Board of AdjustmentFeb. 10, 2025

ITEM06 C15-2024-0040 ADV PACKET FEB10 — original pdf

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CITY OF AUSTIN Board of Adjustment Decision Sheet ITEM05 DATE: Monday January 13, 2025 CASE NUMBER: C15-2024-0040 _______Thomas Ates (D1) _______Bianca A Medina-Leal (D2) _______Jessica Cohen (D3) _______Yung-ju Kim (D4) _______Melissa Hawthorne (D5) _______Jeffery Bowen (D6) _______Janel Venzant (D7) _______Margaret Shahrestani (D8) _______Brian Poteet (D9) _______Michael Von Ohlen (D10) _______Marcel Gutierrez-Garza (M) _______VACANT (Alternate) (M) _______Suzanne Valentine (Alternate) (M) _______VACANT (Alternate) (M) APPLICANT: Leah Bojo OWNER: Chris Affinito ADDRESS: 600 CUMBERLAND RD VARIANCE REQUESTED The applicant is requesting a variance(s) from the Land Development Code: Article 3, Additional Requirements for Certain Districts, Division 5 –Combining and Overlay Districts, Section 25-2-654 (Density Bonus ETOD (DBETOD) Combining District Regulations:  (H) Compatibility Requirements (3) Any structure that is located less than 50 feet from any part of a triggering property may not exceed 60 feet (maximum allowed) to 2 feet -4 27/32 inches – 5 feet 6 inches (requesting)  from 25 feet (minimum width allowed) to 2 feet -4 27/32 inches – 5 feet -6 inches (requesting), (H) Compatibility Requirements (4) (a) from compatibility buffer to decrease the in order to erect a Condominium Residential Building in a “GR-V-ETOD, DBETOD and GR-ETOD-DBETOD”, Community Commercial-Vertical Mixed-Use Building-Equitable Transit-Oriented Development and Community Commercial-Equitable Transit-Oriented Development-Density Bonus ETOD. ITEM06/1 Compatibility Buffers). Note: The Land Development Code Section 25-2-654 (Density Bonus ETOD (DBETOD) Combining District Regulations (A) (B) (H) This section applies to a property with density bonus ETOD (DBETOD) combining district zoning. This section governs over a conflicting provision of this title or other ordinance. Compatibility Requirements. (1) A building is not required to comply with Article 10 (Compatibility Standards) in Subchapter C. (2) In this subsection, (a) TRIGGERING PROPERTY means a site: (i) with at least one dwelling unit but less than four dwelling units; and (ii) is zoned urban family residence (SF-5) district or more restrictive; and (b) STRUCTURE includes a portion of a structure. (3) Any structure that is located less than 50 feet from any part of a triggering property may not exceed 60 feet. a triggering property. (4) Compatibility Buffer. A compatibility buffer is required along a site's property line that is shared with (a) The minimum width of a compatibility buffer is 25 feet. (b) A compatibility buffer must comply with Section 25-8-700 (Minimum Requirements for BOARD’S DECISION: November 14, 2024 Postponed to December 9, 2024 due to the absence of a sufficient number of Board Members required for a formal vote on each case; POSPONED TO JANUARY 13, 2025; January 13, 2025 POSTPONEMENT REQUEST TO FEBRUARY 10, 2025 FINDING: 1. The Zoning regulations applicable to the property do not allow for a reasonable use because: 2. (a) The hardship for which the variance is requested is unique to the property in that: (b) The hardship is not general to the area in which the property is located because: 3. The variance will not alter the character of the area adjacent to the property, will not impair the use of adjacent conforming property, and will not impair the purpose of the regulations of the zoning district in which the property is located because: Elaine Ramirez Executive Liaison Jessica Cohen Madam Chair Diana Ramirez forITEM06/2 CITY OF AUSTIN Board of Adjustment Decision Sheet ITEM04 DATE: Monday December 9, 2024 CASE NUMBER: C15-2024-0040 _______Thomas Ates (D1) _______Bianca A Medina-Leal (D2) _______Jessica Cohen (D3) _______Yung-ju Kim (D4) _______Melissa Hawthorne (D5) _______Jeffery Bowen (D6) _______Janel Venzant (D7) _______Margaret Shahrestani (D8) _______Brian Poteet (D9) _______Michael Von Ohlen (D10) _______Marcel Gutierrez-Garza (M) _______VACANT (Alternate) (M) _______Suzanne Valentine (Alternate) (M) _______VACANT (Alternate) (M) APPLICANT: Leah Bojo OWNER: Chris Affinito ADDRESS: 600 CUMBERLAND RD VARIANCE REQUESTED The applicant is requesting a variance(s) from the Land Development Code: Article 3, Additional Requirements for Certain Districts, Division 5 –Combining and Overlay Districts, Section 25-2-654 (Density Bonus ETOD (DBETOD) Combining District Regulations:  (H) Compatibility Requirements (3) Any structure that is located less than 50 feet from any part of a triggering property may not exceed 60 feet (maximum allowed) to 2 feet -4 27/32 inches – 5 feet 6 inches (requesting)  from 25 feet (minimum width allowed) to 2 feet -4 27/32 inches – 5 feet -6 inches (requesting), (H) Compatibility Requirements (4) (a) from compatibility buffer to decrease the in order to erect a Condominium Residential Building in a “GR-V-ETOD, DBETOD and GR-ETOD-DBETOD”, Community Commercial-Vertical Mixed-Use Building-Equitable Transit-Oriented Development and Community Commercial-Equitable Transit-Oriented Development-Density Bonus ETOD. ITEM06/3 Compatibility Buffers). Note: The Land Development Code Section 25-2-654 (Density Bonus ETOD (DBETOD) Combining District Regulations (A) (B) (H) This section applies to a property with density bonus ETOD (DBETOD) combining district zoning. This section governs over a conflicting provision of this title or other ordinance. Compatibility Requirements. (1) A building is not required to comply with Article 10 (Compatibility Standards) in Subchapter C. (2) In this subsection, (a) TRIGGERING PROPERTY means a site: (i) with at least one dwelling unit but less than four dwelling units; and (ii) is zoned urban family residence (SF-5) district or more restrictive; and (b) STRUCTURE includes a portion of a structure. (3) Any structure that is located less than 50 feet from any part of a triggering property may not exceed 60 feet. a triggering property. (4) Compatibility Buffer. A compatibility buffer is required along a site's property line that is shared with (a) The minimum width of a compatibility buffer is 25 feet. (b) A compatibility buffer must comply with Section 25-8-700 (Minimum Requirements for BOARD’S DECISION: November 14, 2024 Postponed to December 9, 2024 due to the absence of a sufficient number of Board Members required for a formal vote on each case; POSPONED TO JANUARY 13, 2025 FINDING: 1. The Zoning regulations applicable to the property do not allow for a reasonable use because: 2. (a) The hardship for which the variance is requested is unique to the property in that: (b) The hardship is not general to the area in which the property is located because: 3. The variance will not alter the character of the area adjacent to the property, will not impair the use of adjacent conforming property, and will not impair the purpose of the regulations of the zoning district in which the property is located because: Elaine Ramirez Executive Liaison Jessica Cohen Madam Chair forITEM06/4 CITY OF AUSTIN Board of Adjustment Decision Sheet ITEM05 DATE: Monday November 14, 2024 CASE NUMBER: C15-2024-0040 _______Thomas Ates (D1) _______Bianca A Medina-Leal (D2) _______Jessica Cohen (D3) _______Yung-ju Kim (D4) _______Melissa Hawthorne (D5) _______Jeffery Bowen (D6) _______Janel Venzant (D7) _______Margaret Shahrestani (D8) _______Brian Poteet (D9) _______Michael Von Ohlen (D10) _______Marcel Gutierrez-Garza (M) _______VACANT (Alternate) (M) _______Suzanne Valentine (Alternate) (M) _______VACANT (Alternate) (M) APPLICANT: Leah Bojo OWNER: Chris Affinito ADDRESS: 600 CUMBERLAND RD VARIANCE REQUESTED The applicant is requesting a variance(s) from the Land Development Code: Article 3, Additional Requirements for Certain Districts, Division 5 –Combining and Overlay Districts, Section 25-2-654 (Density Bonus ETOD (DBETOD) Combining District Regulations:  (H) Compatibility Requirements (3) Any structure that is located less than 50 feet from any part of a triggering property may not exceed 60 feet (maximum allowed) to 2 feet -4 27/32 inches – 5 feet 6 inches (requesting)  from 25 feet (minimum width allowed) to 2 feet -4 27/32 inches – 5 feet -6 inches (requesting), (H) Compatibility Requirements (4) (a) from compatibility buffer to decrease the in order to erect a Condominium Residential Building in a “GR-V-ETOD, DBETOD and GR-ETOD-DBETOD”, Community Commercial-Vertical Mixed-Use Building-Equitable Transit-Oriented Development and Community Commercial-Equitable Transit-Oriented Development-Density Bonus ETOD. ITEM06/5 Note: The Land Development Code Section 25-2-654 (Density Bonus ETOD (DBETOD) Combining District Regulations (A) (B) (H) This section applies to a property with density bonus ETOD (DBETOD) combining district zoning. This section governs over a conflicting provision of this title or other ordinance. Compatibility Requirements. (1) A building is not required to comply with Article 10 (Compatibility Standards) in Subchapter C. (2) In this subsection, (a) TRIGGERING PROPERTY means a site: (i) with at least one dwelling unit but less than four dwelling units; and (ii) is zoned urban family residence (SF-5) district or more restrictive; and (b) STRUCTURE includes a portion of a structure. (3) Any structure that is located less than 50 feet from any part of a triggering property may not exceed 60 feet. a triggering property. (4) Compatibility Buffer. A compatibility buffer is required along a site's property line that is shared with (a) The minimum width of a compatibility buffer is 25 feet. (b) A compatibility buffer must comply with Section 25-8-700 (Minimum Requirements for Compatibility Buffers). BOARD’S DECISION: November 14, 2024 Postponed to December 9, 2024 due to the absence of a sufficient number of Board Members required for a formal vote on each case FINDING: 1. The Zoning regulations applicable to the property do not allow for a reasonable use because: 2. (a) The hardship for which the variance is requested is unique to the property in that: (b) The hardship is not general to the area in which the property is located because: 3. The variance will not alter the character of the area adjacent to the property, will not impair the use of adjacent conforming property, and will not impair the purpose of the regulations of the zoning district in which the property is located because: Elaine Ramirez Executive Liaison Jessica Cohen Madam Chair Diana Ramirez forITEM06/6 BOA GENERAL REVIEW COVERSHEET CASE: C15-2024-0040 BOA DATE: Thursday, November 14th, 2024 ADDRESS: 600 Cumberland Rd, 2610 & 2612 S 1st St OWNER: Chris Affinito COUNCIL DISTRICT: 3 AGENT: Leah M. Bojo ZONING: GR-V-ETOD-DBETOD & GR-ETOD-DBETOD LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 1 LESS E 10FT BLK A OAK RIDGE HEIGHTS SEC 1 VARIANCE REQUEST:   (H) Compatibility Requirements (3) Any structure that is located less than 50 feet from any part of a triggering property may not exceed 60 feet (maximum allowed) to 2 feet -4 27/32 inches – 5 feet 6 inches (requesting) (H) Compatibility Requirements (4) (a) from compatibility buffer to decrease the from 25 feet (minimum width allowed) to 2 feet -4 27/32 inches – 5 feet -6 inches (requesting). SUMMARY: erect condominium residential building LAND USES Community Commercial-Vertical Mixed-Use- Density Bonus ETOD-Equitable Transit-oriented development Limited Office-Vertical Mixed-use-Equitable Transit-Oriented Development-Density Bonus ETOD Limited Office-Vertical Mixed-Use; Single- Family General Commercial Services-Vertical Mixed- Use-Combined Overlay-Equitable Transit- Oriented Development-Density Bonus ETOD Single-Family ISSUES: shape of lot & narrow lot Site ZONING GR-V-ETOD-DBETOD; GR- ETOD-DBETOD North LO-V-ETOD-DBETOD South LO-V; SF-3 East CS-V-CO-ETOD-DBETOD- NP West SF-3 NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATIONS: Austin Independent School District Austin Neighborhoods Council Friends of Austin Neighborhoods Galindo Area Patriotic Porch Party Galindo Elementary Neighborhood Assn. Homeless Neighborhood Association Perry Grid 614 Preservation Austin Save Our Springs Alliance South Central Coalition ITEM06/7 October 30, 2024 Leah Bojo 600 Cumberland Rd Austin TX, 78704 Re: C15-2024-0040 Dear Leah, Property Description: LOT 1 LESS E 10FT BLK A OAK RIDGE HEIGHTS SEC 1 Austin Energy (AE) has reviewed your application for the above referenced property, requesting that the Board of Adjustment consider a variance request from LDC Section 25-2- 654(H) at 600 Cumberland Road. Austin Energy does not oppose the request, provided that any proposed or existing improvements follow Austin Energy’s Clearance & Safety Criteria, the National Electric Safety Code, and OSHA requirements. Any removal or relocation of existing facilities will be at the owner’s/applicant’s expense. Please use this link to be advised of our clearance and safety requirements which are additional conditions of the above review action: .10.0CLSARE If you require further information or have any questions regarding the above comments, please contact our office. Thank you for contacting Austin Energy. Rosemary Avila, Planning Officer Infrastructure Support Services | Austin Energy 4815 Mueller Blvd Austin, TX 78723 (512) 972-8488 ITEM06/8 ITEM06/9 ITEM06/10 ITEM06/11 ITEM06/12 September 30, 2024 To Whom It May Concern: City of Austin Re: 600 Cumberland Road, 2612 and 2610 S. 1st Street – Board of Adjustment application for the combined 0.519-acre property located at 600 Cumberland Road, 2612 S. 1st Street and 2610 S 1st Street, Austin, TX 78704 (the "Property") As the record owner of the above referenced Property, I hereby authorize Leah M. Bojo at Drenner Group PC, or her designee, to act as agent to submit the Board of Adjustment application and related materials to the City of Austin, Texas and I attest to all submittal regulations. Sincerely, Notional Cumberland LP Signature: ____________________________ Name (print): _________________________ Title: ________________________________ Docusign Envelope ID: 524CD166-1485-48CA-880E-CA5CAECACA5CChris AffinitoManagerITEM06/13 October 9, 2024 Via Electronic Delivery Board of Adjustment Members Permitting and Development Center Development Services Department City of Austin P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767 Re: 2612 S 1st Street Board of Adjustment Variance – Board of Adjustment (“BOA”) variance request for the combined 0.519-acre property located at 600 Cumberland Road, 2612 S. 1st Street and 2610 S. 1st Street, Austin, Travis County, TX 78704 (the “Property”). Dear Board of Adjustment Members: As representatives of the owner of the Property, we respectfully submit the enclosed Board of Adjustment Variance application for the combined 0.519-acre property located at 600 Cumberland Road, 2612 S. 1st Street and 2610 S. 1st Street (TCAD IDs 0404041214, 0404041213 and 0404041212). The Property is currently platted as Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block A, Oak Ridge Heights Section 1 Subdivision, as recorded in Volume 4, Page 212 of the Plat Records of Travis County, Texas. A Site Plan (SP-2021-0219C.SH) was approved on June 9, 2023 for a structure with 90 condominium residential units and approximately 3,687 SF of general retail sales and restaurant uses per the Affordability Unlocked program, which waives Compatibility restrictions. The development is certified as a for-rent S.M.A.R.T. housing project and is partnering with a Housing Finance Corporation (HFC). Effective July 15, 2024, Ordinance No. 20240516-003 rezoned the site from GR (Community Commercial) and GR-V (Community Commercial – Vertical Mixed Use Building) to GR-ETOD-DBETOD (Community Commercial – Equitable Transit Oriented Development – Density Bonus Equitable Transit Oriented Development) and GR- V-ETOD-DBETOD (Community Commercial – Vertical Mixed Use Building – Equitable Transit Oriented Development – Density Bonus Equitable Transit Oriented Development). The S.M.A.R.T. Housing program requires that at least 50% of the units be set aside at an average of 60% MFI and the HFC requires that at least 90% of the units be set aside at an average of 80% MFI. Affordability Unlocked, however, requires that at least 50% of the units be set aside at a hard cap of 60% MFI with 20% of the total units also set aside at a hard cap of 50% MFI. The Affordability Unlocked program’s lack of averaging makes that project infeasible. Therefore, without the compatibility waiver that accompanies that program, the multifamily project, including the affordable units, is infeasible. In order to reasonably develop the site with a multifamily structure, we are requesting a variance to the ETOD compatibility requirement set forth in LDC §25-2-654(H)(3) and (4)(a) that require a maximum structure height of 60’ within 50’ of a triggering property, and a compatibility buffer width of 25’. Our request is to reduce (H)(3) from 50’ to 2’4 27/32” to 5” 6” and to reduce (4)(a) to 2’4 27/32” to 5” 6”, with both varying along the irregular property line. In order to mitigate this reduced setback, we will provide additional landscaping between the fence line and the single family homes. ITEM06/14 The purpose of the ETOD combining district is to enhance “transit-supportive uses, encourage more equitable land stewardship with increased bicycle, pedestrian and transit connectivity, housing options and opportunities” per §25-2-182(A). The approved structure provides an increased diversity of housing and a mix of uses within the designated ETOD boundary (within half a mile of Project Connect Austin Light Rail). The applicable zoning regulations strictly applied do not allow for a reasonable use of the property due to the non-standard shape of the site and the exceptionally narrow (78’) and irregularly shaped southern lot. The 25’ buffer zone along the triggering (western) property line removes approximately 31% of the site area from development. The reduction in developable area does not allow for the geometric requirements of the parking garage for circulation. Additionally, the 60’ maximum height stepback reduces the numbers of dwelling units on floors 6-8 and makes those units unreachable due to the necessary location of the elevator and stair core. The hardship for which the variance is requested is unique to the property in that the property is located with frontage on S. 1st Street, which is identified as a Core Transit Corridor. As well as being within the ETOD boundary, S. 1st Street is identified as a roadway where development density, mix of uses, and transit facilities should encourage and support transit use. The narrow width of the southern portion of the site (78’) is unique along this corridor in that most of the adjacent properties with adjacent single-family zoning triggering properties have lot widths greater than 100’. The variance will not alter the character of the area adjacent to the property. S. 1st Street has a mixture of development density and uses. Within one block of the corner of S. 1st Street and Cumberland, there are four commercial use properties with less than 25’ buffer to adjacent single-family properties. S. 1st Street has multifamily buildings, commercial buildings and mixed-use in accordance with ETOD objectives. The use of adjacent properties will not be impaired. The project was designed with screened parking for the first three floors with residential uses starting on floor four. This is to ensure a level of insulation between adjacent uses and residences. The variance will not impair the purpose of the zoning regulations of the zoning district in which the property is located as the variance will allow development of this site with transit-supportive uses in accordance with the intended character of S. 1st Street as a Core Transit Corridor and within the ETOD combining district. We have reached out to the neighborhood association to discuss our proposal. Please let me know if you or your team members require additional information or have any questions. Thank you for your time and attention to this project. Sincerely, Leah M. Bojo CC: Elaine Ramirez, liaison to Board of Adjustment Diana Ramirez, liaison to Board of Adjustment ITEM06/15 573 5 7 2 1 7 5 0 7 5 9 6 5 8 6 5 5 7 2 1 7 5 0 7 5 9 6 5 8 6 5 5 7 5 5 7 5 W W 575 4 7 5 573 2 7 5 571 570 569 W W 5 7 5 574 3 7 5 572 571 570 X 569 X 8 6 5 S G DIN K A L O O. C D H T N O 5 L N 4 N 3 A E 3 L 0 M R 1 U E 1 O C B 2 L 0 M O 2 D U 0 C 0 6 T 3, B 7 6 5 O.P.R.T.C.T. Y/ R-V MIL AIL C 4 A G: G T A E TIF 8 L R 6 0.1 NIN 6 L 6 U A 5 E: M R O E Z N S E U G X 5 6 5 8 6 5 X 7 6 5 X 6 6 5 O A K RID 5 6 5 4 6 5 G V H E H EIG O L 4, P P.R.T.C.T. T S S G. 212 E C TIO N 1 3 6 5 2 6 5 W W 5 6 2 2) 0 5 3-0 C. (5 EXISTING CONDITIONS R T W W W N O 0" C R 3 E T A W DEMO PLAN P C 2" R M 4 R S S O S S T S 2 6 5 2 2 6 6 5 5 8 6 5 X 7 6 5 X 6 6 5 O A K RID 5 6 5 4 6 5 G V H E H EIG O L 4, P P.R.T.C.T. T S S G. 212 E C TIO N 1 3 6 5 2 6 5 W W 5 6 2 R T W P C 2" R M 4 R S S O S S T S 1301 S. MOPAC EXPY SUITE 150 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78746 PHONE: (512) 628-8281 WWW.KFM-LLC.COM TBPE #: F-20821 574 3 7 5 572 571 570 X 569 S G DIN K A L O O. C D H T N O 5 L N 4 N 3 A E 3 L 0 M R 1 U E 1 O C B 2 L 0 M O 2 D U 0 C 0 6 T 3, B 7 6 5 O.P.R.T.C.T. Y/ R-V MIL AIL C 4 A G: G T A E TIF 8 L R 6 0.1 NIN 6 L 6 U A 5 E: M R O E Z N S E U G X 5 6 5 W W 2) 0 5 3-0 C. (5 S S S S N O 0" C R 3 E T A W 2 6 5 S S S S S A G S A G S A G X 564 G A S O H H O M O C T G U H O 3 6 5 R) T D (W E N O D N A B W W 6" C.I. A G A S O H 6" H.C. W W O H O H P C 2" R M 4 R O T S A S G R T W S A G S A G S A G 5 6 4 W W S S S S 4 6 5 S S S S R T W 5 6 4 S A G S A G G A S S A G G A S W W 2) 0 5 3-0 C. (5 G A S N O 0" C R 3 E T A W S S S S R T W S A G S A G S A G TREE LIST U GTC O M 12" C.I. (344993) TREE LEGEND NOTES S G DIN K A L O O. C D H T N O 5 L N 4 N 3 A E 3 L 0 M R 1 U E 1 O C B 2 L 0 M O 2 D U 0 C 0 6 T 2, B O.P.R.T.C.T. Y/ MIL AIL C R 8 A G: G T A E TIF 1 L R 8 NIN 0.1 L U A O E: M R Z E N E G S U S G DIN K A L O O. C D H T N O 5 L N 4 N 3 A E 3 L 0 M R 1 U E 1 O C B 2 L 0 M O 2 D U 0 C 0 6 T 1, B O.P.R.T.C.T. Y R-V MIL AIL C 9 A G: G T A E TIF 8 L R 6 0.1 NIN L U A R E: M O E Z N S E U /G GAS OH WTR GAS OH UGTCOM GAS OH O H G A S STORM 18" W W SS SS S S STORM 24" S S S S STORM 24" E G U WW M 18" R O T S 24" CSC (74-0194) S T O R M 1 8 " UGE G A S 7 6 65 6 5 M O C T G U O H 5 G A S 6 5 G A S 6" H.C. W W O H O H 6" H.C. W M O C T G U W O H 0) 2 0 5-2 9 9 AIN (1 W M W C W N O 8" C W 8) 0 0 2-0 0 0 R T W S A G S S S S S A G C (2 V 8" P S A G S A G S A G S A G M O C T G U O H O H O H G A S O H R) T D (W O H E N O D N A B 6" C.I. A W W 2) 0 5 3-0 C. (5 P C 2" R M 4 R O T S S S N O 0" C R 3 E T A W G S A S S G A S R T W S A G 5 6 12" C.I. ABN 7 U GTC O M S A G E G U 12" P S A G V D (344993) C (344979) LEGEND WTR UGTCOM 12" C.I. SS SS 36" CSC (74-0194) UGTCOM WW STORM 24" 8"CONC (A-2782) SS SS GAS WTR OH GAS GAS OH 3 7 5 2 7 5 1 7 5 WW 0 7 5 STORM 24" 9 6 5 8 6 5 . \ I Y R D N A L B M P 6 4 : 3 3 2 0 2 / 8 2 / 3 G W D T X E C & T S 1 S N O T C U R T S N O C S T H S \ L L E W T A M O R F D A C 4 0 0 9 5 0 0 2 0 \ S T C E J O R P \ \ \ \ : M 570 569 X 8 6 5 S G DIN K A L O O. C D H T N O 5 L N 4 N 3 A E 3 L 0 M R 1 U E 1 O C B 2 L 0 M O 2 D U 0 C 0 6 T 2, B O.P.R.T.C.T. Y/ MIL AIL C R 8 A G: G T A E TIF 1 L R 8 NIN 0.1 L U A O E: M R Z E N E G S U W W S S S S 2) 0 5 3-0 C. (5 N O 0" C R 3 E T A W 2 6 5 S S S S S A G S A G S A G 2 6 5 2 2 6 6 5 5 X 564 G G A A S S O H H O M O C T G U H O 3 6 5 R) T D (W E N O D N A B W W 6" C.I. A G G A A S S O H 6" H.C. W 6" H.C. W W W O H O H P C 2" R M 4 R O T S A A S S G G R T W S A G S A G S A G 5 6 4 W W S S S S 4 6 5 S S S S R T W 5 6 4 S A G S A G G A S S A G G A S W W 2) 0 5 3-0 C. (5 G A S N O 0" C R 3 E T A W S S S S R T W S A G S A G S A G G A S 7 6 65 5 6 M O C T G U O H 5 G A S 6 5 G A S 6" H.C. W 6" H.C. W W W O H O H 6" H.C. W 6" H.C. W M O C T G U W W O H 0) 2 0 5-2 9 9 AIN (1 W M C W N O 8" C W W 8) 0 0 2-0 0 0 R T W S A G S S S S S A G C (2 V 8" P S A G S A G M O C T G U O H O H O H G A S O H R) T D (W O H E N O D N A B 6" C.I. A W W 2) 0 5 3-0 C. (5 P C 2" R M 4 R O T S S S N O 0" C R 3 E T A W G S A S S G A S R T W S A G 5 6 12" C.I. ABN 7 U GTC O M S A G E G U 12" P S A G V S A G S A G D (344993) C (344979) S G DIN K A L O O. C D H T N O 5 L N 4 N 3 A E 3 L 0 M R 1 U E 1 O C B 2 L 0 M O 2 D U 0 C 0 6 T 1, B O.P.R.T.C.T. Y R-V MIL AIL C 9 A G: G T A E TIF 8 L R 6 0.1 NIN L U A R E: M O E Z N S E U /G GAS OH WTR GAS OH UGTCOM GAS OH O H G A S STORM 24" E G U WW M 18" R O T S 24" CSC (74-0194) STORM 18" W W SS SS S S STORM 24" S S S S E G U S A G UGE S A G S T O R M 1 8 " R) T D (W UGE 2) 0 5 3-0 C. (5 N O 0" C R 3 E T A W P C 2" R M 4 R O T S E N O D N A B 6" C.I. A U GTC O M 12" C.I. (344993) W TR U GTC O M WTR UGTCOM 12" C.I. SS SS 36" CSC (74-0194) UGTCOM WW STORM 24" 8"CONC (A-2782) SS SS GAS WTR OH GAS GAS OH 2 7 5 1 7 5 WW 0 7 5 STORM 24" 9 6 5 8 6 5 : E T A D : I N O I T P R C S E D : A T L E D : E T A D : I N O I T P R C S E D : E U S S I T N E I L C E T A T S E L A E R D O O W T R A E H D N A L R E B M U C D N A T S 1 H T U O S T C E J O R P N A L P O M E D & S N O I T I D N O C G N I T S X E I . T S T S 1 S 2 1 6 2 E L T I T T E E H S CITY APPROVAL PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SITE PLAN RELEASE SP-2021-0219C.SH FILE NUMBER: _________________ EXPIRATION DATE: ___________ 5 Sheet Of 29 JUNE 21, 2021 CASE MANAGER: _________________ APPLICATION DATE: ___________ CLARISSA DAVIS APPROVED ADMINISTRATIVELY ON: _____________________________ APPROVED BY PLANNING COMMISSION ON: _______________________ APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON: _____________________________ Under Section of Chapter Of The Austin City Code 112 25-5 ____________________________________________________________________ DRAWN BY: RM DESIGNED BY: MZ CHECKED BY: MZ Director, Department of Planning and Development GR-V (AU) & GR (AU) DATE OF RELEASE: __________________ Zoning: _________________ Rev 1 ____________________ Correction 1 _________________________ Rev 2 ____________________ Correction 2 _________________________ Rev 3 ____________________ Correction 3 _________________________ 5 OF 29 ENGINEER: P.E. No.: Mark T. Zupan DATE: 128994 3/28/23 PROJECT NUMBER: 020059004 DATE: 2023/03/28 SHEET: SP-2021-0219CSH 0 20' 40' SCALE: 1" = 40' 80' 03/28/2023March 30, 2023Adrian PapIndustrial WasteApril 12, 2023George R.Austin Water_____GR-V ____& GR SARA WILSON3206/09/2023ITEM06/16 LEVEL 1 600 CUMBERLAND PROGRAM CONFIRMATION AUSTIN, TX 2024 SEP 30 LOT16LOT14LOT12LOT4P.P.EBOXSBSBHYDEBOXWVD260 SFTRASH2,130 SFLOBBY3,220 SFCOMMERCIAL245 SFMAIN ELEC235 SFPOOL EQUIP.145 SFEMERG ELEC370 SFCORRIDOR210 SFRISER4,090 SFDRIVE345 SFDOCK410 SFPATIO235 SFMPOE3,855 SFCOMMERCIAL205 SFFIRE COMM150 SFTBDSTAIR TRANSFERDIRECT VIEW63' - 10"13' - 0"32' - 10"L2 EXTENTS410 SFGENERATORPARKING ENTRYPARKING EXITPAVED CORRIDORXFMR1XFMR2ITEM06/17 BASEMENT 1 600 CUMBERLAND PROGRAM CONFIRMATION AUSTIN, TX 2024 SEP 30 LOT16LOT14LOT12LOT4P.P.EBOXSBSBHYDEBOXWVD37 SPACES19' - 0"24' - 0"51' - 9"SSSSSCSSSSSSCCSSSSSSSS17' - 8"26' - 0"68' - 6"26' - 6"0"SSSSSSSSCCSASSSSS39 SPACES AT B2RAMPRAMP TO B2ITEM06/18 LEVEL 8 600 CUMBERLAND PROGRAM CONFIRMATION AUSTIN, TX 2024 SEP 30 705 SF1B1,120 SFTERRACE45 SFTRASH70 SFMEP640 SFAMENITY695 SF1A695 SF1A75 SFBALCONY40 SFBALCONY45% OPENINGS25% OPENINGS25% OPENINGS45% OPENING10' - 0"5' - 6"10' - 0"945 SF2C40 SFBALCONY40 SFBALCONY945 SF2B23' - 6"32' - 0"32' - 0"23' - 6"23' - 6"31' - 0"23' - 6"19' - 8"30' - 0"32' - 0"23' - 6"23' - 6"695 SF1A970 SF2C450 SFSB945 SF2B695 SF1A970 SF2C995 SF2D45 SFBALCONY40 SFBALCONY40 SFBALCONY40 SFBALCONY40 SFBALCONY695 SF1A50 SFBALCONY940 SF2A40 SFBALCONY40 SFBALCONY40 SFBALCONY40 SFBALCONY695 SF1A45% OPENING25% OPENINGS30' - 6"23' - 6"ITEM06/19 AREA MATRIX 600 CUMBERLAND PROGRAM CONFIRMATION AUSTIN, TX 2024 SEP 30 ABCDEFGHJKLMNPLEVELPARKINGBUILDING GROSS (D+E+F+G+K) RETAIL EXTERIORRETAILRETAIL SERVICERESI MAJOR VERTICAL PENETRATIONSRESI SERVICE (DOCK & MEP)RESI BALCONIESRESI EXTERIOR AMENITYRESI GROSS AREA (L+M+N)RESI RENTABLERESI LOBBY & AMENITIESRESI COMMON (HALLWAYS, STAIRS, MEP) EFFICIENCY (L/B) SA (470 SF)SB (450 SF)1A(695 SF)1B (705 SF)2A(940 SF)2B (945 SF)2C (970 SF)2D(1,000 SF)PARKING PER LEVELSTANDARD (9'X18')ACCESSIBLE (8'X18'+5')VAN ACCESSIBLE (8'X18'+8')ROOF00LEVEL 8014,89600057906101,11814,31712,0256381,65480.7%1501611231LEVEL 7015,9590005790704015,38013,72601,65486.0%1701711232LEVEL 6015,9590005790704015,38013,72601,65486.0%1701711232LEVEL 5015,9590005790704015,38013,72601,65486.0%1701711232LEVEL 4015,9590005790704015,38013,72601,65486.0%1701711232LEVEL 3015,9590005790584015,38013,72601,65486.0%2061711022LEVEL 2015,2930005792744642,48114,44010,4562,3301,65468.4%1541411022LEVEL 14,09112,8474107,07406662,978002,12902,12900.0%000000000BASEMENT 118,7290000000000000.0%00000000037361BASEMENT 218,7290000000000000.0%00000000039381TOTAL41,549122,8314107,07404,7193,2524,4743,599107,78691,1115,09711,57874.2%118107457710191376742086%8%6%38%6%6%8%16%11%100%97%3%0%76# SPACESUNITS:118547SF / SPACE AVRG. UNIT7720.62 BEDUNITS PER LEVELMonday, September 30, 2024UNIT MIXPARKINGPARKING RATIO600 CUMBERLAND14%STUDIO1 BED17524942%44%ITEM06/20 ITEM06/21 ITEM06/22 ITEM06/23 ITEM06/24 ITEM06/25 ITEM06/26 ITEM06/27 ITEM06/28 ITEM06/29 ITEM06/30 ITEM06/31 ITEM06/32 ITEM06/33 ITEM06/34 2. Reasonable Use: The applicant then builds on top of their unfounded hardship claim to say that the “unique” property has an “irregular shape” and is “exceptionally narrow,” and thus deprives the owner of “reasonable use”. Please reference the above reasoning on how the property is neither an irregular shape nor is it exceptionally narrow. Again, the owner knowledgably purchased this standard-size Cumberland property alongside the two S 1st properties for his development. This, yet again, is a self-imposed limitation the owner was aware of when purchasing and designing his commercial development. 3. Area Character: In responding to the area character criterion, the applicant does not adequately address how their 118 unit, 87 foot tall multifamily design may actually impact the neighborhood. If the Board grants the variances, the extended height, added volume of units, lack of parking per unit, and proximity to single-family homes will have a very clear negative impact on the single-family neighbors. The applicant makes two main claims regarding this criterion: a) that there are other multifamily developments along S 1st, and b) there are other commercial buildings with less than 25 foot rear setbacks in the area. In addressing a), the applicant is correct that there are multifamily developments along S 1st, but it is important to note that those developments are all 5 levels or fewer. They appear to maintain the 60 foot code-required setback height from the single-family homes in the area. As for b), there are several commercial businesses in the area which impinge on the 25 foot rear setback, however, all of those businesses are one level or less. Their impact on the adjacent single-family homes is minimal due to their low height. The setback proposed is far too close to 2613 S 2nd St and other adjacent houses and without the proper setback, drainage and potential flooding is a concern. The proposed development will be so tall it will tower over the single-family homes on S 2nd and S 3rd Streets and “diminish privacy”. The added units provided by the added height will “increase traffic on adjacent streets,” and the lack of parking per unit will certainly make S 2nd St, S 3rd St, and Stacy Ln the de facto 24h/7days/week permanent parking for the residents. If granted the variances, the development will be the tallest structure along S. 1st between Barton Springs and Ben White. It clearly “exceeds the size and ITEM06/35 ITEM06/36 ITEM06/37 ITEM06/38