Board of AdjustmentDec. 9, 2024

ITEM03 C15-2024-0031 ADV PACKET PART4 DEC9 — original pdf

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ITEM03/83 •J:+ i-s +ro�ti "j -!-l1.1d- it!'\ udd�s� of 2 '4>1':>11-z. +I, llviGvJ RJ ; 11 e,feaJ of_ ex?o-s tr, o ,J 'B t v 1 > CoNSioeRBD 4he.. .bo.d< Of +h,e... 5i-re. ha.,s b Ge,n g, ven e:J, H; ll vi a-\AI' d . Y •CJ..N� tJ o CJ� 1.TA-1' c.R.S s ho<J & -tt : n LlS,81) rf>R. C))Hslltu.cliOtJpA-R.l<ill.9. :fF CA-R.S Me 1)(Lrl<E3'0 OtJ l1o+'-, S,�e.> Of: ;,4'.e.w t)f-re..e.,t ) ,t-- rs R.,Bl)IAC6t> too ONe IJrN.E �re.e.t . v; e w �e. • The�e. \f !'\-RI� CEi$ q.RE sp eCi "Tic.a. \l ToV" £c�ls. ::t.T w ou..ld ba. ,,,. +ro.. ve� +� +t> qmn+ -+hese. Vfl-R;fA-NCes owlc.i .ft> ha..V'e.. #L. ChvYeh l:L�d Scheel �ell old--1-o A- de\/e,lope" �ffO� � -4-heM. wfio '6-•"'1-ftJOT be.-en-h·fL.eci " J: R-JV\ \f�� '5c,.ppe,�v� �& �preci'i...1i"� '\ °RAl.4$ot' 6�� $c4e/. � q�So � \JY·t=as!:> P. �-hu:lel\...--r-thex-e.. -1-\owe"et') � doe.s Mot-MA-Kc;;-�sc. VAR.i�ce-s f\t:Gep-fA.ble.. ,, .J: �M Cc t\JFu-, EfO it<;. -to •Who OWNS th,e. c\wreh• ITEM03/84 ITEM03/85 ITEM03/86 ITEM03/87 ITEM03/88 ITEM03/89 ITEM03/90 ITEM03/91