Board of AdjustmentDec. 9, 2024

ITEM04 C15-2024-0040 LATE BACKUP DEC9-PPMT REQ — original pdf

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City of Austin Board of Adjustment Public Hearing 12/9/24 Request for Postponement of Case: C15-2024-0040
 The Galindo Neighborhood Association (GENA) is requesting a postponement of C15-2024-0040, 600 CUMBERLAND ROAD, 2610 & 2612 S. 1st. for the following reasons: 1. Inadequate Communication Between Applicant and GENA The project site is within the known boundaries of the Galindo neighborhood; GENA was initially registered as an Interested Party in August of 2021. GENA has not received any further notice(s) regarding the site plan, project modifications or the site plan approval since that time.
 Multiple owners of adjacent triggering properties never received notification regarding approval of the proposed site plan. The applicant’s first communication with GENA was 11/11/24 and was initiated by GENA President; Patty Sprinkle. Ms. Sprinkle first learned of the proposed site plan from the Dawson Neighborhood Association which borders the project site.
 On behalf of GENA, Ms. Sprinkle organized a neighborhood meeting so that the applicant could present their proposed project to neighborhood residents. The meeting was held on 11/18/24 at 7pm at the South Austin Recreation Center and attended by at least 75 Galindo neighborhood residents. As of the deadline for submission of backup materials to the Board of Adjustments, the applicant has not replied to any of the many questions raised by those in attendance at the meeting. The applicant has been unresponsive to several Interested Party voice mail requests for additional information regarding the project. 2. Inadequate Time for GENA and Interested Parties to prepare for the BoA Hearing
 GENA and Interested Parties will need additional time to research the impact of the recent revisions to the Austin land use ordinances involving HOME and ETOD will have on the site plan and associated variance requests for this project. It is therefore critical that GENA and other stakeholders be given appropriate time to form a meaningful consensus and potentially seek council to better understand the impacts of the project. 
 There have only been 7 business days since the initial presentation by the applicant at the GENA meeting of 11/18/24 and the deadline for backup material submission for the Board of Adjustments hearing due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
 Several of the most impacted homeowners and GENA board members will be unable to attend the December 9th hearing due to scheduling conflicts. ITEM04/1-PPMT REQUEST