ITEM05 C15-2024-0025 ADV PACKET APPEAL1 PART3 — original pdf

Contact Information Owner Phone Email Mailing Address Phone Email 5 c Christy May Applicant/ Agent Aqua Permits Mailing Address 6708 Bridge Hill Cove Mailing Address 6504 Betty Cook Dr Phone Email Phone Email s f General Contractor lnovative Home Construction Design Professional Edward B. Frerson, Architect Mailing Address 4307 Farhills Drive Austin TX 78731 i Authorization ~ I understand that in accordance with Sections 25-1-411 and 25-11-66 of the Land Development Code (LDC), non-compliance with the LDC may be cause for the Building Official to suspend or revoke a permit and/or license. ~ I further understand that no portion of any roof structure may overhang in any public utility or drainage easement. I acknowledge that customer will bear the expense of any necessary relocation of existing utilities to clear this driveway location and/or the cost to repair any damage to existing utilities caused during construction. Water services, meters, and wastewater cleanouts are not permitted within or beneath driveways or sidewalks. Private plumbing appurtenances will not be located in public right-of-way or public easements. Private plumbing lines will not cross lot lines. t/ I agree that this application is good for twelve (12) months after the date it is filed, and will expire if not approved for compliance within that time frame. If the application expires, a new submittal will be required and compliance with current code may be required. ~ I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge and ability, the information provided in this application is complete and accurate. I further acknowledge that, should any information contained herein prove incorrect, the building official may suspend or revoke any resulting permit and/or license. ~ As owner or authorized agent, my signature authorizes staff to visit and inspect the property for which this application is being submitted. I understand that without consent the review process may be delayed. ~ I also understand that ifthere is a septic system located on the property, I am required to complete an On-site Sewage Facility (a.k.a. an OSSF or septic system) application by contacting Austin Water at (512) 972-0050 or . This initiates the septic system permitting requirement needed to proceed with the development review process. ~ Erosion and Sedimentation Controls are required per Section 25-8-181 of the LDC. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in a Stop Work Order and/or legal action by the City of Austin including criminal charges and fines of up to $2,000.00 per day. ~ I am the record owner of this property and authorize the agent/applicant listed above to apply for and acquire a permit on my behalf. ~ I have checked for any property-specific information that may affect the review and/or construction of this project, including but not limited to: any subdivision notes, deed restrictions, restrictive covenants, zoning conditional overlays, and/or other requirements specific to proposed development on this property (collectively, the "Property Information"), located at: 6708 Bridge Hill Cove ~ I understand that the review of this project by the City of Austin will not include a review of any private restrictive covenants or deed restrictions that may apply to this property. t/ I am responsible for any conflicts between the Property Information and the request submitted to the City of Austin. I further acknowledge that I understand the implications of use and/or development restrictions that are a result of the Property Information. Additionally, I understand that the issuance of a City permit for this project does not affect the enforceability of any private restrictive covenants applicable to the property. I understand that if requested I must provide copies of any and all of the Property Information that may apply to this property. L Owner's signature: - - - - - - - - - - - --~f---+- See Owener Authorization Sheet - - - -- - - - - - Date: ___________ _ Applicant's signature: -----------~_,.~.,..,""I'- Design Professional's signature: ~C,s..,,,.,,_...,J..____ -----"''---·- -- - - - - Date: ____ _ ______ _ 4g.offt nr:eor ~I) Date: _.3....,/_z_z~/_2-_1 _ ____ _ 3/25/21 General Contractor's signature: - 7"'!lP:=t,L:....-- - -- - - - - - -- - - - - Date: _ __________ _ City of Austin I Residential New Construction and Addition Permit Application 3/17/21 I Page 4 of 7 ITEM05/66-APPEAL1City of Austin Re: Renovation of 6708 Bridge Hill Cove Austin, Texas With this note I authorize Edward B. Frierson, Architect to act as our agent, Innovative Home Construction, Inc. to act as our Builder/Contractor for our renovation project, as well as Aqua Permits at above mentioned address. Edward B. Frierson Architect, AIA Cell: 5 Office: 51 ITEM05/67-APPEAL1, Dev-eioTYfflint " -, . ~ ~-....... ~- SERVICESPoEPARTMENT Building a Better and Safer Austin Together Residential New Construction and Addition Permit Application Additional Information ~ I Phone 311 (or 512-974-2000 outside Austin) For submittal and fee information, see t' t /d ·1 Id I t Application Process For instructions of digital submissions, please visit Digital Development: o Completed application o Permit exhibits □ Austin Energy Building Service Plan Application (BSPA) Note: The BSPA and the plot plan must be stamped approved by AE prior to submittal. Please submit BSPA by email to, □ Austin Water W&WW Service Plan Verification, if water demand is to increase or a dwelling is added. (e.g. addition ofa bath) Note: The AW form and the plot plan must be stamped approved by AW prior to submittal. Please submit WWWSPV by email to □ Completed Demolition application with all required documentation, if any portion of an exterior wall is to be removed or modified. If submitting for a total demolition for new construction, demolition application must be submitted separately. All drawings must be to a City of Austin verifiable scale, see Building Criteria Manual for additional details and a list of acceptable scales. Check for expired permits: If there are expired permits associated with this property, they must be resolved. This can be done in the following ways: Submit an Acknowledgement of Expired Permits form with this application if the work is not related to the work being permitted. OR Include it in the description of work on this application and reference expired permits to be resolved If the Acknowledgement of Expired Permits form is used for this project, information about what will be required to resolve the expired permit(s) can be obtained during Residential Review General Information Walk-in hours. All new construction must comply with the Visitability Ordinance. Submit application package during Intake hours. For hours and additional information go to our website at About the Review Disciplines Technical Review - Any permit exhibits not sealed and signed by a Texas-registered architect or certified building designer will be subject to a limited technical review. The technical review is not intended to be exhaustive of all possible building code requirements. Erosion Hazard - There is a review of structural design if a property is located in the Erosion Hazard Zone, as defined by the boundaries located on the City of Austin GIS map. These zones align with locations where water flow and watershed could lead to erosion damage of the surrounding land features (e.g creeks, stream beds, .. . ). Fire Review - There is additional review of a project if the square footage of a structure exceeds 3,600 square feet in area. The 3,600 sq. ft. includes the total goss building area: all first, second, and additional floor areas; attached covered porches, patios, decks, and balconys; attached garages; and any other attached roofed areas. The review ensures adequate proximity to fire hydrants and sufficient water supply to the hydrants based on the total gross area of the structure. Properties within 200 feet of a hazardous pipeline may also require additional review. Floodplain Review - Any work requiring a permit on property located within l 00 feet of the l 00-Year floodplain will require additional review. If review is anticipated, include supporting information such as FEMA elevation certificate form 086-0-033 and/or topographic surveys referencing NA VD88. To check your property for proximity to a flood plain visit or the City's Floodplain Development Information website. Historic Review - There is additional review of exterior changes if property is a City Landmark or located in a Local Historic District, National Register Historic District, H or HD zoned district, or partial demolition of exterior features on property over 45 years old. Tree Review - All design proposals must abide by the Tree Preservation Criteria set forth in Section 3.5.2 of the City of Austin's Environmental Criteria Manual. Cut and fill is limited to 4" within½ Critical Root Zones (foundations cannot adhere to this), canopy removal is limited to 25% or less per tree, and 50% or more of the full Critical Root Zone must be kept at natural grade with natural ground cover. If proposing to remove a tree that is dead, diseased or an imminent hazard, please provide a Tree Risk Assessment from a Certified Arborist and/ or photographic evidence City of Austin I Residential New Construction and Addition Permit Application 3/ 17/21 I Page 5 of 7 ITEM05/68-APPEAL1Additional Information, Continued Documentation Explanations and Definitions Permit Exhibits: Plot Plan - Plot Plans must be drawn to a standard scale and are to include but are not limited to the following items: property address and legal description, north arrow, drawing scale, trees within the ROW or trees equal to or greater than 19 inches in diameter located on the property and immediately adjacent to the property, property lines, building lines for both existing and proposed improvements, easements, required zoning setbacks and roof overhangs, water meter and wastewater cleanout locations, underground and overhead utility lines and appurtenances, and water and/or wastewater line size and material. Floorplan(s) - Floorplans must be drawn to a standard scale and are to include (but are not limited to) the following items: drawing scale, room labels, new wall measurements, new ceiling heights, new door and window schedule, smoke detector* and carbon monoxide detector** specifications and locations, dimensioned locations of new plumbing fixtures, handrail/guardrail locations and room square footages. Please provide Existing and Proposed Floor plan if part of the improvements includes removing or adding any wall, window, door, plumbing fixtures, etc. Clearly differentiate between existing, demolished, and new items. *provide smoke detector system (hardwired, interconnected, battery back-up) at each sleeping room and vicinity in accordance with IRC R314 **provide carbon monoxide detector in immediate vicinity of sleeping rooms in accordance with IRC R3 I 5. Exterior Elevations - Elevation plans must be drawn to a standard scale are are to include front, rear, and sides of the structure. For additions, elevations are reqired of all sides of the new portion of the structure. Height dimensions are required on all elevations. If building height exceeds 20' or building is multi-story include dimensions of high, low, and average elevations at grade. Setback Plane Compliance Plan - If subject to Subchapter F - A separate exhibit must be submitted showing topographic elevations on I-foot intervals on the property, including the top of foundation spot elevation and intersections of the property boundary with the building line segments per Subchapter F, Section 2.6. All topographic information must be prepared and sealed by a Texas-registered professional land surveyor. Structural Drawing(s) - Foundation plan of sufficient detail to show conformance to the provisions of the currently adopted IRC including but not limited to: I) size, spacing and strength of reinforcing steel 2) foundation requirements for braced wall panels required in braced wall plan. Wall and.fl.oor/ceiling/roof sections and details, framing plans and/or framing design information as follows: General - lumber size, grade, species and spacing of all wood elements. Wood framed floors - spans and intermediate girders Wood framed walls - wall type (e.g. 2x4's @ 16 in. o.c.), wall height, headers. Wood framed roofs - roof framing plan to include rafters and girders as a minimum. Brace wall plan showing compliance with the currently adopted IRC. The plan shall clearly indicate the braced wall lines and the braced wall method use for compliance to expedite review. Additional Requirements: Non-complying Structures (applicable to all work types) - A separate exhibit must be submitted showing the existing building footprint location in relation to the property boundaries and required setbacks. Exterior walls and supporting structural elements must be clearly labeled and dimensioned showing walls to be removed per Land Development Code Section 25-2-963. Setback Averaging - If using setback averaging, one copy of the Contextual Site Plan showing four adjacent properties with location of existing buildings and existing front yard setbacks identified for front yard setback averaging per the provisions ofSubchapter F, Residential Design and Compatibility Standards, Section 2.3. Surveys must be provided by a Texas-registered professional land surveyor showing existing buildings and their distance from the front lot line. Design Professionals - For any project exceeding 20 feet in height or more than one-story within the Subchapter F boundaries, all permit exhibits must be sealed and signed by a Texas-registered architect or certified building designer (National Council of Building Designers or Texas Institute of Building Design) Localized flooding - If there is a storm drain inlet or pipe, drainage ditch, or drainage easement on or near the property or the property is at the low point of a roadway, there may be a chance of flooding from the local drainage system. The proposed development cannot cause additional flooding on other property nor have an adverse impact on the existing local drainage system. Contact the Development Assistance Center for more information .Tree Survey - Provide a tree survey per ECM 3.3.2 that labels the ¼, ½ and full Critical Root Zones and provides the diameter and species of each protected tree (a Tree Legend is recommended). Depict proposed access routes and material staging. Show all proposed and existing utilities. Show specific locations of tree protection fencing and mulching per requirements of ECM 3.5.2. City of Austin I Residential New Construction and Addition Permit Application 3/17/21 I Page 6 of 7 ITEM05/69-APPEAL1Existing Sq Ft New/Added Sq Ft Total Sq Ft Calculation Aid Area Description Note: Provide a separate calculation for each distinct area. Attach additional sheets as necessary. Measurements arc to the outside surface of the exterior wall. a) 1st floor conditioned area b) 2"0 floor conditioned area c) 3rd floor conditioned area d) Basement e) Attached Covered Parking (garage or carport) f) Detached Covered Parking (garage or carport) g) Covered Wood Decks ( counted at 100%) h) Covered Patio i) Covered Porch j) Balcony k) Other - Specify: Total Building Area (TBA) Total Building Coverage (TBC) l) Driveway m) Sidewalks n) Uncovered Patio o) Uncovered Wood Decks (counted at 50%) p) AC pads and other concrete flatwork q) Other (Pool Coping, Retaining Walls) Total Site Impervious Coverage (add: TBC and I through q) (Q r) Pool s) Spa 3,321 .00 1,909.00 0.00 0.00 532.00 570.00 70.49 6 964.00 475.29 1,355.86 179.88 56.40 1,335.63 14,860.55 451.38 31 .50 (add: a through k) 6,402.49 245.19 (from TBA subtract if aoolicable: b, c, d, and i) (A) 4,493.49 245.19 (ID 115.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 129.34 0.00 245.19 CID 0.00 0.00 3,436.85 1,909.00 0.00 0.00 532.00 0.00 0.00 570.00 199.83 0.00 0.00 6,647.68 4,738.68 6 964.00 475.29 1,355.86 179.88 56.40 1,335.63 15,105.74 451.38 31 .50 Building Coverage Information Note: Building Coverage means the area of a lot covered by buildings or roofed areas, but excludes ground level paving, landscaping, open recreational facilities, incidental projecting eaves, balconies, and similar features. Pools, ponds, and fountains are not included in this measurement. (LDC 25-1-21) Lot Area (sq. ft.): 4 ~ 5' 'i'i • 'St) Existing Building Coverage (see above A, sq. ft.): 4,493.49 Final Building Coverage (see above ,!!, sq. ft.): 4,738.68 Existing Coverage% of lot (A + Lot Area) x 100 : _9_.6_0 __ % Final Coverage % of lot (!! + Lot Area ) x 100 : 9.10 % Impervious Cover Information Note: Impervious cover is the total horizontal area of covered spaces including all building coverage, paved areas, walkways, and driveways. The term excludes pools, ponds, fountains, and areas with gravel placed over pervious surfaces that are used only for landscaping or by pedestrians. (LDC 25-1-23) Existing Impervious Coverage (see above C, sq. ft.): 14,860.55 Final Impervious Coverage (see above D, sq. ft.): 15,105.74 Existing coverage% of lot~ + Lot Area ) x 100 : 34.12 Final coverage% of lot ()! + Lot Area ) x 100 : 34.68 % % City of Austin I Residential New Construction and Addition Permit Application 3/1 7/21 I P ::inP. 7 nf 7 ITEM05/70-APPEAL1D L il CITYOFAUSTIN t eve1onmen SERVICESIDEPARTMENT Building a Better and Safer Austin Together Download application before entering information. For Office Use Only – Permit Information BP- ______________________ PR- _____________________ Historic Review: __________________ Year Built: ____ Referred By: _________________________________________ Historic District Name: __________________________ Release permit □ ___________________________________________________________________________ Historic Preservation Office ___________________ Date IMPORTANT: Inspections are required for all demolition projects. If you do not schedule a final inspection, the permit will expire after twelve (12) months from the date of application. To close an expired permit, applicants must submit a NEW application for the project and associated fees for the project. DO NOT LET YOUR PERMIT EXPIRE! HISTORIC LANDMARKS AND HISTORIC DISTRICTS: If this property is a historic landmark or a contributing property in a local or National Register Historic District, additional applications and fees apply. Visit the Historic Preservation Office website at for more information. Submittal Requirements Iii Iii Iii Iii 1. Owner authorization/signature, notarized at the bottom of the next page, OR a notarized letter of authorization from the owner giving the applicant permission to apply. Electronically notarized applications are preferred; otherwise, a hard copy of the original notarized application must be mailed for City records to, City of Austin – DSD, Attn: Residential Review, PO Box 1088, Austin, TX 78767 2. Dimensioned site plans or survey that shows all existing structures and the structures to be demolished 3. Certified tax certificate(s) from the Travis County Tax Assessor (5501 Airport Boulevard, 512-854-9473) 4. Photos of each side of structure. One photo must show the entire elevation visible from the street. Photos must be 7. Approved/Red-stamped Site Plan OR an approved Site Plan Exemption Form 8. Texas Department of Health Asbestos Notification Form completed by a licensed inspector or contractor two megapixels (1200 x 1600 pixels) or larger. 5. Tree survey with all trees 19” or greater shown on plans 6. Review Fee (see fee schedule for applicable fees) □ □ Additional requirements for commercial demolitions: □ □ Property Information Address: ________________________________________ City: ________________________________ Zip: ______ Current Use: _____________________________________ Demolition Type CJ portion of wall(s) and roof to be demolished: Total □ Partial: identify the exterior wall(s), roof, or _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Demolition Contractor Information Structural Information Company: _______________________________________ Square Feet: ____________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ Building Materials: ________________________________ City: ________________________________ Zip: ______ Foundation Type: _________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________ Estimated Cost of Demolition: _______________________ nn6708 Bridge Hill CoveAustin78746Residential (Single Family)nFont of house at the South East corner, partial opening of existing wall to expand the closet. No full walls are removed.TBD20brick, wood frame, drywallConc slab20,000ITEM05/71-APPEAL1Owner Applicant Name: __________________________________________ Name: _________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________ City: ________________________________ Zip: ______ City: ________________________________ Zip: ______ Phone: ___ _____________________________ Phone: ____ _____________________________ Email: ____________________________ Email: _ __________ Additional Questions Are there trees 19 inches or greater in diameter on the site or along neighboring properties? Yes Was the structure inhabited within the last 12 months? What is the total number of housing units that will be demolished? _______________________ What is the total number of bedrooms in the units that will be demolished? _________________ □ Yes □ No □ No □ How many currently occupied residential units will be demolished? _______________________ If 5 or more, tenant notification and a certified form may be required with your application per the City of Austin Land Development Code (Division 23-4E-8; F25-1-712 and 713). Visit for more information. Is the property located in a National Register historic district, a historic district (zoned HD), or a historic landmark (zoned No H)? ________________ Consent, Authorizations, and Signatures I understand and will adhere to the following rules or regulations: 1. No work may begin prior to issuance of this permit. All required permits must be obtained prior to the start of work. 2. Verify with the Development Assistance Center that new construction will be permitted on the property at this location PRIOR to submitting this application. 3. If the structure to be demolished is tied into water and/or sewer services provided by the City of Austin, you must contact Austin Water Utility at 512-494-9400 to obtain specific water and sewer service information. 4. Erosion and sedimentation controls are required by the City of Austin Land Development Code (§23-4D-7; F25-8- 181). Failure to comply may result in a Stop Work Order and/or legal action by the City of Austin, including criminal charges and fines of up to $2,000 per day. Inspection of erosion, sedimentation controls, and tree protection must be requested by the owner before construction begins (§23-5B-6050 (B); F25-1-288). Call (512) 974-2278 or email to obtain these inspections. 5. Tree preservation is required per the Land Development Code (Article 23-4C; F25-8-B) and Environmental Criteria Manual (§3.5.2 (A)). Proposed work that will remove, impact the critical root zone, or prune more than 25% of the canopy of a protected size tree must be reviewed for a tree permit. Note: Root zone protection measures (e.g. fencing, boards attached to the trunk, mulch) are required prior to work. Obtain an application from the City Arborist Program at or 6. If the proposed work will require use of City right of way, a Right of Way Application must be approved. Obtain an application from the Transportation Department at (512) 974-7180 or 7. The Historic Preservation Office will determine if the referenced structure meets historic designation criteria as defined by the Land Development Code (Article 23-6E; F25-11-213 to 214; and §23-3C-10090; F25-2-352). Additional review by the Historic Landmark Commission may be required and additional fees may be assessed. If the property is a historic landmark or is located in a local or National Register historic district, the Historic Landmark Commission must review plans for new construction before the demolition permit is released. Call (512) 974-3583, email, or visit for more information. 8. Construction projects exceeding 5,000 square feet of new, added, or remodeled floor area and all permitted commercial and multifamily demolition projects are required to divert construction debris from the landfill per the Land Development Code (§23-6C-2060; F25-11-39). Email or visit for more information. Christy May6708 Bridge Hill CvAustin78746512Stephen Hawkins6504 Betty Cook DrAustin78723512-snn000ITEM05/72-APPEAL19. Approved permits may be obtained from the Permit Center. Any additional fees will be assessed at that time. I, the undersigned, hereby swear or affirm that the information provided in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and is an accurate reflection of my intentions for the above structure and/or property. I understand that any omission or incorrect information herein will render this application and any permit obtained invalid. Iii As owner(s) of the property described in this application, I/we hereby authorize the Applicant listed on this application to act on my/our behalf during the processing and presentation of this request. They shall be the principal contact with the City in processing this application. Signature of Applicant (if different than owner): ________________________________________ Date: ___________ Signature of Owner: ____________________________________________________________ Date: ___________ ~ ~ \U,V.---- . Sworn and subscribed before me this ____ day of ________________ , 20 ____ Signature of Public Notary: ________________________________________ My commission expires: ___________ see owner authorizaion letter (attached) Notary Public in and for the State of Texas 03/23/202103/23/2021ITEM05/73-APPEAL1City of Austin Re: Renovation of 6708 Bridge Hill Cove Austin, Texas With this note I authorize Edward B. Frierson, Architect to act as our agent, Innovative Home Construction, Inc. to act as our Builder/Contractor for our renovation project, as well as Aqua Permits at above mentioned address. Christy S. May :S1o\,fe of-t.eiiccq CO'lklA\vj ~t '\Wi,Vlr Date ivLt !virt-11111,w,11,t wa.r ue,bW'/11/ld{,J ½fr«- w M ~ 'JJ M ~ of Ma vr,h /A:J 2-/ t?'J-' Ck rl i½ ~ , ~ ':;,{t,i,/1-,01..-/ Notary Date Edward B. Frierson Architect, AIA Cell: Office: 5 ITEM05/74-APPEAL1TAX CERTIFICATE Bruce Elfant Travis County Tax Assessor-Collector P.O. Box 1748 Austin~ Texas 78767 (5Ld 854-9473 NO 2284818 -- ♦ ----- ---- ----------------------------------- - ----- --- - - -- -------------------- ACeOUNT NUMBER: 01-3319-0144-0000 PROPERTY OWNER : MAY CHRISTY S 6708 BRIDGE HILL CV AUSTIN, TX 78746 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: LOT 5 BRIDGE HILL SUED ACRES ----------------- ----- --------------------------------- ------------------------- SITUS INFORMATION: ------------ --------------------- --- -------------------------------------------- This is to certify that after a careful check of tax records of this office, the following taxes, aelinguent taxes, penalties and interests are due on the described property of Ehe following tax unit(s): YEAR 2020 CITY OF AUSTIN (TRAV) BRIDGE HILL AUSTIN ENTITY TOTAL 6708 CV 1.0365 MIN% .000000000000 TYPE TRAVIS COUNTY EANES ISD TRAVIS CENTRAL HEALTH ACC (TRAVIS) TOTAL SEQUENCE 0 *ALL PAID* *ALL PAID* *ALL PAID* *ALL PAID* *ALL PAID* *ALL PAID* *ALL PAID* * NONE * * * NONE * NONE * *ALL PAID* TOTAL TAX: UNPAID FEES: INTEREST ON FEES: COMMISSION: TOTAL DUE== > TAXES PAID FOR YEAR 2020 $26,002.08 ALL TAXES PAID IN FULL PRIOR TO AND INCLUDING THE YEAR 2020 EXCEPT FOR UNPAID YEARS LISTED ABOVE. The above described property may be subject to special valuation based on its use, and additional rollback taxes may become due. Property Tax Code). Pursuant to Section 31.08 of the State Property Tax Code, there is a fee of $10.00 for all Tax Certificates. -- -------------------- --- --------------------- -- ----------------- --------------- GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE ON THIS DATE OF 03/29/2021 (Sect ion 23.55, State Fee Paid: $10.00 Bruce Tax As By : SCHLIER printed on 03/29/2021 @ 11 :13:44:53 Page# 1 ITEM05/75-APPEAL1---- ITEM05/76-APPEAL1ITEM05/77-APPEAL1- ITEM05/78-APPEAL1ITEM05/79-APPEAL1- ' - ·- - f - -.... - ITEM05/80-APPEAL1ITEM05/81-APPEAL1- ITEM05/82-APPEAL1ITEM05/83-APPEAL1ITEM05/84-APPEAL1ITEM05/85-APPEAL1-- 1 \ .__ • ITEM05/86-APPEAL1.... ._ ..... - = = = - - · ·=-----..... ca: . . : . - - ITEM05/87-APPEAL1ITEM05/88-APPEAL1ITEM05/89-APPEAL1 AUSTIN ENERGY One Texas Center | 505 Barton Springs Road Phone: (512) 974-2632, (512) 974-9112 Email: (cid:401) This project will require a Temporary Loop (cid:401) Design Required Building Service Planning Application (BSPA) This form to be used for review of Residential Building Permits only For use in DAC only Person Responsible for Request: ____________________________________________________ Email: __________________________________________________________________________ Project Address: ____________________________________________________________ –OR– Legal Description: ____________________________________ Lot: ________ Block: _______ Who is your electrical provider? Iii AE □ Other: ______________________________________ 0 Overhead Service Underground Service 0 Single-(cid:51)(cid:75)(cid:68)(cid:86)(cid:72)(cid:3)(cid:11)(cid:3436)Ø) 0 Three-Phase (3Ø) Location of meter: ________________________________________________________________ Scope of work: ___________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 512-750-1402 3/21/2021 [APPROVED ] Structures added on existing lot with existing UG service shall not be located within 5ft of AE UG Conduit City of Austin | Austin Energy Building Service Planning Application (BSPA) 11/21/2019 ITEM05/90-APPEAL1(cid:7)(cid:5)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:8) (cid:4)(cid:3)(cid:6)(cid:7)(cid:8) (cid:13)(cid:5)(cid:15) (cid:7)(cid:14)(cid:1)(cid:15) (cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:11)(cid:2)(cid:10)(cid:6)(cid:9)(cid:12)(cid:6)(cid:8)(cid:7)(cid:15) (cid:19)(cid:16)(cid:20)(cid:16)(cid:69) (cid:19)(cid:16)(cid:20)(cid:19)(cid:69) (cid:19)(cid:16)(cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:69) (cid:19)(cid:16)(cid:20)(cid:21)(cid:69) (cid:19)(cid:16)(cid:20)(cid:22)(cid:69) (cid:19)(cid:16)(cid:20)(cid:23)(cid:69) (cid:19)(cid:16)(cid:20)(cid:24)(cid:69) (cid:19)(cid:16)(cid:20)(cid:25)(cid:69) (cid:19)(cid:16)(cid:21)(cid:11)(cid:69) (cid:19)(cid:16)(cid:21)(cid:13)(cid:69) (cid:19)(cid:16)(cid:21)(cid:16)(cid:69) (cid:19)(cid:16)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:69) (cid:19)(cid:16)(cid:21)(cid:20)(cid:69) (cid:19)(cid:16)(cid:21)(cid:21)(cid:69) (cid:19)(cid:16)(cid:21)(cid:22)(cid:69) (cid:19)(cid:16)(cid:21)(cid:23)(cid:69) (cid:19)(cid:16)(cid:21)(cid:24)(cid:69) (cid:19)(cid:16)(cid:21)(cid:25)(cid:69) (cid:19)(cid:16)(cid:22)(cid:11)(cid:69) (cid:19)(cid:16)(cid:22)(cid:13)(cid:69) 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Shumard Oak (15" total) 7" and 11 • Live Oak (14.5" total) 16" Cedar Elm 14" Cedar Elm 1 o• Cedar Elm 1 o• Cedar Elm 13" Cedar Elm 11" Cedar Elm 12• Cedar 11 • Cedar Elm 12• Hackberry 13" Cedar Elm 11 " Cedar Elm 12" Cedar Elm 17• Live Oak 9" Live Oak 12• Live Oak 12• and 13" Live Oak (19" total) 16" Live Oak 18" Live Oak 17" Hackberry 26" Live Oak 11" Spanish Oak 13" Spanish Oak 20• Cedar Elm 16" Cedar NlfA DESCl2PT10N I sc floor cond1tioned area a) b 2"'' floor conditioned area f<I floor conditioned area c) d) Basement e Attached Covered Parlane: '=rage or cmpmt) f Detached Covered Parkme (garage or carpon) ' Covered Wood.Decks(countedat 100%) h Covered Pat10 1 Covered Porch J Balcony k Other - Snec1fv· Total Building Area (TBA) Total Building Coverage (TBC) I) Dnvewav m) Sidewalks n Uncovered Pat10 0 Uncovered Wood Decks <counted at 50%) ' AC oads and other concrete flatwork ' Other (Pool Coomg, RetfilDllli!: Walls} rl Pool s\ Soa Total Site Impervious Coverage &XIS'IHC: SQ. FT IE.'11 /NJOF;O SQ. FT. TOTAL SQ. FT. 3,321 00 I '11'>"1 0 00 0 00 532 00 115 85 0 00 0 00 570 00 70 49 0 00 129 34 6 964 00 475 29 1,355.86 179 88 5640 1,335 63 14,860 55 451 38 31 50 0 00 24519 (!!) 0.00 000 3,436 85 - 1.10"1 -~ 0 00 0 00 532 00 0 00 0 00 570 00 199 83 0 00 0 00 4,738 68 6 964 00 47529 1,355.86 179 88 5640 1,335 63 15,105 74 451 38 31 50 (wid.. ai lhrougb l:) G-., 1!1?f Jt 361 00 ~ 1,,~- ,t'" (from TBA s1.1httact. If aM.licable b, C. d. and 11 ® 4.493 49 24519 ll!l (add: TBC ard l th!'(lugh q) [J;) Building Coverage Information Now B1111dmgCovcrai;c mCIIIIS the lll"s'a ofa lot oovcn;d by bmldmgs or roofed areas, but excludes ground lcvcl paving, land~capmg, open l'Cl:ra,:aonal facd1tics, mC'ldenlal pmJedmg 11aves, hak:nmes, and ~m1\ar fealu.rei, Pool~, pn11d.<1, and row,lams are nol. ,nr:lL,ded m th•~ ll'lll38uremeitl (I rx; 25-1-2.1) Lot Area (sq. ft.): 43,554 50 Existing Building Coverage (see above a, sq. ft.), 4.493 49 Final Building Coverage (see above!!, sq. ft.): 4,738 68 Exmmg Coverage % of lot (:1 Lot Area) X 100 • 10 31 % Fmal Coverage % of lot Q!..,... Lot Area) x 100 • 10 87 % Impervious Cover Information NOie TmpcrvlQUS cover 1s the total horizontal area ofoovcred spa= mdudmg all bwldmg co.cragc, pav.-d ~ . walkways, and dnvcways. The lcnn ~elude~ pools, pnnd~. fou1Jla1m,, am! IITTla~ w1lh gravel pl~ owrperv111u~ ~u:rroi:e~ !.hal are u.~ed only IOI' la.-id.'iCapmg or hy pedesLnan~ (1JJC 2.S-1-21) Existing Impervious Coverage (see above .C., sq. ft.): 14,860.55 Final Impervious Coverage (see above Q., sq. ft): 15,105 74 Ex1stmg coverage% of lot(£ - Lot Area) x 100 : 34.12 % Fmal coverage% of lot (I!- Lot Area) x JOO. 34.68 % ( S60• 42' 57' E> ( 406. 72' > 62· 03' 09' 406. 72' • 649 0 L - · - · - - · N6t • 37' 16' W < N60• t5' 22' W 5' B.L. per SF-2 Zoning designation 5' x 225' P.U.E. per plat 411..6o/. - • - • - • - • - • - 411.31•> ~a - -~ I _J • - • - • - • - • - • - ~ ·1- ·1-. \I I ~ I 0-•-W-4-~_M_d_i~-- i\ I Site Plan • 6708 Bridge Hill Cove Austin, Texas THE OFFICE OF EDWARD B. FRIERSON AJA A R C H I T E C T 4307 FARHILLS DR. AUSTIN, TX 78731 512•502•9340 ALL ~GKTS ~ESEl'IVEO BY A!;!Cf.llTECT ORA.WINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS AS lNSHlUh'ct.llS OF SERVICE SliAI..L REr,,Alr>l lliE PRCf'e:!TY OF THE ARCHITECT 11-ll'Y SHALL NOT BE USED ON OTHER PROJECTS CR EXlENSIONS Of THIS ~ROJECT EXCEPT BY AGRE?.",ENT IN WRllrtfG ANO WlTH M'PRCf'ROPRJATE COl,IPEM SATIO'i IC l~E AAC~ITl,CT COO TRACTOR IS RESPOl'J~BLE FOR CONFJRM1NO ""'D CORR~LAHNG Dltil=NSIONS Al THE Joe sm; THE: Ae!CH11ECT 'MU. NOT BE RESPO~SleLE FOsl CONSTRIJCTION MEAAS, t,IETHOOS, TECHNIQUES 00 FOR SAFSTV P~CAUTIDJIIS ANDPRCG"RAMSIN CONNECTION WITK THE PROJECT 3/16/2021 .......... ' ' . ' ' ............... . . ' ......... " ' . ' . ' ... ' .. ' .. ' .. . . ' ....................... ' ' .. ' . . . . . . . . ' ... ' ............. " . ' . ' TITLE: Site Plan SHEET: A0.1 SCALE: ~ = 20'-0' ITEM05/92-APPEAL1LOT 2 I I I calcul6ted po,bt ......._ I I I I E s neighboring ale pad concrete Two-Story Brick & Frame fimsh floor Elevat,on= 6t5 82" LO'r 6 concrete driveway ,324 9 ,3245 0 concrete driveway LOT 5 BRIDGE HILL SUBDIVISION Volume 82 Page 200 rack NOTES. 1. This map was prepared without the benefit of a current title commitment. and therefore this lot may be subject to easements and/or restrictions In addition to the ones shown hereon. 2. NAVD88 Elevations shown hereon are based upon Trimble RTKNET GPS observations. 3. Tree "crowns" shown hereon are drawn as a function of one Inch of trunk diameter equals one foot of "crown" radius. 4. Orientation for this survey Is based upon the State Plane Coordinate System. 14203-Texas Central Zone) LOT 4 PREPARED: January 13th, 2021 BY: Holt Carson Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 5166 HOLT CARSON, INC. 1904 Fortvlew Road Austin. Texas 78704 (512)-442~0990 Firm Registration Number 10050700 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY MAP OF: LOT 5, BRIDGE HILL SUBDIVISION, A SUBDIVISION IN TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 82 PAGE 200 OF THE PLAT RECORDS OF TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS. LOCATED AT 6708 BRIDGE HILL COVE. SCALE 1" • 20' --Legend @ ½·Iron Rod Found @ ½·Iron Pipe Found ◊ ½·Iron Rod Set with plastic cop imprinted with "Holt Carson, Inc." • Mag Nall Found -x-Wlre Fence 6 6 Wrought Iron Fence - - - - - - Overhead Utility Line (Record Bearing and Distance) TREE LIST TAG No. DESCRIPTION 3242 3243 3244 3245 3246 3247 3248 3249 3250 3251 3252 3253 3254 3255 3256 3257 3258 3259 3260 3261 3262 3263 3264 3265 3266 3267 two-10·· Shumard 7·· and 11·· Live 16'" Cedar Elm 14"' Cedar Elm 10"' Cedar Elm 10" Cedar Elm 13" Cedar Elm 11" Cedar Elm 12'" Cedar 11" Cedar Elm 12"" Hackberry 13'" Cedar E Im 11"' Cedar Elm 12" Cedar Elm 17" Live Oak 9'" Live Oak 12'" Live Oak 12" and 13" Live 16"' Live Oak 18" Live Oak 17'" Hackberry 26'" Live Oak 11'" Spanish Oak 13" Spanish Oak 20'" Cedar Elm 16'" Cedar Oak (15" total l Oak {14.5" total l Oak ( 1 9" I o I a I ) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / ; I / I I J: Q 1 / edge of neighboring / concrete driveway/ ::::,4,, / I <!. II~ /I 25' BL per SF-2 Zoning designation I I I,' /,' I I ---- ----....... ' - - 0,.--water meter concrete transformer pad es a I I I I I, I : I I BRIDGE HILL COVE (S49°04'54"W C:43.84") S46°40'56•W C:43.80' A:45.34' R=50.00' BENCHMARK Triangle cut on top of Cll'b. El11vation "' 648.81' { clean-outs A 1073128 ITEM05/93-APPEAL1I I I -+i-1-11{,-'41', '~---+-----+--"/_1,p '· le" i~ ~---- ---,---.-- ---~rl ---- i I i 1 __________ L ______ _ ,- \ i:--c---.. \1/ '' I I I " ' " II 11 ' I MASTER BEDROOM ., ; J I ': I 1 I I ( -•~- J C- , ,----" I f ;' I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , I IV") r \ / ✓ I I , , I ' KITCHEN I I "·" I I '"'',, 41-01' ~ , , , - - - - - - - - ' - · - - - - - -~ _,_ .. 0 -, ~ - - - - - - - - , Ir, ! , t i I "-_ -"',u~u~u---.---r-u--.'--4-r , , ~~ ---,l-----c,"-1~-~;-;-----Jjl-- BREJKFAST I AREA 1 LIVING ROOM 1 , ' :H I i I I I ' ' II ------ --1 I " i- i - FAMILY ROOM - --+---+- 1 I STUDY , ' 1 -STAIR UP J ,, wooD -- ·, ./Vll;:JJ ~ ' f ?~ >( ' UTILITY' P.R. 0 oo \ - - - - - t:t'.:::::==-:::::==,-t::...=•--=r'· -~-""--=---i;====r-i====:;1•r--___J_ 1, .I , i,;:- I /1 n GARAGE i ,---- ---,-- / . , FLOOR PLAN ____________ _ MAY RESIDENCE 6708 Bridge Hill Cove Austin, Texas TilE OFFICE OF EDWARD B. FRIERSON AJA ARCHITECT 4307 FARJIILLS DR. AUSTIN, 'IX 78731 Ali R1GtfB Rf:SllRv,;o FM AActil'l'l'?CT DRAWWGS AH) SP£C1F!CA11()1"S J.S INS'iRLJ!RcNTS Of sat\llCE SHAJ...L f\EMAJN Tl-IE 'lJ-IEY SHAU NOT 81: use:, CN PROPERTY OF TI-£ MCHITT'CT OTHER PROJEClS ~ ElCJEMI~ OF 'TJ;!S PROJECT EXCEPT BY AGR£EMEfiT IN 'M<ITING AND 'J\1111, APPROPAIJPRIAT'f: COMPeti- SATION TO TI-£ NtCHITECT CONl'RACTOR lS kl':SPONSIBLE FOO CONFIRMING AND CQJ!P:tiU,TING O!r.lOlSICf,IS AT THE JOB SftE. Tl-IE ARClilTE,;;T WU. WOT BE RESf'Ol'ISl&l.f FOR CONS'fJIUCTION MEAHS, MaHOOO TECHNIQUE$ 00 FOR SAFETV PRECAI/TIOHS AHO~ IH COtlN£CTIQN Willi THE PROJECT ................................... , .. , ........... ,,,,,, .. ,., TITLE: FLOOR PLAN SHEET: A 1.1 · SCALE: ITEM05/94-APPEAL1c= I t- _j I I L L I ....I I L t I L ...! I I L ...L .. , - - -1 r I ., I I ' ' I I ; ; .. - - - - - - - - - - t- ---:-,_.... - ' - - , - - I I I ,,,.~ /\ \ I\ - . . . I I I I I I I -I I I I - -- . ! ' I I I I I I I I l 1-- -j CJ I ' ., . 1-. ' ----- ----- vP □ T I I f ;· I I f '-.. . I I J.. I ~I ,., --C - - - J \ . .. " u G I- ·I I- I r - r"' I \ :======tl7 _, 17 L .J I I I 1 - - _ _/j__"t- 1.-- - - - - - - - - --, rr I I J I I I - - - 'i !\ ., / • I --.. 'T I I - : \ I KEY:' EXISJING WALL'TO REMAIN _ EXISTING WALL, DOOR, WINDOW OR CABINET TO BE REMOVED ..,_ ___________________ ___, _DEMO PLAN- MAY. RESIDENCE 6708 Bridge Hill Cove Austin, Texas TIIE OFF1CE OF EDWARD B. FRIERSON AIA ARCHITECT 4307 FARHilLS DR. AUSTIN, TX 78731 DRJMilNGS l'IIGl'tTS RleSFRVFO BY ARCHITECT Al.l ,q,o:, SPl!CIFICA110NS /IS INSffl.UMENTS Cf SERVICE" SHAU. REMAm TitE 'fHEY SH11U. NOT SE tJSEO ct. K!OPERTY Of ilE AACHIT'!'CT OTHER PROJECTS OR EXTBISIONS OF 1lilS PROJECT EXce>T ev AGR£EMa(T o; 'M«l1NG ANO WTii A.PPROPROPR!ATE COMi'laN, SMlON TO TJiE AAC,!ITicCT CONmACTOR IS RESPONSllll..E FOR CONAAMINO A.ND CORRELATING OIMENSIONS AT nil: JOB SITT: 'fl-IE AACHITEC'T WILL NOT BE 1'!ESPONSIBt.E FOR CONSTRIJCTION MEANS 1/!En;o():S, TECHNIQUES OR FOR SM'.l:TY PRECMJTIONS AND l'RIJGRM,!Sffl CQN,IECTION 'MT!, TI-IE PROJECT l't.:'!-1.~ ... '.ft ...................... , ..... ........ . ....... ., .... ''''.' ' ... "' '" ...... ' , .. " ....... ,., ', ... ' ... '' TITLE: DEMOPLAN SHEET: A 1 2 • SCALE: ITEM05/95-APPEAL1- ' I I ' ' ' $"/ ' - --- ' - --- • EXISTING CEILINGS TO REMAIN t ' ' :\ $'1 r • 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~-----~4----------~:--,-+---1 ---+-,--+---l 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - -:~-----+-----I-I ~ ~ I ' 0 ,\ ' ' I I 0 \ (10!<) ' I I \ ' ' - ' \ ' ' I j \ 0---- T I I \ 0 ' i f_ I < __J_ □ C EXISTING CEILINGS TO REMAI~ - _, ' : ' ' - 0 0 r , I r ; j - - - - - - - - ,/_-;~ - - - - - - :=-~ -~ ~~-~~- ~--~ i -~ f----- ' - ~ -- ;~----- -·-- -------- □ -. -------- --- - -- - - - - - - \ I - .. . ' - . ' 9 ·--·· - - - ---- ➔ - - - • f ~ ~ r - EXISTING CEILINGS I ! ~~----MAIN LEVEL RCP MAY RESIDENCE 6708 Bridge Hill Cove Austin, Texas THE OFFICE OF EDWARD B. FRIERSON AJA ARCHITECT 4307 FARHILLS DR AUSITN, TX78731 512 • 502 • 9340 fU,SER',f'J) !IV Al'i:CHITI;CT DRAWINGS N-llJ ALL RIGHTS SF'ECJAC,1,.TIOOS AS INSTIUJMafr$ CiF smVICE' SH/\1..1. REM,fl,JN 11'E PROPSRTY OF THE ARCHITECT 1l£Y SHAU. NOT tl'I!: USED at OTHER FRQJECTS OR E.XTENSIONS Of TI·IIS PROJECT EXCtf>T BY AGREEMOIT IN v.RITING AND wrn APPROPROPRIATE C0MP£M S,,.TION TO n£ AACHITECT OONTRACTOR IS RESf'ONSIBJ.£ F~ CONFIMIING ANO CORRELA11MG DIMe.'SIONS AT THE JOB SffE 11-!E 11.FiekTI:CT wtJ. NOT SE RESl'OHSIBLE FOR CONSTRUCTICN,. MEANS, METiiOOS. lECHMOUES OR FOi, SAffTY ~ECMJTIONS ANCI :PROGRAMSlN CONNECTION \MT1'! TI-!E PROJECT .. , ............. ,.,,, ......... , '' ...... , .... ,' , .............. ' .... '" .... ,. .. ' "'' ....... ' .. ' '".' ....... ., ' ......... ' ... , '' TITLE: MAIN LEVEL RCP SHEET: A 1 3 • SCALE: ITEM05/96-APPEAL1-----------=--=-=:--_---_-=_---=-=-=--==---=---=_ -~~~~;,;:=::_::::.::=~'---"r"-t-t ' i ~ - - 1 ) / I I -- - I J I I--? y ' I I / ',,..-" /!_....,, I I I ! ' i ! I -4W----Jf-~::::.L..J____J__-___J_-L-=k-~/ © I It_ --; :o SECTION -SOUTH ELEVATION ~~ ,, =-&As v,,,1ri,:£,15 (-r;?,) ,, - l - -' 0 ' :t: -,: -◊ -- ' - i ' ' i! MAY RESIDENCE 708 BRIDGE HILL COVE AUSTIN, TEXAS THE OFFICE OF EDWARD B. FRIERSON AJA ARCHITECT 4307 FAR!IlLLS DR. AUSTIN, TX 78731 512 • 502 • 9340 DAAv.vtGS NI) All RIGHTS ~O l!Y ARCHm;eT SPECIACATIONS AS lw.l'TRUMEWTS OF SERVICE SHALL Ra!A!N 'FH!l: '!1'11:Y SHALL N::rr BE USE!) Q<I Pl'<OF'!'RTV OF THI: ARCHt1'ECT OTHER PROJECTS Of! EXll':NSbS OF nus PROJECT EXCEPT BY AGREEMENT fH lll(Rl11NG ANO 'M7H Af'PllOMOPRIA7£ COf.lPEH. SATION lQ 11-!E ARCHITECT CONTR,1,CTOR ,s R£SPOWS18l.E FCR CONFIRMING AHO CORRELA.TING !llfl!l:nSIQtlS AT TIE JOO SIT.le Tl<E ARCHITECT WU. NOT !IE R.ESPON.S!Bt.e FM CONSTRUCTla-1 MEANS MfTI100S. TECHNIQUES OR FOR SAFETY ffi.£GAUlJON$ AtfO PROGRAMS IN CONNECTlON WTH THE PROJECT , .. '' .. ' , .. '' .. '.'"' .. '".'' ... ' '"'"" ... ' .. ''.' ' .. '' ' .... ' EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A2.1 Tlll.E: SHEIT: SCALE: EAST ELEVATION ITEM05/97-APPEAL1. . .• STEELDOOR/WINDOW TYPES L l , -------- I,, 1 ' t l .. I' -· - :1 :, ,' / ti=== .. ====;;;;:;;=====:;;::;:;;-t···------- ' r '~~------~'----~~,-= ~ - - - - - - -.... ·- -1 - . . - - - - - - - - - - - -~ - - - ' , ,. ' I / I I' I ' '="==-----•-··"c-'~-,,= \ / / 11 ' I j \ \ , , , / / I -·c=-t;;;::======ttFJ:;;;;;:::::;::::;::::::::;::::;::::::::;::::;:::::ifM:;;:::;::::;::::::::;::::;::::::::;::::;::::::=;;:r-:.. ···-·. -· I I I, I• i ii \ \ I ' n· ;;::;:__:::::;;::;:;:;;;;;:;:;;::_;;;;;;/~IF,;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;::;::;:;;;~.::::::: ... ~ rr...__ __ -...... ·71,;::;II ;;;;;::;::;;::;;;;;_=-=·=:;:::;;;:;;;::;:;:;;;;;;;;:7, r-17--~. - \ I '· ' ----- '--"------_,_+--'--------~-+ .... , ... , , · · - - - - - " - - - - - - -~e - - - - __ __,, _____ - -~ - - - - - -4 " - - - - - - -+ - - - - - - ' , -r,. f I 11,,'f ,;;, • •• • ·rtiov1!),t" ,";e,c,r: ,#',t,4'. :!,rt:.f't AHO ,t"l>K. J,looD C,UhO /'R<>it'OL ,,,,.a,ce ,r,iJ<:. .67:t!E'.<- /+->JO p~K.. /p,/0~,1 .. -:J ("6,...,l. ~ - _ =:~_.,PP,,y1,:u: /"/ii_.,, r"e :;;,-;~.-... -~------~--A-A ~ Fo% /ef"/:"Jt>I.) -::t Vi~ / / I ! I I I \ 11 11 \ \ I I / / I / . l=!R.rcl'- 51{.C. l··> =-===-=·=======·:1~/ f- t - - - - - ------- - - - -+ - -+ ~ - - - ' I I I z 1-101z 11 L 1 ' / I - • -~ . - - -~ ! ·~·---1'c-·-- .. ·-. I' ' / V ® WOOD CLAD WINDOWS ·MAY RESIDENCE 6708 Bridge Hill Cove Austin, Texas THE OFFICE OF EDWARD B. FRIERSON AfA ARCHITECT 4307 FARlllLLS DR. AUSTIN, TX78731 .. , ,;,.,;;r ·~11~/z.1 'Q;:~::'.;v-"~- . • Alt RIGHTS RE:E'M!D BY AACHrl'E'CT PAAv.1NOS Am SPECIFICATIONS n, JNSTRUUE,NTSOI' saMCE SW.U. REIMJN 11-tE PROPERTY OF TIE AAC-l-!ITECT "n,E'I' SHALL NOT SE lJSEO ON OTHER PROJECTS OR l;XTEt<SICMi OF ltlr-:l PROJECT EXCEPT Ii\' AGRtEMEJIT .. 1,mmHG AND wrn APAAOPRDtRIATE Cl'llifl'EN SATIOti TO ™E AACl-ll'!cCT CC>ITRA.CTOR IS RESPONSIBlE FOO CONF"'™'HG AND CORREI.AffiG DIIIIENSIONS ~T Tl-IE JOO SITE rnE ARCHl1'£CT M.L /,JCff SE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONSTmc:TION MEANS, UETI-tODS fECl-!NIOUES Ofl FC!f: SAfElY PRECAUTIOHS ANO PROGRAMS IN CONNECTION WTH THE PROJECT l'f. d1.:✓• ,.tl .. ...... , .... ... ., .... , , , .... , , .. , .. , .... '' .. " ... .,, ' ... '"" ... '' .. '" """.''' .... ' ... ' ...... " ................ , .. ,,. .. , ................................. . ,- TITLE: SCHEDULES SHEET: A3.1 SCALE: ITEM05/98-APPEAL1