ITEM07 C16-2024-0002 LATE BACKUP DEC9-PPMT REQ — original pdf

I am writing to request a postponement to the January 2025 BOA hearing (case C16-2024-0002). Please let me know if you need anything else from me to confirm the postponement. External Email - Exercise Caution Ramirez Elaine RE: LAST REMINDER: December 9, 2024 Presentation & Virtual Registration deadline(s) Wednesday, December 4, 2024 2:59:22 PM image003.png image013.png image014.png image015.png image020.png image021.png image022.png image023.png image024.png image025.png image007.png image008.png image009.png image010.png image011.png From: To: Subject: Date: Attachments: Elaine, Thank you! April April Romero Brown Land Development Consultant Armbrust & Brown, PLLC 100 Congress Avenue, Suite 1300 Austin, Texas 78701-2744 (512) (512 - Direct - Facsimile Logo From: Ramirez, Elaine <> Sent: Monday, December 2, 2024 9:14 AM Subject: LAST REMINDER: December 9, 2024 Presentation & Virtual Registration deadline(s) Importance: High Good morning Applicants on the Monday, December 9, 2024 BOA mtg. Agenda, THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS E-MAIL MESSAGE IS CONFIDENTIAL AND IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE NAMED ADDRESSEE(S). THIS MESSAGE MAY BE PROTECTED BY ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGE. IF THE READER OF THIS E-MAIL MESSAGE IS NOT AN INTENDED RECIPIENT (OR THE INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DELIVERY OF THIS E-MAIL MESSAGE TO AN INTENDED RECIPIENT), BE ADVISED THAT ANY REUSE, DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION, OR COPYING OF THIS E-MAIL MESSAGE IS PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS E-MAIL MESSAGE IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY THE SENDER AND DELETE THE MESSAGE. THANK YOU. If you are receiving this e-mail, I have not received your Presentation and/or Virtual speaker registration (if you wish to speak virtually) for the Monday, December 9, 2024 BOA meeting. No late virtual Speakers or Presentations will be accepted after the deadline of Monday, December 2nd, before 3 p.m. Please remember you will need to submit a Presentation and Virtual Registration each month you go before the Board, even if you have gone the previous month(s). We cannot accept USB’s or copies of Presentations the day of meeting, it all must be submitted by the deadline(s) provided in this e-mail. Please read this entire e-mail carefully and note all deadlines The deadline to submit the Presentation (must be submitted in PDF format or PowerPoint) is Monday, December 2nd, before 3p.m. You will need to submit a Presentation each month you go before the Board, even if you have gone the previous month(s) Presentation: If you would like the Board to follow along with you as you are giving your presentation (You will have 5 minutes to hone in on the main aspects of the case as you are presenting the case to the Board), you will need to have your Presentation completed and sent to me in PDF format or PowerPoint to give to our City Technician as well as our BOA Board will have access to view this the week prior to the meeting (DO NOT send in a drop box, links, videos, etc. as our systems do not support these formats). The Deadline for this is Monday, December 2nd, before 3p.m. No late Presentations or updated Presentations will be accepted after 3p.m. on Mon. Dec. 2nd. The Presentation will need to be labeled with the following information: case #, address of project and name of Applicant speaking at the meeting. You will need to submit a Presentation each month you go before the Board, even if you have gone the previous month(s) The deadline for Applicants participating virtually (must be by deadline, no late virtual applicant/additional speakers will be able to register) is Monday, December 2nd, before 3p.m. If you are participating in-person, it is highly suggested all Speakers presenting their case register for virtual, in the event you are not able to make it in-person. Applicants/Speaker Virtual registration: You have until Monday, December 2nd before 3p.m. to register if you would like to participate virtually. The following is for virtual speakers ONLY, e-mail me the following information and I will put you on the list to speak. Deadline to register for virtual speakers is Monday, December 2nd before 3p.m.: If you will be speaking/giving presentation or be on the list for the Board to possibly call on you for questions I will need the following information: No late virtual Speakers will be accepted after 3p.m. on Mon. 12/2/24. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Full name of speaker Are you the applicant, owner, surveyor, architect, etc? Are you the presenting the case to the Board (only one person can present case) Address of BOA Case Case # A good phone number, if you have a landline this will be the best phone number to provide? It has to be the phone number that the Speaker will be calling from on Monday, December 9th, 2024 to speak at the meeting (it cannot be a different number, your call will not be accepted). Once you send me the number it cannot be changed, it is sent to City Clerk’s office to accept the calls. E-mail Address, it will need to be an e-mail address that the Speaker will be able to easily access his/her e-mails? If you want to attend the meeting in-person you may do so, DO NOT provide me information above. Please make sure all persons wishing to speak in-person at the hearing, sign up and register in the BOA Registration book the day of the meeting, Mon. 12/9/2024 at City Hall –Council Chambers; doors should open at 5p.m. to the public. You will not be able to speak with the Liaison(s) at Council Chambers, any questions you may have will need to be e-mailed to December 9th, 2024 BOA Deadlines Please make sure that when submitting the Advanced Packet and the Presentation that each is labeled as such The deadline to submit NEW application, updated application, update variance request (must be submitted in PDF format) and pay fee is Friday, November 8th, before 12p.m. (noon) The deadline to submit information for the Advanced Packet (must be submitted in PDF format) is Friday, November 22nd, before 3p.m. The deadline to submit the Presentation (must be submitted in PDF format or PowerPoint) is Monday, December 2nd, before 3p.m. You will need to submit a Presentation each month you go before the Board, even if you have gone the previous month(s) The deadline for Applicants participating virtually (must be by deadline, no late virtual applicant/additional speakers will be able to register) is Monday, December 2nd, before 3p.m. The deadline for Opposition and Support letters is Monday, December 9th, before 9:00a.m. Application Packet: You have until Friday, November 8th, before 12p.m. (noon) to submit a completed NEW BOA variance application or submit a completed updated application which can include additional variance requests (previously postponed) + survey of property + pay the fee in order to be put on the December 9th, 2024 BOA mtg. Agenda Advanced Packet: You have until Friday, November 22nd, before 3p.m. to submit any maps, surveys, drawings, photos and any additional documentation, (including the Special Exception Inspection Report if you applied for a Special Exception, if REPORT not included this case will have to be Postponed) you want included as part of your Advanced Packet for your BOA variance case [do not include already submitted application + survey], this is not your Presentation. The Advanced Packet will need to be submitted to me via e-mail in PDF format. (DO NOT send in a drop box, links, videos, etc. as our systems do not support these formats) Presentation: If you would like the Board to follow along with you as you are giving your presentation (You will have 5 minutes to hone in on the main aspects of the case as you are presenting the case to the Board), you will need to have your Presentation completed and sent to me in PDF format or PowerPoint to give to our City Technician as well as our BOA Board will have access to view this the week prior to the meeting (DO NOT send in a drop box, links, videos, etc. as our systems do not support these formats). The Deadline for this is Monday, December 2nd, before 3p.m. No late Presentations or updated Presentations will be accepted after 3p.m. on Mon. Dec. 2nd. The Presentation will need to be labeled with the following information: case #, address of project and name of Applicant speaking at the meeting. You will need to submit a Presentation each month you go before the Board, even if you have gone the previous month(s) Applicants/Speaker Virtual registration: You have until Monday, December 2nd before 3p.m. to register if you would like to participate virtually. The following is for virtual speakers ONLY, e-mail me the following information and I will put you on the list to speak. Deadline to register for virtual speakers is Monday, December 2nd before 3p.m.: ITEM07/1-PPMT REQUEST If you will be speaking/giving presentation or be on the list for the Board to possibly call on you for questions I will need the following information: No late virtual Speakers will be accepted after 3p.m. on Mon. 12/2/24. 1. Full name of speaker 2. Are you the applicant, owner, surveyor, architect, etc? 3. Are you the presenting the case to the Board (only one person can present case) 4. Address of BOA Case 5. Case # 6. A good phone number, if you have a landline this will be the best phone number to provide? It has to be the phone number that the Speaker will be calling from on Monday, December 9th, 2024 to speak at the meeting (it cannot be a different number, your call will not be accepted). Once you send me the number it cannot be changed, it is sent to City Clerk’s office to accept the calls. 7. E-mail Address, it will need to be an e-mail address that the Speaker will be able to easily access his/her e-mails? If you want to attend the meeting in-person you may do so, DO NOT provide me information above. Please make sure all persons wishing to speak in-person at the hearing, sign up and register in the BOA Registration book the day of the meeting, Mon. 12/9/2024 at City Hall –Council Chambers; doors should open at 5p.m. to the public. You will not be able to speak with the Liaison(s) at Council Chambers, any questions you may have will need to be e-mailed to Please note: The only late support that will be accepted after this deadline date of November 22nd, 2024 will only be for Opposition and Support letters for this case. Support and Opposition Letters can be received up to Monday, December 9th, 2024, before 9a.m., in order for the Board to have access to them during the meeting. Anything after the deadline will not be viewed by the Board but will be added to the BCIC website. December 9th, 2024 BOA meeting will be held: Hybrid meeting – both in-person and virtual (via phone) 2nd Monday of the Month Austin City Hall - 301 West 2nd Street Council Chambers - 1st Floor / Room 1001 Begins @ 5:30 PM, if you wish to participate in-person please show up at 5:30p.m. as the Board can and will move items/cases on the Agenda around. The meeting will be broadcasted live and can be publicly viewed live at: Elaine Ramirez Planner Senior Board of Adjustment Liaison Development Services Department 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr. Austin, TX 78752 Office: 512-974-2202 E-mail: PER CITY ORDINANCE: All individuals scheduling or accep ing a meeting invitation with a City Official are requested to provide responses to the questions at the following link: DSD Visitor Log. Please note that all information provided is subject to public disclosure via DSD s open data portal. For more information please visit: City of Austin Ordinance 2016-0922-005 | City Clerk s website | City Clerk s FAQ s DSD Customer Service Feedback Form - Formstack CAUTION: This is an EXTERNAL email. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious or phishing email, please report it using the "Report Message" button in Outlook. For any additional questions or concerns, contact CSIRT at "". ITEM07/2-PPMT REQUEST