ITEM05 C15-2024-0025 ADV PACKET APPEAL1 PART4 — original pdf

double studs, face nail 10d @24"o.c NAILING SCHEDULE· joist to sill or girder, toe nail 1"x6" subfloor or less to each joist, face nail 2" subfloor to Joist or girder, blmd and face nail sole plate to joist or blocking, face nail top or sole plate to stud, end nail stud to sole plate, toe nail double top plates, face nail sole plate to joist or blocking at braced wall panels double top plates, minimum 48" offset of end joints, face nail m lapped area blocking between joists or rafters to top plate, toe nail rim joist to top plate, toe nail top plates, laps at corners and mtersect1ons, face nail bwlt-up header, two pieces with 112" spacer continued header, two pieces ceiling jrnsts to plate, toe nail continuous header to stud, toe nail ceiling Joist, laps over partilions, face na,I ceiling joist to parallel rafters, face nail rafter to plate, toe nail 1" brace to each stud and plate, face nail 1 "x6" sheathing to each beanng, face nail 1 "x8" sheathing to each bearing, face nail wider than 1 "x8" sheathing to each beanng, face nail 2" planks roof rafters to ridge, valley or hip rafters toe nail face nail collar ties to rafters, face nail 3-8d 2-8d 2-16d 2-16d 3-8d or 2-16d 16d @16"o.c 10d@24"oc 3-16d @16" 0 C 8-16d 3-8d 8d@6"o C 2-10d 16d@ 16"o.c each edge 16d@16"oc each edge 3-8d 4-8d 3-10d 3-10d 2-16d 2-Bd or 2 stpls 1 3/4 2-Bd or 2 stpls 1 3/4 3-8d or 3 stpls 1 3/4 3-8d or 4 stpls 1 3/4 2-16d@ ea bearing 4-16d 3-16d 3-8d bu,lt-up corner studs 10d @24"0 C built-up girders and beams, 2" lumber layers, at top and bottom and staggered. Two nails at ends and at each splice. 10d @ 32"o.c. 5116" to 112" wood structural panel 6d (wall) 8d (rooD 8d 10d 19/32" to 1" wood structural panel 1-118" to 1-1/4" wcod structural panel 6" edge 12" field 6" edge 12" field 6" edge 12" field 112" gypsum sheathing 4" edge8" field 1-1/2" galv. roofing nail or 1-112" screw, type w ors 1-314" galv roofing nail or 1-518" screw, type w ors 518" gypsum sheathing 4" edge8" field WOOD FRAMING. (continued) FLOOR TRUSSES: DRAINAGE WATERPROOFING AND VENTILATION DESIGN DATA Trusses to be designed by truss engineer employed by truss 1. manufacturer and in accordance wrth National Design Spec1ficat1on for Wood Construction, AF&PA, National Design Standard for Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction, ANSI/TPI 1-1995 The following items are beyond the scope of the structural engineer and are therefore the responsibility of others. The client is responsible for arranging for the design of these systems Any mention of these ,terns on these drawings Is for information purposes only and does not relieve the client of these responsibilities. Drainage systems including surface drainage, any area inlets, grate drains, french drains and subgrade dram pipes Ground snow load: Wind speed (3 second gust): Exposure category Se1sm1c design category. GENERAL BUILDING CODE· The contract documents are based on the requirements of THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE. Local coce jurisdictions Design trusses for the minimum line and point loads shown on 2. plan (line loads from upper walls are minimum 100 lb/ft u n.o) and, unless noted otherwise on the plan, the following minimum area loads. Top chord live load: Top chord dead load Bottom chord dead load Max,murri deflections: under live load only· under live+ dead load. 40 psf 10 psf 5 psf U360 U240 Waterproofing systems including vapor barriers, roofing, flashing, waterproofing and drip edges. Live Loads. Ventilation systems including crawlspace and attic. STRUCTURAL STEEL STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND CODES· Structural steel design, fabrication and construction governed by ASD Specification for Structural Steel Buildings, Spec1ficat1on for Structural Joints using ASTM A325 or A490 bolts; and Code of Standard Practice for Steel Bu1ld1ngs and Bndges. 3. Pnor to fabncat,on, truss design drawings bearing the seal and regIstratIon number of Texas registered engineer shall be submitted to: MATERIAL· Builder/Architect for approval of all truss dimensions, pitches and elevations; All hot rolled structural steel plates, shapes and bars shall be 1. new steel conforming to ASTM A6-98A. Engineer for appoval of truss layout and design inputs. Unless noted otherwise on these drawings, structural steel Dead Loads. extenor balconies : deck fire escapes : passenger vehicle garages : attics without storage : attics with storage : rooms other : sleeping rooms : stairs : guardrails and handrails : roof slope 4.12 4·12to <12·12 12.12 and up 0- 200 20 psf 16 12 Roof Live Load: tnbutary area 5 psf 115mph C A 60 psf 40 40 50 10 20 40 30 40 200 lbs 201- 600 16 14 12 601- up 12 12 12 2. shall be as follows: W-shapes: C-shapes L-shapes HSS-shapes: ASTMA992 ASTM A36 ASTMA36 ASTM A500, Fy = 46 KSI roofing: tile (13 psij flooring ceramic tile 314' thick (10 psD hardwood 718' thick (4 psD carpet and pad (2 psD At roofs, unsupported plywood panel end and side edges shall 7. be backed with 2x4 flat blocking or Simpson panel sheathing clips #2 Douglas Fir-South Ceiling Joists: 4 Strongbacks: Install continuous 2x6 (mm.) strongbacks through floor trusses at mid-span and spaced a maximum of 10'-0" o.c Fasten with three 16d nails at each vertical. Where vertical web members are not suilably located for strongback attachment, install vertical 2x4 block fastened with two 16d nails at top and bottom chords. Restrain strongback at each end. All connection material 1nclud1ng beanng plates, gusset plates, 3. stiffener plates, angles, etc : ASTM A36 (unless higher grade is required by strength) Note: Materials indicated above were assumed in design. Prior to construction, builder must compare to actual matenals and weights and contact engineer if differences are found Actual dead loads must not exceed the loads md1cated. ENGINEERING Austin, Texas I (512) 402-0074 Locate strongback as close to bottom chord as possible. Deflections: CONNECTIONS. 1. See typical details on drawings. Maximum Rafter Span Tables for rafters with Heavy Roof Covering and J:!Ei Supporting Ceiling: Compare with rafter sizes shown on plan and contact engineer 1f discrepancies are found. 5. Alterations to trusses: Cutting and altering trusses Is not permitted. STRUCTURAL BOLTS AND THREADED FASTENERS· The building movement specified below is ant1c1pated and should be considered by the contractor in the performance of the work. 6. Bracing· Restrain top chord with floor sheathing and bottom chord with ceiling gypsum. Restrain trusses at points of beanng to prevent toppling. Unless noted otherwise, all bolts in structural connections shall 1. conform to ASTM A325 type 1. rafters ; floors/ceilings : others • L/180 L/360 L/240 GENERAL Dimensions refer to rough surfaces. The contractor must 1. verify all dimensions prior to start of construction the engineer shall be notified of any discrepancies or mconsIstencIes. All drawings are considered part of the contract documents. 2 The contractor shall be responsible for review and coordination of all drawings and specifications prior to the start of construction. Any discrepancies that occur shall be brought to the attention of the engineer pnor to the start of construction so that clanf1cation can be issued. Any work in conflict with the contract documents or any code requirements shall be corrected by the contractor at his own expense and at no expense to the owner or structural engineer. 3. These drawings are based on archilectural drawings by. Edward Fnerson received November 25, 2020 All work shall conform to the minimum standards of the bu1ldmg 4. code as well as any other regulating authonty over any portion of the work including those additional codes and standards listed m the structural notes and specifications 5. The engineer shall not control and shall not be responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, for safety precautions and programs ,n connection with the work; for acts or omIssIons of the contractor, subcontractor or for any persons performing the work; or for the failure of any of them to carry out the work in accordance with the contract documents, Site observations by field representatives of the engineer are 6 solely for the purpose of determining If the work of the contractor Is proceeding in accordance with the structural contract drawings. This limited site observation should not be construed as exhaustive or continuous to check the quality or quantity of the work, but rather an effort to guard the owner against defects or deficiencies in the work of the contractor. 7 All structures require periodic maintenance to extend life span and to insure structural integrity from exposure to the environment. A planned program of maintenance shall be established by the building owner. This program shall include ,terns such as painting elf structural steel, protective coating for concrete, sealants, caulked joints, expansion Joints, control joints, spalls and cracks ,n concrete STRUCTURAL FASTENERS: NAILS. FINISHES. GLUE. All nails sinker nails per ASTM F1667-95, steel wire, !-head diamond point, round smooth shank, bnght Where a preservative other than borate Is used and connectors and fasteners (including nails and bolts) contact treated lumber, use stainless steel connectors and fasteners, unless builder and supplier can demonstrate that pressure treatment is not corrosive to galvanized metal. WOOD FRAMING: GENERAL: ROOF AND CEILING STRUCTURE NOTES: Lumber. All matenals and workmanship shall conform with the 1. requirements of the latest "National Design Specifications for Stress-Grade Lumber and its Fastenings" by National Forest Products Assoc1at1on Where shown on plan, provide purlin same size as rafters and 1. braced with (2)2x4 braces at 48" o.c .. Slope braces between 45 degrees and vertical and lap onto rafters and nail All lumber shall be Southern Pine (S4S) conforming to the 2. standard grading and dressing rules of the Southern Pine Inspection Bureau. Unless indicated otherwise, the minimum grade of structural 3. members shall be as follows: studs. other lumber: no. 3 no. 2 M1crolam (LVL) laminated veneer lumber. LVL shall be 4. manufactured by Trus Joist, and design shall be in accordance with ICBO ES ER-4979. Ridge board braced as shown on plan with (2) 2x4 braces 2. sloped between 60 degrees and vertical Brace roof only as shown on plan Contractor must compare 3 resulting rafter spans to allowable span chart and contact engineer for approval of any necessary add1t1onal braces Unless noted otherwise, for ndges, hips and valleys, use one 4 mill size larger than the common rafters it supports Center any splices on an approved brace point. At point-of-support for braces, adequately block walls and 5. beams to prevent rotation and horizontal movement. Plywood or OSB Sheath1ng/s1ngle floor shall be exterior grade 6. 5. bear the following APA span rating· 15/32" roof sheathing: 1118" single floor t&g 15/32' wall sheathing: 32116 48oc 32/16 Maximum Ceiling Joist Span Tables Compare with ceiling joist sizes shown on plan and contact engineer if discrepancies are found. #2 Southern Pine Ceiling Joists: All floor sheathing shall be glued to the Jrnsts. The field-glued 6. system shall comply with the recommendations of the American Plywood Association. 8. All framing connectors shall be Simpson Strong-Tie. Where connectors and fasteners contact treated lumber, use stainless steel connectors and fasteners, unless builder and supplier can demonstrate that pressure treatment Is not corrosive to galvanized metal. STUD WALL NOTES. See architectural drawings for exact plate height Compare architect's plate heights and wall sizes to the table 2. below for acceptable maximum. Contact engineer if discrepancies are found. 7. supporting roof only 2x4@ 24" o,c. 2x4@ 16" o.c. 2x6@ 24' O,C. 2x6@ 16" o.c 10'-0" 12'-0" 16'-0" 18'-0" supporting one floor and a roof 2x4@ 24' o c. not permitted 10'-0" 2x4@ 16" 0 C. 14'-0" 2x6@ 24" o.c. 18'-0" 2x6@ 16" o.c spacing: 2x6 2x8 2x10 2x12 spacing: 2x6 2x8 2x10 2x12 24"o.c.16" oc.12" oc 9'-10" 12'-0" 13'-11' 12'-6" 15"-3" 17'-7" 14'-9" 18'-1" 20'-11" 17'-5" 21'-8" 24'-0" 24" o c.16" o c.12" o.c. 10'-4" 12'-8" 14'-1" 13'-1" 16'-0" 18'-6" 16'-0" 19'-7" 22'-7" 18'-6" 22'-8" 24'-0" from International Residential Code Table R802 4(2) with 20 psi live load, 10 psf dead load, L/240 allowable deflection #2 Southern Pine Rafters: spacing: 2x6 2x8 2x10 2x12 spacing: 2x6 2x8 2x10 2x12 24" o.c.16" o c.12" o.c 9'-6" 11'-8" 13'-6" 12'-1" 14'-9" 17'-1" 14'-4" 17'-6" 20'-3" 16'-10" 20'-8" 23'-10" 24" o.c.16" o.c 12" o c 10'-0" 12'-3" 14'-2" 12'-8" 15'-6" 17'-11" 15'-6" 18'-11" 21'-11" 17'-11" 22'-0" 24'-0" #2 Douglas Fir-South Rafters: from International Residential Code Table R802.5.1(1) with 20 psf live load, 20 psf dead load, U180 allowable STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION: 1. The structural engineer of record, or his designate, shall provide structural observation of the structural system for general conformance to the approved plans and specifications at significant construction stages and at completion of the structural system as noted elsewhere in the contract documents. The contractor shall notify the engineer a minimum of 72 hours 2. prior to the date the observation Is required 3 The following items require structural observation· Foundation reinforcing and pre-pour setup Framing pnor to insulation POWDER-ACTUATED FASTENERS (PAFS): WALL BRACING NOTES: Glue shall meet the requirements of the American Plywood Assoc1atIon adhesive specification AFG-01 and shall be applied as directed by the glue manufacturer. Glue may be applied manually or with pneumatic or electric equipment. EXPANSION ANCHORS. Simpson Strong-Bolt, 112" dia., installed as directed by manufacturer. 6. WOOD SCREWS, LAG SCREWS AND BOLTS· Wood screws shall comply with ASME 818 6.1. Unless noted otherwise, screws are #8. Lag screws shall comply with ASME 818.2.1 Unless noted otherwise, lag screws are 1/2'' d1a. by length as required to penetrate secondary member entirely minus 112". Applicable ASTM specifications for bolts. For common bolts: Fornuts For washers: For threaded rod: ASTM A307, Gr.A (Fu= 60 ks1) ASTM A563 ASTM F436 ASTM A36 (Fy=36 ksi, Fu= 58-80 ks1) PAFs shall comply with CASO NER-272. where permitted by details, wood sill plates may be fastened to the concrete slab using powder driven pins following manufacturers recommendations. The fastening system shall have ICBO approval Pins shall have a minimum shank diameter of O 177", a minimum length of 3 114", and be spaced per the details FINISHING MATERIALS: 1. Masonry Veneer. Maximum wall height: Install over a backing of wood wall and a limited ,n height to a maximum of 30 feet above the foundation (38 feet permitted at the top of gable ends). Masonry on wood: Where indicated on plans, masonry b weighing less than 40 psf may be supported on wood framing (deflection l1m1ted to U600). Install a movement joint between the veneer supported by wood and the veneer supported by foundation. Anchorage: Anchor to wood wall framing with c. corrosion-resistant 22 gage x 7/8" corrugated sheet metal ties spaced a maximum of 24" horizontally and 19 5' vertically. Lintels over openings. Support masonry on loose lintels per d. code supported on masonry to foundation at each end. Isolation Joints: Install vertical isolation/expansion joints at e. approximately 25 feet on center 3 Bottom plate. Treated 2x same width as wall studs Anchor with 1/2" d1a. anchor bolt embedded 7" and spaced maximum 6'-0" o.c. Locate anchors within 12" of each end of each plate section. Attach interior walls to slab with pafs spaced at 12" o c with 4 two pins 6" and 10" from each end of each plate. 5. Where joists, trusses or rafters are spaced more than 16' o c. and bearing studs below are spaced at 24" members must bear within 5" of studs beneath. a. Drilling and notching - Studs: In exterior walls or bearing part1t1ons, notch a maximum of 25%. In nonbeanng partItIons, notch a maximum of 40%. b. c. Any stud, bore/drill no closer than 5/8' to edge of stud and not in the same section as a cut or notch and a maximum diameter of 40%. d. Studs may be bored to 60% of stud width provided the stud Is doubled and no more than two successive studs are bored. With engineer's pnor approval sImpson HSS/SS stud shoes may be used in spec1f1c cases of notches or bores exceeding these maximums. 7. Dnllmg and notching - Top plate· When piping in a wall necessitates the cutting of a top plate by more than 50% its width, use a Simpson RPS strap lie at each plate with six 16d nails each side of notch. 1. Braced wall Imes Using braced wall panel construction in accordance with the prescriptive methods of IRC, brace walls as follows b a. Exterior walls. Continuous structural panel sheathing (thickness as noted above), including above and below openings, shall be used on the outside face of all extenor walls (blocking of edges not required), and any braced wall Imes that include an exterior wall are considered adequately braced. Interior walls: 1x4 let-in braces sloped between 45 and 60 degrees from horizontal and notched into top and bottom plates and intervening studs and attached with two 8d nails at each plate/stud or sImpson WB wall bracing installed ,n accordance with manuf. specs. or 1/2" thickness gypsum board minimum 48" wide attached to studs w/ 6d nails@ 7" o.c .. Bracing locations: As described below where 2 architectural layout will not permit the application of these presc1ptive methods, use engineered shear walls as indicated and detailed on these drawings. Contractor must review drawings prior to construction and contact engineer if discrepancies are found. a For one story or top story of two or three Locate at each end and at least every 25 feet on center but not less than 16% of braced wall line b First story of two story second story of three story. Locate at each end and at least every 25 leet on center but not less than 25% of braced wall line. Locate braced wall panels within 12'-6" of the end of each 3. braced wall line Out-of-plane offsets up to 4'-0" are permitted ,n braced wall Gypsum Comply with GA-216-2000 "Application and Finishing 2. of Gypsum Board." Flex1b11ity details in GA-216-2000 such as control 1rnnts and comer details shall be used. 4 lines. Tile: Comply with American National Standard Specifications 3. for the Installation of Ceramic Tile. Flexibility details in specification such as control and expansion joints shall be used. Alternate braced wall panel 5. panel constructed in accordance with IRC R602.10.6 can be considered a braced panel. In one and two story houses, a Unless noted otherwise, install Simpson H2.5 hurricane ties at Block beams, Joists, rafters and trusses at beanng as requ,red 8. every rafter 9. to prevent rotation. HANGER SCHEDULE Member Size Simpson Designation Floor Load Roof Load 2x4 2x6 2x8 2x10 2x12 (2)2x4 (2)2x6 (2)2x8 (2)2x10 (2)2x12 (3)2x6 (3)2x8 (3)2x10 (3)2x12 LU24 LU26 LU28 LU28 LU210 LUS24-2 LUS26-2 LUS28-2 LUS210-2 LUS210-2 LUS26-3 LUS28-3 LUS210-3 LUS210-3 445 665 890 890 555 830 1,110 1,110 1,110 1,390 765 960 1,000 1,250 1,265 1,585 1,765 2,210 1,765 2,210 1,000 1,250 1,265 1,585 1,765 2,210 1,765 2,210 (2)1 75x11 875 HGUS48 6,805 7,925 (2)1 75x14 HGUS410 8,780 8,940 (2)1 75x16 HGUS410 8,780 8,940 (2)1 75x18 HGUS414 10,015 10,015 (3)1 75x11 875 HGUS5 50112 9,155 9,155 (3)1 75x14 HGUS5 50114 10,015 10,015 (3)1 75x16 HGUS5 50114 10,015 10,015 (3)1 75x18 HGUS550l14 10,015 10,015 6. Truss bracing: 7. Load transfer through inter-floor space· Use same-size blocking to transfer load from upper walls/columns to lower supporting walls/columns/beams. do not place point loads on unsupported floor sheathing. 2. 3. Threaded rod: F 1554 grade 36 Pms: ASTM A36 8. Transitory floor vibration and sound transm1ss1on- The floor system includes no measures to specifically control flcor v1brat1on or sound transmission. Expect similar pertormance to s1m1lar systems In similar projects. Contact engineer prior to construction if specific performance criteria are desired. ROOF TRUSSES: Trusses to be designed by truss engineer employed by truss 1. manufacturer and in accordance with WELDING 1. Standard D1 .1. 2. to E70XX (SMAW) ANCHOR RODS National Design Specification for Wood Construction, AF&PA, National Design Standard for Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction, ANSI/TPI 1-1995 GROUT 1. of 6000 psi. Welding shall conform to the American Welding Society Unless noted otherwise, electrodes for welding shall conform 1. Anchorrods: ASTM F1554 grade 36 Grout: non-metallic, non-shnnk grout with a mmImum strength Local code jurisdictions HEADED CONCRETE ANCHORS. Design roof trusses for the minimum line and point loads 2 shown on plan and, the following minimum area loads, unless noted otherwise on the plan, : Headed concrete anchors shall be nelson headed concrete 1. anchors (or approved equal), and shall conform to ASTM A108, grades C-1010through C-1020. Top chord live load. Top chord dead load Bot. chord live load. Bot. chord dead load: Maximum deflections: under live load only: under live+dead load: 20 psf 10 psf Light roof 20 psf Heavy roof 10 psf 5 psf U360 U240 Anchors shall be automatically end welded with suitable stud 2. welding equipment in the shop or in the field. welding shall be in accordance with the recommendabons of the nelson stud welding company VERIFICATION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS: Existing conditions of the existing structure are unknown, and 1. the contractor is advised to verify all pertinent dimensions and conditions pnor to construction 3. Pnor to fabrication, truss design drawings bearing the seal and registration number ofTexas registered engineer shall be submitted to. A pre-construction meeting between the contractor and 2. Engineer is required to determine appropriate intervals for s,te visits by the Engineer 3. In as much as the remodeling and/or rehabIhtatIon of an ex,st,ng structure requires that certain assumptions be made by Engineer regarding existing cond1t1ons, and because some of these assumptions may not be venf1able with the Client's expending substantial sums of money or destroying otherwise adequate or serviceable portions of the structure, the Client has agreed to bear all costs, losses and expenses, including the costs of Engineer's Add1t1onal Services, ansmg from the discovery of concealed or unknown conditions in the existing structure and foundation. Builder/architect for approval of all truss dimensions, pitches and elevations; Engineer for approval of truss layout and design inputs. 4. Strongbacks: mstall continuous 2x6 (mm.) strongbacks through trusses at mid-span and spaced a maximum of 10'-0' o c Fasten with three 16d nails at each vertical. Where vertical web members are not suitably located for strongback attachment, install vertical 2x4 block fastened with two 16d nails at bottom chords Restrain strong back at each end Locate strongback as close to bottom chord as possible 5 Alterations to trusses· cutting and altering trusses is not permitted. Restrain top chord with roof sheathing Brace bottom chord with 1x4 spaced per truss designers requirements (8'-0" maximum). Restrain trusses at points of beanng with blocking and hurncane ties per details. Brace web compression members with continuous 2x4 per truss designers requirements. Install 2x4 X-braces at third points of common truss span. Extend X-braces from girder truss to girder truss CLIENT Christy May ~ C: a., -0 en ~ >, ro ~ Cl) C ro ...J "' ro = X :c Cl) Cl) l ·- -~ "' o, - 1J !: Ill ::, CX) <( 0 ,-... (0 ISSUE package 1-FND for construct1on 1 a - rev1s1on for review 2 - rev1s1on for Permrt date 11 Jan 2021 19 mar 2021 19 mar 2021 SHEET TITLE Notes SHEET NUMBER S1 .0 ITEM05/99-APPEAL1• -- --- --Exisbng concrete covered -- ' • - - - terrace I - - - ,--- - j I i I' \ \ 11' -3" _63~•-3~• - - - -+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~24 ' -11 " ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - r - - , J __ ' I / I I I I I I / I -- I ! ' -7-~ Ex1stng -=.:._~\ \ \ ' \ I \\ \ \ \ '' / I I ,' I / /_ - - i / / i I I I I -- ' ___ _J I! i ! i ; I ' ' - I I I / I / ' I ......, 1a S30 - - - - - - - I • 1d S30 I I 2aS30 I I I 2aS30 I I i~ _ _ _ _ ~ J_ I _ _ _ __ ......, l ~ ~i ---,- -~·-c ,,._,,--.-" --r-:---,-->-i""' ----;,-v,,---;c ;,---;-7"""<1"< -;x;rx-,,,::s:r:/~< o ► Zl m 1 S30 ;:<.J>'· ', · . . ·(1 L~~, \," T~J,; 2a S3 0 • I I I I I I ~----~B'-7112~•------ 0 7':ZJ!2" - - - 12'-8" - - - - - - - - - - _22'-§"__ ----+- 22'-5" i ' "T - - - - - - - - - • I ....... 1eS3 0 Ex1st1ng Foundation Plan 1/4' = 1'-0" Full Size, 118' = 1'-0' Half Size PLAN NOTES See S1 0 for notes 2 3 Unless noted otherwise, slabs are 4" thick concrete slab-On-ground remforced w/ #4 @ 16" o c e w Pnor to any construction, Builder 1s responsible to venfy ex1St1ng cond1t1ons and verify all d1mens1ons with Architect ' , I I 0 I " il l I DUFFY! I g I t ll 0 • 1 Austin, Texas I (512) 402-0074 ENGINEERING PROJECT NUMBER 20198 CLIENT Christy May (].) (.) C (].) "O en (].) 0::: >,. ro ~ (I) C co --' Cl) "' :i: X (I) (I) t- - -~ Cl) C) - "Cl £ Ill :, <X) <( 0 I'-"' ISSUE package 1-FND for construction 1 a - revIsIon for review 2 • revision for Permit date 111an 2021 19 mar 2021 19 mar 2021 SHEET TITLE Foundation Plan SHEET NUMBER S2.0 ITEM05/100-APPEAL1' 1=3~--------------------------------i3' __ ~-,-------------------co•nb:-n•uo•u•s~(3:)~1~7=5~x1~6:------------------~~~-<~"-=-"t,,7,_-----_---;-----------------------:-,,j.:'E-~,-;;-~ ~',,t/,/ l I dropped beam max span@centerspan 25'-11/2' ,:) ,-,_, ' I_ __ I I ~1 g>,2:l I -m -g 1 e l ~, ~ §: I I I I I --1 I ' _________ existing rafters & celling to remain (2) 1 75x14 LVL hdr span 12'-6' (2) 1 75x14 LVL hdr span 13'-0" ~ - ex,st,ng --~ , ce1hng _,---- ex,stIng / / / ceiling , '~ ...... _____ ex1sbng rafters & ce1l1ng to remain (2) 2x8 hdr Span 4'-4" ------"fll' , - - - - - - -7 : I t ;'-- existing J ce1l1ng 1 ', ' I - (2) 2x8 hdr span 5'-0' (2) 2xt0 hdr span 6'-0" ~ - existing --'-- ceiling ~ (2) 2x8 hdr span 6'-0" (2) 2x8 hdr span 6'-0' .~ exIstmg _ / ,;-"/ ceiling 112· sheathing on - ~ diagonal 2x4 kickers ~ nailed to parapet studs at top and continuous 2x4 at bottom \ \ roof buildup per Architect', " I Ceiling 101st per plan _ } roof Joists on stud wall w/ Simpson H2.5 '' ! I ! I C roof buildup per Architect·,. I \ Ce1l1ng J0ISt per plan j , I ' '' 112" dIa tlireaded rod @32'oc, from top of parapet to stud wall top plate as shown .-,..- -Headers per plan Masonry veneer (< 40 psf req'd) Section! 1 3/4" a 1'-0' 1 I i 0 --- L •''""'" steel angle attached to header w/ 1/2" d1a lag bolt @30'oc m vertical slotted holes ENGINEERING Austin, Texas I (512) 402-0074 Stucco veneer per Architect n-,)i--- -- ---- - L 7x4x3/8 steel angle attached to header w/ 112" d1a lag bolt @30'oc m vertical slotted holes Section I 2 3/4" - 1'-0' PROJECT NUMBER 20198 CLIENT Christy May ~ C Q) -0 ·- Ql C j "' "' -= >< I Ql Ql I C) c -o - ·~ 00 ::, co 00 <I: 0 l'- (0 ISSUE package 1-FND for construction 1a - revIs10n for review 2 - revision forPerm1t date 11 Jan 2021 19 mar 2021 19 mar 2021 SHEET TtTLE Lower Level Framing Plan SHEET NUMBER S2.1 I I I i Beam per plan / I I, Steel column per plan __ ,// / 112" dIa A307 bolts _ ) I , / I ' / : 1 1 ' ' 1 /4 • thick steel plate _ _J. welded to form saddle I Steel column per plan - _ / ) I welded to base of saddle wl 3/16' flletall around Elevation View saddle connection Top View saddle connection Centerline of column - - - - - - -1 Base Plate elevation view Steel column per plan -- ~ -~ , 112' thick base plate \ \ ] 3116 '\ Opbonal .f-/-1/2" -\ • high-strength grout bed Anchor Rods -=-~::: ) (2) 5/8' d1a threaded rod embedded mm 7" and epoxy grouted Base Plate plan view Steel column per plan ___ -;:.-- @- t ___ 71/2"J • I I •----- 7 ~1 Steel column base plate I 3 1112' a 1'-0" ------ ' , 1 existing hdr -, I I rn I j "0 : ~ .c; I ' ex1st1ng hdr L _J ex1Stmg hdr Wood beam per plan --------- ---- ----- - - - - - - (2) 2x10 flush span 4'--0" i! ' , ex1st111g (2) 2x12 flush 1, " 1 11 ; : " ex1st1ng (3) 2x12 flu\h __ J __________ J ___ - -- :1 ___ '.:,_ _____________ --- L, - - ' (3) 175x18 LVL flush span 23'-0' 11 'I !~ Elevation ' ~ I El: 1i5 I ·, , 1 existing 2x8 101sts 1 @16'oc g,~ 1 ~ I (---,---..J_--,----"'-"'--'-'-----'-----'----➔ ,, I ;;j I I,, I I I I I I I I I, I I I 1 I ' ,I " ,, ,I II ,, I :; ,, II " 'I ,, " " ,, ,1 I ' ' ' Ii ,, ' I' I I II II I' II II I 1: I (2) 2x10 hdr span 6'--0" - - - - - - - - - - - ~--+1, " " I ,, ,, ,, I• I' I• I, ,, II ,, " " " " I " II II ,, 'I ,, ,' 'I I I I ', I 11 ' I ! ,I I II II II " ,, ' ii ,, i ,I " ,- V V V V V V V V I > > > > . . . - A A - - , hdra span 9'-10" hdra span 9'-10" Ceiling/Roof Framing Plan 1/4" = 1'-0' Full Size, 1/8" = 1'-0' HalfS1:z.e ~ plan north PLAN NOTES See S1 0 for notes 2 Pnor to any construction, builder to coordinate with Architect to verify existing conditions and feas1b1l1ty of the proposed framing ...... , 2S21 I I ' ' ' I ITEM05/101-APPEAL1Detail notes Use caution to avoid exIstmg reinforcement particularly post-tension tendons and anchors, 1f present Existing grade beam / ' - (roughen face of concrete) 6'x6~ haunch - 6 mil poly shp sheet l (any required vapor barner to 1 be specIfIed by others}/ ' I Slab - thickness and reinforcement per plan 6"x6' haunch 6 mil poly slip sheet -1 (any required vapor barrier to / be specified by others)/ 1 $topofslab _________________ _ ____ per builder or architect ] ! Slab-----4! thickness and reinforcement per plan /1: Compacted select fill per notes- {depthasreq'd) ,.,...- Beam Remforcement ,,.,,/ per minimum requirements Optional constructIon Joint Fdl to final e $topofslab --_::_::_::_::_::~::-_::_::_::_::_::_:: __ :_:f:_::_::_::,::"';:,::_::_::_::_-::~;:0-::£::_::~:;ii;;:,;i.,.;::,.;:;,=tc:~~;: 0 =========,:,.. 1 _______ _ _________ ------ - <:________ - - - - - - -- - -~ - - - ___ _____ II 11 :.,_, .cc col: 11 11 :: Ii :: :: ii 11 :: :: II 11 :: _ -~ - ..... ~~•= .. =~"-= .. =,.~J_":--_.-_-_-_.,..-L--. - -~-=-\ i-_,:: __ --~-=---------=-- / - , \ -~ -- :. ~ ~ --,- --- L 11 11 / - - .7---=- -- -- i - - - ;,bearing strata ,_, vanes - - \ _ __.L-- -·-7"c.=-=--=-- j - c_ - - - - 1 per bwlder or arch1~ ~ , ~ 1=: E )~~-~ ~ :. /lhexJSting grade o m ~ ~ ! E! -g §: i <1:1 22 a:i _ g> c: ~~ ~ ;;; Jg ~ ,_,vanes v, (ti J Grade after removing extStmg soil __ / per notes and before placing compacted fill __ 7 - - .L....... / ____ / _L_ -7=·-~7-~r -~---- - - -,-,i:- ---::::· ' ,_ - - - - - - - - ---✓ - - - - - - - - - - - - - L - ( l:-~;1--~ :l. t:--,, t lil J: / :: <' :t., , {Q~_J..::_ ']~ :: : : ii 11 II ii :: :: II 11 II 11_..- /ii / :: r ■,II ' II 11, II I! II II 11 ccll ' I c) I :: :: " 1 " II II 7;-- --7r 7r-----7.-- 11 II II II II II II 11 II II 11 ;:: 1: , II II ~ / - - Wall Reinforcement #4@18'ocewbolhfaces Tie every other vertical bar to beam stirrup above Stop horizontal bars at bottom of beam stirrup Wall Drainage 1" dIa PVC weep pipes @6'-0' o c max and located wJ!h1n 4' above final grade Extend pipe mto bagged gravel back fill <e,k'.11 r-:::,~';:-,c;-,:-,,,,-._ $ existing grade vanes - - --1 II II j t - - - - - , - - - - [ - - _L_~-Z~ $ bearing strata vanes - - - - or minimum 6" into engineer approved grade BASIC BEAM deep beam requirements New grade beam @ existing 11 e Perimeter grade beam addition 11 d i as ! req'd ,.._......,._ .. Existing grade beam---.....___ (roughen face of concrete) ~ \\ #5 x18" dowels@ 12" 0 C and embedded min 6' into existing grade beam and epoxy grouted / 1 / / + ! • l,,,.,-- Riser height cp per Archdect __ _L - - \ '--- Perimeter grade beam s1mIlar to ta/S3 0 Steps to grade I 1 S New grade beam@ existing covered terrace I 1 f on bedrock or minimum 6" mto engineer approved grade -T ~::mBe:,mg T-:-:-~:W,dth I~-:~~e~orcement (2) #5 (2) #5 #3 @ 36" o c top bottom stirrups minimum 1'-0" ' BASIC BEAM minimum requirements 11 II II II :: : I "!''. fj ~ n I~ FIH-sIde face of wall or beam ,r-Add12"hooktoendof 11 II II II :: ) l I / ! :, :, I i 1 use corner ars same I i \ diameter as horizontal rebar :: :: L -+i-- - - each honzontal rebar OR b \,\ w/18"Iegs ' ' II 11 ~~~ - ; , ,_ ; ; ; : . t l t= .£ l .B§ \ : l : ' l ' . ,~ II II II 11,, II~ II I I I ' :, II II~ fll ~ , , 3 '& :NS ' . : :=~ z ; ; ,= - - - ' I '1 "'---- Locate first sbrrup close to intersection - ,~-:~ " " " " " " II II ( , \ -- Edge of concrete at comer II 11 II II II II I II 11 ~ , - - F1ll-s1de face of wall or beam II II II II I I: ffl ~ I : : : : : : • ... • __ , ,J_ L ~h::ntalreb~w/18'1egs /( Add 12• hook to end of each • 1 horizontal rebar OR use corner \ bars same diameter as 1 ~=~ i s : - -~~=2 : z t \ : : u " L 11 n 11 :• ' 4 :F \~ - : : ; , - - -~ .= ; , / / \. Locate first sbrrup close to intersection .J. __ Edge of concrete at corner T-intersect,on Exterior Corner Plan Views of T ical Corner Details Perimeter grade beam I 1 Unless othe!Wlse noted, all details are 3/4" = 1'-0" Full SIza, 3/8" = 1'-0' Half Size a Note Where fill depth exceeds 'l-0" (measured at mtenor beam mtersecbon}, install hard pomt 12• d1a concrete piers (formed or drilled) through the fill and remforced with (4) '#4 vertical ( extend 12" into beam) and #3 ties @ 18" o c Edge of excavation of exIstmg slab must be vertical and rough ~~-#3@12"ocew ( Existing slab-on-ground I I #~ New 3000 psi concrete - slab-on-ground on new 6 mil polyethylene sheet -------- Backfill with sand, wetted and tamped into place - - - - - -~ ==- ~~\f~;= - - - - - - ~ - - - - \ i - - · - - - - - - -- - - - - - Beam w,:~~- Beam Reinforcement mIrnrnum • _ __1',0" I __ • ' top bottom sbrrups (2) #5 (2) #5 #3 @ 36' o c Interior grade beamI2a Slab-on-ground repair! 2r ENGINEERING Austin, Texas I (512) 402-0074 PROJECT NUMBER 20198 ,r I • B g Christy May r CLIENT • I I 0 ~ i f I Q) u C: Q) "O ·- Cl) Q) 0:::: >,, ro ~ (!) C Ol ...J U) - Ol -- X ::c (!) (!) I- - -~ U) - c» 'C 5 ID :::, 00 <( 0 t-- co ISSUE package 1-FND for construction 1 a - revIsIon for review 2 - rev1sIon for Permit date 11 Jan 2021 19 mar 2021 19 mar 2021 SHEET TITLE Details SHEET NUMBER S3.0 ITEM05/102-APPEAL1:~~-,1. ~--Nc:::C,.,v~ f.!~ •---s ,hi: (';-.,-,,.,-.,N Fe,~ ,'J,'<ftf! - i . G T "I' -- 0 \ jO L , _ \ \ - - . Sr. '::/1E:i""li CN'S Sl::_,1 0 0 .__ •it. , \!.-::1. p <) ~(>~ / ,--:., •t-B 11 6, 1'1<1'.' W } -~•1 V:..lE ( '5' D f &.1 1Fr-= ld~!~2-. <J ■ L owe. H oNu,.,.li!>tr F° 0 • :'.'.AwC Il<W [{.; FtJ4'J O !"!o .., w. .. uh,r :;.. ,• STA TE O F 'l"EY.A.'.:L COUNT 'f O.F TR.A VIS: i t lt} ..J) I «) )J A) R ::t:. ,:b ~ '() ~ ~ ~ ~ i ), JJ,'tf)~3~;¥i[:i;I~;f;s{f ~ Pw -~~:~•~::;. '.I'::: K, '",,;-llf't- fJ. f.. L- 0 ,.;_.5, £.,,; 4U,1, FcP 14.mC'.' c>t-<; .,h,,<J fh' Gc ~6r.,i..,,J,_,.,..., .. ~-;;z.1e5.,,._, , ,4 (',4.(X.. t.»;,.;1~1 ;hm' CMhhUWn. F- ~ t.,,.>,4-4_.,/- A££ Stfr (Q<_7.</ ;,-; :~~L . _ f'A~6- .. 5 ,f !DG E ST,\TZ 0 1: 'f~"::XhS: COU:i\T'! OF TH. AV ;S : , .. ,,, $ "' i>il~i> _I J1;,;_ ,i;_ 1/!7 l~~iiI/~~i1.;i:~lf l1Ji!~~~iif :)j'.}l)f{f {{:{[. ::;J~~f {f ji}tt~:? •~:~t;}i_f"~J,J,\:[:~~~,;:l:,~':}t;::,:::?:s:s.•~~:iJ,,'£2:Z~•:~t1:~~~l;J'.:i~•;;~,'!~f-'f~~?i~?c ;~}::1,:;:~~f\'.,'~~::,f,•::/;;:~~~t}~:\ii~,~:~~: .:-I::~~•t~)~'.,:{{:}:;{ :.i~t,h" P!;t't.',;-.:;;,;~,ii'~;'-.;;:,:,:1 'J. 3.:':i o:1 e r ~·,,-; <..f ia,,::i t o hr: j,- , ,n '-'.Jl 0" , C,),.,r,ty, 1c·xns, docR !1e r e 1·,y suhn·, 1l t hir, plat aJ a isul).J1,: ! &io.i or .%1.i.<.? BRIDGE HJ .L L S 'JRlJJV.! Si ON, am! cioe o he r e Uy dcd.i c a t e ;o t h ,: p uiJ l i: d i~ . .; 1r ce ! :, a. nd c,J. :; en, 1;< r, \ ·, f:'itne~:-. 1 1 c se l of tic s a, d , o r o v 1 i.llo,, .,_ ,m. UJ. ~ ,a ,i J ,(' 11 :\ w i , r 1t 1s P, t'U d.P-n t n R. k th s 'h e ~ - '.'c s ,dv.Jw:1 h <"rf..1 - d.vv ol _/:}_f/1/L~ _, ~-w1 __ __ _ _ '<i<~-f2,,.,,;,.._,.. ____ _____ /\ t, :.. T S t•,~r ,:>[,~ rv , , 5.'\ 1 ' , Y, JJ _ /<1111-if' _ L)it; (.,__ _ __ __ __ _ C!-.<·r , P t e s ;der,L N a ncy e , oplT,l. nl Co1 JH,r,. ,vn Lv1,x l) 47 C! C ... e::,s t way Drive "f p, STAT E OF TE XJ\S: COUN T Y UF T 1tAVlS : ti1e unc!er:.i1~ned J.Jthc-r: r y k t:o•.,i: ! ,: u112: 11;. th:.t h~ e , ., ~1,'.1.•1! t !:e l'l<ln,r. o ~ tru,,._ .-1::,,- le h,, the :::, e ,·;; ,)r,;;U ~- ~r-p e <l.rNi Narwr Becker. Pr e.'iiciYr.t, L'.1'~X \"l.' '1<,sc rFlr.-, e is subscrd>"!d to i h c fori\c:o >.nt, in:;tr u rr,ent o n r p uGC'S ;:,.nd c,on:::id t.i r.l.t;on~ liu:.r1~in e:cpr t-F.!' Pd . day oI ___ ~-- - _ _ , 1982., A.D. rITCr.e.rd R~· L1'"'·1"u7, - - -- -- 01 r e ~~to!" ·:if P'.a,rn~•~b'. ~ L'l11b ,F": 041A l!<Jl~ (D ~~°/3T,=• W.oo ' /3 -'8 o :,.,;:i, .1;, ' .:::f.!I,;;' ~-© <j.S'"oo t.c-. .:>' B, :'S ' !s ,·::; ' )$ . '7t' <;o.o" ,Z,..,.•• 4• /. 7i' Z.41 . ~f-' :':>."lt' {~~jjl $s•oo,' i81,Sv' f•,.1, ! ' 11/, !;, :1'/ i'i'' 2·~. , • I~- '1,'3' lt ,8,~' Zf-.31-' 14~. 1t> ' t, .t_ C/'i £<::,.$';- " fS . .!'<' l, ~::-,r;..k!ll l'!ei. l l:-';-;,nkEr., am .l.uthori,1t;?<! :.:.rickr ~he i.awa o!: the :', t alc c.f Tex;:ia, to pra..:ti.n: !he profrs::i i.o:~ •)f c;,._rve)" i. ng, <1!1.:i ne: r cOy ;; e r t :fy ~!; a \ th is i ;.! U• i~c c1, ;; d :lh1t ,;omp ~i~~s wit. h ~r s 41 .!.mi 4 .1' c f t i·, e A, i.a;lh C if ;r G o C. (o , ,:orrect to th~ b,,:st of rny a \J dily , uf l h(i p r opert r r~,n.1" undf:S.r n ;; y Bu p ~~•vit.ion , Ga t.h< r,:-ou n d. ,1r.<l wzi,; p r e µa ~·cd ; _, cn1 :-. n <_)c t n ::i.l :!! •~r ·- ' ~ _ t f d j , ~ 3/ILn .011·£ ~ Ma-r11hall .Ne1l Fraukli r, R. P.S . "Ko. 2584 l. 7 '!'-! ~1 .1t.ruc t u :-e 1n t his £ -~b,Fvi. s:Q~, :3hall !x: c o upie.d •11,t d ~~'t\~;-in~i>;_-~;\: .\ ~<;f;~~1~: /:: tft:il~~ l ;/1;~::t;,,:;·2/~!:1~':: :~;<Jn.,;J,;:~~::<;~~L~1 ~:;~!i::i~o/'u.:~~;.1t~;1r ::~~':':.:.,;:~.t~:::;~.J,;~;;:.:~~a;_~:~: ~:;~;~,'f. ~ ~ _J. ~ "F".5. a_. ~ tf-,S, ~ ,4"V t _-,.,...~ Rrf"'lt: o HP \'l"..., ~ <:;.:)'vf'\ Q.X iJ~'!'"S AN~ ~. t~lP'; '1 <; ; I ~ ~-~ ~~~-="1:<l! ~is;:~~r; 11-<~ 1s.:~~1r:r;:;1'1~r~:~w;:.'l,rt ~"':rl11e. (-.) 7 l !i'Wi i.r.E.•~1ct-,~ c,:.C .·.t;:"-!'c,, ~qt;o,.i.,~•.n .4"1"~.t,; \,J AS,·,~."\<4 M!li. 'C'-'i,~~'l'.\.\ $ . Jr ~ s- ~ ~ • l"Or> n e,. i~c!. to ,:'..&<; .-:,1 ;0.<1:.'..C.;-." Tf / 1$ i.PT. -~ 141l'"-m.;j/j7"/;"L Q J~/'c,S..A~. ,,-,;f, ' £.ti L<),1.s 1&w,i;;,,.,t oc.s. PoS-t~ 11~1,:.;, .:::.:.,..'.:; -;~ ; ~ , ~~ o .i,;.'>:CN f ' (~- £ /i !;15;-.:;1J c £5,.14, ..1 :::: c;; c?... l Ai.1.- ~"> ? ~ ~ 4 5, ,..; J.J,,U.:l,ri-<. : !·r.S -r1-:;;;.. <;..d ', o!Vd:c,...; ,s.i ,1u. 6fE. .,;.>,,(,,,,!f!&<.<.l.'l:°10 .J c , . - 4 !'hese .resl r ic:t.t ,:Jr. a ari:: cn: .:.r,·.\!able :-,.>" Dep,n::rr-.•~nt .:snd /or the k ·~ own-8,' !1 or <levetn;.;e 1·s. t[·1e .,,'\,1 ,1tin-°I ;· s:vio Co•--- ~t? Ee 0ic.t.h :::' u hd; v ).,; i nn ~,.J. c• be e n ;i, t,:,:~ p t c: d for cit:'.·eloptn P;1:l: with Le p 1. i.c. tank us e T l1i :~ hf the A•.tstil'_ - Tr::iv iu Coqnty Heallh Dr-parl!ncf'I'.. ~.{fu;;;✓: ~:ee~ ~ ~ ~''"'' - -' - - - Hcall h ·Officer 2 , 3. A J.l buil d L.\l<l)d~~t; n r.::.. vr, ;.; l u p-~!:l oJ i: -:1: ~,c 1• p f:i· , ercr. a n,-! o ver <t nd .-::, n fi :Lt pbcod. :'por, :=; lo rn.: f;ft.,.c c p(;rt.:e. ,c t ::!n cl cv !o: r , ;nuat be d,:si-"5:-. •~d by ;~ •·e g i i; te :r c d prdes s i., n .o.! cnf, ' :i.ce,~ q'-'al i !i.c d ':o ·?.rs1c:Uce i r. th is !i.cld . c, hall bf>. rea~ on.a bly ;.;c c<-s siblc by r,·vehtd.e fr o:cr, bP :co.:. d E ·1e!·y- lot wa y to the p robabl e bui.lrlir.g r. ilc. F o r a m i. c.i rrn.t ,n tn;. ,., e : d u:11:;,.1 -.c <:e nf fetit fro r:..1 tile l"'Ja l: w;i.y ~ d g e , tne d r i.vowtt.y gr a d 1, n >a 'j •~>~w cs;:eti iourteer. p-::-"rcect O:J!y wi t h. speci fi c a:.p1:r,.1v;i l oi s,.u- fa ce a 11.C. geo mdl'i c cle,dg:; prop c s;i.!,; by the ,:!i~ ed-::;r ; i i er.gbc-er~og o r h it' d e s:g 1Wt - 4 . D ,· ivewa~· ;,i:-::'.t:cns to ¼cad:. lol fl,<bJc C~ to Ccu!ltv £3gincers app::-ovaL T:- a vi.o Co unt\• De,:eloprnt•nt P crniit £equin·d ',--,Tio::- to ar. y sit.1:.• deve lop m ent. S. F UJPD ,1 s. rJII!. t,'(A) ,_1 1J.u~,-~- n ic !u.• H.11£ I•'t..f.xlo f!: t ,<.:,JAn<>,__; , ,_; r ff t!· A<:t:P DP r,/r~ f'&Jca .()F IJ,_,.s·,~,J E.u6.•J4ttf~"./$ £.JI tS &,.~'-' ()#J.Ti!.€.,, lt/A1~1.. ,•.,.1£",:; 6Y J"ilaf: /2, _.,.V ti LG1hl'h,J .,,,:c A.J1' l'otJ✓- ~,.,.-1,:ttl /flt!.. ~ ~ / . . t r . ITEM05/103-APPEAL1TREE LIST TAG No. DESCRIPTION 3242 3243 3244 3245 3246 3247 3248 3249 3250 3251 3252 3253 3254 3255 3256 3257 3258 3259 3260 3261 3262 3263 3264 3265 3266 3267 two-10" Shumard Oak (15" total) 7" and 11 • Live Oak (14.5" total) 16" Cedar Elm 14" Cedar Elm 1 o• Cedar Elm 1 o• Cedar Elm 13" Cedar Elm 11" Cedar Elm 12• Cedar 11 • Cedar Elm 12• Hackberry 13" Cedar Elm 11 " Cedar Elm 12" Cedar Elm 17• Live Oak 9" Live Oak 12• Live Oak 12• and 13" Live Oak (19" total) 16" Live Oak 18" Live Oak 17" Hackberry 26" Live Oak 11" Spanish Oak 13" Spanish Oak 20• Cedar Elm 16" Cedar NlfA DESCl2PT10N I sc floor cond1tioned area a) b 2"'' floor conditioned area f<I floor conditioned area c) d) Basement e Attached Covered Parlane: '=rage or cmpmt) f Detached Covered Parkme (garage or carpon) ' Covered Wood.Decks(countedat 100%) h Covered Pat10 1 Covered Porch J Balcony k Other - Snec1fv· Total Building Area (TBA) Total Building Coverage (TBC) I) Dnvewav m) Sidewalks n Uncovered Pat10 0 Uncovered Wood Decks <counted at 50%) ' AC oads and other concrete flatwork ' Other (Pool Coomg, RetfilDllli!: Walls} rl Pool s\ Soa Total Site Impervious Coverage &XIS'IHC: SQ. FT IE.'11 /NJOF;O SQ. FT. TOTAL SQ. FT. 3,321 00 I '11'>"1 0 00 0 00 532 00 115 85 0 00 0 00 570 00 70 49 0 00 129 34 6 964 00 475 29 1,355.86 179 88 5640 1,335 63 14,860 55 451 38 31 50 0 00 24519 (!!) 0.00 000 3,436 85 - 1.10"1 -~ 0 00 0 00 532 00 0 00 0 00 570 00 199 83 0 00 0 00 4,738 68 6 964 00 47529 1,355.86 179 88 5640 1,335 63 15,105 74 451 38 31 50 (wid.. ai lhrougb l:) G-., 1!1?f Jt 361 00 ~ 1,,~- ,t'" (from TBA s1.1httact. If aM.licable b, C. d. and 11 ® 4.493 49 24519 ll!l (add: TBC ard l th!'(lugh q) [J;) Building Coverage Information Now B1111dmgCovcrai;c mCIIIIS the lll"s'a ofa lot oovcn;d by bmldmgs or roofed areas, but excludes ground lcvcl paving, land~capmg, open l'Cl:ra,:aonal facd1tics, mC'ldenlal pmJedmg 11aves, hak:nmes, and ~m1\ar fealu.rei, Pool~, pn11d.<1, and row,lams are nol. ,nr:lL,ded m th•~ ll'lll38uremeitl (I rx; 25-1-2.1) Lot Area (sq. ft.): 43,554 50 Existing Building Coverage (see above a, sq. ft.), 4.493 49 Final Building Coverage (see above!!, sq. ft.): 4,738 68 Exmmg Coverage % of lot (:1 Lot Area) X 100 • 10 31 % Fmal Coverage % of lot Q!..,... Lot Area) x 100 • 10 87 % Impervious Cover Information NOie TmpcrvlQUS cover 1s the total horizontal area ofoovcred spa= mdudmg all bwldmg co.cragc, pav.-d ~ . walkways, and dnvcways. The lcnn ~elude~ pools, pnnd~. fou1Jla1m,, am! IITTla~ w1lh gravel pl~ owrperv111u~ ~u:rroi:e~ !.hal are u.~ed only IOI' la.-id.'iCapmg or hy pedesLnan~ (1JJC 2.S-1-21) Existing Impervious Coverage (see above .C., sq. ft.): 14,860.55 Final Impervious Coverage (see above Q., sq. ft): 15,105 74 Ex1stmg coverage% of lot(£ - Lot Area) x 100 : 34.12 % Fmal coverage% of lot (I!- Lot Area) x JOO. 34.68 % ( S60• 42' 57' E> ( 406. 72' > 62· 03' 09' 406. 72' • 649 0 L - · - · - - · N6t • 37' 16' W < N60• t5' 22' W 5' B.L. per SF-2 Zoning designation 5' x 225' P.U.E. per plat 411..6o/. - • - • - • - • - • - 411.31•> ~a - -~ I _J • - • - • - • - • - • - ~ ·1- ·1-. \I I ~ I 0-•-W-4-~_M_d_i~-- i\ I Site Plan • 6708 Bridge Hill Cove Austin, Texas THE OFFICE OF EDWARD B. FRIERSON AJA A R C H I T E C T 4307 FARHILLS DR. AUSTIN, TX 78731 512•502•9340 ALL ~GKTS ~ESEl'IVEO BY A!;!Cf.llTECT ORA.WINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS AS lNSHlUh'ct.llS OF SERVICE SliAI..L REr,,Alr>l lliE PRCf'e:!TY OF THE ARCHITECT 11-ll'Y SHALL NOT BE USED ON OTHER PROJECTS CR EXlENSIONS Of THIS ~ROJECT EXCEPT BY AGRE?.",ENT IN WRllrtfG ANO WlTH M'PRCf'ROPRJATE COl,IPEM SATIO'i IC l~E AAC~ITl,CT COO TRACTOR IS RESPOl'J~BLE FOR CONFJRM1NO ""'D CORR~LAHNG Dltil=NSIONS Al THE Joe sm; THE: Ae!CH11ECT 'MU. NOT BE RESPO~SleLE FOsl CONSTRIJCTION MEAAS, t,IETHOOS, TECHNIQUES 00 FOR SAFSTV P~CAUTIDJIIS ANDPRCG"RAMSIN CONNECTION WITK THE PROJECT 3/16/2021 .......... ' ' . ' ' ............... . . ' ......... " ' . ' . ' ... ' .. ' .. ' .. . . ' ....................... ' ' .. ' . . . . . . . . ' ... ' ............. " . ' . ' TITLE: Site Plan SHEET: A0.1 SCALE: ~ = 20'-0' ITEM05/104-APPEAL1LOT 2 I I I calcul6ted po,bt ......._ I I I I E s neighboring ale pad concrete Two-Story Brick & Frame fimsh floor Elevat,on= 6t5 82" LO'r 6 concrete driveway ,324 9 ,3245 0 concrete driveway LOT 5 BRIDGE HILL SUBDIVISION Volume 82 Page 200 rack NOTES. 1. This map was prepared without the benefit of a current title commitment. and therefore this lot may be subject to easements and/or restrictions In addition to the ones shown hereon. 2. NAVD88 Elevations shown hereon are based upon Trimble RTKNET GPS observations. 3. Tree "crowns" shown hereon are drawn as a function of one Inch of trunk diameter equals one foot of "crown" radius. 4. Orientation for this survey Is based upon the State Plane Coordinate System. 14203-Texas Central Zone) LOT 4 PREPARED: January 13th, 2021 BY: Holt Carson Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 5166 HOLT CARSON, INC. 1904 Fortvlew Road Austin. Texas 78704 (512)-442~0990 Firm Registration Number 10050700 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY MAP OF: LOT 5, BRIDGE HILL SUBDIVISION, A SUBDIVISION IN TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 82 PAGE 200 OF THE PLAT RECORDS OF TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS. LOCATED AT 6708 BRIDGE HILL COVE. SCALE 1" • 20' --Legend @ ½·Iron Rod Found @ ½·Iron Pipe Found ◊ ½·Iron Rod Set with plastic cop imprinted with "Holt Carson, Inc." • Mag Nall Found -x-Wlre Fence 6 6 Wrought Iron Fence - - - - - - Overhead Utility Line (Record Bearing and Distance) TREE LIST TAG No. DESCRIPTION 3242 3243 3244 3245 3246 3247 3248 3249 3250 3251 3252 3253 3254 3255 3256 3257 3258 3259 3260 3261 3262 3263 3264 3265 3266 3267 two-10·· Shumard 7·· and 11·· Live 16'" Cedar Elm 14"' Cedar Elm 10"' Cedar Elm 10" Cedar Elm 13" Cedar Elm 11" Cedar Elm 12'" Cedar 11" Cedar Elm 12"" Hackberry 13'" Cedar E Im 11"' Cedar Elm 12" Cedar Elm 17" Live Oak 9'" Live Oak 12'" Live Oak 12" and 13" Live 16"' Live Oak 18" Live Oak 17'" Hackberry 26'" Live Oak 11'" Spanish Oak 13" Spanish Oak 20'" Cedar Elm 16'" Cedar Oak (15" total l Oak {14.5" total l Oak ( 1 9" I o I a I ) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / ; I / I I J: Q 1 / edge of neighboring / concrete driveway/ ::::,4,, / I <!. II~ /I 25' BL per SF-2 Zoning designation I I I,' /,' I I ---- ----....... ' - - 0,.--water meter concrete transformer pad es a I I I I I, I : I I BRIDGE HILL COVE (S49°04'54"W C:43.84") S46°40'56•W C:43.80' A:45.34' R=50.00' BENCHMARK Triangle cut on top of Cll'b. El11vation "' 648.81' { clean-outs A 1073128 ITEM05/105-APPEAL1I I I -+i-1-11{,-'41', '~---+-----+--"/_1,p '· le" i~ ~---- ---,---.-- ---~rl ---- i I i 1 __________ L ______ _ ,- \ i:--c---.. \1/ '' I I I " ' " II 11 ' I MASTER BEDROOM ., ; J I ': I 1 I I ( -•~- J C- , ,----" I f ;' I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , I IV") r \ / ✓ I I , , I ' KITCHEN I I "·" I I '"'',, 41-01' ~ , , , - - - - - - - - ' - · - - - - - -~ _,_ .. 0 -, ~ - - - - - - - - , Ir, ! , t i I "-_ -"',u~u~u---.---r-u--.'--4-r , , ~~ ---,l-----c,"-1~-~;-;-----Jjl-- BREJKFAST I AREA 1 LIVING ROOM 1 , ' :H I i I I I ' ' II ------ --1 I " i- i - FAMILY ROOM - --+---+- 1 I STUDY , ' 1 -STAIR UP J ,, wooD -- ·, ./Vll;:JJ ~ ' f ?~ >( ' UTILITY' P.R. 0 oo \ - - - - - t:t'.:::::==-:::::==,-t::...=•--=r'· -~-""--=---i;====r-i====:;1•r--___J_ 1, .I , i,;:- I /1 n GARAGE i ,---- ---,-- / . , FLOOR PLAN ____________ _ MAY RESIDENCE 6708 Bridge Hill Cove Austin, Texas TilE OFFICE OF EDWARD B. FRIERSON AJA ARCHITECT 4307 FARJIILLS DR. AUSTIN, 'IX 78731 Ali R1GtfB Rf:SllRv,;o FM AActil'l'l'?CT DRAWWGS AH) SP£C1F!CA11()1"S J.S INS'iRLJ!RcNTS Of sat\llCE SHAJ...L f\EMAJN Tl-IE 'lJ-IEY SHAU NOT 81: use:, CN PROPERTY OF TI-£ MCHITT'CT OTHER PROJEClS ~ ElCJEMI~ OF 'TJ;!S PROJECT EXCEPT BY AGR£EMEfiT IN 'M<ITING AND 'J\1111, APPROPAIJPRIAT'f: COMPeti- SATION TO TI-£ NtCHITECT CONl'RACTOR lS kl':SPONSIBLE FOO CONFIRMING AND CQJ!P:tiU,TING O!r.lOlSICf,IS AT THE JOB SftE. Tl-IE ARClilTE,;;T WU. WOT BE RESf'Ol'ISl&l.f FOR CONS'fJIUCTION MEAHS, MaHOOO TECHNIQUE$ 00 FOR SAFETV PRECAI/TIOHS AHO~ IH COtlN£CTIQN Willi THE PROJECT ................................... , .. , ........... ,,,,,, .. ,., TITLE: FLOOR PLAN SHEET: A 1.1 · SCALE: ITEM05/106-APPEAL1c= I t- _j I I L L I ....I I L t I L ...! I I L ...L .. , - - -1 r I ., I I ' ' I I ; ; .. - - - - - - - - - - t- ---:-,_.... - ' - - , - - I I I ,,,.~ /\ \ I\ - . . . I I I I I I I -I I I I - -- . ! ' I I I I I I I I l 1-- -j CJ I ' ., . 1-. ' ----- ----- vP □ T I I f ;· I I f '-.. . I I J.. I ~I ,., --C - - - J \ . .. " u G I- ·I I- I r - r"' I \ :======tl7 _, 17 L .J I I I 1 - - _ _/j__"t- 1.-- - - - - - - - - --, rr I I J I I I - - - 'i !\ ., / • I --.. 'T I I - : \ I KEY:' EXISJING WALL'TO REMAIN _ EXISTING WALL, DOOR, WINDOW OR CABINET TO BE REMOVED ..,_ ___________________ ___, _DEMO PLAN- MAY. RESIDENCE 6708 Bridge Hill Cove Austin, Texas TIIE OFF1CE OF EDWARD B. FRIERSON AIA ARCHITECT 4307 FARHilLS DR. AUSTIN, TX 78731 DRJMilNGS l'IIGl'tTS RleSFRVFO BY ARCHITECT Al.l ,q,o:, SPl!CIFICA110NS /IS INSffl.UMENTS Cf SERVICE" SHAU. REMAm TitE 'fHEY SH11U. NOT SE tJSEO ct. K!OPERTY Of ilE AACHIT'!'CT OTHER PROJECTS OR EXTBISIONS OF 1lilS PROJECT EXce>T ev AGR£EMa(T o; 'M«l1NG ANO WTii A.PPROPROPR!ATE COMi'laN, SMlON TO TJiE AAC,!ITicCT CONmACTOR IS RESPONSllll..E FOR CONAAMINO A.ND CORRELATING OIMENSIONS AT nil: JOB SITT: 'fl-IE AACHITEC'T WILL NOT BE 1'!ESPONSIBt.E FOR CONSTRIJCTION MEANS 1/!En;o():S, TECHNIQUES OR FOR SM'.l:TY PRECMJTIONS AND l'RIJGRM,!Sffl CQN,IECTION 'MT!, TI-IE PROJECT l't.:'!-1.~ ... '.ft ...................... , ..... ........ . ....... ., .... ''''.' ' ... "' '" ...... ' , .. " ....... ,., ', ... ' ... '' TITLE: DEMOPLAN SHEET: A 1 2 • SCALE: ITEM05/107-APPEAL1- ' I I ' ' ' $"/ ' - --- ' - --- • EXISTING CEILINGS TO REMAIN t ' ' :\ $'1 r • 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~-----~4----------~:--,-+---1 ---+-,--+---l 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - -:~-----+-----I-I ~ ~ I ' 0 ,\ ' ' I I 0 \ (10!<) ' I I \ ' ' - ' \ ' ' I j \ 0---- T I I \ 0 ' i f_ I < __J_ □ C EXISTING CEILINGS TO REMAI~ - _, ' : ' ' - 0 0 r , I r ; j - - - - - - - - ,/_-;~ - - - - - - :=-~ -~ ~~-~~- ~--~ i -~ f----- ' - ~ -- ;~----- -·-- -------- □ -. -------- --- - -- - - - - - - \ I - .. . ' - . ' 9 ·--·· - - - ---- ➔ - - - • f ~ ~ r - EXISTING CEILINGS I ! ~~----MAIN LEVEL RCP MAY RESIDENCE 6708 Bridge Hill Cove Austin, Texas THE OFFICE OF EDWARD B. FRIERSON AJA ARCHITECT 4307 FARHILLS DR AUSITN, TX78731 512 • 502 • 9340 fU,SER',f'J) !IV Al'i:CHITI;CT DRAWINGS N-llJ ALL RIGHTS SF'ECJAC,1,.TIOOS AS INSTIUJMafr$ CiF smVICE' SH/\1..1. REM,fl,JN 11'E PROPSRTY OF THE ARCHITECT 1l£Y SHAU. NOT tl'I!: USED at OTHER FRQJECTS OR E.XTENSIONS Of TI·IIS PROJECT EXCtf>T BY AGREEMOIT IN v.RITING AND wrn APPROPROPRIATE C0MP£M S,,.TION TO n£ AACHITECT OONTRACTOR IS RESf'ONSIBJ.£ F~ CONFIMIING ANO CORRELA11MG DIMe.'SIONS AT THE JOB SffE 11-!E 11.FiekTI:CT wtJ. NOT SE RESl'OHSIBLE FOR CONSTRUCTICN,. MEANS, METiiOOS. lECHMOUES OR FOi, SAffTY ~ECMJTIONS ANCI :PROGRAMSlN CONNECTION \MT1'! TI-!E PROJECT .. , ............. ,.,,, ......... , '' ...... , .... ,' , .............. ' .... '" .... ,. .. ' "'' ....... ' .. ' '".' ....... ., ' ......... ' ... , '' TITLE: MAIN LEVEL RCP SHEET: A 1 3 • SCALE: ITEM05/108-APPEAL1-----------=--=-=:--_---_-=_---=-=-=--==---=---=_ -~~~~;,;:=::_::::.::=~'---"r"-t-t ' i ~ - - 1 ) / I I -- - I J I I--? y ' I I / ',,..-" /!_....,, I I I ! ' i ! I -4W----Jf-~::::.L..J____J__-___J_-L-=k-~/ © I It_ --; :o SECTION -SOUTH ELEVATION ~~ ,, =-&As v,,,1ri,:£,15 (-r;?,) ,, - l - -' 0 ' :t: -,: -◊ -- ' - i ' ' i! MAY RESIDENCE 708 BRIDGE HILL COVE AUSTIN, TEXAS THE OFFICE OF EDWARD B. FRIERSON AJA ARCHITECT 4307 FAR!IlLLS DR. AUSTIN, TX 78731 512 • 502 • 9340 DAAv.vtGS NI) All RIGHTS ~O l!Y ARCHm;eT SPECIACATIONS AS lw.l'TRUMEWTS OF SERVICE SHALL Ra!A!N 'FH!l: '!1'11:Y SHALL N::rr BE USE!) Q<I Pl'<OF'!'RTV OF THI: ARCHt1'ECT OTHER PROJECTS Of! EXll':NSbS OF nus PROJECT EXCEPT BY AGREEMENT fH lll(Rl11NG ANO 'M7H Af'PllOMOPRIA7£ COf.lPEH. SATION lQ 11-!E ARCHITECT CONTR,1,CTOR ,s R£SPOWS18l.E FCR CONFIRMING AHO CORRELA.TING !llfl!l:nSIQtlS AT TIE JOO SIT.le Tl<E ARCHITECT WU. NOT !IE R.ESPON.S!Bt.e FM CONSTRUCTla-1 MEANS MfTI100S. TECHNIQUES OR FOR SAFETY ffi.£GAUlJON$ AtfO PROGRAMS IN CONNECTlON WTH THE PROJECT , .. '' .. ' , .. '' .. '.'"' .. '".'' ... ' '"'"" ... ' .. ''.' ' .. '' ' .... ' EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A2.1 Tlll.E: SHEIT: SCALE: EAST ELEVATION ITEM05/109-APPEAL1. . .• STEELDOOR/WINDOW TYPES L l , -------- I,, 1 ' t l .. I' -· - :1 :, ,' / ti=== .. ====;;;;:;;=====:;;::;:;;-t···------- ' r '~~------~'----~~,-= ~ - - - - - - -.... ·- -1 - . . - - - - - - - - - - - -~ - - - ' , ,. ' I / I I' I ' '="==-----•-··"c-'~-,,= \ / / 11 ' I j \ \ , , , / / I -·c=-t;;;::======ttFJ:;;;;;:::::;::::;::::::::;::::;::::::::;::::;:::::ifM:;;:::;::::;::::::::;::::;::::::::;::::;::::::=;;:r-:.. ···-·. -· I I I, I• i ii \ \ I ' n· ;;::;:__:::::;;::;:;:;;;;;:;:;;::_;;;;;;/~IF,;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;::;::;:;;;~.::::::: ... ~ rr...__ __ -...... ·71,;::;II ;;;;;::;::;;::;;;;;_=-=·=:;:::;;;:;;;::;:;:;;;;;;;;:7, r-17--~. - \ I '· ' ----- '--"------_,_+--'--------~-+ .... , ... , , · · - - - - - " - - - - - - -~e - - - - __ __,, _____ - -~ - - - - - -4 " - - - - - - -+ - - - - - - ' , -r,. f I 11,,'f ,;;, • •• • ·rtiov1!),t" ,";e,c,r: ,#',t,4'. :!,rt:.f't AHO ,t"l>K. J,looD C,UhO /'R<>it'OL ,,,,.a,ce ,r,iJ<:. .67:t!E'.<- /+->JO p~K.. /p,/0~,1 .. -:J ("6,...,l. ~ - _ =:~_.,PP,,y1,:u: /"/ii_.,, r"e :;;,-;~.-... -~------~--A-A ~ Fo% /ef"/:"Jt>I.) -::t Vi~ / / I ! I I I \ 11 11 \ \ I I / / I / . l=!R.rcl'- 51{.C. l··> =-===-=·=======·:1~/ f- t - - - - - ------- - - - -+ - -+ ~ - - - ' I I I z 1-101z 11 L 1 ' / I - • -~ . - - -~ ! ·~·---1'c-·-- .. ·-. I' ' / V ® WOOD CLAD WINDOWS ·MAY RESIDENCE 6708 Bridge Hill Cove Austin, Texas THE OFFICE OF EDWARD B. FRIERSON AfA ARCHITECT 4307 FARlllLLS DR. AUSTIN, TX78731 .. , ,;,.,;;r ·~11~/z.1 'Q;:~::'.;v-"~- . • Alt RIGHTS RE:E'M!D BY AACHrl'E'CT PAAv.1NOS Am SPECIFICATIONS n, JNSTRUUE,NTSOI' saMCE SW.U. REIMJN 11-tE PROPERTY OF TIE AAC-l-!ITECT "n,E'I' SHALL NOT SE lJSEO ON OTHER PROJECTS OR l;XTEt<SICMi OF ltlr-:l PROJECT EXCEPT Ii\' AGRtEMEJIT .. 1,mmHG AND wrn APAAOPRDtRIATE Cl'llifl'EN SATIOti TO ™E AACl-ll'!cCT CC>ITRA.CTOR IS RESPONSIBlE FOO CONF"'™'HG AND CORREI.AffiG DIIIIENSIONS ~T Tl-IE JOO SITE rnE ARCHl1'£CT M.L /,JCff SE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONSTmc:TION MEANS, UETI-tODS fECl-!NIOUES Ofl FC!f: SAfElY PRECAUTIOHS ANO PROGRAMS IN CONNECTION WTH THE PROJECT l'f. d1.:✓• ,.tl .. ...... , .... ... ., .... , , , .... , , .. , .. , .... '' .. " ... .,, ' ... '"" ... '' .. '" """.''' .... ' ... ' ...... " ................ , .. ,,. .. , ................................. . ,- TITLE: SCHEDULES SHEET: A3.1 SCALE: ITEM05/110-APPEAL1ITEM05/111-APPEAL1Residential New Construction and Addition Permit Application | Phone: 311 (or 512-974-2000 outside Austin) For submittal and fee information, see Download application before entering information. Property Information Project Address: Legal Description: Zoning District: Neighborhood Plan Area (if applicable): Required Reviews Is project participating in S.M.A.R.T. Housing? (If yes, attach signed certification letter from NHCD, and signed conditional approval letter from Austin Energy Green Building) Y N Tax Parcel ID: Lot Area (sq ft): Historic District (if applicable): N Does project have a Green Building requirement? (If yes, attach signed conditional approval letter from Austin Energy Green Building) Y Is this site within an Airport Overlay Zone? (If yes, approval through Aviation is required) Y N Does this site have a septic system? (If yes, submit a copy of approved septic permit. OSSF review required) Y N Does the structure exceed 3,600 square feet total under roof? Is this property within 200 feet of a hazardous pipeline? Is this structure within the WUI? (Wildland Urban Interface) Will a NFPA 13D automatic sprinkler system be installed? Is this site located within an Erosion Hazard Zone? Y N (If yes, EHZ review is required) (If yes, Fire review is required) (If yes, Fire review is required) (If yes, Fire review is required) (If yes, Fire review is required) Y Y Y Y N N N N N Y Is this property within 100 feet of the 100-year floodplain? Y (Proximity to floodplain may require additional review time.) Are there trees 19” or greater in diameter on/adjacent to the property? If yes, how many? ( Provide plans with a tree survey, tree review required.) N Was there a pre-development consultation for the Tree Review? Y N Proposed impacts to trees: (Check all that apply) Root zone Canopy Removal None/Uncertain Is this site in the Capital View Corridor? (If yes, a preliminary review through land use is needed to determine if full view corridor review is required.) Does this site currently have: water availability? wastewater availability? Y Y Y N Is this site within the Residential Design and Compatibility Standards Ordinance Boundary Area? (LDC 25-2 Subchapter F) N Y N N (If no, contact Austin Water Utility to apply for water/wastewater taps and/or service extension request.) Does this site have or will it have an auxiliary water source? (Auxiliary water supplies are wells, rainwater harvesting, river water, lake water, reclaimed water, etc.) N Y (If yes, submit approved auxiliary and potable plumbing plans.) Does this site require a cut or fill in excess of 4 feet? Y N (If yes, contact Land Development Information Services for a Site Plan Exemption) Is this site within the Waterfront Overlay? (LDC 25-2 Subchapter C Article 3) Y N Is this site within the Lake Austin Overlay? (LDC 25-2-180, 25-2-647) Y N Does this site front a paved street? (If no, contact Land Development Information Services for Site Plan requirements.) N Y Is this site adjacent to a paved alley? N (Public Works approval required to take access from a public alley.) Y Does this site have a Board of Adjustment (BOA) variance? (If yes, provide a copy of decision sheet. Note: A permit cannot be approved within 10 days of approval of a variance from BOA.) Case # N Y (if applicable) Description of Work Is Total New/Added Building Area > 5,000 sq. Ft.? Y N (If yes, construction material recycling is required per LDC 25-11-39) Existing Use: Proposed Use: vacant vacant single-family residential duplex residential two-family residential single-family residential duplex residential two-family residential other: other: new construction Project Type: Is this structure 45 years or older per records of the Travis Central Appraisal District (TCAD), contributing to a National Register historic district, or zoned H for historic landmarks or HD for properties in locally designated historic districts? Historic review required: Provide photos of each side of structure. One photo must show the entire elevation visible from the street. Photos must be two megapixels (1200 x 1600 pixels) or larger. addition/remodel addition other: N Y Will greater than 50% of exterior walls be demolished? *If yes, submit a Demolition application in addition to this permit application. Greater than 50% of exterior walls demolished will require compliance with the Demolition Notification requirements (Ordinance 20201001-040). Y* N 6708 Bridge Hill Cove129078LOT 5 BRIDGE HILL SUBDLA43,554.50nnnnnnnnnnn3n4nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnITEM05/112-APPEAL1# existing bedrooms: # bedrooms upon completion: # baths existing: # baths upon completion: Project Description: (Note: Please provide thorough description of project. Attach additional pages as necessary.) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Trades Permits Required (Check as applicable): electric plumbing mechanical (HVAC) concrete (R.O.W.) Total Remodeled Floor Area (if applicable) sq ft. (work within existing habitable square footage) Job Valuation – For Properties in a Floodplian Only Total Job Valuation: $__________________ Amount for Primary Structure: Y Elec: Y N | Plmbg: $ ________________ N N | Mech: Y Note: The total job valuation should be the sum total of all valuations noted to the right. Labor and materials only, rounded to nearest dollar. Amount for Accessory Structure: Elec: Y N | Plmbg: Y N | Mech: $ ________________ N Y Existing sq. ft. to Remain New/Added sq. ft. Total sq. ft. Bldg. 1 Bldg. 2 Bldg. 1 Bldg. 2 Bldg. 1 Bldg. 2 Site Development Information Area Description Note: Provide a separate calculation for each distinct area. Attach additional sheets as necessary. Measurements are to the outside surface of the exterior wall. a) 1st Floor conditioned area b) 2nd Floor conditioned area c) 3rd Floor conditioned area d) Basement e) Covered parking (garage or carport) f) Covered patio, deck, porch, and/or balcony area(s) g) Other covered or roofed area h) Uncovered wood decks Total Building Area (total a through h) i) Pool j) Spa k) Remodeled Floor Area, excluding Addition / New Construction The Calculation Aid on page 7 is to be used to complete the following calculations and to provide additional information. Building Coverage Information Note: Building Coverage means the area of a lot covered by buildings or roofed areas, but excludes ground-level paving, landscaping, open recreational facilities, incidental projecting eaves, balconies, and similar features. Pools, ponds, and fountains are not included in this measurement. (LDC 25-1-21) Total Building Coverage (sq ft): ___________ % of lot size: ________ Impervious Cover Information Note: Impervious cover is the total horizontal area of covered spaces including building coverage, paved areas, walkways, and driveways. The term excludes pools, ponds, fountains, and areas with gravel placed over pervious surfaces that are used only for landscaping or by pedestrians. For an uncovered wood deck that has drainage spaces between the deck boards and that is located over a pervious surface, 50 percent of the horizontal area of the deck is included in the measurement of impervious cover. (LDC 25-1-23) Total Impervious Cover (sq ft): _____________ % of lot size: ________ Setbacks Are any existing structures on this site a non-compliant structure based on a yard setback requirement? (LDC 25-2-492) Does any structure (or an element of a structure) extend over or beyond a required yard? (LDC 25-2-513) Y Is front yard setback averaging being utilized on this property? (LDC 25-2, Subchapter F, Sec. 2.3 or 25-2-778) Y Height Information (LDC 25-1-21 or 25-2 Subchapter F, Section 3.4) Parking (LDC 25-6 Appendix A & 25-6-478) N N Y N Building Height: _______ ft ___ in Number of Floors: _____ # of spaces required: ________ # of spaces provided: ________ 554.05.0Removal of the existing pool and patio space and construction of a new pool, pool cabana, and covered patio spacennn400,0000400,000nnn3,321.000.003,321.000.001,909.000.001,909.,381.500.,402.500.001,482.000.007,884.500.0073.0073.,376.5012.3013,647.0031.33nnn25223ITEM05/113-APPEAL1Right-of-Way Information Is a sidewalk required for the proposed construction? (LDC 25-6-353) *Sidewalks are to be installed on any new construction of a single family, two-family or duplex residential structure and any addition to an existing building that Y N increases the building’s gross floor area by 50 % or more. Will a Type I driveway approach be installed, relocated, removed or repaired as part of this project? Y N Width of approach (measured at property line): ___________ ft Distance from intersection (for corner lots only): __________ ft Are storm sewer inlets located within ten (10) feet of the end of any proposed driveway? (New driveways within ten (10) feet of an inlet with require additional review) Subchapter F Y N Gross Floor Area This section is only required for projects located within the Residential Design and Compatibility Standards Ordinance Boundaries as defined and illustrated in Title 25-2 Subchapter F of the Land Development Code. The Gross Floor Area of each floor is measured as the area contained within the outside edge of the exterior walls. Existing sq. ft. to remain New/Added sq. ft. Proposed Exemption (check article utilized) Applied Exemption sq. ft. Total sq. ft. 1st Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor Attic 5 Garage2 (check article utilized) Carport2: (check article utilized) Area w/ ceilings > 15’ Ground Floor Porch1 (check article utilized) Basement 4 Attached Detached Attached Detached Accessory Building(s) (detached) Totals Must follow article 3.3.5 Full Porch sq. ft. (3.3.3.A) 200 sq. ft. (3.3.3 A 2) Must follow article 3.3.3B, see note below Must follow article 3.3.3C, see note below 200 sq. ft. (3.3.2 B 1) 450 sq. ft. (3.3.2 A 1 / 2a) 200 sq. ft. (3.3.2 B 2a / 2b) 450 sq. ft. (3.3.2 A 3) 200 sq. ft. (3.3.2 B 1)3 450 sq. ft. (3.3.2 A 1) TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA (Total Gross Floor Area ÷ Lot Area) x 100 = ___________________ Floor-To-Area Ratio (FAR) Is a sidewall articulation required for this project? Y N (Yes, if: a wall, 15’ tall or higher, within 9 feet of a side property line extends further than 36 feet in length per article 2.7.1) Does any portion of the structure extend beyond a setback plane/exemption exhibit (aka “tent”)? (If Yes, indicate applicable section of Subchapter F and length of protrusion on the drawings.) Y N 1. Ground Floor Porch exemption: A ground floor porch, including a screened porch, may be exempted, provided that the porch is not accessible by automobile and is not connected to a driveway; and the exemption may not exceed 200 square feet if a porch has habitable space or a balcony above it. 2. Garage and carport exemptions (in relation to primary structure): Exemptions must follow the code as outlined in Title 25-2 Subchapter F 3.3.2. Each amount listed (450 or 200) is the maximum exclusion allowed per the article designated. Note: Article 3.3.2 C, “An applicant may receive only one 450-square foot exemption per site under paragraph A. An applicant who receives a 450-square foot exemption may receive an additional 200-foot exemption for the same site under paragraph B, but only for an attached parking area used to meet minimum parking requirements.” 3. Ordinance article 3.3.2 B 1 is 200 sq. ft. exemption may be combined with a 450 sq. ft. exemption. Otherwise only one 450 exemption or one 200 sq. ft. exemption may be taken. 4. Basement exemption: A habitable portion of a building that is below grade may be exempted if the habitable portion does not extend beyond the first-story footprint and is below natural or finished grade, whichever is lower; and it is surrounded by natural grade for at least 50% of its perimeter wall area and the finished floor of the first story is not more than three feet above the average elevation at the intersections of the minimum front yard setback line and the side property lines. 5. Habitable Attic exemption: A habitable portion of an attic may be exempted if: 1) The roof above it is not a flat or mansard roof and has a slope of 3 to 12 or greater; 2) It is fully contained within the roof structure; 3) It has only one floor; 4) It does not extend beyond the footprint of the floors below; 5) It is the highest habitable portion of the building, or a section of the building, and adds no additional mass to the structure; and 6) Fifty percent or more of the area over 5 feet has a ceiling height of seven feet or less. Information Mailing Address Owner Phone Email Phone Email General Contractor Mailing Address Applicant/Agent Mailing Address Phone Email Phone Email Design Professional Mailing Address Authorization ___ I understand that in accordance with Sections 25-1-411 and 25-11-66 of the Land Development Code (LDC), non-compliance with the LDC may be cause for the Building Official to suspend or revoke a permit and/or license. ___ I further understand that no portion of any roof structure may overhang in any public utility or drainage easement. I acknowledge that customer will bear the expense of any necessary relocation of existing utilities to clear this driveway location and/or the cost to repair any damage to existing utilities caused during construction. Water services, meters, and wastewater cleanouts are not permitted within or beneath driveways or sidewalks. Private plumbing appurtenances will not be located in public right-of-way or public easements. Private plumbing lines will not cross lot lines. ___ I agree that this application is good for twelve (12) months after the date it is filed, and will expire if not approved for compliance within that time frame. If the application expires, a new submittal will be required and compliance with current code may be required. ___ I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge and ability, the information provided in this application is complete and accurate. I further acknowledge that, should any information contained herein prove incorrect, the building official may suspend or revoke any resulting permit and/or license. ___ As owner or authorized agent, my signature authorizes staff to visit and inspect the property for which this application is being submitted. I understand that without consent the review process may be delayed. ___ I also understand that if there is a septic system located on the property, I am required to complete an On-site Sewage Facility (a.k.a. an OSSF or septic system) application by contacting Austin Water at (512) 972-0050 or . This initiates the septic system permitting requirement needed to proceed with the development review process. ___ Erosion and Sedimentation Controls are required per Section 25-8-181 of the LDC. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in a Stop Work Order and/or legal action by the City of Austin including criminal charges and fines of up to $2,000.00 per day. ___ I am the record owner of this property and authorize the agent/applicant listed above to apply for and acquire a permit on my behalf. ___ I have checked for any property-specific information that may affect the review and/or construction of this project, including but not limited to: any subdivision notes, deed restrictions, restrictive covenants, zoning conditional overlays, and/or other requirements specific to proposed development on this property (collectively, the “Property Information”), located at: __________________________________. deed restrictions that may apply to this property. ___ I understand that the review of this project by the City of Austin will not include a review of any private restrictive covenants or ___ I am responsible for any conflicts between the Property Information and the request submitted to the City of Austin. I further acknowledge that I understand the implications of use and/or development restrictions that are a result of the Property Information. Additionally, I understand that the issuance of a City permit for this project does not affect the enforceability of any private restrictive covenants applicable to the property. ____I understand that if requested I must provide copies of any and all of the Property Information that may apply to this property. Owner’s signature: _________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________ Applicant’s signature: ______________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________ Design Professional’s signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ____________________________ General Contractor’s signature: _______________________________________________ Date: ____________________________ Christy MayUrban Building Services of Texas LLC6708 Bridge Hill Cove214 Sailors Run, lakeway TX 78734((jon@ubstx.comUrban Building Services of Texas LLCUrban Building Services of Texas LLC214 Sailors Run, lakeway TX 78734214 Sailors Run, lakeway TX 78734(jon@ubstx.com4444444446708 Bridge Hill Cove44405/18/202305/18/202305/18/202305/18/2023Christy MayITEM05/115-APPEAL1Residential New Construction and Addition Permit Application Additional Information | Phone: 311 (or 512-974-2000 outside Austin) For submittal and fee information, see Application Process For instructions of digital submissions, please visit Digital Development: □ Completed application □ □ Austin Energy Building Service Plan Application (BSPA) Permit exhibits Note: AE will review the BSPA concurrent with Plan Review. Please note per the fee schedule a BSPA review fee will be assessed per each submittal. □ Austin Water W&WW Service Plan Verification, if water demand is to increase or a dwelling is added. (e.g. addition of a bath) Note: The AW form and the plot plan must be stamped approved by AW prior to submittal. Please submit WWWSPV by email to □ Required documentation if any portion of an exterior wall or roof is to be removed or modified for structures that are 45 years of age or older per records of the Travis Central Appraisal District (TCAD), contributing to a National Register historic district, or zoned historic (H zoning for historic landmarks or HD zoning for properties in locally designated historic districts). If submitting for a total demolition for new construction, demolition application must be submitted separately. All drawings must be to a City of Austin verifiable scale, see Building Criteria Manual for additional details and a list of acceptable scales. Check for expired permits: If there are expired permits associated with this property, they must be resolved. This can be done in the following ways: Submit an Acknowledgement of Expired Permits form with this application if the work is not related to the work being permitted. OR Include it in the description of work on this application and reference expired permits to be resolved If the Acknowledgement of Expired Permits form is used for this project, information about what will be required to resolve the expired permit(s) can be obtained during Residential Review General Information Walk-in hours. All new construction must comply with the Visitability Ordinance. For submittal and additional information, go to our website at About the Review Disciplines Technical Review – Any permit exhibits not sealed and signed by a Texas-registered architect or certified building designer will be subject to a limited technical review. The technical review is not intended to be exhaustive of all possible building code requirements. Erosion Hazard – There is a review of structural design if a property is located in the Erosion Hazard Zone, as defined by the boundaries located on the City of Austin GIS map. These zones align with locations where water flow and watershed could lead to erosion damage of the surrounding land features (e.g creeks, stream beds, …). Fire Review – There is additional review of a project if the square footage of a structure exceeds 3,600 square feet in area. The 3,600 sq. ft. includes the total gross building area: all first, second, and additional floor areas; attached covered porches, patios, decks, and balconies; attached garages; and any other attached roofed areas. The review ensures adequate proximity to fire hydrants and sufficient water supply to the hydrants based on the total gross area of the structure. Properties within 200 feet of a hazardous pipeline may also require additional review. Projects within the Wildland Urban Interface will require a fire review. Projects that will have NFPA 13D automatic sprinkler system installed will require a fire review. Floodplain Review – Any work requiring a permit on property located within 100 feet of the 100-Year floodplain will require additional review. If review is anticipated, include supporting information such as FEMA elevation certificate form 086-0-033 and/or topographic surveys referencing NAVD88. To check your property for proximity to a flood plain visit or the City’s Floodplain Development Information website. Historic Review – There is additional review of exterior changes if property is a City Landmark or located in a Local Historic District, National Register Historic District, H or HD zoned district, or partial demolition of exterior features on property over 45 years old. Tree Review – All design proposals must abide by the Tree Preservation Criteria set forth in Section 3.5.2 of the City of Austin’s Environmental Criteria Manual. Cut and fill is limited to 4” within ½ Critical Root Zones (foundations cannot adhere to this), canopy removal is limited to 25% or less per tree, and 50% or more of the full Critical Root Zone must be kept at natural grade with natural ground cover. If proposing to remove a tree that is dead, diseased or an imminent hazard, please provide a Tree Risk Assessment from a Certified Arborist and/ or photographic evidence. Austin Energy Review – All overhead and underground electrical facilities need to be clearly shown along with transformer pads, pull boxes and pole lines/down guys on the subject property and adjacent property. AE will review based on current Austin Energy Design Criteria for required safety clearance per section 1.10. planning/espa. Any construction not listed in this application will NOT be considered part of the review. Any retaining walls may need additional review by Public Involvement Real Estates Services (AE) and AE Construction. Please note if your project has existing transmission facilities and or transmission easements this BSPA and plot plan will be routed to our AE Transmission group for review. Their approval is required prior to a BSPA final approval. ITEM05/116-APPEAL1 Documentation Explanations and Definitions Additional Information, Continued Permit Exhibits: Plot Plan – Plot Plans must be drawn to a standard scale and are to include but are not limited to the following items: property address and legal description, north arrow, drawing scale, trees within the ROW or trees equal to or greater than 19 inches in diameter located on the property and immediately adjacent to the property, property lines, building lines for both existing and proposed improvements, easements, required zoning setbacks and roof overhangs, water meter and wastewater cleanout locations, underground and overhead utility lines and appurtenances, and water and/or wastewater line size and material. Floorplan(s) – Floorplans must be drawn to a standard scale and are to include (but are not limited to) the following items: drawing scale, room labels, new wall measurements, new ceiling heights, new door and window schedule, smoke detector* and carbon monoxide detector** specifications and locations, dimensioned locations of new plumbing fixtures, handrail/guardrail locations and room square footages. Please provide Existing and Proposed Floor plan if part of the improvements includes removing or adding any wall, window, door, plumbing fixtures, etc. Clearly differentiate between existing, demolished, and new items. *provide smoke detector system (hardwired, interconnected, battery back-up) at each sleeping room and vicinity in accordance with IRC R314 **provide carbon monoxide detector in immediate vicinity of sleeping rooms in accordance with IRC R315. Exterior Elevations – Elevation plans must be drawn to a standard scale are are to include front, rear, and sides of the structure. For additions, elevations are reqired of all sides of the new portion of the structure. Height deminsions are required on all elevations. If building height exceeds 20’ or building is multi-story include deminsions of high, low, and average elevations at grade. Setback Plane Compliance Plan – If subject to Subchapter F – A separate exhibit must be submitted showing topographic elevations on 1-foot intervals on the property, including the top of foundation spot elevation and intersections of the property boundary with the building line segments per Subchapter F, Section 2.6. All topographic information must be prepared and sealed by a Texas-registered professional land surveyor. Structural Drawing(s) – Foundation plan of sufficient detail to show conformance to the provisions of the currently adopted IRC including but not limited to: 1) size, spacing and strength of reinforcing steel 2) foundation requirements for braced wall panels required in braced wall plan. Wall and floor/ceiling/roof sections and details, framing plans and/or framing design information as follows: General – lumber size, grade, species and spacing of all wood elements. Wood framed floors – spans and intermediate girders Wood framed walls – wall type (e.g. 2x4’s @ 16 in. o.c.), wall height, headers. Wood framed roofs – roof framing plan to include rafters and girders as a minimum. Brace wall plan showing compliance with the currently adopted IRC. The plan shall clearly indicate the braced wall lines and the braced wall method use for compliance to expedite review. Additional Requirements: Non-complying Structures (applicable to all work types) – A separate exhibit must be submitted showing the existing building footprint location in relation to the property boundaries and required setbacks. Exterior walls and supporting structural elements must be clearly labeled and dimensioned showing walls to be removed per Land Development Code Section 25-2-963. Setback Averaging – If using setback averaging, one copy of the Contextual Site Plan showing four adjacent properties with location of existing buildings and existing front yard setbacks identified for front yard setback averaging per the provisions of Subchapter F, Residential Design and Compatibility Standards, Section 2.3. Surveys must be provided by a Texas-registered professional land surveyor showing existing buildings and their distance from the front lot line. Design Professionals – For any project exceeding 20 feet in height or more than one-story within the Subchapter F boundaries, all permit exhibits must be sealed and signed by a Texas-registered architect or certified building designer (National Council of Building Designers or Texas Institute of Building Design) Localized flooding – If there is a storm drain inlet or pipe, drainage ditch, or drainage easement on or near the property or the property is at the low point of a roadway, there may be a chance of flooding from the local drainage system. The proposed development cannot cause additional flooding on other property nor have an adverse impact on the existing local drainage system. Contact Land Development Information Services for more information Tree Survey – Provide a tree survey per ECM 3.3.2 that labels the ¼, ½ and full Critical Root Zones and provides the diameter and species of each protected tree (a Tree Legend is recommended). Depict proposed access routes and material staging. Show all proposed and existing utilities. Show specific locations of tree protection fencing and mulching per requirements of ECM 3.5.2. ITEM05/117-APPEAL1Existing Sq Ft Total Sq Ft New/Added Sq Ft Calculation Aid Area Description Note: Provide a separate calculation for each distinct area. Attach additional sheets as necessary. Measurements are to the outside surface of the exterior wall. a) 1st floor conditioned area b) 2nd floor conditioned area c) 3rd floor conditioned area d) Basement e) Attached Covered Parking (garage or carport) f) Detached Covered Parking (garage or carport) g) Covered Wood Decks (counted at 100%) h) Covered Patio i) Covered Porch j) Balcony k) Other – Specify: Total Building Area (TBA) (add: a through k) l) Driveway m) Sidewalks n) Uncovered Patio o) Uncovered Wood Decks (counted at 50%) p) AC pads and other concrete flatwork q) Other (Pool Coping, Retaining Walls) r) Pool s) Spa Total Building Coverage (TBC) (A) (B) (from TBA subtract, if applicable: b, c, d, and j) Total Site Impervious Coverage (add: TBC and l through q) (C) (D) Building Coverage Information Note: Building Coverage means the area of a lot covered by buildings or roofed areas, but excludes ground level paving, landscaping, open recreational facilities, incidental projecting eaves, balconies, and similar features. Pools, ponds, and fountains are not included in this measurement. (LDC 25-1-21) Lot Area (sq. ft.): ______________ Existing Building Coverage (see above A, sq. ft.): ____________ Final Building Coverage (see above B, sq. ft.): ____________ Existing Coverage % of lot (A ÷ Lot Area) x 100 : ________ % Final Coverage % of lot (B ÷ Lot Area ) x 100 : ________ % Impervious Cover Information Note: Impervious cover is the total horizontal area of covered spaces including all building coverage, paved areas, walkways, and driveways. The term excludes pools, ponds, fountains, and areas with gravel placed over pervious surfaces that are used only for landscaping or by pedestrians. (LDC 25-1-23) Existing Impervious Coverage (see above C, sq. ft.): _____________ Final Impervious Coverage (see above D, sq. ft.): _____________ Existing coverage % of lot (C ÷ Lot Area ) x 100 : ________ % Final coverage % of lot (D ÷ Lot Area ) x 100 : ________ % 3,321.000.003,321.001,909.000.001,909.,523.500.000.000.006,544.501,482.008,026.504,635.50741.005,376.507,002.007,002.00259.00259.00533.00533.,429.501,217.5013,647.0073.000.0073.,554.504,635.5010.505,376.5012.3012,429.5028.5013,647.0031.33ITEM05/118-APPEAL1| 512- 000 All fields are required Service Address: Lot: Block: Subdivision: Dwelling Units demolished? Y Multiple Dwelling Units on same Lot? Y Land Status/Re-subdivision? Y N N N New Dwelling Units to be built? Y Corner Lot? Y N N Original Address: Proposed Use: Existing Use: sq. ft. Two-Family Res Single-Family Res. Duplex Other: Existing # Baths: Additional # Baths: Total # bathrooms the meter(s) will serve: Second Meter: First Meter: Water meters & wastewater clean-outs are not permitted in sidewalks or driveways ______________________________________________________ ____________ ___ Date Phone Applicant Name & Signature City of Austin Office Use Only Water main size: _________ Service stub size: __________ Service stub change required: Y N Shared Service? Y N If Yes, meter #, size & address: Existing meter #: _________________________ Existing meter size: ____________________________ Existing water service line/meter location: ___________________________________________________ Upgrade required: Y N New meter(s) size: __________________________________________ Existing water or wastewater main located on the property: Y N WW main size: __________ WW Service line lean-out location: ______________________________ N N N N AUSTIN WATER DOES NOT SERVICE THIS ADDRESS ATI SHOWS TO BE THE PROVIDER Aqua Texas ATI (877) 987-2782 Aqua Texas ATI ______________________________________________________ _____________ AW Engineer Date ________________ Phone ______________________________________________________ _____________ AW Taps Date ________________ Phone A stamp in this box indicates AW approves for Plan Review Austin Water | | Page 1 of 2 REVIEWEDTAPS PERMITTING OFFICEBy Emily Parsons 10:14 am, May 30, 2023ITEM05/119-APPEAL1t'l----------::::~ ,,. ~~~~~mx~-Xt+-dL-,L-'5'-0" ~ PUE "' 10'-0" Se tback~ TwoTrunklive~k,-,19 " IC Schedule Area Name Existing IC Proposed IC Driveway Rock Wall 7,002 393 7,002 403.5 House Slab 4,615.5 4,615.5 Cone. Patio 2,079 Pool Coping Cabana Slab Walkway 86 244 259 533 73 741 259 Total IC 14,678.5 13,647 / 20. 1CedarElm I \ MuldltheFullCRZArea not intheexistingpoolik'~ Tree Legend 1) - 20" Cedar Elm 2) - 26" Live Oak 3)-19" Two Trunk Live Oak MulchtheFullCRZAnaa not intheexistingpooldeck Building Information Area Name Existing Proposed 1st Floor Conditioned 2nd Floor Conditioned Covered Parking 3,321 1,909 532 3,321 1,909 532 Covered Patio 640.5 1,381.5 Cabana 244 741 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,. I I : I I : I I I I I I I I I I : I I I I I I I I I I : I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I ~~:~~-----+ i '-""' 7 l) : I I / II JK;;:;x -~ 2 ) Site - Proposed 1" = 20'-0" ~~r~~ L G) Site - Existing 1" = 20'-0" "', Cone Wal .. ~ "- ~ - __. _,,.,--; c.-- "- Wate _ ____. r Meter Locati ------- on ..,o. ~ ~ C, Site Specific Project Notes: 1. 2. Due to the IC limitations of this property the entire project is being constructed over existing impervious coverage. The new pool is being constructed to ensure that it does not replace any existing pool water area with new IC or pool coping. Slope Map + Analysis Symbol Slope Area IC Allowance IC Allowed Actual IC White 0-15% 37,424.5 7,484.9 12,751.96 Light Gray 15-25% 4,107.0 Dark: Gray 25-35% 977.0 Black: 35%+ 1046.0 20% 20% 10% 0 821.4 97.7 0 870 0 24 Totals 8,404 I I u~a/\N I DES IG NS I A[ I BID: Americ a n In s titute of Building Des ign Certification# 44-752 Office: 512-76-UBSTX (8-2789) Email: WWW.UBSTX.COM The drawings, specifications, ideas , designs, and arrangements presented herein are and shall remain the property of Urban Building Services of Texas LLC. No part thereofshall be copied, disclosed to others or used in connection with any work: or project other than the specific project for which they \oVere prepared and developed without the YJritten consent of Urban Building Services of Texas LLC. Visual contact with these drawings shall constitute condusive evidence of acceptance of these restrictions. X I- C :..;::::: Vl :J <( 0 0 a... + C 0 += ·- Cl) 1J > 1J >- 0 <( 0~ o~:r: Cl) C >- c:n 0-t;~ ..0 ·c c:i 0 _c ~ u u ~ CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS DRAWING TITLE Site Plan 22"'X34" SC"-1<= 1"= 20'-0" 11" X17" 5rAI<= HALF 1SSIJESLE DAT<= DRAW N B" Author SHEET NUMBER 5/27/2023 7:09:02 PM B-003 //p @ Site - Slope Map 1" = 20'-0" ~ ITEM05/120-APPEAL1AUSTIN ENERGY Email: This project will require a temporary loop Design required* *If AE Design is required, all construction for AE facilities must be complete and shown on the plot plan in place to meet all clearance requirements. This form must have Designer name, Design WR# in “Scope of work”. Building Service Planning Application (BSPA) This form to be used for review of Residential Building Permits only. The plot plan submitted to plan review must be the same plan submitted for Austin Energy review. Any change to previously submitted plans requires AE review and re-approval. This review DOES NOT include the electric service location or routing. Person Responsible for Request: _____________________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________________________________ Project Address: ____________________________________________________________ –OR– Legal Description: _____________________________________ Lot: ________ Block: ________ Who is your electrical provider? AE Other: _______________________________________ Scope of work must list ALL new construction, for it to be considered as part of this review (pool/spa, retaining walls, etc.). Anything not listed below is not considered in the review. Scope of work: ____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ BSPA Completed by (print name) Phone _ _______________________________________________________________ BSPA Completed by (signature) _______________ Date AE Representative Use Only City of Austin | Austin Energy Building Service Planning Application (BSPA) v. 6 - 7/2022 ITEM05/121-APPEAL1DESIGN TEAM INFORMATION Owner: Christy May 6708 Bridge Hill Cove Austin TX 78746 Building Designer Urban Building Services of Texas LLC 214 Sailors Run Lakeway, TX 78734 ( Structrual Engineer: Urban Building Services of Texas LLC 214 Sailors Run Lakeway, TX 78734 GENERAL REQUIRMENTS 1. THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO MEET CURRENTLY ADOPTED BUILDING CODE AND LOCAL CITY AMMENDMENTS. CONTRACTOR TO COMPLY WITH ALL LOCAL CODES, ORDINANCES AND DEED RESTRICTIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO REQUIRE ALL SUBCONTRACTORS TO COMPLY WITH THESE REGULATIONS. 2. BUILDER ACCEPTS FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR CHECKING PLANS TO ASSURE CONFORMITY TO CURRENT LOCAL BUILDING CODES. SHOULD ANY CHANGES BE MADE TO THESE PLANS BY BUILDER OR HIS REPRESENTATIVES WITHOUT CONTACTING THE Building Designer, THE BUILDER WILL ACCEPT FULL LIABILITY FOR AMENDED PLANS. 3. THESE DOCUMENTS DO NOT SPECIFY ACTUAL PRODUCTS OR MATERIAL SELECTIONS. BUILDER ACCEPTS FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR APPROPRIATE AND PROPER DETAILING FOR AND BETWEEN ALL ACTUAL PRODUCTS/MATERIALS SELECTED WHEN INSTALLED. ALL COMPONENTS, MATERIALS, ASSEMBLIES AND FINISHES TO BE CONSTRUCTED AND INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS, CODE REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATED BUILDING PRACTICES. 4. Building Designer IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR MEANS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION. BUILDER WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL ASPECTS OF CONSTRUCTION INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL WATER AND DAMP PROOFING, LOAD CONNECTIONS AND MECHANIC, ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING SYSTEMS. 5. ALL MATERIALS AND LABOR TO BE GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF FINAL PAYMENT, IN ADDITION TO ALL WARRANTIES THAT ARE STANDARD TO THE INDUSTRY. BUILDER TO PROVIDE (SUPPLY AND INSTALL) ALL EQUIPMENT, LABOR SERVICES, AND MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR THE COMPLETE APPROVED INSTALLATION OF THE SYSTEMS CALLED FOR ON THE PLANS. 6. THESE DRAWINGS DO NOT INCLUDE NECESSARY COMPONENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION SAFETY. THE BUILDER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INITIATING, MAINTAINING AND SUPERVISING ALL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND PROGRAMS NECESSARY FOR COMPLETION OF WORK. 7. ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON PLANS ARE TO THE STRUCTURAL FACE OF WALL AND DO NOT INCLUDE WALL FINISHES OR FURRING. ALL DIMENSIONS TO BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD. BUILDER TO REPORT ANY AND ALL DISCREPANCIES, ERRORS OR OMISSIONS TO THE Building Designer PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK AND/OR ORDERING MATERIALS. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL ANY DIMENSION BE SCALED FROM THESE DRAWINGS. ANY CRUCIAL DIMENSION NOT GIVEN SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE Building Designer. 8. THE BUILDER IS TO FILE FOR, AND SECURE ALL APPROVALS, PERMITS, TESTS, INSPECTIONS AND CERTIFICATES OF COMPLIANCE AS REQUIRED. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSURING THAT ALL PERMITS NECESSARY TO LEGALLY PERFORM THE WORK HAVE BEEN OBTAINED PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. 9. BUILDER SHALL CLEAN UP CONSTRUCTION AREAS AFFECTED BY DAILY WORK AND MAINTAIN A CLEAN AND ORDERLY WORK AREA AT ALL TIMES. REMOVE MATERIALS TO APPROVED DUMP SITES ONLY. 10. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ACCURATELY PLACE THE BUILDING(S) ON SITE IN WITH RESPECT TO THE SITE PLAN. 11. MIN. 3" OF ORGANIC MULCH SHALL BE ADDED IN NON-TURF AREAS TO THE SOIL SURFACE AFTER PLANTING. MIN. 4" PERMEABLE SOIL, NATIVE OR IMPORTED, SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR LANDSCAPED AREAS (TYP.) 12. CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE ALL ROCKS, CONCRETE, TRASH AND OTHER DEBRIS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF SOIL MIX AND PLANT MATERIALS. 13. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND SITE DIMENSIONS FOR LAYOUT OF PLANTS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE Building Designer. REPAIR TO ANY DISTURBED UTILITIES TO BE CONTRACTOR'S FINAL RESPONSIBILITIES. 14. LOCATIONS OF ALL UTILITIES ARE APPROXIMATE AND CONTRACTOR SHALL EXERCISE EXTREME CAUTION WHEN EXCAVATING AND TRENCHING ON THE SITE TO AVIOD INTERCEPTING EXISTING PIPING OR CONDUITS. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL EXISTING UTILITIES WHETHER SHOWN HEREON OR NOT AND TO PROTECT THEM FROM DAMAGE. THEBuilding Designer IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES OR STRUCTURES WHETHER OR NOT SHOWN OR DETAILED AND INSTALLED BY ANY OTHER CONTRACTOR. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE Building Designer SHOULD ANY UNIDENTIFIED CONDITIONS BE DISCOVERED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BEAR THE EXPENSE OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF UTILITIES OR OTHER PROPERTY DAMAGED BY OPERATIONS IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE SCOPE OF THIS PROJECT, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 15. PENETRATIONS TO FIRE RATED MATERIALS (IF ANY) OR ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE RESTORED TO EQUAL RATING. FIRE STOP SYSTEMS AS LISTED BY U.L. DESIGN SHALL BE INSTALLED PER FIRE RESISTANCE DIRECTORY, AS FOLLOWS: (a) STUD WALLS - UL No. 147 (b) MASONRY WALLS - UL No. - 180/390 16. CONFINE ALL OPERATIONS ON THE SITE TO AREAS PERMITTED BY THE OWNER. THE WORK SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS, LOCAL ORDINANCES, PERMITS, AND THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. THE JOB SITE IS TO BE MAINTAINED IN A CLEAN, ORDERLY CONDITION FREE FROM DEBRIS AND LITTER, AND SHALL NOT BE UNREASONABLY ENCUMBERED WITH ANY MATERIAL OR EQUIPMENT. EACH SUBCONTRACTOR IMMEDIATELY UPON COMPLETION OF EACH PHASE OF HIS WORK SHALL REMOVE ALL TRASH AND DEBRIS. 17. ALL MATERIAL STORED ON THE SITE SHALL BE PROPERLY STACKED AND PROTECTED TO PREVENT DAMAGE AND DETERIORATION UNTIL USED. FAILURE TO PROTECT MATERIALS MAY BE CAUSE FOR REJECTION OF WORK. 18. ALL CUTTING FITTING, OR PATCHING THAT MAY BE REQUIRED TO MAKE SEVERAL PARTS FIT TOGETHER PROPERLY SHALL BE DONE SO AS NOT TO ENDANGER ANY OTHER WORK BY CUTTING, EXCAVATING, OR OTHERWISE ALTERING THE TOTAL WORK OR ANY PART OF IT. ALL PATCHING, REPAIRING, AND REPLACING OF MATERIALS AND SURFACES, CUT OR DAMAGED, IN EXECUTION OF WORK SHALL BE DONE WITH APPLICABLE MATERIALS SO THAT SURFACES REPLACED WILL, UPON COMPLETION, MATCH SURROUNDING SIMILAR SURFACES. 19. PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY OPENINGS THROUGH FLOORS AND WALLS, BLOCKING, BACKING, ROUGH BUCKS, FURRING, CURBS, ANCHORS, INSERTS, EQUIPMENT BASES AND FRAMING FOR LIGHT FIXTURES, ELECTRIC UNITS, A/C EQUIPMENT AND ALL OTHER ITEMS REQUIRING IT TO ENSURE A COMPLETE AND PROPER INSTALLATION OF SURFACE MOUNTED AND RECESSED ITEMS. 20. WHERE LARGER STUDS OR FURRING IS REQUIRED TO COVER STRUCTURE, DUCTS, PIPING OR CONDUIT, THE LARGER STUD SIZE FURRING SHALL EXTEND THE FULL SURFACE OF THE WALL WIDTH AND LENGTH WHERE THE FURRING OCCURS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 21. VENT ALL BATHROOM AND KITCHEN FANS TO OUTSIDE ATMOSPHERE. BATHROOM & KITCHEN FANS SHALL BE CAPABLE OF FIVE (5) AIR CHANGES PER HOUR AND SHALL BE VENTED DIRECTLY OUTSIDE THE BUILDING ENVELOPE VIA SMOOTH, RIGID, NONCORROSIVE 24 GAUGE METAL DUCTWORK. Sheet List Sheet Number Sheet Name B-000 B-001 B-002 B-003 B-101 B-102 B-200 B-401 E101 Cover General Enviromental Site Plan Covered Patio Plan Cabana + Pooldeck Elevations Roof Plan Electrical PROJECT INFORMATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Property ID # = 5 Lot # = Legal Description = 129078 Block # = Lot 5 Bridge Hill SubD BUILDING ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE METHOD: 1) INSULATION & FENESTRATION: A. U-FACTOR (MAX): .40 B. SHGC (MAX): .25 C. CEILING, R-VALUE: R-38 D. WALL, R-VALUE: R-15 E. FLOOR, R-VALUE: N/A REFEREMCED CODES & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS: 2021 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE 2021 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE 2021 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE 2021 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE 2020 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE 2021 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE 2021 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE + LOCAL AMMENDMENTS 2021 INTERNATIONAL GAS CODE 2015 International Wildland-Urban Interface Code 1 Cover Image This structure is located within 1.5 miles from a 750 acre or more area of wildland and must comply with the following construction requirements. Provide a detail on the plans showing compliance with these requirements. • • • • • • • • • • Class A roof covering or assembly in accordance with UL 790. (IWUIC 504.2) Ensure roof valleys comply with 504.2.1 where applicable. All ventilation openings, including but not limited to attic vents, underfloor vents or any vent in the exterior walls, shall be constructed using a noncombustible material and shall be provided with ember protection in accordance with IWUIC 504.10(amended). Dryer vents and typical roof plumbing vent stacks are excluded. Gutters & downspouts will be constructed of noncombustible material and provide a noncombustible, corrosion resistant means to prevent the accumulation of leaves and debris in accordance with IWUIC 504.4. Underfloor enclosures shall be constructed in accordance with the WUIC Section 504.6. Appendages and structures (including decks & balconies) will be constructed in accordance with IWUIC 504.7(amended). Fence structures located within 5’ of the home will be constructed in accordance with IWUIC 504.7(amended). Spark arrestors shall be required for all chimneys serving a fireplace, barbecue, incinerator and/or a decorative heating appliance in accordance with IWUIC 605. Certification # 44-752 Office: 512-920-3439 Email: WWW.UBSTX.COM The drawings, specifications, ideas , designs, and arrangements presented herein are and shall remain the property of Urban Designs. No part thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others or used in connection with any work or project other than the specific project for which they were prepared and developed without the written consent of Urban Designs. Visual contact with these drawings shall constitute conclusive evidence of acceptance of these restrictions. X T n i t s u A , e v o C l l i H e g d i r B 8 0 7 6 y a M y t s i r h C l o o P + n o i t i d d A a n a b a C N O I T A M R O F N I T C E J O R P DRAWING TITLE: Cover 22" X 34" SCALE: 11" X 17" SCALE: HALF SCALE ISSUES DATE: DRAWN BY: Author SHEET NUMBER: CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 5/27/2023 7:08:59 PM B-000 ITEM05/122-APPEAL1ABBREVIATIONS MATERIAL REPRESENTATIONS SYMBOLS A AB ABV. ACC. ACC. FL. ACC. PNL. ACM ACOUS. A.C.T. ADJUST. ADJ. AD A.F.F. AGG. ALT. ALUM. ANCH. ANG. ANOD. APPROX. ARCH. AUTO. AUX. AVE. AVG. A/C A/V B BD. B/F BITUM. BLDG. BLKG. BLK. BM B.M. BOT. B.O.C. BRG. BRG. PL. BRKT. B.S. BSMT. BTW. B.U.R. B.W. B&B B-B C CAB. CB CCTV CEM. CER. CFMF CIP C.I. CIR. CJ CKBD. CLG. CLG. HT. CLR. CL. CM / cm CMU CNTR. COL. COMPRES. COMP. CONC. COND. CONF. CONST. CONTR. CONT. CORRU CORR. CG CSMT. CTR. CTSK C.T. CU. FT. CU. YD. CW C-C C.O. C.W. C.W.X. D DBL. DEFL. DEPT. DF D.H. DIAG. DIA. DIM. DISC. DISP. D.L. DMPFG. DN DR. DS DTL. DWC. DWG. DWR. D. / d. ANCHOR BOLT ABOVE ACCESS / ACCESSIBLE ACCESS FLOOR ACCESS PANEL ALUMINUM COMPOSITE METAL ACOUSTICAL ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE ADJUSTABLE ADJACENT AREA DRAIN ABOVE FINISH FLOOR AGGREGATE ALTERNATE ALUMINUM ANCHOR / ANCHORAGE ANGLE ANODIZED APPROXIMATE ARCHITECT / ARCHITECTURAL AUTOMATIC AUXILIARY AVENUE AVERAGE AIR CONDITIONING AUDIO VISUAL BOARD BOTH FACES BITUMINOUS BUILDING BLOCKING BLOCK BEAM BENCH MARK BOTTOM BOTTOM OF CURB BEARING BEARING PLATE BRACKET BOTH SIDES BASEMENT BETWEEN BUILT-UP ROOFING BOTH WAYS BALLED AND BURLAPPED BACK TO BACK CABINET CATCH BASIN CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION CEMENT CERAMIC COLD FORMED METAL FRAMING CAST IN PLACE CAST IRON CIRCLE CONTROL JOINT CHALK BOARD CEILING CEILING HEIGHT CLEAR(ANCE) CLOSET CENTIMETER CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT COUNTER COLUMN COMPRESSIBLE COMPOSITION CONCRETE CONDITION CONFERENCE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR CONTINUOUS CORRUGATED CORRIDOR CORNER GUARD CASEMENT CENTER COUNTERSUNK CERAMIC TILE CUBIC FOOT (FEET) CUBIC YARD COLD/CHILLED WATER CENTER TO CENTER CASED OPENING COOL WHITE COOL WHITE DELUXE DOUBLE DEFLECTION DEPARTMENT DRINKING FOUNTAIN DOUBLE-HUNG DIAGONAL DIAMETER DIMENSION DISCONNECT DISPENSER DEAD LOAD DAMPPROOFING DOWN DOOR DOWNSPOUT DETAIL DRYWALL FURRING CHANNEL DRAWING DRAWER DEEP / DEPTH E EA. EDF EFOB EJ ELAS. ELEC. ELEV EL. EMER. EP EQUIP. EQ. ESR E.W. EWC EWH EXH EXIST. EXPAN. EXP. EXT. F FA F.C. FD FE FEC FHC FH FIN. FIXT. FLRG. FLR. FLSHG. FLUOR. F.P.W. FL F.M. FND. FRPF. FSEC F.S. FTG. FT. FURN. FURR. F.V. F.V.C. F.W.C. G GALV. GAL. GA GC GD. GEN. G.I. GL GMP GR. GYP. H HB H.C. HDCP. HDWD. HDWR. HD. H.F.S. H.M. HORIZ. HP HR HT. HVAC HW HYD. I I.D. INCAND. INCL. INFO. INSUL. INT. IN I.P.S. J JAN JST. JT. L LAM. LAV. LGTH. LH LV. LIN. LL LT. LVR. LWT EACH ELECTRIC DRINKING FOUNTAIN EXTERIOR FACE OF BUILDING EXPANSION JOINT ELASTIC / ELASTOMERIC ELECTRICAL ELEVATOR ELEVATION EMERGENCY EXPLOSION PROOF EQUIPMENT EQUAL ELASTIC SHEET ROOFING EACH WAY ELECTRIC WATER COOLER ELECTRIC WATER HEATER EXHAUST EXISTING EXPANSION EXPOSED EXTERIOR FIRE ALARM FIRE CODE FLOOR DRAIN FIRE EXTINGUISHER FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINET FIRE HOSE CABINET FIRE HYDRANT FINISH / FINISHED FIXTURE FLOORING FLOOR FLASHING FLUORESCENT FLOOD PROTECTION WALL FLOW LINE FACTORY MUTUAL FOUNDATION FIREPROOF(ING) FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT CONTRACTOR FULL SIZE FOOTING FOOT / FEET FURNISH FURRED / FURRING FIELD VERIFY FIRE VALVE CABINET FABRIC WALL COVERING GALVANIZED GALLON GAUGE GENERAL CONTRACTOR GUARD GENERAL GALVANIZED IRON GLASS / GLAZING GUARANTEED MAXIMUM PRICE GRADE / GRADING GYPSUM HOSE BIBB HOLLOW CORE HANDICAPPED HARDWOOD HARDWARE HEAD HALF FULL-SIZE HOLLOW METAL HORIZONTAL HORSEPOWER HOUR HEIGHT HEATING / VENTILATING / AIR CONDITIONING HOT WATER HYDRANT INSIDE DIAMETER INCANDESCENT INCLUDE(D) INFORMATION INSULATION INTERIOR INCH(ES) INSIDE PIPE SIZE JANITOR JOIST JOINT LAMINATED LAVATORY LENGTH LEFT-HAND LEVEL LINEAR LIVE LOAD LIGHT LOUVER LIGHT-WEIGHT M M / m MM / mm MACH. MAINT. MAS. MATL. MAX. MECH. MEP MFR. MH MIN. MISC. M.L. MLDG. M.O. MTD. MTG. MTL. MULL. N NAT. NFHB N.I.C. NOM. NO. or # N.R. N.R.C. N.T.S. O OA O.C. O.D. OFCI OFOI OH O.P. OPH OPNG. OPP. OPQ. ORD O.S. O/A P PART. PCF PCP PCT PED. PERF. P.G. PL. PLAST. PLAS. PLF PLBG. PLYWD. PNL. POL. PRKG. PR. PSF PSI PTD. P.V.C. PVG. PVMT. P.L. P.LAM. P/C PFP Q QT R RCP R.C.P. RD REBAR RECEPT. RECEP. RECOM. REC. REF. REG. REINF. REQ'D. RES. RET. REV. RE RFG. RH R RM R.O. R.O.W. RAD. R/AG R/A METER MILLIMETER MACHINE MAINTENANCE MASONRY MATERIAL MAXIMUM MECHANICAL MECHANICAL / ELECTRICAL /PLUMBING MANUFACTURER MANHOLE MINIMUM MISCELLANEOUS METAL LATH MOULDING MASONRY OPENING MOUNTED MOUNTING METAL MULLION NATURAL NON-FREEZE HOSE BIBB NOT IN CONTRACT NOMINAL NUMBER NOISE REDUCTION NOISE REDUCTION COEFFICIENT NOT TO SCALE OVERALL ON CENTER OUTSIDE DIAMETER OWNER FURNISHED / CONTRACTOR INSTALLED OWNER FURNISHED / OWNER INSTALLED OVERHEAD OPERABLE PARTITION OPPOSITE HAND OPENING OPPOSITE OPAQUE OVERFLOW ROOF DRAIN OVERFLOW SCUPPER OUTSIDE AIR PARTITION POUNDS PER CUBIC FOOT PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER PORCELAIN CERAMIC TILE PEDESTAL PERFORATED PLATE GLASS PLATE PLASTER PLASTIC POUNDS PER LINEAR FOOT PLUMBING PLYWOOD PANEL POLISHED PARKING PAIR POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH PAINTED POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PAVING PAVEMENT PROPERTY LINE PLASTIC LAMINATE PRECAST PREFINISHED PANEL QUARRY TILE REFLECTED CEILING PLAN REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE ROOF DRAIN REINFORCING BAR RECEPTION RECEPTICLE RECOMMENDATION RECESSED REFRIGERATOR REGULATION REINFORCED REQUIRED RESILIENT RETURN REVERSE / REVISION REFER TO ROOFING RIGHT-HAND RISER ROOM ROUGH OPENING RIGHT OF WAY RADIUS RETURN AIR GRILLE RETURN AIR S SCHED. S.C. SD SECT. SF SH SHVL. SHTHG. SHT. SHT. GL. SHWR. SIM. SPEC. SPKR. SQ. S.S. SS STAB, STA. S.T.C. STD. STL. STOR. STRUCT. SUSP. SW SYM. SYN. SYS. S/AD S/A T T.B. TCOC TEL. TEMP. THK. THRES. TINT. TKBD. T.O.C. TOL. T.O.S. T.O.S.S. T.O.W. T.P.D. TRANS. TRZO. T T&G T.S. T.T.C. TV TYP. U UL U.N.O. UR. V VAC. V.C.T. VERT. VEST. V.W.C. V WC WDW. WD. WF WH W.I. WP. WR. WT. W.W.F. W.P. W.W. W.W.X. W/ W/I W/O X XFMR. SCHEDULE SOLID CORE STORM DRAIN SECTION SQUARE FOOT / FEET SINGLE-HUNG SHELVES / SHELVING SHEATHING SHEET SHEET GLASS SHOWER SIMILAR SPECIFICATION SPEAKER SQUARE STAINLESS STEEL SANITARY SEWER STABILIZE(D) STATION SOUND TRANSMISSION COEFFICIENT STANDARD STEEL STORAGE STRUCTURE / STRUCTURAL SUSPENDED SWITCH SYMMETRICAL SYNTHETIC SYSTEM SUPPLY AIR DIFFUSER SUPPLY AIR TOWEL BAR TEXTURE COATING ON CONCRETE TELEPHONE TEMPERED / TEMPORARY / TEMPERATURE THICK(NESS) THRESHOLD TINTED TACKBOARD TOP OF CURB / CONCRETE TOLERANCE TOP OF STEEL / SLAB TOP OF STRUCTURAL SLAB TOP OF WALL TOILET PAPER DISPENSER TRANSFER TERRAZZO TREAD TONGE & GROOVE TUBE STEEL TELEPHONE TERMINAL CABINET TELEVISION TYPICAL UNDERWRITERS LABORATORY UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE URINAL VACUUM VINYL COMPOSITION TILE VERTICAL VESTIBULE VINYL WALL COVERING WATER CLOSET WINDOW WOOD WIDE FLANGE WALL-HUNG WROUGHT IRON WATERPROOF(ING) WATER RESISTENT WEIGHT WELDED WIRE FABRIC WORK POINT WARM WHITE WARM WHITE DELUXE WITH WITHIN WITHOUT TRANSFORMER Certification # 44-752 Office: 512-596-HOME (4663) Mobile: 512-920-3439 Email: WWW.URBANDESIGNSLLC.COM The drawings, specifications, ideas , designs, and arrangements presented herein are and shall remain the property of Urban Designs. No part thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others or used in connection with any work or project other than the specific project for which they were prepared and developed without the written consent of Urban Designs. Visual contact with these drawings shall constitute conclusive evidence of acceptance of these restrictions. X T n i t s u A , e v o C l l i H e g d i r B 8 0 7 6 y a M y t s i r h C l o o P + n o i t i d d A a n a b a C N O I T A M R O F N I T C E J O R P DRAWING TITLE: General 22" X 34" SCALE: 11" X 17" SCALE: HALF SCALE ISSUES DATE: DRAWN BY: Author SHEET NUMBER: CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 5/27/2023 7:09:00 PM B-001 ITEM05/123-APPEAL1TREE PROTECTION NOTES HERITAGE TREE means a tree that has a diameter of 24 inches or more, measured four and one-half feet above natural grade, and is one of the following species: Definitions: (a)Ash, Texas (b)Cypress, Bald (c)Elm, American (d)Elm, Cedar (e)Madrone, Texas (f)Maple, Bigtooth (g)All Oaks (h)Pecan (i)Walnut, Arizona (j)Walnut, Eastern Black Silt Fencing: A.Fabric 1.General: This list of eligible heritage tree species may be supplemented but not reduced, as prescribed by the rule. PROTECTED TREE means a tree with a diameter of 19 inches or more, measured four and one-half feet above natural grade. Measurements: A protected size tree is determined by measuring the tree trunk at 4.5 feet above the ground. This is commonly known as DBH (diameter at breast height). A tree within the Austin city limits is protected once it reaches 19 inches. Diameter = Circumference / 3.1416 and Circumference = Diameter X 3.1416. The silt fence fabric shall be of nonwoven polypropylene, polyethylene, or polyamide thermoplastic fibers with non- raveling edges. The silt fence fabric shall be non-biodegradable, inert to most soil chemicals, ultraviolet resistant, unaffected by moisture or other weather conditions, and permeable to water while retaining sediment. The silt fence fabric shall be supplied in rolls a minimum of 36 inches (0.9 meters) wide. 2.Physical Requirements: The fabric shall meet the requirements presented in Table 1, when sampled and tested in accordance with the methods indicated herein, on Standard Detail No. 642S-1 and/or on the Drawings. B.Posts: Posts shall be steel Tee or Y-posts, not less than 4 feet (1.22 meters) in length with a minimum weight of 1.25 pounds per foot (1.86 kilograms per meter) with a minimum Brinell Hardness of 143. Hangers shall be adequate to secure the fence and fabric to posts. Posts and anchor plates shall conform to ASTM A-702. Caps are required (*not specifying discretionary criteria). C.Wire Fence: Construction Methods: Wire fence shall be welded wire fabric 2 in. x 4 in. 12.5 SWG, wire diameter 0.099 in (± 0.005 in.), and shall conform to Standard Specification Item No. 406, "Reinforcing Steel." The silt fence fabric shall be securely attached to the posts and the wire support fence with the bottom 12 inches (300 mm) of the material buried in a trench a minimum of 6 inches (150 mm) deep and 6 inches (150 mm) wide to prevent sediment from passing under the fence. When the silt fence is constructed on impervious material, a 12-inch (300-mm) flap of fabric shall be extended upstream from the bottom of the silt fence and weighted to limit particulate loss. No horizontal joints will be allowed in the silt fence fabric. Vertical joints shall be overlapped a minimum of 12 inches (300 mm) with the ends sewn or otherwise securely tied. The silt fence shall be a minimum of 24 inches (0.6 meters) high. Posts shall be embedded a minimum of 12 inches (300 mm) in the ground, placed a maximum of 8 feet (2.4 meters) apart, and set on a slight angle toward the anticipated runoff source. When directed by the Engineer or designated representative, posts shall be set at specified intervals to support concentrated loads. * Per OSHA §1926.701, "all protruding reinforcing steel, onto and into which employees could fall, shall be guarded to eliminate the hazard of impalement". Caps must be large enough to dissipate the forces of impact to prevent impalement from a reasonably foreseeable fall distance. It should be noted that the use of impalement protection caps is but one method of protection; covers or wooden troughs can be another means of meeting the guarding requirement. For City of Austin purposes, this also applies to t-posts and wooden stakes. The silt fence shall be repaired, replaced, and/or relocated when necessary or as directed by the Engineer or designated representative. Accumulated silt shall be removed when it reaches a depth of 6 inches (150 mm). Materials A. Mulching material can be manufactured on or off the project site and may consist of: Mulch Socks: 1.Shredded bark 2.Stump grindings 3.Composted bark B. The mulch shall have the following composition: Section 1.6.2.B Wood Chip Requirements). 1.Wood chips shall be produced from a 3-inch minus screening process (equivalent to TxDOT item 161, Compost, 2.Large portions of silts, clays, or fine sands are not acceptable. 3.The pH of the mulch shall be between 5.5 and 8.5. 4.The organic matter content shall be greater than or equal to 25% on a dry weight basis. C. Mulch material must be free of refuse, physical contaminants and material toxic to plant growth. It is not acceptable for the mulch material to contain ground construction debris, biosolids, manure, or recyclable material. D. Prior to placement, a representative sample of the mulching material must be tested and certified by the project engineer or his/her designee and accepted by the city inspector. E. The sock material mesh opening shall be equal to, or less than 3/8 inch (10 mm), and the material tensile strength shall be equal to or greater than 202 psi (14.2 kg/cm 2 ). Installation A. Use 12 or 18-inch diameter mulch socks for all sediment control applications. This diameter of mulch sock material has proven to be the most consistent for all sediment control applications (TxDOT, April 2006). B. Install mulch socks per Figure 1.4.5.F in the City of Austin Environmental Criteria Manual. C. Mulch socks should be used at the base of slopes no steeper than 2:1 and should not exceed the maximum spacing criteria provided in the following table. ***These notes were taken from the COA municipal code website and are subject to change. The contractor is responsible for verifying all inspection requirements and updated codes and regulation.**** Certification # 44-752 Office: 512-76-UBSTX (8-2789) Email: WWW.UBSTX.COM The drawings, specifications, ideas , designs, and arrangements presented herein are and shall remain the property of Urban Building Services of Texas LLC. No part thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others or used in connection with any work or project other than the specific project for which they were prepared and developed without the written consent of Urban Building Services of Texas LLC. Visual contact with these drawings shall constitute conclusive evidence of acceptance of these restrictions. l o o P + n o i t i d d A a n a b a C N O I T A M R O F N I T C E J O R P X T n i t s u A , e v o C l l i H e g d i r B 8 0 7 6 y a M y t s i r h C CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS DRAWING TITLE: Enviromental 22" X 34" SCALE: 11" X 17" SCALE: HALF SCALE ISSUES DATE: DRAWN BY: Author 5/27/2023 7:09:00 PM SHEET NUMBER: B-002 ITEM05/124-APPEAL1