services2500 Montopolis DriveAustin, TX 78741(512)322-6050P-2/114 2803 EDGEWATER C15-2019-0055 BOAINTERESTED PARTY OPPOSITION“The purpose of the Lake Austin (LA) overlay district is to protect the scenic, recreational, and environmental benefits of Lake Austin by restricting the scale and intensity of development near the lake.” from Code of the City of Austin, Texas §25-2-180 -LAKE AUSTIN (LA) OVERLAY DISTRICT. P-2/115 2803 EDGEWATER C15-2019-0055 BOAINTERESTED PARTY CONCERNSPURPOSE OF LA ZONING•“The purpose of the Lake Austin (LA) overlay district is to protect the scenic,recreational, and environmental benefits of Lake Austin by restricting the scale andintensity of development near the lake.”•from Code of the City of Austin, Texas §25-2-180 -LAKE AUSTIN (LA) OVERLAY DISTRICT.•We are neighbors and …
P-2/134 P-2/135 P-2/136 P-2/137 P-2/138 P-2/139 P-2/140 P-2/141 P-2/142 P-2/143 P-2/144 2803 EDGEWATER C15-2019-0055 BOAINTERESTED PARTY OPPOSITION“The purpose of the Lake Austin (LA) overlay district is to protect the scenic, recreational, and environmental benefits of Lake Austin by restricting the scale and intensity of development near the lake.” from Code of the City of Austin, Texas §25-2-180 -LAKE AUSTIN (LA) OVERLAY DISTRICT. P-2/145 2803 EDGEWATER C15-2019-0055 BOAINTERESTED PARTY CONCERNSWHAT THE BOARD MUST FINDPurpose of LA Zoning: “The purpose of the Lake Austin (LA) overlay district is to protect the scenic, recreational, and environmentalbenefits of Lake Austin by restricting the scale and intensity of development near the lake.” P-2/146 2803 EDGEWATER C15-2019-0055 BOAINTERESTED PARTY CONCERNSREVISED PACKAGE FAILS TO MEET ALL CRITERIA•(A): Not Reasonable-The revised package is still requesting nearly 1200% increase in allowable impervious coverage in 25-35% category and 17% of impervious cover on a 35% plus grade slope on which the LA Zone prohibits development. Those numbers aren’t reasonable and far less excessive designs can and should be considered.•(B) Not Unique –The “hardship” is not unique to the property; there are 3 lots in close proximity similarly situated and a far greater number of undeveloped steep slope lots in the LA zone generally.•(C)(i) Alters the Character –Design replaces natural tree-covered steep slope with impervious house, pool and drive across the entire width of the lot. This would be the only property on the south side of Edgewater on a steep slope lot with a pool. The surrounding area is largely undeveloped similarly situated lots and smaller lake side cottages/duplexes developed before 1982 and the LA Zoning Overlay.•(C)(ii) Impairs Adjacent Properties –This alters runoff diversion patterns in an area where the downslope side of Edgewater already experiences home flooding and runoff issues. Removal of more than 1/3 of the trees and implementation of retaining walls will have unknown consequences on the durability and longevity of the hillside. •(C)(iii) Impairs the Purpose of the Standards –LA zoning was implemented to “protect the scenic, recreational, and environmental benefits of Lake Austin by restricting the scale and intensity of development near the lake.” These hillside lots constitute a portion of the preserved natural space surrounding our iconic section of the Colorado river and granting the variance in question isn’t protecting any of the stated goals of LA zoning.P-2/147 2803 EDGEWATER C15-2019-0055 BOAINTERESTED PARTY CONCERNS(C)(III) IMPAIRS PURPOSE OF STANARDS–SUBVERTS LA ZONING•Purpose of LA Zoning: “The …
AERIALP-2/187 REASONABLE USE•Thepropertyownerisrequestingincreasedimperviouscovertoaccommodateaproposedsingle-familystructureandassociatedimprovements.Todosoinareasonablemanner,theaforementionedimperviouscoveragepercentagesarerequested.•ThisisafairandreasonableuseinLakeAustinzoningcategoryasthatzoningcategoryspecificallyprescribesdevelopmentofaresidentialnature.•Theareaproposedforthenewresidenceistheflattestareaofthelot.Theproposedimprovementsareinthemostreasonablelocation.•Thelotissosteepthattheallowablesquarefootageandrelatedimperviouscoverageamountsfarexceedwhatisallowedbycode.Thisisunreasonable.Theprojectproposesthemostreasonableuseofthelot.P-2/188 NOT GENERAL TO THE AREA§TherearenoknownvacantlotsintheimmediateareawiththecombinedhardshipsoftopographyandnofrontageonLakeAustinwhichprohibitasignificantamountoflandfrombeingutilizedinareasonablemanner.P-2/189 AREA OF CHARACTER§AnyconstructionwillbeinkeepingthevariedconstructionstylesfoundthroughoutwestAustin.Therewillbenoadverseimpacttoadjacentproperties.P-2/190 SITE PLAN STREET LEVELP-2/191 FLOOR PLAN –LEVEL 1P-2/192 FLOOR PLAN –LEVEL 2P-2/193 RENDERINGSP-2/194 2803 EDGEWATER DR. (SUBJECT SITE) P-2/195 2803 EDGEWATER DR. (SUBJECT SITE) P-2/196 2803 EDGEWATER DR. (SUBJECT SITE) P-2/197 2807 EDGEWATER DR. P-2/198 2807 EDGEWATER DR. P-2/199 2807 EDGEWATER DR. P-2/200 2807 EDGEWATER DR. P-2/201 2901 EDGEWATER DR. P-2/202 2903 EDGEWATER DR. P-2/203 EDGEWATER DR. (GENERAL CONDITIONS)P-2/204 BACK UP MATERIALP-2/205
P-3/1 P-3/2 BOA GENERAL REVIEW COVERSHEET CASE: C15-2019-0057 BOA DATE: November 7, 2019 ADDRESS: 1304 & 1310 Willow St COUNCIL DISTRICT: 3 OWNER: Jennifer Conroy AGENT: same ZONING: SF-3-NP (East Cesar Chavez NP) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: E43 FT AV OF LOT 18 OLT 33 DIV O CANTERBURY SQUARE & W32.5 FT OF LOT 19 OLT 33DIV O CANTERBURY SQUAREVARIANCE REQUEST: Special Exception SUMMARY: unpermitted Secondary Dwelling Unit ISSUES: encroaching into interior side setback ZONING LAND USES Site SF-3-NP Single-Family North SF-3-NP Single-Family South SF-3-NP Single-Family East SF-3-NP Single-Family West SF-3-NP Single-Family NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATIONS: Austin Independent School District Austin Lost and Found Pets Austin Neighborhoods Council Bike Austin Del Valle Community Coalition East Austin Conservancy East Cesar Chavez Neighborhood Association East Cesar Chavez Neighborhood Plan Contact Team East Town Lake Citizens Neighborhood Association El Concilio Mexican-Americal Neighborhoods Friends of Austin Neighborhoods Greater East Austin Neighborhood Association Guadalupe Neighborhood Development Corporation Homeless Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Empowerment Foundation Neighbors United for Progress Preservation Austin SEL Texas Sierra Club, Austin Regional Group Tejano Town P-3/3 October 29, 2019Jennifer Conroy1304 Willow St Austin TX, 78702 Property Description: E43 FT AV OF LOT 18 OLT 33 DIV O CANTERBURY SQUARERe: C15-2019-0057 Dear Jennifer, Austin Energy (AE) has reviewed your application for the above referenced property, requesting that the Board of Adjustment consider variance(s) from the following sections from the Land Development Code, Section 25-2-476 (B) (3) (a) (i) (Special Exceptions); from Section 25-2-492 (D) (Site Development Regulations); To decrease the interior side yard setback from 5 feet (required) to 3 ft. 6 inches (requested) in order to maintain a Garage Apartment that has been at this location for at least 25 years in a “SF-3-NP”, Single-Family Residence zoning district. (East Cesar Chavez Neighborhood Plan)Austin Energy does not oppose request provided any proposed and existing improvements follow AE clearance criteria requirements, The National Electric Safety Code and OSHA. Any removal or relocation of existing electric facilities will be at owners/applicants’ expense.Please use this link to be advised of our clearance and safety requirements which are additional conditions of the above review action: you require further information or have any questions regarding the above comments, please contact our office. Thank you for contacting Austin Energy. Eben Kellogg, Property Agent Austin EnergyPublic Involvement | Real Estate Services2500 Montopolis DriveAustin, TX 78741(512) 322-6050 P-3/4 From:Jennifer ConroyTo:Ramirez, Elaine;Subject:1304 and 1310 Willow St BOA Special Exception hearing postponement requestDate:Thursday, November 07, 2019 …
P-4/1 P-4/2 9/6/2019Board of AdjustmentsSpringdale Farms11/7/2019P-4/3 Site Location•Area: 4.85 acres•Zoning: CS-MU-CO-NP•Along Imagine Austin Corridor•2 Blocks from Transit priority (in both directions)•Activity CorridorP-4/4 Neighborhood Outreach•Held community meetings to:•Understand from our future neighbors what the Farm has meant to the community•Get a sense of what future uses could be beneficial to the community •Introduce StoryBuiltand discuss overall design strategy•Preservation (trees, existing features important to the site)•Sustainability•Green infrastructure•Neighborhood fabric•Mixed Use (residential for sale and commercial)P-4/5 Community Feedback and GoalsFeedback from community meetings:•Keep some level of farming and farm-stand operational•Mixed use (residential and commercial) •Open space•Independent grocery•Coffee shop/cafe•Affordable housing component•Welcoming environment•Pedestrian orientedP-4/6 What did we do with the Feedback..•Developed numerous site plans and programming options trying to incorporate all the feedback•Formed a working group with the Neighborhood Planning Contact Team to better identify pros and cons for the project, what agreements we could come to and identify our steps moving forward•Developed a site plan, working around the numerous constraints on the property to bring to life the best project possible. •Continued direct neighbor outreach during process to inform everyone of progress with the NPCTP-4/7 Neighborhood Conclusions•Conditional Overlay Zoning change supported to allow for restaurant and general convenience/retail uses•Support for 48-ft commercial building•Executed LOI with the Guadalupe Neighborhood Development Corporation to formalize partnership for affordable units to be conveyed at 60% MFI. A Missing middle for the GNDC will be filled due to unit sizes being conveyed. •Heritage Tree preservation•Maintain Urban Farming component: worked with Eden East, who is currently managing the farm and onsite restaurant, to determine necessary requirements for future needs. P-4/8 Site PlanSite Plan:•88 For sale Units•+/-50,000 sf of commercial•Open Space: 2.25 ac (includes 25k sf of Urban Farm•50% Imp cover•FAR: 0.7:1•Tree Preservation•Residential units 30-ft from property line•Collaboration of StoryBuiltand the NPCT to accomplish the goals:•Mixed Use•Farming•Sub-grade parking•Pedestrian OrientedP-4/9 Site Overview•Total Area from Springdale ROW to CL of Creek = 115,520 sf•Buildable area = 47,000 or 40% of total area due to preserving 10 Heritage Trees and CWQZ•Compatibility setbacks on all sidesP-4/10 Triggering PropertiesSingle Family Zoning but commercial useLimits of triggering propertiesP-4/11 As of Rights –40-feetCommercial Height:•3 stories at 40-ft yields approx. 12 -13’ floor to floor which yields an unmarketable and unviable commercial space•Floodplain requires FFE to be raised an additional 2-3ft above average grade further limiting heightP-4/12 Proposed HeightCommercial Height:•Variance to allow for 48-ft structure at 50-ft from both north and south property lines –Limit to 3 stories•Variance to allow …
P-5/1 P-5/2 From:Ramirez, ElaineTo:Ramirez, DianaSubject:Withdrawl of C15-2019-0062 / 1707 Astor PlDate:Tuesday, December 10, 2019 7:42:49 AM *** External Email - Exercise Caution ***Hi ElaineRequesting to withdraw from the Variance Special Exception January 13th meeting for 1707 Astor Pl. The reason being is that there was a permit issued for the garage and the zoning department has approved that we don’t need a special exception anymore.Thanks Igor DimitrijevskiCity House Buyers586-822-8904CAUTION:This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to BOA GENERAL REVIEW COVERSHEET CASE: C15-2019-0062 BOA DATE: November 7, 2019 ADDRESS: 1707 Astor Pl COUNCIL DISTRICT: 1 OWNER: Enable Capital LLC AGENT: Igor Dimitrijevski ZONING: SF-3-NP LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 57 OLT 19 DIV B GRANT PARK VARIANCE REQUEST: Special Exception SUMMARY: maintain a Single-Family residence ISSUES: the structure was built in its configuration in 1963 ZONING LAND USES Site SF-3-NP Single-Family North SF-3-NP Single-Family South SF-3-NP Single-Family East SF-3-NP Single-Family West SF-3-NP Single-Family NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATIONS: Austin Independent School District Austin Lost and Found Pets Austin Neighborhoods Council Bike Austin Del Valle Community Coalition East Austin Conservancy East MLK Combined Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Friends of Austin Neighborhoods Friends of Northeast Austin Homeless Neighborhood Association Martin Luther King Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Empowerment Foundation Neighbors United for Progress Preservation Austin SEL Texas Sierra Club, Austin Regional Group P-5/4 October 30, 2019Igor Dimitrijevski, For Enable Capital, LLC1707 Astor Pl Austin TX, 78721 Property Description: LOT 57 OLT 19 DIV B GRANT PARKRe: C15-2019-0062 Dear Mr. Dimitrijevski, Austin Energy (AE) has reviewed your application for the above referenced property, requesting that the Board of Adjustment consider a variance(s) from the following sections from the Land Development Code; Section 25-2-476 (B) (3) (a) (i) (Special Exceptions) – Section 25-2-492 (D) (Site Development Regulations); To decrease the interior side yard setback from 5 feet (required) to 3 ft. 9 inches (requested); In order to maintain a Single Family Residential use that has been at this location for at least 25 years in a “SF-3-NP”, Single-Family Residence zoning district. (MLK Neighborhood Plan)Austin Energy does not oppose requested side yard setback variance, provided any proposed and existing improvements are following AE clearance criteria requirements, The National Electric Safety Code and OSHA. Any removal or relocation of existing electric facilities will …
P-6/1 P-6/2 From:To:Ramirez, Elaine;Subject:RE: REMINDER: C15-2019-0064 / 1415 W. 10th St. - POSTPONED case for Jan. 13, 2020 BOA mtg.Date:Wednesday, December 11, 2019 2:59:35 PMAttachments:image001.png*** External Email - Exercise Caution ***Elaine, My client would like to withdraw his request for Variance for his property at 1415 W. 10th St. Pleaseadvise on any further action needed to do this. Thank you, -- April Clark, AIANARI, LEED AP BD + CRegistered Architect (TX, NM, AZ)512-636-7653 Clark | Richardson Architects618 Lavaca St. Suite 7Austin, Texas 78701Web: www.clarkrichardson.comBlog: @CRArchitectPlease consider the environment before printing this email. The information contained in this e-mail is confidential, privileged, or otherwise protected from disclosure. It is intended only for the use of theauthorized individual as indicated in the e-mail. Any unauthorized disclosure, copying, and distribution or taking of any action based on the contents ofthis material is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please delete it immediately. From: Ramirez, Elaine [] Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 7:31 AMTo: Subject: REMINDER: C15-2019-0064 / 1415 W. 10th St. - POSTPONED case for Jan. 13, 2020 BOAmtg. Hi Ed, This is a friendly reminder: You have until Friday, December 13 before 3p.m. to submit any maps,surveys, drawings, photos and any additional documentation (including the Special Exception InspectionP-6/3 Report if you applied for a Special Exception, if REPORT not included this case will have to be Postponed) you wantincluded as part of your Advanced Packet for your BOA variance case. This will need to be submittedto me via e-mail in PDF format. If you would like the Board to follow along with you, you will need to present a presentation, bringit on a thumb drive and you will hand it to our City Technician . The Board will not have anything toview on the overhead other than the Advanced Packets they have in front of them on the dais thatwas given to them a week prior to the meeting. Please note: Any late support that will be accepted after this deadline date of Dec. 13, 2019 will onlybe for Opposition and Support letters for this case. Respectfully,Elaine RamirezBoard of Adjustment LiaisonPlanner SeniorCity of Austin Development Services DepartmentOne Texas Center, 1st Floor505 Barton Springs RdOffice: 512-974-2202 Follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram @DevelopmentATX Scheduled Meeting Disclosure Information:In accordance with City of Austin Ordinance 20160922-005, responsibility of written disclosure isrequired by visitors when attending a scheduled meeting with …
BOA Monthly Report July 2019-June 2020 November 7, 2019 Granted 3 1)25-2-899 (D) (Fences as Accessory Uses) to increase the height2)25-2-551 (Lake Austin (LA) District Regulations) (B)(1) to reduce theShoreline setback, (C)(3)(a)(b)(c) to increase IC on a slope, (E)(2) increase ICfor driveway3)Article 10, Compatibility Standards, Division 2, 25-2-1063 (B) (2)(Height Limitations and Setbacks from Large Sites) to decrease theMinimum setback and 25-2-1063 (C) (1) and (2) (Height Limitations andSetbacks for Large Sites) to increase the maximum compatibility heightPP cases 6 1)25-2-476 (B) (3) (a) (i) (Special Exceptions) from Section 25-2-492 (D) (SiteDevelopment Regulations) to decrease the interior side yard setback2)Article 10, Compatibility Standards, Division 2 –Development Standards,Section 25-2-1063 (C)(2) (Height Limitations and Setbacks for Large Sites) toincrease the maximum allowable Compatibility Height3)25-2-476 (B) (3) (a) (i) (Special Exceptions) from Section 25-2-492 (D) (SiteDevelopment Regulations) to decrease the interior side yard setback4)Subchapter F: Residential Design and Compatibility Standards, Article 3,Section 3.3.3 (Gross Floor Area – Porch, Basement and Attic Exemptions)(B)(2) in order to receive the basement exemption on a sloped site5)25-2-1067 (H) (Design Regulations) Compatibility Height requirements ofArticle 10, Compatibility Standards, Division 2 –Development Standards todecrease the minimum parking setback and to decrease the minimumdriveway setback6)25-2-551 (Lake Austin (LA) District Regulations)(C)(3)(c) increase IC ona slope, (E)(2) increase IC for drivewayWithdrawn 2 1)25-10-133 (Univ Neigh Overlay Zoning Dist) (F) to allow for 3 electricalwall signs to be placed on the 5th floor2)25-2-899 (D) (Fences as Accessory Uses) to increase the heightDenied 1 1)25-2-492 (D) to increase the maximum allowable IC and 25-2-899 (fenceas Accessory Use) (E)(1)Discussion 6 Items Nov. interpretations 0 new inquiries The deposition of the case items: (Added Nov’s # 2019) A. Granted 16 B. Postponed 29 C. Withdrawn 7 D. Denied 4 E.Discussion Items 28E.Indef PPmt0 S-1/1 October 14, 2019 Granted 1 1)25-2-1176 (A)(1) Site Dev Regulations for Docks, marinas.. to increase theShoreline setbackPP cases 6 1)25-10-133 (Univ Neigh Overlay Zoning Dist) (F) to allow for 3 electricalwall signs to be placed on the 5th floor2)25-2-899 (D) (Fences as Accessory Uses) to increase the height3)25-2-551 (Lake Austin (LA) District Regulations) (B)(1) to reduce theShoreline setback, (C)(3)(a)(b)(c) to increase IC, (E)(2) increase IC fordriveway4)25-2-551 (Lake Austin (LA) District Regulations)(C)(3)(c) increase IC,(E)(2) increase IC for driveway5)Article 10, Compatibility Standards, Division 2, 25-2-1063 (B) (2)(Height Limitations and Setbacks from Large Sites) to decrease theMinimum setback and 25-2-1063 (C) (1) and (2) (Height Limitations andSetbacks for Large Sites) to increase the maximum compatibility …
Board of Adjustment LDC WorkgroupRecommendations, Comments & Questions on Proposed LDC (to share with City Council)11/4/2019 -- Compiled by Don Leighton-Burwell, BOA Chair; updated 11-25-2019Code Section / Issue for ConsiderationWorkgroup Synopsis (with support of BOA)General Comments by BOA WorkgroupRECOMMENDATION: BOA Workgroup does not support this shift of approvals to City Staff (e.g. MUPs and "Minor Adjustments"). COMMENT: The zoning code and general planning requirements (Chapter 23-3 and 23-4, respectively) are better-written than current code, with clearer language and better graphics and format. The proposed new regulations are simpler and more prescriptive, with fewer exemptions and exceptions. RECOMMENDATION: Graphic examples (and commentaries regarding intent) of development rights (similar to the Signage Chapter 23-7 of the proposed LDC), would help laypeople more fully understand the LDC.COMMENT: Increases in housing supply should result from a code that is simpler and clearer—simplicity and clarity equal predictability, which equals greater ease of use...which equals greater ease of review...which equals faster reviews...which equals, per unit time, more housing created.RECOMMENDATION: Increases in Housing Supply do NOT equal increases in Affordable Housing Units (per Staff's Report Card); preservation of existing affordable units must play a role.RECOMMENDATION: Where an ADU is allowed (within a Residential Zone), the accompanying table should make that clear by creating an "ADU column" between “Principal Dwelling Units” and “Width.” COMMENT: Concern that lack of or poor public notice may diminish appeal rights of people contesting City Staff interpretations, determinations and approvals.RECOMMENDATION: Request Staff to continue work on BOA "Heat Map" (and update of AMANDA) to better track permits, appeals, variances, special exceptions; this will allow people to access information more easily and thus support both clarity and transparency of City processes.RECOMMENDATION: BOA wants to be able to track common variance requests to serve as basis for possible LDC amendments.INTRODUCTION:GENERAL PROVISIONS23-1A-3030 (C) (2) (a) (i and ii) Types of Administrative Decisions; A decision by the responsible director on an application for:(i ) A site plan or minor use permit;RECOMMENDATION: BOA Workgroup does not support MUPs, as public input is not required as part of this streamlined process and diminishes public input that is currently required by a CUP.(ii) A minor adjustment or alternative equivalent compliance (See sections later in this document…)23-1A-4010 (A) Consistency Requirement. “Legislative, quasi-judicial, and administrative decisions under this Title must be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, as required by Article X of the City Charter.”COMMENT: Adherence to the Comprehensive Plan (Imagine Austin) …
MEMORANDUM TO: Boards and Commissions FROM: Ed Van Eenoo, Deputy Chief Financial Officer DATE: November 8, 2019 SUBJECT: FY 2020-21 Budget Calendar The City is committed to an inclusive and transparent budget development process that utilizes resident and stakeholder feedback to ensure budget priorities are being met. An important component of this process is input received annually from the City’s various boards and commissions. Over the past several years, your unique perspectives on the needs of our community coupled with your knowledge of City operations have resulted in a significantly more equitable and effective allocation of City resources. Earlier this year, the State legislature lowered the cap on allowable property tax revenue growth to 3.5% annually without voter approval, significantly impacting our ability to balance future budgets in the face of growing demands for City services. Numerous initiatives to ensure the City’s long-term financial sustainabilitywhile maintaining high-quality municipal servicesare already underway. These include: A review of existing programs for potential business process improvements, efficiency audits conducted by outside experts, ensuring the alignment of existing City programs to Strategic Direction 2023, a review of the City’s retirement systems, and a comprehensive look at options for increasing General Fund revenue. Another effect of the new revenue cap legislation is the need to advance the annual budget cycle by approximately one month in order to preserve the option for the City Council to call a tax rate election should that prove necessary to meet policy objectives. The Council approved calendar for the FY 2020-21 budget is shown below: May 8Department Budgets Due to the Budget Office July 13Presentation of the FY20-21 Proposed Budget to City Council July 23First Budget Hearing July 28City Council Budget Work Session July 30Second Budget Hearing August 4City Council Budget Work Session August 12Tax Rate Hearing and Budget Adoption S-4/1 Please note that department budgets are due to the Budget Office this year on May 8. As such, any budget recommendations from boards and commissions will ideally be provided to departments no later than mid-April. In light of the significant restrictions on property tax revenue growth that we will begin experiencing next year, your recommendations should focus on the efficiency, effectiveness, and equity of existing City programs. xc: Spencer Cronk, City Manager Assistant City Managers Chief Financial Officer S-4/2