ITEM11 C15-2024-0047 PRESENTATION — original pdf

4906 Lynnwood ADU Case #C15-2024-0047 Bhavani Singal Principal Architect Workshop No. 5 REQUESTS A variance from the following: COVER PAGE 1. Section 25-2-492 (Site Development Regulations) to decrease the minimum interior side yard setback from 5 feet (required) to 2 feet 5 inches (requested) and 2. Section 25-2-515 (Rear yard of Through Lot) & Section 25-2-773 (Duplex, Two-Unit, and Three-Unit Residential Uses) (B) (3) A) to decrease the minimum rear yard setback from 15 feet (required) to 3 feet (requested) B) in order to complete and change the use of an existing detached garage to a Two-Unit Residential in an "SF-3", Single-Family Residence zoning district. This proposal has been approved by Austin Energy. WORKSHOP NO. 5ARCHITECTURE & INTERIORS5409 WOODROW AVE, UNIT C AUSTIN, TX 78756512.710.9705www.workshopno5.com4906 LYNNWOOD #C15-2024-0047BOA VARIANCE REQUEST PRESENTATIONDEC 9, 2024ITEM11/1-PRESENTATIONThis project is about keeping a family together. They have owned and lived on this property for four generations. Mr. Azar wants to remodel the garage/ADU to be a habitable residence for his daughter, a first-year teacher at Graham Elementary School. The garage was built in 1937 and has been in its current location since before it was annexed by the City in 1946, before Tyler was a street, and before all the homes around it with the exception of the historic ranch house at 4811 Sinclair Ave. The slab of the structure was poured by the current owner’s grandfather, a master cement finisher, and it is a strong and valuable asset. This project will not change the structure’s distance from the street or the powerlines, and Austin Energy has reviewed and approved the design. PROJECT SUMMARY The family is respectfully requesting setback variances similar to those granted to their immediate neighbors. Those neighbors and others have written letters supporting the variances. WORKSHOP NO. 5ARCHITECTURE & INTERIORS5409 WOODROW AVE, UNIT C AUSTIN, TX 78756512.710.9705www.workshopno5.com4906 LYNNWOOD #C15-2024-0047BOA VARIANCE REQUEST PRESENTATIONDEC 9, 2024ITEM11/2-PRESENTATION1977 AERIAL VIEW Garage 1984 AERIAL VIEW Private Drive T y l e r S t . Private Drive T y l e r S t . L y n n w o o d S t . L y n n w o o d S t . Tyler Street Tyler Street TYLER ST GRAVEL DRIVEWAY RAISED GARDEN BEDS LOT 3 LOT 3 7,507 Sq. Ft. 7,507 Sq. Ft. GREENHOUSE 15' REAR SETBACK PER THROUGH-LOT REGULATIONS LOT 2 LOT 2 5' SIDE YARD SETBACK EXISTING GARAGE ADU STORAGE SHED EXISTING SITE The Lynnwood garage was built long before the current setbacks LOT 4 LOT 4 applied to the site. It was built near the back property line, opening up the narrow lot for maximum yard space - the lot currently has room for a storage shed, a greenhouse, and several raised garden S S beds in addition to the two dwelling units. The 1977 aerial view of the Lynnwood home shows the garage off Tyler Street that exists today. The 1984 aerial view shows the expansion of the garage after it became a dwelling unit for the current homeowner when he was in college and the property belonged to his mother The city has no record of the conversion, therefore the structure cannot be grandfathered in as a compliant dwelling unit.. ONE STORY ONE STORY STONE HOME STONE HOME [E] COVERED PORCH 71 SF [E] WOOD DECK 94 SF Converted Dwelling Unit LYNNWOOD ST #4906 Lynnwood Street #4906 Lynnwood Street [E] CONCRETE WALK 491 SF EXISTING CONDITIONS & DESIGN CONSTRAINTS WORKSHOP NO. 5ARCHITECTURE & INTERIORS5409 WOODROW AVE, UNIT C AUSTIN, TX 78756512.710.9705www.workshopno5.com4906 LYNNWOOD #C15-2024-0047BOA VARIANCE REQUEST PRESENTATIONDEC 9, 2024ITEM11/3-PRESENTATIONEXISTING ADU= 511 SF PROPOSED ADDITION LEVEL 1= 78 SF LEVEL 2= 299 SF TOTAL PROPOSED ADU SIZE= 888 SF Since 1980, the 511 SF ADU has served the homeowner as a living space and workshop with complete dwelling unit amenities such as plumbing and electricity, both of which are tied to the main house. After many years of use, the ADU is in need of repair to become habitable again, and some modifications are needed to maximize its use. However, the hardship of this project is the through-lot setbacks. Tyler Street Lynnwood ADU 1990’s EXISTING CONDITIONS & DESIGN CONSTRAINTS WORKSHOP NO. 5ARCHITECTURE & INTERIORS5409 WOODROW AVE, UNIT C AUSTIN, TX 78756512.710.9705www.workshopno5.com4906 LYNNWOOD #C15-2024-0047BOA VARIANCE REQUEST PRESENTATIONDEC 9, 2024ITEM11/4-PRESENTATION3' REAR SETBACK REQUESTED 15' REAR SETBACK PER THROUGH-LOT REGULATIONS 5' SIDE YARD SETBACK PER ZONING 2'-5" SIDE YARD SETBACK REQUESTED TYLER ST GRAVEL DRIVEWAY RAISED GARDEN BEDS GREENHOUSE EXISTING GARAGE ADU STORAGE SHED [E] CONCRETE WALK 491 SF THE HARDSHIP Most lots on this street have a 5’ rear setback, as properties with alley access. However, the Lynnwood home is one of two on the street that is classified as a through-lot, which determines a 15’ rear setback. This is because it is situated between Lynnwood Street and Tyler Street - Tyler operating as a cul-de- sac as it turns off 49th street and leads to a private drive after 150 ft. The 15’ setback would require moving the ADU footprint 12’ into the existing yard. This would require demolition of a significant portion of the ADU in question and a storage shed. [E] COVERED PORCH 71 SF [E] WOOD DECK 94 SF LYNNWOOD ST WORKSHOP NO. 5ARCHITECTURE & INTERIORS5409 WOODROW AVE, UNIT C AUSTIN, TX 78756512.710.9705www.workshopno5.com4906 LYNNWOOD #C15-2024-0047BOA VARIANCE REQUEST PRESENTATIONDEC 9, 2024ITEM11/5-PRESENTATIONThe building has been in place for more than eight decades and is in need of intervention to make it habitable again. However, its framing and foundational slab have been determined to be in strong condition by architectural and engineering professionals To eliminate excessive cost, material waste, and extending and complicating the construction process, it is in the homeowner’s best interest to reuse the ADU’s existing shell to build a home for his daughter. This would include remodeling the portion of building within the 15’ rear yard setback without changing its height or footprint. EXISTING STRUCTURE WORKSHOP NO. 5ARCHITECTURE & INTERIORS5409 WOODROW AVE, UNIT C AUSTIN, TX 78756512.710.9705www.workshopno5.com4906 LYNNWOOD #C15-2024-0047BOA VARIANCE REQUEST PRESENTATIONDEC 9, 2024ITEM11/6-PRESENTATIONImpact on existing shed Portion of building demolished to comply with setback COMPLIANCE IMPACT DIAGRAM ADU Footprint if moved within setback WORKSHOP NO. 5ARCHITECTURE & INTERIORS5409 WOODROW AVE, UNIT C AUSTIN, TX 78756512.710.9705www.workshopno5.com4906 LYNNWOOD #C15-2024-0047BOA VARIANCE REQUEST PRESENTATIONDEC 9, 2024ITEM11/7-PRESENTATION4904 Lynnwood- Setback Variance Granted, Parking Variance Granted NEIGHBORHOOD VARIANCE PRECEDENTS Neighboring ADU’s with setback variance granted 2202 W. 49th Sreet- Setback & Lot Size Variance Granted WORKSHOP NO. 5ARCHITECTURE & INTERIORS5409 WOODROW AVE, UNIT C AUSTIN, TX 78756512.710.9705www.workshopno5.com4906 LYNNWOOD #C15-2024-0047BOA VARIANCE REQUEST PRESENTATIONDEC 9, 2024ITEM11/8-PRESENTATIONProposed Design 889 TOTAL SF New level 2 and roof built above existing level 1 Existing level wall and framing to remain, new siding, windows, and door View from Yard New wall and roof to comply with 15-foot Austin Energy overhead line clearance View from Tyler Street Tyler Street Tyler Street (50' R.O.W.) (50' R.O.W.) (N2°22'W 50') (N2°22'W 50') N05°09'40"W 50.02' N05°09'40"W 50.02' benchmark benchmark triangle on curb triangle on curb elev.=664.96' elev.=664.96' NEW CAR GATE [E] DRIVEWAY TO REMAIN [E] WATER METER TO REMAIN CONSTRUCTION ACCESS conc. curb conc. curb & gutter & gutter 665 665 concrete drive concrete drive W W 32' - 5" 3-phase 3-phase electric electric FH FH CONCRETE WASHOUT PORTABLE TOILET FIP FIP FIP FIP 7 ' - 6 " 1 5 ' - 0 " LOT 2 LOT 2 3' P.U.E. (PLAT) 3' P.U.E. (PLAT) [E] GRAVEL DRIVEWAY TO REMAIN 1 5 ' - 0 " SPOILS RAISED GARDEN BEDS TO REMAIN [E] ADU WITH ADDITION AND NEW SECOND FLOOR 4907 TYLER ST FFE = 665' - 7 1/4" MATERIAL STAGING E E NEW CARPORT 2' - 6 1/2" 2' - 5 1/2" FIRST FLOOR ADDITION HIPOINT & LOWPOINT 665'-0" 11' - 4" [E] GREENHOUSE TO REMAIN " 8 / 1 0 - ' 2 1 665 665 [E] ELECTRICAL METER TO REMAIN 7'-6"' SETBACK FROM O.H.E LOT 4 LOT 4 15' SETBACK FROM O.H.E [E] ADU ON NEIGHBORING PROPERTY ALL [E] UTILITY CONNECTIONS TO REMAIN [E] SHED TO REMAIN 14" 14" live oak live oak / 6 3 " 8 5 0 1 - ' concrete walk concrete walk LOT 3 LOT 3 7,507 Sq. Ft. 7,507 Sq. Ft. block 4 block 4 block 5 block 5 l l k k a a w w . . c c n n o o c c E E ' ' 3 3 0 0 . . 0 0 5 5 1 1 E E " " 3 3 5 5 5 5 0 0 ° ° 5 5 8 8 N N ' ' ) ) ' ' 0 0 5 5 1 1 W W 8 8 3 3 ° ° 7 7 8 8 S S ' ' ( ( ) ) ' ' 0 0 5 5 1 1 W W 8 8 3 3 ° ° 7 7 8 8 S S ' ' ( ( ' ' 0 0 0 0 . . 0 0 5 5 1 1 W W " " 4 4 4 4 6 6 0 0 ° ° 5 5 8 8 S S ' ' l l k k a a w w e e t t e e r r c c n n o o c c 16' - 0" R 21' - 6" G G 4 4 6 6 6 6 WW 1 ' - 3 R 1 " R 5' - 7 1/2" 21.5" 21.5" pecan pecan (E) WASTEWATER CONNECTION TO REMAIN covered covered concrete concrete wood wood deck deck FIP FIP concrete concrete drive drive conc. curb conc. curb & gutter & gutter 17" 17" spanish oak spanish oak l l k k a a w w . . c c n n o o c c FIP FIP 6 6 3 6 6 3 concrete walk concrete walk S05°07'23"E 50.06' S05°07'23"E 50.06' (N2°22'W 50') (N2°22'W 50') 21.5" PECAN NO CONSTRUCTION IMPACT #4906 Lynnwood Street #4906 Lynnwood Street (50' R.O.W.) (50' R.O.W.) W W E E S S PROPOSED DESIGN LEGEND LEGEND ( ) ( ) FIP FIP 1/2" FOUND IRON PIPE 1/2" FOUND IRON PIPE RECORD INFORMATION RECORD INFORMATION WOOD FENCE WOOD FENCE CHAINLINK FENCE CHAINLINK FENCE UTILITY POLE UTILITY POLE UTILITY/POWER LINE UTILITY/POWER LINE WATER METER WATER METER ELECTRIC METER ELECTRIC METER GAS METER GAS METER FH FH FIRE HYDRANT FIRE HYDRANT PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT P.U.E. PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT P.U.E. W W E E G G LEGEND EXISTING NEW GARAGE NEW ADDITION Existing wall and roof framing to remain. Siding and roof materials to be replaced. Austin Energy has approved this design. 4 4 6 6 6 6 [E] ONE-STORY SIDING RESIDENCE 4906 LYNNWOOD ST WORKSHOP NO. 5ARCHITECTURE & INTERIORS5409 WOODROW AVE, UNIT C AUSTIN, TX 78756512.710.9705www.workshopno5.com4906 LYNNWOOD #C15-2024-0047BOA VARIANCE REQUEST PRESENTATIONDEC 9, 2024ITEM11/9-PRESENTATIONNeighborhood Support "We remodeled and completed an addition to our home a couple of years ago... We are grateful that we were granted the variances we needed to expand my home to meet the needs of my growing family. Darrell should be given the same consideration. In my opinion, the variances he is requesting are less extensive than the ones we were granted and are perfectly reasonable. To keep long-time residents in the Austin, they need the leeway to improve their properties in an affordable way," -Neighbors Brian and Jessie 2202 W. 49th Street "The mayor and city council have made increasing the construction of affordable housing a priority. Giving homeowners the flexibility to increase density on their own properties, in a cost-effective way, aligns with this goal ... In an older [neighborhood,] variances are not uncommon and are sometimes the only alternative [to demolishing] existing housing and replacing it with less affordable housing." -Neighbors Aaron and Christina 4913 Lynnwood "In summary, we see this as a win-win. There is no downside for us or the neighborhood. There will be onsite parking and no impact to traffic, and it converts an unattractive building into a nice living unit that fits and adds value to the neigborhood. It also enables Sasha Azar, who we have known since she was a little girl, to remain in Austin as an elementary school teacher by giving her an affordable place to live." -Neighbors Laura and Scott 4904 Lynnwood NEIGHBORHOOD SUPPORT WORKSHOP NO. 5ARCHITECTURE & INTERIORS5409 WOODROW AVE, UNIT C AUSTIN, TX 78756512.710.9705www.workshopno5.com4906 LYNNWOOD #C15-2024-0047BOA VARIANCE REQUEST PRESENTATIONDEC 9, 2024ITEM11/10-PRESENTATION