ITEM07 C15-2024-0042 PRESENTATION — original pdf

2003 Arpdale Street BOA Presentation NOVEMBER 2024 ITEM07/1-PRESENTATIONVariance Summary § 25-2-492 – Decrease the minimum side setback from 5 ft to 4 ft § 25-2-773 - Decrease the minimum lot size from 5,750 square feet to 5,500 square feet - Decrease the minimum rear setback from 10 ft to 5.5 ft Below is a site plan of the building which has been in its current form since the early 1990’s 2 ITEM07/2-PRESENTATIONUnique Circumstances and Characteristics Reliance on TCAD • Owner relied on TCAD when purchasing the home. • TCAD reports the site area as 5,752.90 sf 3 ITEM07/3-PRESENTATIONUnique Circumstances and Characteristics Minor Reduction in Lot Size Converted in 1990’s • Most properties in the subdivision were platted in the forties or fifties at 6,000 square feet or more, and so they were unaffected when the minimum lot size of 5750 sf went into effect. It appears, however, that sometime after the house and garage were built, a portion of this lot was sold. The resulting deficiency was not recognized until about 5 years ago. This circumstance is unique within this area. • Not all lots in the area have a structure built in 1949 that was converted to an accessory dwelling in the early 1990’s. Poor Record Keeping and Enforcement • Poor construction record keeping and poor permit enforcement results in the owner inheriting an unpermitted accessory dwelling Setbacks have been in place since 1949 • The structure and foundation have been in place since 1949, so the setback can not change. 4 ITEM07/4-PRESENTATIONSupport for Approval Neighborhood Support (verified by signatures) • Over 80% of the owners within 300 ft are in support of the variance • No recorded problems or complaints • Neighbors felt like this variance is a non-issue since this request involves an existing structure already being used as an ADU. • They do not feel like this ADU should be subject to regulations intended to limit the amount of new construction and conversions in the area. 5 ITEM07/5-PRESENTATIONSupport for Approval No History of Issues • No complaints against the house or ADU have been recorded for over 64 years • Verified by open record request Existing Structure Increases Affordable Housing Stock • Site has been in its current configuration for over 30 years • Several other houses in the Rabb Inwood subdivision have ADU’s • Adding this to the housing stock will help provide more affordable housing in Austin. 6 ITEM07/6-PRESENTATIONSupport for Approval Aging parent with Parkinsons to live in ADU • 68 year old mother has Parkinson’s and is experience declining conditions. • I plan to move her into the back unit and it would make her life much easier to have a second sink. 7 ITEM07/7-PRESENTATIONPhotos of Structure 8 ITEM07/8-PRESENTATION