ITEM02 C15-2024-0028 LATE BACKUP NOV14_OPPOSITION — original pdf

Bouldin Creek Neighborhood Association November 6, 2024 RE: Board of Adjustments Public Hearing - Nov 14, 2024 ITEM02: C15-2024-0028, Project Address: 1406 S 3rd St. (District 9) Variance Request: decrease the minimum front yard setback from 15 feet (required) to 5 feet (requested). The Bouldin Creek Neighborhood Association (BCNA) recommends that the applicant utilize setback averaging to determine if a variance is needed. The BCNA zoning committee met with the applicant on October 14, 2024, to discuss the case and provided our feedback to the applicant. Setback Averaging is described under § Title 25, Chapter 25-2, Subchapter F, Article 2, 2.3 FRONT YARD SETBACK The BCNA has considered the applicant's case and supports the use of setback averaging to accomplish the decrease in the minimum front yard setback requested by the applicant. Sincerely, President Bouldin Creek Neighborhood Association, P.O. Box 3683, Austin, Texas 78764 ITEM02/1-LATE BACKUP