ITEM02 C15-2024-0028 LATE BACKUP DEC9-BCNA LTR — original pdf

Bouldin Creek Neighborhood Association December 3, 2024 RE: Board of Adjustments Public Hearing – December 9, 2024 ITEM02: C15-2024-0028; Project Address: 1406 S 3rd St. (District 9) Variance Request: decrease the minimum front yard setback from 15 feet (required) to 5 feet (requested). The Bouldin Creek Neighborhood Association (BCNA)Steering Committee is unopposed to this variance request. Due to the timing of our General Association Meeting on December 10th and the scheduled meeting of the Board of Adjustment on December 9th, we cannot provide the applicant with any other decision regarding this variance request. The timing of the information we received from the applicant’s representative did not allow us to take a vote on this case before the December 9th meeting date. BCNA Bylaws require a vote of the General Association membership to provide a letter of support for the variance. BCNA zoning committee met with the applicant on October 14th, 2024, to discuss the case and provide feedback to the applicant. The Bouldin Creek Executive Committee is unopposed to this variance. Sincerely, Thom Parker, President Bouldin Creek Neighborhood Association CC: Joseph Mahlof, Project Manager, Green Bay Remodeling Inc , Wendy Jo Peterson Bouldin Creek Neighborhood Association, P.O. Box 3683, Austin, Texas 78764 ITEM02/1-LATE BACKUP